Vol. 1 —No. 18. THE HERALD. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY D. L. GRACE, BUBNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1888. BURNS One Year Six Months Three Months One Year (in advance)....... HERALD CLUB LIST: THE ADVERTISEMENTS. THE TOWN OF BURNS Grant County, Oregon. AS IT IS VOICED BY THE HERALD. E ditor and P roprietor . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: H erald O regon E ast BUSINESS MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL SEE THAT Burns contains 1 newspaper; 2 hotels: 4 saloons: 1 undertaker; 1 meat market; 2 lawyers; 3 physicians: 1 surveyor; 1 laud agent; 1 drugstore; 1 jeweler; 1 blacksmith: 2 livery stables: 2 general mer­ chandise stores; 1 bath house; 1 hardware store; 1 barber shop; 1 saw-mill; 2 carpenters; 1 reading room. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 school; 1 church organization. «F* Mail aoupyofTiiE H erald to friends in the EasL Advertise your town. Herald and The Century, one year Herald ami st. Nicholas, Herald and Demorest Magazine, one year Herald ami Peterson Magazine Herald and Godey’s Lady’s Bock Herald and the West Shore W. A. WtlAllIIRK. Lakeview. Or. J- SATHVllSOK, ) Burn., Or. WILSHIRE & HLDsON. Attorneys-at-Law LAKEVIEW .\XD BURNS, OR. $2.80 a Year. HERALD enabled to put their goods upon the HARNEY DEMOCRATS SPEAK market much cheaper than hereto­ In VnmlNtukcitlrle l.anffuafre in Favor 1>. L. GRAIE Editor. or Democratic Supremacy. fore, which would cause an increase l>i:.M(KRATH’ \ VTION AL CONVEN­ in the consumption of canned goods, | TION. At a meeting of the democracy of The national democratic committee having thereby lx'nefiting not only the pro-, Harney precinct last week, the fol­ met in the city of Washington on the 22d day of February, 1888, H hh appointed durera and consumers, but the fruit­ lowing resolutions were adopted: TUESDAY. THE Til DAY <>F JUNE R esolved , That we, the democratic voters of Next, at noon, as the time, and clu sen the city growers too. Democrats in congress Haruey Pre« in«’t, hereby endorse the present of St. Louis as the place for holding the na’ion al democratic convention. Each state is en consider the proposition a reasona-1 I state and National admintetratioKK. anti bo I lleve it will t*4 the beat interest of state and titled to representation therein equal to double j the number of its senators and representatives I ble one, and the new tariff bill puts nation to perpetúate them. in the congress of the United Stales, and ca< h i , R esolved , That we will supiairt the nominees territory and the District of Columbia shall tin plate on the fpe list. of County, state, and National Democratic This firm practice.'» in theVCurts of the | Stu’e, anil before the U. S. Lam! Office. Anv business in tbe Land Otilee entrusied i to them will «»btaiii prompt attendon. 4^4^“Lai h I Cases SolieiK'd. l-ly have tv.o delegates. All democratic, conservative citizens of the United States, irrespective of past political as-I iociatioi s and differences, who t an unite with , us iu an iff >rt for pure political and coi-s'itu- government, are cordially invited to join GEO. S. SIZEMORE - - B: rxs ,O h . tional us in sending delegates to the convention. Criminal law a staielaRj . . WILLIAM H. HAHNUM, ( h'm’n. F rederick O. P rince , Secretary National Democratic Committee. Conventions. R f . solvrd , That we favor the Division of county, provided, said division is mad« Mu. R oberts , The Dalles wool ! (¡rant Tlie ATTORO Y: on a fair and honorable has!« to all concerned. R esolved , That we endorse the E ast O regon merchant, lately made a speech at NEAR Bl’RNS, OREGON. H erald uh an able exponent of democratic the court house at Prineville on “the ooctrine, and recommend it to the perusal un«i SAYER & DORE - ------- - P roprietors . i support of every Democrat desiring the su­ Keeps Constantly on Hand a Large Stuck of tariff, and its effect on the prosper­ premacy of the party. And be It further, ADVERTISING RATES: R esolved , That we cordially invite all who T. V. B. EMBREB, M. 0. I > I • < 1: \ 1 I < STATE CONVENTION. ity of the people and more especially endorse 1 wk 2 wk 1 mo 3 mo 6 ino SPACE the present State and National admin- Ollice at his residence on Jte en>t side el is rations to write to and co-operate with ls . A democratic state convention for the s.a'e of 1 inch «1 50 |2.