BEAUTIES RELATIONS-IN-LAW. The Qualitie* Moul Needed to Mak» Family Life Agreeable. One of the first questions asked of a newly-made bride is how she likes her husband's rcla ious, and If circum­ stances compel her to take up her abode with them, the question* is usu­ ally a sympathetically pitying one. Considering the frequent disagree­ ments we see iu families it is hardly surprising if we see occasional troubles among those of different blood, and often totally different train­ ing. The patriarchal system, while it would give unity to the nation, is not without individual objections. It is the hardest of all lessons to learn to accommodate one’s own angles to the angles of others. When a newly-made wife goes to live with her husband's people she often loses sight of the fact that she is simply a daughter of the house, with no more than a daughter’s privileges. In the Hush of her new dig­ nity she is apt to for­ get that she is simply on the same footing as her husband’s sisters, as far as the management of the house is con­ cerned. While she should aid her new mother by every means in her power, she can not expect to give orders in­ dependently. but submit to direction. No household ctcn be a success with two mistresses, and most assuredly it is the part of the younger to defer to the elder, though it may not always seem a pleasant duty. Really and truly we don’t think any thing is more difficult than to live with relations-in-law. Even where they love one another, there are so many little traits and peculiarities which cause internal vexation, if the jarring elements never come to the surface. There is no remedy for it, save ever­ present patience and kindlinois; and the model daughter-in-law must stand aloof from family disagreements. She must never side with John against Fanny, or throw her weight with her husband in a difference with his parents. She must always remain neutral, or she will widen breaches in­ stead of healing them. We believe that some of the squibs and jokes scratched on the walls in Pompeii make fun of the mothers-ii- law. This estimable member of society has been an object of derision of cen­ turies, just as if it were our fault that we become mothers-in-law under some circumstances. Many a mother-in-law is asself-sacrificing as a mother; many a man has reason to bless the woman who stands in that relation to him. There may be scolds and mischief- makers among them, but they would display the samo objectionable trails in any other relation. The implied dislike to mothers-in-law is about as reasonable as the dislike for those un­ appropriated blessings, old maids. • We can hardly wonder it the loving mother shows anxiety for the happi­ ness and comfort of her married dar­ ling. The mistake is in regarding such interest as officious. This is a mistake on the part of the so 1 or daughter-in- law; and the mother’s mistake is in thinking that her child’s household can not be comfortable without her constant supervision. A young house­ keeper is very tenacious of her dignity; she likes the pomp and circumstance of domestic management, and the young man just advanced to the proud position of hugbaud feels all the dignity of the patriarchs vested in his person. So, perhaps, the qualities most needed among relations-in-law are consideration, kindness and a dis­ creet tongue. If only we all possessed these qualities what a golden age we should enter upon! — Rural New Yorker. —When a washerwoman changes uer place of residence one may ask her “where she hangs out now” without using slang.— Ex. —It has been averred that a lady with a diamond ring will scratch her nose in a given period four times as often as any other woman. —Stranger—“Is Mr. Blinks in?” Hotel Clerk—“Yes, he’s in his room.” “Tell him Mr. Schwifferwitzenouter- heim------ ” “Front, tell 126 a gentle­ man from Cincinnati wishes to see him.”— Omaha World. —Away with superstition! A Mich­ igan girl has found 2,125 four-leaf clovers, and isn’t married yet. An Omaha girl who found out how to make pumpkin pie was married in three months. — Omaha World. —A great many men who insist upon having their grocers send everything they buy to their homes are perfectly willing to carry home a large load rather than inconvenience the saloon­ keepers.