East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, March 14, 1888, Image 2

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g’t C Middrnly reigned up, stopped" the low, solemn stirring of the wind in pressed pain, “that he’ll never be any joint, rnough he knew not how. Mac­ *- PERSIAN MINSTRELS.
I col shouted:
the tree-tops. He heaped a pile of dry better in this world?”
donald was almost the only one whom Unquestionably the Moet Interesting of Joaquin Miller Pronounce« Them Stra0>e.
ly, Gloriously Beautirul.
hrflo, old cock! have you any par­ sticks on the mound, going to work
All Odd Oriental Characters
A troubled look cam • into the man’s he ever s|K)ke to if he could help it,
ticular engagement?” And while Bill slowly and methodically in his every­
I mud mention two unmlsUk»^,
though often when he was alone he
Among the many odd and interesting
Adamson was slowly trying to evolve day fashion; set tire to it with his fiint-
“I thought it would be afore sun­ would talk to himself, or may be to characters that came under my observ­ physical feature, of the »Ingle .nd ,ln_
an answer, he was surprised by another and-steel, and stood watching it patient­ down,” he muttered. “Don’t you be­ some imagined interlocutor. He would ation during my bicycle tour around rere California women. The first <,(
ly till it leapt into a blaze; then he turned lieve it, sir; he ain’t a-goin to die—no, listen attentively to the overseer’s the world, few were more amusing to these is her early development I Wll,
She gave him back his letter«
“Can you shear a sheep without cut­ aw iy, and clearing away the grass and no - not he!”
grave, kindly words, and perhaps show me than the Persian lutla. I he lutis railed upon to address the young 1^.
With her fine patrician air,
With a tinge of gentle sadness
ting him all to pieces?”
leaves, drew with the jxjint of his knife
He sat down again, settling back into unexpectedly, at some later time, that are wandering minstrels, troubadour», dies of our celebrated Mills 8emi„rv
Made her seem more truly fair,
Adamson fixed his eyes on the frank, a circle round the grave.
his old look of dogged patience. Mac­ he had taken in more of their spirit mountebanks or buffoons, whichever —the Vassar College of tho Piu-ific
And thus the bond was severed,
kindly face that looked down upon him,
He stripped oil* his shirt and laid It donald, finding it useless to say any than one might have thought
While their love was in its spring;
name one cares to call them. The or­ ooast— not long ago; but before I h;u[
and gradually finding his voice, said:
ttu- gave him back his letters.
aside; then he knelt down in the circle thing to him, went quietly back and
The winter passed away, and the dinary outfit of a luti is ; big, hairy been live minutes on the stand I found
But she kept his diamond ring.
“Idon’t know; but I’ll try.”
before the fire, with his knife and panni­ took up his post again beside Murdoch. spring, and another summer—and then monkey, a pony or ^onkey, and a I was speaking to women—women in
“Come on, then!” said Murdoch, as kin beside him, and clasped his hands
She would be to him a sister
“What was it, Mac? Any one want­ he seemed gradually to fail. He grew drum. They travel abffut Persia, from body and women In mind. A second
If he needed such a friend;
he sprang down and hitched his horse before his face and prayed.
listless and dreamy, his strength for­ town to town, affording amusement to and a singularly beautiful feature
In this world, so false and cruel.
to a jx>8t. But before he had gone three
He had never done such a thing in
“It was Bill Adamson, from the huts sook him, his moods were stranger than tho people by making their trained mon­ ill the ooming Californian, this new
On her truth he might depend.
Other men might deem her heartless,
world, i,
beyo nd tike creek. He was wanting to ever, though the old fierce outbursts of keys perform sundry tricks, while they woman of the now
She would pass them by as churls.
wall, with his hands against bis side, was a ch ild at his mother’s knees. Per­ know how you were.”
her golden hair. When called upon to
temper were neveV heard now, and join in with songs and drum-beating.
While, in stateliest devotion,
haps the words he said may shock you
“Black Bill? Poor old chap! You there was a new gentleness in all his
•he would wear his set of pearls.
Scarcely a day passed when I was ■peak to the girls of the high school of
“You’re a rum customer, you are! if written down—so grotesquely blas­ didn’t send him away, did you? I’d like words and ways. And in this state­
through the Shah’s dominions San Francisco a fow weeks since it wu
And the Jeweled fans from Paris
You’ve never aske»l me what you’re to phemous, so pathetically horrible were to see him again.”
little likely to offer resistance to any without encountering one of these lu­ like looking over a yellow harvest field.
