East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, March 21, 1888, Image 4

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Third Meetlnffcf Burna (lab.
The “Burns Democratic Club” All announcements made at following rates,
payment invariably in advance. Commis­
met, and was called to order by the and
sioner and Attener
each; all other county
« $10eat h. Legislative, and Congressional
>15 each. __________ __________________
utes of the previous meeting read
!-!• Moi R \TK
and approved. The resolutions of
the club were read for the benefit of pi )lt KEl'llEHEXT ATI V E.
new attendants, and a number of
J. NAT. HUDSON, for Representative, sub­
names were added to the roll, which ject
Return« from Burna T’rcclnct.
to the action of the Democratic county ton­
increased the membership to 70 in ic 111 ion._______________
On motion, Mr. Grace wm ma<le chairman;;
On motion by Dr. S. B. poll ItEIMlI - i \ I \ I IV E.
XV. c. Byrd, secretary. The proper committee« number.
find judge« were appointed. The following del- 1 MePheeters an assessment of 25 eta
I hereby announce myself, after much solici­
egates were elected to represent Burna precint 1 .
In the county convention: Robert Terrell.George ; was levied upon each member, for tation, ns a candidate for Representative, sub­
ject to the decision of the Democratic (Ounty
McGowan, J«»e Wooley, Wi'.lia.n Skinner. Next I
in order, nomination of Justice of Peace and I the purpoae of defraying expenses Convention.
Constable J. Parker received nomination for' of the club, and the amount depos­ ______ _ ____ «________________________ ______
,Ju«‘.ice; Henry ( Jieatham, Cor si able.
The as­
w. c. B yrd , Hec’y. ■ ited with the secretary.
II AGUE WOOD, for sheriff, subject
sembly was entertained in an inter­ to J. the I. action
B urn «, Oregon, March 20, UWK.
of the Democratic county con­
Chairman of County Convention: This is to esting manner by Messrs. Mcl’hee- vention.
certify that the following named delegates were ters, T. A. McKinnon, and D. L.
polt ASSESS« >K.
duly elected to represent Burns Precinct in the
County Convention: Robert Terrell, George Grace.
The meeting was then ad­
McGowan, Joe Wooley, William Skinner.
T. J. COZAD, for assessor, subject to the
journed to meet the first Saturday action
W. c. B yrd , Hec’y,
of the Democratic county convention.
in April at 2 o’clock p m.
—Club meeting at Bent. Eni-
J. E. M c K innon , Sec.
bree’s, on 24th inst.
Burns, Or., Mar. 17, 1888.
—Democratic County Conven­
Burns Baud Dance.
tion Wednesday, March 28.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
the . very
for 1,ie SUlbb
office ’i't of
6>untv Ilf Clerk
. Considering
. 1 .
. * . short
. , notice
■ I COllntV
♦/» action
(lift Republican
I? r> of
t >11 V>1
i/’U 1 >
countv, subject
of the
—Wild gisise shooting is all th' given,
this was quite a lively affair, Ir.
------ st...
rage, with P. S. Early and “Tex” last Friday evening, and the at­
in the lead up to date.
tendance good. The supper was
—Chas. Bowman, fancy carpen­ very good; the music by Messrs.j. william iiakvey , for
ter, will be in Burns in a short Adkinand Cavin, good; the follow- j.^n^1,t,il(*nl‘ction of l*ie Republican county
while, and go into business.
ing is a list of those present:
X —Chas. Johnson left yesterday Mr. and Mrs. W. Parker,
Democratic Primary .Meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. Tice Adkli 0,
for Cow creek, where he will be in Mr.
• j T» T he I) emocr « tw V oters of the V ariofs
ami Mie. T. 1'. Harrs,
P rbcincts in T he county of G rant ,
Mr. und Mis. Lee c aidwell,
the employ of W. W. Johnson.
state of O regon , Greeting:
and Mrs. M. N. Fegtly,
—Road-Supervisor Harvey lias Mr.
| You are requested to hold Primary Meeting«
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Vaughn,
; in your rr«pective precincts, ut the i:«ual place
H. Early and Mis. Jas. Copshall.
been busy working the road near P.
1 of voting in sue h precincts (except in such pre-
A. H. slotter and Mips Mary Wate is,
einctB uh have more than one pull.ng place
Warm Spring below Burns, this John Howe und Miss Elma Perkins,
j therein, in which case you are to hold the pri
W. E. Grace ami Mirs Emma Munjur,
niary meeting of such preeinds at polling place
Ed. Hanley and Mis« Arvilla Bunyard,
1 number one ), on Tuesday, the 20th day <»f
Newman and Mies Lizzie Garrett,
—Mr. Davis, of the firm of Davis John
! Man h, 188«, at the hour of 2o’clot k p in, f. r the
Hobt. McKinnon and Miss Eva Wateis,
j nurpcBe of electing Delegate« to attend the
& Blut, and a resident of Nebraska, Win. Shackleton und Mi«« Cora Harris,
nice «
E. McKinnon and Mies Carrie Allison,
i I Democratic^ County ' Convention,
vutvuimhi , which
wuiru in<
was in town for a few days, buying J.
Jasper McKinnon and Slips ¡.aura Galloway, I
,e * ‘!uri House "...
in Canyon City,
Oregon, on
t 11 *• 28th
’.'Xt 1, clay
r. ______
o . ..
iww _ _
| 1
________ , v _________
,____ I, _____
of t March,
at * the
i...... of
..c 10
... o’ .. clock
. -------
the ;r»e£-;li,
Inee||n R
g ’,»; odd
mutton sheep.
a hi . At the
Harney’s Ball nnd <)y«ter Supper.
