East Oregon Herald. TELEGRAPHIC. Ai Epitau tf the Priieipd Kventi Nov BURNS, OREGON. Attr*rtiiy Public Interest. OREGON NEWS. COAST CULLINGS. ^•▼uted Principally ta Washington Territory and California. AGRICULTURAL. CONGRESSIONAL. Legillation Pertaining to the Interest of the Pacific Coast LIGHT AND AIRY. A Gweat Problem. There are problems In arithmetie That pale a fellow's gilla. And algebraic corkers And geometric pilJa. But the tougbeet of all problems. That with dread u husband fills. Is to buy the earth “at special aaie*1 For two small i lulls. — Chicago Inter-Ocean, En«lla*e. MENATE. Cattle and sheep have wintered well; At Tulare, Cal., C. W. Nece, a brake- If stockmen and dairymen here are man, was run over and killed. • Dolph presented a petition from cit says a Grant county paper. . A ustralia now furniehee orange« of Washington county, Oregon, There are 377 scholars enrolled in > Washington Territory is larger than to bold their own ag.-.inst Eastern iaens M t . V ernon , III.—The cyclone that packing houies and dairies, they must asking | Maine and Massachusfetts combintd. for an appropriation oi $5,000 the Pendleton public school. tor the English market. visited this city destroyed nearly three keep up with the times iu respect to ‘ to improve the Tualatin river. Change of Base. John H. Lmnon was fatally shot hundred residences and place« of busi­ There are fifteen inmates at the feeding. Ensilage has been subjected Kansas City Reporter—I have an account by an unknown person at San Fran- Stewart and Dolph also presented a P eppermint , from which an oil of ness, and unhoused from 1,200 to 1,500 State School (or the Blind at Salem. to all sorts of doubts and prejudice, of a fellow guilty of all sorts of brutahtieg great commercial value ia manufac­ persons. In the fall of walls many A sheep man near Saddlebutte lost < i»co. and has come to be considered in old petition from citizens of Alaska, ask­ which ought to send him to the penitentiary people were buried under the debris, ing for a territorial form of govern ­ Moreal De Brevans fell off a train at countries not only as a proper method 1 forty Bbeep from eating wild parsnip« for lifa tured, grow» wild »nd luxuriantly iu and thirty-five were killed, while twice Able Editor—Write him up and I’ll de­ Lebanon has a fire department with Oakland, Cal., and was run over and of preserving fodder of all sorts for ment, and also for suitable land laws many place« in thi» country. The as many more were injured, eight or mand of the authorities their reason for not practicable to the condition of that stock, but of being a cheap and econ­ pure oil »ell» at $4 per pound whole ten so soriousiy that their lives are a membership of forty, and which ha. 1 killed. arresting him. Who is he/ i $100 in it« treasury. The placer mines of Boise county, omical method as well. It is not only territory. ‘•Mulligan, the three card m^nte sharp." »ale, in San Francisco, and the demand despaired of. Preceding the destruct­ Mitchell presented a memorial from Company K, O. N. G., held an elec ’ Montana, produced last year about claimed that the product of an acre “Ehi That slugger who licked the three ive wind was a heavy fall of rain for in the United State« is large. can be thua preserved at rea-onable the Legislature of Washington Terri­ editor« across the wayT half an hour, which drove all the in tion at Bandon, and elected Charles $500,000. tory, asking that Congress appropriate “The same.” cost, so as to bear comparison with A man, name unknown, waa run Blumingrother captain. sufficient money to remove obstruc­ “Remember tho golden rule, my boy, A h Esquimau woman, who ha» lived habitants to shelter. This was followed Davisville, Cal., A Portland father punishes his eons over at — — —- — by a freight car well cured hay, but it has the further tions to navigation in the Columbia ‘Deal gently with the erring.’”— Omahf by a slight hailstorm accompanied advantage of adding to the value of in thi» country long enough to learn with lightning, and then the furious by having them locked up in the dark an.” “yea.” “If you had Bland introduced a bill to prohibit been candid you would have said to me: 'Bs sections, thereby causing gome lots from the appropriation, and was under sistance to the needy. The fire com­ At the annual meeting of the G.A R. _ . .. J ob . L. Cappace fell overboard in a by heating. Last year I ensilaged the coinage of $3 gold pieces. so stupid, be such an ignominious ass, such the charge of the Postmaster General, pany, aided by citizens who had in Albany, the repost of the commander fit from the steamer Crescent City and s hopeless idiot, as to lend