East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, March 14, 1888, Image 3

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A haughty Kln^ of former days.
Longed to oonu.lemorate his praise
Through al the coming ages.
What would adorn his royal name?
How best perpetuate his fame
On time enduring pages!
Would monument or stoned urn
Teach all the world his worth to learn!
Ambition vaulted higher.
A vast cathedral should proclaim
Who gave to God the most -’hat name
Be carved on base and si r j
This story he would not divide
With any mortal. In h:s pric e
It must be his alone.
’Twas finished, and on chance w ill
His name on tablet gleamed, that all
The gracious deed might own.
Before the chancel rail that night
In dream he stood; and saw the light
Was dinn but dimmer grew
The inscription on the tablet s face.
When lo. blazed forth to take his place,
A name he never knew?
In waking hours, he lightly thought
On nightly visions. When he sought
Next time his pillow's rest,
The self-same dream he dreamed again,
“Who mars my work,’’ he cried, in pain,
“Or mocks my known behest?”
Once more the royal dreamer slept.
Again the taunting vision crept
As twice it came before.
“Whose name is this? Bring to my throne
The one whose work supplants my own!
I’ll suffer this no more.”
An humble widow, clad in weeds.
Whose dally toil for dally needs
Scarce kept the wolf at bay,
Answered the summons. “Who art thou!”
He sternly said. “Upon thy vow
Now speak. What canst thou say!”
*My lord, O King.” she faltering said,
*1 knew your will, and longed to aid
This glorious work for God.
The mule which drew the stone—each day
I brought, at noon, a wisp of hay
To help him bear his load.”
“Alas! I see," the monarch cried,
“’Tis work for God, not selfish pride,
Which earns the true ‘ws'll done.’
Thy name shall on the tablet stay.
For I have learned this blessed day
How Love the contest won."
—Ruth Alleyn, in Youth's Companion.
A. Most Weird Experience With
Twistleton, Q. O.
Several strange things have hap­
pened to me in my life that my friends
could never account for. They could
never understand how I got an intro­
duction to Twistleton, Q. C., nor why
that learned gentleman, after allow­
ing me to devil his work for him for
ten years without putting any thing in
my way, suddenly used every effort
and influence he was capable of to put
an important and valuable junior prac­
tice in my hands.
Twistleton, Q. C.. was a hard, selfish
man. In person he was like a badly
dried moth, whose long, old-fashioned
whiskers resembled the remains of
wings; and there was consequently
great surprise when Twistleton mar­
ried Lucy Travers, who, as you will
remember, was the belle of her season.
But the Travers were not so well off as
they pretended to be, and Twistleton.
as we all know, made his fifteen thou­
sand a year, and had, if any thing, an
ever-increasing practice in the chan­
cery division.
Twistleton was undoubtedly a great
lawyer and a man of great common
sense, but he had two fads. He was a
believer in ghosts and ho wrote every
thing in his chamber upon a Reming­
ton typewriter.
Twistleton and his wife were staying
one June in Norfolk, at Lady Barn­
dore's. Twistleton was due in town to
argue the great patent oase concerning
sewing machines of Buncombe and an­
other against Badger, in the Court of
Appeals, on Wednesday morning. I
expected him back in chambers on the
Monday evening, understanding that
he intended rejoining his wife at the
end of tho week; for this case would
last at least three days, and Twistleton
was in several other eases on the list.
About eight o'clock on Monday even­
ing, I had dined early at my club; and
was engaged noting up Twistleton's
papers, when he entered with his Glad­
stone bag and rug, looking, as I thought,
tired and out of spirits. When Twis­
tleton was in town by himself he
always slept at his own chambers, as
in the old days before he wat married,
and his breakfast (a chop and two
eggs) was sent from the “Cock.”
Twistleton, having heard that Foss,
his clerk, had to say on the subject of
retainers, dismissed him. Then he
slammed down the windows, which I
had opened to let in what fresh air
there was in Ol<l Square, carefully
closed the door, let himself into the
hard chair in front of his writing table,
and idly leaned over the papers which
were in front of him. At length the
outer door was heard to close; Foss had
departed, and Twistleton broke silence.
“Penrose, my dear fellow. I’m un-
comfortable. ”
Twistleton, I may remark, was al­
ways on the best of terms with me, and
treated me as a friend, for I believe I
was useful to him. I had made great
way in his affections by solemnly ad­
vising him to marry Miss Travers when
[ saw he was bent on doing so; but,
since his marriage. I am not sure that
this course of conduct of mine had
been altogether to my advantage. I
looked to him for afurther explanation,
which I saw was coming.
“Penrose, my dear, fellow, who do
you think is at Lady Barndore’s?”
