—Ml- --k- -•< LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS LEGAL ADVEHTI8EMENTS. —S. F. Hutton and wife were in tion. His many friends here con­ f b.AL ADVEBTWEMENTH. j^joTIc EOF RI BLD ATK’N—FINAL PROOF. town Friday and Saturday from gratulate him upon his election, and THE TOWN OF LAKEVIEW Wagontire, 30 miles from Riley. the convention could not have se­ pifnal Proof. U nitkd states L and O fficii , | Lake Co., Oregon. Lakeview, OrcK«»n, February 2«, 1888,1 VKIT1» ST*T«> LIS» Oyr,C«-( Their ranch is about 60 miles south lected a more true or unselfish dem­ Oregon, Kubninry J>, 1*'.| LOCAL NEWS—UM INI IY VALLEY NOTICE W HEREBY GIVEN that the toll«»« west of Burns ami its location con­ ocrat in the state. He has always «OTICK l«ikevl«w. AS IT IS VOICED BY ITS LOCAL NEWSPAPER A THE HERALD. s that ih» t.'lhnr- intf-uained nettl« r has filed notice oi hin inten­ tion !«• make final pr.xif in support of ills claim, * « 1 siderably higher than Harney val­ stood firmly by his party, has nev­ Ing u.mrl .««tier he» HI........ .. 'ÍVEDNE8DAY, APRIL 11, I««.«. uu'l thut «aid proof will be made before the to make «uni pn»>f « .;iPWn V1' ley, vet they raised a good garden: er sought position at th«' hands of Uun BfSINESS MKS Bl.roml nee thut LAKEVIEW, l .kc co.. <>r.,!< ontal«i»: 1 new.purer: 1 hotel,; ( Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on and that „Id pr.ad »III >" “f'. To School Dlrectora and Teachers. Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on May 7th, 1888, viz: grocer: 2 ,«!oon,; 1 brewerv; 1 undertuAer; :! Iii-milrt.■»: I furniture store; 1 shoe «hop; i me,t green beans, tomatoes, potatoes, its meinbera, ami we feel justly <'hni*i<»s l>ollai*hhlc, County School Superintendent IL F. Dodaon May '.»th, 1M8. viz: market 4 lawyera: 3 phialoiana: 1 surveyor: 1 lnu-1 uuenl: 1 «kiitlst; 1 druirMoro: 1 Jeweler-1 H. E. No. 483. f r the W’2 of SE qr, NE qr of SW http appointed I’avid L. Grace Deputy for thia etc., two years ago witii signal suc­ proud of the convention that elected B. 1*. Weaver, D. 8. No. ÄJ42. for the NE«ir Sec. u J , part of Grant county. Partica having bupinegR qr, and SE qr «»f NW qr, Sec 13, Tp 30 S, R 31, E blatkamllhe; 2 lmrii.es shops; 1 livery s:«’*le: 1 '-«kvry; :< neuer.il nier.-lmu.llH- store«; 1 ban, him to represent the democracy of cess; last year was too dry, no rain 21 E. He I’SUKS the folio*i»'« ■ itni»’»" * to he i huh s the following witnc fhch to prove his Imiise: I mlllhn-r shop; 1 real es ate agent. 1 saw mill. llao. 2 Masonic lodges: 1 Good Ten,, to trauuact with the Superintendent will find h!a continuous rtsidenc e upon, ami c Uhl- continuoUf, residence upon, und cultivation «»f Mr. Grace at T he H erald office, Burna, Or. fall in June, and no garden was put Eastern Oregon in our national con­ prova v.tlon ,,f. .aid lam. >1» ‘ 1 • ‘ stiid land, viz: K. J. suwdon, J. M. Fisher, plar lodge; 3 Odd Fellows’ lodges: 1 t'ntle-l W vention. in that season. It.«, Edward banley, gnd W nt. I.ctln«, all of Jamch Nail, and William W oogb , all of Burns, —Read the new Burns advertise­ A. F. HiEI-LISm. KegkU-r. ■ Grunt co., Oregon. —Win. Randy, a German, for a UMr.' >? 111.1 TIE» I'LAHHKH. Meh 14-bi A. F. SNELLING. Register. ment. long time in the employ of W. P. THE HOPKINS HOUSE E d . H erald : Raining to-day. J^OTICEOF Pt’BLICATION-FINAL PROOF. Grav of this place, died suddenly of —The measles patients have all —Politicians are scarce. M. I). HOPKINS, P roprietor . U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) U nited S tates I. and O ffice , ’ recovered safely from their late at­ —N. Cornegys, Joe Handley ami heart disease, at the court house, at Lakeview, Oregon, February 28, 1888. | Lukcwic w. Or. February 2t>. 