I Convention, no member t: thereof :
will >e allowed
X* —John Robinson of the firm of
1 more
rrzrr tbun one
z~z ;.r_zy
th“~ ’
proxy therein.
The number of
Robinson & Dodson, is slowly re­
Delegates Io which
oct is entitled
’ ' ’ each
"■ pre« i .....................
. ’ un-
the ai_4»ortioiiment is ns follows:
covering from an attack of inflam­ the evening of ltith instant, and ad-; tier
Canyon city Precinct 3 Mtirysvlllle.
vertised in T he H ehai . d the past J oh u Dav ...................... 3 Union
matory rheumatism.
Olive Creek
1 Hay Stack
—The “Burns Beer” manufac­ three weeks was as promised one of Shoo Fly
.............. .1 Mountain ('reek
... 1 South Fork
tured out of the best material by the most successful affairs of the 1 Hock
Warm Springe............... 2 Granite Creek
Locher, the Burns’ brewer, is a su­ season, although few of the Burns Long Creek ................. « Ftix Valiev
............... 2 Middle
pleasure-lovers participated, on ac­ North
perior article; 25c per bottle.
Ri.ee Bud ...................... 2 SilviliH................
.......................... 3 Harney
—Geese, ducks, and swans may count of the Band dance and a ball Drewry
.4 ( nrrey
be seen in the swamps by the thou­
Hamilton .......................1 Bear Valley
sand: now is the time for sports­ same evening. The oyster supper Catlow
.. M .
The music, by
men to get in and try their luck was excellent.
of the Democratic Central Commit­
Messrs. Clark, Wood, and Gilliam, tee By of order
Grant county.
R obert L ockwood ,
with the gun.
Canyon City, Or., Feb. 25, 1 m . sk .
—Blitzen has organized a school !
and Mrs. Canfield,
in District No. 45, with the follow-1 Mr.
Mr. and Mis. Jas. Lcasv,
ing board of directors: G. W. Wil­ Mr. and Mr«. Geo. Stovall,
A dapple-gray Stallion, three
A. Page and Mirs Viola Clark,
shire, Mr. McGlothlin, N. Comegys, Ed. Henry and Miss Belle Wyatt,
years old in May; sired by Rector’s
Thos. Bain and Mi«« Mary Jami«,
and Mr. Howell, clerk.
dapple-gray, ‘English Glorydam,
Frank Davis Miss May Catterson,
—George LeDuc, a professional Chas. Rush and Mies Anna Janus,
large gray Perchcron mare. For
Ed. Lynn and Mb« Viola Alberson,
dancing master came from Paisley J no. Loggun and Mi.-a Annie Brierly,
particulars, call on or addres,
N. McDonald and Miss Ina Alberson,
to Burns, last week in company Geo.
Harney, Or.
D avid C arey ,
Brierly and Miss Belle Clavpool,
with George Hays of Summer Lake, Geo, S. Sizeim.reand M ph Alin McGee,
Mr. Cotcsworth and M fh Annie Ward,
and will remain several days.
This. Houser, and Mi.'s R< sa Loggan,
Heekuthi/in and Miss Jennie Page,
—The name of John W. Sayer is Geo.
Chas. Brandon mid Mbs Muggle Loggan,
is this week presented for the con­ .1 W. Join «on and Miss Lnella McDonald,
Wm. McGIymery and Miss (irat e Canfield,
U nited S tates L and O ffice ,»
sideration of the republican voters Messrs. Geo. Buchanan, Frank Conn, James
Lakeview, Oregon.
Jno. Carey, J do . Canfield, Win. Al­
Januarv :-.0, inks . )
of Grant county, for the office of berson, Wm.
Stovall, Miks Riley, Rub Houser,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­
Paul Brookner, Jno. Hull, Wm. Morrison, Chas. ing named settler has filed notice of hip inten­
County Clerk.
tion to tnttke final pn>oi in supp» rt ot his claim
—Canyon City’s democratic can­ Roper, Phil. Bruner.
and that paid proof will be made before lhe
Bloomington Nursery.
Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
didate Tor the office of assessor, T.
March 2-lth, lww, viz:
J. Cosad, is mentioned most fav­
A fine lot of trees were bought a
William Clipper,
D. S. No1M2. for the S’..of NE1 , andS’.j of NW’;.
orably as a citizen and gentleman year ago from the above nursery Hee.
15, Tp. 27 S, R. Bl E. He nanu s tfie follow­
of worth and credit to the party he by Geo. Hays, ami si t out on his ing witnesses •<> prove bis < >>n*inuot'S residence
upon, and cul: i\niion of, fluid land, viz: II. I..
is willing to represent as assessor.
timber culture claim in Lako coun­ Wright, c. William«, F. .1. Chaves, William
Dunn, ull of Diamond P. O., Grant Cvunty, Or­
—The saloon next to the post-of­ ty, and stood the severest form of egon.
A. F. SNELLING, Reg’ster.
fice is always open for the recep­ cold winter weather that has ever Feb 15-12
tion of customers, and never fails visited Eastern Oregon, without pre \i. pRoor.
to keep on hand the best brands loss. We had ev ry assurance of
U nited S tates L and O ffice ..