In their costly cabinet,
they. Yet may be there are people whose
disease—a creeping chill struck him, tis. He would invariably be alone, And I count this very singular, for we
And the many dainty trifles
“Can you bear it, Murdoch?”
The man dropped his head and kick­ inarticulate creed if put into plain En­
Wrought in ormolu and jet.
and he took to his bed with malaria never in the company of other people, have a dash of Moorish blood here_
And much bric-a-brac of value
ed nervously at a stone on the ground. glish, would not amount to much better.
Macdonald went down again and fever and never got up again.
That had come across the brine,
and behind him. perched contentedly the Moor of the Alhambra, the Arab of
Then he muttered, without looking at
“Lord A’mighty,” he said, “I don’t found him still motionless in the same
M acdonald rode up as soon as he on the rump of the pony, would be his tho Jesuit fathers. We have some of
Shd retained us sweet mementoes
Of the days of auld lang syne.
know much about this yer business— position. He touched him on the shoul­ heard of it, and arrived only just in
grotesque comrade, the monkey. This the pure Castilian, it is true, but nearly
“You never asked mo—where I came I’m only a lag, an’ may-be ’taint the der.
time to see him before he died. He monkey would always be a large an­ all our Spanish stock is pladiod with the
But she gave him back his letters.
And indeed they were not few,
“Adamson, will you come up? He was unconscious of all around, and kept thropoid of the baboon species, pos­ tawny blood of either the Moor or the
Tho’ they had no money value,
And Murdoch understood. There was want to kill any one, do kill me. May­
murmuring to himself: “I’m coming—• sessed of long, silvery hair. The hairy native American Indian. Then again
wants to see you.”
As our heroine well knew;
lie it’s all the same to You—and, You
yes. I’m coining!” and once or twice covering is generally shorn from the we have tho Kanaka« in our schools.
So she parted with them bravely.
The man’s whole face lighted up.
see. nobody would miss me. * * ♦ I
And the interview was o’er.
they caught fhe name of “Murdoch!”— lower part of the body, but permitted Ibere are also many swarthy folk from
“The boss? May I.”
And with the kindest condescension
it Civilized and respectable citizens he don’t know how to say it all right, but
He rose at once to follow—then he A. Wemeh in Temple Bar.
She dismissed him at the door.
to retain its full growth about the hoad far down the Pacific seas. But over
would treat with the sublimest audacity I reckon You’ll know what I mean.
—Mrt. A. K. Friot, im Tua Mftings.
and shoulders. The partial shearing and above all these tow.rs tho tall Cal-
of disdain; it was a common saying Strike me dead now, or at any time suddenly stopped and carefully drew oil
the long hair of the shoulders to ifornla girl, her head and shoulder,
about him, that he feared nothing and You please, an’ let him get better.
Some Reasons In Favor of Keeping Cow­
overlap the nakedness of the laden with ripened wheat
in Milk During Cold Weather. ..
respected nobody. But for outcasts Amen.
I concede there are beautiful women
It is claimed by some that cows give body and impart to the monkey an ex­
and disreputable characters of any sort
“Four corners to my bed.
He spoke not another word, but went more milk when winter dairying is tremely fantastic ap|>earance, as in London, beautiful women in New
Four angels around my head,
Why He Died in the Arms of Poor he had a quick, instinctive sympathy.
into the room with Macdonald and practiced than when summer dairying though he were wearing a fur tippet York—strangely, gloriously beautiful;
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
It did not take much penetration to
Bless the bed that I lie on.”
stood awkwardly at the foot of the bed, is followed. It is earner to keep up the
From constantly traveling about and but they are not distinct types at alL
guess the history of the man before him,
It was the only thing of the £ort he, scarcely'dmiriftlrto lif> his eyes to the. flow of milk through the winter ahd associating with1 people of various cit­ The whole wid. world has been pil­
“It can't bo—no, it couldn't be—for
remembered out of his far-ofi'childhood
prolong it into summer, than to pro­ ies, the lutis are far more enlightened laged and ravaged to procure them.
ment, he did the very thing to bind that —perhaps the only prayer he had ever changed white face and drawn lips.
him to die!”