me 45,' and tome clear rye in June, but it did not organized into squads, began work Oll’/ncu that V11AV the tlie UCUAl lltlCllli of VF» Oregon VtVEUIl I 1 mi 1 1 1 department and for three years was operated by putting out the fire and removing the showed you might have got it”—Texas Siftings, was in a prosperous condition, with | W“B drowiied. I he accident happened give satisfaction as a feed. The cover HOrsE. the Government in connection with unfortunates. The mayor called for forty-two post« and a membership of 1 while the steamer was docking at San was removed and the silo filled up ~ / A Traveled Man. Bill by Thompson—For a public Francisco. with fodder corn in September, and the postal system. assistance from neighboring towns, 1,309. building at Eureka, Cal. Mr. Overtherhine (a Cincinnati drummer) James Brady, machinist, fatally then weighted with Btone to the depth which was promptly given. What was The Oregon Gold Mining Company By Dunham—Appropriating $150,- —Yes, I’ve been an extensive traveler, Miss T ubes are two broiteri named Mer- left of the supreme court building was at Cornucopia have shut down their scalded his aged wife, at San Francisco, of a foot. The corn was put in whole, Waldo. For the past ten years I don't be­ being laid aa much one way as pos­ 000 to build an air ship to convey pas­ lieve by poaring the contents of a kettle of turned into a morgue. mill for the present, owing to the I have spent more than one month out rimon who have judicial positions in The storm does not appear to have trouble of getting tunnel timber for boiling water over her head while in a sible, with occasionally a little across sengers through the air. of the twelve at home. North Carolina, one upon the superior the ends the other way to keep it up done any damage outside of Mount use in the mine while the deep snow drunken rage. By McKenna—From the Committee Miss Waldo (a young lady from Boston)— and the other upon the supreme bench. Vernon. Had the storm occurred an continues. 17 . years old, re- level. It keeps just as well without on Public Lands, reported a bill giv­ Oh, I think traveling is so interesting, and it , Annie Ruprecht, . The latter has recently overruled the hour earlier, the loss of life wouid have A sheepherder (name unknown) and c,ent11y f'om Switzerland, was found cutting as with, and comes out well ing to California 5 per cent, of the net improves one so much, you know. You have visited Paris, Mr. Overtherhine. decision of the former upon an im­ been frightful, as the churches which his horse were drowned in Bridge | dead in her room at San Francisco, by cutting across the silo once in two proceeds of cash sales of public lands Mr. Overtherhine—No, we have another or four feet with a broadaxe and roll­ portant case, and the superior court were destroyed were crowded at that creek, near Jay Bird, in trying to ford i from inhaling gas. She blew out the ing it out. One of the disadvantages in that State. man for Kentucky; my route all lies liortt time. the stream' during the recent high gas on retiring. By Vandever—To establish a harbor of the Ohio river.—New York Sun. brother is “getting even” with the of not cutting is that we cannot put Gov. Oglesby has issued a procla­ water. The man was herding for Joe The mail carrier between Calico, of refuge at San Buenaventura, Cal. other by newspaper criticisms and at­ mation calling for money and supplies Austin. His body has not been found. Cal., and Bismarck is a dog. The mail in quite as much as when cut up, but The Cigarette. By Hudd—A "joint resolution pre the fodder is more expensive. Il costs for the sufferers. tacks, which have caused not a little I am only a small cigarette. A 21,000 edition of a pamphlet of is fastened about his neck. In the less to put fodder into a «ilo than to posing a constitutional amendment But my work I will get In, you bet. last three years he has never missed scandal. For the stern coffin maker cure and house, even if in continuous extending the president’s term to Five men were killed by the fall ef about 110 pages, on the resources of a trip nor lost a letter. eight years. And grim undertaker Oregon, prepared by order of the Stale ; good weather.” R ev . W. 8. P endlovk , a missionary, a bridge over a quarry near Carnarvon, Board of Agriculture by it» Secretary, I — Will declare 1 bring I bill to their net. At Anaconda, Montana, William „ ......... By Voorhies—To increase the pen­ We gave, the other day, tli’e experi­ Wales. —Boston Budget. has reached Winnipeg from north of Hon. J.T. Gregg, is now being printed I Martin, a hotel keeper, killed Patrick Advices from Shanghai stale that a at Salem