THE HERALD, C anada is the mpui thinly popur luted of all the countries of th«- woyld, having only 1 person foeach square mile. The >no«t densely pop­ ulated is India, which has 311 to the square ipile. The United State, has an everage of 13 to the square mile. Our most densely populated state is Rhode Island, which has 254 to the square mile. Next comes Massachusetts, with 221, and New Jersey with 1. Our most sparsely populated state Nevada, with 0.3 people to th« square mile, and Ore­ gon with but 0.9.—Ex. P. E. GRAX'JC........................................... Editor JMO. K. BOPKRTB. • Assoclate Editor WEDNESDAY JUNE «. IMS Gov. L- F. G rover has returned to Portland._ O ver 2,000 emigrants landed in New York May 20th. T he Walla Wall« Waua is solic­ ited to send T he H erald a sample Copy. ,____ LATEST ELECTION RETl'RNH. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. Following are the latest return« THE TOWN OF BURNS received before going to press, giv­ GRANT CO. OREGON. ing the majority of each candidate AH IT IH VOICE!» BY THE HERALD. by precincts. We will give a tabu­ lated statement of the entire vote BUSINESS MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL SEE THAT cast by precincts as soon as the Burn« contains l ~___ «hotels: 3 saloons: 1 undertaker; 1 meat market; 2 lawyers. I physician.: I returns come in. •urveyoTlland agent: 1 drng.tore; 1 Jeweler; 1 blark.mlth; 2 livery atablea: 2 general mer- B urns : chandlae atore. 1 hardware .tore; 1 mw mill; 1 carpenter; 1 Mddk A harnea. .hop. Also, Hermann, majority, 8; Burnett, 1 Odd Fellow» lodge; 1 reading room; I school; I church organisation. Mall a copy ol T«« Hasan» to Irlend. In the Ea.t Advertise your town. <» 43; Ramsey, 52; Crawford, 42. Morrison, 96; Hague wood, 115; Mae), 2; Cozad, 47; Cresap, 41; Daley, 50; McKinnon, 98; Davis, 56; Knisley, 49; Dustin, 54. For precinct officers, J. C. Parker was elected for justice of the peace over J. M. Vaughn by 32 majority, and H. E. Cheatham was elected constable over W. W. Johnson by 2. Against hogs running at large, 111; for saipe, 11. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE TOWN OF LAKEVIEW Lake Co., Oregon. AS IT IS VOICED BY ITS LOCAL NEWSPAPER & THE HERALD. BUSINESS MEN »broad Mt that LAKEVIEW, Lake co., Or., contain.: 1 ««wspapoe: Z botela: arocer 2 saloons; 1 brewer»; 1 undertaker; 2 laundrlea; 1 turnltur. atore: I «hoe shop; 1 meet market 4 lawyem: Spby.lclau.: 1 surveyor; 1 land azent; I dentist; 1 drugstore; 1 Jeweler. 1 wZXika; ZbZrneX ihopa; 1 liver, .tab!.; 1 bakery; 3 ..».nd merebandta. atoj«; I house: 1 milliner .hop; 1 real etale azont; 1 sawmill. Also, 2 Maaonle lodge.: I Good T.ia plar lodge; » odd Fellow.'lodges;! United Working Men. lodge. HARDWARE AND CROCKERY AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS T he order of United Workmen is Jess than 20 years old and nqipbers W hile tbe democrats will proba­ 250,000 members. bly nominate President Cleveland O n June 1st, Gei). Sheridan was by acclamation for a second term, LAKEVIEW, OREGON H. SCHMINCK ■io better. No hopes were enter­ [ the first ballot at the republican convention will look as if it had tained for his recovery, been shaken out of a pepper-box. F uller , the nominee for chief —State Rights Democrat. justjee, has been jn San Francisco CURREY : BEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS & CIGARS ALWAY8 ON HAND. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, O ne of the secretaries at the pa business the past few weeks. Gearin, majority, 10; Burnett, White House, who has served there HARDWARE, TINWARE, QUEENSWARE, —MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE.— J ohn L. S ullivan has purchased 5; Ramsey, 4; Crawford, 4. during the administrations of four a one-tl)jrd interest in Doris’ circus I GLASSWARE AND, ALSO, CROCKERY, Morrison, 7; Haguewood, 15; Farmers need not incur the expense and delay of sending off for Presidents, including Cleveland., and wifi travel with it this season. Mael, 5; Cozad, 4; Crekap, 4; Da­ * BOTH TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Agricultural Implements, as this House keeps a full stock at Fair told me recently that the latter Prices. Citizens will find here as complete a line of Hardware and T he lawyers are holding a con­ spends more hours in studying bills ley, 4; McKinnop, 4; Davis, 4; GROCERIES, NOTIONS, & SCHOOL 8UPPLI E Crockery as in any other establishment in this section of country. vention in Washington. D. C., to which are sent to him by congress Knisley, 4; Dustin, 4. All of which he offer, at Loweit Price., for £W Caeh Only. HARNEY—NO. 1 5 g^-TINWARE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS MADE TO ORDER. CALL AND SEE GOODS. form a National Bar Associatioq. than his predecessors spent min­ Gearin, majority, 11; Burnett, 8; utes. He takes nothing for grant ­ The bill establishing a Depart­ Ramsey, 10; Crawford, 6. ment of Agriculture has been fa­ ed, and will receive nobody’s as­ Morrison, majority, 9; Hague- vorably reported by the senate com­ surance as to the merits of a bill wood, 17; Mael, 31; Cozad, 8; until he has given it study himself. mittee. _____ Cresap, 1; Daley, 20; McHaley, 51; L eland S tanford has sailed for Every bill laid before him must be Davis, 34; Knisley, 8; Dustin, 9. Europe, having been ordered by his accompanied by the reports made For precinct officers Loggan was 20 Mile« South of Eakevlew. physician to take his wife abroad upon it in each house of congress, elected justice of the peace over and by all the information touching for her health. Brierly by 53, and Alberson for L akeview , O regon . A. SNIDER it that can be furnished by the ex­ T he new cruiser, “Baltimore,” ecutive department within whose constable over Buckland by 22. HARNEY—NO. 2. PAYS HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR GRAIN. will be launched July 4th, with ap­ jurisdiction it comes. If ip his Hermann, majority, 9; Lord, 3; propriate '¿erfcmonies, and chris­ opinion it is all right, he signs it; if This Mill is in fine condition for turning out Superior Work. !■ in charge of a Firat-claaa Miller. BURNS, OREGON. Fee, 3; Rand, 3. GEO. McGOWAN tened by Mrs. Cleveland. not, all the influences of the capitol Gilham, 1; Haguewood, 9; Sayer, O n May 22d, President Cleveland can’t stop his veto. He usually fWTWE GUARANTEE OUR FLOUR. 3; Timms, 3; Boley, 3; Hayes, 3; signed the bjll creating the Harney keeps well up with congress in his Agent for Stavcr & Walker, wholesale dealers in McHaley, 17; Davis and Stewart, land district, it only remains for work upon the bills, and has them tie; Knisley, 7; Orr, 1. Tbe Highest Price, will be paid tor Wheat. Highest Rat., will be paid la .xchaog. for him to locate the land pflicc and ap­ sjgqcd or vetoed early in the ten Against hogs running at large, point the officers. days allowed by the Constitution af­ OATS, WHEAT, AND BARLEY. 21; for same, none. T exas has completed »nd for­ ter their receipt. Occasionally he DREWSY. WAGONS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES, mally dedicated her new state cap- receives a batch of hard cases that Gearin, majority, 4; Burnett, 4; C all and S ee for Y ourselves before T rading E lsewhere / itol- It is built of red Texas gran­ have bothered congress, but finally Rarnsey, 3; Crawford, 3. ite, am) is next in size to the na­ got through. Then it is that he Morrison, 4; Haguewood, 7; Mael, l-ly tf* A gent fob F ireman ’ s F und I nsurance C ompany . summons Dan Lamont, drives out tional capitol. 13; Cozad and Timms, tie; Cresap IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. to ‘Red Top,’ shuts himself and his T he senate has passed the House secretary out from the world, and and Boley, tie; Daley, 21; McHa­ bill establishing a department of makes a day of it. The result of ley, 2; Davis 2; Knisley, 5; Dus- labor. As some trifling amend­ such an expedition is usually two tin, 3. ments were made, the bill will have vetoes to one approval, and the 4 Card from Judge Meador. The Finest To Be Found in the Lower Market to go back fo the Hmjso. anxious claimants have come to STATE AGENT FOR CAPTAIN JOHN MULLAN, The following card, which fully O regon , C alifornia , N evada , A ttorney & C ounselor at L aw , look upon ‘ Red Top ’ as the burial B laine has written another let­ F. P. LANE LAKEVIEW, OREGON. sustains the statements of T he and No. 1310 C onnecticut A ve , ter, in which lw again declines to place of all their hope«.