E ast O regon ol. 1 —No. 19. -*» rlERALD BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL THE HERALD 4, 1888. $2.30 a Year. IÌIOM WASHINGTON, I). C. ; ate, declared that if the bill passed I j it would destroy every industrial in-! Who Will be the Nominee for Vice-Pres­ ident? Biographical Sketch PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY j terest on the Pacific coast. What 1 W. A. WILSHIRE, J- of Gen. Black! THE TOWN OF BURNS Lakeview. Or. Burn?», Or. BY did he mean? Will the canning and | E d . H erald : Who shall be placed DEMOCK.VI1C NATIONAL CONT EN ­ Grant County, Oregon. WILSHIRE HUDSON. packing interests be “destroyed” if j ' on the ticket with Cleveland is now TION. D. L. GRACE, AS IT IS VOICED BY THE HEKALI). The national democratic committee having they get tin plate free of the duty j daily question. Vilas had many E ditor and P roprietor . met in 1 lie city of Washington on the 22d day of Attorneys-at-Law i that takes from them vast sums of. the February, loKS, has appointed supporters for a while, but appears BUSINESS MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL SEE THAT TUESDAY. THE 5TII DAY OF JUNE money for which the government i LAKEVIEW AND BURNS. OR. HU 1W<’KIPTION RATES Burns contains Next, at noon, hk the time, and ch» sen the city not to care particularly for the St. Louis hh the place for holding the nation­ has no use? Certainly not. Twen- One Year 1 newspaper; 2 hotels: 3 saloons: 1 undertaker; I ineat market; 2 lawyer®; 3 physician®: 1 This firm practices in the Courts of the of i place. Morrison, of Ill., has many al democratic convention. Ea<’h state Is en­ six Months Stale, ami before the U. S. Land OtHec. titled to representation therein equal to double j ty-two of the leading houses of this | surveyor; 1 land agent; 1 drugstore; 1 jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 2 livery stables: 2 general mer­ Three Month® .............. ' friends, and would like the Anv business in the Land Office entrusted the number of its senators uud represent at ives One Year (in advance)....... chandise Btores; 1 bath house; 1 hardware store; 1 barber shop; 1 suw-inill; 2 carpenters; 1 coast have petitioned congress for] warm in the congress of the United States, and each to them will obtain prompt attention. nomination, while thousands of reading room. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 school; 1 church organization. territory and the District of Columbia sliull | that very thing. If free tin plate) £9** La nd <’a«es SoliciUMl. democrats are anxious to shout for f&“ Mail a copy of T he H erald to friends in the East. Advertise your town. have two delegate s. IIEKAI.D CLUB LIST: All democratic, conservative cttlaens of the ¡greatly increases the business of| Speaker Carlisle, of Kentucky. But lterabl and The Century, one year United States, irrespective of past political as ­ these houses, as they themselves j llerald and Sr. Nicholas, •• sociations and differences who can unite with | there is a strong under-current ef ATTORNEY. . lterald and Demoreat Magazine, one year us in an effort for pure political and constitu­ affirm, will the fishery interests suf­ Herald and 1‘eterson Mazarine “ tional government, ere cordially invited to join fer thereby? Will the fruit-growers popular feeling in favor of Gen. I GEO. S. SIZEMORE - - Brass, O r . lleruld and Godey’s lardy's Book ** us in sending delegates to the convention. John C. Black, and it is generally lllerald aud the West Shore Criminal Jaw a specialty. WIU.IAM II. BARNUM, Ch’m’n, be ruined? F rederick o . F kince , Secretary National conceded the convention Will the lumber industry be de- ! , .. that , if ,. . . Democratic Committee. ADVERTISING RATES: T. V. B. EMBREE. M. D. stroyed if the tariff of i J per llMHl • ” . STACK |lwk 2 Wk 1 ino 3 mo 6 ino 1 yr. AGENT FOR He is the Office at his residence on the east side or In Answer tti the I nrciuiulng Efforts ft. be removed? In 1881 we find)w”11^ be demanded. Si Ivies River, ten miles below Burns. 