East Oregon Herald. COLORED PHILOSOPHY. You may notch it on de palln’a, You may mark it oa de wall. Dat the higher up a toad frog jumps, De harder win he fall. ON A DAKOTA TRAIN. RATHER EXPENSIVE. . Fvlr Teana ifocnrn.or*» Hu»e«od DnalS How * Hl< Maa Saeurad a Comfortabl. aaal ia a Lrwwdad Car. la Van»* «oa ricurre. QUEERNESS OF THINGS, a r.w r«uw. whis-it No school or rail- osophy Can Sole.. ~~ LINCOLN’S SECRETARY, A that With C'.loo.l Nleolay About iTe.lil.n.'« C'haraetarlatlca. GAMES OF ANIMALS. th. “°W .h. Low., <>r-.r. Their I.ore «r Sport. D| p "How did Mr. Lincoln bear himself This is a sort of topsy-turvy world. That Insect, have their game, . ••What do you think of it?” A big railroad grader who loomed up No one seems to be satisfied. One mail during , the cauip.ugu?” .port. I am mnvinewL Thia fir»l. 110- A young housekeeper was exhibiting like the late Goliath came in and sat “He was aiway; a self-poised man, ( curred to me while iu the Adiroundta is struggling to get justice and another BURNÖ,OREGON. And de crow dat fly de swiftes* down in a “turned seat” opposite n o an investigator a handsomely deco­ is flying from it * , quiet and equable in temper, seldom «»meyeaiw ago. I w«a some ated plate which leaned against a neat Am ue aoonea m de corn. very little man. The large gentleman One man is saving up to buy a house, greatly elated or much depressed. He j iu the wilderness, and having f„utl,| And de fly dat am de meanest* easel on the mantel of her pretty draw ­ was comfortably drunk—the little man UiU up earliest in do mprn. and another is trying to sell bis dwell­ was not worried aliout the campaign, , .mall clearing, was resting from niv rather looked as if be might be a prohi­ ing-room. when suddenly the sun, that 1,3 ( GENUINE HEROISM ing, for less than it cost to get rid of aud had himself thoroughly in hand. cliiub, Do brook dat am do sballo'es* "Beautiful." bitionist. The big man snorted a few Chatter« most upon de way, People sent him many curious symbol» | been obscured, sent a band of li„k. it As Aaeedoi. Which Cool.ln. ■ Moral for "Guess where it came from? ” And de folk« dat am de «lilies* times, wiped bis feet on the small man’s th. You., and th. Old. One man is spendiug all the money of frontier life—axes, mauls, wedges, through . an opening in the trees »n,i\. Are de ones hab moo* ter say. "France, perhaps.” cushion, and then remarked: 1 shall never forget a lesson I re­ “No. I bought the plate down town he can earn in taking a girl to the rails—and all sorts of people on all | once transformed the spot into a verita. And de rooster dat am younges* “ Say! 1 jes' despise a little, dried- ceived when at school at A. We saw a theater and sending her flowers, iu the sorts of errands called on him in the ble fairyland. From all about innum. Am de one dot crow de mo»', and decorated it myself.” up. iusignifercant man!” boy muiied Watson driving a cow to And de man who am de coward "An excellent idea! You can now hope that he will eventually make her Governor's room in the Stale House, erable forms of insect life seen ed to Always make de bigges' boas*. “Er—ah—is that so?" said the little have as handsome a dinner set as there his wife, and his neighbor is spending which was assigued to him. Many spring into the gladsome light, and pasture. In the evening he drove her man. with a weak, nerveless smile. back again, we did not know where, And he am not de greates' man is in New York at a mere trifling cost.’ all the gold he has saved to get a di­ came from mere curiosity, and they soon the groat sunbeam was the ,C(.n, “Commonly I eat ’em!" continued Who totes de bigges* muscle; and this was continued several weeks would sit awkwardly around looking 1 of such revelry as is only imagined br “That show.« what you know about vorce. Nor am she de fines' gal the large party in a loud voice. Thf it,” interposed the husband of the fair Smith is drinking imported ale to at him. He could not talk politics tollers of fairy stories. A baud of The boys attending school were nearly Who wars de bigges* bustle. little man’s smile grew more feeble and artist, with just a trace of sadness in put flesh on. while Johnson is living ou much at such a time, and the bulk ot all sons of wealthy parents and some gnats, or insects resembling them You kin not jedge de kin* oh man ghastly. of them were dunces enough to look I crackers and walking ten miles a day his visitors were shy of speech. They seemed to bo performing some mys io By the manner ob his walkin’. his tones. “ I chaw ’ em up and leave ’ ent!" con ­ with dis.lain on a scholar who