—Washing­ H erald in regard to Mr. McKin­ W ashington T v . W ashington , D. C. bp a candidate. The letter was re­ ton Letter. non’s action in the road-change Dg-SENATU* OHOVCn. ceived wjtji scoffs by democrats, matter, was not received till Tues­ Lafayette Grover, who was a U. day after election : pad incredulity by tho republicans. 8. senator from the state of Oregon Special attention given to .11 clauc. of Public .nd Private Land Claim.; procure. United This Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offers courteous service to every Guest. E ds . H erald : In regard to the States Patents for Mineral and Non-Mineral Lands, and Inventions; secures Pensions, T he democratic delegates from from March 5, 1887, to March 4, statement that is going the rounds, Bounties and Land Warrants; prosecutes Claims of every kind against the United States. California, Oregon and Nevada ar­ 1883, visited the senate chamber Fees reasonable. Ordinary inquiries promptly answered without charge. Correspond­ that T. A. McKinnon did not notice ence solicited with survivors, widows, or heirs of those who served in tho rived in St. Louis Juno 1st. They this morning, having just returned a certain road petition from Harney were the first on tho ground, and from Europe. It was his first visit valley at the last session of county M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . are solid for £le?r.elaiul and Thur- since his term of office expired, and court, and made the remark that MEXICAN WAR, jnan, received a very hearty greeting the road was of no use to any one, And who, if they have not received the same, are now entitled from the United States to 160-ACRK BOUNTY LAND WARRANT—3-MONTH8 EXTRA PAY-AND SERVICE TO from the men who jvero formerly you may say through your paper, Pension, if dependent upon their own labor, or who are 62 years old. And with the sur­ L etters have bpen pouring in bis collègues. Mr. Grover is a tall, vivors, widows, or heirs of those who served in any of the various upon tho senators lately urging the spare man, with iron-gray hair and over my signature, that I heard no confirmation of Fuller as chief jus­ beard, blue eyes and prominent remark of that nature from any one INDIAN WARS tice. Many are from prominent re­ nose, lie is a lawyer and real es­ of the board—the petition was re­ jected for informality only. I fur ­ publicans who consider (ho senate’s tate dealer in Portland, apd a man Prior to March, 1866, and who, If they have not already received Mme, are now entitled action in the matter injurious to the of considerable means. While a ther say, there has never been any to receive from the U. S, a 160-Acre Bounty Land Warrant. Those to whom were issued business come before the board in a Bounty Land Warrant for less than 160 acres are uow entitiled to receive one for the ad* party. senator he took little part in the the last two years, in my judgment, ditional acreage. 26-tf < proceedings anc sppatc, will possession of tho White House, T. H. M eador . the second of George Ken llad the democrats in nil the states tration in securing the making of give the farming interests a voice Prairie City, Or., 5-29-88. nan's illustrated papers on I Biberia and the Exile By»- the Chinese treaty, and the fact that in the cabinet councils of the nation. acted as firmly as Mr. Grover did. Harneas, Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Látigos, Whipe, Cinches, Chaperajoe. Nono bul tho i tern, which are attracting Mr. Tilden might have been inaug­ G odey ’ s for June is an entertain­ its ratification crowns the achieve­ | such wide attention. The N 'article, aro being exten­ C alifornia claims to |iave the urated- At the time of the Presi­ ing number, containing several new ment of this administration that is sively copied into foreign banner democrat of the Union. He dential election in 1876, Mr. Grover lace and other fancy work patterns, the most important in its relations Best of California Leather used. Satisfaction Guaranteed. paper», among others tbe traveled from Bodie to I?PB Angeles, was governor of Oregon. After the fashions and stories. Among the to American