E ast O regon Vol. 1 —No. 21. LA KEV IE W H erald BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1888. ADV ERTINEM ENTS. THE $2.50 a Year. HERALD ( LEVEL INF CLUB. descriptive of your neighborhood, j UEMOCK.IT HTATE CONVENTION. regardless of extra effort at punct­ The StaieDemocratic Convention met at Pen­ PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY uation, spelling, capitalizing, or I dleton. April 5, ISSN. J. K. Kelly, of Portluml, Permanent n of Douglas, Welch of Clack­ met at Bent Embree’a on 3d inat^ Attorneys-at*Law BU8INF.R8 MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL SEE TIIAT My J amas and Klippel of Jackson; on permanent or ­ I». 1 (• It l < I . - - - Editor. Burns contains Black of I.inn, CrudkLaugh of Was­ to complete its organization, and to JNO. E. KOBEBTS. - AKM'late Editor. T he democratic ;md repul>li<‘tin ganization, 1 newspaper; 2 hotels: 3 aaloona: 1 undertaker; 1 meat market i 2 lawyers: 8 physicians: 1 co. Bowditch of Jackstin, Lent of Multnomah ratify the action of the Democratic Attorney, Notary Public &, surveyor; and Burden Washington. Adjourned. 1 land agent; 1 drugstore; 1 Jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 2 livery stables: 2 general mer­ I parties of Lake , county have each j Afternoon of session: A plain, manly letter from County Convention* THE HERALD'S CHOICE. chandise stores; 1 bath house; 1 hardware store; 1 barber shop; 1 saw-mili; 2 carpenters; I ability | purchased a column of the Lake- ' B. Goldsmith was read, regretting his inability Collector. T. V. B. Embree was elected per­ be pi t sent, lieport of committee* recti ■rived, . saddle A harness shop. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 reading room; 1 school; 1 church or­ | view Examiners through which to to Adjourned. A rousing speech delivered by manent chairman, Chas. Jones, sec­ ganization. Hon. John P. Irish, of Cal., at night. A. C. BRODERSEN,... Lakeview. ] encourage and rally their forces for or President: Mail a copy of T he H erald to friends in the East. Advertise your town. April«», morning session: The committee re- retary, Benton Embree, correspond­ Any business entrusted to me will receive | the coming campaign, while the | ported the ing. secretary, and Messrs. Thos. most "careful and prompt attention. Land PLATFORM Examiner maintains a state of subs antially as follows, and which was re- matters and Collection a specialty. Corres­ SADDLE i HARNESS SHOP cvived with enthusiasm and adopted without a Gibson, Wm. Page, Adam Robbins, pondence solicited in English and German. | armed neutrality. dissenting voice: I Sr., executive committee. P roprietor . J. C. WELCOME ------ —.------------------ I We heartily endorse President Cleveland and The following resolutions were W ftfv Uinirov ■ITomt.iti tvhrt ia fr» i his administration, also the present Democ ratic Attorney-at-Law I endmsr «HEN imigu ismgei iitruiiin, ilcrman, wnu Who IB to | utateadmini.tratiun; .ut.admh.i.uatum: we »y unqualifiedly unqu.HSedly_emlui w adopted: I DC the republican nominee for con-1 thetariff reduction and the reduction of the ice-President: M. A. KELTON. .* . . _ ' 1 l inrnlna surplus HaMHHH'atiMl us suggested in the President Prcsidont ’« s ineiSUSe: mvtsuge; R esolved , That this Club heartily en­ | gress, takes the stump against J no. we demand the forfeiture of all unearned land dorses Lakeview, Or. the action of the county convention grams, aud approve the President's message on for presenting to the voters of fl rant county, | M. Gcarin, it may trouble him a lit- Always Kept on hand. Being u Saddler by Trade is able and ready to work it up Practices in the courts of the state, and the Oregon wagon road grants; wo believe that candidates of such exalted merit for honor SYLVESTER PENNOYER, pension roll of the Republic should be re­ before the lT. S. Land Office. 