had to ! An dey ar not de smartes' folks, “I don’t see why you say so, John,” to reduce his avoirdupois. handled the symbols that had been dance. They floated on the beams of Who do de louden' talkin'. tinued the grader fiercely, as he glared retorted the latter. The laborer with ton children keep, sent in, and spoke to him of their use, light; rising and falling ¡Q undulatiag drive a cow. — Yanke« BlaJa. around without appearing to notice the With admirable good nature Watson I “Let’s figure tho cost I probably out of debt on ten dollars a week, and he would sjmetimes take tho end small man with the dying smile. “1 have kept a closer watch upoR that de­ while many an unmarried bank official of an axe helve between his lingers and lines, forming and reforming, bore all their attempts to annoy him. BUFFALO AND BULL-DOG. disappearing, as if at some prucoin-,., te»jfessionid base-ball pitcher. Tho man who can make twenty thou­ from bores. I never saw him angry up the games, and the players flew went to make inquiries, but stayed to him to hold on. Had he let go for a at tho arm of the seat when the con­ |3; gold (barring accidents) say $1. moment the crazed Ixill would have ductor came along and demanded a lessons $2. paint, say $1, and firing $1. sand dollars a year, as a general thing ’ but twice, and then only momentarily. away, seemingly uttering vigorous pro­ render service. r gored him to dentil before he could ticket.— F. 11. Carruth, in Chicago Trib­ That makes |S. Pretty high price to can’t save a cent while the man who is I He turned one man out of the room tests. "The laiy, soon learned that the I and laid his hand on his shoulder to have retreated. The bull grew per ­ thrifty and wise is seldom so gifted The love of sport is not confined to une. woun.lml boy was the grandson of a pay for a i.5 plate, ehF This doesn't hasten his departure if necessary.” that he can earn any thing at all. these lowly crimturos. I doubt that an poor widow, whose sole support con­ ceptibly weaker; ho rose to his feet include the expense of a headache, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS. I asked if Mr. Lincoln comprehended animal can be found which does not in often. He could no longer throw We know a wealthy merchant who sisted in selling the milk of a cow, of lees backache and loss of temper which a keeps half a dozen horses,who recently that he was in constant danger of his some way or at soqne time show a desire Most Commonly Connected which shu was the owner. She was old the dog in circles above his head. The An Affliction painting always produces in you. life. With the Middle Ear. blood stained King to a more vivid red, for what we term “amusement.” Amon's Neither does it take in the unount of stated that his store was closed on ac­ and lame, and her grandson, on whom and, begrimed with dirt, he had lost Catarrh is an increased secretion of vexation your illness always causes me. count of a “holliday;” and we also “Of course,” said Colonel Nicolay. the land animals, or rather the land and she depended to drive her cow to the all semblance to his former self. All mucus from the mucous membrane, due No, my friend,” added the husband, in know a proof-reader who can spell “It was often discussed between his water animals, tho otters are especially pasture, was now helpless with his were anxiously looking for the struggle ■very word in the English language bruises. •Never mind, good woman,' to end. Impatience was already dis­ to its inflammation. This membrane conclusion, as he turned to the investi­ correctly, and the only time he experi­ friends and himself. They would sav: noticeable from the fact that some of lines the cavities of the eyes, ears, nose, gator, “I find it cheaper to buy my ‘Now, Lincoln, you must look out aiid their games are exactly like those of said the boy; •! will drive the cow.’ played upon the men’s faces, when sud­ mouth; indeed, every cavity which china. I am afraid a whois dinner set ences any horse is when he eats horse­ bo constantly on your guard. Some human device. It was Audubon who "But his kindness did not stop there. denly General Mackenzie shouted: ••Kill opens directly or indirectly to the air. radish. crank is liable to come along and kill first chronicled their actions, he having Money was wanted to get articles from the animal and put him out of his mis­ The mucous membrane of each of thesi would leave me nothing to buy food to Good people die and bad people live. you.’ His answer always was, ‘I will watched them from a secluded spot, the apothecary. *1 have money that ery.” It w as a merciful command. Two organs is liable to inflammation am1 dine on.”