1 East Oregon Herald. J f li v OREGON NEWS COAST CULLINGS. AGRICULTURAL. MEN GROWING TELEGRAPHIC. BIGGER. Ueazuremsnt* Take* tor ThouiSnd« Oarment* ln use seldom attended with disastrous con*«, operate to be able to grind their own Weicker’s hotel, in Washington. Jackson county fruit growers shipped George W. Lewis, of Elko, Nevada, meal.” very clear deductions could be made as quences, as the snow is so light uid by an agent of the paper that Mr. over $25,000 worth of fruit The survey of the canal contem ­ was sentenced to ninety nine year* in Now, every man should have a tank to the size of the American man. 1 soft that it divides on encouiitcriiq Greeley so successfully founded. It is estimated, says the Jacksonville the State Prison for murder. or boiler for steaming stock feed. 1 bo plated in Southern New Mexico is therefore sent a letter to two clothiers any obstacle, such as a house, without about completed. It will cost nearly Sentinel, that 10,000 deer were kill«! A boy named James Hooker, son of cut straw should be put in the boiler, in Boston, who have been long in the carrying it away. Its motion, also, ¡, F ish must have air in winter as well for their hides in this county last year. a widow who lives in Sacramento, and meal or chop mixed with it, and $5,000,000, and will reclaim 3,000,000 business, one in Chicago, one in New so gradual, that a man in its track cut as summer, and if they cannot got it acres. Robert Clow has been removed from Cal., was run over by the cars and when steamed or cooked it should be York, one in Baltimore, one in Detroit, easily find means of getting out of th« A fire occurred in the Methodist one in Texas and one in Montreal. The way, and even if he were caught could they will die. There i* a mistaken the position of Superintendent of the killed. fed to stock. This feed will keep cat idea that the fish frozen in solid ice State Prison. His successor is Geo. Captain H. W. McDonald, late of tie gaining and make them fat enough University, at Mitchell, Dakota, from information received in return Is to escape without injury. the spontaneous combustion of rags in the whaling brig Hidalgo, committed for beef. “The avalanche, on the other hand." will survive, and when the ice thaws S. Downing. effect: Any farmer can have cattle worth the art room. There were forty in­ this Dr. Lane has caused every one of1 suicide at San Francisco by taking In any given 1,000 garments the Mr. Seaver went on to say, “i* far they will exhibit healthy life. It is mates in the building, including the raising and fattening, and should uti ­ average of all the returns is as follows: more dangerous. For the formations not the case. They survive but a few the inmates of the State Insane Asy­ carbolic acid. lize bis straw for that purpose. His faculty, students and servants. All lum who has not been inoculated in­ The Spokane Falls city council has oats, wheat, barley or corn can be but ten of these escaped. Four young Chest measure, 38 inches; waist, 33} an avalanche snow more or less moi« minute*. side of five years to be vaccinated. adopted an ordinance taxing Chinese ground into meal or chop, and by men jumped from a second story inches; length of leg inside, 82} inches; Is necessary, and also a hard-frosti William E., eon of William and washhouses at the rate of $50 per mixing with straw and cooking and window. Four others and a professor average height ranging from 5 feet 8} base upon which the snow rest* 4 T ub English co-operativeB have a Bianca Hill, of Wilbur, died from a quarter. steaming you can make beef or feed jumped from third story, and another to 5 feet 9 in New England, up to 5 feet hi«vy fall succeeding a cold snapi* bank whose transactions amount to fracture of the skull, earned by a fall During the eleven month* ending milk cows to advantage. W hen our professor descended from the roof by 10 for the average at the South anti nearly certain to occasion avalaneheu $80,000,000 a year. They have 1,400 from a bluff of rocks near his home. December 1, 1887, the shipments of ore farmers get this far ahead there will a clothes line. The building was com West A few deductions of weight are and these are most disastrous, Insteal stores and a business of $150,000,000 Near West Stayton an