H erald . E ast O regon BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21. 1888. Vol. 1 —No. 17. THE HERALD BURNS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY D. L. GRACE, HERALD CLUB LIST: Herald and The Century, one year Herald and St. Nicholas, “ Herald and Demorest Magaaine, one year. Herald aud Peteraou Magazine “ lieraid aud Godey’s Lady’s Book “ Herald and the West Shore “ 1 inch 1 I 1 ¡ >1 50 3 00 3 50 « A0 6 00 12.00 20.0U >2 50 « uo 5 00 6.00 9 00 16 00 ¿0.UU >5 6 8 10 15 28 40 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 >8 00 Í2 00 15.00 •20 00 28 00 18 00 60 UÜ <11 00 IS 00 24 00 8 ? 00 4S 00 80.00 110.00 >.'».76 4.75 8.76 «.75 8.75 4.10 1 yr. |15 •28 10 50 00 00 00 00 i M 00 , 1-0 0U I Uu ÜG T h » H ebal » 1 b kept regularly on file lor re­ ference, In the Geo. P. Koweït New»paper Ad vertiBlny Bnreau. 10 Spruce it.. New A oik. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. County Judge Clerk ......... Treasurer.......... C'ommisslouers . ................... N. R. M axey J. T. M ael ................................ E. H all f T. A. M c K innon , T. H. M eador Surveyor ................................ Sheriff A saessor ............................. School Superintendent ............ J. H. N eal ....... A. C. D ore .. M. D. C ameron .........il. F. D odson j J. C. LUCE. Stock inspector District Judge...................... District Attorney ............... BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. w. A. WILSHIRE, J. NAT HUDSON, Lakeview. Or. THE 1». b. HERALD. Editor. Burns, Or. L. B. I son M. D. C lifford . A. F. S nelling Register, U. S. Land Office, , .. w. M. T ownsend . Receiver, “ “ “ U. S. MAILS. burns — vale : Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p m Leaves Monuajs aud Thursdays at 4:b0 a it . BURNS—CANYON CITY: Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 p m. Leaves Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4 a m. BURNS—PRINEVILLE: Arrives Thursdays at 6 am. Leaves Thuisdays at 6 a m. BURNS—LAKEVIEW. Arrives Wednesdays ut 9 p in. Leaves Thursdays at 6 a in. J. C. PARKER, Postmaster. SOCIETIES. HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O. O. F. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, everv Saturday al 7:30 p m. M. L. FENWICK, N. G. C has . G unther , Sect’y. EDUCATIONAL. A METHODIST CHURCH Organization exists in Burns, and a com­ modious house is in cottrse of erection. The buildlug coramittrer M^rsrr. Mcttowr.n, Byrd «nd Pratt. THE BURNS SCHOOL Is aneut and large, white building, conve­ niently arranged for accommodation of l>oth sexes. Messrs. Harris, riavage <* Skin­ ner, Directors. A NEWSPAPER Why Grant County Must Send a Straight Out Democrat to the Legislature. DEMOCRATIC CLUB MEET1NGI “Whether the next legislature shall be | Democratic or Republican is no doubt a ’ matter of great interest to the several candi- ■ dates of the two parties for U. 8. senator, I I but it appears to uh , really, to be of small im-1 port.” * * The above ably expresses the sen-1 timents held by nine-tenths of the people, i and the main issue should be in the man, not whether he be labeled Democrat or Re- pub’ican.— Items, Feb. 29, 1888. Pursuant to call democrats met Cleveland Club Organised. at Benton Embree’s on 16th inst. I DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVEN­ TION. Dr. T. V. B. Embree, temporary AS IT IS VOICED BY THE HERALD. The national ilemocratie committee having’ chairman: W. B. Buchanan, secre­ i met in the city of Washington on the 22d day of i February, t888. has appointed tary. A. Robbins, as chairman of BUSINESS MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL BEE THAT TUESDAY, THE .»TH DAY OF JUNE LAKEVIEW AND BURNS. OR. Next, at noon, as tlm time, and eln sen the city committee on resolutions, reported Burns contains St. Louis as the place for holding the nation­ This firm practices in the Courts of the of 1 newspaper; 2 hotels: 4 saloons: 1 undertaker; 1 meat market; 2 lawyers; 3 physicians: 1 on the following, which were unan­ al democratic convention. Each state is en State, and before the V. S. Lund Office. titled to representation therein equal to double surveyor; 1 land agent.; 1 drugstore; 1 Jeweler; 1 blackamlth; 2 livery stables: 2 general mer­ So says an “independent” paper, imously ageed to: Any business in the Land Office entrusted the number of its senators and representatives chandise stores; 1 bath house; 1 hardware store; 1 barber shop; 1 saw-mill; 2 carpenters; 1 W hereas , We believe the general welfare de­ in the congrci s of the United States, and each owned and controlled by republi- mands. to them will obtain prompt attention. in this year of 1H«H, the sucetfs of the reading room. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 school; 1 chureh organization. territory and the District of Columbia shall , jpjQg Og ■uvvnimcui, <1^1 «and <’a«es Solicited. 1-ly Mail a copy of T hk H erald to friends in the East. Advertise your town. have two delegates. cans, ’ but published in a democrat- jUTe of P, Demociacj J Demoeiaey n*“'’ und, are . * . , . Whereas, The opponents All democratic, conservative citizens of the ic county, where republican schemes leaving 1 ‘ ....... nothing •» • .......... undone to dioorgauizv •------ and de­ United States, irrespective of past political as­ the Democratic party, therefore, be it sociations and differences, who cun unite with can not succeed unless democrats feat Resolved. 1st. That we unqualifiedly endorse us in an effort for pure political and constitu­ policy pursued by the Democratic National government, are cordially invited to Join can be blinded to the work going the GEO. S. SIZEMOKE - - B urns ,O r . , tional and State A dm in 1st rut lots; NEAR BURNS, OREGON. us in sending delegates to the convention. forward, or otherwise thrown off I 2d. That we deprecate the efforts of Repub- Criminal law a specialty. WILLIAM H. BARNUM, í h ’ m ’ n. I SAYER & DORE - - -- -- -- - P roprietors . to arrogate to themselves the credit right - I F rederick o . P rikce , Secretary National , their guard. Now hear what a j i j licans fully belonging to the present Democratic ad­ Keeps Constantly on Ilund u Large Stock of l Democratic Committee. for accomplishing in three yearn striUght-out republican paper has I1 ministration reforms of abuses engendered by more than I>F.MOCI’.ATIC STATE «’ON VKNTION. ; twenty years of Republican misrule; to say on the subject: Office at his residence on the east side oi A democratic state convention for the state of Silvios River, ten mile« itelow Burns. 1-ly . Oregon is hereby called to meet at Pendleton, j “A U. 8. senator U to be chosen by the Umatilla county, on Tuesday, April 3, 1888, for I legislature to be elected in June, and this is ___ _ 3d. That we endorse T he E abt O reoon the purpose of nominating a canuidate for mem­ I a matter of prodigious importance to the I Democratic party ber of congress, a candidate for Judge of the su­ Republican party throughout the nation, j nble»and fearleis a H erald as being a straight-out Demngratulate in gVUerBi upon having bo Offer.« hix profe.*iy,v to the cit-' ocratic convention, and six alternates; to ratify i>end the control of the U. 8. senate by the j — --------------- a champion of our cause. Aud -jhilou«dtipliitf u • . . . ' • •;<•»> ■»♦h- ixeÙH of Burn.A ami Office ak texi- or btimwM [ Rcjl'iblk.in.«, or thHt.eontro» ».!<» • t j be it furthermore as mav properly come uefare'ihe denee south of Herald building, 1-ly Resolved, That we pledge ouraelvcato tup- convention. 1 pass into the hands of the Democratic party, And all kinds of Surface Lumber thoroughly seasoned for building purposes and at Bald convention will I m » composed of 155 dele­ ’ which now dominates the house of repre-1 port the regular nominees ;•? the National. State gates. apportioned to the various countits on sentatives. * * The Republicans now have i and County l ’Fmocratlc ('«mvvntfons. and t > REDUCED PRICES. the vote i nst fi r candidate to congress at the i the senute of the United States by a bare thia end we invite the co-oncrarion nnp 4 instructions to report at the next 3 Multnomah.. 17 who by their ability and upright character I Columbia 5 will unite all elements in their su]»j)ort. regular meeting, Saturday, Marell Co. s ................ .........4 Polk ........ 2 Looking at the matter from a national 24, the members of the new club (’rook................ ..4 Tillamook ........ 8 standpoint, the election of representative to ' Curry............... ......... 2 Umatilla.. . DEALER IN A. L. CONNOR .. .6 Union .......... ... 8 congress is a small matter compared with a I gave expression to sentiments suit­ Douglass Any and nil kind« of purveying done on short Gilliam............. .3 Wasco 6 notice and reason able term«. Settlers Grant................ ......... .5 Washington .5 j Republican majority in the next legislature. ; ed to the time and occasion: wishing to be located, can have plats furnished Jackson ........... . . ...... 2 ! We throw out these suggestions merely as .7 Wallowa •‘Of neces.Mity of laving aside merely local free of charge. 