LA K E V1E W ADV E RT1S E M E NTS. [Advert¡Bunient ] MEMALD HEADING DESK. —Mr. Thomas has moved his family to near Harney City. Republican -Ticket. The many patrons of our reading THE TOWN OF LAKEVIEW ■ Knierad e» second elea® naU mattar »t Burnì»., —Attention is called to the ad­ room are invited to particularly ex- Lake Co., Oregon. S irs : We, your undersigned peti­ vertisement of the Inventors’ < ruide. amine the following literary excel­ STATE NOMINEES. tioners, of Harney City, most re­ AS IT IS VOICED BY ITS LOCAL NEWSPAPER THE HERALD. offered this week: Thos. Stephens has returned lencies spectfully request that you will be One of the m» wf extraordinary litergrv enter­ F<> r P residential E lectors : WEDNESDAY. APRIL 25. l.Sv*. from Portland looking hale and C. W. Fulton, of Cla'a ip; R. McLean, of Klam, prise» uf th« a g tf j« the work which t*aru ihe present and take part in a Demo­ BUSINESS MEN ttbroait see Hint I.AKEVIKW. I ske co.,Or.,*eontalrs: I aewspapcr; 2 hotels; i tine of “Alden*« Ma iifu'dCyclopedia of Knowl­ alh; William Kapug. of Multnomah. To School Director« and Teacher,. cratic meeting, to be held at Har­ hearty. .r '.J .ai.HH,,: 1; I undertaker; 2 laundrlta: 1 iunolure store; 1 sh. e .hop; 1 B,e„ edge an ihv L nn, “local” f.»r < <»nvci.ivn«.c, tit«» fur ihe eye, aua tutranaael with the Superintendent will liml BINGER HERMAN,of Douglas. h. use 1 mil liter sit p; I real es a e ateut; I saw-mill. A’n, 2 Masonic ludsts: 1 Good Two Mr. Grace at Tas llsn iti» otile», Burna. Or. , The questions for discussion to be her home on the Island. hand» to hold. , . piar lodge; 3 o.ld Fellow,1 lodges; I f ttfvl W. rkltrg Met a lodge. There w ill be «everal th» o( hnvlug Utelr pre .■ . will aerve toexp'ain ihe text. ... . advertised .. iv, rti... i in tn the v p pi iper Deans are requested to be present creek last Friday to look after his anreihat einet nominees the parr W. P. LORD, The Manifold < \c! ia in mu' h in.-rv man »end in the same accompanied by cash— a ”4*»elopedia of l'uive;Bui knowledge; H e n- and take part in the debate. stock interests hi that section. THE HOPKIWS HOUSE. name. ______________________ hodit.8 a 8’. a Li« iioi>ar> of t >c Eng ish I a . | F or J udge of S ixth D istrict : ------- I JfiBjier Daviu, —J. Nat. Hudson has given his gua;c—including every word whit h iikh J uki Koiieri Orinkwater, M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . claim to a plure in 'le language. How .-fleo J. A. FEE. W. E. Albcraon, Democratic Precinct Ticket residence a new eoat of paint, which you have coi.suited .q'p:e!«»ii'8. < haml«r h or 1 R. J. I ver«, Johi.B.tu'B Cy< lopedia uud failed to find the nle , J. Norton, adds much to its appearance. you were l«x>king L>r—then consulted We b er s F or D istri . t A ttorney . C tii D ist : And twenty-five other«. I BURNS PRECINCT. Unabrnlge i and were sue« effiiui; the w. rd be­ ^J. II. Sayer, of Sayer .t Dore longed Everything New and First-Class. to the dietionar. ra.htr than to the cy­ FOR JUSTICE OF PEACE: J. L. RAND, of Baker. —P. F. Stenger presented T he saw mill, is the happy father of a clopedia. Or y«.u have coi.BUlle'i We! s er, and I J. C. P arker . liitle móre than a mere dennidon of ihe This Hotel is new—Hou>e, Rooms and Furniture - and offer courteous service to every H erald with a couple of dozen slips fine girl, born Sunday, 22d inst. found word—yvu mu8i goto the cyclopedia L.r t.etai s of knowledge, or, more probable tnun either ¡ GRANT COUNTY NOMINEES. guest that is entertained in it. of Columbia poplar for our lot. Mother and daughter doing well. FOR CONSTABLE. of thcHe suppvftid... B, you do noi own ci her a 1 . —There has been a larger at­ ( yciope in or a firEt-clacs dictionary, . —We are pleased to learn that fiiie-class H enry E. C heatham only one of .he two, i»e. ur iu.axi. u i a.’ G. W. G1LHAM, and “go hungry" for ’a k •-! die few of yon City this term than ever before, In Connection with the House. /—Miss Arvilla Bunyard, of Har­ j —Mrs. Hallie Shelly, of Hartley, A. McKinnon, who has been very print thu» would s t f . . ».. u in the Manifold Of Harney. Cyclopedia y..u will find a survey of all know I- ( sick lately, is able to be about again. ney, was in Burns Monday. The Best Bran«’ ; of t.i<|iiois mol «’Ivars Always on Hand. 1-1 y edge which s il us raci by the Eng ish Ian-j has subscrit ed to Peterson’s Maga­ and ihe <■ s is hardly than com-] F or S heriff : —Dr. Gilliam, of Harney, was in zine for the many handsome fancy­ —Chas. E. Boswell, of Vale, has gunge, moni» charged f< r a di<-d.>i nr. a one. W m . P. GRAY, Burns Monday, on a professional work designs. received the republican nomina­ Editorial ta unt second to none in Ament a. , in EXi’ERiENt e and skill senga;ed in the t on-1 Of Canyon City. visit. duct of the work, ihe publ.suer's past ex pen-1 i McKinnon has purchased tion for sheriff of Malheur county. ence making inoiaoly iu The 1.1 —Ilarney’s rising young lawyer, a lot adjoining D. Jamison’s, and Mr Boswell is a well qualified anti brarv in of cyclopedia F or T reasurer : Universal Knowledge, now known— V. J. Miller, was in Burns one day is having lumber hauled prepara­ tieserving gentleman, and if he trebled in pri< e-us the Inieri ational Cyclope­ N. H. BOLEY, dia; is good basis mrihep e.lge he makesto h.s were only of a different political pa.roi s that The Mun ¡fold shad he ini. rior to last week. tory to building. Of Canyon Citv. no other cyclopedia i:i any-of the imp run' — — Fred. — Drake, , of Happy ... Valley, . 1 The ladies of Burns met at persuasion, we would be glad to qualities <>f a p. pular guide t > k’lowledte. The Finest -To Be Found in the Lower Market visited friends in Burns the latter Mrs. W. C. Byrd’s residence by ap­ wish him success. spe< ¡men pagt s free, or aspeuimen vo.ume mu F or CLERK: be ordered and .tturned ii not wanted; 50cen s J. II. SAYER, part of last week. —We are glad to learn that G. per volume for 1 loih, uó cents for half Mon ec > pointment last Thursday afternoon LAKEVIEW, OREGON. F. P. LANE pcstace^i c. extra. J ohn B. A lden , —Julius Mayer, wholesale liquor and bad prayer meeting. Of Burns. W. Barnes has received the nomi­ idnding; PuDiiBher, ..!•:»jh* ail Street, New York. dealer of Portland, was in Burns zX-Shecp shearing is now thft or­ nation, at th* hands of the democ­ COMMI.SJONEKS: • The Issue of Literature, Alden’a illustrated Two First-Class Billiard Tables. yesterday soliciting orders. racy of Crook county, as represen­ weeklv magazine, bearing date April -l, con­ der of the day. P. F. Stenger sent J. II. MclIALEY, tal!. s a full reprint of ihe raflier remarkable pa —Baker City’s live business nu n the first load of wool to the railway tative for that county. The editor pur on internadonal copyright, recently pub­ Of Monmouth. are extensively advertising their on Wednesday last by the Buchan- of T he H erald is personally ac­ lished b\ Senator Chace, of Rhode island, to­ HARDWARE AFJD CROCKERY gether with an exlenued and somewhat Fpiev E. STEWART, town in the East, and great will be , an freight team. quainted with Mr. Barnes, and review of ihe same by Mr. Al .on. Senator < ha. e. being chairman of the committee which Of Dayville. their reward. —A man named Smith, who knows him to be a gentleman well has ( ¡¡argeof the bill now before the Sei a e. is —Mr. and Miss Roberts, late of lives tin- one of all others to be looked to as near Sam King’s, met with a qualified and highly worthy the of- naturully an audiórity, and his paper «>n the quesdoti is F or S urveyor : Steelville, Mo., selected a lot, each, painful accident about noon Satur­ (jee for which he aspires. un uble, and even brilliant one. Mr. Alden is J. II. NEAL, not antagon siic* to the measure, but is in hear­ last Saturday, with intention of lo­ day. He had brought in a load of —The nominating of the present ty svmpathy with the cope right movement; he 1 Of Blitzen. LAKEVIEW. OREGON cating in Burns. IL SCHMINCK however, “in the name of the Amer- i I wood for W. Byrd, and had a 44 incumbent for the second term of undertakes, iean people.” to rceent tin* charge so commonly | —Mr. McKinsey, who lives a few Winchester rifle lying on top the county A ssessor : made, ami by Senator Chuce s a'ed in the I is ample proof that s.rongc st terms, that the pub.inhere, biveis and miles southeast of Burns, is pre­ load. When he wont to unload the i his party clerk, C has . II. T imms , have confidence in his in­ rea.'eiR «>f cheap ediiioi s »>f Dicke:.r. and Ten­ Manufacturer of Tinware paring to start a daily, and has wood he to >k the gun by the muz­ tegrity and nis.»11, for it s:anee, are “pirates” or “ihievcf," Of John Day. ability for the position, or "rec ei vers of stolen goo. e .” The caee, tn- Farmers need not incur the expense and delay of sending oft’ for contracted for twenty-five milk zle and was drawing it down, when and the unanimous to Mr. Alden, is able to Biand on hoi esi vote which he cording Agricultural Implements, as this House keeps a full stock at Fair cumtnoi «01 so gr. u.i.ti, ev>'.i better than on S uperintendent P ublic S chools : cows therefor. it was discharged, the ball passing received in the convention, shows a and fa se and libelous has s. People who are Ín­ Prices. Citizens will find here as complete a line of Hardware and —The family of Thos. Gibson, through the right arm, just above] cd to Bee ihe ineri s of a live topic pre­ K.. HAYE to be the man of their choice. teres sented in a novel and vig. I mus way from from Crockery as in any other establishment in this section of country. Yvho lives on the island near De­ the elbow and cutting the artery. him s:midpoints, will be giad to send a Of John Day. It is not otir purpose to endorse edi­ different pos al card for a free specimen copy; anda f^-Tinware of all Descriptions Made to Order. Cail and see Goods.— vine’s bridge, has been increased Dr. McPheeters was called in and ¡ torially, any candidate, on either g.Hid many of them, when they rec vive it and since the 18th inst. by the arrival dressed the wound ami the patient side, but any one who has visited , see what a bright, entertaining and wonderfully F or C orqner : cheap magazine it is., will be glad to send ¡fl.nO 1 of a 9.J pound boy. D r . T. ORR, get it regu urly during the >ear. John B. I Oerters! Blacksmith and Wacjon Maker. lis now much improved. the clerk’s office during Mr. Mael’s and Alden, Publisher, ¡í93 Pearl Street, New York: i —The foxes have holes and the Of Canyon City. —Mrs. Stenger made up a pleas­ term of office, can see for themselves ¡ 218 II. R. 8CHLAGEL ------ L akeview , O regon . Clark Street, Chicago. __ birds have nests, but the son of man ant little fishing party last Friday, how affairs have been run. His The current it sue of The Library Magazine LAKEVIEW (Water Street) OREGON. hath not where to buy a high-arm consisting of Mr. and Miss Roberts, books and records show for them­ presents the extraordinary number of 224 pages, I, egal advertisements . ! in large t\pe, liaiumomely printed (a id ail f. r ] Singer sewing machine (in the Har­ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Caldwell ami selves.—Canyon City News. ’Prepared to do all kinds of work in the Blacksmith line. HORSE-SHOEING AT ¡ ice., «.r $1.u.j a year!), ihe papéis I eing as itn- poria’it. in charm ier as ihe.» arc remaikab.e in | P’IN a L proof . $2.50 per head. ney country) but from Gilbert. * their pretty bale, Dora; between including «me on the c 011s nution of ] w of Harney. I quantity, S. W. —All the best and most popular devoting silent attention to the From the Country— s. >4 Úniied sta is, b.» Hon. E. J. Phel, s. bnited o-------- U nited S tates T and O ffice ,) Mi if er to Great Btiiian; a oriiliam pa-] brands of whiskies, wines and bran­ s]»otf of Isaak Walton, more socia­ —Mr. Alexander and son are on Stales Lakeview, ore t.n,March 9, ls*K.| per on tlie Mammoth ai.d the Fleo I, front j.e 1 IS Hi--HI- h¥ GIVEN Jin hr follow­ dies, as well as tobacco and cigars, bly lunching on the banks of the | their way to Harney valley from London quartern Review; the Higher Echv a-I ing NOTICE BUGGIES, WAGOS, ETC. nail .