E ast O regon H erald $2.30 a Year. BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1888 No. 89. =Ä- our own institutions by exercising HARNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. a fair election as to who shall oorne E d . H erald : Six miles from here j not Hke that class of W. A.WISHIR1, J- WAT. HUDSON, V. J. MILLF.K. Lakeview, or. Burns, Or. ALL-AT-IIOME PRINT. that. couies rtaillP** in ID gangs; IZHIIPR: Washington, on the Metropolitan 1 immierrotinn immigration that ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. WILSHIRE & HUDSON. Branch of B * O railroad, a town that can be driven into pens and on Harney City, Oregon. LISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY of surprising activity and beauty shipboard, and hired, not by per- Will practice in all the state Courts. 1-tf Attorneys-at-Law D. L. GRACE, has sprung up in the last threecontract, but by bowes, and LAKEVIEW AND BV11N8, OR. years. / At this ‘ ’ place the first log ^e Chinese immigration is very UBLI811EH AND PROPRIETOR. PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. This firm practices in the courts of the Btnte» •e»hin of the campaign, has been mueh of thig g(,rt. ___ _ Verv truly nd before < th« a. bend office. Any ■ ■■ land I ano n*s i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: : Office or other huaineM »Btroet^dtu them will built—30x40, with a tower of logs B enj . H arrison yours, A. J. BROWN. receive prompt attention. e Year .................... Any and all kinds of surveying done on short «r-LAN'D UA8ES SOLICITED. j GO feet high—under which a plat* Months............................................... notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. 4 —5—ly Ah Ben's Acceptant». __ Months ............................. i form for speakers has been erected. e Year (in advance) ....... While Ben Harrison is hiding ATTORNEY, | Here last week the first ratification HERALD OLU» UST: (OEO. 8. SIZEMORE - - B urn », O r . meeting of Maryland was held. The himself away in seclusion, worrying I Id and The Ceatnry, oco year .. Criminal law a specialty. Park was illuminated by miles of brain over the wording of his »a ¿nd 8t. Nicholas, “ »4 and Demorest Magazine, one year 8.¿6 i , Chinese lanterns, and the houses, 10»t®r of acceptance, an accommo- Id ¿”<1 Magazine »-¿J T. V. B. EMBREE,M.D. : regardless of Üie polities of the dating personage, who evidentl3-)ias Id «d C.nde.-.lffiJj-. ;; JjJ JASPER DAVIS - P roprietor . Office at his residence on the east side of Sil­ -DEALER IN— owners, lit at all the windows, fair- a pretty Pre«y clear idea idf>a of the ponder-1 P”,’aer-' ild and Leslie’s PupuiK!' Herald PupuiKf U9«nily • w ... w vie« River, ten miles below Burns. Herald and Leslie’« syu,,.a.yi*'r^‘.\iJ •Mila I ly ablaze. The meeting was ad- o«® questions that are agit Ktng Groceries and Merchandise. Herald and Alden’s Manifold cyclop : Each adcMUonal volume after \ot I, X ***«•• Dr. S. B. McPheeters. dreesecj bv L. E. McComas, who is Ben’s mind, though who is i'o»^nM- 10 cents extra per volume, postage. ( Publishers of periodica!« are solicited PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. a member from the 4th Maryland est to give his name to thq public, send clubbing rates, a tW«.0* tnr Free Reading Room—Ueflle, and bind the /-vm,.« Office M W. E. lUwee-B Drug Stbre. 1-1? district in congress; E. P. Allen, of' has relieved Benjamin of the ardu-1 fjLACKSMIT} Mter «« every halt volume, .nd rey for pies by ailvertisement. Michigan; Judge A Pease of Califor-1 -inalili, UUUgV V>C****W* ®UB d«\y - of writing a too formal J. G. Welch, M. D. nia; ; J. C. Smythe, ex-minister to '!etter of acceptance by submitting ADVERTISl?'^ KATES: □ ffice at residence South of T he H erald Build- « Oto G ino the following: Liberia; and by Colonel Lincoln. wk 2 wk ino iy i- 15 yr 00 ’ VAN. 8. CURTIS, P rop ’ r . 00 »11 00 |5 00 G entlemen : I have received offi- j inch 11 w V? 6 50 12 00 IS 00 xS 00 To-night, from the same stand, I ‘JÍ* 5 00 40 00 24 00 8.00 15 00 Practical Surveyor ’ 50 00 it is expected that Senator Voor­ ’ cial notification of my nomination All kinds of Blacksmithing 3 :.2 oo 6 00 10 00 20 CO 4 50 45 00 54 00 y oo 15 00 ■JM 00 6 00 T. A. McKINNON, l-O.OC SO. 00 hees and J. C. S. Blackburn, and . ' j for I’resident by the republican par- 12 00 16 00 ■2S 0J IS 00 and wagon work. 00 to 00 60 00 110.00 140 00 I thank you for the honor and 20 00 Anv and all kinds of surveying done on shor Representative Mills, Holman and ! - . 