H erald b Y j RNS, Vol. 1 —No. 28 y GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1888. -------------------------------------------- coxmtrv will have its little boom from W ashington , i >. c . BERNS ADVERTISEMENTS. * r » I * i this summer. Quite a number of . ... , Clippings from our Exchanges. i u i 1 he event of the week was the re­ emigrants passed through Baker . A Nvw«pnper frlutml •■All-nt- ; , . / .i . ception tendered Senator \ oorhees 4 M-e 'rfjpi a / From Luke County Examiner: THE TOWN OF BURNS V. J. MILT/Hlt. I yesterday en route lor that new aec- . ..... . . , i . by the Indiana Democratic Aseo- The E ast O regon H erald is now ’. GRANT CO. OREGON. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY I tion. It s a good country and af- . .. . ,, , „ V T . , . . ... . ,. elation, at W lllard s hall, on 1 hurs- AH IT IS VOICED BY THE HEHAI.1) printed all at home. Til UY fords grand opportunities for the , . .... A TTO R N E Y-AT-L A W, . . . - day evening. Instead, however, of , : • MX I In round numbers, a good raiiu , farmer a»d-Bto*Jtnstration, astlie demo­ chandise »tore»; 1 hardware »tore; 1 saw-mill; 1 carpenter; 1 saddle & harness shop. Also, \\J11 practice in all the state Court». - -tU BSCHIt-f 1VN BATES: 1-tf One year Good prospect for a short hay and Henecd ur the way ot a boom. Here I cr#tic a8McUtiong of Virginia, penn- 1 Odd Fellows Lodge; 1 reading room; 1 school; 1 church organisation. Six Mouth» Mall a copy of T he H kkai . d to friend» in the Fast. Advertise your town. * 1 - . . n __ i .. viauvuwjuimuuuBui * nKiiua. xcun- Three Month» ................ .......................... pain crop, and a large fn.it yield, in. Eastern Drag«* we have an arti- j gylvanift, Maryland and Columbia One Year (in advance) PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. in Goose I.ake and Surprise valley« elc of climate that for healthfulness ! volunteored totaku t 8Welled 1IERAJ.D CLUB LldTi season. . « unsurpassedon the I acific coast. ' (he a8Bcmbu^ until there waB not . Herald and Tho Century, eue year |ë-7ô ----- ------ Émigrant, look with wonder upon. . .. . wpri. an . . , • Herald and-St. Niehnls», 4.75 i room for .all who were anxious to do Herald and Demorest Magasine, one year.. 8.75 A. J. BROWN. From Ochoco Review: the snow covered peaks that lie Herald and Peter» C..ÓO 12 00 3.00 ceived and loudly applauded; but 40 00 M 00 15 00 21 00 3 50 A respectable woman willing to 1* “ from the Willamette valley say crop .'»0 00 10 'X» 20 00 32 00 4 50 4 “ the speech of the occasion was made 6 00 15 00 28.00 4S.U0 54 00 >. col. prospects there are good, but the work and do washing for the com- v .... ---- --- ii - 28 00 I M 00 SO. 00 120 <41 12 00 [by the Indiana senator. 20 00 40 00 •O 00 110 00 140 00< r “ | ground is getting dry and rain will inunity would find Long Creek a The tariff debate was closed to­ ' i.« frontl good place t.n to make nn an linncfit. honest liv- liv­ be needed soon. ___ Liberal _ _________ reduction t>, T- to all 1 yearly ad ver- I day and is memorable for the able WAGONMAKER, Call to Publisher. ing; it is nearly impossible to get I iseis. C„ ” ut Office, or write t- The water in Crooked river and speeches made on both sides of the •Cuts charged extra, — according to »page; - f - r.™ clothes washed. none but metal buse admitted. ”4. .. ... [ Ochoco is as low as it usually is in question. The great speeches of — ’A» we stereotype ail our advertisement» alff^an W. NORTON - H arney , O r . . J Mr. Carter in the employ of the nanges after 1st four publication», $1 each. j . August. the debate were made by Messrs. Advertising in local column», 10c a line. government, has been in town for a Mills, Wilson, Scott, Cox, Brecken­ Wool is worth 15c in The Dalles. «^“Marriage, birth, and death announce­ few days taking testimony to In­ - — <-o-} ments free. Such Item» solicited as new». Despite the efforts of protectionists dian depredation claims, and will ridge and Carlisle, democrats, in fa­ £8^-J.ileral rates offered to religious, social, aiid educational bodies. vor of |he bill, and Messrs. Burrows, 1 and speculators to keep it down un- probably go from here to the North FIRST-CLASS BRANDS MADE TO Kelly, Butterworth, Mason, McKin-i ratrons may re»t assured that an orderly, well-kept house will be maintained, and no [ til after election, it has come up to Fork country. JOB WORK. ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. ley and Ried, republicans, and Ran- ■ wrong-doing tolerated; and the quality of the Goods unsurpassed by any other respecta­ I that figure, and wc trust may still Every style of Job Work executed with neat- ble bu»iness lu our line. ncss and dispatch, and at reasonable rate»: dall, democrat, in opposition. These go a little higher. From the Alta California. Pamphle*», Circular», poatem, gMF*Hae*an Improved TIRE SETTER, with Leiter Head», ’ , speeches taken together cover the Envelopes, * Hill Heads, Card», Ticke’», Note Head», The snow is all out o'? the road on which he can set any kind of tire . Statements, It is greatly in the interest of Dodgers, Etc. IU s ¡talion», whole field of tariff and internal Memoranda, the Santhnn route across the Cas­ j California to have a large popula­ MW^Our Office material, Job Stock, Stereo- -.__. 1. w¿c., r........... are ... ..II '1’1... niechani- taxation, with their history since typing Outfit all ......... new. ... The cades. but there are yet 8 miles of tion in Oregon and Nevada. Ore­ . «. .................. ........... .. of printer» bred to cal department is in . charge the foundation of the government, the business, which is au assurauce that order» snow oir the McKensic route. gon must supply us soon with im­ will be correctly filled. and should be in the hands of ev­ _______ NEAR BURNS, OREGON. T he H erald is kept regularly on 21c for re­ portant and necessary commercial ference, in the Geo. 1’. Rowell Newsj»aper Ad­ ery one desiring to be posted on the vertising Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New > ork. “Peter the Poet” writes to the productions which we will cease to subject. Baker City Bedrock Democrat: “I create for ourselves. The two P roprietors . OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. The proposition submitted by Mr. JASPER DAVIS - P roprietor . have an item of fresh news. The states will be tributary to each Mills to the republicans to come to Keep» constantly on hand a large »tock of national ; stage line which will run between other, generating a mutual prosper­ . Grover Clovelftud President a vote at once upon any substitute -DEALER IN- Vancuucy Vice-President. [ the new railroad at Harney and the ity. Oregon has a climate soft and . Thop. F. Bayard Secretary of state , for his bill without amendment or Chas. 8. Fairchild Secretary of Trerjutry I new railroad coming to Heppner, salubrious by contrast with that of W. T. Vilas Secretary of Interior unnecessary delay, has caused a Wm. C. Endicott Groceries and Merchandise. will go through Hamilton, Grant I the East, and soil that is unrivaled Secretary of War I • W. C. Whitney Secretary of Navy panic among the republicans from Don M. Dickinson ----------------------------------------------- — j county, leaving Long Creek 12 or for standard crops. Pi Btmaster General There áre ........ A. 11. Garland Attorney General the rural districts, who desire to 1 '14 14 miles to the right. This was plenty of arable land, majestic tim­ submit amendments to be defeated, STATE—OREGON: 1 told me by Gilman’s agent.” ber, mineral resources not half de­ ( J. N. Dolph. (11) | and behind which they may justify V. S. Senators } J. H. Mitchell,! R) veloped, and above all, the oppor­ Binger Hermann, (R) Congre»» man [themselves to their constituents fur ' i From Catholic Sentinel: tunity to buy at moderate figures. Sylvester l’ennoyer, (D) Governor.............. i voting against the bill. A caucus ' The following reductions in ' Geo. W. McBride, (R) Secretary of State These allurements are not lost upon G. W. Webb, (R) Treasurer | of the republican representatives J. B. McElroy, ¡D) VAN S. CURTIS. P bop ’ r . freight have been announced: Supr. Public Instruction . the rest of the country, and backed | Frank Baker Slate Printer.......... ’ Lumber, laths and shingles in by a hearty