18M.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that incompli­ tack. W HEREBY GIVE* that the h'Uow- Mr. Wilshire have returned from 10 o’clock Saturday night. He was iiiK NOTICE ance with Hon. Commissi.mer’s Letter “G’’ of Berth 1* I ikb filed n«»ii' e of I bh well liked here, and his sudden tion named —The deed to the lots on which | Paisley. Everything JTew and First-Class. tej make final proof in support ot n h rlann, Nov. :0, 1887, the following-named settler has the Burns ehurch is built, we learn, that Baid proof will be made before the filed notice of his intention to make final proof —Crook was over at Poverty death is sincerely regretted. The und Kcxteter ’ami R«’< fiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on in support of his claim,and that said proof w ill This Hotel is new—House, Rooms and Furniture—and offer courteous service to every funeral took place y< .-terday after ­ was received last week. be made before the Register and Receiver at Center; went to school one day: May 8th, 1888, viz: Lakeview, Or., on Muv ; d, 18*8, viz: Edward Kaaky. guest that is entertained in it. • —Don’t forget that Gilbert will consequence: he is laid up for re-, noon, and was well Attended. Koitort >i. Xi ¡Iliums, E. No. 741, b r the NW qr of >ec- 22’,, 1 p. 2- b, —News scarce this week, yet the H. Bell you a high-arm Singer sewing, pairs. H « 1 E. He name* the foiiowitU wniKta. « to D. S. No. 845. C. E. No. ; 7:», for flic WLof NE qr, h!w ('onfiinioiis rtBidence upon, and ( lull- an8, viz: — Beautiful spring weather X —Mrs. C. M. Caldwell is prepar­ about Harney and Burns. now view, Oregon, Eclwaid lie made before J. T. Mael, Clerk of Grant co.. H.uilcy, Or., at Canyon City, Or., on Muy 7th, 18b8, viz; I). S. No. 1152. E. No. : l.\ for ti.e N ’ £ of NE qr. ing to beautify the front yard of —The republicans here are an­ prevails. The-Finest To Be Found in the Lower Market James M. Williams, SE qr of NE qr, and l.uts ! tel, and will remain until July 4. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­ Doughty brothers, John and Sen., before Blitzen is disturbed by the Lakeview, Oregon, March 2, 1888.i HARDWARE AÏW CROCKERY ing nain»“l pettier iii.H tiled noti' e of his inten­ —Ted and Scott Haves made tion NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in cumuli ’ •of Monmouth, comniingto locate ii snort of the iron horse. If Blitzen to make final j .«>oi in support oj his ( hum, e with Hon. CommibBioner B Letter *‘(i” of this place a pleasant visit last and that n.i-l pr. of will be made before the an< Burns this spring to engage in busi­ gets a depot, it will be but Register a.id Receiver at Lakeview, or., on Dec. li, 18?7, the following-named settler hasj week. filed notice «>f his intention to make final premi | May ’.»th, 1888, viz: ness. 3-30-88. J ustice . j in support of his claim, and that said proof will A. Cavin, — Mrs. Bower ’ s little girl aged 5 I). S. No. 2’ 06, for the NV2 of SW qr, Sec. 22’, Tp ' be mutle before J. T. Marl, Clerk of Gr-ant co., X’ —Mrs. Copshall last week, pur- From the* Country—S. W. of Harney« Kri 1 F. He uamc8 tiie f .'Row ing witnc is-s Or., on May 7th, 1888, viz: years run a tine of a pitch-fork into ... S, Ki ' v. iitia- i I’, m . n. ti, «cliased a very handsome organ of to prove his continuous ri pideiic e-upon, anti ( luiiivatiou ,..t....... of r Baid .............. u • ( • . Levila, i ... 