LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. J-jEKEKr LAND—FINAL PROOF. I'MITUO 8 tatb > L ax » Orrtta, I Lakeview, Oregon, April 18, 1KW.) NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN that «. F. Hat­ ha of Kiley P. O., Grant eo., Or., haa «led notice ot Intention to make nrool <>u hla deaert lank claim No. 1««, for the HW qr of NE qr, and lx* Ro. i. Hee. «. Tp. 37 8, K. M E, before the Reglater or Receiver at Laaevtew, Or., on Wedneaday. the nth day ot June, mt. He uaiuea the following wltneaaea to prove the complete irrigation and reelatnatlon of «aid laatl: A. E. Randall. W. D. Arnett. Geo. H. -Baewn.eU eg Kiley. Oregon, and C. E. Kandell, of Paisley, tireguu. My -J-J A. F. KNELLING, Register. |7IN a L PROOF. U nitkd S tatks L and O ffick J Lakeview, Oregon, April 18. 1888.| NOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the follow lug named settler haa filed notice of his inten­ tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that eaid proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Or., on July 6, 1888, vis: Walter Parker, H. E. No. 449, for the HW‘J of Bee. 10, Tp. 24 8, R. »0 K. He names the followiug witnesses to prove bi« continuous resldeucc upon, and cul­ tivation of, aald land, viz: 8. W. McMurphy, of Burna, Oregon, Wm. Conatant, Isaac Con­ stant, and Ijewton I ajw I s , all of Riley P. O., Grant co., Oregon. My 2-21 A. F. SNELLING. Register. THE HERALD. DEMOCRACY TRIUMPHANT [Entered m «ecund cl a«« mail matter at Burna, j IN BURNS FKKCINCT. Local News. WEDNESDAY, JUNE «, 1888. In Answer to the Unremitting Effort. I Hermann'« Grand Majority Cut Down to Eight! By the Opposition to democratic supremacy ; in the Harney country, to disorganize the par­ Election day in Burns was passed ty therein, by drawing the liue between ^set­ tiers'* and “stockmen** instead of between Dem­ ocrats and Be publican«, (for the benefit of the in an orderly, quiet way that re­ latter), we publish the following corrections of their weakly orgau's attempts to misrepresent flects credit on the town and the Tua H erald and the epject of its publication: 222 voters, who were here. T hk H rkald is not owned nor con­ trolled by any stockman, settler, politician, or It is a democratic precinct, and any other man, except the one whose name ap­ pears at the head of the paper as its editor, pub­ is looked upon as the stronghold of lisher, and proprietor. T he H kkald belongs to no men, nor set of that party. men, therefore, works for no monopoly, corpor­ ation, clique, or ring. The saloons now operating were Tux H erald is neutral in nothing—indepen dent in all things, and straight-out democratic dosed, front and back doors, in ac­ when party lines are drawn. And on all the questions of the day will be found advocating cordance with the requirements of tne right side, aa its editors ere able to view it. law, and not a boisterous drunken T hs H krald is an advocate of law and order: of “the greatest good to the greatest number;’’ man could be seen upon the streets, is anti sectional in matters pertaining to East Oregon, Grant county, Harney Valley or Burns. where the merits and demerits of It publishes the latest news for its readers as • soon hh obtained: offers its columns to the op- I tllC SeVCTAl RppllC&ntS for the OulCCS pressed, the prosperous, and every other citizen ! within its territory, willing to take the raaimu- respon­ were amicably discussed by demo­ sibility of his utterances. LOOK BEREU BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. It has been agreed by the citi-1 zens of Burns and vicinity who arc interested in celebrating the 4th of N. BROWN, July in a lively and energetic man- i DEALER IK ner, such as will justify all patriotic [ and fun-loving people irf the sur­ rounding country to come and cel-. ebrate with us, to meet at the old BURNS, GRANT CO., OREGON, hotel on Main street, tomorrow ®ÉF*For Fine Quality and Low Prices, Give us a call. afternoon at 2 o’clock sharp. Let everyone who is desirous of making the stars and stripes flutter audibly and the eagle scream long and loud, be present and add his voice in making a program instructive and interesting to all classes and all ageB. Do not fail to lie present to­ morrow. 