— N. Y. Mail anti Expresi. Hie man who is fat with health can't be careful. But I can not discharge and since then their games have been my mother sent me to buy a pair of men stepped forward to the enormous consequent morbid increase of mucus, ret employment, and the man who is my duties and withdraw myself en­ enjoyed by many observers. The otters CLIMBING A MOUNTAIN. boots with,’ said h.y •but I can do with­ beast, now oil his knees rocking to and and hence we may speak of catarrh o! making money hand-over-list lias to tirely from danger of an assault I see (Intra canadensis) are perhaps the orig-. out them for nwliile.’ O, no,’ said the fro, the dog still holding on, and the stomach, bowels, bladder. The in­ Dtoeomfi»rt« Experienced by Tourists bound give up business on account of Ill- hundreds of strangers every day, and mators of the games of sliding down hill, fur I’opocMtepef!’• Summit. ol.l woman, '1 can't consent to that; placing their carbines behind the left flammation may be acute or chronic. if any one has the disposition to kill and tobogganing. The effects of the rarity of the atmos­ health. hilt here is a pair ot heavy boots that I shoulder, to reach a vital point, tired Linguists are keeping peanut stands, me he will find opportunity. To be As popularly used, the word catarrh Otters are always found about bought for Thomas, who can’t wear He gave one great quiver, one last generally refers to the mucous mem­ phere were felt as soon as the start was aud monkeys are writing for newspa­ absolutely safe, I should cock myself them. If you would only buy these, spasmodic rocking, and spread him­ brane of the nostrils, pharynx (bark made, and it was impossible to proceed pers. In a railroad collision the danc­ up in a box.’ Threatening letters streams; building their tunnel-nests in, we should get on nicely.” The boy self upon the vast prairie, dead, Not mouth) and air tubes. An ordinary more than a few yards without stopping ing-master generally loses his feet, and came, and these I always showed to the banks, having as » rule, one en­ trance into the water, and another on to take breath. The ascent was made bought the boots, clumsy as they were, till then did King let go!— Outing. “cold” in the “head” is a temporary in zig zags, and naturally a rest was the mathematician his head. Mr. Lincoln, who generally turned shore. Duringthe winter a bank isse- and has worn them up to this time. The pugilist breaks his wrist, and the them over to the War Department”— ected havingagood incline andleading- catarrh. Catarrhal deafness is most taken at the end of each direct line. "Well, when it was discovered by tho TOLD BY THE TASTE. commonly connected with the middle At the start, to climb for eight minutes ! opera-singer contracts throat trouble. II’. A. Croffut, in Indianapolis Journal. into tho water.or sometimes out upon the other boys at the school that our scholar Tlie mail with a colossal fortune is ear, the tympanic cavity—the portion and rest five was considered making ice. The snow y then carefully patted How Tobacco Expert« Makolhelr Cholc« was in the habit of driving a cow, he next beyond the drum. This cavity very good time. It was not long be­ usually obliged to adopt an heir, while THE LADY OF LYONS. of DlfTcrent Brand«. down and rendered as smooth as possi­ was assailed every day with laughter the man without a cent generally has ••I’ll smoke that and then toll you opens into the mouth through the Eu­ fore a rest of eight minutes was re­ ble. and finally becomes a glare of ice. Version of an Old. and ridicule. His cowhide boots in stachian tube, and is thus supplied with quired for every four of climbing, and a sufficient number of heirs to satisfy A New »nd VeraclouM I like it." Fashioned story. I bis accomplished, the otters start at the particular were made a matter of mirth. how half a dozen capitalists. “Well, 1'11 not put tho brand on the the necessary air. Now the mucous after half the ascent was made we An impression prevails among some top of tho hill, and turning upon their Hut he kept on cheerfully and bravely, marl One man won ’ t touch bacon for fear ot on lhe strength of that teak” membrane that lines this tube may give themselves a push with their day after day. never shunning observa­ returned one of the largest importers swell and close it up, iu consequence of rested more frequently and without of getting trichina, and another swenrs |M'ople that the Lady ot Lyons was a backs tion, driving tho widow's eow and of cigars in tho city to a friend