East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, May 09, 1888, Image 3

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memory ,
New York Reporter*« Head Which la
Heller Thau a Note-Book.
Ho sitki:
“It is w< rth while to pause a mo­
ment to consider I he principle in-
r lved. It is as much the duly as it is
the right of Ci'igress to nrflto provis-
l>n for the commerce of the country
li navignblo waters, to construct
lighthouses, to dredge rivers and do
Liat which is due for the promotion of
tile general welfare."
“I Iwg your pardon," was the reply,
••and I lliink I ought to know."
• Vt liy should you know any better
than 1 du?” returned the first speaker,
"I have my stenographic notes of
the lecture in my hands.
You didn’t
touch pencil to paper during tho en­
tire evening.”
Two reporters employed on rival
morning papers were reluming to
their offices from a lecture in an up­
town hall.
During their journey on
the elevated train a dispute arose con­
cerning a certain passage which tho
q eaker had used
••That may all be true,” answered
die first disputant, “but 1 would rather
• nisi my memory than your notes. You
lon’t know what was said without re-
terring to them. You don’t keep any
track of the subject in your mind. You
worked mechanically over your note­
book, while I recollect every word he
••Prove it.”
“I will. Open your note-book.”
The skeptical reporter did so.
“Now follow me closely.”
To the amazement of the former, the
man with a memory repeated page
after page verbatim, not only the lan­
guage but with tho proper emphasis of
the lecturer.
• Oil! I know how you did it,” ex­
claimed the note-taker.
“You have
heard the speech before and committed
it to memory.”
“I nover saw him before to-nigh%
and I never heard him read a word of
the lecture before I went to the hall.”
“Then how did you do it?”
‘•I simply remembered it.”
•Oi! You’ve been taking a course
at one of the memory schools?”
“Yes, it was a memory school, but
not one of the kind you refer to, and
the course of study was the most pain­
ful you can possibly imagine.”
“What was the school?”
“The school of bitter experience. I
was blind the fi st twenty-two years
of my life—stone blind.
During that
time I had to make my memory d >
service, not only for my memorandum
pad, but for my text-books as well. 1
bad a naturally quick memory, and
this cons!ant straining so developed it
that I can easily recollect a whole con­
versation verbatim without a single
note. I can’t recollect what I read so
well unless I read ¡tout loud, as I was
taught to remember through my ears.”
“Do all blind men remember so
“No, not all. B it memory is one of
the faculties which na'ure gives to
supply the sense of seeing, and blind
men. as a rule, remember far more
easily than those who are gifted with
all their fac tlt’es. Well, here we are,
and next time you may accept my rec­
ollection without asking for proofs.”
A Searching Examination Which Called
Forth a Hearty Welcome.
A horseman dismounted before a
lonely dugout in Missouri, and con­
fronting the proprietor of the place
asked for accommodations for the
night. The farmer surveyed him crit­
ically and said:
“Air you selling a cure for hog
“No, sir; I’m selling nothing.”
“Is that so? Well, p’r’aps ye mout
roost in the barn ef that’s so. But, say,
stranger, yer not takin’ ary subscrip­
tions for the ‘Life of Grant,’ air ye?”
“No, sir.”
“If that’s the case I mout let ye bunk
on the floor of my dugout. But yer not
sellin’ ary new-fangled oats, air ye,
that'll perjure four bushels to one of
ary other kind?”
“I have nothing to do with oats, I
assure you. ”
“Wai, this beats all!
I’ll lief to try
an’ rig up a cot fer ye to sleep on, an’
I guess I’ll find room fer yer hoss in
the cattle shed. But see hyar, stranger,
I want a squ.tr deal.
Ye won’t spring
ary patent revolving churn on us ef we
treat ye right, w ill ye?”
“I don't know a churn from a water­
“Now, this is sing’lar.
Ye seem to
be a white man, an’ I guess I’ll chuck
ye in the spar room n put yer hoss in
the barn.
But I want ye to look me
squar in the eye an’ say that ye haven't
ary condition powders to sell; ye don’t
want to flash out ary stove polish, er
French blackin’, er harness ile. Do ye
“Certainly I do.
I’m not an agent
for any sort of a trap. In fact I'm out
here trying to find and arrest a rascally
-dealer in mowing machines who swin­
dled a lot of farmers ^n our neighbor­
“Stranger, ye’ll sleep In my bed ter­
night, an’ mean’theole woman’ll bunk
on the floor. Go in an’ tell her to flash
up the l>est grub she hez while I curry
an’ feed yer hoss.”— Nebraska Slate
An Unpardonable Break.
"Mm. Snvderly, my wife wanted me
to drop in and ask if you would kindly
loan her some reading matter?”
