MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. IforeCapt. Harris, and they were i EASTERN ADVERTISEMENT», GARDEN VEGETABLES produced in the Harney country :! ordered out of the Park, mighty sic — ! are large, finely flavored, abundant, ÍHEAPEH WHISKY AND DBAREH i; transit for the g. rn. CLOTHS*. Some of it# Naturul Advautageh--Wa­ and easily rftsed. We will on ap- The plebians were sorry for the ter, Soil, Climate, and Prociuc- Cheaper wl isky and dearer clothes! j plication give the addresses of sev­ tionN—Thousand* of : great men. We were sorry they That’s the way the platform goes, Acre» Open for eral gardeners here, who will an­ got caught, but we were glad they Of the ucw-fungled republican party! Set turnout. swer in detail all inquiries on that soaped the geyser, Because it kept I Dearer blanket«, shirts and cups. CHEAP HOMES. Dearer dresses, coats and wraps, itself on exhibition twice a day, af- subject; the white, or Irish potato AiUirn four Home., your Town lot., Dearer stockings, yarns and-socks, is grown with little cultivation, and ter the soaping, so long as wc Your Ranches, Yuiir Farms, your Dearer hinges, nails and lacks, Place«, with trees and shrubbery Thouaanti» of Families can Secure Val­ j is superior to that grown in Ohio, | stayed, It isn’t often that a crowd suited to the climate of East uable Homes iu thia Great Val­ Dearer leuther, boots and shoes, t Oregon. Aud buy only ley nt a Mera Nominal Coat. Dearer coffins and dearer screws, ! Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, or | of plain untitled voting machines from a known Ken! Estate will In­ crease Ten-fold But cheaper whisky, cigars and beer, i Kansas, know -------- as re- I ------- , we ... personally ,------ ------------ can have a committee of great men in 5 Years. That’s the platform—isn’t it queer?— i gards size, “mealiness,” and flavor. I to touch off geysers for them. Of the new-fangled republican purty! A Railroad, County Scat, and Izand- I------------------ SMALL FRUITS j Hereafter I shall never travel LMtve unprotected hay and corn, Office. I ’ ‘ ’ _. such as strawberries, currants, i j without taking a railroad president But tex the plow and dinner-horn! Responsible House. Let farmers sell as best they cun. ; along with me to get into trouble Visit the Herald Office to See Samples 1 blaCkberticS, gOOSebCH’icS, grapCS, But when they buy, tax every man— oil reducts. etc., will, from wliat evidence we ! for me. Don ’t tell me a railroad j i [The Except on whisky, cigars and wine, , — # 1 U - I two n O ill IgL LU 11 li Hl B ul of T I H he 11 II H — erald tt. t.u toil- con- | . . .. . r . the u.. large TV ----- editions naf past For that's the platform—isn’t it fine?— D I exhausted, to meet the demand we republish in , ° Of the new-fangled republican party. I J suppose the government objects i «>ur regular r ution, and hope reader. v-jtr, tu a success, as the native . , J , , ’ , . _ _ ■ , . ~ | I will murk mart the me article snu _ _ aud __ inuil _ ffia evpT --r. Lu — — a i i . will scad “Protect” the suffering capitalist, -------------- --------------- i... 1 friend ...... j iu the £u«t.)_ plants are hardy and good bearers. i to the soaping of the geyser -------- on as- you what you But the wage-earner neyer once ussUt' pay th’ money for: I count of the stimulating effects of' Harney Valley in Grant County, . , , ' FRUIT TREES Latest Varieties true “Protect” the wealthy—that’s the plan— to the name: Healthy, i the soap. You see if a geyser be- Oregon, embraces an area of 2,400 and ornamental shrubs were But let the poor do the best they can Vigorous plants: and Judi­ I cious packing,or all is lost—Labor With cheaper wbissy and dearer clothes, | comes addicted to the use of soap, square miles, or 1,536,000 square planted freely by farmers in the and Time and Monev. Therefore, do For that* the way the platform goes, acres of l.tnd, bounded on every spring; the settings of last fall sur­ Ii Save by bearing iu mind that the great ! it won ’ t go off without it. It will Of the new-fangled republican party! I stilk for months, waiting for some side by mountain ranges, and lofty vived the severest winter (1888), s SOAPING THE GEYSERS. man to come along with a plug of elevations, and is almost an entire- that Harney valley, in fact, East ------------------------------------------ X------------------ soap in his clothes. Then it will go ly level plain, plentifully watered Oregon has ever known. As an A Yellowstone geyser—Are there AGRIgi'LTCIiAL off with a grand hurrah and keep by the no geysers outside of Yellowstone SILVIES AND BLITZEN RIVERS | region it will be readily seen that the racket as the soap lasts. And Park, all others being impostors? u.r sery one of these days some geyser that and their tributaries. The lormer | the Valley offers inducements rare- —is like an anarchist or actress; it has been treated too often will have has its source in the