E ast O regon BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1888. Vol. 1 —No. 48. THE HERALD H erald CANYON CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. FROM WASHINGTON, D. C. “Against the war!” he'ansivcred, LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. “I am in favor of war pestilence F. A. COG8WELL. and famine! I am through opposing ' CHAS. A. COGSWELL, Lakeview. Linkville. this government when it makes up COGSWELL & COGSWELL. its mind that that it wants to fight LAKEVIEW AND LINKVILLE. Or. anybody.” So it is now. Cleveland lias de-1 Attorneys"at-Law. manded authority to twist the Brit­ I I ish lion’s tail, and he is President — . _ .... I of the United States, and will have Attorney, Notary Public & to have it. That is all there is to Collector. it, and the republicans might as A. C. BRODERSEN, ... Lakeview. well recognize tha fact sooner as later.”—Bulletin. Any business entrusted to me, will receive moat careful and prompt attention. Land mat­ ------------- --- —- . ters and Collection a specialty. Correspond­ BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. E ds . H erald : Perhaps yourread- THE TOWN OF BURNfl i ers do not understand what Statu­ GRANT CO. OREGON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ary Hall of the capital is, and for PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY I AS IT IS VOICED BY THE HERALD. CANYON CITY, OREGON. BY I the benefit of those who do not BV8INF88 MEN ABROAD RY LOOKING OVER ITO COLUMNS WILL BEE THAT know, I will say that it is the old D. L. GRACE, Burns contains P ublisher and P roprietor . congressional hall, that is located 1 newspaper; 1 hotel: 1 saloon: 1 undertaker; 1 meat market: 1 lawyers; 3 physicians on the same floor as the senate and 1 surveyor; 1 land agent; 1 drugstore; 1 Jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 1 livery atable: 2 general mer­ BUlteClil PTION RATES: chandise stores; 1 hardware store; 1 saw-mill; 1 carpenter; 1 saddle« harness shop; 1 gro­ House, but when the two wings of One Year cery store. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 reading room; Lacbool; 1 church. Rix Mouths. £9^-Mail a copy of T h * H irald to Advertise your town, in the East. ¡the capitol were’completed it was I Three Months One Year (in advance) unoccupied. Congress passed a bill O. P. Cresap, I [>ermitting each state to place in HERALD CLUB LIST: this vacant room or hall two statues F--ÎS ' ____________________ - nerald and The Century, one year ,.75 j Herald and St. Nicholas, “ j of her favorite sons. New York has Herald aud Demorest Magazine, one year . «.75 The Poor Man's Taxes. ence solicited in English and German. Herald and Peterson Magazine “ ’ Han a’no u «no ananrtnient of Barbedlue ware— contributed statues of Robert B. > 4*00 ’ s °®w» which" beauty^of design and Herald and Godej a Lady's Book “ Behold, then, the h if»py laborer Herald aud West Shore i finish ¡8 hard to equal. A flue lio® (and in all Livingston, George Clinton and j T. H. ROBERTS, P bopribtob . itVs s jllue ___ of lieruld and Leslie lllus rated Newspaper Scwspr. - 5.75 j___ abade»), and puta Herr Id arid trails Fopulnr Monflity Hamilton; New Jersey has Pichard ' as he rises in t^ Attorny-aX-Law Every Wyle ot Job PrlntlUf done with neMaoea end dee^teh. Herald and Leslie’« buirtiay Magazine Herald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 Stockton and Gen. Phil Kearney; on his flannel shirt, taxed !)2 per MOSAIC WARE. Each additional volume after Vol. I, 56 cents; Reasonable Rates. M. A. KELTON. lu cents extra per volume, postage. Massachusetts has John Winthrop cent. It is, perchance, cool, and DO YOU WANT /FMp*Publishers of periodica'» are solicited Posters, Pamphlet«, - Book work will receive prompt and carefu Lakevie#, Or. Circulars, and Samuel Adams; Maine, Wil­ he puts on a coat taxed 57 per cent. to send clubbing raus, a copv of their work for Envelopes, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, — attention on receipt of order. our Free Rcnoing R oohi —W e file, and bind the He cannot go out without shoes Practices in the courts of the state, and before liam King; Virginia, Washington latter at close of every half volume, and pay for Note Heads,. Cards, Tickets, —Magazines and other periodicals bound ia Statements, Bautiful Glass War and Jefferson; Connecticut, Rodger taxed 35 per cent, and the hat he the U. 8. Land Office. 