"Why certainly; I have a perfect li­
brary of books she can have. By the
wav. Mr. Seacook, now that you're
bore. I’d like you to see the baby—it',
such a little beautv. ”
“Oh. never mind; all babies look the
same to me.”
"They do? Come to think, I do not
Iwlieve there's a book in the house that
luy husband would permit me to lend."
—Chicago Times.
Meant What He Said.
••Didn't you sav that the defendant
Donovan was a hard-working man?”
a.ked the lawyer of a Hibernian wit-
"Oi did, sorr.”
“Yon know that t» be the case?"
"Oi do. aorr. 1 know any number av
workin' men. and Pa ¿ay Donovan to
be the bavude.t wan av the loi,"-
A Kovel bat a Marveloua Cara for Malar.a.
Two Buuille. That Were WoiHlortuliy Bull,
and Looked Queer.
“It does not take much experience
to guess when a woman is trying to
“Yea, malaria.”
smuggle goods past us,” said Mrs.
“No air. I am no more afraid of
Morgan, one of the women inspectors.
malaria than I am of you,” and as the “If they try to look unconcerned they
speaker waa at least ei iucl.ee tall r overdo it, but generally they are per­
than the reporter, and proportionately sons who have been to Europe on like
broader, hie fear of that dread malady missions before, and their nervousness
gives them away, to use rather a
wag probably not excessive. I've had
slangy expression. They found more
malaria, and I’ve been cured.”
trouble in getting their goods through
“Yea, but a man can have malaria last spring than ever before, but
more than once.”
thought they would try some new de­
“Not if he is cured the way I was. vices and were nervous about it. The
About ten years ago I was living in lady whom I have particularly in my
Indiana, in Vigo county, near Terra mind brought only about half a dozen
Haute. In those days a man was re­ trunks, the contents of most of which
garded as a stranger until he had were duly declared, but in one were
drank about a gallon of whiskey and articles of a description that could
quinine, and shaken down his bead- have been omitted from declaration
h I< a l three or four times with the ague. only by design, and then 1 looked her
I bad a rather reticent ua'.ure, and I straight in the eyes. She colored, and
suppose it took the climate longer to as 1 ran my eyes over her, 1 suppose,
get aequaiu'ed with me than it did with rather a stern expression, she
the ordinary run of men. For I had fairly collapsed. I noticed how badly
to drink about a barrel of whiskey and her bustle sat and how singularly her
take whole pounds of quinine before skirts draped.
When my eyes met
I could get strong enough to even hers again she knew she was detected,
shake myself, let alone a bed."
and followed me to a stateroom with­
“How was I cured?”
out remonstrance. I told her she must
“Well it was a novel cure.
I be searched, and she disrobed.”
boarded with a Mrs. Dennis, who told
“Without protest?” was asked.
me she could cure me if I would take
“Well, hardly,” said Mrs. Morgan,
her medicine. Finally I agreed. She with a smile. “She first said that it
brought a to vol and bound it around
was worth $20 to let her go. Then,
my head bo I could not see; then she :
seeing me grow angrv, she said she
brought a glass of water aud told me
would make it $40. When I angrily
to take my do,e and immediately swal­
told her to disrobe she sat dow n on a
low the water.
The dose tasted like a little ball of' berth and pretended to get angry her­
dust, and as it was going down I felt self, saying: ‘You are trying to make
a sharp pain in my throat, as if it had me give you more.’ When I convinced
her that she must be searched she sub­
been scratched.
“The next morning Mrs. Dennis mitted, although she was twice as
brought a little box and showed me large as I, and one by one the clothes
her medicine. It was a big, hairy, came oft*. Her skirts were made heavy
black spider, alive, and the mate to j by festoons of lace and trimmings. Her
the one I had swallowed the day bustle was home made for the occa­
sion. Its substantial part consisted oi
The medicine this gentleman took nearly 20 yards of splendid silk, heav-
for malaria, may have been eftective, i“’ embroidered in <4<>ld thread. There
but few would care to try the remedy. .vere several pieces composing this
Nor is there any necessity for it.
-»ilk, and between the pieces and in the
Malaria is a poisoned condition ofI folds were 174 yards of lace of various
the blood produced by bad air and ’ costly varieties. Then came several
water, which enter the blood-channels boxes of silk dress protectors and
through the stomach and lungs and boxes of French hooks and eyes. Some
other ways, and produce injurious ef of the latter had been declared in the
fects on the liver and kidneys. It is baggage, and these few' boxes had
cuied by putting the liver and kidneys probably been left out by mistake. A
in perfect, healthy working order.
big mistake it was, for they furnished
The drugs oidinarily used for such
the weight which turned the bustle
purposes frequently do quite as much
harm as good, and leave the system 1 awry and led to the discovery. The
whole arrangement weighed about 10
in an enfeebled condition.