1 -ly Hle to explain why, when the rail- the -------------- WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH-------------- Of Oregon. as a roll of honor, without imposing up­ and intelligence as to entitle them the suf­ i road land grant forfeiture bill came garded on the people burdens equal to the maintenanc e frage of all honest voters of Grant county. Also, a full line of Saddles — the celebrated Stag saddle tree and White of u regulur army; we extend sympathy to Ire DEMOCRATIC XATlOX’AbSs V1T*- I I up JJP in n{, the VIlc r * UUB Watches, Clocks 2d. That we vote a special compliment to House of Representatives land in her endeavor to secure home rule; we River saddle tree; Spurs—silver inlaid; Whips; Bridles; Harness, etc. -AND- favor The total exclusion of the Mongolians: fa the delegates of Harney precinct, for the Tiox. for discussion, ” . ’ , he moved, as an wisdom shown by them in selecting our Satisfaction guaranteed for Cash at reasonable prices. **F"Mr. Wel­ 1 The national demo* i vor the election of V. 8. senators by u direct - -4® aineii4ment.t|iat - ........ ....... the .. N. - P. railroad — — ,wo*o; favor an amen-lMient giving the railroad standard bearer for legislative honors, with JEWELRY. come is, also, an Auctioneer and will attend all such demands. met in the city of Washington «m ine ¿id day of a v ’ itw to ioeuring a u«(ted vote of (¡junt be exempted from the operation nio('nitic"ti( k-[ having such an able judge j 1 hers on county division, and no de­ Lakeview. Or. Burns, Or. J ohn B urnett , And all kinds of Surface Lumber thoroughly seasoned for building purposes and at WILSHIRE & HUDSON. ■ et in its advertising column under . honor, L. B. Ison. No judge cision being come to, was laid over Of Benton. REDUCED PRICES. “ New To-day. ” ’ NufF said, on has ever occupied the bench in this to next meeting. Seven new names Attorneys-at-Law poll JUDGE SIXTH DISTRICT: I j “ neutral ” and “ independence, ’ ’ ’ Bro. district who has shown the ability most of them from J. S. Devine’s LAKEVIEW AND BURNS. OR. W. M. R amsey . IMacliinery I Asbury : of Judge Ison, in disposing of the ■ ranch, were added to the club list. This firm practices in the Courts of the Of Pendleton. ■ .... .1- | business of the term. By his ener-: The next meeting will be held State, and before the U. S. Land Office. Having been added they are enabled to fill all orders as soon as received. DISTRICT ATTORNEY SIXTH DIST. pOR Anv business in the Land Office entrusted i N. B.— Good Road all the way. 1-ly W e are pleased to learn that our gy, the county is saved thousands at Mr. Hermann’s residence near to them will obtain prompt attention. T. II. CRAWFORD. friend C. A. Cogswell, of Lakeview, of dollars, and the tax payers may ] Saddle Butte, on the evening of i>wL;intl Cases Solicited. * 1-ly i May 4th, when it is expected J. C. Of Union. has received tho nomination us joint rejoice in this fact. —The town is full of people. Garrett will address the club, an i senator from Crook, Lake and ATTORNEY. N. BROWN, GRANT COUNTY NOMINEES. I Klunimath counties. Mr. C. is an There arc not less than 100 witness­ invitation to fluii effect having been GEO. S. 81ZKMORE - - B urns , O r . I DEALER IN Criminal law a specialty. 'able attorney and a staunch Demo- es in attendance nt the present term 1 extended him. Democrats are id- pjEPKESENTATIVE. ways welcome visitors. i crat. He has practiced law at of court. T. V. B. EMBREE. M. D. —The hotels are crowded to their , Lakeview for the past fifteen years, J. F. M orrison , Ottico at,his residence on the east side or Bloomington Nursery. Of Drew «y. i and has gained the confidence and utmost capacity, many having to Silvie» Ki ver, ten miles below Burns, l-lv SHERIFF. Which is the better way to work seek lodging at John Day City and ] friendship of all with whom he has BURNS, GRANT CO., OREGON, for the benefit of the Harney coun­ ! had dealings. His Grant county in private houses here. Physician & Surgeon. J. I. H aovewood , £0“For Fine Quality and Low Prices, Give us a call. | friends join T he H erald in wish­ —Win. Miller is clerk of the try: to plant a spark of dissension Of John Day. Dr. S. B. McPheeters