1-1 v copies by advertisement. Invitations, Dodgers, Etc? —any -style ordered. Memoranda, IF YOU DO THEN GO puts on is taxed 65 per cent. He ADVERTISING RATES: WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Sherman and Trumbull; Vermont, Roberts' Job Office in Burns, Grant county,Oregon. Orders by mail solicited and given im­ draws water in a bucket taxed 35 Livery I Feed Stable mediate attention. Office in H krald Building until a Job Office Is built. Ethan Allen and Collamer. Then K1O 3 mo 6 ino ; yr- SPACE wk 2 wk P. H. MURPHY. there is a statue of Baker, a bust of per cent, and washes his hands and 00 111 00 15.00 00 1 inch 11.50 $2..r4) > 3 00 4 00 6.50 12 00 18 00 28.00 2 face in a tin bowl taxed 35 per cent, LAKEVIEW - - - - OREGON. :i a 50 5.UÛ S 00 15.00 24 00 40.00 Tobacco and Cigars—Pipe», and Meerschaum Koecuicszko, Theo. CrawYord the I Pipes a specialty, warranted. Oys:ers, Sar­ 4 50 6 00 10 00 20.00 82.00 50.00 & GRAIN 4 dines, crackers, all fresh. Soups, best sculptor, mosaic portraits of Lin­ drying them upon a cheap cotton Always on HAY 6 00 9 00 15.00 28 00 48.00 54 eo W col. hand, and prompt attention given brands. Yeast Powders—every body 12 00 1« 00 28.00 18.00 hü .no 1.0 oo towel taxed 45 per cent But still all orders for teamR and vehicles. 1-y cun draw a prize worth from 25c coln and Garfield, and a bust of 20.00 30.00 ¡0 00 O) iK) 110.00 140 00 to $1. Full line of School more happiness is in store, lie sits Book», and Stationery Lincoln and Pulaski; a painting of of ail descriptions. Liberal reduction to all yearly adver­ * Orders from Joshua R. Geddings and John down to breakfast and eats from a W a tchmaker & Jeweler tisers. Call at Office, or write to Publisher. The Country promtly aud correctly filled. 1-ly ££p~Cuts charged extra, according to space; Adams; Ohio has contributed an plate taxed 50 per cent, with a knife J. W. BONEBRAKE. not.c but ruetal bate admitted. CHAS. E. BOSWELL VALE, OREGON Oregon. excellent statue of Garfield and old and fork taxed 35 per cent. The Good Work— Lakeview, Reasonable Prices. i-y flp-A« we stereotype all our advertisements sugar he puts in his coffee is taxed HARNEY' ADVERTISEMENTS. all changes after 1st Lur publications, $1 each. Bill Allen. J. C. PARKER, BURNS, AGENT. «p-Advertising in local columns, lCc a line, Chairman Barnum of the demo­ 82 per cent, and he seasons his food BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. with salt taxed at 40 per cent. He «jp-Marriage, birth, and death nnnounce- cratic national committee httB been V. J. MILLEIl. menls free. Such items solicited us news. in the city for a couple of days past, lookí fondly at his happy wife and W. A. WI8HIRE, Leaves VALE on Mondays, Wednesday* andTridays at 4:30, a. in. J. NAT. HUDSON, ATTO R N E Y-AT-LA W. £9-Liberal rates offered to religious, social, Lakeview, Or. Burns, Or. and returned to New York last children, who share with him his id educational bodies. Harney City, Oregon. Arrives at BURNS on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6 p. m. Will practice in all the state Courts. 1-tf night. He says this fight can only protection, and then goes out and WILSHIRE & HUDSON. Leaves BURNS on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 4:30 a. m. go one way, and that is the way of | fills his pipe with tobacco taxed 182 Arrives at VALE on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6 p. m. NOTICE TO FOREIGN ADVERTISERS. Attorneys-at-Law tariff reform and the democratic per cent, or lights a protected cigar While retpeclfully wllcltliie your potrunage rb we desire lo keep «>ur readersp» s-e«l hb to the PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. LAKEVIEW AND BURNS. OR. ¡taxed 118 per cent, and proceeds 'Close connection at VALE with stage for ONTARIO. 