The certain and harmless remedy pounds, and was worth nearly $1,000
for malaria is Warner’s safe cure which 1 dutiable value. The young woman
puts the liver and kidneys in healthy said she was a milliner, and had been
action, when the poison is carried out bringing in goods every trip without
of the system, and the serious effects | difficulty. Her complaints against luck
it engenders, pass away. J. M. Booth, were ludicrous, but it did make a cost­
Springfield, Mass..under date of March ly trip for her, for the intent to smug­
28th, 1887, writes:—‘ One year ago 11 gle was so patent that the goods will
had the malaria—had had it more or surely be forfeited.”
“I’ll tell you about a bustle I found,”
less for ten pears. I stopped all other
medicines and took Warner’s safe said Miss MvQuesney. “It was two
and mounted
cure, and it cured me. This country beautifully polished
is famous for malaria, and I know horns, and inside of each of them were
Warner’s safe cure will cure it ”
fourteen cigars, which must have been
People who live in malarious locali­ the best, for each was wrapped in sil­
ties will find in Warnei’s safe cure a ver foil. I suspected it because the
specific against contracting this dis bustle did not lit—set straight, you
ease. The malarial poison can find ■ know—and when I touched it I knew
no entrance to the system, if the liver it was crooked.”
and kidneys are kept in healthy action.
Several other inspectresses added to
The gentleman who swallowed the the experiences. One had found a five
spider, concludes his narrative in the I dollar bill on the top of a tray, which
New Yolk Mail and Expre/is by saying : was placed there evidently as a bribe.
“I was effectually cun d, but 1 It. however, led only to stricter search
wouldn't take amtlier dose of that than might otherwise have been made,
medicine to save my life.
and dutiable goods undeclared were
found hidden in stockings, between
dress folds and like slv places. The
other day a lady came ashore in two
Some Quaint Sayings with an Lno»is taka­
stifl-looking skirts, which on search
ble German Flavor.
If I baf a bird in my handt I can eat were found to be curtains. Another
him. If he vlias in der bushes may pe displayed a dress which she said she
had worn; but, when each of the front
I go hungry.
If you vhas sure you vhas right go | breadths was found to be composed of
ahendt some more niidouglit slitoping. half a dozen pieces of silk, the whole
Money makes der mare go off on a basted together, it was thought worth
gallop, but may pe she doan’ shtop un­ seizing. Duchesse point lace, lace col­
larettes. kid gloves, dress shields and
til she pi-eaks her neck.
It vhas foolish to tell der sluggard to like articles are found by the dozens
go to der ant. He doan’ go unless you I hidden away where the possessors hope
gif him a free ticket on der street car, | they may be overlooked. Some may
und den he vhas too lazy to consider be, but enough are found to give a
warning to those like disposed that it is
her ways.
If you can get out of shail to-day going to l>e very difficult to get dutia­
ble goods pagt the lynx-eyed inspect­
doan’ put him oft'till to-inorrow.
Honesty vhas der best policy, but it resses.— N. K Telegram.
vhas mostly practiced by ni n who gif
a heaping measure in order to hide der
Pine Needle Powder.
badt fruit at der bottom.
A powder of pine needles is now
Truth vlias mighty und must prevail,
but some folks thrive so wonderfully prepared in Germany, and is becoming
well on lying ash to discourage honest popular for use in baths. A half-pound
or a pound of the powder is allowed to
It vhas saidt dat one-half der worldt digest in lukewarm water for a few
doan’ know how der odder half Ilfs. minutes, when the bath is ready. Tin
Vhell,! like to find dot half which doan' principles extracted act upon the skin
know! Eatery womans knows all about as a tonic and antispectic, and the
baths are prescribed for rheumatic
feefty families.
Money vhas der root of ull evil. If complaints, gout, certain skin diseases,
you doan’ pelief him you go oft' some­ and for Invigorating the system gen­
erally. The powder is also used for
where and lose your wallet
Bring oop a shild in dcr vhay he fumigations in chest affections, etc.,
should go vhas all right but how ish or as an antiseptic a little may be
dot way? Dot vhas where we doan' see placed on a hot shovel and carried
| mit der same eyes.
aliout the room.— Traveler.
When tieves fall oudt honest men get
deir dues—in some horns! If der law-
Doors Made of Paper.
yer leaves any thing for anypody to get
I like to see him!
