BC'BNS JOCKEY CLVB NOTES. Latent Railroad News. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. —Tinware, etc., at R. R. prices The two letters below are from at Stenger’s, Burns. -* Running horses are required to INAL 1'BOOF. —A fine specimen of silver ore carry in class stakes and purses: friends of Harney valley and will WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBERS, LSnS. was sent in to our office to put with 2-year-olds, 105 lbs; 3-year-olds, be read with much interest: U nited S tates L and O fficej _ Lakeview, Oregon, July «0, j i our collection of Oregon specimens. 110 lbs. Iu all aged stakes, and S alem , Or., Aug. 28, ’88. ronCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow Local News. —For all kinds of Stationery go purses: 2-year-olds, 85 lbs: 3-year- E d . H erald : I am improving; I g-uamed s-otler has file d . uud t tilii- Grant county, has 2 horses in train ­ Posters, Pamphlets, — Book work will receive prompt and cartful port of proceedings of the Teachers ’ citation for self and lady. time yet before I can walk much. vatlon of, said laud, viz: A. HUMS, C. W. Com Circulars, •g5S, C. M. Handle*, C. H. Wilshire, ail of Diu Envelope», Bill Heads, Letter Heads, —attention on receipt of order. —The best bit Cigar at W. E. ing by John Robinson: I have seen several of W. W. Institute- held last week at Canyon m >ad, Grunt tuuuty, Oregon. Note Heads, Cards, Tickets, —Magazines and other periodicals bound in Statements, Brown horse, “Wake-Up Jake,” Johnson’s folks here, who have . - Aug l.W»M A. F. SNELLING, Register. : City, for Grant county, that not Grttce’s drug store. Invitations, Dodgers, Itc? —any style ordered. Memoranda, age 2 yrs; pedigree: dam, “ Bell- — Geo. McDowell, Frank and Joe ' been very kind to me; also a broth ­ IF YOU DO THEN GO •E-INAL proof ; one teach* was present from this sire, -Lummox.” er of Harry McClure. Roberts* Job Office in Burns, Grant county, Oregon. Orders by mail solicited and given im­ *• ’ ' — i end of the county to represent the Howard returned Sunday week mediate attention. Office iu H erald Building until a Job office is buUt. L. S undekun , of Willow from Huntington, where they had Many people here have the Har ­ L.kS?»,wrai educational interests of Southern notice is hereby given that the foi-1 Grant, a» all the names of parut, taken a band of 65 1 nrses to ship creek, Malheur county, has entered ney valley fever, but want to wait 3 horses, Geo. McGuire, trainer,: and see what the Oregon Pacific lowing named Bettier hui filed notice of his in -J mentioned ill 6did report UTO UI for Mark Howard of Drewsey. tentiuii h) make final proof in tupi»ort of hi» | ., . /« a Black horse, “Black Diamond,” R. R. Co. is going to do, but the —Paints and Oils of the best claim, and that said proof vriil lc made before | Northern (.»rant. latter is a sure thing, for the steam­ We ™»,d IW,We8t that ®ver.y qualify always on hand at W. E. aged; pedigree unknown. Sorrel horse, “Cyclone,” age 3 ship “Willamette Valley” came in chariot w. Coniegy», ! board of school directors make it Grace's drug store. AND--------- —The organ on exhibition at yrs; pedigree: dam, “Bloomsbury,” to Yaquina Bay while I was there, d . s. No. '.530. fur the ws qr of sc< ss. Tv i's. ubliviitorv upon every teacher cm- R 31 E. He luiikh the following wltnose» to I ** . J . loaded "with rails for the com­ Figurés prove hi« ewnlium ua résider - c upon, an«i culti­ ! ployed in Southern Grant to at­ T he H erald