I shook my head, being utterly in ig­
"Charley Colston," replied Twistle­
ton, trying to carve his whiskers with
the paper knife. "Charley Colston.”
Poor Charley Colston! It was well
known that he had paid his addresses
to pretty Mrs. Twistleton in former
days, and report said she had encour­
aged them. No wonder Twistleton waa
excited. I knew him to be of an ex­
tremely jealous nature.
"Now mark me, Penrose,'’ said
Twistleton, shaking his forefinger at
me as he would at Lori Usher in the
Appeal Court—“what took place yes­
terday when I was playing tennis? The
whole time, sir, he and she were talk­
ing and chatting together, and laugh-
! ing—yea, laughing! Perhaps at my
play, for I played abominably; I know
it I could not bear to see them.”
Twistleton's tennis was never first
rate. He had begun to play too late
tn life. He was an annoying partner,
as he alwavs insisted on leading, tak­
ing all the difficult strokes, and failing
at them. He waa a still more objec­
tionable opponent, as ho was always
taking technical objections on points
of practice. Still, however badly one
plays, it is not pleasant to be laughed
at, even by one’s wife. I tried to
soothe Twistleton, but he interrupted
“Now, there is another point I desire
to urge.” Twistleton always spoke as
though he was addressing the Court of
Appeal. “When I asked my wife to
wime back to-day, she point blank re­
fused. What do you think of that?”
“Nothing whatever,” I answered.
“She had arranged to stay, and you
are going down on Saturday again. I
think you are making mountains out
of molehills.”
“I hope I am, Penrose: I hope I am,”
replied Twistleton mournfully; “but
you didn’t see them—I did;” and Twis­
tleton sighed deeply.
Then the subject dropped, and we
got to work on a small case. Soon,
Twistleton, with a self-complacent
smile on his countenance, was playing
an opinion on his typewriter. It was
to him, 1 Relieve, as though each note
he struck produced a deep mellow tone,
and not a capital or sm dl Roman. I
can remember when Twistleton first
had hiu typewriter. In those days he
used to sit at it for hours, practising;
hitting first one note and then the
other, at intervals varying between
ten seconds and two or three minutes,
every now and then using the most
horrible language, as he put a capital
for a small Roman or missed a space.
Then his efforts looked as though they
were the productions of six drunken
printers who had each taken an absent
comrade’s work for the day; and they
were always copied before they went to
he clients. Now the machine went
click, click, click, evenly and merrily.
Twistleton was a perfect master of it.
I have seen him write with it with his
eyes shut 1 have no doubt that if he
could have stood on his head, and if it
had been consonant with the dignity of
a Queen’s counsel to do so, he could
have played his instrument in that
The opinion finished, Twistleton,
who was a very methodical man, put a
fresh sheet of paper in readiness to
commence again, folded and signed
what he had written, and bade
me good-night. His last words to
me were:
“I hope you are right about Charley
Colston. ”
“I am sure of it,” I said.
“I wish I were.”
To-morrow we were to have a long
day at Buncombe versus Badger.
When I arrived in the morning Twis­
tleton was at breakfast. I no sooner
entered than he set down his egg
spoon, and, rushing to me with a
piece of paper, thrust it into my
“Read that,” he cried excitedly—
“read that.”
I noticed that Twistleton seemed un­
well. There was a wild look in his
eyes. His chop was untouched—a re­
versal of Twistleton’s procedure at
breakfast, which was more extraordi­
nary to me than his strange appear­
ance. The egg he was eating was, to
to any one with a sense of smell, mani­
festly a bad one; a most pretentous
fact to me, who remember hearing
Twistleton—who never knew any crimi­
nal law—seriously tell the boy from
the “Cock” that he believed a bill of
attainder would lie against him for
bringing him a bad egg. What did it
all mean? I looked at tho paper in my
hand; on it were two words, neatly
printed—“Charley Colston.”
I stared blankly at Twistleton. What
did it mean? Twistleton was shaking
“Do you believe in ghosts?” he
asked anxiously.
“Certainly not,” I replied.
“Ah!” sighed Twistleton, and added
sententiously: “ ‘There are more
things in Heaven and earth than are
dreamt of in your philosophy.’ ”
This was the only quotation I ever
heard him utter that did not come
from the Law Reports. I believe he
fancied it was a phrase he had in­
vented in his early youth when he first
began to believe in ghosts.
•‘If you don’t believe in ghosts who
wrote that message on my type­
Twistleton’s manner was very im­
pressive. I felt like a witness com­
mitting perjury.