7th, at 2 o’clock, place W; E. GRACE, P roprietor above-named. SIBERIA. MOOT bute» will be GENERAL MERCHANDISE! —All the best and most popular Dealer in brands of whiskies, wines and bran­ dies, as well as tobacco and cigars, crats and republicans, and though flNAL PROOF. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PROP RIE To School Directors and Teachers. many , citizens did not retire till af- will be found always in stock at the TARY ARTICLES, PATENT MEDI­ U V nited kitid S tatks tatkr L and ind O ornea, ffice ,) County School Superintendent II. F. Dodson i saloon next to the post office. • Lakeview, Oregon, > has appointed David L. Grace Deputy for this i ter 1 O clock a. Hl., when the judges April 18. 188») CINES, FLAVORING EX­ part of Grant county. Parties having business | i . , / . —Mr. Neal brought in a young NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­ to transact with the Superintendent will find and Clerks OI election closed their ing-named settler haa filed notice of his inten­ Mr. Grace at T hk H ebald office. Burns, Or. TRACTS, DIAMOND . antelope for Mr. Geo. McGowan last tion to make final proof in support of his claim, labors, not an unseemly yell nor « P aisley , Or., Feb. 16, 1887. • week. and that said proof will be made before the To Wnou it M ay C oncekn : DYES AND FINE TOILET SOAPS. Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, Because of the opposition offered by the anti­ pistol shot disturbed the night air; on July 5th. 1H88, viz: i moral —Go to W. E. Grace’s drug store element of our town to Prof. Grace’s de­ cheers, of course, greeted the recep­ -------- >------------------ Silas McMurphy termined effort to overcome the immoral influ­ for Confectioneries, fresh and pure. HAIR AND TOOTII BRUSHES, COMBS, 8H0UL. H. E. No.747, for the 8W of 8E*i. NW*X of 8E*4. ences thrown about the school giveu into his tion of news from the polling place. NE‘l of 8W»4 of Section 2, Tp. 24 8., R. 29 charge during the five months just past, we —Miss Lula Harris closed her E. lie names the following witnesses to prove herewith endorse his course as a teacher by af­ DER BRACES, FANCY Here is the vote in full for a pre­ his continuous residence upon, and cultivation fixing our signatures: school at Poverty Center, and visit­ V irgil C onn , j Board of said land, viz: Walter Parker, of Burns, Or., ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, BOOKS AND cinct where every form of disorgan- ,D.| W m . B. R oyal , M. D.> . of I - , * Wm. Constant, Isaac Constaut, and Newton ed T he H erald Tuesday. Lewis, all of Riley, Grant evuny, Oregon. e . l . G««r.N. i^irectorr , ¡zation of the democratic majority STATIONERY. My 2-23 A. F. SNELLING, Register. —Tinware, etc., at R. R. prices haa been resorted to: HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. --------- < -o- >--------- at Stentrer • Stenger’ R. s, Hurns. Burns. P'INAL PROOF. Gearin.......... 107 Hermann . .115 1----------------- burns . NOTICE. 89 I Burnett........ 132 Lord ... U nitkd S tatks L and O fficr J —Clothing, reduced, at Stenger’s, '>, Ilamaey........137 Fee........ P ure B randies , ( \ P hysiclans ’ P re - Lakeview, Oregon, May 4. 188». j 85 1 All parties interested will please NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN (hat the follow Burns. * W ines a L iquors l J SURJETIONS care - Crawford . . . .137 Rand . . 85 ' take notice, that on account of a Ing named settler bus filed notice of his inten­ for Medicinal pur­ ; fully compound - > tion to make final proof in support of his claim, . 60 Morrison . ... 156 Gilham 1 change in my General Merchandise — Sheriff Dore and wife were in ! and that said proof will be made before the \ ED, by Experienc- C poses, constantly I 53 ' business, my books will be bal - Haguewood .168 Gray.... County Clerk of Grant County, at Canyon City, town Friday. Í J ed Pharmacist. ( Or., on June 2Jd, 188», vis: on hand. Sayer .. . 110 Mael ............ 112 ' ANCED AND CLOSED ON Joseph George. —Wm. Lessing, of Harney, was ! Cozad ... 