“Well, old fellow, I’m awful glad to long it into winter after the stimulus of than the average Persian who stands And as for the one wondrous beauty ol
He was all alone in the hut. He sat
learnt. It may be that he had thought
“All right, then. Is it a bargain? it of service as a kind of devotional in­ see you. Just leave us a little, will maternity begins to subside and the and listens to his songs. The Persians, Europe, Mrs. Langtry, she Is now with
on a packing-case, staring into the fire,
you, Mae?”
mess to shrink. Besides, as most herds as a nation, are the mojt poetic people a<; and all who know ma know how
his elbows on his knees, and his head
cantation. He took his hands from his
in the world, and a common accom­ much I have admired her simple beauty
on his hands, talking to himself, as
face and held them clasped straight He looked up, twisted his fingers help­ are managed, from grass to hay is a plishment with the lutis is the ability to and helped to celebrate it Yet I as-
solitary men will. There was a gloomy,
before him, looking with vague, ex­
soft that I can find in California twen­
helpless perplexity irf his look, as he and afterward, when that nomad tribe pectant eyes up to the stars and wait­ lessly, scrajM'd the fl<x>r with his foot, and cold blasts, and a diet that is nei­ warble verse after verse of impromptu ty Langtrys any day.
and jerked out the words with a kind ther green nor dry, and often not regular. song—songs composed even as they
thrust the burning brands together
ing for the stroke to fall. He really of defiance:
1 must say briefly but emphatically
It is worse than from hay to grass in sing. This happy accomplishment en­
with the toe of his boot, and muttered ures new, he remained on as one of had some expectation that it would.
“You won’t die, boss! I know you the spring, when the temperature is ables the lutis to always adapt their that the women of the Pacific coast are
over again—“B om a-dyin’!—no, no!” the Barangaroo shepherds—a queer, There was a sudden hoarse scream
softening instead of hardening, and the theme to the temper and prejudices, tile best dressed I ever saw. No, they
A stray stock-rider had passed by silent, solitary man, who worked for and a far-off flapping of wings in the wont I’ve made it all right?”
“What do you mean? Come here!” bite of the green stuff nipped here and likes and dislikes of their audiences; do not wear gold. They do not wear
that afternoon, on his way to a distant three, seldom spoke, and never smiled, stillness above his head. It was an
station, and brought the news from except when Murdoch spoke to him. eagle-hawk, disturbed from his nest in And he went nearer, and Lenox Mur­ there is so relishing, refreshing and in­ and the luti is always cute enough to many diamonds, as a rule. But that
doch lifted his unwounded left arm and vigorating. In summer dairying, the find this out and stroke his listeners beastly abomination unto tile Lord—
Barangaroo. It was Murdoch, of He liked the lonely life at the hut on the highest of the stringy-barks.
the bustle—has never yet had its full
laid it round his neck.
cows go dry in winter, when it is most the right way.
Borangaroo—Lennox Murdoch, who Stringy-burk hill, where very few were
“May-be He’s gone to fetch the thun­
If I ever got into trouble with a city growth, hero thank God,ns in the States.
“Why, don’t you know, boss? They expensive keeping them, while in win­
lay dying—slowly dying in torture— willing to stay; among the other hands derbolt,” he thought, as a fragment of
helplessly crushed and mangled by a on the station he was moody, sullen, wild, dim nature-myth darted though said they’d take me instead of you— ter dairying they go dry through the mob, as I sometimes did, I could al­ Neither did tho “bang” in its craziest
and they won’t go backoji their word.” hot season, when feed is cheap, if it is ways depend upon tho offices of a luti days ever do much damage to the Cnli-
falling tree as he was overseeing some and ••difficult;” but the two men who his mind.
“I don't understand. Tell me all not abundant, and an extra grain feed to help me out of it, should one of fornian. Even tho skating-rink rage
timber-cutting in the bush. The num shared the hut with him found
is not needed to keep up the tempera­ them happen te be present This was failed to lift the California woman
whose gay fearlessness was the wonder him “well enough to get on with mured some words in the native lan­ about it”
He raised himself—it must have cost ture. This, too, is a busy season, when partly because they were more enlight­ from her foot, ns elsewhere. But quiet,
of the colony—who had ridden un­ if you let him alone.” The months guage—most likely a charm.
him fearful pain—with his old winning, release from milking gives more time ened and tolerant of the manners and good sense—the best thing to have in
harmed time after time through tho went on, one day exactlj ike another,
But all was still—the fire leapt and
very jaws of death—the reckless, way­ till they added up into years, and it flickered, and the eagle-hawk did not mischievous smile, as if he were might­ for general farm work.— Hural New mistakes of a stranger in a strange any land or family—hae always kept
land than their untraveled countrymen, our ealm and queenly California wo-
ward, fantastic soul, to whom mortal seemed to him that he had lived there come back. He took up his knife from ily amused at himself and the whole sit­ Yorker.