old man from Hailey, Idaho, aggregated 22,- lie no complaint made by the grange pletely destroyed. The loss is $50,000. given, from which one can infer that of slipping slowly and easily along in« the average man weighs between 155 soft, porous mass, the snow balls and a year. Their 900,000 members re­ named Jesse Morris was struck by a 829,877 pounds. that "agriculture does not pay four The university will be rebuilt. Carl Kruse, tunnel man of the per cent, interest on the investment.” ceive an annual profit of $15,000,01X1. falling tree, and his skull was mashed A man and hie con living at Poplar and 160 pounds. These measures cover rushes down the mountain side with ir­ Cloverdale es say?” “ ‘If you don’t sec what you ments a year: without making as much fu*s as the ! [ourteen Chinese leper*. Since the Francisco bay, having on board seven­ Breast measure.. 98 87 8R W 40 41 44 vine was entirely the result of the When scalding hogs, if the water be want, ask for it.' ”— Omaha World. teen passengers from the China .. ... . I farm was . opened . I 5M persona have Waist measure ... » 88 84 35 88 87*489 42 deep bed of mellow earth made in set­ nwiinarv I i I nvnr *. . ordinary millionaire whii would over a a *:» $5 l>een received Cut per 1,(M» of at it. Of this number steamer City of Pi king, dragged her too hot the hair will not come off as readily aa if the temperature be lower. these sizes........ 80 180 240 240 140 80 80 »' ting the foot of the rod deep into the anchor and drifted to and against the reitTLAJin raonre* bill. 1056 were white male»—593 Ameri­ soil, and the beans enjoyed the benefit Average weight cans and 463 foreigners—435 colored Spear-street wharf. The Alice Gar­ Boiling water discolors the skin. A for each............ 140 150 180 188 175 180 900 225 of a similar treatment by the mellow B utibb — The first pension ever granted a and 73 white women. rett was in quarantine on account of temperature of 100" is warm enough Fancy roll, ff tt.................... 87* My correspondent in Detroit says: trench for the wire. The pieces of old smallpox which had developed among for a young hog, but there are some Oregon........................... ......... 10 Chinaman has been given to Ah Lin, “We notice marked peculiarities in re­ iron, refuse stove-pipes, worn horse­ There are hundred* of wild cattli hog* that require as high as 180". A Inferior grad*...................... U « 20 of Ban Francisco, who on the 4lh of in the high hills skirting the Umpqua i the passesgers and the City of Peking's slab or smooth surface permits of the Pt. kled................................... gions where dwell people of one na ­ io « 35 shoes. cast-off iron kettles, etc., could crew while en route from Chin*. From tionality. The Germans need large not be buried under the trees without July, 1867, was in the service of the valley. Borne of these are 25 years Bpear-street wharf the steamer drifted work being done in a cleaner manner California roll...................... do pickled................. >« a waists and short legs, the French small United States navy as a landsman old. They are conceal«! in the dense down to Btuart wharf, breaking off than when a rough bench or table is digging the soil deeply and thoroughly, , E .stern, full cream............. » waists and legs, the Yankees small to the great benefit of the roots. While firing a salute on board a vessel growth of oak and fir in the mountains several pile* en route. The passen­ used. 18 9 14 S Oregon, d* ............. waists and 'ong legs, the Jews medium io While feeding there are always a few Borne years ago benevolent-minded Otherwise tho iron could be of no bene­ in Han Francisco bay, the gun ex­ bulls to act aa sentinels. They got gers, mostly women, scrambled ashore people denounced the dehorning of California............................... 144 waists ansa cattle as a cruel practice, only worthy a decided demand for larger sizes than --------- D ried Fuvrtu— —What a sad world this would be to so as to render amputation mcesaary came to the valley. Their cows wand­ leaps. Others climbed the slippery of barbarians. Lately the stock jour­ kaples, are, ak* and bx*.., t formerly.