welcofne to the new­ and senators has been heW and the )D) » R. Wm. 8. P. Strahan, Lord, (R) Supreme Judge» whole ground discussed, but the fi­ And all kinds of surface lumber thoroughly Reasoned for building purposes and at W. W. Thayer, (D) All kinds of Blacksmithing s<™>ght car loads from Portland to » comer, they will speedily second REDUCED PRICES. nal action has not been divulged. Chicago, 60 cents per 100 pounds. SIXTH judicial district : what nature has done for the found- and wagon work. District Judge .......... L. B. I son , (D) The members of the house, or a : This applies to both the O. R. & N. District Attorney..................... M. D. C lifford , (D) I ing of a great American common­ majority of them, will accept the and N. I’, lines. New rates have wealth. . COUNTY—ORANT : proposition provided the bill can be also been made on stock-horses, cat­ . J. B. J ohnson , (R) ¿IgF» Horseshoeing *5.00 a span. Representative Joaquin Miller ’s characterization N. R. M axey , (R) killed in the senate, but this is not County Judge tle and sheep in single shipments of J. T. M ael , (D) Clerk of Oregon as “the emerald land” E. H all , (R) certain as there is but a bare repub- Treasurer DIA MON D A DV ERTI8EM ENTS. 10 cars or over, from The Dalles has been seized upon by the East- T. A. M c K innon , (D) Commissioner» j liean majority, and the defection of ' and all points East on the O. R. & T. II. M eador , (D) j ern press, for it implies a land . J. II. N eal , (R) even two members would carry the Surveyor N. company ’ s line: To St. Paul, A. C. D ore , (D) Sheriff where grass grows and water runs, M. I). C ameron , (D) bill in that body. Mr. Mills is con- Assessor .. Omaha and Kansas City, cattle or GENERAL MERCHANDISE. School Superintendent H. F. LnlBMON, (D) and is associated with verdure and N. B. A Good road all the way. i-y J.C. LUCE, (K) i fidant of its passage in the house stock Inspector.............. sheep, $171.50; horses $181.50; to foliage, with sun and shade. LAKEVIEW U. 8. LAND OFFICE: i whenever a vote is reached, and he $200; - D iamomd , On. Chicago, cattle or sheep, J. I.. INGHAM, Register, A. F. S nelli no , (D) All tantes are not the same and it [ would like to place the onus of its Receiver, W. M. T ownsend , (D) horses, >1210. I is a happy promise of the symmet­ ( defeat, if defeated, upon the repub­ A full Line of fresh Good» kept in stock, and ----------------- S. MAILS. offered at reasonable price». ’ 25-ly From Reno Gasette and Stockman: rical development of these coast lican senate. SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP. BURNS— vale : Several consignments of young states that their good qualities so While the scramble for the re­ ! Arrive» Tuesday» and Friday» at 6 p m. CANYON CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. trout, shipped to Winnemucca by compliment each other as to be at­ publican presidential nomination Leaves Monday» und Thursdays at 4:30 a.m. - i express for stocking the Humboldt tractive to a great diversity of on this side of the great pond is go­ BURNS—CANYON CITY: P roprietor . J. C. WELCOME Arrive» Tuesday» and Fridays at 4 p m. tastes. In climate they run from 1 ing on with increased bespattering river, died in transit. Leaves Wednesdays and Saturday» at 4 a m. A Full Stock of BURNS—PRINEVILLE: It is a coincidence worthy of note dry to humid, and in productions of mud and filth, the Plumed [ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Arrive» Thursday» at 6 a m. that the gold and silver mines of they cover the great area between Knight on the other side is chuck-1 Leaves Thursday» at 6 a m. ling over the fact that when the I United States, since the (dose of the the two extremes. BURNS—LAKEVIEW : C anyon C ity , O r . Arrives Wednesdays at 9 p m. The men who traversed the long convention assembles he will ap-1 war in 1865, have yielded almost leaves Thursday» at 6 a m. J. C. PARKER, Postmaster. the exact amount that has been Oregon trail forty years ago were pear cleaner than any other candi­ the pioneers of a great civilization. date named, and that delectable paid on the national debt. Always