whom inflammation extending from the nos* exerting ourselves to sit down. We by Bacon because some people think he circus woman who went into the lions' hind feet, and a»;ay go the living sleds, thrust our staves into the snow and cage and performed them. Such was •lashing down the incline, turning at wearing his thick boots. had a.ke.l to give his opinion of a trils and pharynx. Deafness, more or leaned our heads upon them. Drowsi­ wrote Shakespeare. the bottom and with a splash entering “He never explained why he drove he We wish we could find out why these not the ease. She was a wealthy young the 0.11.1 water, or darting away on the less, may be due to this closure. ness overtook us, and progress became lady of Lyons, N. Y., who moved in thoeow. for hewim notindilied to make uow brand of cigars he thought of in­ Again, the mucous membrane which mechanical. We moved only as spurred things are so, because it would set our the first circles. She was strolling in smooth ice. So fond are the animals of troducing to the public. a boast of his charitable motives. It "All right. Just give me a box of lines the cavity of the middle ear may on by our ever-watchful guides. If minds at rest and make us happy.— the garden one day when the gardener's this sport that they keep it up for a was by mere accident that his kindness them an.l I’ll be able to make a better itself be inflamed. If this is long con­ left to oiwselves we would have fallen HucE eon, who w:»s weeding an onion bed, ong time, and hunters watch the slides and «elf-denial were discovered by his - I saw her and immediately fell in love knowing that here they have the best tinued, the membrane becomes thick* asleep. Our heart.« beat with fearful test of their worth.” The Only Ac«NJetit. teacher. "That would be no better than the enod; the ossicles—the little bones that rapidity and the breath became shorter with her. He thought there never was ( nance of finding the otters. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, I first plan you suggested.” “Did any of your family get cut to such a woman as Pauline, though he conduct the vibrations of sound from and shorter. Kinging sensations in the The sea-otters are just as plat fill. ask you—wiui there not true heroism in with a mowing-machine this pieces •’Perhaps, then," repled the friend, the drum to the nerves of the internal tlie tH.y’s conduct? Nav. Master Wat­ slightly offended, "you don’t consider ear—may be greatly interfered with; head like those produced by large year?” ho asked of a farmer ou the couldn't make his pa lean that way, i T “Je/ound Wng on the great kelp­ doses of quinine were experienced. nor hit ma. Hearing of the young beds offshore, ami have been seen toss­ son, do not ge‘ out of sight bohin.l tho mo a capable judge of tobacco.” the mucus may accumulate and be* The moat acute pains shot through the market yesterday. man’s infatuation, a couple of Pauline's ing their young into the air. riding on blackboard. You were not afraid of “No, sir.” “Nothing of t'.e sorL You certain­ come solid, its fluid portion being ab­ discarded lovers put up a job on her. th. breakers upon their backs, and lidieule, you must not be afraid of ly have had enough experience to '.ell a sorbed, or it may become purulent, at skull. Conversation was suspended, "Any legs taken off by the reaper?” They dressed Claude in tine clothes and going through a number of motions of except among the guides, and their praise." “Not a leg. ” good cigar when you »moke it, but in abscess, and may eat its way through voices fell on our ears as if coming introduced him to her as a Count. He an extremely interesting nature. That As Watson, witli blushing cheeks, while tlmt test may be sufficient for the drum. Thus deafness, iu various “Any one fall off a haystack and run was of no 'count as a simple gardener, these occurrences are truly games, „no from a great distance. It was impos ­ eame forward, a round of applause you to judge whether the cigar suits degrees, may result pitchfork into him? ” * sible to tell what progress was being but as a supposed titled man he rose in needs but to watch the domestic cat and S|M>ko tho general approbation, and the your individual taste or not, it is not "No, sir." As to the treatment of catarrhal made, for the top and bottom seemed the social scale very greatly. He pict­ her kntens; and young Hons, tigers and lu.slal was presented to him amid the thorough enough for ray purposes." “ Any one get wound up in the deafness, we can give no other advice equidistant all the wav up. We barely ured to her in giowing colors his home all tho cat tribe have similar disposi- cheers of tho audience.— Children’» “How should a cigar be judged, than to urge an early resort to the boot escaped the most severe experience tumbling-rod of the thrashing-ma­ by the Lake of Como, with its fruits of Hons, while if we turn to the monkey its Chin. chine? ” then, if not by smoking it?” exjM’rt within call. In this way alone likely to occur to those who reach that gold, nicke.’-plated batiauas, etc., and entire existence is seen to be a contin- "No, sir.” "There are several ways. First by in mauy cases, can permanent and high elevation: bleeding at the nose, The Weight of a Fly. she expected to be cmiveyed to it in a nous game, or an endless series of prac­ "Any one killed by the explosion of its appearance. You can tell by look­ perhaps complete, deafness be avoided. palace car. four sections to themselves. tical jokes perpetrated upon its fellows James Spencer hit on a novel way to ing at it whether it Is well made or not. The medical and surgical resources are mouth and ears. It would have been the p .rtable boiler?" Judge, then, of her vexation and dis­ — H'ule Awake. get at tho approximate weight of a fly. Then it's color has much to do with its now vastly beyond what they were signal that we had gone too far, that "N.v.” gust on being conveyed in a bob-tailed His store is greatly pestered with flies, value. But the way to test its flavor fifty years ago. But we must add, let heart and lungs refused to submit “None of the women burned todoath further, and we should have placed Value of Sett-Restraint. horse-car and landed at his mother's and he recontly brought into use the is by tasting and smelling it” •II who seem specially liable to ca­ ourselves in the hands of our guides to by kerosene?" humble lodgings on the sixth floor of a patent fly paper, lie put out *21 of "Not" A quick temper is an unfortunate in­ ••How can you taste a cigar without tarrhal difficulties avoid exposure tc cheap tenement building. She there­ heritance. these sheets, being 12x28 inches each, smoking it? You wouldn't chew it, cold winds, wear flannel next to the be carried back to Tlainacas. "Well, you ought to be thankful.” but not an irremediable one. Our physical endurance was stretched upon denounced Claude and his decep ­ covering a surface of 336 square inches. would you?" “Yes, 1 suppose six The only acci­ Let our young friends understand this skin, >*y< in every practicable way, almost to its limiBby the time the head tions. and he went off and enlisted to In thn evening, when the papers wore "By no means To taste a cigar you maintain a high degree of general guide shouted. “Here we are! Smell the dent we had in our neighborhood oc­ tight Indians. He got an appointment as a fact and cease to bewail their filled, he tn themselves, by avoiding occasions of scales, and found that the 21 weighed way you get the entire flavor. I have some minute artery. In many cases of ful stimulant We awoke for a final —Detroit Free Press. get so much money, and Claude and of irritation, and those old associate* exactly seven pounds. He then weighed bought tobacco for thirty years and I ear troubles there is a ringing (linnil- effort, pressed on. and rested not until Pauline were re-united.— Teaai Sift- whose temper is known to be readily 21 sheets without the flies, and found use my judgment alm.Mt solely in my A Trifle Sarcastic. excitable, like their own. Go, my hot­ tngs. that they weighed four pounds and four purchases. During that time 1 have un) in the ears* which may be of al­ we stood breathless upon the summit headed. explosive friend, with kind, ----------------------- most every conceivable degree and va- of Po]x»catepetl.— Arthur Hotv tni Noll, Wife to H isbnnd—1 can’t compre­ ounces. Thus on the *21 papers there -Nothing snows greater abjectness good-natured people and cultivate their ne.er smoked « single cigar, cigarette ri*tjr. — YuulKt Companion. in American Migmine. hend how I ever came to marry such were 44 ounces, or two pounds and 12 or of spirit than a haughty demsaiior mauner.—Phrenological Journal. pipe, and 1 never chewed in all my uiinecs of flics. This number of flies 1« —On lhe tennis court: “That girl a donkey as you. toward Inferiors. —Jack--,J>!.thel, 1 urn ashamed of Husband -Don’t get excited, my taken probably two or three times a life. Smoking vitiates the delicate t you. 1 saw that Frenchman in the con­ mnat be a dreadfully poor player.” — "TIow do yon get along without —The latent discovery is a seven-inch day. "Now if you want to know how taste of a judge of tobacco. Yes in­ servatory kissing you repeatedly. • WbyF” ••Because her dress is ao ex­ dear. watermelon in winter. U .cle Jo.:?” vein of leather polish or shoe-blacking • The only explanation for it io that much , rt v wei/h*," ,ny, Mr. Spencer, deed. there are many things in our Why didn’t you tell him to stopF” pensive. ”— ’ T»m*ea. business that the public doesn't know, “ Suh. dar an chickens in winlah. — Iw.