spurs of the ]y excelled. And as a .goes off at the touch of soap. I Blue mountains, south of the John SINGLE 8H0T RIFLES, RELOADING TOOLS, , STOCK-RAISING dont know why soap should act like ; the delirium tremens, and that will Day river, flows a general southerly country it cannot be surpassed, | be the end of the National Park. dynajnite when applied to a geyser. £ AMMUNITION OF ALL KINDS course, past ing don n the center of since its water, grass, and salubri- B ob B urdette . I know two very plausible theories Harney valley and empties into 0U8 ciimate ukes horscg) cattle> MANVFACTVRED UY > Isthe Largest in the World, having to account for it. but as I invented Smiles. Lakes Lakes Harney Harney and and Malheur. Malheur. It is sheep, and hogs throughout the year in actual cultivation not less than GU9 and the guide the other, I re-1 “My errand here to-night,” said a rapidly flowing stream, about 80 (from January 1 to December 31), frain from giving them to the pub- ] a young lawyer to a lady on whom miles long, and contains every kind without grain or any other than KTE-W H-A-VEN, CONW. lie until they have been first sub- he had called, “reminds rue of the of fish including the salmon trout, wild grass feeding, and, when the mitted to the Smithsonian institute, i cry , of an owl.” and other varieties of game fish, i winter is milder than common, I SexxA fox eo-pa.gr© niixB-teated. Catalogua*.j Fcr our knowledge, however, of the • “Indeed,” said the maiden, “and The Dunder-and-Blitzen river, or stock iookg better in earl MENTION THIS PAPER. — 800,000 ACRES incompatible affinity between the | wbat , by , .... \ is your errand here tonight?” “Blitzen, ’ R3 it . is . (shortened x J than in Eastern localities where geyser and the great dramatic ad­ “Courtship. To-wit; to woo.” common usage, is about oO miles they are grain.fed during thc win. STOCK BRANDS. vertising medium, we are indebted in length flows in a northerly di-|ter. and the texture and Havor of Last Fourth, on Union avenue rection and also empties into the].. ’ ^R/.ND RATES: 1 brand on cut, and to that ancient nation of inventors, . - ,, ... description, 1 > ear $10. 2 cuts and descrip­ . F • the meats compare favorably with the Chinese. It ¡3 written in the RondouL a benevolent old gentle­ , lakes. These rivers and their nu- . ., . . tions, 1 year, $18 archives of Yellowstone Park that man, to test a hoodlum’s knowledge merous tributaries have their water the best in the market. The UNABRIDGED. INCREASE IS POPULATION STOCKMEN! u child of the Flowery Kingdom, of history, said to him: sheds within the county, and the THE OLDEST, STANDARD AND BEST. “ft" ■ h-*r\ my boy, if you tell me lakes having no outlet, serve to fur­ during the past two year: has been wearing the usual smile upon his IS THE LARGEST. ¡T^rinai most desirable- ¡.IsnAnr childlike face, and hiB shirt 4 MOST RELIABLE VNUBRIDS ti. m an a«.ricuitur»!.t^gion, viz: I msn su NURSERY his trousers, cam* • ’ ’ OICTI0NA» ITSELF , _ ’ . i pper j dep< ndence Day, I will buy you GROWING STOCK tl small ifmief whose industry whole valley • ’ ^.-iSTlsh a laundry, two pc kugea of fire crackers.” FOR THE WEST. LAKES IIAIINEY MALHEUR I produces the beit of gri.m, stock, 3000 more Word« and nearly 2000 more Illus­ lucre was enough h"4 v.u-, . “’Pon yer soul! Dots yer mean rnvr ” «n « VMa j trations than any other American Dictionary. of more than 150 j anj iiving. The houses and barns, ifier" to run a fesidcntial cam- ! it ?” cried the boy, whose square nnles, an i a 5 coiiiiectca x,_, . are frame; corrals and Among the supplementary features; original with Webster's Unabridged and unequaled for sparkled at the prospect. paitr> concise and trustworthy information, aro a^hanne1 about 20 yards wide a»'1 i other enclosures rail, and wire fenc- He pitched his tent over a ther- “Yeg, I mean it. If you tell me, 20Q yards long. They receive the ■ A Biographical Dictionary . - _ . , : ing; abundant water supplies from jr.al spring, wrote his name in weird i will keep my promise,” rep]LwJ waters of both Silvits and Blitzen i wells of living water, which is ' The time to gather in missing animals hss Containing nearly 10,000 names of Noteworthy j come round. Place your brands before the Persons, with their nationality, station, profes­ characters upon a sign board, and the old gentleman. i public so your interests may be duly protected. rivers, but have no outlet and never ' reached at a uniform deprii of 6 to sion or occupation, date of birth and death, ; Mark your main brand on this cut (cattle, when the raiment of the native and (if deceased), etc., “Well, dr-, yer might as well be overflow. Being situated on a level ’ horse, or sheep), ns you wish it to appear, and 15 feet. BUY OF THIS HOUSE: , send us an order for publication, by tilling out pilgrim camo in, ho chucked the, i ff'V.lii' dor change for de fire-craek- plain, and having low shores, these A Gazetteer