1-ly Ry the Oppcsltion to democratic supremacy | i that the lumber mills of Oregon ex- Rowing favorite and all who give 1 inch i 11.50 12.50 1-»00 |x 00 111 00 (15.00 2X 00 IX 00 in the Harney country, to disorganize the par | fi.50 12 00 4 00 8 00 ty therein, by drawing the line between ‘’set­ ported 31,560,000 feet of lumber, he .natter careful thought concede X (Ml 15. OC 40.00 ! 3.50 24 00 5 U0 tlers” and ‘•stockmen” instead of between Dem-! ‘ L’2.00 50.00 fi. 00 10 OU 20 Où 1.50 r v i tnut he po88LB8CB more elements of J. G. Welsh*M. D *rratspad Bepuhll^an®. (for Hye benefit of thei much of it goujg . to T 4X IM) ¿»4 DU 9.00 15.00 2X 00 6.00 Hongkong anil 8tren^h7! an nny named. A MO 00 1.0 00 latterly we publish rhe following rorrert-ioim ¿napLYT*. t “'Li a 12 00 1« Ü0 •¿xou 4M 00 ! Offers his professional services to the cit­ their .Australia. n our inuis areaweio. , . .. __ , .~ » . . r weakly organ ’ s attempts to Tnisrvpresem ? Australia. If OUT 1111118 ill'C able to 110 00 140 00 tiü 00 80 00 40 00 20 00 izens of Burns and vicinitv. Office at resi- shiplun.bertoZeigninnrk.-tsnn.l'''^, f vi M achine Oil, Needles, and Supplies of all Kinds, kept Constantly on „und. H krald and the oplcrt of its publication: I aLin liitnLir in fnrfntrn rOnrVofc nnd AQT* T he H erald is not owned nor con­ • dence south of Herald building. 1-ly ,le c ■ ' I, - kept regul.rlv trolled by any stockman, settler, politician, or I there sell at a profit they can hold T he Ilium ---------- — . . on SI« for re- ............... ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Newspapei Ad- onv other man, except the one whose name an- j ve itisi ng Bureau, 10 Spruce st., New York. at the head of the paper as i's editor, pub­ their own in the home markets PIANO, ORGAN, <& SEWING-MACHINE Physician & Surgeon. pears „„„in.* »1,, ».ill« of U or n„v I!lfttk 18 11 'indent of 1 ennsyl- lisher, and proprietor. T he H erald belongs to no men, nor set of against the mills of Canada or any vania ancestry of several genera­ —Sold on— men, therefore, works for no monopoly, corpor­ other country. OFFICIAI. DIRECTORY. Dr. S. B. McPheeters ation, Manufacturers of tions. His father, Rev. John Black, clique, or ring. J Graduate of Iowa State University, respect-1 T he H erald is neutral in nothing— indepen­ woolen goods ask to have duties re­ N. R. M axey ! Easy Monthly Payments, County Judge fully offers his professional services to the j dent in all things, and straight-out democratic moved from the grades of wool not a Presbyterian minister, removed to J. T. M ael ! Clerk ! citizens of Burns and surrounding country. when party lines are drawn. And on all the Mississippi in 1834, where the son E. H all Treasurer............... questions of the day will be found advocating grown in this country, and which Calls answered at all hours. was born Jan. 27th,- 1839. Upon right side as its editor is able to view it. ? T. A. M c K innon , ! | Office at W. E. Grace’s Drug Store. 1-ly tiie they must have, tariff'or no tariff. Commissioners . T he H erald is an advocate ot law and order: $ T. II. M eador of “the greatest good to the greatest number;” If they can get these wools to mix the death of the father, a few years ?s anti-sectional in matters pertaining to East later, the mother, with her family, purveyor ........................... .............. J. II. N eal Oregon, Grant county, Hurney Valley or Rums. with the home-grown wools, they A C. D ore ] Practical Surveyor Kherift’ ................................ settled at Danville, Ill. In 1858, It publishes the latest news for its readers as . M. I). C ameron I Assessor ... A. L. CONNOR soon as obtained; offers its eolumi s to the op­ claim that they can produce goods , Gen. Black entered Wabash Col­ Be haul Superintendent. . ........ H. F. D odson LEE CALDWELL _ _ _ - P roprietor the prosperous, and every other citizen | Any anil all kinds of surveying done on short pressed, within i’s territory, willing to take the respon­ in quality and quantity to compete lege. At the outbreak of the war, J. C. LUCE. ; Stock Inspector | notice and reasonable terms, Settlers sibility of his utterances. HAIR-CUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING, j wishing to be located, ertn have plats furnished with the world at home and abroad. he enlisted as a private in the 11th I.. B. I kon bistrict Judge | free of charge. 1-ly So the wool industries are not in Indiana regiment, and was mus­ Given Personal Attention. district Attorney.............. . M. D. CLIFFORD. danger of destruction. But the bill tered into the service April 10, 1861. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Register, U. 8. Land Office, A. F. S nelling ' aims chiefly at a reduction of the He was appointed sergeant-major Carpenter and Plumber, Receiver, “ “ “ .. W. M. T ownsend . I tariff, but few articles being placed W. A. R0DIFER. GRANT COUNTY NOMINEES. upon the free list. Will the people of his regiment, and served with it V. 8. MAILS. I Orders for Painting, also, will be skill- through the 3 months campaign in | fully and promptly filled. be injured—will the great farming West Virginia. At the expiration One door North of Drug Store. ^REPRESENTATIVE. burns — vale : industries be destroyed—if food, of his enlistment he returned home, Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p m. clothing, building and working ma­ and was mustered out Aug. 4th. Leuves Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 a m. BLACKSMITH. J. F. M orrison , Tlie JSsLXTV-ThTill. Of Drewry. terials be obtained at cheaper rates? lie re-entered the service Aug. 15th, BURNS—CANYON CITY: P. S. EARLY-------- B urns , O r . NEAR BURNS, OREGON. The question is too absurd for con­ 1861, as major of the 37th Illinois, Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 p m. Leaves Wednesdays and Saturdays nt 4 a in. SAYER h all kinds of fresh Lakeview. Linkvilie. ty at heart, and of the voters who the work of “trusts,” syndicates by his party. Two days after | meats, sausage, etc. Leave your order. | COGSWELL & COGSWELL. showed their confidence in his abili- anil “combines.” By thus raising Cleveland’s inauguration, the office WAGONS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES, ILAKKVIEW ANI> LIXKVII.I.E, Or. ty and political honesty to capably tj1(. prices of the metalf, they, in cf- of Commissioner of Pensions was WATCHMAKER er ve their serve their needs. needs. ) feet, levy taxes upon the people. tendered Gen. Black unsolicited. -AND- jffi^*AGFNT for F ireman ’« F und I nsurance C ompany .-®! i-i y ---- .-------------- I The rise of prices is artificial, and He accepted, and his administra­ Attorneys-at-Law. Jeweler. T he republican party of Grant |jle Consumers are the taxpayers, tion of this great trust has been [1-ly________________________________ 1 CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r . county held its primaries last Hut- Almost everybody in civilized soci- marked by signal ability and jus­ TEOES EAR nrday, and tomorrow it will have ’ (.fy js a consumer of these metals, tice. Personally, Gen. Black is one bttornev, Notary Public CITY HOTEL. PROPRIETORS. ROBINSON & DODSON to nominate candidates of unusual 'fin, zinc and copper carry high pro­ of the kindest and most genial of Collector. B. F. LLOYD------- P roprietor . partisan merit if it hopes to poll any ) tcctiVe duties. But what do the men, but inflexible in the discharge thing like a full party vote, because ' people think about continuing to of public duty. He is of marked L. C. BRODERSEN,... Lakeview. Full Supply of This Hotel lately refurnished, offers spe­ cial inducements in accommodation to the republicans, as well as democrats, protect these “trusts” and com- |>ersonal appearance, and would Any business entrusted to me will receive | traveling public,whose patronage is solicited ire becoming alive to the necessity ) post careful and prompt attention. Land make a splendid presiding officer bines?