“I tell you, I found it this morning
when I went to write a letter just be­
fore breakfast. Who wrote it?” he
“Who wrote it? I will
“Perhaps Foss,” I suggested.
“He has not been here, and can’t use
the typewriter.”
I hail heard him say so, but did not
believe it Foss was afraid of over­
working himself, and so did not choose
to learn it, but any fool could use it if
he liked to learn. My opinion was that
Foss could use it He was like the
monkeys, who as the negro said, “could
talk if they would, but knew if they did
they would be made to work.”
“How about the laundress?” I sug­
“Ah! the laundress,” repeated Twis­
tleton, thoughtfully; “the laundress.”
So Mrs. Buttick, the lanndress, was
sent for when Foss came in; but she de­
nied all knowledge of the typewriter oi
the writing, making a new suggestion,
which did not, to our thinking, much
advance the solution of the mystery,
and that was that the culprit was th*
••It is a message,” said Twistleton.
mysteriously; “a message!”
“Nonsense!” I said. “Some fellow
has strolled in, and written the name
for fun.”
“Fun!” cried Twistleton,indignantly.
“Fun?” And then more quietly: “No,
I am sure of it; it is a message.”
Very little of Buncombe versus
Badger could I get into Twistleton's
head that day. Plans and specifica­
tions he seemed not to understand; the
the seductive literary style of the affi­
davit had no charm for him. He could
only gaze at the paper in hie hand, and
murmur ever and anon: “A mes­
I saw it was best to humor him, and
at my suggestion the typewriter was
locked up that night, and he took the
key with him ir
his bed-room. We
had had a rattling good dinner togeth­
er, and when I left Twistleton he was
in much better spirits.
“If ths ghost comes to-night he won't
be able to get at the typewriter, any­
how.” I said laughing.
“Hush! I don’t know,” replied Twis­
tleton, solemnly. “It is no jesting sub­
I went my way, wondering how a
man with Twistleton’s practice could
believe in ghosts and who the deuce
had written Charley Colston's name on
the typewriter.
The next morning I walked down to
Twistleton’s directly after breakfast.
I found him to be in the wildest imag­
inable condition. He had taken every
precaution, locking up the typewriter,
placing the key under his pillow; and
yet, here was the message, as he called
it, printed in clear, faultless style:
“Charley Colston. He is with your
wife. Charley Colston.”
“I must go. I must go. Oh! Pen­
rose, what shall I do?” he cried in
agony, as I entered the room.
“Go?” I said; “and who is to lead
in Buncombe versus Badger?”
He was silent, and buried all of his
face, except his whiskers, in his hands.
Even his hands, large and uncouth as
they were, could not contain his
“Think of Writson and Clarne.
What will they sayP” I urged, seeing
the effect my words had on him. “They
rely on you in this ease.”
The name of this eminent firm
seemed to calm Twistleton to some ex­
“My dear Penrose,” he said in a
trembling voice, “this is a message; I
am sure of it. But I will do my duty;,
I will stay by my clients.”
“Twistleton, you speak like a
Queen’s counsel and a man of honor,”
I said, seizing him by the hand, proud
to shake it. “If it is a message,” I
added, to humor him, “it will come
again fto-night. I will tell you what
we will do. We will watch the type­
writer all night.”
Twistleton wrung my hand with
gratitude at this suggestion of mine
and calmed himself. I made him eat
sonu of his cold chop, and sent for
some brandy and water for him, in­
stead of the tea, which had already
stood in the teapot for more than an
hour. Then I endeavored to coach
him in Buncombe versus Badger, but
with small success. Then we went
over to the Appeal Court, in which I
took my seat; for, though I was not
briefed in the case, I had nothing else
to do, and was interested in seeing
how Twistleton got on with it He
was very able at picking up a case as
he went along, and the Court of Appeal
stood greatly in awe of him. I had
never seen him as nervous as he was
to-day—not even on his wedding day
—and I was quite frightened for him.
Lord Usher, M. It, supported by
Smugg, L. J., and Summer bosh, L. J.,
formed tho court. Twistleton came in
late; he had been at a consultation.
As he entered I heard two solicitors’
clerks say to each other:
“Whojis that with the whiskers?”
“Twistleton, Q. C.; he has the big­
gest practice at the bar.”
“He looks like a boiled owl,” sug­
gested his companion.
“Drinks, I believe,” was the reply.
This was horrible, for Twistleton was
a follower of Prebendary Falutin, the
great teetotaler.
But certainly Twistleton had a dissi­
pated look this morning. His eyes were
red, and the lines nnder his eyes were
very dark and hollow; his cheeks were
pale and yellow. Something of this
kind, I fancy, the Master of the Rolls
remarked to Lord Justice Smugg, who
nodded assent.
Twistleton rose to open the case,
which was a very intricate one, and
Lord Usher, according to his constant
practice, interrupted him with the reg­
ularity of a piece of clockwork every
two and a half minutes, and then won
dered why he did not understand the
ease and shook himself impatiently.
Much to Lord Usher’s astonishment,
Twistleton did not deliver any of those
stinging retorts by which he was wont
to keep the Court of Appeal in order,
and frighten their lordships into decid­
ing in his favor. On noticing this
Lord Usher began to chaff and rally
Twistleton in a manner that was the
admiration of the junior bar, the two
Lords Justices, and, not least of all, of
the Master of the Rolls himself.
At length Twistleton. in expatiat­
ing on the merits
combe's sewing mawfiine, alluded to it
as a typewriter. Whereupon Lord Usher
mid, with a humorous leer, that if it
had been a question of typewriters, no
doubt Mr. Twistleton, would have been
called as a specialist to give evidence,
and would not have been arguing the
case before them. At which those in
the court who knew of Twistleton's fad
tittered; and his Lordship's namesakes
who stand about the court put their
hands before their faces and shook visi­
bly for a moment or two, and then
called out “Hush!” and looked angry.
But Twistleton lost his temper over
this and asked his Lordship if his Lord­
ship meant to hint that the Court did
not want to hear him, and intimated his
intention, if such was the case, of sit­
ting down. And then the whole court
was really quite silent for a minute or
two, in anticipation of a row; and every
one ceased to fidget and paid close at­
tention to Lord Usher; to hear him,
with his blandest and most urbane of
«miles, explaining how it was the groat
privilege of that court to listen to Mr.
Twistleton, and what a high value they
set upon that privilege, and how it waa
quite inconceivable to him (Lord Usher)
that he (Mr. Twistleton) could imagine
for a moment that this court or any
other court should wish him to sit down.
Whereupon Twistleton murmured that
his Lordship was very good, meaning
thereby that he should like to be with
his Lordship in a small n>om where he
could give him a bit of his mind. Then
the case proceeded quite regularly,
until Twistleton hand<*d fx»rd Usher a
lot of papers to explain his cane; and
Lord Usher coming to one, said, with a
knowing side glance at Smugg. L J,
that, from the handwriting, it must be
a note of Mr. Twistleton’s in another
rase; as he did not know that any one
of the name of Charles Colston was a
party to this case. And what would
have happened then I don't know; only
the court rose for lunch.
I heard two or three people say that
day that ‘*Twistletc n, poor fellow, waa
doing more work than he ought to;’'that
• Twistlqun was • clever fellow, bat he
•onia not afford Co-hum the candle at not railed on Mrs. Penrose, and, al­
l»oth enjs.” Indeed, Twistleton's though my wife assures me that she is
strange conduct in Buncombe versus rather glad of it, she is always telling One of the Characteristics of the Boston A Cold, Matter-of-Fact Description of a
Famous Sepulcher.
Badger was the general topic of con- me now that she does not think so good
Girl and the Reasons for It.
It is not possible to come to or from
/ereation in the robing-ruom.
The Boston society girl, as a rule,
a story should bo lost to the world as
When Twistleton came out of court 1 that of “Twistleton’s Typewriter.”— does not marry young. In this hyper» Venice without paying a visit to Ve­
bore an climate the female of our species rona. Any quantity of spinsters from
had the greatest difficulty to prevent Cornhill Magazine.
him from rushing down to Norfolk by
blossoms late. At twenty she is simply America, of both the antique and the
;he night train. He was sure it was
a bud, and she docs not fairly bloom modern type, are traveling over Eu­
rue; he believed in the message. 1
until she is three or four years older. rope this season on their own hook.
•alined him down, and we had dinner How Poor Uiul ( wn beWade a Source of In cold countries women, like vege­ Parties of three an<| four are encoun­
Great Profit.
table growths, develop slowly. Here tered everywhere, Acting in a perfectly
together at my club. He had to con­
Hay is one of the most valuable crops it is winter eight months in tho year, independent manner, and ignorance of
tinue his speech in the morning. I
ried to coach him in Buncombe versus of the country, worth millions of dol­ and there is small chance for any thing tho language of tho country where they
Badger, but it was of no avail. I do lars, and upon it depend the life ami to sprout At sweet sixteen tho may be does not interfere in the least
Not one of them
iot think he even knew for which side well-being of millions of animals. Hay sprightly maiden of our modern Athens with their comfort
must be had, cost what it will. It is a is in pinafores. At nineteen she is still who gets to this part of the world will
be was appearing.