1-ly 6 ! hints to our nominating convent ions.”—Cor-1 differences, and uniting all democratic ele­ 3 Yatnbill.. Ji sephine ........ 8 vallis Gazette. Klamath ments ia the grand contest for a demo­ .... 155 Lake . 2 Total BURNS, GRANT CO., OREGON, Democrat.«, do yon now perceive i cratic President, und a democratic voice for Lane.................. .7 The committee respectfully reonmmcnPs that the necessity for sending to the next I Grunt county in the Oregon legislature, to cast a vote for a democratic U. 8. senator. the county conventloi s for the election of dele­ gW“For Fine Quality and Low Price«,. Give us a call. W. A. RODIFER. gates to the Mate convention, unh >s otherwise legislature a representative whose Of cautioning democrats against those Orders for Painting, also, will be skill­ ordered by the local county committee, be held democracy is unquest,ioned—who I who endeavor to promote discord in d on Saturday. March 24, 1888. B. G oldsmith , fully and promptly filled. cratic ranks by diverting attention from the Chairman Democratic Slate Central Commitlee. is free from all suspicion of en­ real great political <|uestions involved. Of calling attention to the fact that elec­ In Answer to tlie Unremitting Kilt rts tangling alliances or aHiliations tions must necessarily result in a victory fon' Bv the Opposition to demoerattic supremacy with the enemy? Not only must our the Democratic or Republican party. in the Hurney country, to disorganize the par ­ I’. S. EARLY-------- B urns , O r . tv therein, by drawing the line between ‘set­ representative be sound on local is- Of denouncing the efforts or friends of tlers” and “stockmen” instead of between Dem­ | sues, but he must be a democrat republican officials to claim for them the and Republicans, (for the benefit of the credit for acts done by democratic adminis­ ------GENERAL REPAIRING------ ocrats A Full Supplv of latter), we publish the following corrections < f who will under no circumstances trations—calling attention to acts of these AND their weakly organ’s attempts to misrepresent same republican officials under republican T he H erald and the opject of i s publication: ' and for no considerations, falter in administration. •MF" T he H erald 1« not owt.e-1 nor con­ Of emphasising the necessity of demo­ trolled by any stockman, settler, politician, or j his allegiance to his party and the nnv other man, except the one whose name ap­ people’s interests, or be trapped in- cratic standard bearers being Straight- Goods. at the head of the paper as its editor, pub­ BEER, BITTERS, AND THE BEST CIGARS TO BE FOUND ; Promptly executed. The building is being peals j to working with the republicans in Of the fact that the Republican U. 8. lisher, and proprietor. IN THE LOWER MARKET. enlarged and improved preparatory to turn T he H erald belongs to no men, nor set of ! sending a republican to the U. S. I Senate alone stands oersistently in the wav iron, therefore, works for no monopoly, corpor ­ out all kinds or blacksmithing on short of reforms demanded by the people through DRINKS SCIENTIFICALLY MIXED IN STYLESAND QUANTI­ j notice and in best style. Terms: ('ash. 1-ly ation, clique, or ring. I senate. i the House of Representatives and endorsed T he H erald is neu’rnl in nothing—indepen­ TIES TO SUIT. Of what benefit has republican I by the President; it is the last strong-hold dent in all things, and straight-out democratic GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE SAMPLING ANYWHERE ELSE when party lints are drawn. And on all the j rule been to Oregon? Let us con- oi the republican party, and the contest at FRENCH quis ioi s of the day will be found advocating the polls next June is virtually a contest for AS I CAN the right side as i s editor is able to view it. j sider the history of our state. It j a democratic control of the 8enate. T he H erald is an advocate of law and order: GIVE YOU AS FINE LIQUORS AS YOU CAN BUY IN THE TOWN The meeting with three cheers was the democratic party that de- H, With an immense territory, rich pective homeseekers, we will say: ’ sn , by the Democrats, in se to the pub­ B ui - db , Oregon. soil, a healthy climate, fine streams “Harney” is the name bestowed lished call of Feb. 22«i, for H mj jmrp. se of organ- fl^AoFNi for F ireman ' s F und I nsi kanck C ompany .-^! 