1. .. Ed- L’.l I). S. No. 110$. (C. E. No. 34< ), for the SE qr of I II. SCIIMINCK her foot. Mrs. Bower is now a res ­ E d . H khai . ii : I think somebody LAKEVIEW. OREGON land, viz: H. Gilbert the music man, who deliv­ See 18, Tp 1'.' S, R 31 E. He names ¡he folhAving I . Win. Levicfe, and E. D. Weaver, ward I!ante witnesses to prove Lis continuous residence >r«.4->n. ah 'I .. it appearing ered it at her residence in good con­ in every neighborhood ought to ad­ ident ot this place. all oi hurra,___ ___ ____ ,,____.. from . and c iillivation of said laud, viz: D. L. I —As news is scarce this week, the rei on.s of thip office, that T. B. Shortridge upon, vertise their part of Harney valley dition. claims tlie above deacribod tract udveisely, un­ Cumblin, of Rant, Abner Robb?, s, D. Hardin, Manufacturer of Tinware remain der I). S. No. 2QI/0, he is hereby spec tally cited to J. A. Roberison.of Drewsev, (.rant co., Oregon. | —Mrs. L«'e Caldwell is putting by sending local occurrences to the we 4-9-88. Meh 14-16 A. F. SNELLING, llcgis.er. I be present tr. said time and plate, and s.ibmit Farmers need not incur the expense and delay of sending off for You AND I. paper that wants to see the country any rei.HuDR he may have why the final proof of iin a garden this spring; tho peach-, gUMMONS. Agricultural Implements, as this House keeps a full stock at Fair A. Cavin Hit.iuid not be approved. trees she planted last year, stood settled up by sober, honest, law- Meh7—i.i ‘ A. F. SNELLING, Register. VALE VISITS. Prices. Citizens will find here as complete a line of Hardware and In Justice Court for the 1’reeinct of Drewsey, the past most severe winter, in abiding men and their families; it County of Grant, state of Oregon. Crockery as in any other establishment in this section of country. is for this reason that I shall try to ,Et>. H ebai . d : News is rather JJMnal Proof. fine shape. M. J. Howard. Plff.i ( jvU A(.,|i)n ,() Recovt.r «^•Tinware of all Descriptions Made to Order, (’all and see Goods. U nited S tates L and O ffice , i ■ —The town hill was rented from send one or two, (if I learn of no scarce this week. Rubert Mollit. Deft.» Monty. Lakeview, Ur., February 24, 1888. J — Mr. Jell' Shelton and family more than that), items from here Robinson A Dodson by J. C. Wel­ To Robert Moffit the above named defendent, I NOTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­ have moved to Dakotah. ing named setiler hi.s filed notice of his inten­ in the name’ «»f the siale of Oregon, you are here General Blacksmith and Waijon Maker. come last week for a saddle and every ^veek. to make final proof in support of his c lain», by required to tippear in the above entitled —There was preaching at the tion —Mrs. Breegs'is having her harness shop, which our renders and thut sitid proof will be made before the « .’«uri . n or before the : uth dav of April, 18«K, answer toil e complaint filed Hgaiust you school house last Thursday night. Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on and ranch fenced in. will find fully equipped as such. in th«' ’’.bove cutiiled ac iion. May uth, 18bi, viz: L akeview , O regon . II. R. SCHLÄGEL — Little -Henry Boswell, son of — Fremont Hickson, five miles The Deien lent will take notice, that if he Almon M. Fields, —C. Randall of I’aisly, was in | D. S. No. 256B, for the W’.jofsE qr, and E’oOf fail to s.» appear and ai swer, the Plaintiff will our popular townsman C. E. Bos ­ LAKEVIEW (Water Street) OREGON. from Harney, has finished building SW qr, Sec. zO, 'Ip 28 S. Range : 1 E. He names take justice against him for the sum of Fifty- Hurns last week, and gave T he well, while playing this morning the follow ing witnctses to prove his continuous Tw«> Dulia.s and l ift-y Cents (|52..r0), and for Prepared to do al! kinds of work in the Blacksmith line. HOUSE-SHOEING AT H ekai . ii a pleasiiiit visit. I’aisly a fine house for himself. residenc e upon, and cultivation < i said land, c it s and disiai:rvmenis of this action. ■ fell and broke one of his legs. Given under my.hand this'.’th day of. March, 12.50 per head. viz: S. II. I’ovvers, R. T. Hughet, N. Nelson, and has been sadly afflicted with sick­ —Sam King has moved his fam­ Ì88S. G. W. P orter . Justice of the Peace. II. Shroeiic r, all of Diamond 1 ’ . O., Gratit < »;un- —A. W. Wils"n, the Vale-Beulah ty, Oregon. Audit appearing of record that C. it is hereby ordered that the annexed Sum­ ness and death among its citizens ily to his mountain ranch for the i stage driver, has been quite sick for F. Falvey claims said truc t under Timber Cul­ mon»: be published six consecutive weeks in I he summer. .this spring. Ent ry No. o<>4, he is hereby notified to ap­ F ast O regon H erald , a weekly ncAi papcr , —Joe Barnes and family have some time past. He was removed ture pear nt said time and place to show why the published in Burns, Grant eountv, Oregon. BUGGIES, WAGOS, ETC. —The Band Boys in order to add moved M1 c is, of Burns, «carry out their idea. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­ tion to make final proof in support of his claim, visiting Mrs. D. Ji. Perkins this gloves with which to add variety to ing nuine’l settler has filed notic e of his inten­ and thut. said proof will he made before the Give a Trial as Seeing is Believing. A hrst-ejass G unsmith works in connection with —To A. A. ('owing.Tui: H ehai . d is tion to make final proof in support of his claim, Register or Receiver ut Lakeview, Ur., on their evening amusements. the Blacksmith -hop. 1—ly and that raid pr»icf will be made before the acknowledges the favor of a num­ week. —Mr. Hess has made a skating Rcgis’.er or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on May 3, 188«, viz: C vi ’ ur William«, — Items not as plentiful this week May 4th, l'Q.*, viz: IL F. No. uif.. for iheW- of XXV»-» 4 W’a of ber of Balm of Gilead sets with an wild geese. rink of his hall. Staiktoii 1*. Powers, sW4, See. 21, Tp. 27S, R.M E. He names the col-, which to ornament the office yard E. No. 872, L. R. Power»». A. M. Fleln», H. T. ITugbct, J M of B.irJ lai d, viz. It. T. Hughet. A. M. Fitzgerald, all of buri s P. <)., Grant co., Oregon. Bird’s Nest. which increases their value to us, I —V.ou will li« ar from mo again vali.rtt C. C. MALTBY L akeview , O b . Fields, H. L. Wright, lind N. Nelson, ail of Dia­ Meh 21-17 A. F. SNELLING. Register. two-f,f hip inten- ! to keep on hand the 1 est brands ter.” Wm. Page is “grandpa.” tion to nmke final pr«»uf in pupp«»rt of his claim, ! NOTICE IS HER..BY GIVEN that the follow --------o- II V1CX1.Y HAPPENINGS. — Bent Elnbree anil the whole of liquors: wines, brandies, and ing named Bettier l.tis filed notice of h s inten­ anil that paid proof will be made before the ‘ to make final proof in support of his claim, Register at«d