“Feel the weight of this door,” said
Dere vhas some goJt fish in der sea a New York builder to a reporter who
after you catch some oudt but dot was locking at an unfinished apart­
vhas poor consolation to der parties ment house up town. The reporter
who uefer get a bite vhen dey go fish- prepared to lift what seemed a polish­
ed mahogany door, but it proved too
; ¡"g-
Der buds always come pefore der light for any wood. “It is made of
blossoms vhas a beautiful saying, but I aper,” s-id the builder, “and, while
1 rhat we vhas all after vhas der fruit it costs al>eut the same as wood, is
One big apple vhas worth a thousand much better, because there is no shrink­
ing. swelling, cracking or warping. It
We should he honest efen if we die is c< mpoeed of two thick paper
in der poor-house—und dot vhas der boards, stamped and molde I into pan­
place where most of der honest men els ami glued together with glue and
die. I like some poor widow womans potash, ami then rolled through heavy
to get her lost money back, but may be rollers. It is first covered with a water-
p oof coating, then painted and var­
nobody saw me pick it up!
Break to-day and bnv to-morrow nished and hung in the ordinary way.
vhas awful true. It means dot my Few persons can detect that they me
i hired girl can preak all my dishes und not m de of wood, particularly when
make me buy some more, und it doan' used as sliding doors.”— • Steves and
. cost her a cent
--------- r.
Der wicked man shumps ofer a fence
—A writer in the Kpoch ‘Kinks Eng­
nnd runs off when no policeman vhas
lish girls are superior to the American
after him, but der man who robe der
girls in the knowledge of housekeep­
ridow uad orfan lifs in a big brick
ing. The daughters of farmers are ex­
| house on der avenne, und doan' be
cepted« and the remark is applied to
afaid of nopody.— Detroit Free Press.
the children of mercantile and profes­
In England girls are
- -Al etas paper thinks the morals sional men.
ano manners of Galveston are improv­ trained to relieve their mothers of many
of the duties of housekeeping. Board­
ing. since the Sunday law has been ae
forced for several weeks and a soap | inghouse life interferes with this im
portent matter in this country.
‘ factory La to be started in the city.
It is said that constipation is the curse
of our sedentary life. Well. B randretii ' s
P ills certainly cure con tipation.
It is generally conced? d 'hat rheumatism
come, from acid stomach and suddeu
changes of temp-rature B randreths
P ills have corrected all this and w ill do
I the upper air passages and eustachian it
Chronic diseases are cured by taking
tubes. The eminent scientists, Tyn­
to four of B randreth s P ills every
dall, Huxley and B ale endorse this, two
night for a month.
.»nd these authorities cannot be dis­
puted. The regular method of treat­
The Legislature of Illinois has passed
ing these diseases has been to apply a law making the intermarriage of cousins
an irritant rcme ly, weekly and even a penal offense.
The microscope has proved that
these diseases are contagious, and that
they are due to the presence of living
I parasites in the lining membrane of
daily, thus keeping the delicate mem­
brane in a constant stale of irritation,
allowing it no chance to heal, and as
a natural consequence of such treat
inent not one permanent cure has
ever been recorded. It is an absolute
fact that these diseases can not be
cured by any application made oitener
than once in two weeks, for the mem­
brane must get a chance to heal before
an application is repeated. It is now
seven years since Mr. Dixon discovered
the parasite in catarrh a d formulated
his new treatment, and since then his
remedy has become a household word
in every country where the English
language is spoken. Cures effected by
him seven years ago are cures still, there
having been no return of the disease.
So highly are these remedies valued
that ignorant imitators have stalled
up everywhere pretending to destroy
a parasite of which tbeyknow nothing,
by remedies, the result of the applica­
tion of which they are equally igno­
rant. Mr. Dixon’s remedy is applied
only once in two weeks, and from one
to three applications effect a perma­
nent cure in the most aggravated
Mr. Dixon sends a pamphlet de
scribing his new treatment on the
receipt of stamp to pay postage. The
a I dress is A. H. Dixon & Son, 303
King street west, Toronto, Canada.—
Scientific A merican.
Miss Dodge, while working at the polls
for the Prohibition candidates at the mu­
nicipal election in Boston, ha t a bott e of
vitriol emptied down her back by a man
who escaped. She was badly burned.
Awaits that countless army of martyrs, whose
ranks are constantly recruited from the vic­
tims of nervousness and nervous diseases.
The price of the boon is a s; stematic course of
Hostetter’« Stomach Bitters, the finest and
most genial of tonic nervines, pursued with
reasonable persistence. Easier, pleasanter
and safer this than to swash the victualing
department with pseudo-tonics, alcoholic or
the re verse, beef extracts, nerve foods, n-reot-
ks, sedatives and poisons in disguise. "Tired
Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep," is the
providential récupérant for weak nerves, and
this glorious franchise being usually the con
sequences of sound digestion and increased
vigor, the great stomachic which insures both
is productive also of repose at the required
time. Not unrefreshed awakens the individ­
ual who uses it, but vigorous, clear headed
and tranquil. Use the Bitters also in fever
and ague, rheumatism, kidney troubles, con­
stipation and biliousness.