of the World i the following blanks: MAIL AND RAILROAD FACILITIES Of over 25,000 Titles,locating and briefly describ­ whole* invoice into the bubVAng! I crs. Its cause de Americans licked lakes have not such picturesque Name............................................................................ ing the Countries, Cities, Towns, and Natural spring; then he thr;*. jn a bar of der Britishers so bad wid pitch­ scenery as Crater Lake, to recom­ Harney valley has a tri-weekly I*atu res of every part of the Globe, and Postoflice...................................................................... The Explanatory and Pronouncing Vocabulary of the names of soap and oinijcd to see the great forks an’ Gineral Washington, dat mend them to tourists, but their mail-service from the four points of Animal, whether horse, cattle, or sheep .... APRICOTS, the compass, there being a general Noted Fictitious Persons jorgss that upheave mountains and der Britishers had to swim home.” value to farmers is inestimable. ..................................... distributing office at Burns. Ship­ CHERRIES, *nerintend3nt crop otr the Right ear: UOder elope in the Left will blacken, soften and keep cool enough to make covering de ­ ear. from Rottlnaz, your Harnees and Jepson: Yes, criticise me. Tell Law, of the Northern Pacific, and ■oaaaa Buggy Tops. Goes farther and sirable—in fact, one can sleep un- for the fact is self-evident. The in- $1.000 worth was Shipped less work to apply than any oth­ "S-wre»ch" on the Left thigh. General Manager Waters of Yellow­ me what your honest private opin­ : der cover comfortably the year vition to come among us and settle : er Dressing. CUARARTEED t© TO do all that Te claimed for It when is particularly extended to the in- ! Range Grant andMelhetirconnUea stone Park Aesociation. Their title ion of me is. That’s whsfl want. | round. used as directed. • Bev. are of Im­ P O. addreee: Bum.. Giant ca., Oregon Jobson: Jepson, you are six feet TIMBER.---- SAW-MILLS. itations and see that our trad© dustrious of all classes of farmers initials came in on a flat car. mark la ©n the can. Ask four HUNTINGTON, OR. two and 1 am five feet four — and There is no timber in the valley, and stock raisers. Tho great men walked up to tho £ K ft A I »Ill W rive ITnndrrd Dollere for Harness maker for It, and IT he VW VW the «mt and coBriclIouof enr ner- has not got It send us your name yon want me to tel! you my honest, ’ except along th«* water courses, there Beehive geyser, which had been a-.n or germ.re. killing or .cello a any of thy and wo wlI ehlpyou a samplocan being a light growth of birch, and stock of the above brand or belonging thereto. FREE, you to pay Expreesag©. sulky for more than a week. Thc private opinion of you? No, «¡reel an unusually large, heavy growth The attention of the citizens of CANTON PAINT & OIL CO I ’ m no fool! time of the great men was too val­ the Harney country is called to the of wijlows. But • the adjacent Melrose, Mass. STRAY STOCK! uable to waste in waiting upon a Book agent' Madam, will your mountains arc heavily timbered statesments in the above article, VAMPIRC k * *CK A XT. onc l>«vineT<>«t any of the following de with fir. pine, juniper, mountain- and if any one has cause to believe common geysez. They soaped the dog bite? WATE^ROOF BOOT MO U •RESSHN. Btork r*n learn of their whervohtnita ; Call at this Office and order, or 4*.rnbed mahogany, etc. Saw-mills are lo ­ by calling at thia olllce and pal ing for thia ad- Absolutely proof aga »st on« Beehive! It went off, grandly. So v«rt Item ent. • wntor, ana will keep ♦ e loath Madam: Wall, I reckon ho will! cated in the pineries, and the lum­ there is exaggeration, or that we address the following-named 1 BLACK MARE with he’.I oq ; brand on left soft and pliable. Pn yrtCof ¿id the groat men, ignobly. A pri­ •honi ler "Three-M Ira-of a-8quare." or a> a-irf Doctor's bills. Ai a your Bo Agant: Would you have the good­ ber, which is of the best quality, are in error on any point made, he ! Square «.pen on left Okie. »nd Shoe doaler for It. vate soldier of the >[ company ar­ ness to speak to him? sells much cheaper than in the will confer a favor on editor and 1 HAY HoRR&wtth collar and «addle mark« GEO. W. CRANE, A brand . n .eft «noulder and left riii CANTON PAINT & OIL CO^ rested them and marclicd fir m be- readers by correcting at once. hat ” elan "f>|. ' Madam* Certainly: sic ’im, Tige!, East ton. IU. Malros«, Mast« THE HERALD. HARNEY VALLEY. WBLIt l i wju W WINCHESTER REPEATS RIFLES, IH One Yt •Six M ot Three J One Ye Herald a Herald a Herald a erald a Herald a Herald i ¿Herald u | Herald u I Herald e IIerald t Each i 10 ceai to sen? i our Fret I latter at copies b space 1 inch WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS.CO. WEBSTER’S LAWDS—MINES I BLACK Harness & Bum Ton Oil Drcsslm bmw VT i risers nenie b or all cha Ir - ÍW menta beat g. repp.ii fohuA tiun ii State