E ast BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1888. Vol. 1—No. 14.' R THE HERALD. BURNS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY and w.’. A. Wll.SHIBK, Lakeview. Or. Grant County, Oregon. «URSC-RIFflON TERMS: One Year Six Month» Three vonths One tear (in advance) BUBINE88 MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL SEE THAT Burns contains 1 newspaper; 2 hotels: 4 saloons: 1 undertaker; 1 ineat market; 2 lawyers; 3 physicians: 1 surveyor; 1 land agent; 1 drugstore; 1 jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 2 livery stables: 2 general mer­ chandise stores; 1 bath house; 1 hardware store; 1 barber shop; 1 saw-mill; 2 carpenters; 1 reading room. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 school; 1 church organization. Mail a copy of T he II ebald to friends in the East. Advertise yotr town. — HERALD CLUB LIST: K».75 Herald and The Ceutury, owe year 4.75 Herald and St. Nleholll», “ lterulil and iii nioreat Maoailne, one year ».7& Herald and Peler*>u Magazine " ■ ■ J-'J -- .. and Godey’s a Lady _ J_._ -- 1]. tt ..3./Ö Herald ’s » Book ADVERTISING RATES: 8PACE 2 “ 4 “ t; •• p •• 1 wk 2 wk 1 mo 3 ino 6 mo 1 yr. >1.50 L’ .501 |5 00 f x 00 111.00 |L5 00 3.0U 4.00 6.50 12 00 IX 00 28 < A) 3.30 5.00 8 00 15 00 24 (X) 40.00 4.50 6 00 10 00 _0 50 »2.00 50 00 6.00 9.00 15 00 28.00 48.60 54 00 1’2 00 16 00 28 «K» 48 0-' HO 00 120 IX) 20. OU 30.00 40.00 O0.0Û iiO.OO 140.00 Agent for Stuver & Walker, Wholesale Dealers in WAGONS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES. g ent for 1-1.V F ireman ’ s F und I nsurance C ompany . BROWN, N. ............N. R. M axey ............... J. T. M a el ........ ............ E. H all ? T. A. M c K innon , $ T. II. M eador DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Stock Inspector .................. District Judge .................... District Attorney.................. Itcniocrntx Everywhere Preparing for ing published ill the EAST OREGON the Political Contest of 1SSH. HERALD. DKMOCRAT1C 8TATB CONVENTION. There being no further business WILSHIRE & HUDSON. A democratic state convention for the stale of ’ Oregon is hereby called to meet nt Pendleton, Ea.t Oregon Among the rir.t to r»n before the house, the meeting was Umatilla county, on Tuesday, April 3, 1888, for j adjourned. J. E. KcKlNNOM, the purpose of nominating n cuimidale for mem­ ber of congress, u candidate for judge of the su-1 | Burns, Feb. 25, ’88. Secretary. preme court, six (le’egates to the national dem I Where Burns Democrats can be Found LAKEVIEW AND Bl'KNS. OIL •>( rutlr convention, and six alternates; to ratify in the County, State, and National S ome weeks ago a call was made the varlouc district nominations, aud sucH oth­ Elections of 1888. er businets as mav properly come before the for a meeting of business men in _______ This firm prat '.iee» in tl>»Courts o! the .... convention. Said convention will be composed of 155 dele­ Philadelphia, to consider the ques- State, nn.I before the I . b. Land Ortuf. Anv bu.-im-ss in the Lund Offloe entrusted gatus. apportioned to the various counties on The boast l>y republican papers | tion of tariff reduction. The meet­ the vote cast for candidate to cougress at the to them will obtain prompt attention. election of 1886, being one delegate for each’ throughout the Union during the ing was held Jan. 27th, in the -and Cases Solicited. l-ly county and one for every 200 and fraction over . 100 votes so cast. four years, that the year 1888 J , Academy of Music, and was attend- In accordance with said apportionment, the i respective counties will be entitled to the fol­ ire to restore the administra­ i cd by 3000 men of every shade of lowing representation: I political belief. It was presided . 5 Linn ............. ■ • 9 tion of governmental affairs to over by Henry Welsh, a great flor­ GEO. 8. SIZEMORE - - B crss .O r . Baker Benton .......... .6 Malheur.......... ........ 2 ... 9 their party, on the ground that dis­ dealer, whoso speech on the occa- ClaekemnB .......... .7 Marion Criminal law a specialty. Clatsop . .5 Morrow. 