^i sett !er hag filed Hoiked his intei:- of vii.en, fr..m the Wi6.mii t er; Is am will be found always in stock at the fair Silvies, and enjoying the even­ Grand Ronde with four thousand lion and Chris ¡unity i;i India, from the Conlempo- : tivii to make fi. al pr.i.4 in Biippml , f his < ’aim. made to order with neatness, and of good quality. and thui Baid proof will Dr mn e bemre the rary; Mr. Rt skin and Hif. Work, front ihe Euin- | saloon next to the post office. * The > ruggie for Exiscnce, by T. H. 1 Regis er >r Rcteiver at Lakes lew, Ur., on ing drive homeward, the time was trees with which to plant their tim- burgh, 1888, v.«: iliKley; sltakspeure or Bacon? by sii Theodore ] May —Remember, readers, the Bloom­ most agreeably spent, though the I her culture. All Work Warranted. Muriin; M si'ui P-rsimiBin in Rursia, by N. Cyrus Williams, ington Nursery is growing fruits catch was light, not more than Engi ft ai.f pupem <>n 1’. s - lal- • hop. I -ly R. PoweiB. A. M. l ie.' 6. IL T. Hughet, J M. ments superior to any other house. „ Roberts had not even the success mu i- Liieiat'.ite, bv Dr. 1 ernurd Pic k; The I >. I i.z.g: raid, a.l of Luri R P. < GmtH (<>., Oregon. — D. E. Perkins will start for c hris Jan h eme u in English Poetry; bj M. \ . ! M< h U-17 / —Miss Laura Stanclift, of Happy | of a “bite.” A. F. »NELL1XG, Re; B. k;.ox; bcsi'ics Be. eral oilier impor ant ar.i ' Prairie City Monday for his sup- clcs. and the e. norial department of Curre; 1 Vally, who has been attending SADDLE AKD HARNESS FIAKER. —A letter from Paisley. Oregon, ! plies. Th..tight, whic h einbodi<.H brief e:u.ra< s fr. m piNAL PROOF. school at Baker City, returned home to the Rural Spirit ami Willamette nutabie aruc hs nt Atneric un and foreign peri­ C. C. MALTBY _ _ _ L akeview , O r . — Mrs. L. Varien is rapidly im ­ od!, u r . John B. Alc.en, Publisher, ■■ 1 earl j last week. She visited .... her — Burns U nited S tates L and O ffice J i .-treei, New York; Usulatk S reel, Chicago. Farmer, March BOtli, contains the I likes :eu, Oreg« n. Mun h 1 , 1. bb.{ friends a few days on her way following: "The loss of range stock proving and is now able to be up. NOTICE 1- IlhHht.V GIVEN hai l;<; f..!'.. >w- Novel in name, form, purp se and method is ¡ ing-niimcd Bettier tins filed r.iiteof hip in e1.- —Win. Pierce is under care of The home. Novelist, Alue. 'R ne.v weekly magazine of licit lo make last winter in this county was very fira’ pr..> f in suppor: of h s a ”i, RIDING MATERIAL A SPECIALTY. American tic lion, it underiuker to give the) Dr. Welch, being treated for rheu ­ — Road Supervisor Harvey is light, an early spring saving the ha: f«:i f pio.-i will be n ade I e . re the worihksi fiction .hat A merican uuííi . hb can be and Rc jirter a. d Lakeview, Oregon, on lemp’.ed t»> pioiíU'e. F».reign uu h. .r. 1.». a - Alaj iith, Woe, Receiwrui vigorously pushing work forward in cattle men thousands of dollars. matism. 4 —o- viz - juice■>. it ’s 1 ot se 'tinv al la k about justó e ¡ his district as fast uh circumstances Big herds of range cattle will soon VI ill inm G < re, D aisy D aye . 4-21-88. I.» An.eri' an audtvis. i ll: is bvici, piuc i< al a< - I Horne-«. Paddle *. Bridle i, Spurs. La ’ igo Whip ». Cinche.-?, Chaprajos. None but the lion, il is •, E. He nainm he fallowing wi i ukcf h ne t of California Lea.her ti-ed. Sr.tiwfactian Guaranteed. . admit. i He Is , doing r . i a i-i UHllu ’ of »I the lllv IHlbl, From Poverty (enter. past, «in as «111 all Idigu large and lv»v in price; wel. s i ted in all nspec e t. 1 prove h’s< oJt?iiiU« u . b it e iem e upon, aim < ubi- piece of work west of the bn-lg" , (nvner(, Bnhy tIwy n're Boing to rc(lucc the wantsof the i.iieoÍMent mi.! .1 s who \auoii < i Bad ¡aim. viz J. Bvph Le.< re, I < ur PRICES TO SPIT THE TIMES. 1-ly Eos. H erald : A s I have never meet c apabla near Burns. ol u| piecdating " he l est”—ii wiu Perre, Pe ec Del.»re. n t I ¡Ie.iry Sturgeon, ail their herds and kecponly „1,..» what they seen anything in your paper from are not r, . op to (otepee wi ll tile “gm er fi'ti n" i of Ft. M< Hermit, Ne1.ami. —Parties desiring to purchase a can feed during the winter. They ..f ihe sei raiiv.t a pe. .ocli: a s ai d libraiics. ] A. F. ¡¿NELL1NG, Reg’s'er. piano or organ can depend upon say they would prefer sweating a our little burg, will give you a few Terns. $>.