HARNEY VALLEY FAIR Iter, which is of the best quality, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. EASTERN ADVERTISEMENTS. 30 acres altogether in this grain; sells much cheaper than in the As no fair in held in this valley ' no irrigation. East. | for the public exhibition of the S imon L ewis , Silver creek, July GARDEN VEGETABLES ¿otte of it* Natural Advantage«--Wa- 30, wheat 40 inches, with full heads growth and excellence of its pro- ' ter, Soil, Climate, and Pruduo produced in the Harney country , ductions, T he H erald proposes to j of fine large grains. tions—Thousands of Aerea for arc large, finely flavored, abundant , open a column to all producers, Barlev 58 inches high. Settlement. Adorn your Homes, your Town Lota, and easily raised. We will on ap- . farmers and stockmen, in which to M rs . S imon L ewis , July 30, 13 Your Ranches, Your Furnig, your Places, with trees and shrubbery plication givo the addresses of sev- , CHEAP HOMES. give a written description of all large yellow« beets, the largest one Suited to the < I i in ate of East Oregon. And buy oniy oral gardeners here, who will an­ that is worthy of mention. Very being 9 inches in length and 14 from a known IhoQ»and» of Families can Secure Val­ swer in detail all inquiries on that fine looking colts and calves of this inches in circumference, the flavor uable llomen in thia Great Val­ ley nt a M ere Nominal Coat. subject; the white, or Irish potato is year’s production have passed and excellent. Ileal Rotate will Iu- creaae Ten-fold M rs . T. J. S hields , Silver creek, grown with little cultivation, and is repassed through town, but none in 5 Years. Responsible House. superior to that grown in Ohio, Ill­ have reported for publication. Bring July 30, cucumbers of good size, A Kailroad, County-Scat, mid I.and- inois, Missouri, Tennessee, or Kan­ crisp and tender. in your this year’s stock, give the That Ofltee. MANVFACTIRED UY M aupin B ros ., one mile north of will Bend sas, we personally know as regards age, weight, height and breed, to you what you Burns, Aug. 2d, barley 44 inches, pay th ’ money for: Visit the Ilerald Ottico to See Sampica size, “mealiness,” and flavor. put as facts in this column. Bring 14ileat Varieties true of Products. with fine head of grain; 18 acres in. to the name; Healthy, SMALL FRUITS, in specimens of hay, clover, roots, ViKorvua plants; and Judi­ S. J. M othehshead .—Aug. 4 cious packing,or all is lost—Labor XTIS-W COXTXT. such as strawberries, currants, vegetables, fruits, with names, time ‘.The two large editions of T he H erald con­ and Time and Munev. Therefore, do taining the Hurncv Valley advert inemeu t being blackberries, gooseberries, grapes, timothy 43 inches long, and appar Save by bearing in mind that the great of planting, manner of cultivation, «xhausled, to meet the demand we republiah In Sezxd. for SO-pa^o Illustra.ted. Catalogrtie. j ently not nearly grown. our regular edition, Hnd hope country it cannot be surpassed, June 20: Barley, six acres, sown on to exist in the minds of the people Lakes Ilarney and Malheur. It is i since its water, grass, and salubri- N ational H arness C o ., ground under cultivation the past as to what is absolutely required Wholesalo Manufacturers, a rapidly flowing stream, about 80 I ous climate takes horses, cattle, 13 years; stalks (exclusive of roots) by the homestead and pre-emption is THE OLDEST, li. to SJi Voells St. Buffalo^. Y. miles long, and contains every kind sheep and hogs throughout the year A. ANDERSON, Collar and Hames, S2 Extra. No Breast Collar ■12 inchea in length, heads well laws, and the frequency with which IS THE LARGEST, Kin»ofHamM» Manufacturer«. Manawr of tho „ of fish, including the salmon trout, (from January 1 to December 31), N ational H ahnes » C o ., Whulesalo Mfr«., Double Style for two boraci. Price, 36.00. filled, grain fine and large; planted proofs are presented on the face of MOST RELIABLE and other varieties of game fish. without grain or any other than NURSERY in April. ■ which it appears that the claimants The Dunder-and-Blitzen river, or wild grass feeding, and when the GROWING STOCK Barley planted late, in April, on have endeavored to calculate it to a “Blitzon,” as it is shortened by com­ winter is milderthan common, stock FOR THE WEST. STOCK BRANDS. L A iti ò &—iti B fM E S nicety the smallest amount of im­ mon usage, is about 50 miles in looks better in early spring than in new ground, 12 inches high. BRAND RATES: 1 brand on cut, and description, 1 ' eat $10. 