135 Timms. . 88 C.'K. No. 348, for the SE1-« of NKU, N}4 of 8EJ4 ¿«F“J une 1st, 1888. gfM A 8EV4 of 8E‘4, Sec 5, Tp 20 S, R 36K. lie in Burns last week. 85 Creaap..........136 Boley ... --------- < _O_ )------- names the following witnesses to prove his All unsettled notes and accounts 86 continuous residence upon, and cultivation of —Judge Davis, of Harney, was Daley............136 Ilayes.. : will be placed in hands for collec­ said land, vis: C. W. McClain, W. F. Kinj.zberry, GLASS, PUTTY, Me Haley ... 61 McKinnon .159 George Morgan, John Robertson, all of Drewsy, in Burns Saturday. Grant county. Oregon. Da via............ 136 Stewart.......... 80 tion on KALSOMINE, PAINTS, PAINT BRUSHES, My 16-25 A. F. SNELLING, Register. K«F“J une 10th, 1888. —Wm. F. Moffett of Canyon City Knisley........135 Neal.............. 86 VARNISHES, COAL OIL. Dustin..........138 Orr................. 84 I also hereby notify the people that spent the week in Burns. piNAL PROOF. Parker..........119 Vaughn......... 87 from this date we will sell goods at R AZORS and ALL KINDS of POCKET CUTLERY —Mr. Gibblin bought a young Cheatham. . 107 Johnson........ 105 Cash Prices. U nitkd S tates L and O ffickj P. F. S tenger . --------- < —<>— >--------- Lakeview, Oregon, May 15, 1888.1 fawn from the Indians last week. , Burns, Or., May 28, 1888. Hog law, Yea 111 Hog law, No. 11 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the follow- AGENT FOR D r . HORNE’S ELEC­ lug-named settler has filed notice of Liz inten­ —W. E. Dalton, of the Island, is tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the , convalescent. He was in town Sat­ —The largest band of sheep we ' —D. Jamison has made an order TRIC BELTS & TRUSSES. bounty Clerk of Grant county, Oregon, at Can­ have yet seen in the Harney coun­ to erect a residence like J. E. Mc­ yon City, Or., on July 20, l»»«, viz: urday. Kinnon ’ s, on the adjoining lot, fac ­ FINE ASSORTMENT OF THE Otho A. Hall. try passed eastward through town ing the jrest, however. D. 8. N»». 2150, for the HE qr of 8W qr, 8W qr of —Lee Miller, of Canyon City, Monday. BEST SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES HE qr. See. 24, and NW qr of NE qr, NE qr of NW qr. Sec 25. Tp. 2*2 8, Rai E. lie name« the made a trip through the Harney — Coal Oil at W. E. Grace ’ s drug follow ing w-itnesscB to prove his continuous res­ country last week. BE8T QUALITY OF TOBACCO AND CIGARS. —Diamond Dyes for sale at W. store. idence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: * E. Grace’s drug store. * L. B. Hardman, John Stemler, Rob Helle, J. H. XWFRESH NUTS and CHOICE CANDIES. /—Mr. Schlupe killed a fine mule Elliott,all of Drewsy, Grant county, Oregon. —Mrs. Childress, mother of Mrs. My 30-27 A. F. SNELLING, Register. —Geo. W. Farleigh, of Drewsy, deer the other day and sold the G. W. Maupin, is seriously ill from --------- < —o— >--------- a stroke of paralysis. Dr. Embree subscribed for T he H erald this two hams, 44 lbs, at 10c. a pound. C^Priec« aa reasonable as those offered by any other P'INAL PROOF. week, as did, also, I. K. Venator. is attending her. line ot business in this Section. — Money buys Goods Cheap at U nited stater L and O ffick J —You can buy English Cash- Stenger’s. • Lakeview, Oregon, May 16, 188«. i —T he H erald office rejoices in NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that in confor­ the possession of a lively young mere at 25c. a yard at Stenger’s, — Mr. and Mrs. Stenger, J. E. mity with requirements of Hon. Commissioner s * letter “G,” of Dec. 14, 1887. the following named magpie, caught and presented by Burns. McKinnon and Carrie Allison at­ settler has filed notice of hi« inteution to make Am now better able than ever to meet the demands of the country in final proof in support of his claim, and that «aid Mrs. M. M. Cushing. —T. A. Morrison and J. P. Holms, tended the ball at Harney Monday my line, and am truly thankful for the liberal patronage I have received proof will be made before the Clerk of Graut < uunty, Oregon, at Canyon City, Oregon, on —Notice of final proof of G. W. Burns P. O., added their names to