Kept on hand. Being a Saddler by Trade is able and ready to wore it up SOCIETIES. They w'ere the Argonauts who body will and can do nothing else ---------------- WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH--------------- Reports from California indicate made early California what the ad­ than nominate him. As has here­ Also, a full line of Saddles—the celebrated Stag saddle tree and White HARNEY LODGE, NO.. 77, I. O. O. F ; that things have fallen rather flat. venturous settlers in the Wyoming tofore been stated in these letters, River saddle tree; Spurs—silver inlaid; Whips; Bridles; Harness, etc. Meet» at Odd Fellow» Hall, every Saturday at 7:30 p m, M. L. FEN'WlCK, N. G. I The prospects of a wheat crop are valley and along the blue Juniatta President Cleveland and Mr. Blaine Satisfaction guaranteed for Cash at reasonable prices. g^"Mr. Wei- C has . G unther , Sect’y. very poor and many are discour- were to the commercial Knicker­ will again head the respective tick­ 1 come is, also, EDUCATIONAL. I aged. A man traveling through bockers who settled New York. ets, and all idea of a different state I the state saw twenty teams headed We speak of the Middle states now of the case may as well lie aban­ A METHODIST CHURCH AN AUCTIONEER, CANYON CITY, OREGON. for Oregon. In southern California as a group allied in interest and doned. G. Organization exists in Bpms, -and -a rmn- niodious bouse is in course of erection. the boon» has fairly burst to pieces. progress working out the same des­ Washington, I). C., May 19, ’88. And will attend all such demands. Has also a fine as»ortment of Barbedlne ware­ Discouraged people have their eyes tiny and greatly interdependent. GEXEUAi. m : wh . THE BURNS SCHOOL something new, which for beauty of denign and In Town-Hall in Burns. toward Oregon. The Pacific states are to be another I» a large, white building, conveniently ar­ finish is hard to equal. A fine line (and In all May 28, 2 o'clock p m, the death ranged for the accommodation of both sexes family group like that, with a pop ­ shades), of Is out of town limit» Mrs. Canfield, teacher. Dalle» Tlmea-Mountaineer: of Gen. Phil Sheridan was mo­ Last Wednesday morning [May ulation which will balance the ccn- mentarily expected, from a valvu­ 16th] about 10 o’clock Mr. E. W. , sus of the two sides of the conti­ lar affection of the heart. A NEWSPAPER MOSAIC WARE. Krause, residing at Celilo, was nent. Therefore we say to the im­ Carefully edited and conducted in the interest The California delegation to the! of all i» established in Burna, and circulates in drowned under the following cir­ migrant : If you don’t see what you every ¡»art of Harney Valley—T he E ast O re ­ democratic national convention left gon herald . want in California, ask for it in Or ­ cumstances; He and three others Francisco for St. Ixiuis May Beautiful Glass Ware had been fishing by means of nets, egon; and if you don’t see what you San 28th, in a special car bearing this ( READING ROOM. Cali- want in Oregon, ask for it in P rineville , O regon . and getting down the river near the C. A. GILBERT, inscription: “California Delegation, A desk haw been fitted up tn T he H erald falls, three jumped on shore and fornia or Nevada. office, where all the leading periodical», mags solid for Grover Cleveland." WATCHES AND JEWELRY. : began pulling the boat up stream zincs, weeklies, and Oregon newspapers, are placed at the disposal of dll lever« of good LUer- I Fast Oregonian: The senate has still further post-1 ature. A cordial iuvitation extended? AGENT FOR by means of a rope, Mr. Krause » .... ■ — Union and Baker counties were [Mined consideration of Fuller's num-1 , Tobacco and Cigar»—Pipes, and Meewchaum staying in the boat—which was half Pi lies «specialty, wamated. Oyster». Har- treated to quite a generous rain Sat­ ¡nation for chief justice. DEMOCRATIC CLUBS. I full of water—to keep it from hit­ dine», t racker», all frwh f»oap«. beat urday, but only a few droj* fell on Burn» Club was formed on Saturday, Feb. ’25. ’ brands. YeaM Fawdtrw—everybody The Sharon estate lost a fine I ting the rocks. They had proceed- k bv the Dem