court, and a better selection could in the breasts of two classes of citi­ ing him success. Graduate of Iowa State University, respect­ not have been made. Billy is al­ zens, and keep fanning it into flame fully offers his professional services to the J. T. M a el , Y ears ago our ‘infant industries’] ways to be found at his post, is week after week, for individual gain citizens of Burns and surrounding country. Of Canyon City. Calls answered at all hours. made a good article of broadcloth, courteous to all, his work is neat in the end, or to work so as to in­ TREASURER. Office at W. E. Grace's Drug Store. 1-ly j but under our high tariff they were and always ready when culled for. terest a house like the Blooming­ O. P. C resap , unable to get the proper kind of wool i —Saloons are having a harvest ton Nursery into growing plants of Of Canyon city. Practical Surveyor I for nowhere in the United States do I just now, as the cooling beverages (■very description specially for QOM MISSIONE RS. A. T a CONNOR adaptation t<> the requirements of we raise wool of that fine texture Isold over the counter enable Any and all kinds of surveying done on short this section of country, and to put BURNS, OREGON. T. A. M c K innon , and tenacity required to make ! witnesses to testify (dearly, GEO. McGOWAN notice and reasonable terms. Settlers wishing to be located, can have plats furnished Of Burns. prices down to the reach of every broadcloth and the finest cassi- 1 keep the eyes of the jury open. free of charge. 1-ly H. II. D avis , home-making man in the valley, for Agent for Stayer d —The concert given by the 8. 8. satisfaction I lost but 1 out of 50, and want E. Roberts, late of Steelville, Mo., take the liberty of giving to the Promptly executed. The building is living Beer, Bitters and the Best Cigars in the Market where he has been engaged the past readers of T he H ehai . d the follow- children, m iiie Masonic iwiii, at the twill, iasi last i to try more of your trees. Address W m . A shby , enlarged and improved preparatory to turn evening, was simply grand. ” Talocosset, Union county, Oregon. seven years in editing and publish­ ing extract, premising that the wri- Friday out all kinds oi blacksmithing on short notice and in best style. Terms: Caah. 1-ly ing a straight-out, live democratic ter is an old gentleman whose busi­ The hall was packed tooverfluwing, Drinks scientifically mixed in style and quantity to suit. Drmocrnt« to tlie Front! journal. Hating sold out his in­ ness takes him among the farmers many being unable to get standing, FRENCH terest several months ago, Mr. Rob­ of the northwestern and southwest­ room. The parents of the children I Kt>. H erald : N o democrat ran erts has come to Oregon, with in- ern states, and that he is a close ob­ taking part m.»y justly fed proud vote against our candidate for reje A First-Class Billiard Table I tention of locating in Harney val­ server of men and things. He says: of them. Miss Mamie Overhalt won resentative without lietrnying the M rs . L. RACINE - P roirietress . O^TcE ALWAYS ON HAXD^> “As you know, I have been trav­ repeated applause. Her equal as interests of the entire national dem­ 1-ly ley, and we are glad to secure his A Limited Number of Gue-.t* can secure the most Comfortable Lodging Rooms in the eling among the leading farmers an elocutionist is seldom met, and ocracy, and of the nation. This is services for T he H erald . Town, at thw House. and planters of these sections for the certainly not in Grant county. Em- a critical period in the history of The Tables always supplied with all the Eat- GENERAL MERCHANDISE “Our young friend and fellow-fownsmnn, . inn Parrish, as “Mother Goose," was the democracy. This is a senato­ abk-a the market afford», 1-ly Jno. K. Roberts, late editor of the demo­ past twenty years, and am free to cratic campaign paper, Cuba Telephone, has say that I have never known them the bright star among tlie little rial as well as a presidential year. Livery & Feed Stable decided to