— Nebraska State Journal. —“How it all comes back to me,” murmured the poet sadly, as with prac­ ticed fingers he estimated the thickness of the portly package of MSS. which he had just taken from the post-office. —Er. —A man who will spoil a fifty-cent pair of suspenders to hang himself with when a whole clothes-line can be bought for fifteen cents, can not expoct this economic generation to remember his other virtues over Sundav. OF POVERTY. Remark* of an Optimistic and Phil­ osophical Funny Man. No matter how much we may desire wealth, we should always congratulate ourselves on the fact that we are poor. Indeed, there is no greater blessing than poverty, when you know how to reconcile yourself to it. If you are to take the trouble to make the investiga­ tion, you w ill learn to your satisfaction that ninety-nine per cent, of the happy people in the world are poor. No | oor man is unhappy until he grows rich; and to prove this it is only necessary to hear the wealthy man alluding pathetically to the dear old days when ho only got four dollars per week, and found himself continually in debt. The painter, who has no difficulty in selling every thing he paints at the top price, will go into raptures while telling you of the jollity of his strug­ gling days, when he painted portraits on political banncfl'S, made his morn­ ing coffee over a tallow candle, and hungrily devoured the bread he had used through the previous day to lighten his charcoal sketches. If the artist had been rich then he would be an amateur to-day. Nothing but poverty makes an artist or a poet; and this being the case, it bothers thinking people to understand why we are not even richer than we are to-day in pic­ tures and metrical literature. The rich man creates envy in the heart of his poorer neighbor when he goes to Rome in the spring. B it his wealth only enables him to get there to die of R man fever. The poorer man stays in this country and lives on R man punch. Consequently, it is better to live on Roman punch than to die of Roman fever. The rich young lady mounts the prancing palfrey, is thrown and breaks her neck; the poor young lady gets into a breezy dollar hammock, and, with a dainty pair of French slippers, makes the casual passer believe that, after all, life is worth living. The rich man goes to the sea shore and is drowned; the p «or man stays at home and gets fever-and-ague. The capitalist lies awake and kicks about all night, wondering how much he won’t be worth in the morning; the impoverished hod-carrier sleeps the sleep of the innocent, and wouldn’t aw ake in time to resume his hod at the appointed hour if he were not struck with a hammer. It is pleasant to see a rich man de­ riving comfort from a poor man’s plaster; and it is pleasant tos e a poor man skipping around like a spring­ lamb, yearning for a little Phila­ delphia mint >auce, while the rich man, with numb r four feet, 13 wearing a pair of number fifteen slippers on ac­ count of his gout. Some people are of the opinion that the goods of this world are not prop­ erly divided. This is a fallacious the­ ory. It is the poverty of this world that is not properly divided. For in­ stance. we ourselves have more than we want or are entitled to, that we would like to close out on easy terms. Some people have a great deal more poverty than others; and that’s where the trouble comes in. No man can get rich wi hout working, and a very few men can remain rich unless they stop working in time. There are many men swamp, d by remaining in busi­ ness ‘Only the wealthy enjoy this life” is very pretty as far as euphony is concerned; but it is not true; be­ cause, just as soon as a ,man acquires wealth, he becomes afflicted with new- mown hay fever or a tuberose cold. When you see a man with hay fever or a rose cold, you may wager all y< u can lay your hands on that he is rich. If a poor man could acquire ei her ot these maladies, it would not be neces­ sary for him to dress well, or be at all fastidious. Say what you will, pov­ erty is a great blessing; if it were not, it would not be tho -common lot of man.— Puck. ------------- —------------- Great Am erican Inventions. Base The fifteen great American inven­ tions of world-wide adoption are: 1, the cotton gin; 2. the planing machine; 3, the grass mower and reaper; 4, the rotary printing press; 5, navigation by steam. 6, the hot-air engine; 7, the sewing machine; 8 the India-rubber indus ry; 9, the machine manufacture of horseshoes; 10, the sand-blasts for carvi ig; 11, the gauge lathe; 12, the grain elevator; 13, artificial ice-making on a large scale; 14. the electric mag­ net and its practical application; 15, the telephone. — Chicago News. A Bright Future. “When I was twe.ity-one years of age,” he said. “I thought that if I wasn’t rich at thirty I would be too old to enjoy wealth.” “How old are you now?” “Seventy.” •‘And rich, of course?’* “No, I’m a poor man yet; but I’ve got a scheme in view that will make i me as rich as mud before J’m eighty, Lucky John Trimble. When the Aurora papers announc­ i ed that John Trimble, of 334 South Broadway this city, had been fortun­ ate enough to draw a tenth share in the $50,000 prise of the Louisiana State Lottery, it was not generally be- I lieved, but thia same John Trimb'.e i- 1 probably to-day the most contented man in Aurora, for he has in the bank ! the anug little sura of $4,995. the profits of his investment in tlie lottery. I The remaining $5 went for expenses. ' Mr. Trimble was seen by an Exp"»» ’ reporter and acknowledged that he had received a check for the above amount and st ted that it was ¡>is in­ tention to use the money in his new ■ ■maineae, he having recently purchas- 1 the cut stone business of Isaac ! d wards. The lucky ticket which drew the >0,0X1 prixe was number 73 185. Mr . rimble had a tenth interest in thia cket for which he paid one dollar, , le took his good luck very c oily and hiloaophically. Thia is not the first me that he has patron'sed the lottery it allh- ugh he has never before awn a very la-ge amount, he c airn-- at what be had received before hit big ul paid back all the ticks a b td cost n.—Aurora (Illa.) E/preu, Jan. 30 and then I propose to take things easy ande jiylifo.”—V. Y. Bun 11. - • » —Noodles are delicious wrved fn any consomne soup, or ns a vegetable, Break n^jood-sized egg into a bowl, stir into it about a half cupful of flour and a teaspoonful of salt. Work this till it is smooth, and turn out on a kneading board and knead it well till it is firm, elastic dough. Roll this out till it is as thin as a wafer Let it dry about an hour. Roll it up in small rolls, cutting off the end to form little curls of paste. Put three cupfuls of noodles in about two quarts of stock and cook rapidly for half an hour. Skin them out and serve in a cream sauce, or mixed with half cupful of bread crumbs fried brown, if they are cooked in stock, the stock should be seasoned and served for a dinner soup. — Toledo Blade. •—A few inexpensive changes in the bam and stable arrangements might save you much time and labor in the course of a year. Get out the plans this winter and do the work next spring. —G »Id- hand led umbrellas are ing into fashion. Th^ handle Is ranged that it can be taken off. is an improvement on the old where the entire umbrella was off. -F/U/rs Statesman. com­ so ar* Thi- style, taken RED INDIAN HUNTERS. Method* Adopted by Them to Secure Fleet Doer and M ocmr . Deer-hunting,as is well-known, forms one of the chief employments of the numerous tribes of Indians who roam over the vast territory of North Amer­ ica. It is equally well-known that the flesh and skin of these animals consti­ tute the staple articles iff Indian food and clothing respectfu ly. Although the wants of the Indians in these two particulars are identical, the means adopted to supply them are not so, but often vary considerably. To secure the valuable prey by »Looting, either with gun or bow, is c mil) on to all tribes. In hunting the moose, the Es­ quimaux and the Montagnias depend mainly upon their flatness of foot and their skill in throwing a sort of elon­ gated harpoon; an I when once upon the track of the deer, they rarely fail te encompass its death. The writer knew two young men of the Montagnia- tribe who l<*ft their wigwam in tin- morning, traveled a djatance of forty miles into the interior, discovered an«- captured a deer whose carcass weighed nearly two hundred pounds, and re­ turned with their spoil in the space of about twenty hours. An effective but cruel device which is much used, par­ ticularly bv the Indiana who live on the confines of the pale-face territory, and also by the white settlers themselves, is to place a large noose, usually of stout rope, in rabbit-snare fashion, be­ tween two trees on each side of the deer track at the same distance from th* ground at which the ar.imal carries it-! head, which, proceeding through the forest, is thrown back upon the shoul ders. The Co-Yukon Indians of Alaska kil: the moose in large numbers while swimming across the Yukon river dur­ ing their periodical migrations, “ma­ neuvering round in their birch bark canoes till the animal is fatigued, and then stealthily approach and stub it in the heart or loins.” Another and more ingenious mode of capturing deer adopted by these Indians is thus de­ scribed by Mr. Whymper in his “Trav­ els in Alaska”: “A kind of corral oi inclosure, elliptical in form, and open at one end, is made on a deer-trail, generally near the outlet of a wood. The further end of the inclosed space is barricaled; the sides are built of «takes, with slip-nooses or loops be­ tween them. Herds of deer are driven in from the woods, and, trying to break from the trap, generally run their heads into the nooses, tighten them, and so get caught, or are shot while still bewildered and running from side to side. Near the opening, it is com­ mon to erect piles of snow with ‘port­ holes,’ through which natives, hidden, shoot at the passing deer.” We will notice lastly the “decr- fences” of the once numerous and powerful but now extinct Beothic na­ tion. the aboriginal inhabitants of Newfoundland. They are thus de­ scribed by Mr. Harvey in a recent in­ teresting book on Newfoundland: “The deer-fences were made by felling trees along the ridge of the river’s bank w ithout chopping the trunks quite asunder, taking care that they fell parallel with the river, each tree hav­ ing been guided so as to coincide with and tall upon the last. Gaps were filled up by driving in stakes and in­ terweaving the branches and limbs of other trees. They were raised to th«1 height of six, seven or ten feet, as the place required, and were not to be forced or leaped by the largest deer.” It is interesting to notice that large por­ tions still remain in some parts of the in­ terior of Newfoundland, principally, however, in those lying to the north­ east and northwest, the usual head­ quarters of the Booths. The intrepid Cormack, when traveling in Newfound­ land, saw those which lie on the bank of the river Exploits, and in the narra­ tive of his expedition he thus refers to them: “What arrests the attention most while gliding down the stream is the extent of the Indian fences to en­ trap the deer. They extend from the lake downwards continuously on the banks of the river at least thirty miles. There are openings left here and then- in them for the animals to go through and swim across the river; and at these places the Indians were stationed, to kill them mi the water with spears, out of their canoes, as at the lake. Here, then, connecting these fences with those on the northwest side of the lake, are at least forty miles of country, easterly and westerly, prepared to in­ tercept all the deer that pass that way in their periodical migrations. It was melancholy to contemplate the gigantic yet feeble efforts of a whole primitive nation, in their anxiety to provide sul>- sistence, forsaken and going to decay. There must have been hundreds of the Red Indians, ami that not many years -*go, fo have kept up those fences and pounds. ”— Chambers Journal. -«-Fetor Cartwright was dying, f or fifty years he had been a presiding elder in the church. Dr. Trotter, a friend, was by his bedside. “Trotter,” said the old hero, “I have often won­ dered what I would say when 1 was dy­ ing, and now I have it. ‘Give the gos- |»e! a fair chance.’” This is the right motto for all who are anxious about the race problem in America. Give the gospel, as represented in the Christian schools of the South and of the Nation, a fair chance. THEY AIX ADMIT IT. I have been taking Joy's Sarsaparilla for general debility with great benefit. Ita effect npoa the nervous system Is splendid. 4 case of catarrh, now under my observation, has also nearly »uccumbed to ita corrective influence«. 142 ft—«rj»h st.. San Francisco. CARD FICON C 4 PT IRELIN. AsJ >y 18 r*ap trilla has just released me from a bad cough I do not hesitate to make mention of It thus publicly in the interest of other unfortunates who may be similarly affl rtefi Ran Fraaciaeo. Feb. M. 1SS8. :wi 4 Sutter st. Ft’T ME OX TA ft, A HIT. After tu ing four bottles of Joy's Vegetable Ser •aparUU, I write to say that you may also use my name, as an additional authority for the sta’< bve ’ rhafi it will cure dyspepsia and liver and kidae; diseaae. It has done it for ma. •a. Ouldra OW Are.. I u Fnael^o. A sick cit in a Missouri tow n walked The latest returns show the population into a drug store, and after snutlfhg round of Cuba to be among the jars and tackages, picked out a paper of catuip and gnawed it open. 8HE BiOKE THS ENGAGEMENT Every day she returned for some of it because she *aw tl at he ha i ceased to love until cured._______ _____ _______ her. Her beauty had faded, her former huh spirits had given place t•» a dull las* A RIPBIEVK FOR THE CONDEMNED. situde. \\ kat had cau -ed this change? Wretched men and womtu long condemned r unctional derangement; sne w as suffer­ to suffer the tortures of dyspepsia, are filled ing from those ailments peculiar to her with new hope after a few dusts of Hostetter’s sex. And so their I wo young lives drifted Stomach Bitter*. This budding hope blossoms apart. How needless, how cruel! Had into the fruition of ce tainty, if the Bitters is he taken Dr Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip­ persisted in. It brings a reprieve to all d> a tion she might have been restored to ueptiua who seeK its aid. r latulemu. heart­ health a d happiness It any lady reader burn, sinking at the pit of the stomach between these lines is similarity afflicted’, let her meals, the nervous tremors and insomnia of of which chronic indigestion is the parent, dis lose no time in procuring the “Favorite appear with their hateful progenitor. Most Prescription." It will give her a new lease beneficent of stomachics! who can wonder that of life. Sold by druggists, under a posi­ in ao many instances it awakens grateful elo­ tive guaraut*e from the manufacturer , quence iu those who, benefited by it. speak I of perfect satisfaction in every case, or voluntarily in its behalf. It requires a graphic pen to describe the torments of dyspepsia, but money refunded. See guarantee on battle in many of the testimonials received by the wrapp.-r. proprietors of the Bitters, theee are portrayed | Thirty-four street? in Paais are named with vivid truthfulness. Constipation, bilious­ ness, muscular debility, malarial fevers and after famous musicians. rheumatism are relieved by it. — “brown’d Bronchial Tro Two Mexican soldiers were killed by an ches” are not new and untried, but, hav­ American sheriff while attempting to cap­ ing been tested by constant use for an ture a deserter. entire generation, they have attained well-in rited rank among the few staple A’l the art and ta.-«te of the beet a-ti ts sterna to have remedies of the age. been combined in the maguificent package ()f julj, rtt.j Oleographic and Chromatic Cards which is being <>tTure«l ITCHING FILES. by the well known firm of F«euiing Brothers, of l*itta- burtrh, Pa. S ymptom * Moisture; intense itching an«l Htlnging, To procure these elegant frosted and satin fringed most at night; worte by Bcratching If allcwetl to con­ car«ls, buy a I hjx of Dr. C. McLane’s Celebrateti Liver tinue tumora f«>rui, which often bl««ed and ulceiate, Pills for cents from your druggist and mail the out beooining very More. S watnr ' s O intment atop* the side wrapper with your adilre** (plainly w itt» nl and itching ami bleeding, heals ulceration, and in ui.ny four cents worth of stamps to Fleming Broth' ’“’tta cases removes the tuinois. It is equally efficacious iu burgh. Pa. You will be surprised and de' btad 4th curing all Skin Dise.sea DR SWAYNE & SON. the beauty and variety of the curds you wil itcalvj Proprietors, Philadelphia S wayne ' s O intment cau be obtained of druggists. Senu by mail for 50 Cunts. An Iowa minister refus <1 to marry a Wakelee’s Squirrel and Gopher Extermi­ couple because the man was a liquor nator Try it, and prove the best is the dealer. cheapest. Wakelee & Co.. San Francisco. 11’8 ALWAYS THE 5JACOBS OIJ Rheumatism, Kansas has 307,949 acres of artificial forest. DELICATE CHILDREN, NURSING Mothers, Overworked Men, and for all diseases where the tissues are wasting away from the inubility to digest ordinary food, or from over­ work ot the brain or body, all such should take Mcott’n FniiiiNion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. “I used the Emulsion on a lady who was delicate, and threatened with Bronchitis. It put her r in such good ’ health ’ and flesh, that 1 must say 'tie t is the beat ... Emul- sion I ever used.”—L. I’. W addell , " M. D.. Hugh's Mills, S. C. VÚLWWEfO/fF PURE, > WILLIAM HECK dk SOÄ Whulesals and Retail Dealen lu Lumbago, Backache, Head' ache, Toothache. Cuns and Sporting Coods CURBS Neuralgia Sore Throat,Swellings, Frost­ bites, Sprains, Fine x isuiug . ucmìc , Foot Balls, Boxing Gloves, Indian C«ubs, M skh , t oil». Western Aleuts for CUBES Sciatica, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Promptly and Permanently without lie turn of Pain. For Stablemen A. G. SDdimu & Brn’. Base Ball Gooiis. Stockmen, TUB UBBATE3T REMEDY KNOWN FOH UU'WE Btajralra, Velo» ipodee. Trie, oies. 105 A 107 Second nt.. Portlaud, Or. BRANCH stores : ttivoraide Av Zpokaue Falla, W T. M SUte st ,Salem.0r ▲ND CATTLE D1SEASB. Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. The Charles A. Vogeler Co., Bulto., Md. _.I W5 MI CM ^AY. “Didn’t I tell you so”! wife gentleman to an acquaintance whom he chanced to meet on the street; “it’s always the way.” “What’s always the way’ I inquired a mu­ tual friend of the two men who happened along just then. “Why, just this.” replied the first sp aker: “you see Smith, here, the last time I met him h i had one of the worst coughs you ever heard. He com­ plaint d of a loss of appetite, night-sweats of low spirits and other unmistakable pre­ monitory symptoms of consumption. I told him to get a supply of I'r. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery at on< e. He did so, and look at him now! Did you ever see a healthier looking man? The ‘Discovery’ has snatched thousands from consumptives’ groves. I knew it would cure Smith. It’s always the way.” REWARD! 1 OOH TH be paid for each and every grain of pois- 4>lliUll < n u» aubatanie* found In Wladotn’»RoberuntL acknowledged tho moot delightful and on'y reaUj harnileas toilet article ever produc-nl for I eautifying and preaerving ttw oomplexi->l>, n m >ving tan, sunburn, (rock!ea and all blemi»h»s and roughness of the skin. U-ed and ind< raed by the elite of society and the -ta»:e. id by all druggists at 50 cents per bottle. White and Flesh. Manufactured by W M WISDOM A < N» . (IhemMa Portland Oram. I PISO'S -CUR CURES WHERE ALL ELbE FAILS, t Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use in tiino. bold by druggists. ar.TV CIR18 Al. I. HVMOR8, from a common Cllotcli, or Eruption» to the worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, I believe Piso’s Cure ■ - for Consumption saved S3 my life. A. 1 i. D owell , § Editor Enquirer. Eden- ton, N. C., April '?3, 1S87. Fever-bore*,” Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, all diseiwes caused by bad blood are conquered by this nowerfuL puri­ fy ing, ami Invigorating medicine, (areal ilating Ulcers rapidly heal under Its be­ nign influence. Especially has it manifested its potency In curing Tetter, H omo ItaHli, H o II n , Carbuncles, 8*ro Eye«, Nerof­ g il loin More« and Swelling«« Hlp- ioint Dl«ea»e, White Swiffling«. Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged (slundM. Send ten cents in stamps for n CREAM |AKlNg largo treatise, with colored plates, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount for a treatise on Scrofulous Affections. _ .. “THE BLOOD IN THE LIEF..’* Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce’» G<»l«len itledical Discovery, und good The best Cough Medi­ cine is Piso’s C ure for OoxftUMPTtoir. ('bildrai take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. H iwde R digcNtion, a fair skin, buoyant spir­ its, und vital strength, will be established. CONSUMPTION, a 3E 11 IB aw Mftl X M Pg l ÈURES V/’HERÉ ALL IÏSE FAIIST Q Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Ü80 IS iu time. Stilli by drugidsts. gf M d perfect .1. II. which is scrofula of the Eung«, is ar­ rested anti cured by l Ins romody, if taken be­ fore the last stagt‘8 of the diseaso are reached. From its marvelous power oxer this terribly fatal disease, when first off« ring this now celebrated remedy to the public. Dr. P ieiu ’B thought seriously of calling it his “Con­ sumption Cure.’’ but abandoned tjiat name as too limited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cieansfng, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive proper­ ties, Is unequaled, not only as a remedy for consumption, but for all Chronic Dis­ ease« of the A nalytical C hemist , Liver, Blood, and Lungs. Its superior excellence proven In millions ef homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of ASSAY ER the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest and most To tho Editor : — If jr, *1 feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have Healthful. I)r Price’s Cream Baking Powder does unt AMD TOXK OLOLIMT, I ‘lease inform your readers that I have a poa- contain Ammoni«, Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans. sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown snots iti ve remedy for the above named disease. By Laboratory, 100 First St., Portland, on face or body, frequent hciulijche or dizzi­ PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. its timely Use thousands of hopeless cases have NEW YORK. ST. LOUIN. ness, ba«l taste in mouth, internal heat or OREGON. been permanently cured. I stall bo glad to chills, alternating with hot Hushes, low spirit• send two bottlvsof my remedy fkee to any of NA LYSES made of all substances. Rates and gloomy forebodings. Irregular appetito, your readers who havo consumption if they will for assaying gold or silver, $1.50. Resgeuts and eoat«‘asst'd. For Weak l.ung«. Spitting of has on deposit $120,16?. formation furnished on all kinds of chemical composition. Packages sent by mail or express Blood, Shortness or II re a tli, Kiron- chit!«, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and promptly attended to. We ought not to be too anxious to en­ kindred affections, it I h an efficient reme dy. courage untried innovation, in caHe of S old by D ruggists , nt $1.00, or SIX use doubtful improvement. For a quarter of BOITI I’H for Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce fi a ce itury I)r. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy has book on Consumption. Address, been before the public and passed through World's Dispensary Medical Asso­ llA-I^I.'H W O.M.FERRY4CO. the severest test and is pronouuded the ciation, Main Street, B uffalo , N. Y. aro admitted to be the most reliable remedy for that disagreeab e Lnrgsst Seedsmen malady. Thousands of testimonials of its In the world. A SUPBUOB KRMKDY FOR virtues, cents per bottle. By druggists. D.M. FE’IRY ft CO 8 llluwtr»te«l, UMcrlp. C0UGH8, COLD’, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION U*«> und 1'rited And all Throat and Lung Trouble«. Is offered by the proprietors The inhabitant« of the globe profess of Dr. Sage’« Catarrh Remedy SEED more than one thousand different religions. Mold by ail DruffglNtM for ftO Cents. tor a case of oatarrh which J. R. CATES A CO., ANNUAL they cannot cure. If you CURE OF PNEUMONIA PROPRIKTORH, For 1883 have a discharge from tho will be mnilod nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of H ess R oad , N iagara C o ., N. Y., March 417 HaiiMonae Mt.. NAW Fit A NCIMCO smell, taste, or hearing,’weak eyes, dull nain REE TO ALL 24, 118«. applicant», and or »«r««sure in head, you have Catarrh. T hou­ to laHt neaaon*« sands of cases terminate In consuiflutlon. About a year ago I was taken with a cuatoiner« with­ PRINTERS* COMPOSITION Dr. Sage’sC ataiirh R emedy curestho worst out ordering it. severe pain in both lungs. I was fir t cases of Catarrh, ‘‘Cold In the Head,’1 Invaluabjetoali. and Catarrhal Jfleadache. 60 cents. attacked with a violent chill, then a dread­ Every ¡>enon umng Carden, Field» Flower ful pain and then a cough accompanied by ' r* r iboald«end (hr considerable fever. It looked very much U. AldroM like a bad attack of pneumonia. A friend 9.M.FERRY&CO., Detroit, Mich, of mine procured five A llcock ’ s P lasters . WEAK, NERVOUSÙ One he put under, each arm, one under each shoulder blade, and one on my chest PEOPLE H close around my throat. In a few hours TIIK REST AND <'Il FA PKMT. Bhould Take this Great the cough ceased, the pain gradua I.v PALMER & REY, abated and I broke out in a profuse perspi Printen’ ßupply House ration. I fell into a profound sleep, and Ilobb's Nerve Tonic] the next day was almost well. 1 wore the •Ills uro composed of Plasters eight days afterwards, and have CANDY MAKING FOR PLEASURE OR PROFIT. Alfalfa, Onion Hets, Grass, Clover, Vegetable and Just HUch element« hh Fnrieh the Blood and never had any trou' le since. ■VTOUVIi PERSONS wishing to engago In a light. Flower Seeds. By tar li«*tnrkxt'>n JR Lines not under the horses feet. Write Bin w- which contains a most complete list of latest ous. Are you RUflering in eeortt for post in Cosh men. Wraps, Millinery, NoveliioH errors? We will indorse for you If you try W Lr htkr ' m H afw y R icin H older Co.,Holl v ,M Icli. styles in DrefwGoodM, Hliof*H,etc.,etc ,both Foreign and tho Nerve Tonic i’ills. Even if you are I)<>mestic. which are sold at such low prices as to weak and nervous with loss of vital power — 'A DOLI r ampl C make their nnme renowned throughout the your manhood almost fled, leaving you pnle- K r\ r\ rlTREATMtN 1 Union. I«C«d and hollow-eyed — Ilobb's Nerve Tliis catalogue is issued for tlie benefit of per­ Tonic 1’111« were made for you, and nl I sons residing at a distance from Now York City, persons with tlie foliowingcomplaints, und enables them to make their purchiiKos with viz.: Palpitation of the Heart, Flutter­ t he same facilit y h an«l at the same l«»w prices ns ing, Trembl Ing, Hysteria, Nervousness PISOS CURE FOR CONSUMPTION tfenigh they call-d in person. A copy of this book In any form, Nervou« Headache, Neu­ will be niaile»l CDCC t*»**»»y person upon ap­ ralgia, Cold IIan sngar- been made t appy by the cure ot uonliing. tin , careful study ot variou, kinds of coated, and only one pliladose. Price fttfcta.l initiation, itching, scaly and p inply <11» use" ot «eript, and the b>anng which the use Bottle. Sent by mall or all Druggists. the »kin. scalp and blood, with low of hair. CUTICUKA, th© great Skin (.«lire, and I-VIJ if each has upon tho hygiene of the HOBB’S MEDICINE CO., fU FUNCISCO. CAL I cun. Boar an exquisite Pkin lleautiller, ore ^from It. externally, and Cu rtevKA lit •ves among children, and tho followi­ solvent , th© new Blood Purifier, internally, ng are his conclusions: are a positive cure for every form of skin and As a practical conclusion to Mood disease, from pimples to acrofula Sold everywhere Price, CUTIOUBA. 50c. j li awn from his observations, Schubort S oap . 25c.; llEHOLVB>T |l. \ repared by the P ottkk D bug an d C h km ical C o ., Boston, Mass i iys down tho rule that all children ffjTSend for ‘How to < Hre Skin Disease«. I diould bo taught a perpendicular MEN'S FURNISHING COODS, Pimples, blackh- S4T skin prevent« d by Ct”ii<’i ka S oap . thX I land writing Even If the eroct median Hardy Northern Grown w L> 1» U Vw Rheumatism. Kidney Pains and Weak ! > .sition of copy-book bp not actually speedily cured by Ct.’TJ< ' ha A nti better than the oblique median, still From Mlnrieapolm, Minnesota, are the I h M., bt- au-e Pf.AHTitM, the only pain killing planter Shirt«, Underwear, Suspender,, I ho teacher can not tell when inspect- they are earlier and the m»>*t prcxlu» tlve. Taken« other until yoB try them. E «r *ale by all laading ho.tory, Gloves, Neckwear, nig writing done at home what absurd dealer» on the ' oast throughout the country, ¡position may have been adopted in supplied by Callart, Cult,, Etc. WFMTI'OrT DKOTIIF.RN, L Y ’S vrlllng it if tho child is permitted to ftaed Merchant«, UM> and Han«*»me Ntroet, San I used Elys , .»rite any thing but perpendicular let- FranHeco, Cal. Cream Balm with ' ers. These latter can only lie ox- fl!u*dratetr 1 ; not affected using it and have pendicular ha id. but chil Iren are not by climate. No woo! to *>•**•• ,’rr stop n I rey ture I ’ . - 1 ,t «a»««. warrant my retnndy tl to , Cljr- cure tho the w<>n wurwt caw*, Becaott* irecausw friends. MiltonT nany coitntrii s nowadays, and in limes ket and Seventh Streets, San Francia» o. Xtrers ire vh tail &norttaa«>n for n.A now rwewiring a Palm, Reading onca - for a treat ire and ?**;*'*• cure. h. ik I i U ‘----- pist, perpendicular handwriting alone — Ilthlfl retami] r>-rn «.|y. (Hva Etprrea ami Post (Jffire. Penn. :>i tnj InftdiiblM ..btiJna, and Schuliert appends a series li t.. Koo r. M. < I I h.l Pearl M. New k ark. A Mirtiete is appltad Into n«aril andl« Price 56 et« «t •Ir'igxlsta by “‘•‘L r»-rl«ter -«I, ® cU 4 fac-sinilles of German handwriting Big rt han given Qntvtr» ELY BK<»THKKH 236 Greenwich Hl New Y»*x DISPENSARY. sal sattafaction In lb« in every century from tho eighth to the CarM 1« VOB.'LANIX OB cure of Gonorrbtr» and I TO ft OATH. The Oregon National Bank, eighteenth inclusive. From this it I, Gleet. I preacribe It aod Y»» in«, o . m L ìi »«- mw 1 and I seen that slanting letters were not Id, HlQgle or marvtaA nreo feel safe In r» c« iumend­ or poirri.Avr». U)tì^ì&ANHcJoD adopted to any ex ent until the seven- ing It to «11 «offerer«. N»>i. CONSUMPTION SURELY CUBED V r 6,000,000 rsopie PULMONARY BALSAM $500 REWARD E. J. BOWEN’S SEEDS LIFE RENEWER. q brothero B loomingdale FASHION CATALOGUE I •""BEAUTY H WESTCOTT BROS. CREAM BALM. RFfilS 232 Kearny St., San Francisco C atarrh SHIRTS TO ORDER, 11. I CURE FITS! The Van Monciscar