by Slate Printer F. C. Baker. I Reardon. They were walking along ence of an Oregon fanner who made a sions of those who have lost a limb, or Science Is Everything. the Mackenxie river, where he has two limbs, or both eyes. mere pit in the earth and laid in corn terrific earthquake has occurred in the __ ______ Young Mr. Wabash (of Chicago)—Are you t1”*» ____ ""f ____ ha,d ______ wordg; . Martin Martil-‘ fodder, stalk and all, and after a year been for nine years. His journey down province of Yunnan. Two thousand _ . The brass-mounted howitzer used by 1 Ir ,lhe On motion of Dockery, the Senate interested at all in matte:« of a scientiflo w zizv lr z»z I KourJzin il/.un nritl» knocked Reardon down with the butt fed it to good advantage. But author­ Lieutenant Phil. Sheridan in the cam ­ amendments were concurred iu to the took nearly three months from l’eaco lives are reported to have been lost. nature, Mies Waldo!" paign against the Indians in 1855, of a pistol and theu shot him. ity shows the advantage of mixing House bill providing for the appoint­ Miss Waldo (of Boston)—Oh, very much, river. He heard of cases where In­ The National Democratic Conven­ near The Dalles, has again changed As soon as the road through the different growths, as «orn, rye, oat«, ment of eleven division superintend­ Mr. Wabash!" dians had died of starvation, and had tion will be held at 8t. Louis, June 5. hands, being presented by the ex­ mountains in Siskiyou county is ¡B a clover, peas, etc., then, by cutting ents of the railway mail rervice. Mr. Wabash—You think, then, that every San Francisco came within five votes then been eaten by their comrades. members of City Rifles, Co. E, O.S.M., suitable condition for trains to pass io down, have this well assorted food to should [jossess some knowledge of Millikin introduced a resolution di­ □us of being selected as the place for hold­ to Co. G, of Portland. science I” safety at a high rate of speed, a new give to stock. Deer have been very scarce for tho ing the convention. recting the Secretary of the Treasury Miss Waldo—Yes; I attribute much of our The matter of feeding stock is of Two young men of Canyonville, lightning express will be put on the pas| two years. There is much feeling Tho Treasurer's office at Carthage, California A Oregon. It will carry such prime importance that no excuse to make a thorough investigation of Mr. Sullivan's phonoitienal success to his the BO-called "sugar trusi” in New scientific ability."—The Ejtoch. because the government at Ottawa has Texas, was robbed, and County Treas­ named Parsley and Edward Bealman, mails as well as passengers. need be made for giving silos and en­ York city. got into a quarrel over some trivia) taken no notice of the destitution of urer Hill killed. The crime was not matter, when Bealman drew a large George Nelson was shot and in­ silage prominence. The reader of Goos under Capt. Enrisco the Oysterville paper. Such timber White Lily V bbl had another hot light with rebellious hop raisers are invited. 4 a millions of people left homeless and starving! In California, prune culture is a Country is » stranger in this part of the world, Husband—Yes, in China. have enough, ■» their own undisputed Yaqui Indians, at the village of H ita­ brand. .. s 50 V 3 75 About twenty-live men are now em- . . . a a. * » »1111 and ll»O has UllIKU drifted All all VIIU the way IIVIII from EBJUtll South great success. Each tree bears ibou’ Superfine............. Lady (disappointed)—Oh, in China. Interc­ s ¿0 » X 75 property, to make them the wealthiest chi, in the wilds of tho Bucaled moun­ ployed on the jetty at the mouth o America. It would make quite a val- 100 pounds of prunes, worth about II G rain — epting matters of that kind always happen community in the country. Besides tains. The Indians were well fortified the Columbia, and by the middle of uable 8tick of Uluber (or one to cents per pound. Wheat, Valley.F 100tbs .. 1 1 25 such a provokingly long distance away I— do Walla Walla........... 1 15 » 1 20 New York Sun. the land of the reservation, which be­ in a strong position, where they re­ March it is the intention to have a pick up. When a horre refuse» to drink, and Barley, whole, F ctl............. 1 12$ sisted the attack of the soldiers with larger force at work. Brush mattresses . . . , . a iiv inikt B» vimiriK? The largest Chinese iiiiuiiik mining vaiiip camp coughs after swallowing a little, it in­ longs to them by a title hard to assail, do ground. If ton........ 20 «4 «25 00 commendable bravery. The battle Llv. In the Present. I in Nurthwct i. al W.rren “ ld«bo 47 .» "g ... * ", vu« AYtxrinw«»t in m nitireu. lUMiio. dicates sore throat, or swelling of the Oats, choice milling F bush 50 they have about |7,000,000 bearing 6 lasted from 2 in the afternoon till dark. "Live, live piday!" the sage has said; do feed.good tochoice.old (6 ra ♦7 Thei whole length of p ling prepared | Hundred, of Chinese have been at glands of the neck. The present ’s ours, the future isn't; Rye, If 100 lb«........................ 