* • »■.-------------
and partly because they felt pretty de­ mon out of all such excesses and out of
danger was as a familiar friend—whom all his life. Murdoch came up some­ the ground, and drew the sharp point uation and laid his head down on Bill’s
Adulterated Food and Drink.
tain of a coin or two for their services. many prevailing follies. And all this
every one loved and laughed at—so times—he always, when he could, went quickly down his breast; then made shoulder, The great bushman wound
In the bazar of Lendjan, a large city comes, I think, of a disposition to decide
Adulteration of food and drink
full of life and joy in life. Why, the out to the huts himself with the rations, another cut across it, and held up the his rough arms tenderly round the
slight figure, and asked, instead of an­ flourishes bravely in Paris, notwith­ in Northorn Persia, one day, the mul­ and act for herself.— Joaijuin Miller, in
very thought of his dying was impossi­ instead of sending the overseer; or now cup to catch the starting drops.
swering :
standing the sharp look-out kept by the titude of people, wild with curiosity Philadelphia Times.
ble and incongruous—at least it seemed and then he would pass by casually
“You thought I didn’t mean it; but I
“Does it hurt you now?”
authorities. Wine-drinkers are the and excitement concerning the Feren-
as if the only fitting close to such a when out shooting, and sit over a pipe do! See, this is the first—and the rest’s
“No, not much account. Tell me worst sufferers, for out of 645 samples ghi and his wonderful asp-I-ahen
career would be a swift, sudden stroke before Adamson’s fire talking to him in to come after!”
what you mean, dear old lad.”
examined last month 450 were declared (horse-of-iron). as the Persians called
—to be snatched away in a moment, that frank, trustful way of his, which
He slowly lifted the pannikin, and
So he told him—slowly, in broken, injurious, so that thirsty souls had the bicycle, became so great about me A Cook Commit. Suicide H.rauw lie IlluB-
with the laughing light still in his eyes, won the hearts of black and white alike. poured its contents into the fire. As it
d»r« In a Dinner.
and the last snatch of a song still lin- It was at such times as these that he hissed and crackled in the llame, he awkward words, having to be helped better fall back on beer, where only 5 that it was impossible for me to move
The 26th of April, 1671, Mad. de
out by questions now and then—of the out of 88 were bad, or on spirits, which in any direction
Although tho bazar
geringon his lip. Itseemed unnatural, got all Bill’s history from him, bit by went on speaking:
black-fellows’ burial-place, and the mid­ claimed 17 good samples out of 18. was so densely packed with people, Sevigne wrote to her daughter: "Here
horrible, for Lennox Murdoch, of all bit, and deepened into a dumb, dog­
“I’m going down in the morning to
men, to be lying on his back in the like worship the man's first vague ad­ see him once more. If You do your night incantation and how “They” had Water is as bad as wine, over half the struggling and pushing forward to ob­ is the matter in detail. The King ar­
darkened room, with closed eyes, and miration. I do not know whether Bill part, and let him get better, I’ll come promised, by the sign of the falling samples being dangerous, and 80 out tain a peep at me and the rived on Thursday evening; tho prome­
drawn, white lips. So thought his Adamson had ever loved anyone or here to-morrow night and end it. I star. And before he had ended the dy­ of 370 specimens of milk were equally bicycle, that one could not walk, nade and tlie collation, laid in a spot
Coffee is very little let alone ride a bicycle, the mob all carpeted with jonquils; passed off
overseer, who had carried him upstairs any thing in his life liefore—I do not swear solemnly I will. You hear me? ing man was sobbing as if his heart condemned.
would break.
a<lulteiated. aud butter is also fairly was clamoring loudly
for me admirably. We supped, and some of
in his arms, and laid him tenderly down know that he loved Lennox Murdoch. Will that do?”
And now Gibson had brought the
satisfactory, but 30 of 81 loaves of bread to mount and let them see me ride. the tables wero short of roast This
on the bed he would never leave again
He kneltAvi^h uplifted, blood.-s£ftftigd
were worthless. Not only provision», Their ignorance of a cycle’s capabili­ upset Vatel, who said several times:
—feeling all the time, grave, quiet news that Lennox Murdoch lay dying
yourself, you will!”
Scotsman as he was, as if his own at Barangaroo. I can not try to follow hands, looking iijj-tft-the^pSnceful sky.
