Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1888)
—r m April 3d, democratic state con ANNOIA« EMENTS «•> CANDIDATES. THE HERALD. vention nicets at l’emileton. Dele All aunounceiuent* ma '.e nt following rafts, and pavment invuriably in ailvaucr ('oinm's- ; K <:■ <lun o:id <-1 wm uaaii lu»lter at Burna.J gates will be charged full fare bv ami AfMMOT <•> < a< h: all other ci.nntv the railroads going to Pendleton, officiM (IOeach. lAiginIative, and CongrcHdonal »*<>< W. NEWS II VKNE1 » U.l.m and one-fifth fare returning home. 1 « each REPUBLICAN. WEKSE'KAY. MAW 11 _'x. Is*« z ~yards Burns are being spaded up preparatory to setting poll COl’NTV CEKHK. —J- C. Garrett is in Canyon City. shade trees, shrubbery, and berries. I hereby announce myself a* a candidate —The weather beautiful for the • Ir. Jxjcher, the Burns brewer, is, for the office of Countv Clerk of Grant however ahead, having both of his county, subject to action of the Republican past week. JOHN W. SAYER. lots broken, and potatoes and other Convention. —Grass shooting forth promis-j garden »tuff planted. poll ASSESMHC. ingly. 1 he Sunday Welcome entered WILLIAM HARVEY, for a^j^ssor, wub- —Wanted: load of wood for this upon its 15th volume, March 10, ject to the action of the Republican county office at selling price. and gives its readers the first iriatnll- convention. 'ijeut of Wilkie Collins nqw story —I*. F. Stenger is preparing pine A C'AltD. rhe Legacy of Cain,” and its lead Jogs for rafting down the river. ’ B urns , O r ,, ing editorial on “democratic kick-1 —Mrs. M. A Fry, we learn is pre lugs is good and to the point. March 22d, 1888. paring to make a business trip to, The rumor has gone abroatl that —The saloon next to the post-of California. fice is always o|x-n for the recep I have pledged myself to support a —Mrs. Haskell was very sick last tion of customers, and never fails republican for U. S. Senator, should week, I ut, we are glad to say, is her | to keep on hand the best brands I be elected and that I was brought usual cheerful self again. of liquors: wines, brandies, ami out by republicans for th<> candi —C. M. Caldwell, Geo. McGowan, whiskies, as well as cigars, and to dacy for the state Legislature I make tins statement through the • and Ben. Brown are attending the bacco. —Measles reported in the coun E ast . O iieuo . n H erald , that the convention. try in vicinity of Burns; among above rumor is not true and I here —Miss Mollie Haley canie to those on the sick list this week, are by pledge myself to support a dem Burns to-day and will probably re Misses Susie and Etta Dixon; both ocrat for U. S. Senator should I be main till fall. Sehyler and Frank Whitng, at Mr elected and that I will vote for all —Three weeks ago near Harney, Haskell's; Ellis, and Miss Lillie democratic measures that are a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon; and Miss Carrie Alli brought before the legislature and Win. Bennett. son in order to eseajie the infection, that I am not pledged to favor any locality for the temporary county is visiting friends in town. —A daughter was born to Mr. scat in case the county is divided — Mr.s. Hughes, who is visiting and Mrs. W. Y. King, in Burns, and that I will favor the division of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A .J March 22d, 1888. (¡rant county. R obert T errell . " ilson, near Burns, last Friday lost —It is currently rumored mea her little ten-months-old son bv T he first election of 1888 will be sles was brought into Harney val <leath from pneumonia. Funeral I held in Rhode Island, where state ley from the .East. services were held at the house at officers and legislature will be A!* <d<K'k J$Upday morning by Rev. elected April 4th; Louisana comes —Hay hiulirg is the principle I • '* V. B. Embree, and the burial style of teaming d sue in and about took place at the Burns Cemetery next, electing state officers and legislature April 17th; Oregon will Burns, at this time. later. J elect congressman and legislature —Walter Jones so long sick —It is a source of pride to the jour June 4; Alabama elect» state officer» near Canyon City, came in on Can nalist who looks upon his paper as and legislature Aug. 6th; Arkansas yon stage last evening. one of the principle elements of pro elects state officer» and legislature gress of his county toward the front Sept. 3d; Vermont elects state of —A lady lately