Rec eiver at Lakeview,«Oregon, on whiskies, as Well as cigars, ai d to­ Bobbins family arc putting in gar­ —The public school opened tion Hamess, Saddle1«, Bridles, Spurs, Latigos Whips, Cinches, Chaprajos. None but th« and that said pr.,<>f will be made l.cfore the Muy 11th, 1»8\ viz- ce.st of California Leather used. Satisfactian Guaranteed. iliiam Gore. bacco. * den truck, sowing wheat, and clov­ Monday with a good attendance. Register or Receiverat Lakeview, Oregon, on D. S. No. 2: 38, for XX the SV» qr of see. 29, Tp 30 S. j / —(’has. Roussell, Lee Caldwell. er. Let the Oregon Pacific rush in The students seem to realize the May 41 It, 1888, \ It. T. Hoglict, I R ;.t. E. He iintnca the following wilneppes to PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. 1-ly prove hf Ft. McDcrmit, Nevada. said hind, viz A. M. Fields, S. R. I* - .cers, A. means for forming a string band, —The school house is occasion­ harrows made and plows sharpened of a . i'. BNKLIJNG, Register. L. XX right, and N. Ne’s jn, all of Diamond I'. O., 'I, h 28-18 this is an encouraging move, and ally referred to, but politics seem ¡to finish putting in crops; 1 pre­ (.rant county, Oregon. pri.\ \i. pH'-■ -i-. A. F. SNELLING, Register. we will be glad to see this added to to be the craze with lull and Doc. dict tie’ day is not far distant when Meh 7-15 UNITE!» STATES LAND OFFICE.) —Send your helpm ss and dying modern Rip VanWinkels will open j^ifial I’roof. the social attractions of Burns. I akevlew, Oreg«>n. March 16, lss8. j • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mow­ cows to our Lone-yard ami they their wondering eyes upon Harney —Mrs. D. Jamison received a let­ ing named pettier has filed noth e of h s inten­ V nited S tates L and O ffice , | | valley: a land blessing with its ter yesterday evening, notifying her will receive attentibn. I.rkc \ iew, Ur., February 24, 1888.) tion t«> make final proof in support of his claim that said proof will De made before lite . 2«5 Milos South of Ijakcview. IS HEREBY GIVEN thut the follow­ and of the death, on 3<| inst., at Baker I —Pic-nic at Mr. and Mrs. Bore-' i abundance tho industrious sons of ing NOTICE Reg’Bter and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon,on . named sei Iler imp hit d notice oi his inten­ A. SNIDER - - - - -- -- - L akeview , O regon . viz: City, Or., of her young« st sister Mrs land’s hiivn some where about the toil. tion to make final proof in support of his claim, May 10th, 1888, Echvflrcl Ncblo, that said proof will be made before J. T. I). 8. No. ’.752’, f« r the S’y of SE», and SL, of SVV'4, —Mr. Rilcv has begun shearing and E. B. Melvin, daughter nf Mrs. Vir­ 24th of May. .Mael, Clerk of Giant < o., Or., ut ( anyon ( ily, on See. Pays. Highest Market Price for Grain. 13, Tp. 32 S, R.34 E. He »tames the f«»ll«)w — Wm. Page is breaking twenty- April lt-lh, 1»8, > iz: his sheep. If this may I e taken as ginia Phillips; deceased was aged ing wi:neFS€P to pr. ve h's continuous rtsidenc»* Tii.xAhv I’onovan, This mill is in fine condition for turning out superior work. Is in charge of a first- upon, and cnltivati.m of, said land, viz: J« s- five acres of as line land as lays out an imlieation of the advanced state 1). S. No. 2045, for the Iof NE qr, and N’., of eph Delore, Louis I’errv, Refer Delore, Henry class miller. 24, and left n husband and two qr. Sec. 7, Tp 20 s, R F. He names the fol­ Murge.m, all oT Ft. McDcrmit. Nevada. of doors in any counrty, and Wm. of the season, can any other part of SE ’ children to mourn her loss. low ing wiimstto prove his (oiitinu.