— Clothier and furnisher. do California ............. • a thoughtful man if there were nothing' Hie claim for a pension was presented ered off and could not be found. In piles, and more hauled themselves up nal* of the country have asserted the Apricots. new crop............... M a few year* all the pioneer* had Iodo beyond this world! Not for himself, per­ 14 but no favorable action could lie se­ when they wanted beef was to go into by means of chain*. Every one es­ contrary, arid die proof that the op­ Peaches, unpeeled, new ... — David L. Boker left New York for eration of cutting off the horn* of a Pears machine dried......... 10 the West about twelve years ago to haps, but for others, there is need of1 cured. However, the one legged the mountain* and kill it. Borne ol caped. The Relief tug cant* to the milch cow is not a painful or any way Pitted cherries...................... 40 another life to make this life tolerable rescue and had towed the steamer Chinaman ha* been made happy by the cattle are very Urge and fat, one scarcely a hundred yard* from the dangerous act, as the flow of milk does Pitted plums, Oregon ....... 1*0 seek hi* fortune. He found it. He to one who observes and reflects. On Figs, Cal., in bg* and bx*.. 9 reached Colorado with one dollar and largo bull weighing at least 1,400 lbs receiving a pension of $8 per month wharf when the Alice Garrett sank. not lessen and the relish for food does Cal. Prunes, French........... M fifty cent* in hi* pocket After a time every side there are deserving one* 8 S These assertions are Oregon prunes...................... 10 Ü 13* with arrearage*, which amount to over Nay Simmons, a young man of 19. She turned completely over, nearly not weaken tot became interest«! in a »liver mine, who snffer far more than the unde­ Ftor* - committed suicide in a most shocking I swampiug the tug, and appeared borne out by the actual experience Portland Pat Roller, ff bbl $ $3,000. (0 made one hundred thousand dollars in serving. And there are saints whose manner, on the farm of Wm. Bapping- shortly after on the surface, bottom up. narrated in the Seattle Post-Intelligen­ Salem do do 00 a short time, and ha* been enlarging lives are lives of toil and trial and cer, where it asserts that at the Puy­ Tita Senate has passed a bill wh'ch field, ten miles northeast of Balem, on « his fortune ever since. He is a tall, seeming failure. Here, often, if not allup creamery thi y have cut off the is of great importance to the arid re Howell prairie. He was plowing in » —Growing in tne canons ana on tne horn* from sixty-eight head of stock handsozte man. and is now in the East always, the fittest die and the untittest ►ixty-five acre field with a three-horm survive. If there were nothing to lire hills north of San Bcrnardlnts Cat, Is a gions of the country. Il requests the for the first lim« in years seeking rest team, and when on the opposite side I tree which the Times of the place wants within two we< ks, many of them being for beyond the life that now is. the 1“ and annsement Secretary of the Interior to direct the of the field east of the house, hitched milch cows. The operation is simply director of the geological survey to two of the horses, tied a halter strap' named. No one there knows what it is. to cut off the horns as cli *e to the Lidwig Knan* paint«! on one helps to true character-making would « 0* OO4 it bears a fruit that resembles a cherry, eanviu the family of the Russian finan­ cost more than their apparentjy examine the water courses in the to the double tree, and making a sli| both in looks and size. It has a very head as possible. The result has been 47 —Sunday-School Times. ” • « that more .han twice the number of 4M « ‘ Western Stairs and Territories from noose of tl.e other end placni it round pleasant taste, does not grow in clus­ cattle can be put in the same incloe- 47 cier »■■onsberg, who became bankrupt 1 10 • 1 «ometime ago. The picture has drift­ hi* neob, and then staried the team, —A New York reporter has discovers which water is takrn for purposes of ters as does the cherry, has a very large ure and the vicious one* have no way walked a few step*, and then fell down ed to Paris, where the dealer who own* a man living in the top of* oncer* 1# on 17 00 irrigation, and to locate at variou- and was dragged to death. Two young atone, w hich also resembles the cherry to impose on the quirt one*. That is it prepose* to cut out the several fig ­ ’portable mansion, whose oceupslto* is uo 19 00 pointe thereon sites for the construc­ men bunting for cattle found him stone in shape. The tree grows like a the chief reason for so doing, and that 4*18 0* uresand sell them separately. Paint­ is a very odd one. He advertises thzt bush usually, though some attain a is enough of itself to justify dehorning n co dead. The lor»«'« appeared to hate M> U0 ings by Knau* bring extraordinary h* will write "poetry on all subject!