office by C. A. Gilbert | sire, “Ben Roy.” Fair vation of zaid land, viz: A. iURRO, ('. II Wil- C has . W. J ones , of Burns, has 2 pany, and from what I could learn can be had on reasonable terms. •hir»*, J. I.. Churahman, and <’. M Haudley, all tend the next Institute, by paying horses in training: of Diamond, Grunt county, Oregon. they will push the road through as -AT-------- a salary that will justify them in Come, see and bear it. Aug 15-38 A. F. KNELLING, Register. Bay filly, “Mabel,” age 2 yrs; rapidly as possible. I am sure they '—Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whiting, incurring the necessary expense. And to the county school super­ with George and Ella Whiting, of pedigree: dam, “Bulwer,” sire, mean business, as they are making ' p-iNAi. rnoor. BURNS, Or. STENGER’S •’Deepwater” by “Bayswater.” payments on back indebtedness intendent T he H erald would sug­ Burns, are visiting in Chico, Cal. U nited B tatrr L and O ffice ,/ Black bay hors® “Gophej,” 6 yrs. that it was supposed they never l.nkevlew, Oregon, July 30. 1888.| gest that‘he nppoint the next place I —A fresh supply of Canned NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe follow- old. would pay, so it looks like Harney - ing-name«i Re*Her has filed notice of iii« inten­ of meeting in Southern Grant, and Fruits at P. F. Stenger’s. STOCK T ex S illman , of Burns, has 2 valley will not be long without a tion to make final proof iu support of his claim, he can rest assured that every I — A Free-for-all foot race was and IliRt Rtti'i pr-xif will be miule befor» tbe railroad. Success to T iie H erald VERY COMPLETE; the ReuiBter or Receiver, at Lakeview, Oiegon, teacher and the majority of school run last Sunday, 2d inst., Geo. Cre- horses in training: on bvpieuiber *.4th. 18^8, vil: Bay filly, "Island Queen,” age 2 Yours truly, E d . B land . ; directors in South Grant will be ‘ go, Jesse Cotton and Collins, Coto, Albert B um «, COMPRISING present, and, if held in Burns, the' and another name not learned, in yrs.; pedigree: dam ‘‘Belmont, D.S. No. 2OT1, f.»rlbe K-, of NW’;, and S), of . S cio , Or., Aug. 26, 1888. sire, “Deepwater” by ‘Tjav’swater. NEl.< of Sec. 2. Tp z*' b, lflii E. He name» the L teachers be entertained free of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY which Crcgo and Collins made a lowing lowing wltncFB. wirnch'B R p to to prove prove hiB djb conilnu. codiii id us reai- resi . E d . H erald : We arrived here on Light bay horse, “Vinby” age 7 deuce upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: CnftTge. | dead heat; in the second heat Cre- the 14th, but did not write because C. W. ComegtR, c. M. Handley, C. W. Wilshire, ■ .. .. „ ■■ ,v attendance of teachers on go came out about 10 feet ahead. | years. GOODS.—STAPLE AND FANCY and J. L Churchman, all of Diamond, Grunt G. W. M c II alev , of Prairie City, the railroad news was too uncertain County, Oregon. i Institutes held annually for their, —Stenger’s “See Saw” Tobacco GROCERIES.—BOOTS AND Aug 15-38 A. F. SNELLING. Register. benefit to the counties in which they i is taking the lead with “Farmers A Inks two horses; M. F. Hudson, to chronicle for T he H erald ' SHOES.—HARD- Tbe Oregon Pacific Railroad trainer: teach, is an obligation they owe to Mechanics.” Try them. - S ummons . Dark brown horse, aged 7 years; Company are in good working con­ the children placed under their j WARE.