-m. resi­ Ami it appearing iroin the recur»’s of this of­ GUARANTEE OUR FLOUR. dence upon, un«i cudivAtton of said land, viz: fice, —On his way from Prineville to says that he is a farmer, and peo­ Last Oregon surpass it? tba’ R. Newman claims the shove tracts, i M. C. Brand, William Smith, A. A. Cowing, and adversely under I>. s. No. 24IW, h<* is hereby »it- | —John S. Devine was in town J. T. Adan s, all of bun s, Oregon. the Harney country, Mr. Gilbert ple will find out soon. cd to be present at rai l time and p’n< e, and sub- ; The Highest Prices will be paid for Wheat. Highest rates will l»c paid in exchange for —We have no political “kickers” . Suiulay. Mih 7-15 A. F. SNELLING. Register. mit any reapors he n*ay have why the final (see business card on 1st page), sold of the said Edward Noble should not be Oats, Barley and Wheat. three organs on Camp creek, one but there is silent muttering of n —It seems for the last few days J^OTICE OF PUBLICATION-FINAL PROOF. proof approved: M< h 28-1* A. F. SNELLING. Register. each to Messrs. Morgan, Hackle­ thunder-and-lightning storm gath­ that .'Bolus has let out the winds U nited S tate *« L and O ffic e . | man, and * “ Brown. Ho offers nupo- ering, to let loose its wrath on that free to rove over Harney valley. piNAL I’ROOF. Lakeview, Oregon, February 2S, £5^“Call and Sec for Yourselves Before Trading Elsewhere. i-iy rior inRtrunivntH nt reasonable Dam A Ditch Co. We nce«l all the —V. J. Miller started to Ontario NOTH r. IS HEREBY i.IVEN that the follow U nited states L and O ffice .» Ing name»! f.-ttler has filed notice of his inten­ I akevlew, Oregon, March 23. 18S8. | waters of the eternal hills to irri ­ prices, and will deliver each in tune Monday, and will return in a few tion to make tlnn; proof in support of his claim, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­ BURKS ADVERTISEMENTS. and that paid proof will be made before the gate our swamp land. mid und« faced. days. Register or Keccicerat Lakeview, Oregon, on ing named settler ht.s filed notice of his inten­ tion to make final proof m support of his claim, —That republican that “bad” to —The business men of Burns 4-9-88 A udio . Mu> S, LbF.S, viz: anti that paid proof will be made before the William WoncL*;, this Week gives the hand of greet­ vote at th«- democratic primary in Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on May 12th, 1S>X viz: D. S. Nd. 2273, for the N ’ a cf X E qr, SE qr of NE Burns precinct “ because he lived ing to J. (’. Welcome, who is es­ I EG Al. ADVERTISEMENTS. Nort< n Gayle rd, qr, and XE qc cf • • qr, sec ■ I. Tn. .-0 s, I. . I-:, lie names the following wltncEPes to prove D. S No 779. for the X » of NW SW , of the tablishing a saddle and harness on Red-S land," is now. herding his continuous residenc e upon, and c uhhalion NW’ . A NW’< of NE’ ,. mt 28, Tp 25 S. K ¿I F. CHAS. E. BOSWELL NEW IO-BAY _______ VALE, OREGON. shop in the town; Mr. Welcome be­ sheep on Stein Mts.; the boys want of. said land, viz: James Xail, R. J. Sawdon. J. He i.»mes the following w it n eraos to prove hia M. 1-iizgenild, and Charles, Dollarhide, all of continuous rer: ’ente upon, and cultivation of him to keep sane until «'lection day pIXAL PROOI4 gan in this line of business in J. C. PARKER, BURNS, AGENT. paid land, viz: J P White, Waiter Sibley. lturi s, Grant conuty. Oregon. George Turner, all cf I