4 3 Colunibia 17 organization of the democracy is , sion makes interesting reading as ......... 5 C(KB ...................... ....4 Polk ■udily effected or tariff, ami civil coming from a republican in the Crook ...4 Tillamook . . . .8 ro( ...2 Umatilla. ’ OOkio ul hi-« resukm e . n.;’ ’ xida ot Curry oh 'Hass............f .......... 8 .■Mrvice refonns, seems, Io haye fal­ great "protection state of Pennsyl- .. .6 ten yulieb D'viw «Ss/lx. *• 1-lj B animm ... .6 .« W nwr* , vania. Cleveland’s ’message was' .5 len short of its intended object. Grant .5 Washington 1 fully endorsed, and the following 2 Jackson .................. 7 Wallowa 1 . 3 Yamhill........ Josephine In Oregon, where the evil effects ! 1 preamble and resolutions were — Klamath 3 •> 155 of republican policy, and compara­ ' adopted: Offers his professional services to the cit­ Total .... 7 izens of Burns and vicinity. Office at resi­ Lane ....................... tively disorganized democratic ef- i “The reduction is a necessity. There can be dence south of Herald building. l-ly | The committee respectfully recommends that no successful defer.se of a4 fiscal polloy which the county conventions for the election of dele­ fort has been most severely felt,1 takes more money out of the pockets of tax­ gate s lo the state con vention, unless otherwise than is necessary for economical ad­ ! ordered by the local county committee, be held the preparations for the coming. payers ministration of the government. The remedy kon Saturday, March 24, 18X8. B. G oldsmith , for excessive revenue is revised taxation. Pres­ I Chairman Democratic State Central Committee. June elections by both parties are' ident Arthur recommended to this end the abol­ early and show a determination in ition of the tobacco tax, nn enlargement of the free list and a simplification and reduction of Æ3P“ T he H erald is Dot owne 1 nor con­ keeping with the importance of the duties on cotton, iron, steel, sugar, wool and Graduate of Iowa State University, respect- trolled by any stockman, settler, politic ian, or i woolei b . President (.'leveland recommends occasion, for Oregon will send in itilly offers his professional services to the any other man, except the one whose name an- j free raw materials of manufacture aud such citizens of Burns and surrounding country, pears at the head of the paper as ils editor, pub- . the first election news for 1888, and, other tariff reduction on the necessaries of liv­ lisher, and proprietor. ('alls answered at all hours. ing as shall afford the greatest possible relief of T he H erald belongs to no men, nor set of as it is ranked as a doubtful state, the Office nt W. E. Grace’s Drugstore, l-ly men, public burden. Believing tnat a substantial therefore, works for no monopoly, corpor- j politically, there is a chance of it reduction of tnriff duties is demanded, not by n ation, clique, or ring. indiscriminate popular clamor, but by tho T he H erald is neutral in nothing—indepen- i giving its support to the democracy, mere best conservative opinion of the country, in­ dent in all things, and straight-out demo< ratio that which lias in former times been when party lines are drawn. And on all the straight through, not only a chance,. cluding nn st strenuous for the preservation of our na­ auestions of the day will be found advocating : but, by means of an early and thor­ tional industrial defvi ses, and that such reduc­ tne right side as i.s editor is able to view it. A. L. CONNOR should he not only a (hie recognition of T he H erald is an advocate of law and order; ough organization of democrats in tion public sentiment and a measure of justice to Burns, Oregon. of “the greatest good to the greatest number;” i eoi'suniers, but one conducive to the general in is anti-sectional in matters pertaining to East every precinct, a certainty. di s: rial prosperity and beneficial to the special Any and all kinds of surveying done on short Oregon, Grant county, Harney Valley, Burns, j East Oregon democrats are up to interests affected, it is therefore resolved: noth e and reasonable