« tion of reservoir*, to hold, out of tin height of forty to fifty feet The leaf It would seem that cattle without u uo 1888 K pria-x Fnrther gossip is to the effect reasonable rates." His specialty b abundance of the winter supply ol walked about 600 yard* and to have resembles that of the live oak. horn* were to be the rule hereafter. choked the life out of the young man that the children of Stromberg have acrostics, of which he keeps a large I r. a water, sufficient for irrigation in th< — The records of the Church of Bar offired three or four thousand dollar* stock on hand, made to fit almost all At 8t. Johns, Arizona, Alex. Rudd summer. Tho reservoirs are to b< « oo « to *ve the family group from dirap- the common feminine namo*. These he At a meeting of Alaskan fishermen Fernando at San Antonio, Tex., show shot and instantly killed a sheep­ that William H Founce was christened located in natural ba«ins adjacent U held at Ban Francisco, a revolution tiot. r retails at from fifty cents to $1.25 each, herder named MeCaw. The difficulty the streams front which they will b< was adopted fixing ths rates lor the on the 3d of March, 1775. He is alive was over sheep. Immediately after -One of the Hol born (London) according to style and quality. yet but doesn't known just how old he Boird of Poor Guardian* ha* resigned supplied. They will only be located coming season as follows Wage«. $50 was when he was christened. Uncle the killing Rudd mounted his hone Mexican hogs, which are a crn*s berause of th. board', extravagance. between the Spanish and the wild hog in such portion* of the public domain a month, and ten cents additional for Billy was a hard man in his day, being and fled to the mountains. each king salmon, and half a cent fot Heraid he could not remain in an or- of the Mexican mountains ar* raised The state deaf and dumb asylum at as are susceptible to cultivation. a bull lighter, a miner, and a gambler. each small salmon caught. gaiizalion that paid ten pounds tor * with profit in Mexico, but not in any Although! fully 112 rears old this vet­ Fulton, Mo., burned. The fire caught The Governor of California has ap ca-pet for the clerk's room, forty-eight Considerable numbers. They average in the dome in the fifth story, and the —A fatal niletake: Father -“Jennie, pointed James F. Houghton and eran is reported to be spry and tough building burned down. It was a large pnznil* for a carpet for the board-room, 175 pound* in weight, and are killed why do you snub that little girl with Colonel C. F. Crocker, as regents ol yet A few days ago he rode ten miles one and cost the state nearly half a thrty pound* for curtain* and twelve chiefly for their lard, which 1* worth M whom you were formerly so friendly F' the Hute University, the former in bl a dog fight and cam* back with million dollars, and was insured for poinds for poles, while there were so rente a pound. Fresh pork is worth Jennie—“She is mad at me." “Why place of A. 1. Rhode», and the latter a pocket full of money. He live* alone, but $50.000. There were 180 pupils away .tarring poor in London. The 12* cents a pound, but is eaten very drinks mescal steadily, but no whisky or Is she mad at you F' “Because I forgot tn place ol John Swift, the tqjms of oner guardian* of the poor were very little, for most persons can’t afford it. beer, eats heartily, sleep* well, and in the building, but all were removed one day, and said she was aa old friend both gentlemen having expired. wiihout injury. hdignant and accepted hi* resignation •t ta ’aid that Monterey, which has 50.- looks like a man of eighty-five. of mit>4 Tartu Siflutj/. it one*. • (XX). eat* only about fir* hogs a day. S4 : i