Thin soup, according to an Irish mendi­
cant. is “a quart of water boiled down to
a pint to make it strong.”
U nitarian religious literature sent free on applica­
tion to Miss E. F Davison. P O. Box520 Portland, Or
Washington correspondent»ada Miss M. DeVoe, Beattie
See Antisell Piano advertisement.
T ry G ermea for breakfast.
Camelline Improve« and preserves the complexion.
Furniture Co.,
220 322,224,226 Bush St.,
are made pallid and unattractive by func
tional irregularities, which Dr. Pierce’s
“Faverite Prescription” wi 1 infa libly
cure. Thousands of testimonials. By
Gen. John»C. Fremont will reside in
Los Angeles permanently.
For the Cure ot* » foiigli os*
"Browne Bronchial
T- roches" are a simple remedy.
College and Scientific Courses, Normal
Course, College Preparatory Course, Busi­
ness Course, Conservatory of Music, Mod­
ern Languages, Arts, Board ng Depart­
ment. Kpi iug Tei in begiu« Vlurcls
F« 1HHWL Has two good buildings. Twelve
Teachers. Library and apparatus. For
Catalogue or admission, address: A. J.
A nderson , President, Walla Walla, W.T.
Its suj>eri Yr excellence proven- In tnllUoni M nomov foi
more tuuu a uiuner of a century. I? is used uy .ne
V nice J States« iovtiruujent. 1 nd«>rse<l l»y the lu*a«U vf the
Great (Juiversitie« uvtUe 8trougwt, Purvrt wu«l
Hetlthful. Dr. Price'» th« only Baking Powder het
docs not contain Amtuuuia, Lime or Alum. Hold only
in Cana.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, is
doubly true in the case of Hobb’s Litt'e
Vegetable Pills. They al ways cure.
Hotel Furniture a Specialty,
IX. 1’. Colo Ac <Do.
Dr. Pierce’s ‘Pellets” thtor ginal “Lit­
tle Liver Pills” (sugar coated) cure sick
and bilious headache, sour stomach and
bilious attacks. By d uggists.
T *o teacupfuls of soft butter well packed
w eigh one pound.
All diseases of the Throat and Lungs can be
cured by the use of Nrott’M HmulMiou. as it
contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites in their fullest form. Is a
beautiful creamy Emulsion, palatable as milk
easily digested, and can be token by the most
Please read: "1 consider Scott’s
Emulsion the remedy par-excellence in Tuber­
culous and Strumous Affections, to Bay nothing
of ordinary colds and throat troubles.’’—W. RJS
C onnell , M. 1).. Manchester. O.
To the Editor : —
PleaBe inform your readers that I have a pos­
itive remedy for the above named disease. By
its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have
b. en permanently cured. I shall be glad to
send two bottles of my remedy free to any of
your readers who have consumption if they will
send me their Express and P. O. address.
a . A. SLOQUM, Si. C., 181 Pearl St, New York
Wakelee’s Squirrel and Gopher ex termi­
nator Try it, and prove the best is the
cheapest. Wakelee & Co.. Sen Francisco.
A superior remedy for (’miglia, <’ o 1<1 n ,
Incipient CoiiNUinption, und all
Throat and Lung Troubles.
Sold by all Druggists for 50 Cento,
Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute
KtaR of E tolticeli Experience«! nnd Nkill-
rOUNG FEKSONH wishing to engage in a light
pleasant, and, lterhaps, profitable amusement,
ful Physician« nnd Burgeons.
can learn the art of ('audy Making at home, aud while
giving amusement to their friends and themselves, dis­
Patients treated here or at their homes. Many
cover whether t hey have a taste for tho work as a busi
uess, ami thereby make u fair living profit from a very treated at homo, through correspondence, ns
small investment. Reoeipte, and full instructions in de­ •uooeasfuUjr at if here in person. Come and
tail, sufficient for several muons for tho making of see us, or tend ton conta in stamps for our
twelve simple varieties, ami amply sufficient for honie “ Invalids’ Guide-Book,1' which gives all partic­
amusement. sent foi one dollar. Tools necessary may ulars. Address: W orld ’ s D ispensary M edi ­
be found In any kitchen. Address, GEO. F. PER
cal A ssociation , tkili Main St., Butfalo, N.Y.
ClVAL, 122 Ellis Street San Francisco.