Lakeview, Oregon,
of liquors: wines, brandies, and the hardihood of the goods sent out
January : o. inks . )
whiskies, as well as cigars, and to- by this house, before soliciting ad­ NOTICE TH HEREBY GIVEN
’hat the follow­
ing named pettier hiiB fl.ed notl< e of len inten­
baci o.
vertising from it. The terms are tion
to make final proof tn support of his claim,
—D. T. Aubrey, of Silver cre< k, reasonable (being freed from the ¡¡nd that said pr«»of will he made before the
Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
was in town Monday. He reports agents’ commission when ordered I March 22d, 188K, viz:
William Dunn.
his sheep doing well; that during through T he H erald ), we believe I). S No l.<7,
for the SW‘4, See 15, Tp
severe weather
______ this
__ winter, his | entire satisfaction will result in '.7 S, R. ;1 I’ He nanus the following witnesses
... .. ....... i,____ ,
i to prove h:s
his eonttnuov.e
continuoii« h
. l .
upon, and
sheep wore without feed for 26 days; j ove-y instance will
, . «.’ililSOS <irt‘ , ( uliivn i«>n of said ’ land,
;CiC pill
11 I. Wright. S.
s:: *. vis: II
Powi'is, William Clipper, and C Williams all
and out of a band of 1100, his loss [ made with this nursery; ; Mr. Crane of
Diamond P. O., Grant count v, Oregon.
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
was 100.
(whose address is “G. W. Crane, I Feb. 15-12
/—An early exodus of citizens to Box 1216, Bloomington, Ill.), fur­ piNAL PROOF.
their ranches is taking place: this nishes plain directions for planting
U nited S tates L and O ffice ,»
Lakeview, Oregon, >
week we noticed the family of J. C. and caring for the goods bought of
Januarj :'(), isss. )
Garrett, moving out to Silver creek; him, and the packing by this house NOTICE IS IIERETH’ GIVEN
that the follow­
ing named settler hrs ti'ed notice of his inten­
that of T. D. Harris to the Island; we know, cannot I e surpassed.
tion to make Dual proof in siipporr of h « c aim.
and four other families, names not
thu! paid
said proof
,____ will
__ _ __
ir ____
made __
Mr. Hays sustains us in this as­ and that,
Reg sier or Rec eiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
known to us, passing northward.
sertion as he says he has received ■ i Mart
h 22<1, 1888, viz:
II. I.. Wilght.
✓ —Our thanks are due Geo. Hays plants by mail in the winter from D. S. No £791. for
the SS of NE’4. Lo‘s 1 and 2,
of Summer Lake, for a half-dozen this nursery .that were so well put -er I. Tp SÀ8, R. 31 E He names'.he follow­
ing witnesses to prove hip contimi« ns ripide?1' e
catnlpa speciosa with which to up that none were damaged, and upon, amt cultivation of paid land, via: Wil-
1 Ham Dunn, H. Powers, William Clipper, and
adorn our office lot; Mr. 11 ttys all were thrifty.
' \\ i diamp, all of Diamond 1* O , Grant couu-
passed through town last Saturday,
; tv. Oregon.
“Annity,” or “Greed?”
Feb 15-12
enroute to the Blitzen country, with
Nothing can bring to the front gUMMONS.
trees and plants for his ranch, sit­
uated within two miles of the Com­ a vain man’s egotism more unmis­ In the Jup'ke Court, Harney Precinct, County’
takably than to place him in an of­ of Grant, State of Oregon.
egys ranch.
I'hU Rmuer. riff.,
—Jud. 1 Haguewood, John Day’s ficial position. If he has capably'
Walter 'i'rlce, Deft.J
candidate for sheriff, is sjtoken of performed the functions of his of­
To Walter Price, in the name of the State of
generally, by his friends ns a good fice, the people are as willing to Oregon,
you are hereby required to np|>ear be­
citizen, therefore, a good democrat, have him re-elected to serve them a fore the undersigned. a ,h:a'ice. f the Peace, for
the Precinct afore paid, on the24th day of .March,
_ forenoon of raid day,
and vice versa. That is exactly second term, as lie can be to show ,__
IfQsS, ____________
at 10 o’clock In the
.i of mid Prec inc t, to
<•<>('r,i'<i Jv«Hce
the kind of man the democratic them that familiarity with the du- »oi"'om<
. .... n.n.,v .......... Plaintiff*in a < ivll ac-
Defendant will take notice that if he
party of Grant county means to put ties of his ottice enables him to it;».
fail to io sever the complaint herein, the P'ain-
in the field, for one who is loyai to even more capably serve them in tirt* wi. I take judgment a ¡¿ah pt him for Forty-
Nine doDais, ($49.00), with the c» r a and dis-
the interests of democracy, will be the second than in the first term; buii-emeii
’p of th’a action.
I f publipbed in Tint E art O regon H erald
equally true to the interests of the if, after the second service, he, like for Th f ix
utivo weeks. by oravr of .U pper
office he holds in trust for the ben­ a good democrat, recognizing the Dav’s, Justice of the Peace for Harnev Prec inc t,
county, Oregon.
J cshrr D axir .
fact tliat as good material may be tiram
efit of the people.
Feb. 1-12
JusIce of the Peac e.
—The Century for March is a had where he came from, (from the
very tine number, containing among rank and file of democracy), at all piNAL pnoor.