from Canada. ranks of civilization, to be able to ficers, legislature and congressmen, Mis» Thompson, was inquiring for count as regular readers of his pa Sept. 4th; Maine elects state officers, sewing to do yesterday. per, the most intelligent citizens in legislature and congressmen, Sept. —Final proof notices of William the county (“the good, the wise, and 10th; Georgia cleets governor anil Gore, and Edward Noble appear the true,”) whose desire for the best legislature Oct. 3d; in all the other fruits from “the tree of knowledge” states, elections occur on Nov. 6th. for the first time in this issue. creates a demand for truth, justice, All presidential electors will be —Sworts Miller of Stein Mt. love of neighbor, and fair-play, that chosen Nov. (¡th, and will meet at range, report 150 head of sheep es- will not be put off with such fungus their respective state eapitols Dec. stray. and offer liberal reward. out-growtli as falsehood, misrepre 5th, and cast their votes for Presi —Last week L. Verian. who lives sentation, abusive language, one dent and Vice 1’Jesident of the seven miles from Burns, shot 30 sided statement, an«l such literary United States. geese, 17 ducks, and 1 sand-hill offal as the “the least” among the BKMOCBATIC PKIMAKIE«. C htorial fraternity is able to pluck crane. I HE H erald ’ s work for the Ilarnev ’turHH from the Precinct*. —Preparations for gardening on country is supported by the Ixst Up to lU time of going to presa the following pre Red-S land is taking place to test class <>f settlers in the valley, as ex Hurts had sent in returns: B urns — 4 — R«>bt. Terrell, Geo. McGowan, J. c. its adaptability to agricultural emplified by the tone of its regular Wooley, Win. Skinner. purpose». correspondent» from every section U nion (PrairieCity)—4—Wm. B. ( arpenjer, Daley, J. Young, I. I. Cozart. thereof. —J. W. Notton was nominated for H arney —3—W. A. Alberaou, Win. Page, W. J. ■•The Wicked Flee M hen No Man Pur- Johnson. justice of the peace, and W. E. Al- / sueth.” C anyon —3—J. A. Sloan, Uhos. J. Smith, Lee berson, constabk-, for Harney pre —For «ome (to u«, na |I yet Miller. unaccountable «“ ), '«'»S of .March rea- ”h J ohn D ay —8—It. Erway, F. McCullum, Jas. cinct, last Tuesday. ilarnev poatoiru-e, 111» to *nh In..' Young. allhotiKli we Harney mailed on It time: on WetlnvHuav amt m.m o> «lase Kot to tl ", we ’¿an, L ong C reek — 3—C. Dustin, II. II. Davis, ----- Wallace. „ aml'i iid»"i r for r 7'Ii wh "’ h“v1 "*• «"-I Thur.- in' hihi i rnlay the paper, came to Burn« to earn the reason of the Wav. mt ft was imi i M arysville — 2— R. D. Johr s«>n, D. Campbell. »•SStt-a-SSTErtiga? curry —2—J. C. Garrett, J. Williams. Sn. vies —1—John C. Cameron. B ear V alley —1—Aaron WJckerser. —The board of directors have se cured the services of Mrs. Cann- field to teach a 3-months school in Burns, beginning April 2d. —Dr. Embree made a very pleas lut Etta ya primary. In rhe r>H( Strayed. ant call on T he H erald last Sat /rieinV lrpub,,8h ,he wnwiion for our Harney urday, and reports farmers busy and The above paragraph called out About 150 Sheep, part branded M with the usual spring work. also, fl re-bra ruled with (a re the following printed letter of “ex-' mid part verse M) on left face. A portion of them was —127 votes for delegates were planation.” last seen near the Doe. Anders <n property. It seems that there something wrong about ,hroU «h is ,be '"Ml1 irom pi" J n! tallied at Burns’ democratic prim We will give a Liberal Regard for any Infor ary, 45 votes were east at the Can mation as to their whereabouts. Addrers 8WURRS & MILLER. yon primary; 54 at Harney. 3-ÏM-1S Burns, Oregon. —J. S. Devine, who has, we learn, been taking a business trip in Ne vada, and to the White Horse ranch, is expected home shortly. tlu mall ojx ned ami kn. vatlmt lailll packaae, «l. L wW'o ' 1,11 ln<>r"ln» In tlie mal, \ndV’t h,,n,H they came, which I did 11 '*>«’ D "ima,ter nt llnrn, can. If hr w I —The Vale-Burns stage got in Tuesday evening about 5 p m. Mr. Boswell is always on time when railroad time and weather permit. —The fight in Canyon precinct was for sheriff, with two tickets: the Haguewood, and Wash, the former receiving a majority of all the votes cast. —Death and destruction sweeps over the Eastern states on the wings of the terrible blizzard, while Ore gon enjoys bright sunshine and line weather. ADVERTISEM ENTS. J71NAL PROOF. h.n.i i . llK«'««> Hmlnuate, that 1 held lot- the puper. pre whirl, from I. „„t hl. Democrat, „„ " ‘ In "! Ilarnev l. «' «’ , — rhe “Burns Beer” manufac tured out of the best material by Locher, the Burns’ brewer, is a su perior article; 25c per bottle. * —Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cowing, with their little son, Edward, were visiting in Burns this week. T he H erald acknowledges a very pleas ant call. I. El JAL J. H. L ogo an , Harney, Or., March 1.