akevlew. Or , and Jos­ and is, therefore, a manufacturer of and keep up voting democratic. M. h ’t-16 A. F. sXELLING, Register. eph F« ster, of Grant conntv, Oregon. U nited statica I \ nd O ffice ,} —Pos. wiiuly: comp, more windy; years c.f cx|M rienee, and patrons Lakvvicw, Orvg«»n, March 25, lsx*. ì A pl 4-19 A. F. SNELLING, Register Leaves VALE on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30,’ a. in. LANK-FINAL fBOOr. X-’TK E I m HI Kl rv ’.l\ I X la fhr fnflow will find that not only thi' best ira- super!, the most wiiuly weather ever i»ig- ”nmcd se:1 !er hrs filrd noti» e of lib inten- Arrives at BURNS on Tuesdays and Fridays at.(• p. in. L U nited states L., nd O ffice , | [Advertisement J t»> mtiko tii al provi ii. supp >r! of h«s claim» terial is used, but the prices will known, is our weather record for the tion T líY’v iéVJ'üreg.’D*. Fcfhtitary'tb. lWb.f and ihnt sant pr.*of w ill te tonde» U*forv J. T. past week. Leave Bl RNS on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 a. ni. be reasonable. Mael, Couuty < it rkof Grani evuiit y. «’regoli, at REPUBLICAN CO. TICKET. NOTICE IS HEEFBY GIVEN 1 hat Owen A. c anyon ( liy, or., un Mn»• i-s, l **-*, via: llnriUi ti « f 1 uns P. <».. (Oant co., Oregon, — Johnny Cole, who supcrintcmls Arrives at \ ALE on Tuesdays and Fridays nt 6 p. ni —Harney City has secured the ce. 18, Tp. 21 bis desert laud claim No. *15, for the bE q¡ and Hcrvicrs of F. L. Moor«», as teacher John Devine’s home ranch, is gar­ s, I». R S. : 3 No. F. •> Il»* «•. for tiarn» s iIti Ldlow ing wl ’ . ncFRcsto E- a of 8VV qr, bee 12: NE qr and E\of XXV qr, G. W. GILHAM, in its school, who from every evi- dening on a large scale near where I rovo hip continUi’UP rcpident t u.pon, and cul- 8VC 1:\ Tp : i S. R SI K, brfbrc the Rvxisleror Ke- Of Harney. fgTlosc connection at VALE with stage for ONTARIO. l-1y «i\H i. ti • f, sitili tatui, mz I. N. Edwanta, Jo­ reiver nt I n*e\ law. Or., on Friua». the 27th «lenee is not only nil excellent old Fort Wright was located during seph Sfnrtcvnut, Frank « nr or. and Samuel Jou­ day of A| rii, Hv nanit a the iollow’ng wit- the dnvs of til«' noble I ’ iute. le i F. allof Drewry, Grnnt < ou:it\, c ’ rvtrun. iitFScs to prove* i he complete irrigati. -n and re ­ F or S heriff : scholar and teacher, but of unex­ Apri U-.0 X. F. «NELLING. Registi r. clamation of sai«l lumi: Thonina Flo» k, XX iliiam ceptionable character as a man; .—Sono 1«>•<» i< e of h » inten» —The ball given last Friday eve­ conu W. E. GRACE, May hth IV8, viz BURNS, OREGON. s that, “ All is reaily! ” lion to make .¡.al proof iifsopport of L s rlaim, J. IL SAYER, I’amllt* ic lluneox, ning by Geo. L«dnc, the dancuig- D. S. No. l"'l. for ibv s’ , rtfsEqr. NW qr of SE and that said proof will be trade before the — There is a young man in our Of Bums. — — qr. and X F. qr of s\\ or. Sc: 17. Tp.'.*S., R. : F. RrelP’er or Kw» iver at I akeview. Oregon, on master, was, as expix ted. a very * lz: neighborhood th.it wants to marry lie i»am«a the following witness«s to prove his April 27th. I**.*«, .1, A Large Assortment of pleasant entertainmi n.t every one — M. 1'i’hcr, c«»nth.H«nia naldeme upon, ami cultivation of, C ommissioners : guess which one. H. F. No. . f. p the V ’. of >E qr. and F’> of Asid land, viz: G. XV. Mct ’ ol.um. I». Howard. exerting himself to please ami be XX m. IK »re. and J. Scott, all of Buris, Grant '■¡W 4r. >r< . . Ti.;3S, K31 K lie names the fot J. II. MellALEY. j 4-11-88. |)u, KERI K. 1« wing whintst'p t«» pDive hia roi-iitiiitni« nai- county, Oregon. pleased. The music, violin and or­ Of Monmouth. Has Just Been Received. nr.ilh-. Solo, banjo, Mr. Cavin; fancy < > n t % te .