¿0 »>.» |soo $11.00 Silvies River, ten miles behiW Burn?, l-ly Oregon is hereby calle«’ to meet at Pendleton, its bearing on the wool markets of K orkrt D rink water ,) Committee 3 00 4 00 (»50 12.00 18 00 Umatilla county, on Tuesday, April 3, 1888, for the United States. T. B. J ames , S on 3.50 5 00 M IX) 15 00 24 00 purpose of nominating a candidate for mem­ R. J. I veks , > Keaolutiona J. G. WeJgkji^ , 1 the 4 50 C.00 to 00 20 00. 32.00 4 “ ber of congress, a candidate for judge of the su- Mr. Roberts is thorough busi-. 48 00 Ji col. Ö OO y .oo 15 00 I t L tji p: -evOr*. st ■. ¿clrgn*eA- to t!;^na!lona! rtem- FROM WASHINGTON, D. •- _ ___ _ — u WOO Hi 00 23 00 4H (W KO 00 ! Offers his professional services to the cit­ o« ratio convention, ami six alternates; to ratify ness man, one who has made the ■ 20 00 M 00 40.00 «>.00 no oo 1 “ izens of Burns and viciniiv. Office at resi- the various district nominations, anil such oth­ er business as mav properly come before the wool business the study of a life-; Bright Prospects for the Democracy! | denec south of Herald building. l-ly com ention. T he H erald 1 b kept regularly on file for re­ And all kinds of Surface Lunilicr thoroughly seasoned for building pi^xtses and at Ingnll's Faux Pas! Said convention will be composed of 155 dele­ ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad­ REDUCED PRICES. gates, apportioue«! to the various counties on time, and who is well posted in all, | vertising Bureau, 13 Spruce st., New York. Physician Surgeon. the vote cast for c andidate to congrets at the even in its minor details, and what E d . H erald : Never at so early a election of 1886, being one delegate for each county and one for every 200 and fraction over effect the tariff has on the price of "cried in the contest have the pros­ OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. I ’ 1 ’ Dr. S. B. McPheeters 100 votes so east. IVew ZAÆcLd'iiTT.ojr'v In accordance with said apportionment, the our wools, and his speech was a pects of the Democracy been so i Graduate <»f Iow^i State University, respect- Having been added they are enabled to till all orders us soon as received. counties will be entitled to the fol­ N. R. M axey County Judge fully offers his professional services to the respective lowing representation: l-ly i | citizens J. T. M a el Ji. B.—Good Road all the way. ( Clerk business man’s statement. His 1.... bright as they appear for the cam- of Burns and surrounding country, E. H all Baker ........ Treasurer.......... 5 Linn................. .... 9 j Calls answered at all hours. ■ ­ . paign of 1888. From all sections He n ton .......... . ..fi Malheur I proof that the wool raisers of Ore T. A. M c K innon , I I Office at W. E. (¡race’s Drug Store, l-ly claekemns Comm i Baione ys . .7 M ari.i'.i............ ......... 9 T. II. M eador for , of the country the advices are most Ulatson .5 Morrow. 4 gon were receiving /uch prices 1... J. H. NKAL I Columbia 3 Multnomah. 17 Surveyor .............................. N. BROWN, Co< B ft their wool that permitted the buyers cheering, and a distinguished con­ .......... 4 Polk A. C. D okf . | Sheriff ................................ Practical Surveyor Crook............... .4 Tillamook ...... 2 M. D. C ameron Assessor Cr.rA' ......... 2 Umatilla. ........ 8 te ship and sell'thc same, as he’did ^ n ative senator, not given to gush, DEALER IN II. F. D odson ) A. L. CONNOR School Superintendent 8 Douglass ........ ........ 6 Uni.in Any and all kinds of surveying done on short Gilliam correspondent today : .......... 