in short dresses going to school; for miss Verona and tho tomb of Juliot,
We agreed that we would sit up in
watches and so keep our eyes on the uates somewhat, according to the this is tho English style, you know, and nor will they permit any one else they
typewriter all night. There was a sofa it seldom or never falls below the cost whatever is British “goes” in this meet to pass by it. Now, I never took
town. If she is a younger sister her much stock in Romeo and Juliet. It
in the recess of the window, and Twis-
leton sent me to bed and placed him­ of producing the same. There is al­ servitude in the nursery is well nigh always struck me that they were two
self on this. I bade hlq; good-night, and ways a sale for hay, and the farmer hopeless. But even after she has very ridiculous persons, and the very
has little difficulty in realizing on his emerged from the chrysalis of imma­ best thing they ever did was to get
took his bed for th(^ first half of the crop.
Some lands are better adapted turity into the condition of the fash­ themselves out of the way. But as I
night. About two o’clock in the morn­
produce hay than others. A clay ionable butterfly her education is in­ was told so many times it would not do
ing I woke and went to Twistleton. to
or any strong, moist soil, is well definitely continued. In the intervals to be so near Verona and not go
He was wide awake, reading some soil,
suited to producing grass, while a light, of social dissipation she is obliged to there, I went and made the pilgrimage
papers, on the sofa.
soil is of little value for the pur­ attend all sorts of lectures on the most to the tomb of Juliet The tomb is a
“Have you seen any thing?” I asked. sandy
abstruse subjects. She pursues eccen­ fraud. It is nothing but a dilapidated
“Nothing whatever,” he replied.
Every farmer should raise tho crops tric courses of reading, and acquires an old marble sarcophagus kept in a little
“Nor heard any thing?”
that his land is best adapted to pro­ intimate knowledge of strange re­ hut in the far end of the big garden of
“Not a sound.”
We took the lamp to the typewriter duce. If one has good grass land, let ligions and out-of-the-way philosophies. a Franciscan monastery. The walk
and opened it. There was the sheet of him raise hay and a good crop of it, In classes with others of her sex she oc­ from the outside gate is under
paper as he always left it, untouched. too. There are writers who contend cupies her time in cultivating the arts an over-hanging arbor of vines,
Twistleton locked it up again and took that it will not pay to top-dress grass and sciences. I’ll us she is able to at­ from which great bunches of
lands, but that the better way is to cul­ tain a degree of mental superiority grapes hang in the utmost profusion.
the key.
tivate the land with hoed crops for two which renders it possible for her to These grapes were really quite de­
“Put it under your pillow.”
“I will,” he replied; “it’s very good or three years, until the same is in good look down with immeasurable con­ licious and afforded the only compen­
condition, and then sow to grass, and tempt upon her fellow creatures in sation for the visit The sarcophagus
i of you to sit up Wke tlffikJ4
“It’s nothing at all, 1 assure you,” I keep on so as long as a paying crop can pantaloons. In case she does not marry, is empty, and what has become of Ju­
be secured;then plow the land, and treat this scorn of tho inferior masculine liet’s body can not be told. The senti.
as before. This may do very well when gender is likely to be steadily and pro­ mental individuals who come to look
“Keep strict watch, won’t you?”
dressing can not readily be obtained, gressively aggravated with advancing have left their cards for the spirit of
“I promise you,” I said.
Juliet These cards are cleared out of
Twistleton shook me by the hand, I or it costs too much to secure it, but years.
1 have observed with pain that Bos­ the sarcophagus, I suppose, several
with emotion, and went out; he looked experience has shown that, as a
very ill and wretched, I thought, and rule, it will pay well to top- ton women generally seem to consider times a year. When I looked into it
was sorry for him. Was it a ghost’s dress good grass lands and it it quite the thing to look down upon there were two thousand or three thou­
message or what that was making his docsnot take much arithmetic to prove the men. It is very hard. I really sand cards lying at the bottom bear­
life a burden to him? Should I solve it. We have in mind a farm where can not imagine why it is. But they ing the names of high and low titled
the land is naturally good, but where do. It appears to be the fashion here persons, from Counts and Countesses
the mystery to-night?
I waited about an hour and a half. the crop of hay was not over a ton to to regard the male animal of the genus down to plain Smith with no prefix.