“Bill—dear, dear old fellow, how but wall papers are dangerous, for only ties and the natural dull wit of a half­ ‘My honor is lost; I shall never get
a falling star drew a line could you think of such a horrible 5 out of 22 specimens were good.— Cor. civilized people blinded them to the over this disaster.’
heart would break. So thought— and analyze the wild, fornde^a.
"Ho said to Gourville: ‘My head is
folly of shouting for a man to ride
N. Y. Post.
though they could not perhaps have put thoughts that worked daily in tli^tlfark of light across the space of sky be­ thing? Oh, God! oh God!”
without giving him so much room as swimming; I have not slept for the last
“My life for yours—mine ain't worth
it into words—the men who hung brain of his. A superstjtiolw 8aiior to tween the tops of the stringy-barks
even to turn around. As a matter of twelve nights; help me to give my or­
much—and what would we ever do
gloomily about the doors, or listlessly begin with, broody for week8 together and vanquished.
•‘It’s done! it’s done!” he cried, and without youP”
thoughts in the bush,
fact, they might with equal consistency ders.’ The Princo invited Vatel to his
went through with their work—silently, over hi5
When Wornm Arrives at Intellectual and
have been shouting for a fish to swim room and said to him: ‘Vatel, all is
or speaking in hushed voices to each it Is ’ in truth scarcely to be won­ Hung himself forward on his face. He
“Oh! but you mustn’t—you mustn't
Graceful Maturity.
well;nothing could have been finer than
From being passe at twenty to be­ without providing him with water.
other. There might have be^ff better dered at if his ideas of the lay there for sonic time without mov­ think of God in that way! You—oh!
while tho tire flickered down and what shall I say to you? You'll break
In the midst of all the uproar there the King’s supper.’ He replied: ‘Mon­
men—there were certaJjflymany far Unseen were not much higher than
died—leaping up now and then and
came elbowing his way through a seigneur, your kindness overwhelms
and, with better those of the bronze-colored savages casting weird, vague lights and my heart!”
the whole tale of woman’s growth for
“Don’t take on—don’t. I didn’t the past century. That peculiar com­ crowd of woolly-hatted Persians one of me; I know that at two tables the roast
minds—whereas, tho cen­ who would come and eat th emselves shallows over the grave-mound and the
our friends, tho lutis, bearing on hi fell short’ ‘Not at all.’ said the
think it would have vexed ye so—I
sorious might oave said that Len­ stupid on Murdoch’s mutton and damp­ prostrate figure.
bination of angel and idiot which was shoulder his monkey companion, and Prince. ‘Do not worry yourself; all is
wouldn’t have told.”
nox Murdoch’s mind was not regulated er round their campfires near his hut.
The slow hours of the afternoon drag­
“Listen to me, now, and remember the ideal woman was unthinkable ex­ holding aloft with one hand his drum. going on nicely.’ Midnight arrived;
at all; but there was not a shepherd, or He believed in the existence of a Higher
huUkeeper, or hand of any sort on the Power, whose name he sometimes used ged out their cruel length; Macdonald, what I say. Will you once?” Bill cept in the teens. Idiocy can not be Reaching my side, the luti set his the fireworks were not a success for
station that would not have given any in oaths, and to whom, when more rev­ the overseer, sat by Murdoch’s side. nodded, but did not speak. “You angelic after the first score of years. monkey on the ground and, by jerking they wero enveloped in a cloud.
thing to “have Murdoch round again in erently inclined, he vaguely referred— Murdoch lay still, with closed eyes— must'nt think it’s bad for me to die. The rosebud is delightful and every its chain and addressing it encouraging­ They cost sixteen thousand francs.
a good tearin’ temper,” as one of them but this rarely happened—as “They;” not asleep—Macdonald knew that by See—if I went away to Sydney you body loves it. but there is not a woman ly, caused it to caper about and giv« At four o’clock in the morning
said. No, they would never hear his and, in a sort of way, in the efficacy of the occasional twitching of the white wouldn't be wanting to leave the sheep left who would care to be always utterance to loud angry grunts. In Vatel nnae a round, found all
wrathful harangues or his reckless prayer, though his views on the subject lips in a spasm of pain and the tighten­ and run after me, would you? You'd eighteen. Up to thirty-five a woman this manner he succeeded in relieving asleep, and met a small tradesman,
is not now at all abashed at owning the crush about me and the bicycle in who brought him only two load of
“chaff” again. And this man who were peculiar. They came in as usual, ing grasp of the hand he held in his. just wait till I came back.”