3 v. b « po fi last year, in the London market for "«’’I t0 Stock Inspector J. C. LUCE. notice and reasonable terms, s, sF“ Settlers Grant ............. .......... 5 Washington . . ...ft : wishing to be located, can have plats furnished Jackson 7 Wallowa . .. . 2 a protlit, was a nut for the protec­ “Unless there is some unforeseen I Dintriet Judge ............................. L. B. I son | free of charge. l-ly .1« sephlne .3 Yamhill.. .. ........ 6 Diatrict Attorney ..................M. I). C lifford . — tionists to crack. His showing that issue raised, not even now imagined, Klamath ....... 3 Lake ................ .2 Total ....... . . 155 BURNS, GRANT CO., OREGON, Register, U. S. Land Office, A. F. S nelling Lane .................. .7 Carpenter and Plumber,«. The committee respectfully recommends that the tariff instead of building up our or death should remove Grover Receiver,....................... W. M. T ownsend . jj®“l;’or Fine Quality and Low Prices, Give us a call. the countv conventions for the election of de’e- manufacturing industries' had in Cleveland, we will have practically W. A. RCUIFER. L’Htcs to ' he state convention, unh m othern lee u. s. mails . j Orders for Painting, also, will be skill- ordered by the lot ill county committee, be held fact rendered them unable to com­ a walk over, and in any event the on Saturday, Mari h 24, 1888. B. G oldsmith , | lully and promptly filled. ('hairman Democratic State Ce ntral Committee. pete with tbe factories of the old course of th" party and administra­ burns — vale : Arrives Tuesdays ami Fridays at 6 p m. tion have been such that the people In Answer to the Unremitting Efforts world, even in the United States, in Leaves Mondaysaud Thursdays at 4:30 a rc. BLACKSMITH. By the Opposition to «lemoerattie supremacy the manufacture of certain grades are satisfied, and we can win with BURNS—CANYON CITY: io the Harney countrv, to disorganize the par C. M. CALDWELL, P roprietor . P. S. EARLY--------B urns , O r . ty any one we are likely, under any therein, by drawing the line between ‘ set­ Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 p m. tiers” and “stockmen” instead of between Dem­ of goods, because there is not raised Leaves Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4 am. and Republicans, (for the benefit of the within the United States the kind of circumstances, to nominate.” A Full Supply of ----- GENERAL REPAIRING----- ocrats latter), we publish the following corrections of BURNS—PRINEVILLE: AND The attempt made, while the na­ their weakly organ's attempts to misrepresent wool required in their making, and Arrives Thursdays at 6 a m. T he H erald and th<* «.pject of i‘s publication: Leaves Thursdays at 6 a m. T he H erald 1 b not owned nor con­ the tariff prevents our ftetories from tional democratic committee was in trolled by any stockman, settler, politician, or BURNS—LAKEVIEW: any other man. except the one whose name ap­ purchasing the necessary kind, at a session in this city, to make it ap­ Arrives Wednesdays at 9 p m. pears at the head of the paper as its editor, pub­ BEER, BITTERS, AND THE BEST CIGARS TO BE FOUND Promptly executed. The building is being lisher, and proprietor. Leaves Thursdays at b a m. pear that President Cleveland was IN THE LOWER MARKET. j enlarged and improved preparatory to turn T he H erald belongs ti no men, nor set of price that would allow them to com­ J. C. PARKER, Postmaster. all kinds of blacksmithing on short met!, therefore, works for no monopoly, corpor­ pete with the goods of foreign mills, to have strong opposition in his own DRINKS SCIENTIFICALLY MIXED IN STYLES AND QUANTI­ ! out notice and in best style. Terms: Cash, l-ly ation, clique, or ring. T he H erald is neutral in nothing—indepen­ TIES TO SUIT. In fact, state has proved abortive, and I am dent in ad things, and straight-out demo« ratio was a surprise to many. GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE SAMPLING ANYWHERE ELSE in position to know that there will when party lines are drawn. And < n all the FRENCH questions of the day will be found advocating Mr. Roberts speech was an able HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O. O. F. AS I CAN be practically no op]s>sition to a re­ tnc right side as its editor is able to view ’ it. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday at GIVE YOU AS FINE LIQUORS AS YOU CAN BUY IN THE TOWN H erald is an advocate of law and order: showing of the injustice and hum­ JESO"Xa ST j . of T “ he 7:30 p in, M. L. FENWICK, N. G. the greatest good to the greatest number;” buggery of our wool tariff.—Ochoco nomination, and if Mr. Cleveland C has . G unther , Sect’y. OF BURNS. M rs . L. RACINE - P roprietress . is anti se' tional in matters pertaining to East should decline, the party would not A Limited Number of (¡nests can secure the Oregon, Grant county, Harney Valley or Burns. Review. It publishes the latest news for i ‘ r readers as EDUCATIONAL most Comfortable Lodging Rooms in the soon I permit it. Unadulterated Liquors. as obtained; offers its colntnt r to the op- Town, at tlii” House. prtrsed, the pn sperous. and every other citizen Senator Ingalls of Kansas, presi- The Tables always Supplied withall the Eat­ within is tert i.orv, willing to take the respon­ A METHODIST CHURCH T he Mills Tariff Bill, should it A lways R eady and W illing to W ait on C ustomers . ables the market affords, l-ly sibility of his utterances. ident pro. tern, of the senate, was Organization exists in Burns, and a com­ I become a law, would save the far- modious house is in course of erection. The announced recently for a big To School Director» and Teachers. Builder and Contractor. I iners of this country a large amount building committee: Messrs. McGowan, Byrd County School Superintendent II. F. Dodson jspeech criticising President Cleve­ and I’rntt. has npjw!nfedT>«v id I.. (¡race Deputy for thia 1 on grain sacks, and would reduce of Grant county. Parties having business T. D. HARRIS------- B urns , O r . part land ’ s tariff message, and the re- to transact with the Superintendent will find the duty on nearly 1,000 articles THE BURNS SCHOOL Mr. Grace at T he H erald office, Burns, Or. , ( ]l ; publican national executive com­ I that farmers produce such as 1... Is a neat mid large, white building, conve­ WAGON WORK mittee prepared to print thousands niently arranged for accommodation of manufactures of iron, steel, woolen j BURNS, OREGON. both rexes. Messrs. Harris, Savage . Skin­ GEO. McGOWAN • A Specialty. for circulation as a campaign docu- ner, Directors. and cotton goods, paper, earthen­ | ment. £45- All orders for UNDERTAKING Agent for Stayer & Walker, Wholesale Dealers in ware, glass, and other articles The speech was delivered, and promptly filled. A NEWSPAPER Shop one door north of Post Office, l-ly T he entire democratic ticket was enough to fill a column of this pa-! was indeed a great thing—the best Carefully edited and conducted in the interest elected in Sacramento, Cal., March per. Would favor Southern in­ specimen of a political boomerang of all is established in Burns, and circulates in ♦very part of Harney Valley—T he E ast O re ­ Livery & Feed Stable 12th. terests by placing hemp on the free ever exhibited. It was published gon H erald . in the congressional record, and PKOmiKTORB ■ list, by reductions of 25 per cent on reads liko the vaporings of a rant­ WAGONS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES, The Burns Democratic Club. T he democratic ticket carried by I 4 POWEL& SUMMERVILLE. sugar and riee, the only 3 products ing stump speaker. Instead of a This Club was formed on Saturday, Feb. 25, . 