The dawn came peeping through the the acre on all the land devoted to homo as rather a necessary evil than The Capulet mansion is also one of the
painted shutters and made the lamp grass. This land was plowed and otherwise. As a producer of money he attractions of Verona. Tho balcony
look dim. I was almost dozing—in planted one year with potatoes, and is useful, but in all else not particularly where Juliet used to stand and listen
fact, I had shut my eyes and lost con­ sowed down again to grass. The crop desirable. If available as a partner in to the serenades is perched very high
sciousness for perhaps a minute, per­ that followed for the next three or marriage he receives the attention due up, and Romeo and the other gallants
haps more. A sharp clicking sound four years—two crops a year generally to such a rarity; but once disposed of of Verona must have strained their
awoke me. It was the typewriter. —would average more than three tons, matrimonially he lapses into the for­ necks to get a sight of her. The
There, seated on a chair in front of it, and, in some cases, five tons to the lorn condition of other benedicts, who churches of Verona are very quaint and
playing nimbly on the queer instru­ acre. This hay sold for twenty-five pass their time, when not engaged in very antique, portions of one of them,
ment, was a white, misty figure. It dollars per ton. This land was top business, lounging at the clnbs, while according to the story of the guide, go­
had finished. It closed the cover down dressed as often as every second year, their wives are busy forwarding tho ing as far back as the so ven th century.
work of societies for the advancement The most interesting sight In all Vero­
and turned the key. It wheeled round and some of it every year.
If it pays to raise hay, it pays the of human knowledge in various na to mo was the old Roman amphithe­
to the door, and I saw the face and
whiskers I knew so well; it was Twistle­ better to raise large crops, and it is branches. I was talking the other day ater, comparatively as perfect as when
easy to do this if one will use the means. with a fair acquaintance of mine about built, and which, constructed entirely
ton himself.
My first impulse was to wake him, We think there is money in the hay the recently announced engagement of of stone, with that Roman cement
but I had heard that it was dangerous crop for many farmers who are now a girl wo both knew. “What sort of a which dynamite often fails to affect,
to wake persons walking in their sleep. quite indifferent in respect to its value. fellow is the prospective husband?” I looks almost indestructible. I do not
see why modern builders can not take
He want<?d all the sleep he could get, — Congregationalism
“Oh, harmless,” was the reply, with a lesson from these architects of old.—•
so I decided to let him alone, to walk
a shrug of tho shoulders which was Baltimore Sun.
down to my own chambers and get
evidently intended to express a con­
some more rest myself. When *1 got
out into Old Square I could not help What Destructive Genius In Doing to Mak* viction that a non-interfering disposi­
tion was the best thing to be expected An Ornament Which lias Tickled the Van­
War Impossible.
roaring with laughter. It was too
ity of Innumerable Area.
When first tho torpedo came in sight in a man.
funny. The idea of old Twistleton
At any rate, tlws is the view enter­
Of all the ornaments with which van­
writing messages to himself on the as an effective weapon of war, its de­
typewriter, and being frightened out of structive possibilities at once placed tained by the typical young woman of ity, superstition and affection have dec­
his wits by them. What a story to tell a cheek upon nations disposed toward our enlightened metropolis. She mar­ orated the human form, few have more
against him! No one would believe it, hostilities, and since then the improve­ ries late, if at all, because the young curious bits of history than the finger­
ment in toped o service and the con­ men—originally too few in number to ring. From the earliost times the ring
it was too good to be true.
I awoke a little late next morning, struction of torpedo boats have supply the market—must struggle long has been a favorite ornament, and the
the and hard in this overcrowded commun­ reasons for tli s general preference
but went straight down to Old Square monaced
But this was only the ity before they find themselves in a shown for it over other articles of jew­
before breakfast. Alas! I was too world.
late. 'There was Foss in misery over a beginning of a series of Inventions in position to support a family. I would elry are numerous and cogent Orna­
hasty scrawl of Twistleton’s. He had gunnery, projectiles and explosives strongly advise the Boston girl to “go ments whose place is on some portion
gone to Barndore by the early train; which, if they continue at the same West” and seek a refuge from old- of tho apparel, or in the hair, mnst be
Foss was to make any excuse he thought rate for another gen ration, will make maidenhood in far Dakota or Montana, laid ««ide with the clothing or head­
fit to Writson and Clarne. There was war actually impossible. For under where any thing in petticoats is at a dress; are thus easily lost and often not
at once missed. Pins, brooches, buck­
the typewriter shattered into a thou* tho new conditions a resort to arms will premium.— St. Louis Globe Democrat.
les, clasps, buttons, all sooner or later
sand pieces, its intricate machinery a 1)0 little short of tho certainty of anni­
becomo defective in some part and are
di apeless chaos. I shuddered to think hilation. The torpedo boat, as shown
what would happen if there was any­ by recent tests of our Navy Depart­ Trial« to Which They Arc Fxpoaed In New liable to escape from an owner uncon­
York Stores and Oitlccs.
scious of the defect in the mechanism.
thing between Charley Colston and ment has seen its best days. By the
There has been created in New York The links of a necklace in time become
use of the electric light, a veasol can
Mrs. Twistleton.