terms. Settlers . It publishes the latest news for Us readers as 1. Tlmt the existing duties upon raw materials wishing to be located, can have plats furnished soon as obtained; offeis i's columns to tlie op- I date in advance of the western por­ which are to be used in manufactures sliuuld free cf charge. l-ly prersed, the prosperous, t nd every other citizen | within its territory, willing to take the respon­ tion of the state in its work of be 2. removed. That the duties upon tho articles used or sibility of his utterances. local organization. consumed by those who are least able to bear Democrats in the towns of Baker, the burden of taxation should bo reduced.’* ATTORNEY. D. Dr. S. B. McPheeters Carpenter and Plumber, W. A. RODIFER. Meeting; of the Democrat:<• Central Committee of Grant County. Union, La Grande, and The Dalles, From the General Land Office. I’v rsuant to a call by its ( hairman, dated Feb. have completed their organizations The Lakeview Examiner of Feb. •1th, 18X8, Hie Democratic Central < o.nmittee for in strong, round numbers, and others BURNS, GRANT CO., OREGON, 1(1, 1888, contains two letters of gen­ Orders for Painting, also, will be skill­ Grant county met in the office of Wm. Mllller, in the Court House at Canyon City, on Feb. 25th, are under way, among which Burns eral interest, addressed to the regis­ fully and promptly tilled. 1888, at 2 o’clock p in. The meeting was calle 1 g&~For Fine Quality and Low Prices, Give us a call. to order by the chairman. Root. Lot kwood. Up­ is now reckoned, as may be seen by ter and receiver of the Lakeview on calling the roll, the followingI’reclncts we.c the article following. land office from the interior depart­ found to be reprt seated: Canyon city Fred net—Robert Lockwood. ■vrz: ment, Washington. The first, dated Burns Democratic Club. Day—G. I. Hnzeltine. W. C. BYllD - - - - Proprietor. John Union—L. M. Barnett, per M. D. Clifford prox. Jan. 30, 1888, is concerning road Burns, Oregon. of; Pursuant to call, democrats Marysville—R. D. Johnson. South Fork—Alex. Murray,’per T. Williams. the precinct of Burns, convened at lands, and is as follows: Middle—J< s. B. Edington. liKNTl.KMEN: I Ain in receipt of a letter from Long Creek—C. W. Conger, per C. S. Dustin. 2 o’clock, p in, Saturday, Feb. 25th, , Messrs. Britton und Gray of this city, enclosing Burns - 1’. F. Stenger, per Wm. Miller. in communication from L. G. IUss, Esq., of AT BED-ROCK PRICES. _ , iui me pur~ i ' at Odd Fellows ’ hall, for the - Rose Bud — John Hyde, per M. S. Hellman. I Lakeview, wherein it is stated that large num­ PROPRIETOR. c. M. CALDWELL, Silvks Valley—Jolui A. ( aineroii. pose of organizing a democratic i bers of applications to xmter lands which have Is our motto. Bear Valley—W. S. Southawth. certified to the Oregon (’entrai Wagon I club. The assembl ly was called to I ( 1 been Olive—W. B. Carpenter, per John D. Daley. Gobd Buggy Tennis, Burns, Oregon. Bond company are being presented at your of- Hamilton—Geo. Baker, per T. J. South. ___ the upplicatim.s tite, applications being made under the And Nice Saddle Horses Fur­ On motion, it was resolved that one third of ... order by D. L. Grace, of T he H er ­ suppi sitlon tliat such lands w ere n stored to en­ aggregate number of votes ( as* in Grant for ald , chairman pro. tern., who with try by instruction of August 30, 1887. As certi­ nished at Reasonable Charges and the Congressman, Governor and Secretary of State fied lands were not restored, and aro p tn. Leaves Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 a m. BURNS—( ANYON CITY: Arrives Tuesday s and Fridays at 4 pm. Leaves Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4 a m. BURNS—PRINEVILLE: Arrives Thursdays a: 6 a m. Leaves Thursdays at C a in. B U R NS—LA K E VIEW: Arrives Wed: esda? s at !tpm. Leaves Thursdays nt 6 a in. J. (’. PARKER, Postmaster. SOCIETIES. HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. 0. 