2000 majority in Utica, N. Y., liith-j of the South “protected” to 4175 of statesmanlike criticism ofthe points *88, by the Democrats, in response to the pub-j Burns, Oregon. Hshe«l call of Feb. 22d, for the i»urp< se of organ­ Or-A gent for F ireman ’ s F und I nsurance C ompany . i-i y izing for the preservation of democratic unity £4y* Good Accommodations at Reasonable erto strongly republican. other sections. * * The man who of the message, such as was to he ¡during 1888. J. E. McKinnon, Secretary, to Ra es. expected from his lofty jxisition ' whom address all communications and doeu- ! ments. T he President sent to the two drew up that bill represents the and pretensions, the whole mess Meat Market. houses of congress, March 20, a largest sheep owning district in the was a tirade of personal abuse of PROPRIETORS. ROBINSON A’ DODSON LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. communication from Secretary Vi­ U. S. Therefore he protected his Cleveland, a rehash of stale and ON A CASH BASIS. las and the testimony taken in the interests, Mr. Mills says, and the oft-refuted slanders upon the demo­ F. J. WELLS,------- P roprietor . Oregon C IA8. A. COGSWELL, F. A. COGSWELL. wagon road land grants cratic party, and a fervid waving of Lakeview. Linkville. Is prepared to furnish ail kinds of fresh matter; also a 1 ill forfeiting said largest wool buying firm in Oregon the bloody shirt. meats, sausage, etc. Leave your order. COGSWELL & COGSWELL. grants, with a recommendation that is of the opinion that the price of His indecent assault upon the LAKEVIEW AND LINKVILLE, Or. wool was never lowered nor raised President, instead of having the ef­ it become a law. WATCHMAKER 1 cent by protection, so-called. The fect desired, has caused a closing -AND- ALSO T he worst blizzard known in 30 able and indefatigable liars of the up of the ranks, and if there wcr.i Attorney s-at-Law Jeweler. Beer, Bitters and the Best Cigars in the Market CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r . years struck the Atlantic states on republican press are answered.— any laggards before, they are unan­ i-iy imous now, while liis ghoulish the 10th inst., raging fiercely for Eugene City Guard. attack upon the distinguished Attorney, Notary Public & Drinks scientifically mixed in style and quantity to suit. several days. The wind blew at the CITY HOTEL. dead, Generals McClellan anil Han­ Collector. rate of over 50 miles an hour, tear­ A N’OTIIF.IC INQI IKY. cock, has caused a revolution of B. F. LLOYD------- P roprietor . E d . H erald : You will plcanegiv«’me in­ ing down telegraph and telephone I formation A. C. BRODERSEN,... Lakeview. on the following point-: What i« feeling among the fighting survivors This Hotel lately refurnished, offers spe­ A First-Class Billiard Table cial inducements in avcontniodation to the wires, snapping off telegraph poles, the size of your town ? Does it li<* on any | ofthe late war and their protests Any business entrusted to me will receive river? How is the country surrounding it ? tire coming up in such numlM-rs E ALWAYS ON ÎIAND^KL traveling public,whose patronage issolicite«! l-ly most careful and prompt attention. Land matters and Collection a specialty. Corres­ £d^Table furnished with the best the mar­ wrecking vessels, etc. Snow fell I Please let me know what liu-itK’ss openings exi ”t there. Is the country better adapted amUviolence that even the “Nation­ ket nffori's. pondence solicited in English and German. from 4 to 5 feet deep, and formed to stock or agriculture? I” the county or­ al Republican,” in alluding to the GENERAL MERCHANDISE Is there any government land to enormous drifts, almost wholly ganized? lie had there? Could a person buy a .small speeches of the republican senators, Liverv and Feed Stable. Attorney-at-Law improved place, with good water, cheap? blockading travel. One man froze: drops out of notice “the only In­ W. C. BYRD - - - - I ’ KOPRIETOR. P F STENGER. Please give me desired information, M. A. KELTON. to death in the streets of New York as there are many the anxious to learn of that galls.” The republican executive A CASH BUSINESS AT BED committee dropped it like a coal of and oblige, D wight M. A llen , Lakeview, Or. Keeps constantly on hand a Full Line of city. The loss of life was most se­ country, ROCK PRICES. Ht. Paul, Minn., March