2 cuts and descrip­ M rs . A lmeda S tenger .—Burns, provements actually necessary to length, flows in a northerly direc­ Eastern localities where they arc tions, 1 year, $ls tion and also empties into the lakes. grain-fed during the winter; and the June 22: Barley, sowed last year, secure title, has caused the author­ STOC KM E N ! These rivers and their numerous texture and flavor of the meats on cultivated ground; 36 inches ities to look with suspicion upon tributaries have their water sheds compare favorably with the best in high; stalk bulky, grain well filled. all commuted homestead and pre­ emption entries. within the county, and the lakes the market. The Alfalfa, ent above the ground; BUY OF THIS HOUSE: There is neither a maximum nor INCREASE IN POPULATION having no outlet, serve to furnish fine, strong, in blossom, 27 inches a minimum of valuation, though it subterranean irrigation to the whole during the past two years has been high. is shown by practice that the com­ rapid, ami is of that most desirable valley. A. J. B iiown .—Near Ilarney, June missioner of the general land office class in an agricultural region, viz: LAKES HARNEY AND MALHEUR APRICOTS, cover an area of more than 150 the small farmer whose industry ¡ 23: Alfalfa, in blossom, average has made up his mind that a set­ stand 38 inches high. tler who has improvements valued squa e miles, nnd arc connected by produces the best of grain, stock, a channel about 20 yards wide and and living. The houses and barns D r . T. V. B. E mbree .—Near at less than *125 has not made very CHERRIES, 200 yards long. They receive the 1 are generally frame; corrals and Ilarney; June 23: Lettuce, Oak strenuous efforts to make a perma­ The time to gather in missing animu’s has come r..und. P a< e vour bram'g before the water« of both Silvios and Bliizcn . other enclosures, are rail and wire i Leaf variety; root 4 inches around; nent home for himself and family, public so ycur Inter« s b may be duly protected NECTARINES, Mark vour main brand on th s cut cattle, rivers, but have no outlet and never . fencing; abundant water supplies leaves green and brown variegated; and will not pass such entries to horse, or sheep), r.g • u wish it to appear, and send ug an oruer f.-r pub.i uJun, by fining out overflow. Being situated on a level from wells of living water, which is stalks white, crisp and tender; patent except under most peculiar the following blanks. ANSWER TO INQUIRIES, $1.00 plain, nnd having low shores, these reached at a uniform depth of six measured 20 inches straight across circumstances, showing beyond a EVERGREENS, SEPOBT ON ENTRIES, CONTESTS, A c ., $3.00 Name. lakes have not such picturesque . to fifteen feet. the face of the head from tip to tip | doubt that the claimant has Acted Procuring Land Patents. Filing Arguments, and Conducting Contests, on Moderate MAIL AND RAILROAD FACILITIES, scenery as Crater Lake, to recom­ j of outside leaves (exclusive of . | in good faith, and that where an Postoffice.. Terms. Send lot circular to , indication of bad faith appears he ARBOR VITÆ,. mend them to tourists, but their j Ilarney valley has a tri-weekly ground leaves.) HEHRY IT. COPP, Animal, whether horse, cattle, or sheep will have no mercy on the claim- i mail-service from the four points of value to farmers is inestimable. WASHINGTON, D C. Second head, same variety, 10 Every Settler should hnve Copp’s Settler’s Galda, Right here, however, permit us to the compass,' there being a general inches across. /‘nt’ 124 pages; price only 2o rents (postage »Uatp»). In final proof it is frequently said mention n natural attraction pos- ' distributing office at Burns. Ship- Range... . . • . «. . . . . L.I -- : . .1 --- _ A ------- A _A 1» I . .. T iios . H askell .