her ago. She knows she has but short order. I then told him to head sea-fish. He waited some time; he be­
now sat over the fire, this great black- and settled down to their supper and He had done all he could to relieve the
bearded, half-savage, heathen English­ their customary monosyllabic talk. long last agony; it was not much— rugged chest, and the slow, har’d tears gained in charm; she knows that the the way to a respectable tchai-kahn came very excited, thinking that this
man who fought shy of taki ng her out (tea-house) where 1 could obtain re­ much was all the fish he woald have.
man had heard the news with stolid .Just at last, before they turned in for there was no surgical aid within reach gathered in his eyes.
to dinner during her first season, and freshments. Using the monkey to clear He went and found Gourville, and said
apathy, and scarcely said a word. the night, one of them happened to ask and he knew enough to feel sure that
who was mute and bored during the a passage through the people by en­ to him: ‘Monsieur, I shall never re­
Perhaps the idea took a long time to him whether he had seen any one that even had there been no skill or care
reach that slow-moving brain of his. day. He answered in his slow drawl, could save him. They would never here—you believe I care for you, don’t whole time that he sat by her side, will couraging him to grunt angrily and cover from this disgrace.’ Gourville
seek her out in company now. and spring about, the luti piloted me laughed at him. Vatel went upstairs
After the stranger had gone he slung ns he knocked the ashes out of his pipe quarrel again, these two; they had done you?”
so regularly about once a week, and
will recognize her added experience through the bazar and into a tea-house. to his room, plnced his sword against
“Ay, that I do, boss.”
the billy and set the tea to boil, and got against his knee —
would have
“Gibson from Murray’s was here no one
“God made you, and He cares for you and maturity by giving her credit Arriving there he took up his station at the door, and ran himself through the
all things ready as usual for his mates
dry reserved far more than ever I can. Can't you for common sense in the talk he the door, and whenever the crowd about heart, but only after three attempts.
when they should return—and then he this afternoon. Came past Baranga­ from Macdonald’s
of believe He loves you? If I didn’t begins with her. She knows that it became noisy and abusive, he would Meanwhile sea-fish were arriving in
settled down to his brooding watch roo. Says the boss is real bad. Got ways and caustic severity
speech that he loved this “feckless,” think He did me I shouldn't know where her crudeness used to drive off chase them away with the monkey.
quantities; the servants were seeking
over the fire, muttering broken words hurt with a tree falling on him.”
The tea-house was a com paraHvely Vatel to distribute It; some went up to
There was a dead silence. Then the reckless Murdoch like his own brother. what to do now. You mustn't think people worth knowing, she can at her
to himself.
Hr was beginning to hope that sleep —
comfortable place, and I concluded to his room, knocked at the door, opened
He was not a man of many Ideas— two interchanged comments and ques­ lenied all night long—might come at He doesn’t love me because I’m dying will call them about her now.
Frau Von Stien was past thirty when remain there for the night The pro­ it, aud found him bathed in his blood.
that was apparent at the first glance. tions in a low voice, and finally, after last—when Murdoch turned his head like *his. I'm going to Him, and so
will you if you wait patiently and she carried off Goethe captive after he prietor, being a speculative and shrewd The Prince was In dispair. However,
Probably he had not started in life with having tried in vain to got more lucid wearily, ami opened his eyes.
try to do right. Remember, you had weathered the dangers of the individual, conceived the idea of utiliz­ Gourville did his best to make up for
an excessive amount, and his experience information from him. they turned
•Tin th<it tired, Mac! I shall be glad won't see me again if you do what you younger Lillis, Charlottes and the rest. ing me and the bicycle, and the lut the loss of Vatel, and succeeded; the
as an ordinary seaman on Ixiard various away and wrapped themselves In their when it’s over.”
And in New York or any of the coun­ as an attraction to draw customers to dinner was excellent; we lunched,
small merchant vessels, and later as a blankets, leaving him still smoking by
It was the first word of complaint he
try's groat, centers to-day it is not the his place of business.
supped, went for a walk, played and
“But I promised.”
convict in Sjdney, had not tended to the fire. Thereupon he looked up and had uttered. Macdonald had not broken
To this end he placed a couple of hunted; every thing was perfumed
“One o’ you stay here to-morrow
“He don't want yon to keep that younger woman whose position in the
Increase or elevate his stock. But ones said:
—I wanter to go down ami see how he down before, but he felt near it now
only society that Is woith the name is guards at the door with sticks, with with jonquils; every thing was en­
he had acquired a notion of any sort, is;” to which they answered “All lie felt the sob ris'mg in his throat, a? promise. You didn’t know rightly what happiest or best established. The orders to admit none but respectable chanted.”— Harper's Magazine.