1’■ notice «nd -Masonable terms. F»«’ *5»-Libor«l reduction to .11 yearly adver i wishing to be -ocated, can have plate furnishe and loTal "orators* will aldre"»» "the j ac®cpt TSt ,wjth Horseshoeing 85.00 a span. free of charge. t er, Call at Office, or write to Publisher. ___ nr »1.» lo.t tl 'de. I did not seek the honor. | /jp-c’uts ehurged extra, according to space; people. Of course the last meeting i I >ne but metal baae admitted, It came unexpectedly, since grand- I will outdo the first in every way. CANYON CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. Meat Market. we stereotype all our adrerttoeBMMit« ' father was once President, and rcKanges after 1st four publications, $1 each. This is the way the campaign has lightening seldom strikes twice in ON A CASH BASIS. ^^-Advertising in local columns, 10c a line. JFW** Marriage, birth, and death announce- opened in Maryland. C. A. SWKEK, ents free. Such items solicited a« dews. E. Todd, Proprietors. the same place. However, I was It is difficult to understand that MT* Liberal rates offered to religious, social, 1» prepared to furnish all kinds of fresh ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. not wholly unprepared for the shock, ideducational bodies. ■ meats, sausage, otc. Leave your order. such harmonious accord should pre­ ! and will do my best to place you in CANYON CITY, OREGON. NOTICE TO FOREIGN ADVERTISERS. | vail, each party helping the other the custom houses and postoftiees. Saddle and Harness Shop. While respectfully aolleltlue your pMr»n/»ini position 12 extra charge per in- idee, of running for President when enlun. a etandiHg • n. Instead 1 ustead of position positi *“ J* ‘ reader O. P. Cre»ap, ailing attention to ad. each week 1« run in with CHAS. SAMPSON B urns , O r . ings, and the issues discussed calm­ L said what I did about a China­ tai news matter free. ly and dispassionately. man being as good as an Irish­ JOB WORK. ,Red Front Livery &, Feed The republican senators ha ve un­ man, or I wouldn’t have said it. ¡ Has also a fine assortment of Bar wittingly placed themselves in a hew, which for beauty of des I wish to put myself on record by ' something Stable finish is hard to equal. A fine line (and iu a box by attempting to formulate a I shades), of Every stvle of Job Work executed with neat­ taking it all back, because it always ? ness and dispatch, and at reasonable rates: bill of reduction that shall, as they P ropri ETo i W. C. BY11D was my private opinion that the Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters, MOSAIC WARE. Letter (tends, suppose, correct the inequalities of, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Chinaman was a nuisance. Cftrds, Tickets, btatemeuts, Note Head», the Mills bill. It will be ready in _ Memoranda, __________ _______ Dodger«, Etc. Invitations, A CASH BUSINESS AT BED­ As regards that temperance plank faillir Office Offict material. Job Stock, Htereo- ‘ a week or two perhaps. ROCK PRICES. trpinxoutfit, *e.. »re all uew. The mot hanl . typing Outfit, Ac. of yours, I consider it a master- cal department is in charge of printers hied to , . _ri___ __ which k-t«V. 1„ uaaiiKonm, that The possible advantage that the business, is an assurance that taTilprq orders I Is our motto. Good Buggy Teams, and Nice : piece. I can endorse, it fully with­ Beautiful Glass Ware Saddle Horses Furnished at Reasonable Charges will ho correctly tilled. -,---- 1 aaid Particular AttajiiiGu juud to the Boarding might have been gained by simply TUB H erald I s kept regui.rly on file for re- and Groomlngof Transient Stock. Hay & Grein opposing the present biil as passed out telling on which sid^ of- the WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ference, in tbe Geo. P. Kewell News^uoer Ad- [ 0n kfind. _________________________ fence I am, and besides it will catch vertising Bureau, 10 Spruc e at.. New \ vrji. by the House is lost by entering : a good many prohi votes without FRENCH the lists in the same manner that offending the saloon keepers. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. and Cigars-Pipes, and Meerschaum Pipes a specialty, warranted. Oj stere, Sar­ ECOTKSHa. their opponents have so creditable “Protective” tariff is a good idea, [ Tobacco dines, Crackers, nil fresh. Soaps, best done. The republicans have no idea I Mrs. Louis Racine, - - Proprietress. brand«. Yeast Powdere—everybody national : and will bring about »10,000,000 can draw a prize worth from 25c A limited number of guests can secure the how many friends toes will be trod ...... Grover Cleveland ! ■ most to |1. Full line of School President . comfortable lodging rooms In the town into our campaign fund, for the Books, and Stationery Vice-President. ... this * I.. . home. I. rt' .... 1.... supjplic»* IS...4 ..... P. ..II • •• . 1 ■ on, and it is certainly assured that Thos. F ^Havard ! at Tables with all I- kintU of all descriptions. Secretary of State manufacturers are bound to stand . . Chap. 8. Fairchild i of eatables the market afford«. 1-ly Older« from {Secretary of Treasury a wiser bill than that already form-1 W.T. Vilas The Country promtly and correctly filled. 1-ly Secretary of Interior ula’ted'that ha7received the" atten- in for.low waKe« big profits, C. Endicott « Secretary aw . a . vi*. j v. of War »» »»« ...................... Wm. _ Secretary of Navy ...................... W. C, W hitney Contractor & Builder. And now, gentlemen, but one Postmaster General Don M. Dickinson tion of the House for -1 or 5 months, i Attorney General A. II. Garland A. C. WORTHINGTON. cannot now be brought forth in a more word. I am running on my MISCELANEO!'» ADVERTISEMENTS. «TATE—OREGON: Bums, Oregon, i J. N. Dolph. (R) few weeks, and therefore, whatever family record; it is an attribute of U. 8. Senators J. II. Mitchell.(R) .Binger Hermann, (R) Congressman disposition is made of it, it will be 1 our family to be great. Granpa was Sylvester Pen noy er, (D) ^Bstmates Made Governor President a whole month, and I Geo. W McBride, (R) Secretary of State a losing game. Patents. ..... ............G. W.Webb, (D) ==And Plans Furnished. Treasurer have wanted to be for a long time. ■¿pt. Public Instruction J. B. McElroy, (¡1» The fisheries question is occupy ­ Those having work in my line will find it to Plate Printer Frank Baket I : __________ He was a great general and so am Patents, Caveats and Trade-Marks procured, . > R. n tage to give me a call. Willcontract 8. 8trehan, ..... (D) I their advanti Rejected Applications Revived and Prosecr.ted. Wm P. P I^»rd. Lord* fRi (R) to furnish all buildings complete, including ing much of the senate’s attention, Supreme Judges .......... ’ Wm. And in conducting this cam- All business before the U. 8. Putent Office at- $ W W Thayer* (D) PRiuting, and Papering. Terms: As reasonable and it is reduced at present to a I. ? ' 7 j as any responsible contractor. tended to promptly for moderate fet*» and no SIXTH JUDin.tL district : I Office: 1st Door South of H erald Building, tf purely party attitude, the demo- Pal«n F.” iRtrlct Judge .............................. J. A. F er , (R) cratic »ide supporting the President P^P’e believe that I am grandpa, FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Washington, D. C. Attorney................... J. L. R and . (H) g iBtrict BLACKSMITH. and the treaty, while the republi- ' 0,1 n'U8t build lo« houBeB with a county — grant : . G. W. G ilram .(R) j P. 8. EARLY Representative B urns , O r . can side opposes it. coo,n skln Btretched on the outside, N. R M axey ,(K) 1 County Judge J. T. M aul , (D) Clerk ............................ Gen. Black continues to send out and a barre’ of hard cider in cloB'' STATE INSURANCE CO. . N. H, B oley , (R) Treasurer ...................... a. —GENERAL REPAIRING- more adjudicated cases than any PrM'«»b.(but you can have some- J. H. M c H albt , (R) E. GRACE A gent . Commissioners AND H. II. D avim , (D) predecesBor». It is hard work to «h’ng else in the barrel, if you don t Surveyor ........................ . . J. H. N eal , (R) make any pension capital before the ’lke Clder>’ ' °u,muBt continually , .r W. H. GBAY(R) Fherin ............................. B urns , O regon . AMegsor .................. C. H. T imms . (P.) people with such a record staring ^aVC ^e,fear of lo81n* the Iwstof’ E. --------- H ay an, (K) School Superintendent ............. r. *•* 8took Inspector J. LC. C. LUCE, Luvr., (R) ; pFOmpUj, executed. The building lias been en maligners in the face. The satisfactory manner in which the State G. fi.Ce8 r0Ur e?08 when J™ Insurance L akeview u. s. laxd office ; larged and improved and is Dreparcd to turn Company, of Salem, Oregon, has con­ ducted Its business, and paid it a losses, is proven Register A. P. S kkluko , (D) ont ail kind« of blacksmithing on short notice Washington, D. C., Aug. 8, '88. Kln ?'.. „ by the fact that fur the past four years IT HAS Receiver, W. M. To* kmknd , (D) and in the lw«t style. Terms: u««U. J-ly JjTHE HERALD. BURNS ADVERtlSEMENTS. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. FROM WASHINGTON. D. C. THE TOWN OF BURNS GRANT CO. OREGON. AS IT IS VOICED BY THE HERALD. BUSINESS MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL SEE THAT Burns contains 1 newspaper; 1 hotel: 1 saloon: 1 undertaker: 1 meat market: 2 lawyers; 3 physicians 1 surveyor; 1 land agent; 1 drugstore; 1 jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 1 livery stable: t general mer­ chandise stores; 1 hardware store; 1 saw-mill; 1 carpenter; 1 saddled: ¡laruessshop; 1 gro­ cery store. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 reading room; 1 school; 1 church. £4^-Mail a copy ofTns H ebald to Advertise your town. In the East.^MM CASH STORE. ----- THE ANNUAL RACES WILL BEGIN AT----- - G * 1 SHOP r AND A GRAND STAND AND AMPLE SEATING ARE BEING BUILT FOR THE ACCOMMO­ DATION OF VISITORS AND SPECTATORS ! FINE SILVER WARE I I _ _ II THE TRACK IS BEING PUT IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION Programme: PURSER. F irst D ay .—QUARTER MILE, FREE FOR ALL..........•.. . .$100.00 S econd D ay .—SIX HUNDRED YARDS DASH, FOR SAD­ DLE HORSES...........................................................,... »100.00 T hird D ay .—HALF MILE, COLT RACE, FOR THREE- YEAR-OLDS, TWO IN THREE..................................... »100.00 F ourth D ay .—HALF MILE, FREE FOR ALL, THREE • IN FIVE............................................................. »200.00 F ifth D ay .—ONE MILE NOVELTY RACE, FREE FOR ALL, ».50.00 AT EACH QUARTER . . — S... »200.00 1 -1 SB B y O rder D irector ». P. F. STENGER, E. A. STAUFFER, JOHN ROBINSON, ' >Director*. ISA AC FOSTER, J For further information addrea»: J no . E. R obert *, Secretary, Burns, Grant County, Oregon. of the B oard of K Bad Mj U» *•■■» TffilX »<*«»•• I SAYER & DORE P roprietor *. JOB WORK. p ’ e | "> oung Tippecanoe and Levi, too.” RECEIVED MORE PREMIUMS, INSURED MORE HOMES, and different properties, ISSU­ H.rri»on-. chine.e Letter. “Levi, he’s my partner.” I have ED MORE POLICIES, and PAID MORE LOHHEB LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. U. S. MAILS. In Oregon and Washington Territory than any The following ¡ b a letter which never stood in much with the la­ other company. the Rev. J. B. Brant, of St. Louis,' boring classes, because grandpa burns — vale : CHA*. A. COO.irïLL, r. A. CO«»WK14,. Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at « p m. Lakeview. Linkville. Mo.’, claims to have received last said that only naughty boys asso- Leaves Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 a m. February from Benj. Harrison, then ciated with the poor trash. But I’ll AZRO J. CORY, COGSWELL & COGSWELL. BURKS—ClNYON CITY: Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 4 pm. i LAKEVIEW AND LINKVILLE. Or. I a candidate for what he has since make up for that now and be a la- Leaves Tuesdays. Thursday« and Saturdays. received, the republican nomination boring man myself—till after the • BURK*— pminbvuxk : for President. It is dated from In- election. I mean to labor to get A ttorney - at -L aw and S olicitor Attorneys-at-Law. Arrives Thursdays atfiam. 1-ly J Leaves Thursday« at « a ta. or A merican and F oreign dianapolis. Ind., Feb. 254th, 1888, elected, so I can put my friends in • BURNS—LAKBVIIW: And all kinds of surface lumber thoroughly seasoned for building purposes and at P atent .. and is apparently in answer to a th p cn.tom houses, Arrives Wednesdajsat 9pm. REDUCED PRICE. Attorney, Notary Public & Leaves Thursdays at 6 a m, If elected, I will not kill myself! letter from the minister touching J. C. PABKER. tateMtar. Collector. MECHANICAL EXPERT. upon Harrison’s Presidential aspi- drinking buttermilk as grandpa SOCIETIES. did. I won’t drink buttermilk piratione and his Chinese record: Office, «18 F at , N W. W awhimotow , D. C A. C. BRODERSEN,... Lakeview M y D ear S ir : Your kind letter of then. I will keep a barrel of—well HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O. O. F Opinion« given aa to value and validity of i February 28th has been received. I call and »ample it—always on tap. Patents. Meets nt Odd Fallows Hall, every Saturday at Alter lion paid to Infringement 7:30pm, J. E. McKINNUN, N. G. Any b nsincM entrusted to me, will receive ! am very much obliged to you for Again thanking you for snatch­ and Interference*. Patent* for Designs, B bn B bowk . Sect'}. most careful and prompt attention, land mat­ N. B. A Good road all the way. Trade M ufkb , and Labels obtained. Copy­ ters and Collect ion a specialty. Correspond­ the kind interest which you take ing the fair name of Harrison from right* registered. ence solicited in English and German. EDUCATIONAL. in my behalf. You knew me well oblivion, I am in the grand crusade : enough while here to know that I fur office, your obedient servant, Attorny-at-Law A METHODIST CHURCH B en H. H arrison . am no schemer for place, and I 1X1 v IJll 11U1N world dnrlngthe last half Organization exists in Burna, and a ccfin- have not fallen from grace in that Not least ainonirthe wonders of in ven M. A. KELTON. T alking about’busy men who eeuftiry rnodiow house is in wane of erection. tlve pregrees fa a met hod and system of work t bet respect since you left here. ran be performed all over the country without leave their horn»*» early and get Lakeview, Or. the workes from their homes; pay I did vote with the great body of back after dark and never see their separating liberal; any one can do the work; either aex, THE BURNS SCHOOL Preet irre in the marls of the state, and before young, or old; no special ability required; rapt republicans in the senate against children, a man of that sort was ♦al required, yon arc started free; rut this out, the I'. 8. Land office. i-iy Ta a large, white bvIMing. conveniently ar return to US. and we will send you free, some the Chinese Restriction bill, as it is hurrying away one morning when and ranged for the accommodation of both sexes thing of great valne and assistanre to you that la out of town*’ ills Mr«, tan field, teacher will start yon In bmrincM whit h will bring you VALE, OREGON. in more money right away than anything elee in CHAS. E. BOSWELL Livery I Feed 8table called. It seemed to me then to he he found that his little boy had got th« world grand outfit free. Address Taut A , in violation of our treaty with Chi ­ Co.. Augusta, Maine up before him. and wa» playing on P. H. MURPHY A NEWSPAPER 1. C. PARKER, BURN», AGENT. na, and it was a little hard for me the sidewalk. He told the child to I Carefully edited and conducted in the internes LAKFVIEW - - - - OREGON. [ of all is established in Burns. and circwletes in to let go of the old idea that this go in. The child wouldn’t. Man l every part of Hinwr Valley—Tira F.tflO«»- HAY A GRAIN •-Mi«» Hai- lx-ave* BURNS on Mondays and Thursday* at 4:30 a. m. mother aaid, “What’» the matter?” etACo . P.irrland. Maine, and receive free, full subject since. We do not need to n h- w rPh*rs*x. ait egre ran rem A drek haa been fitted up In T n it H enal *» Watchmaker A Jeweler Arrive* atVKI.E on Tuesday* and Friday* at ftp. m ■' ti me!” blubbered the young- !bí>.fiiii!'' ffi... Whwr.. al) tb* .redine perl.*! a* ■- ava ask any body to come to this coon- “Man hit fr-’m A> per day and upward« wherever • her J. *W. BONEBRAKE. pee. werklire, and Oreg.>n ftrwsMfw'rs. are live; you are started free; capitai not required; What m»n?” “That man some try now, as we formerly did, and I star. “ ’ “ laced at the di«». rei of all tovrre of góud Hier bate ma«*e over ia • single day at th!« Lakeview. Oregon. Close connection at VALE with stage for ONTARIO. hire A cordial in-P.Btieu extended Gond Work—Rea» enable Price« work; all succeed 25- ly think we have g right to preserve that stays here Sundays ’ it VAIE AND BURNS STAGE LINE. »