1-ly izing for the preservation of tieinof ratic unity IMF- Good Accommodations nt Reasonable including one of the noblest rivers u | n > h one of the largest of the many during 1888. J. E. McKinnon, .Secretary, to Rates.7-b whom address all communications and docu­ in the world, every advantage, in Ix-autiful and fertile valleys for ments. T he democratic policy—Off with fact, that nature can bestow, what which East Oregon is noted. It is the needless taxes on clothing, fuel, has hindered her in the | progress roughly estimated to be.60 miles in PROPRIETORS. ROBINSON r jssirer— numerous streams of good water COGSWELL A COGSWELL. so as to keep the war taxes on cloth­ under which little lias flourished ex-1 The soil is very rich and produc­ . LAKEVIEW AND I.INKVILLE, Or. ing, fuel, shelter, food. eept rings and corporations. WATCHMAKER tive. The climate is dry, and de­ Voter, take your choice.—Jack­ -AND- ALSO But the democracy is once more j lightfully healthy—as proof: in the I sonville Times. triumphant. Already the people: town of Burns, a two-days-old babo Jeweler. Beer, Bitters and the Best Cigars in the Market CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O k . arc gaining ground and the great I was buried last month, its leath be­ 1-ly_________________________ ________ T he new tariff bill proven to be imwiey powers losing. Now let Or- ing the first in town since the fall of a carefully drawn measure for the i Attorney, Notary Public & Drinks .scientifically mixed in style and quantity to suit. egen send men to Washington who' lbS6. People whose age would, in relief of the taxpayers, with all due! CITY HOTEL. will bo in sympathy with the ad­ other sections, incapacitate them for Collector. consideration for the “infant indun-) ministration; whose time instead of taking part in the affairs of life, are 1 B. F. LLOYD------- P roprietor tries. ” The additions to the free ’ A. C. BRODERSEN,... Lakeview. being spent in constant warring on j here found rosy as young children This Hotel lateiv refurnished, offers spe- list are not numerous, and include ; rial inducements hi accommodation to the Any Innin«*«« entrusted to me will receive the “[«ewers that be;” in intro­ ami actively engaged in work I traveling public,whose patronage is solicited salt, (when imported from coun-! l-lv most careful anil prompt attention. latntl cyclones, hurricanes, gMT*Tal>le furnished with the beat the mar- tries that do not charge an import ducing hundreds of bills for bun­ Blizzards, matters an,000. Total. $55,(MlO,000. .J^AKEVIEW - - - - OREGON. family to his timber culture west of Or., to Boise City, Id., and which Cow Creek. HAY & GRAIN is expected to be completed this T he bill of the Way« anng-doinr tolerated: and the quality of the Goods nnsurpassed by any other respecta­ to line (and in ail «hades), of ble bualnrsa In our line. i-iy directed to important and definite Lakeview, Oregon. — J. O. Jackson has gone to Pais­ Ilin (uecenaor, “Unger Frit«,” ia MOSAIC WARE. Good W***—Reasonable Erices. 1-ly results. Will the republicans offer He intends returning April 1. thought to lie in a dying condition, Beautiful Glass Ware it a solid, stupid opposition? Or ley. —Dora Poujade, an enterprising and the crown will probably soon HARNEY CITY ADVERTINEMENTB. Of every description—Tspa. best republicans must answer, and on ing repreaentatives: Baker, 1; Mal­ brands Veer» Powders—everybody PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. A t the meeting of the republican heur, 1; Wallowa, 1; and Union, 2; can draw a prize worth from 2Sc their answer will largely depend tnJ! Fnil line of to bort the verdict of the people in the central committee at Canyon City, Union and Wallowa, 1 senator joint­ JwMiks. end Stationery A J. BROWN. of all dcaeriptfona. coming national elections.—New March 12, A. W. Waters, of Burns, ly; also Union and Umatilla 1 f<>- A bv .nd all kind« nt awrartn« re al>.wt .dervfrnm One «loor North of I’rtg Store. iwtlrv. and ’-cd 1—A—ty represented Harney precinct. Th* fonnfry promptly and rorrccHy Ailed. 1-ly York Times, (Mug) ator jointly. Carefully edited and conducted in the interest of all is eatabl-Bhed in burns, and circulates in every purl of Harney Valley—T he E ast O bk - entries upon the ground of fraud, restoring to the public dotpain 16,(XX) acres of land. During /he same period, he recommended the criminal prosecution of 61 timber trespassers, and 40 civil suits to re­ cover $71,(XX) as damages for tim­ ber depredations. JF’ eljttolì Klacliinery, Meat Market. Attorneys-at-Law A First-Class Billiard Table GENERAL MERCHANDISE P F STENGER Watches, Clocks Livery I Feed Stable WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FINE SILVER WARE O. P. Cresap, Canyon City. Orefnn.