he clung to It, or It to him, with the
” and were asleep in a few min­ he murmured something incoherent could help you—tell you clearly what I woman who marries Is twenty-five persons, who had money to spend on
tenacity of the limpet on the rock. I right,
about the impossibility of getting a doc­ mean. Ask Him to help you—just as when she used to !*• fifteen. The tea and kilians (water-pipes). The bi­
do not think he remembered himself
Pope LeoXIII. Is about to found an
He sat still, watching tho dying em­ tor.
you talk to me. • ♦ • Promise me woman who gather« ah >nt her any cir­ cycle was placed in the rear of the
what offense he had been transported bers for some time longer; then he rose
“Don't worry about that, Mac. Why, you'll not kill yourself.”
cle that deserve« the ramo of salon is room, together with the luti and hh international college for literature, in
for. Perhaps many years of solitary slowly, put in his pocket the flint and bless you, he'd only bother me, and not
“I won’t, then, if you don't want” Mary L. Booth, at fifty; Mrs. Martha monkey. Customers who came were which ths Italian poets and authors
bush life had effected his memory, and •teel and tinderbox ho al wavs carried, l>e able to do any good. If I am to get
“Shake hands on it, then. All right; J. Lamb, with the gray hairs coming: permitted to go and examine my w heel, will be studied in an especial manner.
its dull uniformity deadened the past •tuck his knife in his bolt, felt for and better, I shall get on all right alone; if
—In Heaven there will be no tears.
you won't hurt me”—for he saw Bill Mrs. Frank Leslie; jenny June, with a whilst the luti furthermore entertained
Into one blurred blaze. Like that of
not, what’s the good of l»eing pulled l<M>king hesitatingly at the slender, third of a century of active work in the them by chanting songs, dancing and It Is tearless, because it Is sorrowless,
the savage, his mind did not look after, found the tin pannikin which served aboutP Thank you, old fellow.”
bandaged right wrist “You’ll remem­ city behind her; or at the younger beating his drum. The monkey dis­ because it is sinless; It is sinless, bo-
nor very far before; yet utterly inactive him for a drinking cup, and, opening
Macdonald had risen and changed
Miss Grace H. D«xlge, on the border played his varied talents by standing cause it is the dwelling place of the
he was not. He did think and the door sottly. went out There was his pillows, and was bathing his fore­ ber.
“I will.”
line of the thirties; women who arc on his head, twirling round and round holy Lord God and of the "spirits of
reason in his slow, dogged fashion. no moon, but it was bright starlight, head, looking with a vague trouble into
“I’ll be looking for yon, cld man. often better looking and always better like a dancing dervish, and otherwise just men made perfect.”
Ho was not cunning, nor naturally and he had lived so many years in the the sunken dark eyes.
Seems to me I shan’t get on without worth seeing than when they were disporting himself. As for myself, ]
Of the 276 Lutheran churches built
cruel, though his ship and prison life bush that he knew his way about it like
“All right, Mac; I know that I'm
But I shall always think of your younger. It is a tribute to the com­ i took up a position wrhere the patron» In 18M. 1S2 wero German, 62 English,
had generated in him a dull, brooding a sleuth-hound. He struck right into the done for—I've no hopes of Being patched you.
S7 Swedish, 22 Norwegian. 2 Danish.
ferocity that sometimes came to light In scrub, pushing and twisting his waj up again. Ouly don't you fret What
should be as they are. The world will to both the proprietor of the house and Besides these there were Slavonian.
My poor, dear old chap!”
outbreaks of fury. And the highest through it like a black fellow; then he is it?”
Macdonald came and laid his hand on aiwa- s feel and acknowledge a girl's
Finnish. Icelandic, and Bohemian Luth­
idea his mind was capable of conceiving crossed an open grasey track dotted
One of the stockmen had come to the
fresh charm. There is nothing else tea. This “dime museum” state M eran houses of worship
was embodied in the words Murdoch ol with gum tri»ca here and there; then, half-open door, and was beckoning to Adamson's shoulder, and asked him to quite
like it But the mature woman, it was, nevvrthele>\ the best possity-
go away, but Murd<wh looked up and
after a long climb up a steep, quartz-
—Thou must content thyself to see
strewn hillside, and an abrupt descent Macdonald, who went out softly, clos­ «aid: “Let him stay, please!” So Bill whose face has thought and knowledge plan of protection to myself from the
This is how it came. He had grad­ into a gully beyond, he came to a spot ing it behind him.