—CROCKERY & —Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. name "Jordan;” pedigree, sired by dition, and have money to pay off In the Justice Court for the Trecfnct >>i Burns, j care, and to the profession they County of Grant, Stale of Uftfcou. Grace and Miss Roberts spent Sun­ "Revenue Junior ’ by "Young Jun­ hands. adopt, and should make it a point P. I. Stenger, I’lfT. » ( ¡vjj actl.m to recover i 1 GLASSWARE. last with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ior” by “Old Junior,” a thorough­ Bridge carpenters and 500 Chi­ to be present if possible at each day X. W. Gilliam, Deft. > mever. BEKÌ 'assa Ila. kell on their ranch near Burns namen are at work now; and 100 bred; dam, of “ Morgan-and-ilcn- To E. W. Gilllnm, the nbove named defend-1 ] meeting. ___ i and enjoyed the evidences of Na- ry” stock. ent, L> the name of lhe s ate of Oregon, you nre ( teams, and 300 men wanted at! hereby commanded to appear before n o, the I ALL Al----- —Before sending off, see if you ■ ture’s returns for thrift and energy | Sorrel mare, aged 7 years; name, once. undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for the pre- [ cinet aforesaid, iu the above entitled court, on I i don’t get good value for your cash expended in gardening in Harney Wages are $2 a day; teams $4.50 j "Little Girl; ” sire, "Bull of the thekd day of Oct«.bcr, 18S8, ut 10u'< !<>< k in the ' - valley. The flower garden is equal Woods,” of “Lummox-and-Geprge” a day; and board $4.50 a week. fotenoon of raid day, t*» err ver to the com­ I from Stenger. CLOSE PRICES plaint filed against juu m the above euti’.led j — W. F. Meadows, we regret to jin beauty to the size and flavor of! stock. Z.5V. Brown (“Shingle” Brown)' action. ----- FOR------ ....... ... I j learn, was thrown from a horse ves- ! the products of the vegetable gar­ The defendent will take notice tha‘ if he fail W m . C ushman , of Arlington, has of Harney lives here, and has YES, FOR ,u'to r.ppe.r upii ui e..er, ihc p'uinuav. iii mke , tcrdav and had one of hi3 legs den adjoining it, and that is say- 2 horses. charge of the O. P. It. R. saw-mills; j C e LSIX O ludinnvut utrnL.r.t hhn for the sum of One Him- i - I ' ing all that can- be said. The to- dred and Thirty I>.»l!ai8 and Fifty Cenic. »nd fractured. A. L. Connor of Burns, who came Gray mare, “ Fravala, ” 5 years the diBbunemeDiB in* thfc aciion.and liiat the AnmicH PllinrhncnL Qn/lrlln properly attachc-d be »old to sat.sry tueb jiulg- AllgUutC Kl ttCFDUSCh OI k. RdQlC i ! matocs in the latter are very large old; pedigree: sire "Ben Dudley;” down here with us, ¡ b head sawyer; "'■' Given “L under . my , hand th b 1 Ith ¿ay of A uri , . fi , Buttes called on T he H erald _ last and beginning to ripen. . dam "Ellafay” by "llubbanl.” B. Schlupe, and Sam Brown of 18S8. jamb * (•. park r.a, »Saturday in the interests of the —Stenger has got in a fine new Bay horse, “.Murphy;” 4 years Harney, are of the mill boys. jua ice of the Peace. settlers in Harney valley. We had a pleasant trip, and no , stock of Lawns, Sateens, and other old; pedigree: sire "Marmaduke,” It is hereby ordered that the annexed cum- ............ » » * —All kind:, of Tobacco, a fresh Dress goods. iitons be published eix conae« utive week» iu bad luck whatever, and all of us en­ w. E. GRACE, P roprietor , BURNS, OREGON — dam "Vinie” by “Vanderbilt.” T he E aht O iirgon H krali ». a weekly neuB| u- supply at I‘. F. Stenger’s. - per published in Buri.a, Gram county, Oregon, i B en S waggart , of Lexington, joying good health and all the red ¿-R. J. McKinnon, who left Burns —While attending the Burns’ i Au« 15-18 J. C. P arker , J. P. has 3 horses; John Collins trainer. apples we can feast on. Races, call at N. Brown’s and see I ! Monday, Aug. 13th on a freighting Fruits, and crops of all kinds, Bay horse, “Champagne;” age 5 trip to Huntington, did not return rplMBER CULTURE NOTICE. the new Iligh-Arm Singer Sewing! Dealer in years; pedigree: sired by “lien are in abundance; wheat is worth until Monday, Sept. 3d, having had Machines, sold by C. A. Gilbert on U nited S tates L and O fficej Hallack; ’ dam “Mosquito,” she by 70 cents, oats, 40, and potatoes, 50 to lav over to await Mr. Roberts Lakeview, Oregon. Auguz*. 1, 1SSS. ( easy terms. - cents a bushel. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PROPRIE­ COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at freight from the East, which had “Lexington.” this office by W. »1. Brow n. against F. bul- Z- Levens Bros, of Burns, deliv­ Change the address of T he H er - ! Chestnut sorrel. "Little Dick;” livau for failure to comply with Jaw as to Tim­ ered 130 head of beef cattle on the been shipped Aug. 8th, and had not TARY ARTICLES, PATENT MEDI­ ber-Culture entry No. 72“, dated June s, is>7. ald to Scio, Linn co., Or. There j aged; pedigree unknown. upon the SW qr of Sec 25, Tp•¿IB, It.31 K,iu 28th ult. to II. Blackwell of Trout reached Huntington when Mr. Mc­ CINES, FLAVORING EX­ are numbers of persons here that ! Brown horse, "Funny;” aged; Grant county, Oregon, with at lew to the *y Cuncerr.lug Ealu uEegcd fain re. his Stock and will sell at a Discount —Go to W. E. Grace’s drug store ; —Lakeview Examininer: Me J esse C otton lias 1 horse; Hen­ price W. M. Tow N3E.ND, Receiver. DER BRACES, FANCY on all goods from this date, for Confectioneries, fresh and pure. ■ Carty ’ s'party of U. P. civil engin ­ Mate nf Oregon, / {. , Richardson trainer «•utility of bake. | . all goods in plain figures. - —?.uthor of “The Scout” article : eers are to meet Mr. Clark’s men ry Chestnut sorrel horse; "Tom ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, BOOKS AND I hereby certify that the within is a true and has failed to claim his literary pro­ here in a few days and make a trip C«»»rect copy of the «¡rlgiua! noth e. Benton; ” aged. PREFERRED IsOCAI.S. STATIONERY. -»ug 21-3s W. M. T ownsbnd , Receiver. duction, and no one we have seen around the west side of Goose Lake. H. D. R eed has 1 horse; James Insertionsln tills columns only 10 cents a line -------------- ./ )>--------------- from Harney knows anything of the Their report will then be sent to Russel V M1NI b T R A T O R * 3 N 0 T1 y E. trainer: 2-vear-old gray filly. to regular advertisers. L0 cents for all others. writer. headquarters, and it is expected by BURNS. Notice ii hereby given that the undersigned Turan and Mir« Tavior. prove hi* continuous tvtldence upon,and cubi- quiet of the streets of Burns last C. W. McClain, of Drewsey, Grant li« e stwciul attention. Mr. and Mr». Robt. McKinnon. vmion of, raid land, viz. Wm. I.-tie, James I’. F. Stenger is doing a driving trade in TRIC BELTS 4 TRUSSES. Delore. Peter Delore, und Frank Newhd.t, night than has been heard here; Mr. Mnujar. wife aud dauph'er. co., Or., “Tom Benton,” a sorrel general merchandising. M ie . I*. J*', ^leuger and daiuh'cra. all of Ft. MrLcrn.it, Nevada. dujing a year’s residence, gelding, 6 yrs old, pedigree un­ E. Todd does a meat market business on Mr. G. rdon and M:* k <‘«>ra llariiE. FINE ASSORTMENT OF THE Aug 29-40 A. F. HNELLING. Register. Sizemore and Mirs A’la .McGee. a “cash on the block” bash. —Burns, as usual, is enjoying Geo. known. Racing color, blue. Mr. H. Dixon, wife and Mity -nR e. BEST SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, P. 8. Earley gives general satisfaction in piXAL rnooF. Mrs. Lee Caldwell and M ib . Gunther fine weather for the races. J. C. Wooley of Burns,Grant co , all branches of blacksmithing. Dav, M ir . Morr'R.m and Mia. Wuo’ev. BEST QUALITY OF TOBACCO AND CIGARS. U nited S tates L and O ffice ,! —Having is over for this season, j Mr. Or., "Olympia, ” a sorrel gelding, M ir . Geo. McGowan, daughter and Miaa Wel­ HARNEY. Lakeview, Ureg«.n, AMgust 15 1888. I is a practical surveyor. —A large stock of school supplies come. pedigree unknown. A. J. Brown flWFRESH NUTS ANp CHOICE CANUTES Mra. Th* a. Ginninl. Mrr. T. D. Harris, Mieses 17 yrs old, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I he follow­ Van Curtis does first-class biacKsmith ing-named settler bss filed n,-tire of bls inten­ just received at W. E. Grace’s OUieErje and Minnie Recd. Racing color black. worn. tion to make tian! pr«>of in support of his clal n. -------- < -o- >-------- —Coal Oil at W. E. Grace’s drug At 2 p m horses and spectators V. J. Miller will practice in all the state and that »«¡<1 proof will Le made before the Drug Store. court». 1 ouuty clerk of Graut co.. Or., st Canyon store — Keep up with the times and were on the grounds. PRICES AB REASONABLE AB THOSE OFFERED BY ANY City, Or., on October kh, viz. Ja*)»er Davis conducts a cash business in go to the races. —The Jockey Club Ball Tties- After several starts the five horse« groceries, etc. T.ytlc Howard, OTHER LINE OF BUSINESS IN THIS SECTION. D. H. No. 2503, far the N W or of SE qr, and E»3 —“Cash vs. Credit” is catching day evening was a success, The got off in order. The Morrow coun- CANYON CITY. of bE qr of Sec 6, w NW qr of BW qr of Hee 5, C. A. Sweek practice* in all courts in the following is a partial list of i ty horse Little Dick won the purse, on. — those Tp A) b. It 34 E. He names lhe f.41«iv»ii g state. witnei’scs to prove his continuous residence -/-J. J. Davis, T. A. McKinnon present: with Drewsey’s Tom Benton sec­ O. P. <’resap does cxerilcnt worx in his upon and cnltivati«»i: of E.dd land, viz: Jair.ir Am now better able than ever to meet the demand« of the country in Mr. and Mrs. hlul ’ ej*. F. Morrism, Wvslev Keeton. Sam Miilqr, aud and A. W. llouser have gone to ond, and Prairie City’« Little Girl, line of business. my line, and am truly thankful for the liberal patronage I have received Mr. and Mrs. < a . in. Dave Miller, ail of Drcwrvy, Oregon. LAKEVIEW. Lakeview in the interest of J. M. third; Vandee and Olympia were Mr. and Mia. Winters. Aug 29-40 A. F. SNELLING, Rcgis’cr. in the past, and I well know that the only proper way to merit the con­ Give 0. C. Maltby a « all. Mr. end Mra. T. Adkina. Bright, deceased. left far back. Stop at the Hopxins Hot re every time. Mr. Cre to rnd Mra, An-Is. tinued patronage and good will of the entire public is by fair and impar­ NEW TO-DAY aid Mra. J no. Morell. Little Dick made the race in A. Snider’s Mill doe* a flourishing btri- tial —Call at N. Brown’s for bar- Mr. dealings with all classes. Mr. and Mrs. Th. a.Ihidson. nesa. JTINAL PROOF. 24 2-5 seconds. gains in every department. Mr. and Mrs. I ee Caldwell. I M. A. Kelton practices in all courts in the Mr. and M ib I>« ra Punj»de. U nited states L and O ffice , / Little Dick’s friends held him ( sta‘e. —Mrs. Parker, of Burns, and •' 1-. and J ». Fd MrKI m.u>. Jjikcview, Oregon, August ’.2. F. P. Lane keeps a full line of liquors, ci- Fen Frov u and Mbs Carey. up at the pool box along with the • gars, NOTICE lb HEREBY GIVEN thst ihefuHow- Mrs. Lessing of Harnev, gave T he etc. _ Ed. Ttanlev and Olli*! Fr»e. BURNS GROCERY STORE. lng-tisir.ed stiller bus filed notice of r s inieu- H krali » n pleasant call Monday. Little Girl and Tom Benton. Mr. A’«' a or and Mirs Clark. For agricultural imp'einents, go to H. tivn to i*iakc (Inal pruoi in support «>i his «.laim El i« McKinnon anra Harris. William Lytle -x billman and Mrs. <’< pahail. etc., to order. H. E. No. WS. for lhe BE qr of bee IS. Tp 34 R, R Girl till the la^t. —Drewsev is said to be about de­ T* Mr. Y« nng and Mba Wcf..n » ‘ . A Full Assortment of Groceries of all Kinds! J. W. Honebrake will do good work at i 34 E. lie names the following witnesses to ( bca. B;rlv»<2 that our hearty thank« »re due vation of raid land, viz Wlhiam Lvtie. Mau naturallv 1 e crowded to some ex­ the I. t»e«.p> —Yearly advertisers of stock the way. of Canyon <’»fy for fhelr h..apf’allty rice Fl’zJerald. Alexander ToUL>. Eduard ’h « r*er«l.»n of our ln«:ltulr Tobin, all of Grant «ounty, Oregon, P. O: Fort brands in T he H erai . d get inser­ —Last Saturday evening a little tent. anil the evidence of the jockeys 1 during IL R«s.*lve«i ths» we extend our thank« to McDermitt, Nevada. tions of stolen and stravs free. — after 6 o’clock, while Mr. and was that they saw no intentional . wh<» so kindly aa«i«*ed in our evening enter- I ffi*pt 5-41 A. F. SNELLING. Reg «ter. I talnment« __ ¿-Mr. and Mrs. Tice Adkins Mrs. Grace, and their guests, Mr. foul riding. i III Rer.olved that we express our apixec'a Hon of, and thank« to Prof M«*Flmy for hl« Wr«lnr»<|Ay ’• Ksera. came in town Sunday to be present and Mr«. Robert«, were sitting on ]U-ward ! rr«-sen< <• and valuable caai«’an«-e a* our Co. 1 at the Burns races. n«tPttfe. and to onr Co. Fuht. for Ma courtesy the porch in front T he H erald of ­ The following horses are entered j and Isaac Allison and Henry Fergu­ untiring effort« to maze each Session pleas . — On the occurrence of her 20th fice, a light, two-horse rig da«hed for the saddle horse race: BURNS, OREGON ant and profitabl«* son will pay 450 for the arrest and GEO. McGOWAN. Hes<»lved that WK a« teacher« find the, Ben Swaggart’» “Funny,” rarincr conviction of the party, or parties, birthday, one evening la»t week, around the south corner, on a gal­ imvujg institute a »»< R—iTY to united and «•rlevit school r.xrn work, and In Jnatine to th*»sc pres- I that broke into Mr. Frrgnson’s Mr». Ella Caldwell entertained a lop, and. taking the road directly color brown. would recommend tn our Co. Hup», ihat he few relatives and personal friends fronting the little group, one of the C. W. McClain’s “Pat Dempsey, n 1 | ent, At«Dt for »tarer * W«lk»r, whole««:. bllr«f1or. firm. B. B rown . Ml. S C. « oidi ««.. —Oysters, a fresh supply, at P. —A good Boot for 43.00or a good entered, racing color llu», but will et.««» nr*«w. Bum», Or, Sept. 2, 1338. F. Stenger's. - Attar rot Fiaza«»’» F v » d latvaAiea tour.«»». mt Brogan Shoe for 41.75 at Stenger's. not start. Hau« Keim, I I LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. THE HERALD. THE BURNS JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Í Ï . M K . 1 8 0J •>t cal» k O TB m A « IOTI