-B< ft >n Glol c. jffi0P~Tablc furnished with the best the inar lor continuing the great labors of hatter» and^ffiollection a specialty. Corres- of the U. 8. senate, and would grace ket affords. l-lv pndence solicited in English and’ German. the present administr»tion to lift' T here is about 100,000,000 lbs the office of President, should he lx? ALSO Liverv and Feed Stable. from the shoulders of (»0,000,OtX) of wool imported into the United called upon to fill the duties of that Attomey-at-Law Americans engaged in daily pur-: States every year. 75,000,000 lbs station. A. II. G. Beer, Bitters and the Best Cigars in the Market \V. C. BYRD - - - - P roprietor . suits for a livlihixxl (which includes of this is known as “carpet wool.” Washington, I). C., 3-20-’88. M. A. KELTON. A CASH BUSINESS AT BED farmers, stockmen, merchants, me-: This is a coarse article, a rough Lakeview, Or. From the Bt. Louis Globe Democrat ROCK PRICES. Drinks scientifically mixed in style and quantity to suit. chanics, laborers, office-holders, and cross between wixil and hair, not ‘rartires in the courts of the state, and : ’ Isotir motto. Good Buggy Teams, and Nice »re the V. 8. Land Office. 1-ly __ _______ ___ is raised in the i The Secretary of the Interior has pound of ____ which Saddle Horses Furnished at Rbtis.u■ab1e«*fhirgrp the professions), the enormous, ex-' one and Particular Attention paid to the Boarding , travagant, the needless taxation of United States, the nearest to it bc- rendered the following important and Groomingof Transient Stock. Hay A Grain ! decision involving the question of on hand. | necessaries of life, in order to en- ¡ng the “mustang” sheep of Califor- atches, Clocks A First-Class Billiard Table. residence upon homestead entries -AST>- rich vast manufacturing interests, njUi half xh» > p and half gont, that prior Off-I ce always on hand ^VI 1-ly to making final proof: whoee insatiable greed for gain at were brought up from Mexico in “To the Hauling in Town Commissioner of the General l and JEWELRY. Offi< e: S ir —I have considered the appeal of Win. BY the expense of the producer and an early day, and which sheared R. STARK,------- L akeview . A. Thompson from your office decision of July GHOBGK KTEltLIML -onsumcr, is so ably shown by the from one to three pounds. As this 9, lHKti, rejecting his final proof f«»r the land CENERAL MERCHANDISE. the largest lot of goods in this line Burns. Oregon. therein mentioned. I think Ibis man 1® entitled brought •«> this section of country «nd Any one desiring to have hauling—any kind Tact that “protectionists arc organ­ kind of wool sold at prices varying to hlw patent. He made h!a declaratory state at L ower P rices than offered here, of hauling—«lone for them, call on G. Sterling, ized all along the line, to maintain from 3 to 5 cents per lb., no sheep ninit April 2«, 1K.SI, alleging settlement the week •n in Lakeview call and see. 1-ly before, and shows that hr made It. It appears who will faithfully and promptly execute all P F STENGER orders left for him at the Livery stable of Pow­ the advantages” gained under re­ man of today would embark in that that lie was at sent during m< st of the following, summer; I list he was on the lund from fall until ell A Summery lile. publican administrations. Repuls- business. This wix»l dix-s not com ­ the follow Ing spring; al sent again during tho Keepa constantly on hand a Full Line of very 1 Feed Stable summer; again upon the land from licans not blinded by partisan prej­ pete with the prixlucc of a single succeeding fall until spring, and not at sent S months at any DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, i CANYON CITY AOVERTIKEMF.NTÄ. udice. know from the present atti­ Hix-k in the United States; its intro- one P. II. MURPHY. time; that he applied the proceeds of his la HATS. CAPS. BOOTS. AND SHOES, l>or during the two s< asons when he was absent tude of their party, that they can i duction into this country would not to EVIEW — - — - OREGON. the building of Ills house and making I in HARDWARE. TINWARE. QUEEN8WARE, pto\emeetfl oil Ills land, now altogether at p>l one HAY cr pound. This tariff tils all orders made for teams and veb- h ® earning« with fidelity to that puriM.ae. In GROCERIES, NOTIONS. * SCHOOL SUPPLIES, O. P. Cresap, 1-ly truxtx, etc., through it, and will gov­ does not protect anyone, its only ef­ the spring of the third year he left again and re­ a’ sent until the follow ing January, hl® of which hr offer, at the U»we«t Price, and for Only. Canyon City, Oregon. ern themaelvea accordingly; hence, fect being to make the price of our mained piirp. m - I ring to earn siiffi« lent monr> to pay Has, al*o. n fine MMsortment of Barbedine atchmaker A Jeweler the government his land. The amount republican party leaders in Grant car|x'ts high. The other 25,000,000 nercsaary wnp 1^. for • considerable ware—something new, which for Ixaiity <1 sum for a la- design and fini-h is hard to equal. A fine county muxt depend upon arouxing lbs. is a fine wl that is not raised liorer to gave fiom hl® wag« a during the year, in J. W. BONEBRAKE. addition to the necessary fees sud expenses. line (and in ail -hades), of partisan zeal, and keeping it at Ixiil- anywhere in the United States, ex­ He sppeerfl to have done It. and notwithstand take view, Oregon. MOSAIC WARE. Ing he w as not peiixinnlly present upon tlie land CHAS. G. FRYE, P roprietor Wen-Mnable Price«». 1-ljr ing point until the day of election. cept in some parts of Ohio. This during the Isst 6 n.onths preceding the comple­ of hla entry, the fart ran not deny hl® right, wool pays a tariff’ of 11 cents per tion Beautiful Glass Ware lie ina<1e “a settlement Io person" r»u thia land; IAHXEY CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. L et it be noted that Mitchell, pound, is used in manufacturing he haa erected a dwelling, he has improved tho Of every description—Toilet seta; genuine bronze Lamps with Duplex Burners, one Dolph and Hermann have fallen the finer cassimcrcs and woolen land and he has Inhabited In good faith. When it Is considered that th'® tract war situated •nffieient to light the town. Eight*Day V. .1. MlLLF.n mile® from the ordinary highway®, re­ promptly into line with their par­ dress gixxls, and also in helping to many Clocks. and a tine line of mote from settlements generally, that It is very ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ty’s policy of fostering the trusts, work up our finer wls by being difficult of arrets, and yet that hr haa persist- WATCHES AND JEWELRY. L Harney City, Oregon. ently elune to It for three yeats, apply Ing all the Tobacco and cigars— Pipes, and Meewhaom combines, and other gigantic swin­ mixed up with it.—Ex. nil prnrti« e in all the Htate Courts. 1-tf reaulta of hla labor to (•fl Improvement and ’ta Pipes a specialty, warranted, oysters, Mar purchase. If ¡a difficult U> discern a case more dles at the people ’ s expense, and dines, t rackers, all fresh. ***<•<«, !*•< A New Stock of Eine Goods. worth*. Ilfs "Inhabitancy” of the land Is not brands. Yeast Powders—everybody are vigorously at work trying to de­ T he Ways and Meant committee Imiwarhed after hla residence waaonrr secured I’RAi TK AL SURVEYOR. esn draw a prise worth from 25e by going abr.md to pro« tire means to bring bark to fl Full line of Mrhool has prepared an nd