—One mile of by claimants and witnesses that MMed by lands adjacent to these ping is done at present at Baker Additional Brands ! Burns; June 26: Alfalfa, in blos­ i “absences have been no greater than lakes that will draw hundreds of 1 City, Huntington, and Ontario. All NUTS, FRUITS som, 42 inches high. the law allows; ” or “ he was on the excursionists from the East in the the family supplies, necessaries, and I*. F. STENGER. M rs . T hos . H askell .—June 26; ' land as often as the law requires.” near future: Standing in the door-! luxuries, common to Eastern towns, These statements are evasive in PEARS, PLUMS, ! arc abundantly furnished by Gooseberries on a single branch; the ways of farm houses about sunrise, 1 distant objects, towns, farms, moun­ general merchandise stores at rca- the large English variety; branch character and outgrowths of igno­ H orses branded 8 inches long; 5 bearing twigs to rance respecting legal requirements. tain peaks, and bands of cattle and I sonable rates. Either Right or PINES, CEDARS, There is no provision of the pre ­ BURNS AND HARNEY the branch, containing 151 very horses grazing on the ranges, are ! stifle: OK. emption or homestead law permit­ pictured on the atmosphere and I are the two principal towns of Ilar- large berries; weight of whole, one- ting the absence of settlers from rise up from the ground like magic; ney valley, where, as will be Been half pound. WATERPROOF their claims, nor is there a provision TREES, SHRUBS, Range—Grant county, Oregon. ami those white repreaentations are ■ by our advertising columns, about Flowers: A boquet of cut (lowers, specifying how frequently they Harness & Bmgy Top Oil Dressiu P. O.—Burrs, Grant county. Oregon. so truly drawn that a member of a all lines of business are near equal from Sweet Williams grown from Absolutely WATERPROOF, and must be on the land. The laws re ­ Mill blacken, sof:en and keep APPLES, PLANTS,. ... family living several miles away to the present demand—teachers, last year’s seedlings; 4 colors, ma­ RILEY & HARDIN. from Rotting, your Harnesa and quire continuous —that is, unbroken Buggy Tops. Coes farther and from home, can distinguish the per­ lawyers, doctors, printers, druggists, roon, 2 shades, magenta, and pink Address I8AAC FOSTER. loss work to apply than any oth­ — residence upon the land from er Dressing. CUARANTEED ts merchants, carpenters, surveyors, sons of the family as they walk and white variegated. do all that Ts claimed for It whan date of settlement to date of final BERRIES, QUINCES, about the yard: as brother from fa­ blacksmiths, butchers, saddlers, used as directed. Beware of Im­ itations and aeo that our trade A box of growing plants; June proof. T emporary personal ab- grocers, builders, jewelers, etc. ther, or mother from sister. H obbes branded on mark is on the can. Aak your sece from the land between 22: 2 sets of carnation, ready to such Harness maker for It, and If he Each of these two towns is the THE ROH. AND CLIMATE Left Stifie: Horizontal PEACHES, FLOWERS ...... ha3 not got It sond us your name dates—no matter for how long—is andwewll ship you a sample can of Harney valley are an exact coun­ center of the section of the valley bloom; 2 thrifty ice phtnts; 6 petu­ Double- II FREE, you to pay Expressago. FREE terpart of that of Umatilla county, contiguous, and each bus its local nias, 1 in bloom; a very handsomely not inconsistent with continuous CANTON PAINT & OIL CO.» Melrose, Mass. Oregon, tho best wheat-growing value, that will serve in the future made-up box, grown from the seed. residence; while a removal from ORNAMENTAL CYPRESS the land with tiif . intention of re ­ VAMPIRE BLACK Aug. 11, garden beans, 7 inches county in the state. Very little has to render a healthy degree of com- C attle branded on maining away is fatal to continuous WATERPROOF BOOT AND SHOEDRESSIM. in length; crisp and tender. been done towards wheat-raising ■ petition between them. Absolutely proof itnst BIRCH, SPRUCE, ELDER,. Left Side: V. Un­ residence though the party may water, and will k the 1 here, as yet, but those have been The expectations of the ambi­ V Mils. G race .