evening. It was quite an agreeable in the past, and I well know that the only proper way to merit the con­ July 9th, 1W6, viz: Smelsor is in this issue. Mr. our subscription list this week, and affair. William Wyllle, tinued patronage and good will of the entire public is by fair and impar­ D. 8. No. 9C3, (’. E. No. for the N»f of NW qr, Young and Mr. Smelsor go to Lake­ a number of early subscriptions —Mr. Willard W. McCarty and NW qr of NE qr, HE qr of NW qr. Her. 25, Tp 20, g, R 35 K. He names the following witnesses to view next week to settle a land were paid up Monday. his two sons arrived in Harney val­ tial dealings with all classes. prove his continuous resident e upon, und culti­ claim. vation of said land, viz: E. E. Purrington, John —The best of musical instru­ ley on the 5th, from near Mon-j Robeaton, A. J. Vanhorn, Geo. Caltnach, all of ments and sewing machines for sale mouth, Polk county, Or. They are —Jas. F. Morrison was in Burns Drewaey, Grant county, Oregon. all men of family, the father being My 30-27 A. F. SNELLING. Register. • and Harney a few days last week, by Gilbert. an old Oregon pioneer, and intend but was called home by the illness —Mr. and Mrs. T. Adkins went piNAL PROOF. of bis wife. T he H erald acknowl­ over to Heppner on a pleasure trip making their homes here. edges a pleasant call. —The best bit Cigar at W. E. U sitkd S tat «« L asd Orricx.l Sunday. ROBINSON & DODSON - PROPRIETORS. luikevle*, Oregon, M«v 1", lshk.l Grace’s drug store. • NOTICE 1H HEREBY GIVES lb«t the follow- — Mrs. Amy Dore, wife of Sheriff —12 yards Dress Goods, ♦1.00; at ln, n«inefl »ettler h«« Hied nolle« of hl« lnten- N. BROWN : II jii to make fln*l proof In «upport of bi« clklm. Dore, of Canyon City, made T he Stenger’s, Burna. • «nd that «.Id proof will be made before the H erald a very pleasant visit Fri­ Heririer or Reeelrer «1 Ixkerlew, Oregon, on Who keeps the best assortment of —Dr. Welch is having a neat Fall Supply at July 13th 1S»S. via: day evening, in company with Mrs. Goods? N. Brown. Jam«« Caldwell, fence built around hiB residence, Chas. G. Fry, and added her name 1». 8. No. 2UI. for the SW qr NW qr. NW qr of and thus docs hiB part toward add­ Who Bells the largest amount of rW or, Ker. 2», «nd 8K qr of NE qr, NE qr of KE to T he H erald club list for Leslie’s ing to the appearance of permanen­ Goods? N. Brown. qr. See .9, Tp. M H.. H. » E. He name« the fol­ Lady’s Magazine. lowing witnerac« to prove hla contlntiou« real- cy of Burns. dene« upon, and cultivation of. «aid land, vis: George Bollenbaugl», A. J. Shirk, A. E. lAtwla, Who sells the Cheapest for Cash? —An abundant supply of rain has Kolntrt Dobie. all of Grant eounty, Oregun, and —For all kinds of Stationery go N. Brown. fallen in the Harney country du­ P. o. addreaa Fort Bldwell. Cal. ALSO • My 3B-27 A. F. SNELLING. Reglater. ring the past two weeks, refreshing to W. E. Grace’s drug store. Who has the most -.uatensers? Beer, Bitters and the Best Cigars in the Market. every part of the valley; gardens /—Mrs. Thos. Haskell and Mrs. J7INAL I’ll OOF. and fields are in fine condition, and T. A. McKinnon have the most for­ N. Brown. --------o-------- U nitkd S tatks L and O ffick J the range is said to be the best seen ward gardens in the valley; judg­ Who keeps the best quality of Lakeview, Oregon, May 17, 188».I Drink« scientifically mixed In style and quantity to suit. ing from the size of lettuce, pepper­ Goods? N. Brown. NOTICE 1« HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­ in East Oregon this season. • ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten­ grass, radishes, etc., sent in to tion to make final proof In support of his claim, —It is hoped that stockmen from —Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, and that said proof will be made before the market. Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on adjoining counties will keep out of 5c., 10c., 25c., (formerly 10c., 20c., July 14tb, 1888, viz: Harney valley, as the ranges are —Cash for Goods is wanted at 50c.) at Stenger’s. A First-Olass Billiard Table • George Bollenbaugh needed for the stock here. If the Stenger ’ s. • D. 8. No. 23M, for the NH of 8K‘i Sec. 7, and l-ly Z**!ck ALWATS OB KAHD^M —Buy your organs of Gilbert. WU of sw»4. Section 8, Township 32 8, Range present influx is kept up, large 32^ E. He names the following witnesses to ATTENTION, STOCK-BREEDER«« ! He furnishes the best instruments owners of stock in this section will prove his continuous rcsdence upon, and culti­ vation of said land, viz: William Gass, James • I will keep at my stable, near at the lowest prices. Caldwell, Wm. Buffington, Henry Welch, all of be compelled to drive. Fairplay. Grant eounty, Oregon, P. O. Diamond, Grant Burns, Oregon, this season, my full ­ county, Oregon. —Our friend and neighbor, noted Felllleal SalmaguaSI. My A. F. SNELLING, Register. for her good qualities of head and blood Morgan and Henry stallion, A. W. Waters voted the republi­ NEW TO-DAY heart, Mrs. C. M. Caldwell, left this “Henry.” He is a very dark brown, can tipkat straight. 8 years old, weighs about 1400 lbs. morning for Ontario with her son- in-law, P. F. Stenger, where she and is nearly 17 hands high. No bogus tickets for either party will take the train for W'aitsburg, “Henry” will make the season for were used in Burns precinct. Watch thia apace. Tt Washington Tv., for a visit to her ♦5.00, to be paid when the mare is ascertained to be with foal. When Frank McClintock rode 65 miles ia reserved for the ad­ son, John Caldwell, where we trust she will spend a pleasant summer. a mare is traded, sold or sent out to Burns to vote the straight demo­ vertisement of Wm. Mr. Stenger will be absent several of the county, the owner forfeits cratic ticket. the season money. All care will leasing'« Large Stock weeks. I. J. Haguewood made friends in be taken to prevent accidents, but his quiet, gentlemanly way, of of Goods, which will —To Wm. F. Moffit, that hale, will not be responsible should any all with whom he came in contact. hearty democratic worker, T he occur. T hos . H askell . soon arrive at his store H erald is indebted for prompt re­ I Republican ticket« in Burn« pre­ turns from Harney precinct; also —Good Cotton Flannel Suita, cinct fell short of requirement, and in Harney. Watch it. to genial “Uncle Ike” Foster for re­ ♦ 1.75 at Stenger’s. T he H erald printed a sufficient turns from Currey. supply. FX»R RAI a K. —M. M. Cushing got in from It was generally circulated that I have 160 acres of land situated ♦1,000 of Hermann election money Huntington Monday with a load of promiscuous freight, among which 3} miles north of Burns, Grant was in circulation, but T he H erald was T he H erald ’ s job press. He county, Oregon; will soon be en­ saw no evidence of its work in this had a rough trip and heavy roads closed wjth a substantial wire precinct. fence; comfortable log house; good on^account of the late rains. Jake Johnson, whose name was | well of living water; 3 or 4 acres —I K. Venator called on T he i under cultivation. Price, ♦1800. before the democratic Convention ■ H erald Tueaday. He states that Terms: one-third cash, one-third for nomination for representative, Chief Engineer Eckleson, of the I one year from day of sale, and one- rode over 50 mile« to Burn« to vote Oregon Pacific, with his force, be­ third two years from day of sale; his party ticket straight. gan sun-eying from Crane creek I secured by mortgage on premises. No better judges and clerks of summit a few days since, down Title good. A lso a few choice Dai­ election could have been selected I VALE, OREGON. Crane creek and the south fork of ry cows and other young cattle, for candor and faime««, than the , CHAS. E. BOSWELI. the Malheur, and stated to parties cheap for cash. R eason for sale , gentlemen in charge of the Burns » J. C. PARKER, BURNS, AGENT. in that section that the present sur- change of business. Any persons ‘ . —tiling pfoce, last Monday; Henry : vey is permanent. I wishing to purchase any of the Levens served in the absence of M. the above property, call on or ad­ N. Fegtly —It is reported that a number of ; small boys in Burns were made dress, A. L. S avage , Bums, Or. The Burna’ small boy made him- ■ ¡drunk on