In town everv one was a>kin«r what pick out the swiftest of these assailants City a class of young ladies who work worn, and the article is taken off to be
had become of Twistleton. The rumor while yet nt a distance sufficiently great for a living as telegrapher«, type­ mended; the spring or other fastening
went round the law courts tlrat he was to insure its destruction. The self­ writers, secretaries and other intel­ of a bracelet is easily broken, and the
insane. I maintained a discreet moving torpedo, however, which can lectual occupations. Of course several bracelet vanishes. With regard to
silence. Mr. Clarne was almost crying be sent long journeys beneath the wa­ scandals have become notorious among ornaments fastened to parts of
as Slokoach, murmuring something ter, under tho direction of an operator them, careless tongues wag recklessly, the savage body, mutilation is
about “bad news anti his learned at a distance, is still a dangerous weap­ but as a rule they are just about tho necessary, the ear must be bored, the
leader,” rose to continue Twistleton’s on, capable of indefinite improvement nicest, loveliest girls in town. A phi­ nose be pierced, the cheeks or lips be
opening. Lord Usher, unrestrained by In its efficacy. But it is in other de­ lanthropic matron of millions said to slit, and, even after these surgical
the presence of Twistleton, made the partments that the progress of destruct­ me: “Half the stories these girls tell operations arc completed, the articles
are of tho tests their characters are used for adornment aro generally in­
Court of Appeal a place of fiery tor­ ive ingenuity is most marked.
We have com mon ted upon the work put to, ami tho approaches thejfeforevor convenient, and sometimes, by their
ment to that eminent elderly junior,
Mr. Slokoach.
Bustle, Q. C., for done by tho new dynamite gun, which must guard against One young iady weight or construction, are extremly
Badg<v, was not even called upon to proved itself capable of discharging I know of secured a place as secretary painful.
In striking contrast with decorations
reply; Buncombe and another were with accurate aim six pounds of dyna­ to a lawyer on one day, and the next
mite against a target from one to throo day he flung his arms around her and worn on the clothing, in the hair,
dismissed, with costs.
The early train stopped, as I knew, miles distant That this can l>o Im­ kissed her. Another had to carry around the neck and arms, or pendent
at every station, forty in number. I proved to greater distructivenoss can manuscript to an office every now and from the ears, lips and nose, is the
could imagine poor Twistleton’s state hardly be doubted. At tho same time then, and one day the white-haired finger-ring, the model of convenience.
of mind as he pottered along in a slow it is announced that a method of pack­ heiul of the place vowed be loved her. It is seldom lost, for It need not be
train to Barndore. He arrived at the ing dynamite shells has boon discover­ He said he was unhappily married, but taken off; requires no preparatory
house about breakfast time—I have the ed, by means of which they may be dis­ he hojjed that would provoked her sym­ mutilation of the body, Is not painful,
story from Grimbleton, who was there charged from ordinary cannon, with as pathy and not her dislike. An employe is always in view, a perpetual reminder
—he came into the break fast-room, and much ease and safety as if they wore of the customs service, not so far either of the giver or of the purpose for
his appearance elicited a shout of sur­ the common iron sphere. Even th s from here as to be out of this State, which it is worn.
does not mark the farthest advance of was sent to search a suspected woman
The popularity of the ring must,
“What has become of Buncombe ver­ invention. Tho Russian government smuggler, and when she undertook therefore, be in a large measure due to
sus Badger?” cried Lord Barndore. is now guard1 ng carefully the secret of her task the smuggler proved to l»e a its convenience, and that this good
a reported now explosive, which has man—a very keen-witted practical hu­ quality was early learned may lx» In­
“Settled, eh?”
“Not that I know of,” muttered been named “sleetover.” The peculiar­ morist One concern in town, which ferred from the Hebrew tradition,
Twistleton, sulkily; and then, looking ity of this alleged new form of gun­ employs hundreds of girls, put detec­ which attril utes the invention of this
around fiercely, asked: “Where’s my powder is said to be that it explodes tives on the side-walk to prevent them ornament to Tubal-Cain the “instructor
by expanding in one direction, and from being insulted out of doors by of every artificer in brass and iron.”—
“Not down yet,” replied Lord Barn­ that in the course to be taken by tho persons waiting for them to come cut Popular Science Monthly.
projectile. Ordinary powder exert« its The detectives wonid be more useful
—Though discovered in 1879, saccha­
Twistleton looked hastily round, as expansive force in all directions, inside the building. But the subject
though in search of some one else, and so that immensely thick and heavy makes me wax warm as I ponder over rine is just beginning to be manufact­
It, and the things which I know about ured on a large scale, near Magde­
then tore up-stairs to his wife’s room. guns are necessary to withstand
The whole company looked at each rending influence of a discharge. With woman’s work beside man pour In on burg, Prussia. Having 900 times th«
the new explos’ve, expanding forward my intellect like a young Niagara. You sweetening power of cano sugar, this
other in silence.