1-ly ticket. best g i it, cor- FreBpundeuee will be saved by referring to the to his highly protected labor. The This irm practices in the courts of the State, The fate of Sowden at the hands following statement» based upou our circuai- , A. J. BROWN. anti before the U. S. Land Office. Any land iAivu in this and adjoining couu'.its: I Anv and all kinds of surveying done on short of his constituents should be a gen­ day’s work being done he reads a Office or other business entrusted to them will notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. 4—5—ly receive prompt attention. ^Immoral medicinal rcb . at no price. tle hint to those who are halting be­ j chapter from the family Bible tax­ UPLAND CASKS SOLICITED. ^Advertiesmen’B at less than 19 oruls per u.-t price, yearly, or 20 vent», transient, ed 25 per cent, and kneels to pray I tween two opinions. nut received. ATTORNEY, BURNS GROCERY STORE. Mr. West, the British minister, is i on a carpet taxed 51 per cent. At wgfc c,ppoi»i pcsBion |2 extra charge per in- seruou. Instead of p< »lti..u a standing reader not surprised at the rejection of the last lie lies down and wraps his GEO. 8. SIZEMORE - - B urns , O r . J. E. McKINNON P roprietor . calling attention to ad. each week i6 run in with Criminal law a specialty. local news matter free. fisheries treaty; but he believes Í weary limbs in a sheet taxed 42 —KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND— P roprietor . that the difficulty will be settled in j per cent, and sinks into the arms T he H rrald is kept regularly on file for re­ JASPER DAVIS - ference, ia the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad­ -DEALER IN — A Full Assortment of Groceries of all Kinds I vertising Bureau, 10 Spruc e st.. New orz. T V. B EMBREE,M. D. some way before any severe ineas- of Morpheus under a blanket that is taxed 104 per cent. — Ex. GUARRANTEED TO BE OF THE BEST QUALITY. office at his residence on the east side of Sil ­ Groceries and Merchandise ures shall be carried out on either vios River, ten miles below Burns. CANNED GOODS, official directory . side. 1 The Knights of Labor and Harrison. TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, The President’s message has al­ TOBACCO A OrBOIAUSV. The following resolutions were national : ready borne good fruits, if the news EGGS, AND A LIMITED AMOUNT OF BUTTER TAKEN IN adopted by I). A. 10G, K. of L., of .Grover Cleveland 1 gLÄCKSMrfp of concessions from Canada is re­ President PHYSICIAN A- SURGEON. EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Van< ancy Vice-Prc-sldeu’. Indianapolis, at its regular meeting Office at W. E. Grace’s Drug Store. 1-ly Tlics. F. Bavard Secretary of otate liable. It is said that at the meet­ farcooDs sold for cash , and at PRicEs^tfr . (. has. 8. Fairchild ¡ Secretary of Treasury- lately: W.T. \iius Set rotary of Interior gWTO DEFY COMPETITION ing of the Dominion cabinet to-day W uereas , We are enjoined by our Order VAN. 8. CURTIS, Pr.or’n. . .Win. C. Endicott Secretary of War J. G. Welch, M. D. W. (’. Whituey Secretary of Navy orders will be issued giving Ameri ­ to support, at the polls, our friends, and i Give me a call and convince yourselves. . Don M. Dickinson Pv»tmaster General Office at residence South of T he H erald Build- A. H. Garland . punish our enemies, and Attorney General can vessels the right to enter Can ­ in f : ____________________________________ jy _ *1. E. McKINNON All kinds of Blacksmithing Whereas, Benjamin Harrison in the fol-; STATE—OREGON : adian ports for the purchase of bait, lowing I J. N. Dolph, (R) manner has antagonized the Order j and wagon work. (T. S. Senators j J. H. Mitchel),(R) Practical Surveyor I and making Canadian vessels tolls of K. of L., to-wit: lie voted against the Binger Hermann, (R) Congressman T. A. McKINNON, Governor | free to American vessels. At pres­ bills to exclude the Chinese while our Gen-1 SyGeTewPMDcB°ride fR) IW-Horacshoeing Rd.OO a span. oral Assembly at Riehjuond declared une-1 Secretary of State Any and all kinds of surveying done on shor ’ G. w. Webb, Wvbb,’ (D) (D) G. ’ W. ent that is about all that is asked. quivocally against Chinese immigration, ! notice Treasurer and reasonable term». Hettier J. B. McElroy. , (R/ (Rj Supt. Public Instruction wishing to be located, can have plats furnishe -------- * .Lu ,. Frank Haket State Printer If anything illustrates the and demanded the abrogation of the exist ­ free of charge. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. R. 8. Strahan. (D) I Wm. P. U»rd, (R) : Supreme Judges promptness of action and fitness of ing treaty; W. W. Thayer, (D) : lie voted against the bill to pay employees ; the message, this certainly does. Meat Market. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: for overtime on public work. AZRO J. CORY, The President had a very ehjoy- He voted against the bill sanctioned by D’strict Judge J. A. F ee , (R) ON A CASH BASIS. District Attoruey J. L. R and , (R) . able season of fishing in Boutetort this Order to place the letter carriers under the provisions of the eight-hour law. E. Todd, Proprietors, county — grant : I county, Va., and caught the largest ALL-AT-1IOME PRINT. C. A. SWEEK, FINE SILVER WARE. THE BURNS JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Y< SS 0». VAIE AND BURNS STAGE LINE CASH STORE. E •Ft M4l ¡cala boa O TBEl ut (Ira HARDWARE, TINWARE. WAGON MATERIAL, D tt w hag >f im- trad* r« nansa eoa* aga. Ö-» G. W. G iliiam ,(R) N. R. M axey , (R) J. T. M a el . (0) N. H. B oley , (R) Representative County Judge Clerk Treasurer I CommJeaionerB Surveyor Sheriff AEBCBBOr School Huperiufendent Stock Inspector J. II. MellALEY. (R) H. H. D avis , (D) J. If. N ba L, (R) W. H. G ra Y(R; • C. H. T imms , (R) F. H ayks , (R) J.U. LUt’B, (R) LAKEVIEW U. B. LAND OFFICE; a . F. S melling , Register, ... Receiver, (D) ; W. N. To ANMEND, (D) ! burns — vale : Arrives Tues-lav» aud Friday» at 6 p m. Leaves Monda} a and Thursday» at 4:50 a m. BURNS—CANYON CITY: Arrives Mondays. Wednesdays, Fridays. 4 pm. Leaves Tuesdajg, Thursdays and baturdats. BURNS—PRICEVILLE: JL Arrives Thursdays at 6m m. . Leaves Thursda; s at 6 a m. burns —L akeview : ling 1» *4.<«j RALP Arrives Wednesdays at 9 pm. Leaves Thursdays at t> a in. J. C. PARKER, Postmaster. SOCIETIES. HARNEY LODGE. NO. 77, I. O. O. F. UN Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturila? at 7X» p m. J. E. MCKINNUN, N. G. B en B rown . Sect’y. educational . YEM A METHODIST CHURCH .Organization exist« in Bum», and a eoifl- modiouN house Li in course of erection. THE BURNS SCHOOL la a large, white bnikling. conveniently ar­ ranged for the arcoutm.ida ion of both sexe® la oat of town ' Uia Mrs. fan field. teat her. A NEWSPAPER CarefuTlx edited an<1 condurted in thè interrar» of all ia eatabiiahed In Burnii, and citealatea in rt vi Harury \ aitcy—T he L auto «- READING ROOM A desk 'm« been fitted up In T hi H erald offioa. wk 1 an the leadlas periodicals msn titssa, and Oregon ivu«paper», are p’sred he 4 «p*«nl of all lovers ofroo*l Jter- mam. a cordis, ÿnritalien extcr.de« A ttorney - at -L aw and S olicitor ' string of fish of all the party. Col. of A merican and F oreign i Dan Lamont was somewhat indis­ P atents . posed. The party returned last evening, the President having an armful of rushes and wild flowers MECHANICAL EXPERT. for his wife. Senator Voorhees, speaking of Office, 61* F st., ». W. Mr. McDonald’s speech to the effect Opinions given as to value and validity of Patents. Attention paid to Infringement that protection per se is unconsti­ and Interferences. Patents for Designs, Tradc-M.t tks , and Labels obtained. Copy­ tutional and that it introduced rights registered. ’ class legislation of the worst kind j says that he struck the most po­ tent- argument, and on that should Patents be fully presented by the demo­ Patent». Caveats and Trade-Mark» procured. cratic party against the inequitable Rejected Application» Revived and Prosecuted. one industry as All buBinefB before the I'. S. Patent office at- | protection of tended to promptly for moderate fee», and no charge made unlt ps Patent is secured. Send for , against another and as against the ,‘INVKNTOK’S OI TDE.” masses. G. ; FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C., Sept. 1, 1888. In 1877, while attorney for a railway in­ prepared to furnish ail kind« of fre«h | terested in the failure of the strike of that meutr. KHUK.Kc, etc. Leave