0. F. Meets at Odd Fellows Hull, every Saturday at 7:t0p in, M. L. FENWICK, N. G. C has . G unther , Sect’y. EDUCATIONAL. A METHODIST CHURCH Organization exists in Burns, and a com­ modious house is in course of erection. The building committee: Messrs. McGowan, Byrd and Prait. THE BURNS SCHOOL Is a neat and large, white building, .conve­ niently arranged for accbmmouulioii of both -exes. Messrs. Harris, Savage & Skin­ ner, Directors. A NEWSPAPER Carefully edited and conducted in Hie interest of all is established in Burns, and circulates in every part of Harney Valley—T he E ast O re ­ gon ’H erald .,. ! SAJLOOKT F. A. COGSWELL. Linkville. CHAS. A. COGSWELL, Lakeview. WAGON’WORK BLACKSMITH. Occidental Saloon JOB WORK. LAKEVIEW AND LINKVILLE, Or. i-iy ______________ Attorney, Notary Public & Collector. A New Stock of Eine Goods. Patrons may rest assured that an orderly, well-kept house will be maintained, and no wrong-doing tolerated; and the quality of the goods unsurpassed by any other respectable business in our line, l-ly IParlor Tonsoriul P roprietor . A. C. RRODKRSEN,... Lakeview. LEE CALDWELL Any buriner entrusted to me will receive most caretul and prompt attention. Land matters and Qpllection a•'Specialty. Corres­ pondency aolndted in Engli>h and German. Burns, Oregon. HAIR-CUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING, Attorney-at-law Given Personal Attention. M. A. KELTON. Lakeview, Or. Practices in the courts of the state, and before the U. 8. Land Oitve. l-ly Watches. Cftocks ' Mew House One door North of Drug Store. The Qcf’W’-TkZCill JEWELRY. NEAR BERKS. OREGON. - L akeview . SAYER & DORE - - -- -- -- - P roprietors . Keeps Constantly on Hand a Large Stock of Has the largest lot of goods in this line ever brought to thix section of country and aol»l at I jowfr P rice »» than offered here. ” hen in Lakeview call and see. 1-lv Livery 1 Feed Stable P. If. MURPHY. LAKEVIEW OREGON. Flooring, JXZEoxxldiixgrs, I^TXiStiO, Shingles, And all kinds of Surface Lumber thoroughly rta-oneil for building purport« and at REDUCED PRICES. -O- HAY eit, therefore, —Since January 20 the weather -AND- Resolved, 1st, That for the tear 1888, a T he postofbee department is pre­ political club be formed in Burns to be has been perfection. Jeweler. —Grass is coming in rapidly. paring to establish two ixistofhces known uh the ‘‘Burns Democratic Club,” —Stock of all kinds is doing well. CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , On. on a new mail service between with stated times for meeting. 2d, That the members of said club shall defeat every ef­ I think there has not been a loss to Lakeview and llurns, one nt War­ fort at disorganization by upporting the nominees of County. Mate, and exceed 3 [ mt cent in sheep, and lit­ ner valley with 1). E. Jones ns post­ , regTilar CITY HOTEL. National Democratic Conventions, und be tle or none in horses and cattle. master, and one at Rockford. < ¡rant it further, B. F. LLOYD--------P roprietor . county, with J. R. Howe ns ¡«ost- —Plows are running quite gener­ Resolved, That the special sentimenti of This Hotel latc’v refurnished offers spe­ aid club be cxprw»«ec it, further sheriff—go away from hoimf to hear FRENCH news! ciples upon which a free govern­ more, K« solved. That we endorse the E ast O regon —Politics seem to move slowly ment should be administered, and H erald ns an able Exiwment of Denioeratir Do» trine, and re»ofnmend it to the perusal and and I presume will stand closely to which to them promises the high­ suppOTt of every Democrat deal ring fill suproM Mak L. RACINE - P ropkietrisb . est good to themselves and their a< y of the party. And, be ft, furthermore, party lines. Resolved. That we cordially invite all (H’nions 1 ------ Main st., Burns, Or.