•l'xiTRi» HTATRR L and O ffice ,»
other things another paper by The­ times, retires cheerfully to give
Lakeview, Oregon,
Febnmrv B, ISKM.T
odore Roosevelt describing ranch place to other of his fellow-citizens,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhn‘ the ft 'h,w
life in the West; a rarely beautiful lie ha» made a political record for ii g-naniixt nettler hnn fi’ed noti« e of l.iit Inten­
to make Anal proof ir rapport of hie < ¡aim.
poem, “The White Tsar’s People;” fair-play that the people are not tion
anti that raid pr.xif will I e made before J. T.
additional chapters of "The Gray­ slow to remember. But, if, on the Mavì, Uounty Clerk » f Gram muntv. Oregon, at
Canyon l ily. Or., i.n April f», 1NKK, vii:
sons;” the conclusion of “Au contrary, lie permit his vanity to so
K. F. Growl,
S. N«\ WH. for the NE*, of Sve. 27, Tp. '.2 S..
Large;" the biography of Lincoln, far get the upjicr hand of his com­ D.
R. :H K. He nantra the following wlfnrtava to
which roaehes the "Call to Arms;” mon-sense, as to demand a third, or prove hia continu, ua rvaidenev upon, a»td <ni-
th a ion of, raid land, via: ( barba Miller, R.
further details of the prison life of fourth term of the same, or to step Irw ing. John Hall, and Holter: Coll la’er, a') of
llarr.vv ( ity, Oregon.
Russian revolutionist.’, by Kennan; out of that into another otlice, his Feb.
A I. SNELLI NO, Herater.
H finely illustrated article, “Col. undemocratic spirit is nt one«' clmr-
Rose’s Tunnel at Lihbey Prison," acterized by a rougher word than triNAL 1 ROOF
U nited statf « L and O ff »» r ,»
giving an account of the escape of "vanity’ : by the strnight-out word
Lakeview. Creato.
Fehruarv •», ihm .*
10B prisoners from I.ibley, by one ■'hoggi'shness,” and, when in future
of their number, We have only campaigns, his name is favorably foni it % t.' r. (ttirvmvii’r •»( llt.norab'r <
’a Ieiter “G” «f November 12,
enumerated a few of the lending mentioned, the reply is: “No dis­ aioner
Ldh.’W«wer earned aettier hua filed noti< v of hia
features of this handsome magazine, count on hi» capacity to do good intention to make hi« aupplrmridary pntof in
of hia claim, unti that «aid pr.s»f w ill
service, but he’s like a republican, •apport
which should be in every home.
be made liefvrr the Rev'« er and Reeviver, at
on April I-.’. I nmx . via:
—Jos. Hudspeth's dance on last once he gets the public teat between Lakeview, Oregon,
.lance« F.. Mm I tn.
Friday night was much enjoyed. his gums, you can't rope him off." 'Crab Fntry No. Nt>3, for W», o; sp SE’, of
and Lot 3, Ser. *.M. Tp. ?.. S, R .0, F.
The names of persons taking part in "Rotation in office" is a fundamen­ HE'*
Feh 22-13
A. F nN EI LING, Re«‘a'er
tal principle of democrecy, and no
the evening’s pleasure:
Mr. and M-a Parso: a.
Mr. and Mrs. J.
.. Bennett,
_______ .
U nitrp STkTR* L avo O ffice .»
A second term in office where the
Mr and Mr« M. M ( vahlng.
Lakeview, Dragon,
Mr and Mia J« a. bu< hanan,
Febmarv 11. IW.’
Bvn I lag«» ai>d MU« Millie II are v,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the full«»»
dered, is a ruling acceptable to the ina
Hu; h Haley and Mi»» Mat He Haley.
named M trlvr ba* filed ______
notire of __
bia _ inte-.
Joel iVtkln» and Miaa Ellen Ptrvire,
from the office of President
. »l"i
,l''? <h«l »«bl pb- t »III I hr “1*
Wm Hl'»<iiiind Mira Ktiaiv l»lxon.
>, V
made twtvr» J. T
Fill« McKinnon and Mi*» Etta Dixon,
of the Nation down to coroner for Mael. ckrk of ’-rant county, Or., at Canyon
Jna Hud»|»eth and Mt«« Til Ur Alliaon,
1.* m , vis
a county, but a demand for more chv. Or., on Marc h h . 91,
• "»’In f^jovman and Mira Ida AlLaon.
r. ham .
JMw.ird I’erkln an I Mi»« > rankle Bar*h«a,
D. ' X a W;\ for the NW qrof NEqr. E\«4
rank MrClintm a and Mt« ane Gr awoM.
Nfc .jr and NK qr of j *K qr. See A>. Tp. W S. R
J iRpcr McKinnon and Miw I Hite MrKiunoB, gether with incurable "»ore-head»” 3.» 1». He nanus the ft» lowing ultiKFSxr to
J .-tin hut’ hanan and Mir« Ihvrs« Buchanan,
prove hl» conttnu.ma rtaidvuea upon. and cpl
tivatt,« of. aaM land, ill Thoma« Howard,
Mwvra. W rerreil. *cj»' '*(
I ntuk U hlt-
.,'llnr, I, »n <w, Jno. .' < » h Bon. which their actions prove they be­ Pave fftaltord. Mm. ARwru. and Frank Kia«a-
. Jr. tu. k, Wm.
berg. all of Urtr acy. Aran* count». orveon.
Mr.<d«**F •'no ( aiva, gud /M- Varlen
I Entered ««second eines mail matter at Burna ] j
U nited S tates L and O ffice ,»
I.akeview, Oregon,
Februarv 11th, 1888.)