industry, and to the organ of the Russian lib­ PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. a distance of 1,800 mile«, at his own election there was a dispute as to latter are: “Miss Dorothy’s Mis­ integrity and progress of our civili­ erals, published at Geneva, by whom they l-ly «re very highly commended. expense, to attend the state demo­ eligibility of one of the republi­ take,” additional chapters of the zation. The party whose principles In this June number Mr. Kennan give, an account of his visit to the for­ cratic convention, to which he was can electors, because he held a com­ /Representative from Raccoon,” and devotion to them have deliv­ Interesting warding prison at Tiumen, where he found a delegate, tp vote for a solid dele­ mission as a postmaster. G ov. Gro­ and the conclusion of “A Battle for ered us from the Asiatic plague has double tho number of prisoners confined there was room for. ver, therefore, promptly gave a cer­ a Birthright," “A Novel Remedy,” acquired a hold upon the esteem of than gation for Cleveland. In reply to a question from Mr. Kennan tificate of election to the man who etc. ns to how many prisoners died during tbe the American people that will not H. R. SCHLÄGEL L akeview , O regon . year, the warden replied: W ork is being pushed vigorously recejyed the next highest vote. be weakened.—Portland World. “ About three hundred. We have an epi­ F rom a letter received in this on the Hepner branch of the O. R. This man happened to be Patrick demic of typhus almost every fall. A prison so overcrowded can not be kept A N., and it is believed that the Cronin, who at once became cele­ city last Sunday from Burn«, Grant Catholic Sentinel: clean, and sa for the air in the cells, yon The railread bridge is rapidly ap­ know now what it is like. The local author­ road will be completed by August. brated from one end of the country county, we learn that grasshopper« Prepared to do AU Kind, ol Work In th. Blscksmlth line. Homo .bostas nt IZ.W *ot ks*4. here have again and again ur,.ed tha There has been some trouble about to the other as a posse ssor of a very are a« thick in Harney valley as proaching completion and will soon ities Government to make adequate pi ovision be ready for the pnssage of cars. It they were in Kansas. The settlers for tbe large number of exiles crowded In­ right of way, but that has been ad-1 large and very red nose. “Cronin's to tho prison during tbo season of naviga­ justed. The Hepner people have I nose” became a standing joke, and are greatly alarmed for the safety of will be some time before the wagon tion, but thus far nothing has been done be­ their crops, and cattle men fear a roadway will be finished, yond the building of two log barracks.” agreed to furnish the right of way. he appeared with it before the elec­ ^-BUGGIES, WAGONS, ET C.,-> In the overcrowded women's prison Mr. devastation of the range from these toral commision. The democrats The market is now fairly sup- Kennan says he found no criminals—all of I t seem« that even Blaine’« last voted that Grover and Cronin were pests. It is to be hoped that the tho occupants were voluntarily going Into hade to order with NEATNESS, and of good quality . with Oregon strawberries, and banishment with their husbands. letter in not considered by his right, but the republican majority grasshopper visitors will conclude plied nk, j v>,n.Li ir» I nil. to make ‘ t heir visit very brief.-Ba- shipment» are being mad. to friend« as n positive to run 1 decided that the ineligible postmas- ALL WORK WARRANTED. ker City Democrat. ' forn,B- if nominated. The ..... , 1 ortland News - i ier teI? « H eiecwon «Jecüon «nouia should «tana, stand, aiju ai)d me the This is news to the Harney peo- Palouse City has been almost en- predict« hi. nomination, awl that j three o v.,te.werec on.equent- Olr. n Trial a. Sela, ia Ballerina A SrM rlaa. G«nSmith work. In eonnaetlon with th. »ho» V _ — ill k. be — a — candidate. —. — . 1 2 .1 _ A rT't __I he will The News ,h<> ,en. ple, Bro. Democrat. tirely destroyed by fire. Loes, S25O- practically that Blaine’. - ate Mr Grov„.g<, T hk House has passed a resolu­ ■000; insurance. 175,000. declining is for the purpo.e Qf 4«'! u