beer, greatly to the dia- ! —Paints and Oil« of the best • «elf amusingly numerous on elec-; Leave« VALE on Monday« and Thursday« al 4:30, a. m. I tree« and grief of their mothers. i quality always on hand at W. E. uon day by calithuinpian parade«, i Arrive« at BURNS on Tueaday« and Friday« at 6 p. in. • I that were well gotten up, and en- [ —Just received at P. F. Stenger’s | —The San Francisco Examiner Grace’s drug store. Leave« BURNS on Mondays and Thursday« at 4:30 a. m. ---------------------- thuria«tically carried out by our store, • large supply of country says tlmt it was Geo. P. I»vegrovc Arrive« at VALE on Tuesdays and Friday« at 6 p. tn —A very pleasant dance was en- young America«, who are rapidly cured Racon. Hams. Shoulders and i instead of V. S. Snelling, who di«- Hides All who wish well-cured, I . appeared while on a business visit I joyed Monday night at the re«i-! nearing the time when they, too, sweet bacon wiU find just what they . and of whom no traces 1 dence of Mr and Mrs. Dixon, near will exercise the privilege of citizen Close coo nect ion at VALE with stage for ONTARIO Waut st Strn^Br*. «torr • Rum*.----------------------------------------t *k»p the bar THE BEST WINES & LIQUORS, VAIE AND BURNS STAGE LINE. 4 through Siberia that I should sever be psse mltted to go there «gain, and that after ths publication of my papers no other fersisMr would be allowed to maha inrwUgauoua there, and I lost no posaiblo opportunity to secure accuracy and thoroushaesa. I brought back more than dfty pounds ad notes, papers and original documenta, of the latter from secret Dover archivae, besides five or six hui csp pages of manuscript, prep by political exiles In all parts oil covering the most noteworthy their lives. I can regard the bli therefore, with a certain degree oency. The atablodoor is lock_ , horse ha* been stolen—and I'va got Um.” Mr. U. A. Frost artist and photographer, scoompanied Mr. Kennan, and it ia exported that tbs rmulte of Us work will f< moat interesting series of sictwee «ian and Biborian Ufa and eoenei tade. r BOM SVMMBB LABB. —Weather warm and delightful. —Prevailing north winds for the last month have dried the grass and grain so that the prospect for good crops is poor. If there is no rain soon there will not be a half a crop here. —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster and child have been quite sick the past two weeks, but are considerably bet­ ter at present. Stock of all kinds are poorer and look worse than they did in Harney valley a month ago. The republican and democratio nominees of Lake have been filling the air with pith and politics lately. Buttonholing is the order of the day. —Lake can beat the world for fruit. There will be apples to throw at birds this year—if the right kind. —Foster Bros, are going to Wil­ lamette valley soon to bring out some Polled Angus bulls which they have purchased at Corvallis. These will De the first of these cattle brought to this valley. —Paisley intends to celebrate the 4th of July in grand style: three days racing by the Paisley jockey club, oration, dinner and a dance. To the day and occasion, the citi­ zens intend to do J ustice . Summer Lake, May 21st, ’88. BURNS ADVERTI8KMKNTS. W. A. WIUMIBS, I- MAT MUNOS Lak««!», Or. Barna. Or WILSHIRE & HUDSON. Attorneys-at-Law LAKEVIEW AND BURNS. OK. Thia arm practice« In th« rowrt« ot th« Stata, aad trafora lha U. S. Land OB««. Any Land OBc« or othnr huiln««« «nlrwtad to theta, will recaira prompt attaatfon. W*LAND CARER SOLICITED ATTORNEY. GEO. 8. SIZEMORE - - B urns , O r Criminal law a apecialty PHYSICIAN & BURGEON Dr. S. B. McPheeter« Gradaat. ot low« state U al ««rally. rasp««« fully offer« hl« prateael»nal «er»Ire« to tha elll «•M of Hurn« «ad «urroandlni eoaatry. Calls aniwarad •< «II hoar*. OBca at W. E. Grwes's Ora. Mor* J. 0. Welch, M. D. Offer, hl» profeeaional «arriéré to th. rlllaana ot Burn» and rletnlty OBe« M realdaaea st T ub H bbalo Bulldins l-y Carpenter and Plumber W. A. RODIFER. Orders lor Paintint. aleo. *111 ha «killfelly aad promptly «»•< Practical Surveyor A. L CONNOR Any and «11 liada M «Brrorte« D m « WM .«FBte^JI«