Is Probably Dr. Isaac Thompson's
when applied Into the
nostrils wl I beab--orted,
effectually cleansing the
head of catarrhal virus,
causing hedthy seer -
It allayn intiani-
ination, protects th<
membrane of the na- a
passages from additional
colds completely heals
the sores and restore-
sense of taste and smell.
Our New Store, which we now occupy,
has abcmt 3 Beres of Floor Bpace.
Issued Sept, and March,
each year.
304 pages,
8%xll% inches,with over
3,500 illustrations — a
whole Picture Gallery.
GIVES! Wholesale Prices
direct to connumera on all goods for
personal or family use. Tells how to
order, and gives exact cost of every­
thing you use, eat. drink, wear, or
have fun with. These INVALUABLE
BOOKS contain information gleaned
from the markets of the world. A
copy sent FREE upon receipt of
10 cts. vo defray expense of mailing.
This article is a carefully prepared physician's pre
scriptum, and has been in constant use for ue irly i
century, and notwithstanding the many other pi- para
tions that have been introduced into the mark« t, th-
sale of this aillde is c nstautly increasing If the di
r ctions are followed it will never fall. We partimi
larly invite tin* attention of physicians to its merits.
John L. Thompson, Sons ®Co.,TlloY. N.Y.
C atarrh
111-114 Mlrhignn Avenue, Chicago, 11L
---- OK----
The popular new game. Price 25 cts. 1 or 2 ct.
stamp« taken.
Agents wanted.
Box 934, Bangor, Mo.
| ef It is in one word a cure; it is not merely
I vl. a relief anil in no sense a cure-all; it
is the product of scientific rest^rch.
Qrl It strengthens while it soothes and sub-
a U. dues, lieaLs and cures; it literally con­
quers pain.
□ fl Its effects are curative and permanent to
OU. the whole group of muscular miseries
and nervous agonies.
Zf L It does not merely irritate the outer sur-
^111« face, nor does it merely soften or relax
a constricted muscle. To its specific action a
superior curative virtue is superadded.
Cfh It penetrates deeply but gently; search-
vlll« ingly and surely, seeking the pain
spot in an effort to conquer.
CfL Each constituent of tho formula has a
UUL recognized intrinsic virtue to serve
most surely the cure of |>aiiu
DrwifjUa and Ix-alpr* ^rr/wfiFte.
The Oregon National Bank,
| MX), 000
TruusacU a O-neral Banking Budneas.
ACCOUNTS kept subject to check ___
SÈLLB EXCHANGE uo Ban F rannwjo and New Y ark.
MAKES ÖCLECTlOlWI '>• favraMe term«.
B MARglAE. J»..
(BuçOMBunto MoU'X-4étzu
« œbma >
The Van Monciscar
roa-’LAND. oa.
Ban Pmnclsco.
Mechanical and Mining En­
gineering, Surveying Archi­
tecture, Drawing and Assay­
723 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.
XdTHoud f‘»r circular.
w/- ^lj»0TGUN_C»PTfílDG£3
T atari, •*- Partlaa«. «r.
Internal congestion, Inflammation
aiul ulceration, It I n a specific, it
is a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic
and nervine, and imparts vigor and strengtli
to the whole system. It ciihv weakness of
stomach, indigestion, bloating, weak back,
nervous prostration, exhaustion, debility and
sleeplessness, in either sex. Favorite Prescrip­
tion I b sold by druggists under oitr posit ice
guarantee. Seo wrapper around bottle.
nn OH
foh $0.00.
Send 10 cents hi stamps for Dr. Pieroe's largo
Treatise on Diseas«« of Women (100 pages,
paper-covered). Address, W orld ' s D ihpen -
sary M kdioal AentociATiON, UtJJ Main Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
• o Ik ö\\ütS PILLS.
o» U
in successful operation since 1866, patronized from
all sections of the Northwest, endorsed Ly
business men and leading educators.
of it« class on the Coasq it offers private or class
instruction, day and evening throughout the year, in
Arithmetic, Writing, Correspondence, Book keeping.
Banking,Shorthand,Type-writing Business and Legal
Forms and all Common School Branches. Students
oi all ages and both sexes admitted
any time,
(’«♦alogue free. Armstrong and Wesco, Proprietors.
ToDH B I>ny. Samples worth $1.50, FREE.
I Lines not under the horwesfeot. Write Blo w-
htnk ' h S afkty Unix II oldku Co..Holly,Mich.
—Trinity Churcfi (Episcopalian),
New Orleans, has received another
munificent gift from a lady parishon-
er—some $15,000, which is to be used
In improving the building.
—A preacher was complaining of
the listlessness and inattention of his
congregration, whim an old deacon
spoke up and said: “Hungry sheep
will look up to the rack if hay is in it.”