<) a, in whiiit rue il v.Li give: M on pie ed in front 4 to 8 U nited stater L and O ffice .) has returned — Albert Vestel decided to make her home in Burns, ter about their cattle that are then weeks. I f one s .-r. 1.« t r Doi poise, >«u wilt I I akeview, Oregon. Mart h l'\ 1888. i not have long to wait for .he 1 ext. E r a 1 ’ ct. J NOTICE l> HEREBY GIVEN .ha’ the follow­ from California. has sent, for her piano. «» rip:ioti (if y. 11 don’t wish io enter for a.l rustling on the range when the ther­ —Miss Etta Stanclift, who has sal nanied bc I’ at has fi’ed noli e of i ut $1.11« ) v.-tt will receive the fiif: chapte s .;f • ing 2»*> Miles South of Lakeview. —T he H ei . ai . d acknowledges a mometer is 30 to 50 degrees below i».n tv make proof in u’lpp. rt t.i I p < lai n e.erv H . rv published 1.tiling the year, which and been sick, is able to be around. lliut Baid proof will oe made beioreihe A. SNIDER - - - - -- -- - L akeview , O regon . call last week from Mr. Lockwood, the trade mark.’’ voil can then orcu'' f-para elv, if you wish. A Re; B cramiRc’C er at l.ake\iew, Oregon,on imc.n Copy m‘ Tne N. te.ÍFt will Le sent free —Messrs. Howard, Wilcox and Epe> of Canyon City, accompanied by B. on request. Adc.pfs '. Im in Alden, PubiiBher, 1 May luth, 1888. viz: PAYS HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR GRAIN. —The “Duchess de Brabant” tea fid ward N'.blc, Franklin; Mr. Lockwood is a tvpo rose, sent T he H erald office last McCullum have gone to Lakeview, 8!!8 Pearl Street, Ne»v Y. rk: 1*. 0. Box 1227. D. S. No. *. 7-'2, f< r i he S’ u of sE’and s’ , of SW’ 4. This mill is in fine condi ion for turning out superior work. I.? in charge of a first* from the Canyon City News, and winter b.y the Bloomington Nur­ the former to make final proof on L iterature , an rated Weekly Magazine , see. H , Tp. : S, R. ;>4 E. He naineB 'fie foiiow clu'S miller. (|LOO a year), ntis c FUCCeEF.ttlly taken iiig w iiiit tB< f t" prove hif. eonilnm ub Hfiue’ice expects to remain some time in sery, is in thrifty condition, out in his place here. field is the popular li terur. j..ur a! of A mer­ ufirm. anti eu’. ¡• »Hi- n of, said tint, viz J. s- —School is progressing finely un­ ihe ic a. Its great variety of coi ten’s, handy f. rm, 1 GUARANTEE OUR FLOUR.^J Delore, I on f Perry, Beier Delore, Hei.r,. Burns. full bloom since last Thursday; the der the management of Miss Lula and choice Ulus’ra:ions, make it excecdinglv cph Siurge-.n, ell of Ft. M« l»ermit. Neva ia. /—The outgoing and incoming of plant is scarcely 10 inches high, and a■;tactivo. I'oremoiu Anted an authors are Audit appearing tram lite re<. r> i; of 1h:F of­ The Highest Price will be paid for Wheat. Highest rates will be paid in exchange for among i s contri tt ou:. Mis. Susan E. Uuliace, fice. ihm L. New»’ a'l • inlmr the a we 'rat r, freighters, delivery of new lumber, has, besides a number of handsome Harris. wife of the an* hor of “Ben Hur,” ai.d qtti c i ' b adversely under D. S. No. lie is hereby < .;- — Easter passed with few eggs. Oats, Barley and Wheat. charming a writ. • usher hur.'and, has pápete ed to be pr< Beni a: t ai I lime :u.d p are, ami bu !>- presence of busy carpenters, sounds buds, a full-blown rose that is 3 in two current irsucs “Tl .• P» e ry and Music r.iit any rea« • r. he n a\ haie whv the — Last week quite a number of of of saw and hammer, tell that Burns j inches across the face and 1.1 inches lite \raiB.” 1 1 F|e i ei copy (freo; ad­ proof < f the said Edward Noble should not be J. hit H. Alden, iTtbiisher, 8£3 Pearl St., approved: has taken up the boom that set in in <1< pth; the color is delicate blush the Poverty Centi rites went to the dress Ne.v Y. rk; P. <>. Lox 1217. M\ h kM-18 A. F. SNELLING. Reg u cr. ro>'- ail and Sec C»r Yourselves Befoi-e Tratti ng Elsewhere. 