1 10 ® 1 25 per cent. Interest in the hands of the The next morning the military re­ for the mattresres »nd «tone is »bout j work there for ,ev„H1 yeRr!< Rn<1 el«ean State Convention | chin. with7 from ,000 to $5,000, Shorts. If ton ........................ 18 DO @19 00 — Boston Courier. $250,000 a year in cash. The entire but found that the Indiana had left during the night, carrying off their Miwt Chinese seventh the fertility taken by $100 (lay, r ton, baled................. fais 00 tribe numbers only 1,600, so that they wounded and a dead loader’s body. will be held in Portland, April 4. The , f()rtune for thenl A Mlsnndervsnndlng. worth of graiu, while $100 worth of Chop, f ton........................... 23 00 ®25 UO hui, of »mmrtionment «greed upon | nlincn) W1)rk ow oId mi .nd cake meal f ton............. 3Z 00 «33 Ot Father (who has given his consent)—I are actually the richest body of people Ten dead Indians were found in the wa. one delegate for every 150 vote« e rl „ cle.nillg up every Jmrticle ,,f butter—if the skim milk be fed on the Oil F resh F ruit « — hope, young man, that yen know the value in the country. pita. The military force« lost two iXe ,or,.0tfn«r7“n‘n Hermann in ld blU Warn.n U1 o„ new farm—takes nothing from the soil. Apple«, Oregon, f box....... i r> « i co of the prise you will get In my daughter I killed and a large number wounded. Cnerrie«, Oregon, (f drm... 188(.. with one for a fract.on over ha t ,, and their clW)ful Young Miui- Well—er—no, sir; I don't California, f bx.. 4 00 0 4 50 know the ezai-t value, but as near as 1 can thereiif, and one at large for each »uR« in large yield» —11 a nihit couifl only utilize the Lemons, A most important experiment has Lime«, if 100.......................... Dentist, facetiously to young man county. There having been 25,90b 1 25 B N £ julian ranchor( had find out it's in the neighborhood of $50,000.— di flu soil radiance he witnesses niter Riverside orange«, f box... been made looking to the acclimatis­ who has come to him to bo treated in New York Sun. _________ votes cast for Hermann, the convention hu arm b,tween the jaw, of a stepping on the electric side of a ba* Lo« Angeles, do do ... ation of the shad in the rivers which the usual way for toothache—"A good will eompnre 209 del-gate«. - cow, at Dayton. Nevada. He observed nana |>eel. Edison would have to «how Peaches, f box.................... « ins roarer reople ot London. H id »— are in connection with the hydro­ many years ago, young man. the only Steamboat Inspector. McDermott, |hat lhe waa ch(,ki from „ his bunting at half-mast.— American Tlie remarkable well being of childrev Dry, over 18 tbs. If lb........... lit Ferguson »i.rirllm.n have h^v.i rendered ,l».r... I tl.a.r , . ... , , 11 0 12 in neighlxiring slums and gutters would their Jn- de­ potato stuck Ar? wan. graphic basin of the Great Salt Lake. sovereign cure for toothache was to and in its throat, and thrust Wet salted, over 55 the........ (W 5 — ••There.” na:d Mr. Noseup» turning Murrain hid««...................... It is Iwlieved by Colonel .McDonald kiss a pretty girl live times Hilt you cision in the case of the Gleaner, which his arm into lhe cow’s mouth and 7 0 0 lead one to suppose that dirt is healthy, couldn't do that now, you know." was upset owing to the shifting oi her pushed the potato down. When he fmm his scieutrfic journal, “it is sai I Pelts ......... ;........................... 10 ® 1 25 though of course there are many who do and the Fish Commission that all the Young man sadly—"No; there aren't cargo, near Tongue point on the lower V cuitabi .» - not exhibit such evidence of robustness. conditiona for the reproduction of any pretty girls in town."— Petroil Columbia, January 28th. They hold attempted to withdraw his arm the there are no microbes to be found in Cabbage. F tb........................ « But it is certain that the pampered infant, beast closed its jaws and held Napoli’s tobacco.” ‘•That's where the microbe Carrot«. F sack.................... carefully wrapped in flannel from Its birth, « 1 co and doctored shall are here naturally found. Tlie Free I'reta. He should come to Boston. that the Captain, Peter Jordan, should arm with such a grip that ouly by •hows his p od sense, Mr. Noseup.”