your order. year, he assumed to act as arbitrator, thus going to the laboring man with fair prom­ ises. at the same time being in the employ J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor .; of a leading antagonist. While acting as a railroad attorney he BURNS, OREGON. accepted the position of U. 8. senator and aided the passage of laws in the interest of W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R his employer. Therefore be it -AND- Resolved. That we re-affirm the feeling of distrust expressed by the labor organiza­ tion of the state during the senatorial con­ CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r . test two years ago, and pledge ourselves to use every honorable means to secure the de­ feat of said Benjamin Harrison at the {»oils in November next. Saddle and Harness Shop. BURNS, OREGON. GEO. McGOWAN. •BtaroB Jeweler. Red Front Livery A Feed Stable WAGONS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES, H^A gknt fob I-Iy F ibbmaw ' h F umb I mbubanc * C ompamt . Commenting on the above reso­ lution», the Indianapolis Labor W. C. BYRD PsomitTos Signal remarks: “Slowly, but sure­ ly, the coils are tightening about A CASH BUSINESS AT BED­ ROCK PRICES. the trust and railway candidate for ( President. Before Mr. Harrison’s' Is i»1 ied with all kind« “There will only be one party in The satigfactory manner in which the State of eataMea the market affords. 1-ly I cific and Oregon Short Line have Irniraore Company, of Salem. Oregon, has con­ ducted its business, and paid its losses, is proven this country after November, and it several surveying parties working by the fart that for the past four years IT HAS We RECEIVED MORE PREMIUM«. INSURED 1 will be this Cleveland party. south of Lakeview. Last Wednes­ Contractor & Builder. MORE HOMES, snd different properties. ISSU­ ED MORE POLICIES, and PAID MORE lAMHES could have stood off the democrat- A. C. WORTHINGTON. day a large party of Union Pacific in Oregon and Washington Territory than any i ic cry for tariff reform by yelling I other company. Burns, Oregon, engineers and surveyors passed ■free trade’ at them, but when the through Redding to the mouth of =Estmates Made President of the United States de­ Pitt river, up which stream they zz=And Plans Furnished. INVENTION.^ u ^^ ’ . TX', ¿Yr mands power to attack a foreign century Not least amors the won ders of in Ten­ are now at work, pushing north. Those baring work In my line will find it to j th e prcffreaa in a met hod and n> stem of work that nation, he has to have it!—and their advantage tojrive me a call Will contract can be performed all over the country without —East Oregonian. separating the workers from their homes, pay to furnish all buildings complete, including No mat­ Ht-eral; any one can do the work: either aex, that is all there is of it. Psiniing, and Papering. Terms As reasonable y.mtir, or old; no special ability required; capl any responsible contractor. A n English exploring party left as Office lsi Door South of H krald Building, tf tai required; you are s arted free: cut this out, ter what a man’s politics are, be has wurn tone, and we will send yon free, some thing of great raise and aaesstance to you that got to sustain the President in such Ixindon Sept. 6th, bound for a point will »Urt yon in buain.n whk b will bring you on the east coast of Africa. The BLACKSMITH. In more money rirhi a* av than anything else In an emergency, and if he does not the world grand out flt free. AddreM Tat a A intention is to explore a section of he is called a traitor, and there is Augusta. Maine B urns , P. 8. EARLY the coast lately granted an Eng­ ; no help for it. “I remember a case in 1812 when lish corporation, and to search for —GENERAL REPAIRING— a prominent man in New York was Stanley. literally driven out of the state for opposing that struggle, and after­ I» Russia the tariff taxe* on im­ ward when the Mexican matter port* range from 150 to 2JO per PnHBDtly executed The building baa been an larged and Improved and 1» prepared tn tnm > came up aome one asked him if he cent. Wage* are from 25 to 50 out all klnda of bla/ kamlthfag on abort n