There was some explanation about only, tho construction of artillery would also lie indignant could you remarkable product is adapted to’’»any
“bad news,” but the Twistleton« never would become of little importance. It know the sum of torture girls put up uses. It is expected to be especially
| went into mourning, ami Mrs. Twistle­ is Mid that a heavy nd«sile was actual­ with to keep floorwalkers and su|>erin- valuablo in medecine on account of
ton seemed very merry all that day. ly discharged by this moans from a tendents from falsely reporting them Its absolute harnilessness. — Arkansaw
discharged, Trace ler.
It is true Twistleton shut himself up a cardboard tube, without material in­ and
—The production of locomotives In
good deal. Grimbleton told me that jury to t-he weapon. If artillery can be the armor they have to wear
he never understood the whole bnsi- made light enough for easy transporta­ to keep employers in th<-ir places, the Europe during the year 18<36 amounted
; neas in the least; in fact, in Twistle- tion, and If a charge of dynamite or things they have to hear and see in si­ in England to 2,200; Germany, 2,090;
! ton’s circle it waa a nine days’ won- I he still more powerful explosives of lence, knowing that there is no redress France, 1.000; Ihdgiiim, fiOO; Austria.
I der. By the bye. I almost forgot to recent note ran be substituted for shot but to throw up their livings.”—AT. K 400; Switzerland, 120; Italy, 70; Sweden,
60; Russia, 40, and Holland, 20; in all,
mention that Charley Colston left and «hell, no army, no fortifications Cor. Albany Journal.
6,400 engines. The largest works in
Barndore to lie married In Scotland and no ships-of-war con d withstnndan
the day after Twistleton caine to town. attack by such machinery. Already ery of the Straits of Magellan and the world are the Baldwin Ix»coinotive
Wh«n Twistleton returned to Old the enormous cost of maintaining war Smith's Sound is magnificent. Vegeta­ Works, in Philadelphia, which are ca­
Square he was a sadder amt wiser man. rquipm« nts has proved the most power- tion grows from the water's edge, tor- pable of turning out 600 per year.
He gave up believing in ghosts, and fnl advocate of p<»ace known to man­ race almve terrace, their straight lines Borsig, in Berlin, can produce 300 in
did not buy another typewriter. I kind. Destructive genius will yet make ever and anon broken by some beauti­ that time.
—The wheat-growing Interests of the
told Twistleton that I would not let the war altogether impossible.— St. Paul ful inlet into which an enormous gla­
the mining interests of the
matter go any further, and I men­ Pioneer Press.
cier stretches, and the background
far West, and the cotton-growing in­
tioned at the time that he might get me
— The university of King’s College,
the junior brief in Buncombe versus
mountains which throw Swiss Alpsand terests of the South are counting on a
Badger, which went to the House of Windsor, Nova Scotia. is the oldest of Spanish Pyrenees Into insignificance. great increstee In demand from home
Utrda, where, through Twistleton's all the British North American col­ On a summer day such views keep th« sources on account of the spread of
clear argument«, I »rd Usher and leges. The royal charter under which traveler on deck from dawn till even­ population in those regiona The low
Lords Justices Smugg and Summcr- it waa founded in 1788 explicitly pro­ ing. every turn and twist of the strait« price of wheat for years past has kept
vides that ita academical habits shall unfolding new panoramic effects to the farming interests close to the wall,
Ixmh were overruled.
That year, mostly through Twistle- ' be the same as those of the university the artistic ey« as the steamer threads but with the spread of industrial ca­
[ ton’s influence, my fee b»M>k credit#*! ' of Oxford. And its encenia is con its way through intricate channels ba- pacity toward the Rocky mountains
ducted every year with all the pomp yond soundings In some places, miles brighter prospects are looming ap and
me with £2.000.
I Lave kept my secret well, but since 1 and circumstance of an Oxford en- in breadth one moment, so narrow better prices are in sight The same
I Twistleton succeeded Lord Usher as | ceni a. Rev. Dr. Isaac Brock, Qxon., another that the trees almost touch the infiiiencee are at work in th« South.—
PnMc Opinan.
. s i
Martyr of the Roll Lady Twistleton has ' is the presideqL
vards of th« vuascj on siiher shU.”