1-ly last August: the church, four dwell­ and the fragrance delightful. It is sod house and spent a couple of — Wi st Shore for Marell has ar­ ings, and two business houses are said by the majority of the citizens days fishing. Mr. Isaacs entertain­ rived, accompanied by a fine large plNAL PROOF. BURNS ADVER'i ISEMENTS. expected to be under way and fin­ who have admired it, to be the first ed his guests in the most approved supplement picture of Mount Taco­ U nited S tates L and O ffice J “ bachelor ” style,ami they departed Lakeview, Oregon, Man li 28. ixss. i ished bv July 4th, we understand. tame rose in bloom they have seen ma. and cuntan« "The City of Ta­ K HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­ y-L. v arien has n trained horse, in Harney valley. It is grown in with their wagons filled with fish. coma,” "The Ship That Never ing NOTICE named settler haa fl ed n.ui-e «.f I j . f i.-.ten — Wishing T he H erald grand which assists him in hunting wild native soil. There is no reason why Hou. t<> make proof in support of hi«< laii 1, LJ 1J I £ ' 1—J I Came;” the opening chapters of the and that an final d pr»>«>f will le made beL re the T. geese. When a llock of the wary every ladv in the valley should not success, I remain, new serial, "Tom Norwood; ’ ’ “ A Register or Ret river al Lakeview, Oregon, on VALE !, OREGON. [Tbc tiliove tlitl not reach ut until la«t May 1-th, 1888, viz: birds is sighted, the horse Ingins possess a half dozen of these lovely Tne-ilay, I7.h inst., bn. it is new-., nn.I Law Unto Herself,” and many oth­ Norton Gaylord, feeding slowly towards them, thus house ornaments; the care and time Tn t 11. k \ t.n teiulers tire alwav - etad to hear er well written and interesting arti­ n S No 779. for the N -, of NW' *. SW’. of the Ironi every sec. n.n <>t E.i-I Oregon. -Come enabling his master to approach demanded is not ns great as that eycry A NW , ■ ’ N , > -. | ■ - R .1 E The grand feature of the He t amts week "T.” y..llt “.C :le I'll: g" may Ite- cles. the following wift'crr s to prove his within easy range. Mr. Varien has usually given a canary. Leaves VALE on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30, a. ni. I t ome a principal point of imetesl in the April number will be a magnificent conti' u. t:s resident c up..’ . and < u‘ ita.i..n of land, viz. J. 1* White, Walter Mtblev, comity, lit ... 111 I.' x: I■ in this way taken an immense num supplement, in colors, of the "Olym­ raid Arrives at BURNS on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p. ni. —A home without music is like George Turner, all of 1 akeview. Or , and Jos­ her of geese, «IT which his wife has a rose without perfume or a song­ F», of Grant countv. Oregon. Ill.lTZBM FLASHES. pic Range,” ns seen from Seattle eph Leaves BURNS on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 a. m. A pi 4-19 A. F. SNELLING, Register taken feathers enough for fine large less bird. No influence is more re­ —Mrs. Dunn, who has been sick harbor. Arrives at VALE on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p. m bed piNAL PROOF. lining than that exerted by a good some time, is now quite*ell. NOTICE! y —Few more agreeable evenings musical instrument skillfully used —Mrs. N. Contegys, who has To WHOM it may concern : U nited S tates L and O ffice ,( can be spent than is ottered by .a by the members < f a family for the 1 ecu sick quite a while, is slowly fTTTlosc connection at V.ÍI.E with stage for ONTARIO. I.akt'vietv, Oregon, March 1 y N.i i-iy All persons are hereby warned NOTH F I - HEREBY f in aupport of his < laim. —Wm. Flood, of Paisley, in com­ not to damage my Mill Dam while tion to that make ^Parlor. sui l proof will if made before J. T. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. household luxury, but a necessity, pany with Messrs. Riggs and sou driving logs down Silvies river. If moi Mad, C«;uuty ' terk ..i Grant evuaty. ortaia. a: LEE y 'ALDW ELL - - — _ I’ koprietow . damaged. I trill hold Uanyoti < itj, Or . en May 1<, W. C. Byrd, Miss Stanclift, Mr. ami part and parcel with a school edu­ ami Jaqueman. arrived in the val­ theenmt' <;«• irf A. Yarnell, the party or parties responsible for Miss Boberts, Miss Cora Harris, cation—the latter, by-tbe-way, is ley last week, I lit proceeded to HAIR-CUTTIÏÏG, SHAVIÏFG. AND SHAMPOOING, n S. No. 1.V 6. for the of NW’t Ser. IF. Tp. .T nil damages. • N. Bnowx. Mrs. Stenger, Miss Haley, Mr. and not a necessity in learning music, Cow creek. S. R E. He nninvr the following witiHFMBtn Given Personal Attention. • pro\e h. ’ p ' ontinuoiit residence upo:i, ami < ul- Burn-. Or., April 25, 1888. 