------ —There will lie no fight made fellow-men; this impels them to as­ who endorse the National and Btate Adinlnls- A Limited Ntir.d»rrof Gnesta rauseetire the sociate together, and to exercise tratlona to unite and co-operate with us. against n division if a fair and equi­ most (’omfortjiblc Lodging Booma in the W. ( . B ykd , ) table bill is intrisluced, which I that “eternai vigilance” over party J < W ool «», I »"’m1"*0 Town, at tbi-« House. The Tables »Ira« a supplied with all the Eat interests that will defeat every ruse T. V B K mzkzx . f hope will be done. ablet the maiket affords. l-ly —A good many improvements in of its opponents, ami win the pro­ On motion of J. Nat. Hudson the John Day and in the country near —Surveyor A. J. Brown, of Har­ motion of their desires. resolutions were then read and by, gives this section a live and ney, was in (own Tuesday, and The National Democratic Com­ adopted by sections, and th<- follow­ brought T he H erald a lot of fine mittee appointed Tuesday, June 5, ing signatures attached: [Here is prosperous appearance, anil shows that our population have faith in parsnips front his garden, four miles IbKM, noon, anti St. St. Louis, as given the list of 50 citizens.) the permanent prosperity of this north of Harney. Mr. Brown’s ac­ time and place for holding the Na­ A motion was nexv made and county. Uo.vTBiBfTo«. quaintance with the soil and cli­ tional Democratic Convention. corrieii that an executive committee John Day, 2-23-88. mate of East Oregon is extensive Each state is entitled to repre­ be appointcii to confer with the and favorable to agriculture. Or­ —(’nil at the office of V. J. Miller, sentation therein equal to double county central committee, with the ders sent him for vegetable« in suf­ the nuinlicr of its senators and repre following result: Dr. .McPheeters, Attorney-at-law, at Harney City, ficient quantities to justify the time sentatirea in congress of the U. S., (chairman), P. F. Stenger, P. 8. Oregon, and secure you a piece of and trouble of hauling will be and each territory and the District Early. J. C. W’ooley, and H Dixon. schixil land. He has’plats of all the promptly filled and at reasonable of Columbia two delegates. A motion was made and carried vacant school lands in the valley. rates. to meet at th<‘ call of the president Plats corrected every week from Salem, Oregon. 7* at any specified time. —This paper till June 2(1. ’KMI II kba i d till June 26, *1. x Li very & Feed Stable Attorneys-at-Law. COGSWELL & COGSWELL. A CASH BUSINESS "Builder and Contractor. ADVERTISEMENTS. W. II. STARK, The secretary was then ordered to haye the proceedings of the meet- Practical Surveyor Surveyor .............................. ............. J. H. N eal Sheriff.................................... ............. A. C. D ore .......M. D. C ameron Assessor ........ H. F. D odson School Superintendent LAKEVIEW 1>. L. GUACE "OllU.DilZATIoS is HiWEll" —--------- Physician SL Surgeon. JMacïiinery, Farm OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Commissioners. HERALD J. G. Welsh, M.D GEO. McGOWAN T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re­ ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad­ vertising Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New lork. County Judge........ Clerk Treasurer................. J. KAT HUINIOK, Burns, Or. T. V. B. EMBRSE. — a ND ftp-A liberal reduction to all yearly ad­ vertisers. Call at office, or write Publisher. Cuts charged extra, according to space, and none but metal base admitted. Additional charge of $2 per insertion to secure choice positions in the paper. As we stereotype our advertisements all changes after first four publications, $1. Advertising in Local Columns Ten cents a line. Marriage, birth, and death notices tree. Most liberal terms to religious und social and educational bodies. Job Work done neatly and promptly, at reasonable prices, by an experienced Job Printer. The Patronage of the Public respectfully solicited. THE Attorneys-at-Law AS IT IS VOICED BY THE HEHALD. P roprietor . $2.30 a Year. T i BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. THE TOWN OF BURNS D. L. GRACE, E ditor H erald O regon 1 LARNE Y CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. V. J. MB.I.EH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Harney City. Oregon. Will practice in ail the State Courte. l-ly PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. A. J. BROWN. inv and ail binda of au reeving dors nn abort l-tf ■«tirr. and rati*fa»dot rutftn'tnl 1-5-1) Meat Market.