NOTICK is HKBKBV OIVKN that the lollow-
ing-named settler has filed notic e of is Inten
tian to make final pr.mf in support of his < aim.
and that said proof will be made
Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
April 4th, 1888. viz:
M illlam A. Cecil,
D. S. No. 2829, for the E’2 of SE qr, SW qr of SE
qr, and SE qr of >W qr. sec. 2’4, Tp. 218., 1». 24 h.
lie rimei the following witmtH« to prune his
continuous residence upon, and (•u.tivatlon vi,
suid luud, viz R. N. Miller. J. R. * J Hanis H.
c. Ju< k». hi . nu<l J. A. Williams, all of Ri»ey 1. o.
Grant county, Oregon.
Feb. lfil-14
A. F. SNELLING. Register.
Anyone having Final Proof to make will ••»«
money und time by coming to T he I ieuai . d
otlice, where Blanks obtained from the I und
otlice will be found und will be correctly nlleo
U nited S tates L and O ffic e ,»
I.akeview, Oregon, >
February 13th, 1*8«.)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­
ing-named settler bus filed notic e of his inten­ I
tion to nmkr final proof in support of his claim,
and that said pro.)f will be made before J. 1.
Mael, clerk of (.rant c..unty, Oregon, at Canyon
City, Oregon, on April 201h. 1888, viz:
Alvin P. Joi»« «.
D. S. No. 1847, fur the SW»4 of NW1;, N1, of SW>»
and NW', of HE nr. of Sec. 25, Tp. 20 S., R. 3>,
E. He names the following witnct«e« to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of «aid land, viz: C. W Met lain, ( harks Grif­
fin, John Cardwell, and Asa 1. Johnson, all of
Drewsev, Grant couny, Oregon.
Feb. 29-14
A. F. 8NELLJNG, Register.
yri nal
U nitkd . states L and office , j
latkevtew, Oregon, February 28, 1888.)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­
ing named settler ha« filed noth e of his inten­
tion to make final pro«»f in support of h « claim,
and that «aid pr.w-f will be made before the
Reg ster or Rec ch er ut Lakeview, Oregon, on
May 8, 1888, viz:
Lake Co., Oregon.
BUSINESS MEN abroad that LAKEVIEW, Lake co., Or., contain«: 1 newspaper; 2 hote^i
KTWfr: 2 ««loon»: 1 brewerv; 1 undertaker; 2 laundriee; 1 furniture »tore: 1 »hue ,h„p: ( 22
market; t lawyer»: 3 phyiklan»: 1 »urveyor; 1 laud »Kent; 1 dentl»t; 1 drua»tore; i j,wftrl
lilackamltha: 2 harm»» »hope: 1 livery »table: I bakery: .3 general inen hau.lUe utor«,; | J
ouse: 1 milliner »hop: I real ea'ate agent; I aaw-mlll. Al»o, 2 Muonic lodgi»: i iJ(x4 .
piar lodge: 3 Odd Fellow»’ lodge»; 1 l ulled Working Men a lodge.
William Wood«,
2ft Mlles Mouth of Lakeview.
D. 8. No. 2273, for the N'4 of NE qr, SE qr of NE
qr, and NE qr of SE qr. See 34, Tp. 30 S. R 32 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of. said land, viz: James Nail. R. J Sawdon, J.
M. Fitzgerald, and Charles Dollarhide, ail of
Burns, Grant county, Oregon.
Meh 14-16
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
proof .
1’S1TK.:> t‘TAT::s I.4ND Ornes. I
Lakeview, Oregon, February IS, lass. |
Harrlaon .4 Hurl » I’. O„ Grant to., Gremin,
han flleil notice ol intention to make proof on
hi» ileaert latni claim No. Tl’>. for the HF. ‘jr unii
pt, ,,| SW qr, bee 12: NEqr »nil E'.of NW qr,
See 13, Tn 31 8. 1’,: 1 E, before the UealHteror Re­
ceiver nr Lakeview, Or., on Friday, the 27th
dav of «prll, Ba«. He name» the following wlt-
neou « t.i prove the complete Irritcatiou and re-
clamation of said land: Th«>tnns Flock, William
Iin\r. James Caldwell. J. M. Fisher, ull of Burns
Grant co., Oregon.
Meh 14-16
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
U nited S tates L and O ffic e .
Lakeview, Oregon,
February 13, 1888.)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow-
ing-named b Her hr.B filed notice of intention
to make final proof in support of his < laiin, and
will be niade before J. T. Mael,
< lerk or GHlfff counjy, Oregon, ut Canyon City,
or., oh April 16th, 1<S88, viz:
T. J. Shield«,
H. E. No. 301. for Lota 1. 2»,8, A- 4, Ser. 30, Tp. 23S.
R. 27, E. lie names the following witnesses to
’•rove his continuous risideixe upon, and cul­
tivation of, suid land, viz: Wm. W. Brown, G.
H. brown, J. A. Williams, R. J. Williams, all of
kilev, («runt co., Or.
Feb. 29-11
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
L akeview , O re «0«.
Pays Highest Market Price for Grain.
This Mill is hl fine condition tor turning out superior work. Is iu eliargs«,),
class miller.
The Highest Trices will be paid for Wheat. Highest rates will be paid in exchange
Oats, Barley and Wheat.
U nited S tates L and O ffice . |
Lakeview, Oregon, February 27, 1888,1
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­
ing-named settler ha« filed notice of his inten­
tion to make finrfl proof in supp.ift of hi« claim,
and that «ahi proof will be made before J. T.