accept nil offer made him Mtine so stirred up as they were by Cleve­ folks. P F STENGER. Lulu Cosad also acted her A defeat of the legislative candidate time since, and engage in the newspaper PBOPRIKTOBJi busine-s at Burn*, in Grant county. Ore­ land’s single-barrel tariff message ■ part very nicely, and in fact they in Grant county might result in Keep. constantly on hand a Full Line rff POWEL& SUMMERVILLE. gon. which we see from an exchange, is one shot. It set them to thinking and I all did so well that cad» one de­ giving the U. S. senator to the re­ of the most piomisirig towns itt Eastern Or­ DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, inquiring—to investigating the why serves sfs’dal mention, bat were I publican party, and ns a natural Burns, Oregon. egon. Mr. Roberts i a practical printer in HATS. CAPS. BOOTS. AND SHOES Good Accommodations at Resaonable every branch of the craft, an intelligent and wherefore of tlie burdens and to attempt it I fear I should utterly consequence, it will retain the re­ Rater 7-lJ editor, a sprightly writer, and a capable, grievances they HARDWARE. TINWARE. QUEENSWARE have so long ' fail to give them the credit justly publicans in power in the senate. well-educated young man. who. in depart­ GLASSWARE AND. ALSO. CROCKERY, Every democrat should work and and chronically com­ due them. ing, leaves manv friend« in this county, groaned BOTH TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Meat Market. '■ whose good wi’he« will accompany him to plained of; until now, while they —Thus. (». Smith, who for the vote as though it would take his whatever aeetkm he goes May the most GROCERIES, NOTIONS, A SCHOOL SUPPLIES abundant ON A CASH BASIS. proepetiLV and happiness await still point out those grievances, in­ past week has been prospecting up work and vote to elect our < andi- £W“ AI1 of which he offer, al the Unrest Price, and for- fy-i.-h Only -*71 ly him in his new field of labor. *—Crawford stead of a hopless lament, one sees i Canyon creek, thinks he has struck datc to the legislature, and c.i if ou F. J. WELLS,------- P roprietor . Mirror. _________ him alone depended the election of a grim smile of satisfaction in tho a paying bed of gravel Is prepared to furnish all kinds of fresh —If some honest granger would a democratic U. 8. senator. Let meats, sau-agc. etc. Leave your order. T he H erald '» column* have be­ conviction that the remedy is in come no crowded, the past six their own hands. They know their 1 visit this town with n load of bacon, there be no laggards, no cowards, P roprietor weeks, with advertising, local cor­ numerical strength, and the ‘trusts’ butter and eggs, he could very no kickers and no traitors in our WATCHMAKER -AND- respondence, and other valuable and ‘combines’ have taught them readily exchange them for coin, aa coming campaign. Men who be­ communications, solicited by us in not only thu advantages but the ab­ such articles of merchandise arc tray the party will have crossed the Jeweler. order to make it of greatest interest solute necessity of close organiza­ vory scarce, and in fact not to he political deadline. Let traitors go CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns . O r . to the rear and patriots step to thu to its patrons, we have made every tion. And they are organizing. In had. arrangement to publish an all-at- my opinion many professional poli­ —Politics are very quiet here, the front! Then when the sun of next CITY HOTEL. home paper, within the next four ticians will be dazed by the vote of f principal candidates being very June’s first Monday sets, the wel­ weeks, wherein there will be plenty next November. Aye, and there ■ busy in their usual occupation, but come plaudit to the democracy will B. F. LLOYD------- P roprietor . A New Stock of Eine Goods. room for every live section in East are congressmen, too, making tariff I presume they will call around be, “Ergles, to your heights!'’ and This lintel lately refurnished, offer» *pe- rial inducement* in a<*ci>mn«