22-2t thiiiion of. said land, viz: 1. N, Edwards, J.- Mrs. Lee Caldwell, Mr. R< ed, Chas. ns n person wholly unacquainted —Messrs. Contegys and Wilt­ pepli Murtevnnt. Frank « nrter. and samnei Jen- Byrd, Mrs. Giannini, and Chas. with 1< tters, may readily le taught shire have moved their Hock of not K’K to stock imsr.its. ki f all of Drew f >. Giant roHDty. (»rvgon. Roussel were among the guests. A E. y— to read and play musical composi­ sheep to the summer range on Stein “Cap,” my dark brown Morgan Apr; 11--0 S®tt One door North of Drugstore. — Mrs. Thos. Haskell is putting tions nt sight. Hitherto, music has mountain. STIR and English draft Stallion, will piNAL PROOF. in one of the finest, most varied not been within reach of the citi­ — Now is the season for suckers. stand the ensuing season at Byrd’s LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT«. U nited S t item L and O ffkej CANTOS CITY’ ADVERTISEMENTS. flower and fruit gardens in Harney zens of the Harney country, for The mammoth springs nt the S.«1 stable. Burns. “Cap’ is 10 years . Orta. n. Mareh .7. i-* * | valley; she is starting every variety reasons common to a new s< etion House are full of them. It is hard old. 17 hands and j inch high nod NOTICE I l> r.keviev tl b Rr.HY GIVEN that the folL.w- J7INAI. PIIOOF. naine»< r -’1 !er h:.B filed roti’e of b.r ¡Men­ C. A. SWEI.K. of flower from set ds in cans, so that of country remote from railway con­ to tell which tire the greater suck­ weighs al out 1700 pounds. Terms, inz tion tw L.akc filial proof in support of L. f clairr. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. every Indy in town, who likes a nice venience. Now, all this is changed ers. the I i|M’ds wl.o try to capture i 12 to insure or 48 for the season. ttitd that Baid pr.H.f will be i..a<;e the U nited S tites T and O fficzv Kcib er or Re river at Lakeview, Oregon, on I «Granfe. OrcTon, > display of flowers in her window, and there need be no longer delay. or tho suckers n hich try to evade All care will lie taken to prevent May i; th I8KS > iz: Apri» 1 b. lsxg. S C anyon C itv . O r . N ■T’i'F TsnFRFTYGIVFN that «he f. Bowins Umnilt’ n llitnctix, may make her selection according A teacher has residence in Burns, captun—it's a lo-n-y chase. * «eitler ha» tUed noHre of hi« lntenti«»n accidents, but will not be r< sponsi­ p. S. No IS'. 1. b.rthe S'Jt ( SEqr. NW qrof SE ritme to preference. She has also a mar­ and will charge rates for instruction n akc fi n’ i.r. ,.f in ripp. r . f h‘i r’aim. and am! N S or • f qr. . ¡7. Tp. S.. R.;. E. iba* « ;’•= pr. of will be r a v hef.-re the Rt >> r-r —As this is the season of the should any happen. For fur­ or. ket garden in progress, which will common in the East; instruments year when |»olitiis is contagious, ble He name« the follow i”K witmemu tv prove hiF and Ke« viter at I nGrande. Oregon, on May ther particulars call on or address rontinuvuu rtridence upon, and ion . f. isGth. via: fully supply Burns market with can be lind on most rensonal ie tinil believing that every man has Baid land, vir <». W Met • ’ 1» Howard. .Ji «ryh C. Robert«. \\ m. by bee, a:. »1 J. ail of Burr«, Grant celery, salsify, lettuce, cabbage, on­ terms, delivered nt the house by a 'right to life, liberty ami the pur­ W. C. Byi.i, Burns. T Oregon. hos . M.\l FIX. v« unty, Oregon. F». « Na. f r the N'wof SW or. *er. 1?. Tp. H O. P. Cresap, ions, beets, melons, etc., each in its Gilbert, n man skilled in safely suit of happiness." I think that the o' R : £ F, W. M. Hr name« the f.