Alael, Clerk of Grant co., Or., nt Canyon City,
Oregon, on April 14, 1888. viz:
f^Cull and See for Yourselves Beibre Trading Elsewhere.
M. D. IIOPKINS, P roprietor .
------ o-
James W. Shoun,
D. H. No. I860, for the SW qr of NE qr, Lot« 2, "
& 4, Sec 6, Tp 22 8, R 32?2 E. He nanu s the fol­
lowing witntEBf« to prove his rr«lcletice UjHtn,
and cultivation of 6tud land, viz: John Parker,
A. N. Smith, J. M. Duggins, and Thomas Bale«,
all of Harney, Oregon.
Meh 11-16
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
U nited S tates L and O ffice ,)
Lakeview, Oregon, February 20,188*. j
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­
ing named settler ha« filed notice of hi« inten­
tion to make final proof in support of l»is Hahn,
and that «aid proof will l.e made before the
Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
May 'Jth, 1M8, viz:
E. D. Weaver,
D. S. No. 2M2, for the NEur Sec. 22», Tp. 28 8, R
; 1 E. He name« the following witueBBe« to
prove his cunilmou« rt«iden< e upon, ana culti­
vation of, «aid lain’ viz: A. Cavin, H. <’. Lev
1: 8, Edward Hunley, and Wm. Levin«, ull oi
Buri b , Oregon.
Mt h 7-13
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
Everything JJew and First-Class.
This Hotel is new—House, Booms and Furniture—and offer courteous service to etc
guest that is entertained in it.
UsiTKU S tates L and OrricE, I
I.akeview, Oregon, February 28, 1888.)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­
ing-named «eitler ha« filed notice of hi« inten­
tion to make final proof in support of his claim,
anti that said proof will be made belure tlie
Regiß’cr or Receiver at I.akeview, Oregon, on
April -7th, laid, viz:
J. M. Fisher,
IT. E. No. 706, for the W’*2 of SE qr, and E’< of
SW qr, Sec 25, Tp ; 3 8, R31 E. He name« the f«>l-
luwing witniE« « to prove his continuous resi­
dence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz:
William Ihn«, O. A. Harrison, Chane« Stearns,
aiul Hcphen Young, all of Burt«, Grant county,
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
Meh 14-16
nal I’rocf.
U nited S tates L and O ffice , )
Lakeview, Or. February 20,1888.$
NOTH R IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­
ing liunied aeliler has filed notice of hi« inten­
tion to make final {»roof in support ot hi« claim,
and that suid proof will be ¡nude before the
Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
Muy sth, 1888, viz:
Edward Hanley.
II. E. No. 714, for the*NW qr of Sec. 22»„ Tp. 2S 8,
R • 1 E. Ilenanuflthe following witness*.« 1«.
prove Ids continuous rieidence upon, and culti­
vation of «aid land, viz: A. Cavin, H. C. Levin«,
E. D. Weaver, and Wm. Levir«, ull of Luru«,
A. F. SNELLING, Reglater.
U nited S tates L and G. fick , )
Lakeview, Oregon, Februury 28, 1888.1
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the f«)llow-
ing-named pettier ha« filed notice of hi« inten­
tion to make final proof in support of hi« claim
and that «aid proof will be made before the
Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
April 2bth, 1888, viz;
In Connection with the House.
The Best Brands of Liquor# and Cigars Always on Hand.
----- ------------------------------------- 8
F ine W ines , L iquors and C igars .
The Finest to Be Found in the Lower Market
Two First-Class Billiard Tables.
William Hays,
D. S. No. 2214, for the S’.i of NE ar, Sec 20. and
S>2 of NW qr, Sec 21, Tp 34 S, R 32 E. He name«
the following witneese« to prove his contiuu.nit
rt «idence upon, and (ullivati.in of said land,
viz: R. J. Sawdon. Janies Caldwell, O. A. Hur
ri«on, and J. M. Fisher, ull of buri.«, Grant co.,
A. F. SNEI.LIXQ, IteglBter.
Meh 14-1G
U nited S tates L and O ffice ,)
faikeview, Or., February 20, 18.88. |
NOTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compli­
ance ulih Mon. Commissioner’« letter “G, of
Dec. 14, 1887, the folk wing named settler lias
filed liutJce of his intention to make final prooi
in tuipp.irl of hi« claim, and that «aid pro«>i will
be rnaae before Register and Receiver at Lake­
view, Oregon, on Muy 8th, 1888, viz:
1MIwai’d Hanley,
I). M. No. 1152, C. E. No. U'J, for the N»i of NE qr,
SE qr of NE qr. and Ixjts 5 & 6 Sec. 21, Tp. 23 8,
R ;.i E. He names the following witnerse« to
prove his cyintinuoUB residence upon, ana culti­
vation of Faid land, viz: E. 1). Weaver, A. Cav­
in, Henry Ltvlt.«, and J. C. Garrett, all of Burns
Meh 7-15
A. F. SNELLING, Resister.
U nited S tates L and O ffice , )
Lakeview, Oregon, February 28, 1388,1
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­
ing-named settler ht.« filed notice ui hir, inten­
tion to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Regisier or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
May 71 h, 1888, viz:
Charles Dollarhide,
Manufacturer of Tinware
I II. E. No. 488. for the W1-.; of sE qr. NE qr of SW
qr, and SE qr of NW qr, Sec 13, Tp 30 S, R 31. E
He nanus the following witncKK« to prove hie
Farmers need not incur the expense and delay of sending off for
I continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
Agricultural Implements, as this House keeps a full stock at Fair
: aid kind, viz: R. J. fitowdon, J. Al. Fisher,
'James Nail, and William Wooes, ull of burns,
Prices. Citizens will find here as complete a line of Hardware ami
1 Grant co., Oregon.
U nited S tates L and O ffice , 1
Crockery as in any other establishment in this section of country.