— Cauliflower, « do«............... upon every possible occasion, Onions ................................... late Commissioner, Professor Baird, — Ho.ton Glebe. There wouldn't Im not have started on a trip during such prying the cow’« jaw, open with an Chicago New». ® 1 50 is not, in the long rnn. of the same endur­ Potatoes, new, B ICO lbs .. perilous weather. Captain Jordan's enough of him to go around If he did «a ing constitution generally to tie met with iron bar could it be extricated. Am­ had determined to teat by exhaustive — Ruskin says, “Man should resem­ W ool — license lias been suspended for six putation was necessary. so. —CAinigo Journal. tn the lower classes, though the grumbl« ble a river.*' We do not know what he East Oregon. Spring clip . experiment the capabilities of these it «a 16 ot there eoncemlng their richer brethren months. Valiev Oregon. «tn 18 ® 20 is incessant. means, but suppose the reason is that waters. Accordingly 1.000,000 sha«i The wheat crop of the world for 1886 —Teacher—"Who Is the laxiest boy —“Tour husband is something of an Look, however, nt these specimen« of At Dahoma. Mis«., the 14 year-old ia estimated at over 2,000,000,000 in order to amount to much in society fry were sent to Utah and the young in your c I sm , Johnny F’ Johnny—“I son of Jake Fulton interfered with hie bushels. Of thia enormous yield the he should own a couple of banks.— antiquary, isn't he?" asked a caller of humanity when they reach a matnrer age, fish deposited in the Jordan river. don’t know, ma'am." “I should think Lowell Citizen. their coarse Ideas and ways, which are Mrs. Snagga “No, I don’t think he I father to prevent him from whipping _____ _ , produced ----------- -------- -— one , nearly This first attempt will he followed in you would know When all the others his mother. Thi« »o infuriated Fulton United Ntatea —“I shouldn't care to marry a wo­ ia»" was the reply. "I don’t think he followed by many others who have not The not distant -------------- ----- --------- --------- fourth. time is far distant, 1888 and 188®. Tlie value of these are Industriously writing or studying that he seized a musket and shot the when thia country will produce more man who knows more than 1 do,” he can tell one kind of an ant from an­ their excuse- The very way in which the jhrir lessons, who Is he that aits idly coeter and his like make love partake« of remarked. ••Oh. Mr. DeSappy,” she other." — Chronicle • Tele­ th« brute. He is unendowed with the fish in Utah Territory can hardly be in his'seal and watches the rest. In­ boy deed------------- ~--------------------------- than half the wheal of the world. graph. replied with a coquettish shake of her power nf forming his feeling into delicate «wtimated stead of working himselff’ “Th« A Bastrop, La., special say. The W *l'’P »» fan. “I am afraid you are a confirmed or even acceptable speech, so be taken to teacher.”— Golden Daye expliwum ¿f a boil« on Mre. G. N « cattle or hop«. The bachelor.”— —A solution of bromine bas proved banging or pinching, and one may see the —Little Darling—"What a pleasant Harp’s plantation killed two whit. water not only stimutale. and —Some one advised President Harri­ unexpectedly vscfnl ns a deodorising well known type of “ Arry and hin gal" gentleman Mr. D'Esprit, th« para­ — at ran ups. inquires jonnny Bliss, men named Reem. and Johnson, and ’ pr"VK. ’"‘""s”? / son to get a dog to watch his premises agent in street excavations, from which ot fine feathers, oiled hair and high heel» graphs«, In—always so good-natured.*' "must every body dief" “Yea. my child; noxious smell emanates. Whether it cuffing each other to denote their affection, two colored men whore name, are not Rival Joumahnt (orosaly)—"Wsll, if •verv one in this world must die when I on very cold day» will »ave more feed and take care of the fruit trees. "Bet­ is a true disinfectant, or merely a or coarsely assaulting their favorite« to given. Four other men were so badly ter get a Suneiay-school teacher to take a»V their displeasure, and perhaps you eonld see him grinding out hie his time cornea" “Well"—long pause— of the children.” means of suppressing unpleasant odora, joke« M I du, you'd say he was g»M«< ■•what TH like to know ia who’ll bury scalded that they are not expected to than will pay for tb« labor ly walking apart when annoyed, but while the health of the «tock will be. pjT njdier. was the wise re­ is a question as to which sanitary not sufficiently recover. irritable for any more ag­ el v of the old »vhlier. ally out of humor. Tid-BiU. the last manf" t prvmuM. authorities diflse gressive form ot venting their *—‘(nT - Town Wrecked by a Cyclone.