—Cage bird; from a change his intention and return af­ soft and pliable, vent der-bit in Right ear, and Doctor's bills kyot successful that tried it. Wheat tious advocates of the natural ad- mixed canary and linnet singer and end Shoe dealer for It. ter an absence of only a few hours. clcge up. I-cft ear: finds a ready home market nt 5 i vantages offered the people by Ilar­ pure canary hen; hatched April ASH, LINDEN, CHESTNUT, CANTON PAINT & OIL CO, Smooth crop. cents a pound—J3 ;>er bushel, Oats ney valley will be realized in less 22d; is a fine, thrifty, very ugly I ntention is everything in oper­ Melrose. Mass. Range: Grant, Crook, and Lake counties. ating under these laws. The man and barley grow equally well, and than twelvemonths by the estab­ marked with green, brown, yellow P. O.—Riley, Grant county, Oregon. 27-y who makes a pre emption or home­ TULIPS, WEEPING WILLOWS, bring 3 to I) cents per pound, Al- lishment of a and white, but as a singer, do not stead entry with the intention to ALMEDA A. STENGER. NEW LAND OFFICE falfa and red clover grow luxuri­ believe it can be surpassed. make his home upon the land is antly; timothy and red-top thrive in Harney valley, where there arc M rs . T. A. M c K innon .—Near acting in good faith, and would ac­ RED-BUD, SHADE TREES AC C attle branded finely. Pasturage is excellent; nat­ lands of the public domain as fine r/OIMDERFUL Burns, June 27: Boquet -of Carna­ tually be guilty of no wrong if he on Left side: circle- ural grass abundant, and is cut for as those already taken up by the tions, raised from last year ’ s seed ­ should change his mind suddenly SUCCESS. JUNIPERS, RHODODENDRONS. 2. A Split lu each hay that sells nt *12 and *18 per first-comers, sufficient to furnish FCOMOMY IN WEALTH. ear. lings. Very large and very fine. and sell the land after having re. ton in the winter. All cereal crops thousands of families with homes. VI tiw PATTERNS you wish to ntc »bring the •«B|M|JIO A k TIFTM'. Scia*. sirable—in fact, one can sleep un­ for the fact is self-evident. The do for the table in Harney valley. tif : \ and llocsen»*Lr> .w attero . S ateen C orsets , Tims. S tepiikms : near Burns; Ju­ der cover comfortably the year invitation to come among us and ,rUh Ori<•»•«.* S/rri K mw - f'hoirMjmrttre», Oil Fiet tree ■ settle is particularly extended to ly 16; Grass, red-top, 31 in. high;. i»»>o f i-*hl >-i arttnent in tint number, and ts widv Sue* io jo. bend money urCcr t C A n 1 wH1 l*T Firc Hnndred Dollars for • ».* th -tre- maiufac ared. making pattens attention of the citizens of er pvMa^e « wvVU fhearns and conviction of any per- except along the water courses, the The i.-inr tbe ye r of th»’ value tf over three della»». F. W. R itterbvscr : near Saddle Ilarney country is called to the aoa or persons. kiL’ing or «testing any of the (KWOK MONTO 1 Y is Mir n.kJodlb» HUNTINGTON, OR. More Important Still stock ofthe above brand or bel.mging thereto. where there is a light growth of above article, and if any one thinks Buttes; July 20; Barley 41 inches arid s Model Mazarine. The largest In Fenn, the ; -rr H-ee.1. ISSR will he the TweetT- ward frveut cha- ivl gtvtnf fall «na-cmat on irh year of jt« publication, snd it stands st th» about iri th vswx' J ether tetere*»»»! t*ems in growth of willows. But the adja­ statements therein exaggerations, agricultural value of bottom of the d »if Fimilr Period tota. It contains 72 per**. a:| km.S of h ens Womc-i* ax! Lh-t ’ren’s n.1 u*n. R «;xl T »nrhes. rit Left shoulder: J ohn A dams , Near Burns; Ju­ An ! by Special Agreement WEINSTOCK, LUBIN &CQ and One Ray Hora»- w jfo ' tanned ij <>n bined with the Kiaht Shoulder, and n or m .»ver a donrO key tain-mahogany, etc. Saw-mills are ooiomns are open to all alike, rich ly ¿4; Oats, 78 in. high. Wheat, 60 4 SO-, «CM. jo«. 40% 410 KSt. GEO. W. CRANE. on l eft Stifle. A Reward of SA will be paid Mt KAMT NTiXCAU located in the pineries, and the lnm- i and poor, old and young. » r J?L*iJ?TerT of ■bw horw at Byrd'« Red in., and Barley, 40 in. in bight Ore^ra Herald at $3.59 Ptr T® BOX 131 Bloomington. Ill Front stable WINCHESTER I WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., AMPIRE BLACK ÌHE EAST OREGON HERALD D ft cis. a •