-isah ot a wre died, ignominious on the farm of M. H. Gladman. just “you will tiii.l that there ix mi nrerage Ethel—•*! couldn’t. Jack.” Jack Boston Courier. —John a». Kapt-na, whose death is fool.*' of JO Hie, to the «quiire inch on the and that is on, ot theim”—.V. K Hail I “You couldn'tF Why notF” Ethel west of Hopkins, Mo. It is found four and A'zvrs as —A Little M sapprohenslnn.—Miss feet from the surface, and when wet anuounce»! in the latest news-budget “Now look here, my dear, you may pn|«'r. Un one paper, therefore, which *-5Ve are not sent to teed the people “I can’t speak French.” from the Samlwich Islands, was a full- abuse me as much as you please, but Dewdrop—“D .n't you think Mr. R.se- I.»« S36 .qu.tre inches you haro 6,7Í0 with the products of our own wisdom, —A l>oubtful Success.—l>e Purster blooded Haw aiian, w ho had been prom­ I «hall not allow you ;o call my wife a bnsh has a very sensitive mouth? ' Miss and rubbed on a pair of shoes or leather Itiex, anti oil the whole jl nheet. there much less with our difficulties doubts (who has forgotten the name of an at*- inent in public life for many years. fool. You must speak re*p ctfully Rayne (blushing violently) — "How makes a splendid polish. The find is a «re 141. ISO tlie.; therefore, if 141,1 JO and uncertainties—these will not build quaintance curiosity. Nodaway county has most and wishes to recall it un­ I From 1870 to 1880 he was Governor of when you mention her name, even if should I know?”— Tid-Bits. lite, weigh 44 ounces how much .loe, them up in spiritual life and holiness— all the good things of this world, and obtrusively) — “ By the way — your pe ­ the Island of MauL Then he went as •he does not deserve it. ” — - SchaiA — Na ’ ure usually keeps the general one II) weigh? It i, * »imple ealcula- hut with the meaning of His wisdom culiar name; may I ask how you now can boast of a shoe-blacking mine Minister to Japan, and on his return ._ • j even paca. A run of ihings <>n an , __ _ lation, an.l thoxe who have a curiosity and words who is Himself the bread of —-'Jenkins, 1 ve got some tning to naturally bard heart is very apt to —the ouly one iu the world. spell itF ” Acquaintance — “ C'ertainly. was made Prime Minister He re ­ to know can quickly fin.l it ouL”-* life. — If. F. Ba'fem. iLr-<>*w-n.” !>r Buy st er (expressively) mained at the I e id of the Government tell you. It grieves me to say it, but. grow harder, and a naturally soft t Aorianeuya < I en».) Tuneo. WIT AND WISDOM. When we have received the goapel —“▲hr*—nd- au for two years, served Mhoequaatly as as a friend, 1 don't think I ought to herd Is equally certain to grew softer. — “Here’s a piece in the paper about Postmaster-Gi’iieral. and was Finance keep silent.” “What is it, man—what —N. T. Lodaer. — A pn«c of «óo0 K m been offered we should have an immediate wish to —M<*n who bare company must have an Indianapolis woman whose voice Minister in the Gibemi Cabinet which is it?" “1 saw Brown throwing kisses for lhe production of lhe beat practical give it to some one else. It Is too —A photographer Is ont with “Sug­ money. can be heard a mile,” sahl Mrs. Slasher was overthrown )« m July. Mr Ka to your wit«.” "Great Scott! I gestions elementary text-book of tropical agri­ | to keep all to ourselves The to Sitters.” We have sent a —The darkest night was never yet culture apm-fally Applicable to Jamaica, g ves it to us and gives us hearts to to her husband. **WelL dear, don't be l*ns accompnaled King Kalakaua on woulda't hare believed it" “I thought marked copy to a mi l who allows his longer than the brightest day. prolit by it; let ns be Ilk, him andgir, it jealous. You may not be much ou a not." “ But come to think of it his visit to this country in 1874, and luanuaero'ia to be »ubmittedtoth, gov­ wife to take c '•! up three flights and —One man rain, his business because ernment >J Jamaica oa or before Au- 1 to any whom we may reach by our word mile dash, but your staying qualities again made a tour of the United States Brvwn never did have much taste.”— hlacX all the children's shoes.— Bur­ be is a sloven; another ruina it because Wafktrsiflvtt tritsc. are strainly unsurvaseed- of iuflueucs —(’••<