Meh 14-16
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
I.akeview, Or., Februury 20, 1888. j
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol tow
Z»“Tl nwai’e of all Description« Made to Order. Call and «ce Goods.^l
ing named settler hes filed notic e of his inten­ jqOTICE OF PUBLICATION—FINAL PROOF.
tion to make final jiruof in support of his c lain»,
and that «aid proof will be made before the
U nited S tates L and O ffice , 1
Regisier and Receiver at Lakeview, Or., on
I.akeview, Oregon, February 28,1888. |
Muy Vih, 1888, viz:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compli­
A. Cavin,
ance with Hon. CommisBioner’s Letter “G’1 of
D. S. No. 260fi, for the N‘.. of SW qr, Sec. 22», Tp Nov. : 0, 1887, the following-named settler has I
2'«'» 8, Il M E. He name« the following witnufict? filed notice of hi« intenti.m b) make final proof
to vrove his continuous ri«iilencc upon, and in support of hi« claim, and that «aid proof will
L akeview , O reoox ’
cultivation of said land, viz: H. C. Levins, Ed­ be made before the Regis:er ami Receiver at
ward Hanley, Wm. Levins, and E. 1). Weaver, Lake view, Or., on Mav ;.d, 1888, viz:
all of Buri «, Oregon. And it appearing from
Robert J. Will la ins.
iherecori Bof this oflirl», that T. B. Bhoriridge
Prepared to do all kinds of work in the Blacksmith line. HORSE-SHOEING 1
plain « the above described tract advei«ely, un­ D. S. No. 845, C. E. No. 279, for the W’2 of NE qr,
der D. S. No. 259U. he i« hereby specially cited to and W’j of SE qr. See 30, Tp 23 S, 1127 E. He f 2.50 per head.
Im present at said time and plate, and submit nanu e the following witncist» to prove hi« con-
any leuBuns he may have why the final proof of tinuouB resilience upon, and cultivation of said
land, viz; J’red Okvrman, Robert Baker, George
A. Cavin should not be approved.
Meh 7-15
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
William«, and John Wurutr, all of Riley.
Grant co.. Oregon.
Meh 14-lft
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
Cenerai Blacksmith and Wa^on Maker
Made to order with neatness, and of good quality.
U nited S tates L and O ffice , I
Lakeview, Or., February 24,1888.|
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow
ing named Bettler hr.« filed notice of hi« inten-
lion to make final proof in support of hi« claim,
and that «aia proof will be made before Iht
Register or Bereiter ut Lakeview, Oregon, on
Ma) 31 h, 1888, viz:
Almon M. Fields,
D. 8. No. 2566, for the W’«,' of SE qr, and FJ.j of
SW qr, See. 2V, Tp 28 S. Range 81 E. He nan.t«
the following w I idifbib to prove his continuous
rtsiiiente upon, and cultivation of said land,
viz: 8. R. l’oweiB, R. T. Hughet, N. Nelson, and
II. Shroeder, ull of Diamond I». (>., Grunt coun­
ty, Oregon. Audit appearing of record that ('.
It. Faivey claims raid tract under Timber Cul­
ture Entry No. .<<4, he is hereby notified to ap­
pear st said time and place to show why the
proof of Fieh.b should nut be approved.
Meh 7-15
A. F. KNELLiNG, Register.
Inal l’rucf.
U nited S tates L and O ffice , )
iAikeview, or., February 24, 1888.)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­
ing named settler ha« filed notice of his inten­
tion to make final pr««»f in support of h’s claim,
mid that «aid pr«>of will be made before the
Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
May 4th, 1888, viz:
^tauten It. I’oMera,
'll. >. K.? st.’. r«r the NE or. Sec. :S. Tp Î7 ». R
: I F. He names the following witnefpee t»>
prore hia continuous rt'sidenc e upon, and oilti-
vatiom <>f anid land, viz: R. T. Hughet, A. M.
Fields, II. L. Wright, and N. Nelson, a«l of Dia­
mond P. O., Grant countv, Oregon.
Ab h 7-15
A. F. SNELLING, Regleter.
U nited .S tates L and O ffice , 1
Lakeview, Or., February 24, lN89.j
NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­
ing named settler haa filed notice .4 h s inteu-
♦ iun t<» make final proof in support of his claim,
end that said proof will be made before the
Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, ou
May 4th. 1888, tii:
i; r. H.-h. t.
D. S No. 1924. fur the SW qr. Sec. ’. Tp > S, R :1
F 11 v names the following wit m rm a to prove
hi« e.iiitliiuou« residence upon, ai.d c ullivati«»n
< t said land, viz. A. M. Fields. S. R. l\»wen». A.
i Wright, and N. Nelson, ail of Diamond F. O.,
Grant county. Oreg»»n.
Meh 7-1A
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
J'inal Troni.
U nited S tates L and O ffice , >
Lakeview, Oregon, March 2, 1888.j
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compli­
ance with Hon. Cominissioner’« I e ter ,‘G’’of
Dec. II, 1887, the following-named settler has
filed notice of his inteuthin to make final prtK»f
in support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before J. T. Mael, Clerk of Grant co..