>Howiniz wit* Aj r 11- 0 A. F. SNELLING. Rejri«»er. nc««. « r< prove I.' b <*« 'ti u. vs rt uiderre upon, , Canyon City. Oregon. ATTENTION. SUH 1» HKE.r.PIlrtS! season, and in abundance. a ’•! tifi vaHon of. Bai<’ a:d. viz: Wi’’iam '4 Ha«, also. flue assortment of Rarbedin® hauling pianos and organs over l«-st thing the voters of Harney ami i'iipp. 1‘nnran F. McRae. Robt. R. Hav. J. ware- <«>rnething new, which tor beauty of ■»—The rumor that J. C. Welcome, worse roads than between here and Steins, anti, in fact, all of western I will keep at tny stable, near p-iN il raooF. M era a'l of Beulah. Oregon. design and finish hard to equal. A tine the saddler anti harness maker, Huntington. U nited - tater L and O ffh r . » ApeMM-21 1ÎKNMY R inkkakt . Reziu er. line fund in all shades), of Grant, can do, is to vote for that Burns. Oregon, this season, my ftill- I ukcvifw. <>rrg»»n. Man h -.7. 1--X.I would not bring his family to Burns l> ttr Kb J Y GIVEN that ihr Ml. w man wl.o will l>e the best repnsen- l leod Morgan anf will be male before the reganilcss of political prin­ Re«> er « r Kv river at I akt . iew, Oregon, on Of every de*ciiption—-Toilet sets; genuine business, was. Mr Welcome informs jor-Item ral. vice A. 11. Terry, who interest, Offer- hi* profe« dona! servies « to ike cit- - Xi» ciple«. By so doing we can come and is nearly 17 bands high. .»v,.p f nmrw wi»h Btiniei Burners, one «•* Bn. ¡,- ,n».i * t « ini %. i »th -e at rea­ US, without foundation, as he has is placed on the retired list. tien. nearer getting "Henry” will make the season tor Wm. Cnntrnll. suttieient to light the towp. Eight-Ihty len« e «otr.h of Herald building. 1-ly P. fi. No. CUM. for th. F ’ . r AW qr and Lota and a fine line <■< years of experimental knowledge of Crook is a native of Ohio, lie $.*>.!*•. to 1 paid when the mare is d 4. yk-r IS, Tp .5 S*. K ’. F He riTt’» the bd- 4-2;t-S8. Ji stice . locality, which enables him to recog­ graduated from Wes; Point in 1852 i {‘ Jii' icv” i.« a straight repuh lean. .9» <1 in ascertained to be with foal. When ai lowing witnocHR tupr.te i« »ortirnot F rrai- WATCHES \ND JEWELRY. tip.>n. and (U.tivaJ< « f raid .ai d via nise this as a good point for estab­ and was at once assigned to dutv (hr aliovr |Miragra| h voite* .lie Tobacco r 1 Ciga»—Pipe«, and Mecrarhaum a mare is trailed, sold or sent out .Jener G. MrCollnnu J. R Hard. R'.l I». PATENTS. Pipes a «pe ah'.•warranted, ms-era. >ar- H. warL yrant c. w»r, < d n. Ard h at poar- lishment of his line of business; his in California ami Oregon. Ilis skill ot ih.«t par-v. not <»nly in Gr.iml ut intvv y < f the county, the owi er forfeits ing ra -kt-a. a’l fresh. Sera. 1-cst iront the rr-. rda «•< omnty when* ihe rej ub icuii par»v i«tn tt.c • Paten's. Cf ra r and Trade-’ "«rk, r-orl, branes. Yaea. Powder»—everybody family will come as anon as a resi­ in Indian warfare has made his tuiuoii.y. mvl ihvy All care will ira. adveiseh nnñer Re e e-' \ppli a io- g Revived I a,« Fri ,<■ «H. «n ¿minera l»- the sea-on money. can draw a prir? wor h from 25c il.»mtu ea.i Entrv N... »4 .heia here .»v ayecfat All bvziniFF hef .re ’ he U. s. | Pfe’t < »flit p at- dence can I«' secund, ami Mr. Wel­ name a houeeliold word, lie will vn»C' G»r iht t i»»n ot "ihat mat» who wi.l betaken to prevent accidents, lut lv t ite»i H» hr pfrâvnt at r____________ toll Full line of >r-honl aid timeand ,____ p’a« e and tended îopromp’lv for moders »‘e and no rvprv tut th« ir itrerv* " Wr fear Bocks, and stationery •ubnii* at v re.-.-a'T.u he mav bate why * 'he ____ charge rea«le nnkra Patent fori revwmL i*end for “■ f final come contemplates cm ting a shop hold his new p>sition until 1-94. l ■ < J11 -i^-i- li-hiiiir mr " uckcr*.” Ini’ hi« will n»t be responsible should any Wm. Contra. 1 uh.m?d n»4 he approved of all descriptions. e-i inr.” arguuitni b too “lx» n r.” Fr-s. II lqali (nderafftnai > when he will be retired. this spring. occur. Tuos. H askell . Apri H-A F >NELI.1NG, k. gi» rr FRANKI ÎN W H I’GR, 1» r Th. co».»try prc.npHy Knfl f”cd.i-ty THE HERALD POIJTICAE mkktixg at hahxky . To Mesura. I). L. Grace, Dr. T. V. IL Embree, i Jainea F. Morrison, J. C. Garrett and J. Na , Hudson : FIKTE EAEL FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. AGRICULTURAL' IMPLEMENTS WILLOWRRANCH FLOURING MILL,. FINE SILVER WARE