in iL and who does as well, is the otherwise inevitable annoyance of the the world so imperfect as it ia Thou
ually become possessed of a vague be­ that perhaps no whit« man's foot had
He never closed an eve during the woman who is crowned queen after outside multitudes that never failed t« Wilt never have any quiet if thon vex-
“It’s Black Bill—that there queer two days and nights that followed. It •IL—-Oftve Logan^ m Philadelphia Press. make life a burden dnring my stay in . e»t thyself, because thon canst not
lief that it wm the destiny and normal ever tnxlden before. It was a level,
Persia i city. — 1 homos Skeens, te Oo( bang mankind to that exact notion of
condition of man to lie sworn at, cuffed, grassy space, with thickly-wooded cove from the bush. Reckon he’s gone was in his arms that Lennox Murdoch
things and rule of life which thon hast
kicked and generally considered a nui­ slopes rising on three aides liko an crasy-like. He’s been sitting there in died, worn out with the torture of fever
formed m thy own mind.— Fuller.
sance, unless it were his happy lot to amphitheater. Tall gum trees grew iho doorway the last three hours and and sleeplessness but patient and gen­
— A stained-glass factory is to be
—The Lutheran church complains of
he able to swear at others In his turn; about it here and there, but not so won't go away. Came down this morn­ tle to the last while he had his senses started at Lynchburg. Va.
and acquiesced therein in his dull, pas­ closely as to shut out the starry sky. ing—wanted to know how the boss was ahout him. Once, during the last
—Five young ladies received the a lack in the ministerial supply. The
— “Crushed bamboo” is a new paper
sive way. And so, when his time wm In the middle was a grass-grown —nays we're to tell him as soon as he’s night, he called Macdonald to him and making material, and is used with the baccalsnrate degree from the Harvard new minister, are hardly numerous
enough to an th. place, eacated by
out, and he set forth on his aimless mound, where tradition said that • any better.”
told him Bill's secret, and prayed him. most satisfactory results.
annex this year.
Macdonald went down and found if he loved him. to be kind to that poor,
wanderings, he drifted out to Baroa- native chief was buried; there was •
—The location of a Congregational death. snperannuatloa and ntherwi^.
—Of late years much careful atten­
gnnxt station with “convict” written cairn of stones piled on the top, and him seated there, sullen, slouching, wild, blundering soul. And Macdonald tion has been devoted by physicians to college at Fargo is assured. A |40,0U0 The demand, ar, very pressing just
on every line of his slouching figure here and there white oh|eeta, that defiant, in outward seeming—knees promised, with dry eyes and dry throat. the relation« between the temperature building will be erected.
now. as immigration is verv large,
and sullen face. And it came to pa«« might have been bones, glinted in the crowed and anus folded—no life about
Macdonald kept his promise. He stay­ and the death-rate due to different dis­
—The African Methodist Episcopal ,.T
***"*’ (rehearsing)-
one hot December morning that he faint light It was an uncanny place, him save in the dull gleam of his black ed on at the run under the new squatter, eases. One of the facts moet clearly ehurek prop>«es to celebrate the cen- reTiro r
*x“’ wh'n y»n
•topped listlessly by the door of Mur­ avoided by the blac ks themsehos for eyes under their lowering brows. He and so did Bill, who went about his established in this field of investigation | tenary of its organisation in November. AmLLe 7
Mr‘ S’"*’’
doch’s shearing shed and saw a man the most part, though they came there n»se slowly and touche«! his hat
daily work nmrh as n«uaL only more Is the hostility of a high temperature . —Two o* the richest Episcopal
J,, ,k*C1‘'L(?ri nmphantly show,
“Ain't lie no better yet?”
her «he book)-.^«., /hat
“queer" and silent than before. He to the diffusion of «mall-pox. Heat has ehurehes in New York. Grace and
ride by at a tearing gallop on a mag-I to hold nightly corrohoree now and
«’•'■'nifton.” Ama-
“Don't you know.” said Macdonald, seemed to hx»k about him in a bewil­ • most marked effect in checking the Trinity, have determined to make their ^r
nificent black horse—a man in a scarlet I then. All was perfectly still, «cept
shirt with a curly head and a twinkling • lor the rushing of the creek below, and irritable with the iruualienee of sup- dered w ay, as if the world were out a prevalence of this dreaded malady. 1 pews free to the public.
East Oregon He: