O regon ■ H erald E ast BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14. 1888. Vol. 1 —No. 16. THE HERALD. THE HERALD CANYON CITY COMMENTS. $2.80 a Year. road leading from Long Creek to a band of horses for a small boy to Susanville: Reports of C. C. Black manage. Editor. Ei>. H erai . d : The political pot well, Wm. Curtis, and N. C. Wain­ —Married, on Feb. 27, at the res­ 1>. L. GRACK - - - PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY’ THE TOWN OF BURNS BY begins to throw off steam, and ere scott, assessors of damages on said idence of W. B. Kiger, by II. M. |»EM\\ | \. Grant County, Oregon. long will begin to boil. Candidates proposed road, filed, allowing A. 11. Horton, J. I*., Mr. Abraham King TION. D. L. GRACE, AS IT IS VOICE» 11V THE HERALD. ‘ The national democratic cotuvdttee having are putting in an appearance, and Bly $113, and W. II. Townsend,$78 to Miss Clara Bussey. ' met in the city of Waahlngto-» on the 2fel day of E ditor and P roprietor . as usual are quite glad to see you. which report was approved by tho February, 1888, has appointed —If a certain young lady only BUSINESS MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL SEE THAT TL’ESDAY, THE 5TH llAYOF JUNE —Republicans here generally board, and ordered that the clerk knew how the gate that has been Sl BSl Ktl’TlON KATES: Next, at noon, ns the time, aud i hosen the city Burns contains 18.00 of St. Louis as the place for hohnnK the nation­ concede the election of the entire notify the supervisor of road dist. recently put in front of the house One Year 1 newspaper; 2 hotels: 4 saloons: 1 undertaker; 1 meat market; 2 lawyers; 3 physicians: 1 al democratic convention. Eiu’h state is en­ .. 1.Ú0 Hix Month« In No. 10 that said road is declared a bothers a certain young man, she titled to representation therein equal to double democratic ticket next June. surveyor; 1 land agent; 1 drugstore; 1 jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 2 livery stables: 2 general mer­ Thru« Month» ........................... .........75 the number of its senators «ml iwprt aentativ« t> consequence of this fact, 1 hear of .2.00 One Year (in advance) chandise stores; 1 bath house; 1 hardware store; 1 barber shop; 1 saw-mill; 2 carpenters; 1 public highway, and that said su­ would tear it down. When they in the congress of the United States, and each reading room. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 school; 1 church organization. territory and the District of Columbia shall but very few aspirants for office in pervisor open said road according happen along, there it is. “Billy, I LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. have two delegates. Mail a copy of T he H erald to friends In the East. Advertise your town. All democratic, conservative citizens of the their ranks, except for the office of to law. will hold the reins while you open —--------- .. United States, irrespective of past political ns- sheriff. The resignation of John B. Jack- the gate.” CHAH. A. COGSWELL, F. A. COGMWELL. socrations and difference«, yb« can unite with Lakeview. Linkville. ' ub in un effort for pure p<»htlcal and conmitu —The Republican Central Com­ son, as constable of Long Creek —Mr. David Lambert was seen I tionnl government, are cordially invited to join BURNS, OREGON. mittee meet tomorrow, at which precinct, was accepted, and Henry going along the road the other day tv tM convention. Attorneys-at-Law. • SAYER & DORE - NEAR -- -- -- -- P roprietors . i us in sending delegates W1LLIA W H* BARNUM, Ch’m’n. meeting they will consider the mat­ II. Davis appointed to fill the va­ with his blankets on his back. Keeps Constantly on Hand a Large Stock of F rederick O. P k MUK. Secretary Nutiynal ter of placing a ticket in the field. cancy. Democratic Committee. . When asked where he was going, COGSWELL & COGSWELL. —Among the arrivals in this Reports of the supervisors J. he replied, "South America.” That F or the benefit of those who are place during the r past week, I notice Sturtevant, of road dist. No. 14, W. is the last heard of him. LAKEVIEW ANI» LINKVILLE, Or. i-i y requiird t. H erald : Cow Creek items ment for their lands, we are author- F. Mahon of Cow Creek. The ma­ were filed and approved. A. C. BRODERSEN,... Lakeview. And ull kinds of Surface Lumber thoroughly seasoned for building purposes and at ' ized by the Register and Receiver jority are very scarce at present. of these gentlemen are here Bonds of supervisors of road REDUCED l’RICEB. Aliy bu-lne« entrusted tn me will receive —Snow is three inches deep. at the Lakeview Land Office to say: as witnesses in equity suits which diets. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 15, 21, lmuil eureful nml prompt attention. Land —Stock is doing well. matters and Colleciion a .specially. Corres­ New publications are required in will come off'before his houer L. B. 23, 24, and 25 approved. pondence solicited in English and German. —Miss Arvilla Bunyard, who has eases in which the law was not Ison, at the April term of circuit In the matter of the proposed Having been added they are e. ibled to fill all orders as soon as received. complied with in the first instance, court. county road commencing at the been visiting the Misses Waters Attorney-at-Law 1-ly | notice having only been published N. B.—Good Road all the w.. y. - The March, 1888, term of the “saw mill of Frank Waterburg,” in near Burns, has returned home. M. A. KELTON. —Ed. Bland was, we understand, for five consecutive weeks, which county court for Grant county con­ See. 20, Tp. 10, 8, R. 31, E, W-M, Lakeview, Or. ' docs not cover the thirty days re- vened at the court house on Mon- and running to a point near the removed to Burns Saturday. Practices in the courts oí the state, anil I quired. : day, 5th inst. The principal part forks of Long Creek: T. J. Scrog­ — Bailey Hayes, of the Island, is N. BROWN, before Ilie V. 8. Land Office. 1-ly Many of the settlers within the of the business of this term has been * gins, S. (1. Harris, and C. 8. Dustin at Cow Creek on business. DEALER IN —T. Baine is going to leave us , Lakeview Land District have re- done, though I understand the were appointed viewers, and J. II. Watches, Clocks ' reived notices from the Land Office, board meets again next Monday. Neal surveyor, to meet at the resi­ soon. Wc think it quite impossi­ -AND- I requiring them to republish. And The business yet to be settled is dence of S. F. Branson, April 19, ble to spare his presence from this | for the reason that many of them chiefly the appointment of a Stock 1888, at 10 o’clock, a m, and pro­ vicinity. JEWELRY. —It is rumored that Mr. McCann | fail to understand just what is re­ Inspector, and considering the mat­ ceed to lay out and survey said BURNS, GRANT CO., OREGON, W. II. STARK,------- L akeview . has sold his ranch on Cow Creek quired of them, we will say: ter of again placing a bounty on the proposed road. lias tiie largest tot of goods in this line Í&- For Fine Quality and Low Prices, Give us a call. ever brought to this seciion of country anil It is only necessary for them to scalps of wild animals. Both are In the matter of petition of C. C. to Mr. Cannfield of Saddle Buttes. ».id at L ower I' iiick » than ottered here. make application to the Register important subjects for the court’s Small, and 22 others, for the loca­ —We also hear that the Hayes When in laikeview cell and see. 1-ly of the Land Office for a notice for consideration, and will no doubt be tion and survey of a county road Bros, have bought Mr. Martin’s publication, giving names and resi­ disposed of in a way that will meet from the SE corner of the NE] of ranch on the Island near the Bird’s Livery I Feed Stable dences of four witnesses. The no­ the approval of the taxpayers of the Sec. 28. Tp. 29, 8, II. 33, E, W-M, nest. P. II. MURPHY. —Mr. Jno. Robinson is in Harney C. M. CALDWELL, ------ P roprietor . tice will be issued and forwarded for | county. and ending at the SW corner of the LAKEVIEW _ - - - OREGON. publication. —Wm. Miller, J. I’, of this pre­ SW1 of See. 31, on township line City collecting taxes. — Prof. Brown will start school A Full Supply of It is not necessary that the claim­ cinct, has been busily engaged the between townships 32 and 33: W. IIAY & GRAIN in Burns soon. He has taught one ant or his witnesses should be pres ­ past week in administering justice. Always on hand and Hood Attention B. Curtis, Wm. Phillips, and D. 11. ■ ven all orders made lor teams and veli- ent, at the time and place men­ —W. W. Johnson, of Burns, ar­ Smyth, were abpointed viewers, term of school in our district, and iies. i-iy tioned in the notice for making rived in this city with the whole and J. 11. Neal, surveyor, to meet at we think he is a splendid teacher. —We are happy to say that T he BEER, BITTERS, AND THE BEST CIGARS TO BE FOUND proof, unless a protest is filed, or Brown family last week, and turned the house of S. J. Ingram, April 2, Watchmaker & Jeweler IN THE LOWER MARKET. an adverse claimant appears him over to Sheriff Dore for. safe 1888, at 10 o’clock, a in, anil pro­ II ehald always takes the lead, and J. W. BONEBRAKE. DRINKS SCIENTIFICALLY MIXED IN STYLES AND QUANTI­ against his entry. If no such pro­ keeping, but by a writ of habeas eeed to view ami survey said li ro- the Editor always has our best Lakeview, Oregon. wishes. TIES TO SUIT. test is filed, or adverse claimant corpus, issued by Judge N. R. Max­ posed county road. Good u —Keit oiiubie Price.«. i-iy —As Items are scarce, I will GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE SAMPLING ANYWHERE ELSE appears, the Clerk (if proof is ad­ ey on the petition of the said Brown THURSDAY, MARCH 8. close until next Tuesday. Bl’ RNB ADV ERTI SEM ENTS. . AS I CAN vertised to be made before such of­ family, Mr. Dore was given a rest, I In the matter of establishing two You and I. GIVE YOU AS FINE LIQUORS AS YOU CAN BUY IN TIIETOWN ficer) will forward such certificate and the Brown family returned W. A. WILSHIRE, J. NAT HUDSON, polling places in Drewsey precinct: Cow Creek, March (5, 1888. OF BURNS. I of such facts to the local land oflice, home rejoicing. Lakeview. Or. Burn«, Or. which certificate, with the proof of i —Quito a revival has been going Ordered that said precinct be divid­ Unadulterated Liquors. WILSHIRE e old familiar township LAKEVIEW AND BURNS, OR. jMilling place nt the school house in —I’ay your taxes, they aro fast when the proof originally taken himn with the refrain:"'—— This firm practices in the Courts of the oi dist. No. 40, to bo known an becoming delinquent. Ktntc, and I »».•tore the U. H. Land Office. “Jc-ll.« I'llili II »11, will be considered by that office. ' pollmTr^Ueo No. 2. Win. Meeker, Any business in the Land Oilice entrusted All lhe debt I owe.” —Hay will lie scarce on the to them will obtain prompt attention. ■ If there is anything tlint will move J F. Morrisi'ni, nnd Oayi I Miller, Sinks this year, if more rain don't D emocrats are in the saddle, £49**ljand Cusw Solicited. 1-ly appointed judges, with B . Mil- fa]] n(.xt month, boot and spur, determined to test the average man here, it is the j —Scott Haves, of the Island, is the strength of the enemy of demo­ surance that somebody will put tip ler and J Sturtevant, elerlfs—, ATTORNEY. In the matter of establishment oft after his stock. cratic numbers, by a straight-out the coin, and this fact no doubt had GEO. S. SIZEMORE - - B urns , O r . Agent for Stayer & Walker. Wholesale Dealers in a great tendency to make the meet­ I Waterman precinct: ............*' Precinct 11.......... ‘ es —Mr. fltHYcr and family will fight for party supremacy. Crim in h 1 law a specialty. ing successful, and t (inverts to the tablished, ami -I. L. Barn!mine. move from the is’iallll t<> their Cow G. W. Ill nt , the contractor, has faith plenty. Adolph Stroubc, and Cha». E. Eads, ’'»» T. V. B. EMBREE. M. D. been sued by the O P II R Co., for —Judge Phil Mctcham, referee in appointed judges, with Wm. F. Creek ranch soon. Office at his residence on the east side ot —Mr. W oodfire has purchased $150,000 damages for non-perform­ the Mahon equity suit, is busy Bush, and Wm. Wells, clerks. [No WAGONS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES. Sil vics River, ten miles below Burns. 1-ly ance of his contract with that com­ taking testimony, and expects to polling place fixed—R eporter .] ' Mr. Call’s entire band of cattle. --Quite a number of enterprising pany.—State Rights Democrat. have his report completed for l.hc A gent for F írf . mvn ’ s F und I nsurance C ompaxy .^KB Tucker and Carsncr granted a li-| I yotmg gentlemen of Harney were J. G. Welsh, M.D. term of court. cense to sell spirituous liquors in Offers his professional services to the cit­ D emocrats of Grant county, how I April . - . pleased to learn of the bull next izens of Burns and vicinity. Office at resi­ —The weather lias been mild the less 1 measure ______ than ' one quBTt, in . prj(jay night at Burns, as they wish came so many of your oilices filled dence south of Herald building. 1-ly past month, and men may he seen Union . precinct for a ............. period of “ six ROBINSON & DODSON - - - - PROPRIETORS. with republicans? Have not the op­ ”t , ' to return the compliment of 22EM<»< 11ATIC* Cl.I'II.” goes, but his party is not with him | —The infant child of W. R. Cun­ cinct,” with the same boundaries as the present school district. Abe Drinks scientifically mixed in style and quantity to suit. and never will be. We need a man nington died last night. Mrs. Cun- Practical Surveyor The “Burna Democratic Club” King, 8. II. Porter, and H. M. Hor ­ in the senate who can work with nington is quite low, but Dr. Bar­ met last Saturday nt 2 p in. Called A. L. CONNOR the democratic majority on this ber, the attending physician, has ton, appointed judges, with Levi i to order In* Chas. Ziegler, President. Any and all kinds of surveying done on short A First-Class Billiard Table and Chas. I). Richardson v Cushman usnimin min i.iin». it. in« inn iinni .... ' r ,i ■ .. notice and reasonable termH. fSôF“ Settlers question. Oregon should sec to it every hope of her recovery. ro-i CE ALWAYS ON HAND'^'S wishing to be located, can have plats furnished i-iy clerks; polling place at Diamond I ,of 11,0 Pr,c™ free of charge. 1-ly —Business in general is quite valley school house. that such a democrat is sent to fill read “n,l( «PPr”^l- There being dull here at present. Senator Dolph’s place.—World. • no report from Executive Coni., GENERAL MERCHANDISE Carpenter and Plumber, —The prospect of good quartz sATt rday , march 10. same continued till next meeting. O ne column of the Lakeview Ex ­ mines being developed by Ilulisonj In tin* matter of the voting place, Dr. Emliree, J. Nat. Hudson, J. C. W. A. RODIFEll. P F STENGER aminer has been purchased by the Burns, Oregon. & Keeler, about five miles up Can­ in Harney Precinct: It is hereby Garrett and Prof. D. L. Grace were democrats of Lake county, and will yon creek from this place, is very ordered that the voting place in called upon and responded with in­ Orders for Painting, also, will be skill­ Keeps constantly on hand a Full Line of be edited by them in the interest of flattering. They have a well-dc- Harney Precinct shall be at the teresting speeches, in which th«* is- fully and promptly filled. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, the party. We hope that column 1 fined body of ore, from which they schiMil house in Harney City, until : sues of the coming election were HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AN1) SHOES, of straight democracy may prove have had a number of assays made. the further order of this court. BLACKSMITH. ably discussed, and the course that HARDWARE, TINWARE, QUEENSWARE, to be “the leaven which lcaveneth The ore will go from $5 to $20 per Whereupon it was ordered that should be pursued by the Demo- P. S. EARLY-------- B uhns , On. GLASSWARE AND, ALSO, CROCKERY, the whole lump,” and the Exami­ ton. The lode is about 30 feet wide, this court stand adjourned , ______ ____ the _ victory ___ ______ until crats to gain in the _ ap- ----- GENERAL REPAIRING----- ner become an out-spoken adherent and in any other Country would Monday 12th day of March, 1888, proaching political campaign well BOTH TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, & SCHOOL SUPPLIES. of the Cleveland administration— have caused considerable exeit«’- at 10 o’clock, a m. | outlined. Mr. Hudson spoke at g y All of which he offers at the Lowest Prices and for- £W“Cash Oniy.^^Jl-ly the only improvement we would ment, for there is no doubt as to its length upon the most pressing need DIAMOND HINT. suggest. richness. Messrs Rulison and of the Democracy, viz. that of a E d . H erald : The ground is cov- Democratic' : U. 8. senator, and in Promptly executed. The building is being T he present tariff was made by Keeler have been untiring in their enlarged anti improved prepamtory to turn CHAS. G. FRYE, ■ to gain such victory it would - _ _ _ _ _ P roprietor whom? The rich and powerful, and efforts to develope their mini*, and it cred with snow, and the sleigh bells order out all kinds of blacksmithing on short j n«»tice and in l>e-*t Ftyle. Terms: Ca-li. 1-ly I in their own interest. It enriches is to be hoped that their present can be heard jingling merrily up be necessary fur the Democrats to and down the