S'*# - *» LAN'» NEWS. I L n this iSiUe riij: H erald gives D iaz has been re-elected Prcsi- j dept of Mexico. , Harrison s record on the Chinese • Cleveland unites the unflinching wumen 1 « Kight« i M, r th«- rrg-KmpUoa I quest.on which is one of the chief iptegrit and fidelit fQ the Co„., Editor. D. L. CRACK B laine is expected to reach home topics of political interest iat I»«»-1 gtitution a Washington with the' Continuing the subject of last ! Aug. 1st, and to immediately take WBBNEBDAY, JULY 18.1888. ent. M e have been careful to give larit and patriotism of a Lin-; week’s letter, I will given few points the stump for Harrison. . nnlv rm Anailv - __ . . _ _ _ THE ANNUAL RACES WILL BEGIN AT----- only snnri such rtmisa facts na as unn can be easily 1 €tdn He is the chief officer of a respecting women’s rights under I t is now generally believed that verified by any one who choses to great nation, not a President who is several statutes, beginning with the Gen. Sheridan is merely being kept Democratic Ticket. examine the Congressional Records elected to office by a party.—North alive by his physicians, and is go­ PRE-EMPTION LAW. por President: ing as Garfield went. of 1880-86. We give his direct re­ German Gazette, Bismark’s organ, A widow or maid over 21 years cord on senate bill No. 71, intro­ and high protectionist. T he laws should be rigidly en­ GROVER CLEVELAND, of age is entitled to land on compli­ forced which prohibit the immigra­ duced Dec. 1881, by Miller of Cali- Harrison would run better if he the track is being put in first - class condition , Of New York. j fornia: and on house bill No. 5804, had not owed his nomination to the ance with the statutory require­ tion of a servile class to compete AND A GRAND STAND AND AMPLE SEATING ARE yice-President: ■ introduced by Page of California, Pacific railroad attorneys and to ments respecting pre-emption. Full with American labor, with no in- l tention of acquiring citizenship, and citizenship is not a requirement, ; and reported to the senate April Depew and Elkins. Morton’s mon­ BEING BUILT FOR THE ACCOMMO­ bringing with them and retaining ALI-EN G- THURMAN 11882. At that time there was no ey bags will also be something of a declaration of intention being all, habits and customs repugnant to DATION OF VISITORS AND Of Ohio. ! restriction whatever on Chinese • load to carry. The big campaign that is necessary in that respect. our civilization.—Cleveland’s in­ SPECTATORS. Any woman who is the head of a augural address. pitfijrïN’TIAl. electors ¡inmigration. Harrison then went 1 fund that Morton will be expected family, though less than 21 years W. II. EFFINGER, of Multnomah. i boldly on record as against restric­ I to collect from Stanford, Hunting­ old, if otherwise qualified, may se­ Till Times-Mountaincer says tion and in favor of admitting ton, Gould and the trusts is one of that Harrison is not the only re­ W. II. BILYEU, of Linn. publican senator who considered E. R. SKIPWORTH, of Umatilla. I skilled labor, artisans aud miners, those weapons that sometimes hurt cure land under these laws. Programme ; A married woman is not entitled restriction of Chinese immigration and as favoring naturalization of more than they help in a national $13,500,000 was paid qn the na­ PURSES. mistake. Very true. Allison, ; Chinese. On the Henley bill in election.—St. ixiuis Post-Dispatch, to the right of pre-emption. A sin­ a Blair, Conger, Dawes, Edmunds, tional debt during June, F irst D ay . — QUARTER MILE, FREE FOR ALL .................. $100.00 gle woman who married after filing ! 1884, Harrison is accused of dodg- (Dem.) Frye, Harrison, Hawley, Hoar, In­ her declaratory statement and be­ galls, Lapham, McMillen, Morrill, S econd D ay .—SIX HUNDRED YARDS DASH, FOR SAD­ D emocrats must organize early, ! ing the vote because he was train- The republican managers will not DLE HORSES................................................................... $100.00 and r.egd up on leading questions. I lug for the Presidency and feared be permitted to put all their ener­ fore making proof and payment, Platt and Sherman, all voted j to fut ther offend the Pacific coast. gies, all their money and all their forfeits all rights as a pre-emptor against the present restriction bill. T hird D ay .—HALF MILE, COLT RACE, FOR THREE- T he whole amount paid on the I There is np warrant for such a con- and cannot acquire title to the land, All are men of clear intellect, of campaigners into New York state YEAR-OLDS, TWO IN THREE $100.00 public debt during the past year is though she an^ilmf husband con­ years, and nearly all of them have 1 elusion. Whatever his fault«, cow- this fall. Their utmost endeavor been candidates for the Presiden­ F ourth D ay .—HALF J(ILE, FREE FOR ALL, THREE $112,900,000. tinue to reside thereon. ' ardice is not e drawn from interest in the advancement of fidence of the people of all parties, enjoy, without regard to the mari­ —Flour at N. Brown’s - the treasury without an order from stock interests, has gained a friend for durjng fhe thn.,. vt,,r, f hc tal relation. N ebraska sent 10 delegates to AT PUBLIC SALES OF LANDS, congress signed by the President, and backer of i..« his own „ immediate IJ ' I the Chicago convention. 7 of whom women stand upon equal terms with exhibitions; and then the visitor at « ,ven •' , ’ ur " nM ‘ and a» Cleveland has taken a stand were railroad attorneys and em­ the coming Harney County Fair «’»»«<’ administration is simply a against waste, extravagance and will see tine speed and great strengh ! guarantee of honest and economical men. and further they may pur- ployees. They had the free use of* , A’M* •” • n-nxw. «4 st . chase as great a quantity of land at the private car of the general min- jobbery, the surplus will continue ¡n ]iorgcg; fine milking and beef government in the interest of all I RKDÜCTD PRICK. TBIVATE ENTRY Pacific, road car ager of the Union T — to lie idle in the vaults of the treas- qualities in cattle; tine wool bear-jclashes of citizens. •ns. —Toledo Bee. Thia car remaned side- nry, ÍDcrcgairm increasing cwry cmry mouth, month, until ing ami mutton points in sheep; Against a first-rate man and a as they may be able to find subject No. 05. “ Urtvo hone«« of congress acre- un-1 fine bring qualities and weight in . , .J ’ lum an. to disposal in that manner, or as tracked until the delegates were two J^aos ntoongr.ssagrt „nd gile ?n the J"* pohey, the republicans have ready to return home. The V. P. is on some measure that will bring fruits, vegetablaB and grain pro- pitted a second rate man and an they have the cash, scrip, or war­ determined at any cost to beat Ihe income to the level of the gov ducts, such a progressive people ’tnjust policy — Springfield Repub- rants to pay for. Thurman, who compelled it to pay II enrt C Corp its debts to the government. ■EDJnent's real needs. lican. A Good road all the way are sure to demand and obtain. THE HERALD M K WHAT YOU WANT RIGHT PRICE. Tile SawMill