< L and O ffice .f PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUDED. iMvgon, . Mart h 27. Is» » tractive feature. Supper served at venes at the court house this morn­ NOTICE Ijikeview. — * — s A 111 n ATI”'— FIX II. I’KO.IF I* HFRFFV GIVF N*vm th«' f..!h«w J. II. SEAL. the French Hotel. Among the ing. Ilia honor L. II. Ison presiding. Ing named portlier ____ __________ «4 hft inten has riied no Of IltiOen. L-vcrything (inarantef'cl Pm-»» and of the Very Ilcwt Qatality. pr. ««f ’. in U nit »»» ï » ta TE.< L and O ffice . to make final 2__ * ^..2 . impport of h!» • laim. —Then* is quite a full attendance tion gu< sts {«resent w« re: that »aid ’ 7 p«w»t “_________ will In* mti’le hof«»rv the I Rk lew, t reg»>n. February 2\ R|, . in.er F or A ssess m: of witness,'« and jurors, and the and Mr. tn«! Mrs XV C. Herd. or ---------------- lie« elver at - , Lakeview, Oregon, on ____ ___________ NOTI« F 1.« HFRKRY U1VKN that th follow Mr und JHrw I cc < ahiurll. May in. IM88, 5 tz baa file«! taMl- utfll ’e v O» of hia ln< nan.« «i c«‘*tR r b#* «•«- tnivn- doeki't is a larg,- one. C har . II. T imm «. Um Contrail. Mr an«! M if < al J« hi roi*. " ot **' tion t«» tnakr nnl praof in *np|««»rt hi? 'lain Of John Pay. Mr and Mrs J« hn R« I h n s. N. i. 2CM. L r the F'w «»f fix' qr and lo'a 3 Kt .i that »ani prwf will be wu»4a Icf. re the —Among the attorneys in attenil- and 4, * 'C It*. Tp '.8 8. R 5k’ F. He name* the fol Rvtr’fh r or R«* viver at Lakvvkw. Orvg >u, on Abe 11« Ftrh r ar«1 Mbs anee, I noti<-o Judge L. <). Stearns lowing whin Ma.*9 tv prove hi* < vitiinuomc rcai Aprii 2t>th. pwà vi*: g « m > l.rduc and MiiwMarv Ha'rv, St I’ERINTFNDENT Pi Hire Senno!.«; LEE (¿ALDWELL - _ _ _ PROPHirTolt. «ience upon, and cnluvtclon of raid land viz Win ( hr a’lsn and Mm. M A rrv. of Baker City. XX »1 Ilan» Hnys, • Yard XX in W and MI m > Alli«* X» «tei», G. McColl»»» E. HAYES. D. *. No. J21 l for thè bRui X E ur, ^et 20. and H. 'want, • ira »1 eountv i»»e«on. knd »’ appeal ( harJvw IK rd and MlraCnni llprrlp. — Our fellow townsman, M. R. HAIR-CUTTIHG. SHAVING. AND SHAMPOOING, «.f X w or. No« 21. Tp ;>4 8. R 32 E. He namr* tug from ’be* rd* >*t thia oft« ? that X J L. C **mlth ai d Mir« llat«l e l.kml, Of John Pur. he fkillow»* u « itncrt'rcF t® prove hi* cottiInuc'P» Hellman, returned home Saturday Gill rlrlws th» -aid trac t*, adwraely under ’ n-i-iencr ( harlra J««hnr« n ntnl Mira h m Walen«. upoa, miri eiiÌitvÌHrn of rairi land, Given Personal Attention. X«'. ••'. hr t* he re y *pex ia! Mr and Mm ( . F Fr.«. au< 1 Mica olli< Frye, evening from th«' state convention. llomvs »« I Ent fame* t'aldweU. O. A. Har R. J h ritrd lo be pi ent at *al«i ttm*an«a p’a< rand J > nrtfv. JH»a'am« a t iani’I t i ■ «I M<< • wan. », an d»er, all of Bure». Grant co.. Mr Hellman was ele« ted a delegat, piiM ( W m. V i* he may have why the fit al M m », a < X ’ I ' • . < Li IF lb«1 X F ^X KI I I NG. K, Jtr r»** ULK'mt 1C C< . to lb« national dem.icnttic convcn- tprl IR.M X F. «XV < *nc d«M»r North of Orug S'toro. * THE HERALD F ine W ines , liquors A nd cigars . . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I 2ÌLttoio.tioi2L Farmers ! WILLOW RRANCH FLOURING MILL, VALE AND BURNS STAGE LINE. DRUGS. MEDICINES. PAINTS, BRUSHES, F’UXTE CTJTLERY Tonsorial I L f WevvEatli House. < » ‘