valley. those who are already rich enough, prospect will continue. act and work in unison. Dr. Em- FRENCH —School meeting was held yes­ bree’s speech was to the point, and —There is but one inrnntc of the and fills the treasury to overflowing with money that should still be in county jail nt present, and he would terday. Mr. J. M. Chambers was in conclusion he was tendered, as a possession of the people. It cannot feel just as comfortable on the out­ elected director, ami Presley Smith, compliment, the nomination for ■M r ». L. RACINE - P ropbiktress . A New Stock of Eine Goods. De justified by any correct princi­ side breathing the fresh air. He clerk School will be taught anothq Representative. J. C. Garrett, ur­ ----- Main st.. Burns, Or.----- ple of political economy.—Argus. informs me that the county court er term by Mr. Doran. gently prevailed upon to accept the A Limited Number of Guext« can st cure the —Andrew Lucas spent a few days ■ nomination for Repn-sentative, Pafrorn may rest neBnred that an utdertr, well-kept home will be maintained, and no has not provided the conveniences The tariff ’ lays a tax of 10 per most Comfortable lodging llooms in the wrong doinK tolerated; aud the quality of the Goua« UD«urpap«ed by any other respeeta- Town, at thi< House. the first of this month in Blitzcn, cent on the rich woman’s diamonds, nml comfor fs which the law requires at the conclusion of his speech pos­ The Tabb* alwaj s Supplied w ith all the Eat- while it adds 55 per cent to the them to furnish—then* being neith­ as guest of Miss Anna Comegys. abksthe market iflbrft, 1-ly itively declined to allow his name —Mr. Geo. A. Smith talks of go­ to be used, giving reasons for so do­ price of the commonest crockery on er hath room or library attached to HARNEY CITY ADVERTISBMK.NT8. the jail. And lam told the pris- ing to Burns. He is not a |mliti- ing which were acknowledged by LEE CALDWELL _ - - - P roprietor . the poor woman’s shelf. ! oners even have to cut wood and cian—what can I m * the attraction? the chib as being good. General democratic club was organized | !cook I V. J. MII.I.KR —Mr. Craven is preparing to; HAIR-CUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING, at A Lebanon, Feb. 24, with a live: —T iik H erald is fast lieeoming raise a large patch of onions on his good feeling ami satisfaction pre­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Given Personal Att ent ion. membership. The resolutions popular here, and npon its arrival farm this season. The ladies ad­ vailed. On motion, meeting ad­ <’ltr. Oregon. Will pracriue in all tiie State Conrta. 1-tf adopted strongly endorsed Cleve­ is eagerly sought'by all who desire mire Mr '’raven's farm very much.' journed, members dispersing all ap­ parently well pleased with the land’s administration, and his anti­ reliable news. ftF" One door North of Drug Store. —Fred Drake has returned from workings and success of the club. G abriel . PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. war-tariff message; denounced the Ashland, when he has been spend-1 Canyon City. Or., Mar. 11, ’88. J. E. M c K innon , See. republican policy of spending the ing the winter with relatives. A. J. BROWN. g«F"Next meeting of the club r.C’t “surplus money of exorbitant tax­ Any «nd all kind« of «urvevlng dune on «hort —Mr. Sylvester Smyth, of Hap­ Saturday, March 17th, ’«8. nuCke. and Mtto»f«rti.m gnurantred. 1-Ú— ly ation” in any and every way sug­ py valley, says he would go to see , CHA8. E. BOSWELL ------- VALE, OREGON. gested, rather than cut down th«* the young ladies, but they talk so — Don’t send the vote of your pre- T iie people of Oregon made no 1. C. PARKER, BURNS, AOENT. needless taxation; urged the re­ much that he gets tired of them. ' cini't to the convention in some mistake when they elected Sylves­ nomination of Cleveland, and closed —Squire Richardson is making a man’s ixs'ket—select for delegates ter Penaoyer governor of the state. with the following: boat, anrse team—quite spring with barb wire. 1-ly dent.” iner. Close connection at VALE with stage for ONTARIO. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. "371'xe Flooring, JVZoTxlclixig;®, ZFLxxsitio, • Machinery •GENERAL MERCHANDISE! ÂÆacliinery, bah THE BEST WINES & LIQUORS. JOB WORK. Occidental ¡Saloon. HOTEL. Tonsorial IParlor. New Hou.se. VALE AND BURNS STAGS LINE.