-,, ixxa. A’",‘ *’ M Foil MAl.K. A dapple-gray Stallion, three years old in May; sired by Rector's ! dapple-gray" ‘English Glory;’ dam. ’ large gray Percheron mare. For .particulars, call on or addres, Harney, Or. D avid C arey , — Mr. J. W. Shown ami Mr. E II. King, of Harney, were in town Monday, and report having seen a band of about 40 antelope between here and Harney. —The editor of T he H erald is absent, having "taken a day off’’ to make aequaintanee with citizens in northern Grant, and attend the Democratic County Convention at < anyon ( ily, which accounts for deficiency in usual amount of read ing this week. —Mr. David Finnemore, who came here from Nevada last fall, is, we are informed, looking fora cattle range in the mountains near Burns, intending, if he can find one suita ble, to start a dairy. —For the informations of sub- 'scrilx-rs, we wish to say that in our system of putting up T he H erald mail of each week, there is no likli-l h«xxi of an error, ax will be seen,! much less any chance “for the edi tor to forget’’ to put a pa)x*r in any one of the "packages:“ two persona, thoroughly skilled in the business of a newxpa|>cr mailing nx>m, have put up every paper for our office, since the 21st of December last; one writes the names of subxcrilx>ra and poet-oflicca.and the other checks off the number in each |>a< kage, bun dles, ties, and pastes on the lalcls DIAMOND lit MT. E d . H erald : The weather is fine. — Every hotly busy —Severy parties plowing anti making preparations for gardening —The loss of stock has been very light this year. —Mrs. S. II. Porter is quite ill. —Mrs. D. H Smith has been very siek, but is able to lx* about again. —Mr. Central, of Barton valley, started to California by way of Ft. Bidwell last week. —Mr. Young, of Rock creek, came over last week and had Dr. Horton |H-rform a dental operation for him. —Mr. Ben Brown, of Burns, i» in our midst. —Three of our marksmen went to the mountains to kill some deer a tew day» ago, and one returned with 2 «leer, but the others brought back nothing but their good will. —I present for the young ladies' consideration the following list of eligible young men ns a reminder of their leap Year privilege: W E IIRACF J I I MIK IV CH AS. 1« Il ANDOS A W W! I. mo N. U. A. » MITII H ARRY T IIOMCSOM Till* RAIN J E All K INNOX. 1 X UTZ». I. KU l>. CH AS COMBO A S II N HORTON, run SRI NKR r M l> H AKK AAM COTES WORTH ID H AN« KY < AA H O NOLD. J M JARA IS C W Al, I- LAIN G S. »It K MORE P low rot . Diamond, March iff, ’88. U nited S tates L and O ffice , | Lake Co., Oregon. Lakeview, Oregon, February 2«, 1«««. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow AS IT IS VOICED BY ITS LOCAL NEWSPAPER A THE HERAlj) ing named settler has tiled notice of his inivn tion to make final proof in support of his claim, mid that said proof will be made tjefore the BCSINKHS MEN sbn««i that LAKEVIEW, Like eo.^tr., contain.: 1 new^xp.,- a Register or Receiver ut Lakeview, Oregon, on grocer: 2 Mloons; 1 brewerv; 1 undertaker; 2 laundries; 1 furniture »tore; 1 .hoe »hop. J **’1 April 27th, 188«, viz: market; t lawyer.: Sphyaleiana: 1 surveyor; 1 Uml agent; 1 dentiat; 1 drugstore; 1 J i”1^' .1. M. FlMher, II. E. No. 706, the WL;ofSE qr, and E1» of black.mlthe; 2 haruea. rbop.; 1 livery »table; 1 bakery; ;i general merehandlae .tor..-1T 1 SW qr. See 25, Tp : 3 S, R81 E. He names the fol ouae; 1 milliuer .hop; 1 real eatate agent; I aatv-mllL Ala.«, 2 Masonic lodge.: 1 « „J . » lowing witmpaea to prove hia e«»ntinuous resi dent e upon, und cultivation of paid land, \iz: plar lodge; 3 Od«l Eelloua* lodges; I Cnited Working Men', lodge. William Hu\s, O. A. Harrison, ( harles Stearns, and Stephen Young, allot Burns, Grant county, Oregon. A. F. SNELLING, Roti,1er. M< h 14-16 U nits :» states L and O ffice ) Lake view, Oregon, > February 13, 1»««.) NOTICE IR HEREBY GIVEN that the follow- log-named settIqr has filed notice of Intention to make final pr<»of m support of his claim, at’.d that said proof will la* made before J. T. Mael, < lerk of (»rant countv, Oregon, at Canyon C ity, Or., uu April 1« th, IM«, viz T. J. Nhlrhla, H. E. No. 301. for Lota 1. 2.3, & 4, Sec. 30. Tp. 28H. K* U- He names tne following w itnesses to prove hia continu.-u« rcffidciii e upon, and i ul- tlvation of, sai<l land, viz: Wm. W. Drawn, G. H Brown. J. a . Willian.s. R. J. Wldian r, all of Kiley, I,rant tit. E 8NELUSG. K>-xl.:vr. »eb. am N OTICE OF BUBLICATION—FINAL PROOF. Proof. U nited states L and office J Lakeview, Oregon, February 20, 18X8. | N otice W HEREBY GIVEN that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made be lore the Register aud Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, «.n May vth, I mx , viz E. I>. Weaver, D. J. No. 2642, for the NEqr 8ec 22*. Tp. 23 S, R 31 E. He names the following wiinirsts to prove hia continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz: A. i avili, II. C. lev ins, Edward Huulcv, and Win. Levins, all of Burns, Oregon. Meh 7-15 A. F. SNELLING, Register. ADVERTISEMENTS. THE TOWN OF LAKEVIEW OTIC I OF PUBLICATION—FINAL PROOF. piNAlf PROOF. U nited S tates L and O ffice , ( Lakeview, Oregon, February 28, 1«««.| NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of Us inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will lie made before the Register or Receiver nt Lakeview, Oregon, on April 26th, 1888, viz: A. SNIDER This mill is iu fine condition for turning out superior work. class miller. filial Proof. U nited states L and ()m< e ,) Lakeview, Or., February 20, 1888. j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compli ance with Hon. Coimnirsioiier'a letter “G, uf Dee. 14, 1887, the following named settler hits filed notice of his intention to make final proof in pirpp.irt of his claiin, and that suid proof will I be mude before Register and Receiver ut I.uke- i view, Oregon, on May 8th, 188«, viz: Edward flanlcy, D. S. No. 1152. C. E. N'o. 349, for the N’j of NE qr, sE qr of NE qr, and l>»ts :> A 6, Sec. 21, Tp. 23 b, R 31 E He iiiimvffthe following wltiussesto prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of raid land, viz E. 1». Weaver, A. ' av- in, Henry Levins, and J. C.Gairett, all of Burns Oregon. Meh 7-15 A. F. SNELLING, Register. The Highest Prices will be paid for Wheat. JMnal Proof. U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) Lakeview, or., February 20, 1*88. | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow ing named setder has filed notice of hie inten tion to make final proof in sup|>ort of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver a: Lakeview, Or., on .May 9th, 188«, viz: A. Cavin, I). S. No. 2606, for the N«, of SW qr, Sec. 22, Tp 23 S, R 31 E. He Damm the following wirnvsscs t<> prow hia continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: II. C. Levins, Ed ward Hanley, Wm. Levins, and E. D. Weaver, all uf Burns, Oregon. And it appearing from the records of this office, that T. B. Short ridge Haiir.s the above degcribed tract adversely, un der D. S. No. 2.V1U, he is hereby s]»ecin]ly cited to la* present at raid time ami place, and submit any reasons he may have why the final proof of A. Casiii should not be approved. Meh 7—15 A. F. SNELLING, Register. U nitei » states L and O ffice , | Lakeview, Oregon, February. 28,188«, I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow , ing-named settler has filed notice oi his inten tion to make final proof in aup]»ort of his claim, and that suid proof will be made before the I Register <»r Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on • Mu> 7th, 1888, viz: Charles Dollarhide, IL E. No. 4«. for the W’a of SE qr, NE qr of SW qr, and SE qr of NW qr, Sec 13, Tp liO S, R 31, E , He iia’nes the following witnoscB to prove his , continuous residence u|>on, ami cultivation of1 said laud, viz: R. J. Sawdon, .1. M. Fisher, 1 JaincK Nail, and William Woods, all of Burns, | Grant co., Oregon. Mi ll 14-1S A. 1’. -NEI.I.ING, RcKi.ter. I _ . -------------------------- --- ______( jq OTICE OF ri Bl.IC ATloN—FINAL PROOF. U nited S tates L and office , | i Lakeview, Oregon, February 2«, 1888.) . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in cumuli-, ance with Hon. ( oinmhsioner’s Letter “G’’of1 Nov. : 0. 18.87, the following-named settler hus filed notice of liis intention to make final proof in support of his claim,and that said primf will be made before the Kegis’er and Receiver ut Lakeview, or., on Mav ;,d, 18««, viz: ! Highest rates will be paid in exchange for Oats, Barley and Wheat. U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) Lakeview, Oregon, March 2, 1888.| NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compli ance with Hon. Commissioner’s Letter "G’’of Dee. 14. 1x87, the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hts claim, and that said proof will be made before J. T. -Mael, Clerk of (iru’it co.. Or., at Canyon *’ity, Or., on .May 7th, 1888, viz; Jameg M. Williams, I). S. 1118, (C. E. No. 347). for the E>v of NE qr, Sec 1«. SE qr of SE qr, >ec 9. SW qr of SW qr. Sec 8, Tp 19 S. R 84 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence ujM)n, and cultivation of said land, viz: James T. Moffett, Th. s. Howard, W. T. .Moffett, und Dolph Hardin, all of Drew sey. Grunt co., Or. Meh 14-16 A. F. SNELLING, Register. M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . T he H ference, veri fai h » Everything New and First-Class. This Hotel is new—House, Rooms and Furniture—und offer courteous service to every guest that is entertained in it. founty . 'Clerk Treasurt In Connection with tlie House. [('oininlRi The Bost Brands of Liquor* and Cigars Always on Hand. I-ly >iat riet •iatrk’t J The Finest To Be Found in the Lower Market P. LANE LAKEVIEW, OREGON. Two First-Class Billiard Tables. HARDWARE AND CROCKERY U nited S tates L and O ffice , > Lakeview, Oregon, March 2, 1S«S. j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in ance with Hon. Commibsioner’s Letter “G’’of Dee. 14, 1887, the following-named settler bus U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) filed notice of his intention to make final proof I.r.keview, Or., February 24, 18.8«. J in of his claim, and that said proof will II. SCHMINCK NOTIC> IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow- be support LAKEVIEW. OREGON made before J. T. Muel, Clerk of Grant eo.. ing named settler has filed notice uf hia inten Or., on May 7th, is««, viz: tion to make final proof in support of his claim, William F. Moffett. and that said proof will be made* before the D. S. No. 1108, (C. E. No. 84«), for the SE qrof Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on See 18, Tp It) 8, R IM E. lie names the following .May uth, 188«, viz: witnesses to prove his continuous residence Almon M. Field«, upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: I). L. D. S. No. 2566, fur the W’ a' of 8E qr, and E’2 of ( amidin, of Ram, Aimer Kobbit.s, D. Hardin, SW ur, Sec. 20, Tp2«S, Range 31 E. He names J. A. Robertson, of Drewsey, Grant co., Oreguu. the following wnaerses toprove hia continuous Meh 14-16 A. F. SNELLING, Register. Farmers need not incur the expense and delay of sending off for residence ui»un, and cultivation of said land, viz: S. R. Bowers. R. T. Hughet, N. Nelson, and Agricultural Implements, as this House keeps a full stock at Fair gl ’ MMONS. H. Shroeiier, all of Diamond B. O., Grant coun Prices. Citizens will find here as complete a line of Hardware and ty, Oregon. And it appearing of record that C. Justice Court for the Precinct of Drewgey, E. Falvey claims said tract under Timber Cul In County Crockery as in any other establishment in this section of country. of Grant, State of Oregon ture Entry No. nil, he is hereby notified to ap pear at said time ami place to show why the JI. J. Howard. civil Ar||„n Recover ¿■^“Tinware of all Descriptions to Order. Call and see ¡»roof of Fields should not be approved. Robert Mofflt, Deft.5 Money. Meh 7-15 A. F. SNELLING,Register. To Robert Moffit the above named defendent, in the name of the stale of Oregon, you are here by required to appear in the above entitled court on or before the 3Uth day of April, 188s. U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) and answer to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action. Lakeview, Or., February 24, 1888.) The Defendent will take notice, that if he NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow 11. K. 8CULAGEL ------ L akeview , O regon . ing named settler has filed notice uf his inten fail to m appear and answer, the Plaintiff will tion to make final proof in support of his claim, take justice against him for the sum of Fifty- LAKEVIEW (Water Street) OREGON. and for and that raid proof will be made before the Two DoHais mid Fifty Cents Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on cos‘s an i disbursements of this action. Prepared to do all kinds of work in the Blacksmith line. HORSE-SHOEING AT May 4th, 1«««, viz: Given under my hand this 9th day of March. , |2.50 ¡»er head. 1888. G. W. P obter , Justice of the Peace. Stanton ]{. Powers, It is hereby ordered (hat the annexed Sum 11. F No. 872. for the NE ar,0e<*. St. Tp W B, R o- 31 E. He names the following witnesses to mons be published six consecutive weeks in tlie prove his continuous residence upon, and culti E ast O regon H erald , a weekly newspaper published in Burns, Grant countv, Oregon. vation of said land, viz: K. T. Hughet, A. M. Meh 14-16 G. W. PORTER, J. P. Fields. H. L. Wright, and N. Nelson, all of Dia- im nd P. O„ Grant countv, Oregon. made to order with neatness, and of good quality. Meh 7-15 A. F. SNELLING, Register. piNAL PROOF. Manufacturer of Tinware General Blacksmith and Wagon Maker James K. Martin, U nited S tates L and O ffice . | Cash Entrv No. 398. for W\ of SF’,. SE'< of < Lakeview, Or., February 24, is?«, i SE’ 4 and Lot 8, Sec. 26, Tp. 2*2', S, R sO, K. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow Feb 22-11 A. F. SNELLING, Register. ing named settler has filed notic e of hia inten tion to make final pr«a»f in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. T. J71NAL PROOF. Mael,Clerk of Grant Co., Or., at ( anyon city, on UNITE!» STATES I.AND OFFICE.) April 16th, law, \ia: Lakeview, Oregon, > Timothy Donovan, February 11. 18XV ’ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow D. B. No. 2iM'n for the F.’j of NE qr. and N1. of SE nr, Bee. 7, Tp 20 R .w E. He names the fol mg named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of bls claim, lowing witnesses to prove hia cominuous resi and tha< said pr*a>( will l»a made before J T. dence upon, »ml cultivfoioci of said land, via; Mael. Clerk of Grant county. Or., at Canyon M. C Brand,’ Nv uilam smPb, A. A. Cowing, and J. T Adame, all of Burna, Oregon. City, Or., on March 31, I n *, viz: Meh 7-15 A. F. SNELLING, Regis’er. II. C. Halil. D. S. No. 1983, for the NW qrof NF qr, F’„ of N E <ir and NE qr of SE or, Hee. 35, Ip. is rf, R <Qlvrrrv N«f|r*. 85 E. He names the following witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon, and cul The undersigned having signed articles of tivation of. raid land, viz Thomas Howard, Dave Stallard, Wm. Altnou, and Frank Kings separation, the public are hereby notified that neither of im will hr rvapunaible for any Indcbt berg, all of Drewsey, Grant c. unty, Oregon. vdneaa of the «dher’a contracting. Feb 22-13 A. F. SNELLING, Regis er. Bun a, ( regon. Manh 7,1IWK s vmuei . B. A mis , pTINAL PROOF. Meh 7-15 J ennib L A mis . U nited b V atrs L and O ffice ,) Lakeview, Oregon, [ jqOTlCE OF PUBLIC ATION-FIN A I. PROOF February 11th, 1X8«.' N.ITICE is HEREBY GIVEN that the follow U nited stitbs I. and O ffk r . ) Ing named settler has filed notice of his inten I akeview, Oregi»n, February 2«. iwfi. | tion to make final pr«H»f in support of hia claim, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that thefollow- ami that said pnmf will be made hvforv the ing named settler has filed notice of hia inten Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on tion to make final proof in support »»f h>s claim, April 4th, 1X88, via: ami that said pr a»f will If made before the William A. Crrll. Regiatvr or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on D. S. No. 2«2’9. for the E’t of sE or. SW qr of SE May a, iw, via: qr. «nd *F «|f <»f - w qr, *«’< . Tp R . i ‘ William W ikm I s . He name« tne following witnvtava to prove his continuous residence u)M»n. and cultivation of. D. S. No. 2273, for the NK. of NE qr. SE qr of ' E qr. and N E qr of SE qr, Sec M, Tp. 30 f, R F2 E said land, viz R N Miller, J R C. Jarknun. and J. A Williams, all of Kiley 1*. O. He names the /«»llowtng witnraaea t.» prove hia continuous residence upon, and eultivafi<u Grant county, Oregon. of. »ni<i lai d, via: James Nall, R. J. Sawdon. J. Feb. 2fol4 A F. SNELLING, Register. M. Fit zgvraid, and i harles Ikdlarhide, all of Hun'S. Grant courity, Oregon. pINAL PHOOP. M.h 14.1a A. F. .«NEI.I ING. Rrgiatrr. QESERT LAND— FINAL PROOF U nitbd B tatbs L and O ffici , f Lakeview. orem»n. February 28. MM.) NOTH K Is HEREBY GIVEN that Owrw A. Harrte«.■ . f burns P. o. Grant <«x. oixgon. baa file«! ■»<alea of intention to n.ak<- pr»n»f «>n bis desert land claim N<v 215, for the NF »ir and F’j of "War, Bee 12: NEqr and K\ of NW ar. Sr 13. Tp 4 S. R 31 K. before the Regtatrr or Ke reiver at I akr\ lew. Or., on Friday, the 27th dav of April. I’M«*. Hr namea the following wit- • j -. s r the rumplfte irrigation and rv clamation . f «aid land Tht»maa Hook. W iiliam Haj s. James « aMwell. J. M Fisher, all of Bunt «»rant m, • »rvgwn. Meh D-M A. F. SNELLING. Register BUGGIES, WAGOS, ETC. NEW TO-DAY piNAL PROOF. I’ nited states L and O ffick J Lakeview, Oregon, March in, ¡. imd . | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow ing-named iettler huff filed notice of hla inten tion to make Anal proof in support of h>a claim, and I hat said proof will t»e made before the Register and Rr<M*i\erat Lakeview, Oregon, on May lilh, vir. Willlnm Gore. D. S. No. 2XM, for the SW qr of Sec. 27, Tp SO S, R % E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous n sden< e ti|»oii, and culti \ atton of said land, vir J< fvph I'vloie, Louis Perry. Peter Delore, and Henry Sturgeon^ nil of Ft. M< Permit, Nevada. M< h 2S-'.a A. F. SNELLING. Reg s er. plNAL PROOF. U nitei » S tates L and O ffick .) Lakeview. Oregon. March 16, laas. i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow ing namci settler has filed notice of hla inten tion to make final proof in support of hia claim and that said proof will be made before the Regiater and Receiver at I.akeview, Oregon, on May 10th. law. viz: Edward Noble, D. 8. No. 2738, for the st. of >E’ * and 8K of SW\. Sec. 13, Tp. 32 S. R. 34 E. He names tne follow ing witnessis to prove hia continuous residence upon, ami cul’lvation of. said land, viz Jos eph I’elorc, Louis Perry, Peter Delore. Henry Sturgeon, all of Ft Mi Permit, Nevada. And it appearing from the recon’s of thia of fice, that R. Newman claims the above tracta, adversely under D. S. No. '.4’”*. he fo hereby cit ed tola* prêtent at sai«i time ami place, ami sub mit any reasons he ma have why the final proof of the said Edward Noble should not be apprvved Ml h .8-1« A F SNELLING. Reffiirtt r. Arrivi Jx*ave Arrivi Leave J’roof. Anyone having Final Proof to make will pave money and time by coining to T he H erald office, where 1« -inks obtained from the l.nini Ofliee will be found and w ill t>e correctly Ailed out. Purvey« Kherift Affffesffoi Fvhooi S tock In J^TOTICE OF PUBLICATION—FINAL PROOF. 1'NtTKD S tates L and O ffice ,) Lakeview, Oregon,March 9, I kss .J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow ing named settler h»i6 filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in supisirt of hfs claim, nixl that siiiit pr«M.f will bB made before the Register or Ile< eiver at Lakeview, Or., on May 8, law, vlx. Cyrus Williams, H. E. No. ML for tbe WM of hWWA WU of SW Sec. 21. Tp. 27S. R. 31 F.. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove hiff continuous resi dence upon, and culiix at ion of, said land, viz: s. R. Powers. A. M. Fields, R. T. Hughet, J M Fitzgerald, all of Burt s P. O., Grant co.,()regou. Meh 21-17 A. F. SNELLING. Register. a a n a a a THE HOPKINS HOUSE ' | ; : <»TICE OF PUBLICATION—FINAL PROOF. .Herald Herald illerald Herald lieraid lieraid £**-<'all anil See for Vournelve» llefoi*e Trading Elsewhere. Robert .1. Williams, D. S. No. 845, C^E. No. i 79. for the W’? of NE qr, and WL, of SE qr, Ser 30. Tp 28 S, R 27 É. He names the following witners» s to prove I i I h con- linuous residence upon, aud cultivation of said land, viz: Fred Okerman. Robert Baker, George Williams, mid John Wurner, all uf Riley. Grant co., Oregon. Meh 14-16 A. F. SNELLING, Register. Six Moi Three ! Une Yi Is in churge of a fffF'WE GUARANTEE OUR FLOUR.^f XJOTICE OF BUBI.ICATION—FINAL BRUOF. U nited S tates L and O ffice , I Lakeview, Or. February 20,1888.) NOriCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow ing named senk*r him filed notice of hia inten tion to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on May 8th, 188«, viz: *:<lwar«l Hanley. IL E No. 74*fcf^c NW qr iff Sec. 22,, Tp. 28 S. K <H E2 lit i mdh * the following witnessis to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of said land, viz. A. Cavin, H. c. Levins, E. D. Weaver, and Wm. Levins, all of Burns, Oregon. I; ; ; « I. F BNELL1 NG, Retie ■ ' L akeview , O regon . Pays Highest Market Price for Grain. WHIium Hays, D. S. N'o. 2214, fur the S*7 of NE qr, Sec 20, and S'a of NW qr, Sec 21, Tp 34 S, R 32 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: R. J. Suwdun, Jamea Caldwell, O. A. Har rison, and J. M. Fisher, all of Bums, Grant co., Oregon. A. F. SNEI.I.INO, Regl»tcr. Mi h 14-16 U nited S tates L and O ffice ,) Lakeview, Oregon, > Februarv 6, lxxs S NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that il.e Ldlow- ing-nnmed settler hua filed notice of Ills inten tion to make final pr«»of in support of his claim, and that ssid i»n»of will be made before J. T. Mael, County Clerk of Grant county, Oregon, at Canyon City, Or., on April 6, 188«, viz: F.. K. Grout. I'rouf. D. S. No. 1801. for the NE’of Sec. 27. Tp. 22 f>.. R F. ID* names th*- foil.>w ini; wittlerfica to U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) prove hig eontinu.'us residence ujH»n, nud cul Lakeview, Ur., February 24, 1«««. j tivation of, said land, viz: Charles Miller, R. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN that the follow Irwing. John Hall, and Robert C'olllster, all of ing named settler has filed notice of his inten Harney City, Oregon. tion to make final proof in sup¡»ort of his claim, Feb. 22-13 A. F. SNELLING, Register. ami that said proof will bv made before the Register or Ret river at Lakeview, Oregon, on Muy 4th, 18««, Ha: piNAL PROOF. K. T. Hughet, I NiTED S tates L and O ffice .) D. S. No. 1924. for the SW qr. Sec. 3. Tp 2S S, R 31 Lakeview. Oregon. ’• E. He names the f dlowing witnesses to prove H ! ruarv 9, 1888.7 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI X that in con his continuous residence ui»on, and culti cation formity to requirements of Honorable Commis of said land, viz: A. M. Fields. S. R. Bowers, A. sinner's l etter “G” of November 12. 1887, the I.. Wright, and N. Nelson, all of Diamond I*. O., following named settler lo»s ti'.vtl notice of his Grant county, Oregon. Urte I A. F niRLl IKG. Regia intention to make his supplementarv pr«a»f in sup]»ort of his claim, ami that sab! priwf w ill be made before the Register and Receiver, at filial Proof. Lakeview*, Oregon, on April 12, 1««8, viz: VvtTBD 1 NtTKt» iSTatBs HTkTiK Lawn L and offi ovru < b f . .) Lakeview. Oreir»»n, > Februar» !. th. Iw ' NOTICE IS 1IFRFBY GIVEN that the follow ing-named aetilvr Law t. ud notti e of hia inten lion to make final pr«w»f in support of hia Halin, and that m H pr«».d «Ci le made before J T Mael. t lerk of Grant evunty, <»rvgvn. at t anjou City. Oregon, on April *<Wh. iwet, vis Alvin F. Jwwea. D. fi. No. 1M7, for the fiW\off NWV«. N’.of SW’ and NW\ of NR ur of ser -V. Tp JD S . R. K. He namea the Glhiwlna wltner»*-« to prove hit continu* ut rvtidrnrv «won, and tu Ilo at Ion of taid land, vit ( W Met lain. < harte« t.rif fin. John » «rd»ell, and loa 1. Jvhra.>n, all of [»rvnaev. Grant r«tii»v. i;rrw»»n Feb uhH A F SNELLING, Reg a vr LAK*EVIEW LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. All Work Warranted. -o--- the Bhick^ndtii -ho|>CV'"K »’elicving. A flrst-class GrxsMiTit works in connection with SADDLE AFÌD HARNESS MAKER C. C. MALTBY L akeview , O r RID1G MATERIAL A SPECIALTY Hnrno—. Smhlle-. Bridle*», Spur«. Latigo** Whip*» Cinches, Chaprajo*», None but th. next of Cali.urnia Leather used. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. BrRNS ADVERTISEMENTS DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, BRUSHES Toilet Aticles, Glass, Putty, Etc. H — BURNS, OREGON A Large Amortment of Has Just Bern Received. — H — PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOSED — H — <3^* Everything Guarnntcetl Pure an<l of the Very Bent Quality VALE AND BURNS STAGE LINE T he Territory of New Mexico was organized in 1850. and Washington CHAS. E. BOSWELL ------- VALE, OREGON Territory in 1853. J. C. PARKER. Bt’RSS, AGENT. A B ronson A i . cott died March 4th. and his «laughter. Ixniise M. Ix'aves VAI.E on Mondays and Thursday» at 4:30, Aleott. on the 6th inst. Both were Arrives at BURNS on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 widely-known American authors. leaves Bl'KNS on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 T he reduction of the public debt Arrives at VAI.E on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p. ni during February amounted to ♦ 7,756 366. Total cash in the treas-1 ury, »572.300,98’,». 1 ,o9e conn«'ction at VALE with stage for ONTARIO. Arrlv