Or., at ( anyon City, Or., on May 7lh, 1888, viz;
James M. Williams,
D. 8. 111«, (C. E. No. 217), for the E’a of NE qr,
see 18. SE qr of SE qr, sec y, SW qr of SW qr.
See 8, Tp 19 8. R 84 E. He name« the following
witnerse« to prove hi« continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of enid land, viz: Jamt«
T. Motlett, Th« «. Howard, W. T. Moffett, ana
Dolph liaruLi, ail of Dre«’, sey. Grant < o.. Or.
Meh 14-16
A. F. SNELLING, Regis er.
All Work Warranted.
Give a Trial tw Seeing is Believing. A first-class OV ksmith works in connection!
the Blacksmith shop.
L akeview , O k .
U nited S tates L and office , J
I.akeview, Oregon, Afarehti, 1888. j
NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVENthat in compli­
ance with Hon. Cumiuitsioncr's 1 art ter ”G” of
Dec. 14. 1887, the following-named settler has
file«! notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said pr»M>t will
l»e mude before J. T. Mael, Clerk of Grant co..
Or., on May 71 h, 1888, viz:
namo-ss, Snd'llc*, Bridles, Spurs, Latigo^ Whips Cinches, Chaprajos. None but
oestof California Leather used. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Wdllluni I’. Muffbtt,
D. S. No. 1108, «’. E. No. : 4*). for the SE qr of
Sec 18, Tp 19 S, It 34 E. lie name« the following
witnesses to prove hi« continuuu« residence
upon, and < nltn ation of said land, viz: D. L.
( amblin. of Ram, Abner Robbins, I). Hardin,
J. A. Robertson, of Drewsey. Grant co., Oregon.
Meh 14-16
A. F. SNELLING, Register.
gl’M MONB.
Toilet Aticles, Glass, Putty, Etc.
In Justice Court for the Precinct of Drewsey,
C.mnty of (»rant. State of Oregon.
11. J. Il.iward. I’lff > ( (T11 ArMon ,o R(<.OTer
Ko’Art Moffit, Belt.»
To Robert M »ff;t the above named defendent,
in the name of the s*ate of Oregon.you are here
by required to appear in the above entitled
court on or before the 30th day of April. 188«.
and answer lo the v.-mplaiut filed against you,
in the above enti:led action.
Tl.e Defendcnt will take notice, that if he
fail to no appt ar and answer, the Plaintiff will
takejustitv against him for th« sum ed Fifty
Two 1 n > i a;« and Fifty Cents (152-50). nud for
cvais and disbutsementa of this ac tion.
Given under my hand this 9th dav
U. W. |\»»TEB. Justice of the Peace
It is hereby ordered that the annexed Sum
U nitrd S tatk .« L and O ffu f . f niotis be published six ctiTtsec utive weeks in the
Lakvview, Or.. Febn ary 24» ls8A| E ast O uegon H erald , a weekly newspaper
NOTTCK IS HEREBY GIVEN that the foltow- published in Run s, c,rant countv. Oregon.
ir« mimed set tier has fi!e<l n«4i«eof hfs inten
Meh 14-1 >
lion tv m»ke Anal proof in support of l»is c aim.
and that said proof will K* made I vforv J. T.
lerk “f Grant Co., Or., at Canyon t ity. on
th. IK««, vli:
Timothy De no van,
D s N< XMA Mr the E’« M NE qr. and N». of
r. >w. 7, Tp JO S. R iOF. He nainci the ft»l-
U nited statb « L and (» fficrj
nu nitmrseft to prvnr his ronflnu»n « rewi
Itkerlew. Oreg«»n.March 9. iwn . i
c npoio •*<! cultivation of said land, via.
NOTIC E 19 HEREBY GIVEN that the M1ow-
W niiatn smith. A. A. V«»wtng. «mt
ing name«! settler has filed notice of his inten­
J. T Adame, all »4 Burr.«, Owaon.
tion to make final pmuf in «nppu.t of his claim,
bh 7-15
A. F sNKLIJNG. Rnrlater
and that Mid pmof will be made before thè
Regia er or Re,river at Iwkeview. Or. on
May t, 18SR. vis:
vorw Notice
Cyrw« William«.
The »nderniimed having «Igne«! srticks of H. E. No. ÌM. fo? the
of AW’. A
M'tmratiun. the public arc hereby nuifird thar SW
Tp. 279. R. 31 E. He names the fol-
•.either of us will 1* riporsi*le for any indebt mwlng 9W23Q,
edi,»« ,»f the cth< r • contracting.
’»’**"• and ^»nivation of. Mid land, vta
Bums. Oregon. Mar h 7,1**.
s R R”»e™ A JJ FIcM». R T Hnat.et. J M
8 »wrti B Avis.
P- <>.,GraM rw. Oregon
Meh T-IA
J ennie I. iwt«
Meh fl-1.
V F SNFILiyr, NtgMer
— X —
— X —
A Large Assortment of
Ha« Just Been Received.
— X —
— H —
fW-EvcryihinK Guaranteed Pnre and of the Very Best QualltT.
Leaves \ AI.E on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30, a. ru.
Arrives at B> RNS on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p. m.
Leaves Bl RNS on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 a. di .
Arrives at N ALE on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p. m
lose connection at VALE with stage for ONTARIO