A, 1888. j fire. And now the democrats aro Practice” in the courts of the state, and DRY GOODS ANI) CLOTHING, Is our motto. Good Buggy Teams, and Nice vere along the coast. before the U. 8. Land Office. l-lv In answer to the above and like preparing to use it as a campaign Saddle Horses Furnished at Reasonable Charges HATS, CAI’S. BOOTS, AND SHOES, and Particular Attention paid to th«- Boarding document, accompanying it with I HARDWARE. TINWARE. QUEENSWARE. and Grooming of Transient Stork. Hay vt Grain I I n the late municipal election, in inquiries, we will nay: 1st, Burns is the scathing reply of Blackburn of Watches, Clocks on hand. GLASSWARE AND, ALSO, CROCKERY, a live, growing town, only a few -AND- Syracuse, N. Y., one of the republi­ A. H. G. BOTH TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, years old. having a population of Kentucky. JEWELRY. Hauling in Town , can strongholds of that state, went something less than 500, and, 2d, is Washington, I). C., March 10, ’88. GROCERIES, NOTIONS, A SCHOOL SUPPLIES. BY W. R. STARK.------- L akeview . democratic by 700 majority. The of which he offers at the Lowed Prices and for— ‘cn- convention in their respective terri­ fit. The verdict of the people was torial capitols on Sept. 11 th. fertile Always rm ham! and Good Attention ings there are for other lines of bus­ purjsise of framing a constitution— -iven all orders made for team” ami veh­ in favor of the democratic policy. icle”. l-ly iness. 5th, The country is well- the Washington cov. ntion will also O. P. Cresap, A New Stock of Eine Goods. i’nnvon City. Oregon. adapted to both stock raising and wlr’ther the state will be Ila”, also. a fine assortment of Barlx*127,703, on land still open to settlement, but tween the present name and Mon­ Lskeview, Oregon. MOSAIC WARE. Good Work—Rearonalde Prices. l-ly which was paid a duty of $281,- parties who contemplate taking up tezuma; on Nov. «¡th, the constitu­ Beautiful Glass Ware 175.26. Of course this tax was col­ lands in Harney valley should be tions framed must be submitted to HARNEY CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. prompt, as no section of East «»re- the people; if ratified, and the new Of every description—Toilet seta; genuine bronze Lamp« with Duplex Burner”, one lected from the people in the shape V. J. Mil.LEK LEE ( ALDWELL _ - - _ P roprietor •uffieient to light the town. Eight-Bay of increased prices upon canned gon is settling more rapidly. 8th, states admitted, Dakota will have The country is newly settled, hut 2 congressmen andtheothers 1 each Clock”, and a fine line of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. HAIP.-CUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. goods, and went into an already such a place might readily be until the census of 18!X) is taken; Harney CH,. Oregon. Tobacco and cigars—Ftpes. and Meewhaum Will prartire in ail the Stale Courts. 1-tf the bill also provides for the ex­ Giren Personal Attention. overflowing treasury. The leading found. Good water is plentiful. Pipes a specialty, warranted. Oysters, Har din«*. < raeker*. all fr«sh. Hoapa, beat Town lots on business streets can penses of the conventions, and canning and packing houses on the brand*. Yeast PoWdera—everybody PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. be had at $100, *50— amt ami off t the grants f land for eapitol and pub­ eno draw a prize worth from 26c coast bavy petitioned range' ■> to main str < ts for $. v.|! Full line of Sch»M»l irrigation, Books, and atk.net/ A. J. BROWN. . I remove th" duty on tin p itc, on sold nt these low rat of a I Idea« riptlora. j ¡table pur« thy and all kin.la of rnrveylna Aon* on a Son One door North of Drug Store. DUce. and aaliaU -|m> »narantend 1—6— If mudo Í5' owth of the tc The Country prom Flooring', Mouldings, ¡stio,. Slung-les, 1 I GENERAL MERCHANDISE! ARCADE SALOON. THE BEST WINES AND LIQUORS, JOB WORK. IT'o.x’xxx !Macliin.ery, THE BEST WINES & LIOUORS. FINE SILVER WARE