—Richmond Religious Herald.
—The school teacher at Osceola, W.
T., is a young woman of only eighteen
years, but she has no difficulty in
keeping order, for she threatens to
sit dow n on the first pupil who is in­
subordinate. She weighs 325 pounds.
—On tho 17th of July, 1674. in Pint Great Clearance Sale of Guns in 35 Ytar«
Southampton, Eng., was born Isaac
We also offer al a Great Bargain
Watts, tho father, “tho inventor of
hymns in tho English language.” THE CITY CUN STORE, 69 First st.
Stock and Fix'iiree, also, our
Though he wrote less than seven hun­
dred sacred songs, yet at this moment Branch Store, 94 State at Salem,O.
about two-fifths of every church collec­
U ll.LI in HECK A MIA,
tion of hymns are of his composing.
IO5 and IO7 Meroud Rt.
—Tho Galveston News pays this
P ortland , O rkoow .
tribute to the late Bishop K. W. B.
Elliott: •• He came to a wildern as
with scarcely a consecrated church in
his jurisdiction. Now nearly every
town and village has its worshiping
The Mont HlMMftSstal M-i-
congregations assembling in their
chino Made.
cross-crowned temples.
Each three
3 Gold Mr. la hi. 1 Silver Metial. and
It, First Pr^initima.
months, on an average, of his admin­
Ilnfrhr« nl I kind« of Egg«.
istration he erected some church build­
Hade la All M«ea
Write os for Larg« Illuatrated C’ir-
ing or school—the direct outcome of
ct«i*r Free. •!< <v rll.'iig Incubators,
Brooder«, II<ni«Hi, How to raiae <!bick«ns. «to.
his individual labor.”
Aildrpn, FHAIUMA IHCU81T0R CT , Pftnhuna. Col.
—Ying Loe has for some time past
| kept a Chinese fancy goinls store on
Big fl bait given univer­
sal aailafaction in the
¡Main street, Hartford, Conn. He is
. curs of (lonorrbrea and
twenty-six years of age and was born
Gleet. I prescribe It and
I near Canton. He is about to enter up­
feel safe In recommend­
on a four years’ course of theological
ing It to all suffi rerg.
J.hTUWIR. l.D^
study at Mount Hermon School, North­
Deeetur, III.
field, M mt .
He is a young man of
PRIftf •1.00. .
quick intellect and high ambitions.
Hold by Drug-lat*
At the end of his course at Mount
TUI. WFT.T or n»r*M«»erlS
Hermon he will begin missionary
■•4« •spr—«ly fvr tb« ear« of
nu of lb«
work among his countrymen either in
orno«. Yb« «ouilaao»« so - bm
tips countrv or China.
lb rough th« parts
—A citizen of Cincinnati went off to
Enro|»e and left four gaa-jets blazing
away in his house for four months.
He has offered .lie gas company $«00,-
ON) to settle the bill, but they want an
even million, and he will probably have
to pay i^ —Mroil Nr^e Tress.
to tho result of this vast experience.
AAagaaassv Iw1 Po8t 8L>8- F->Cat PRICE $1.00,
Shorthand, Type writing. Penmanship, Book-keeping
and Telegiaphy all for $75.
Carea Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciat­
ica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache,
Toothache, Norn Throat, Swell­
ing«, Frostbite«, Sprains,
.Bruise«, Guts. Burna
and Scalds.
For “ worn-out,” “ run-down," debilitated
■OnOOl tenehei'H, milliners, HeaniHtreHs. s, house-
keepers, nnd overworked women generally.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Is the best
of all restorative tonics, it is not a “Cure-all,’*
but admirably fulfills a singleness of purpose,
being a most potent Specific for nil thoso
Chronic WoaknetBet and Diseases peculiar to
women, The treatment of many thousands
of such eases, at the Invalids* Hotel and Surg­
ical Institute has afforded a large experience
iu adapting remedies for their cure, and
Crown Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
Largest Stork. Lowest Prleea.
Two tea< upfuls (level) of granulated
sugar weigh one pound.
ilfinn Will be paid for each and every grain of pols-
<plUUU ouous substances found in Wisdom's l£ol»ertine,
acknowledged the mu.t delightful and ou'y really
harink-ss toilet article ever produced for beautifying
and ureserviux the <<>inplexion. removing tan, suuburn,
r reck lea and a 1 blemishes and ruughuest of the skin.
U»ed and indorsed by the elite of society and the
•« -e
Nt-ld by aL druggists at 50 cents per tnittle.
Wh!U su.l FkJ>. Manufactured by W M. WISDOM
A CO., U jernuts, Portland. Oregon.
Somebody’s child is dying dying with
the flush of hope on his young face, and
somebody’s mother thinking of the time
when that dear face will be hidden where
no ray of hope can brighten it—because Nota Liquid or Snuff
there was no cure tor consumption.
Try the Cure.
Reader, if the child be your neighbor’s,
take this comforting word to the mother’s
A particle is applied into each nostril andin agreeable
heart before it is too late. Tell her that Price 50 cts at druggist» • by mail, registered, 60 ota.
consumption is curable; that men are liv­ ELY RROTHKR8 235 Greenwich Ht. New York
ing to-day whom the physicians pro­
nounced incurable, because ne lung n id QTPIMIA/AY
OI CinnM I, ||M ||. Gabler, Hocniah
been almost destroyed by I he disease. l)r. Pianos; Burdett Organs, band Instruments, largest
Pierce’s ’‘Golden Medical Discovery” has stock of Sheet Music and Books. Bands supplied at
cured hundreds; surpasses cod liver oil, Eastern Prioea MATTHIAS GRAY CM), 206 Post
hypophosphites and other med cines in Stree t, San Francisco
curing this disease. Sold by druggists.
One and one-third pints of powdered
sugar weigh one pound.
we / ga T t
A New Home Treatment for the Cure of
It is said that dyspepsia is our national
Catarrh, Catarrhal 1 eafnue and
malady. Well, B ranorktii ' b P ills wi 1
H y Fever
cure the national malady.
■tllloil. IIoadHChc,
Dlzzl ,,.«•< Con.l I !>«-
(Ion, I nd I «<’"• Ion,
and lllllun.Ailncks,
nrotnntlv cur**<l by I>r.
Purantlye Pellet«. S>
oentsi, vlul, by DrusKlsts.
•• little
Perfect digestion accom-
itliHlied by taking Hobb s
This Won(Terfill Itrnutly
resMick Headache,l>y «-
|:<*pslR, Indigestion, and)
till IH svamch of the Liver{
and Ht-onuirh.
The following symptoms
result from diseases oi the
]»Ig<’stIve Organs : C oiim II-
linth it. Headache, I lies,
lienrtburn. Bad ’I'aslo In
Ktoinnch, <*ont«*«l Tongue,
Yellow dcmh of Nkin, Inin
in th«* Hide, etc. ifol.l»*«
little A egrtnble 1*11 I m vs ill
free the system of all these
nnd ninny other dlnonlers.
Theyare | urvly vegelitl,le,
sogar coated, very «mull,
enny to take, only one
pill n done, Lilt uh «-«I wit it
wonderful results. Try them
once, nnd forever niter you X
will rceoTnm<,!i<! them. Price U5 <'ts. a
vial, or live for
Hone * ’ “
s M eoicine **
C o ., "
’* •«
R an F rancisco , C al .
....,............. .........
From MinntMuolis, Miniisaoto, ms the b«st, becauM
they aro earlier an«i the m<mt protltutive. Take n>>
other untiLyou try them.
For «ale by all leading
dealer« on the '«ast throughout the country. Trad*
■tipplie«! by
Need Merchant«, UNI ami 4OM *uwsw Street, San
Franrlam, < al.
Th. Orlcln.l and Only to-nnln«.
e«— ■“ —OAby I»1.—,—*
a LADIES. *■*
<»——0- “
24 and 26 Ellis Street,
KAA FBAVA'IM«..............................
Tool-itili M vlniiert, F.verv-
thing a Butcher and Hau«age
Maker nveds.
We rail s|*e<-ial
attention to uur Engine« and
Our rwo-H«»r«e pt,wer
cannot lw «urpsMsd lor work
manship and cheapna««. E«,>e-
clally «uitable fur Butehera,
Ihiirlr«, Haw Mill«, etc.
t'ort of
running excvedingly « heap.
PRICE (ail complete), $205.
Write for Description and Cut.
<ifj»«»R^i < murr < i « im . «•„
All siiA-a^EngltwH an-MVdlera always In **ock.
tK—vaa to brallbf arti««. Do sol
•oafovn-l Uuawith kl«Md« Scita
•rf,.rti««4 t« «ar« a Ills from
hcaA in l<*. It Is f«r tte« OHB
«Ira.iara ytrlnf fait fa-
fSiiiiSl1 ~ a-Mrva«Cbarrer X!««-
trt« ga't C». 103 VaaSlartoa
gerast, t «*>•<•, iti.
VX atcodio, nr»4 by til »;« a • U rttvk ««I t r. jt»«vW
Mte. H/MaU.M«. lU4a »f J r Aiks, M Paai, Mte»
p. N, u. n * in-a, r. n . u. N«. at.