H erald E ast O regon bl. 1 — No, 13. BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1888. THE HERALD $2.BO a Year. T he public debt, during January across the fertile interior of Oregon i last, was decreased by $15,487,320. to Boise City. About 108 miles are Editor. w.. A. WILSHIRE, to be built. The survey has been PUBLISHED EVERY WEPNESI»\Y Lakeview. Or. S peaker Carlisle has been con­ completed the entire distance. THE TOWN OF BURNS BY DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. firmed in his seat by a vote of 164 Grading has been done in sections Grunt Count}-, Oregon, WILSHIRE & HUDSON. D. L. GRACE, A dciaocmtle »fate convention for the etate of to 7. _ amounting in all to about 300 Oregon I» hereby < allol to meet ut l'emlleton. Attorneys-at-Law I'tualilla county, on Tenaday, April 3, I.-wt, tor E ditor and P roprietor , T he “Baker City Democratic miles.” the pnrpcee of nonilnatlna a candidate for mem I la-r of congre.«, u candidate for indue of the an Club” starts with 1)0 members; the AS IT IS VOICED BY THE HERALD. SUBSCRIPTION TKRMS: pretne court, six delega’ca to the national dem- T he bill creating the Harney «».00 iK-ratlcconvention, and rix alternate«: to ratify club at The Dalles begins with 35. One Year .......... BUSINESS MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVKH IT» COLUMNS WILL SEE THAT 1/4) the \ ariotm district nom I tint loti«, and atteh oth­ land district, now on calendar pend­ Hix Months ..................................... er buxine«« aa mav profierly come before the’ Burns contains Three Month« ..................................... . .75 T hat excellent paper, the Lake ing final passage, differs from the .2,50 This flrm practice in the Courts of the convention. One Year (bi advRuce)................... Said convention will be compered of 1.V» dele­ County Examiner, has entered up­ one reported to the senate, a tier of 1 newspaper; 2 hotels: 4 saloons: 1 undertaker; I meat market; 2 lawyers; 3 physicians: 1 State, and before the V. 8. Laud Ofhee. apportiot-ed to the various counties on Anv business in the Land Office a ent rusted gates, surveyor; 1 land agent; 1 drugstore; 1 jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 2 livery stables: 2 general mer­ HERALD CLUB LIST: tbe vote fast f..r candidate to t-ongnaa at the i on its ninth volume. Long may it townships on the south and a tier chandise stores; 1 bath house; 1 hardware store; 1 barber Bhop;*l saw-mill; 2 carpenters; 1 ! to them will obtain prompt attentioji. election of l:eu>. tieing one delegate for each IS.7Ì [erald »nd The Century, one >«r ou the west having been cut off at county at:d one for every ¿00 and fraction over wave. 4.75 Oflr*|jand (’aws Solicited» 1-ly reading room. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 school; 1 church organization. lerald and St. Nicholas, “ I too votes a, . net. tralci and Demorest Magazine, one year.. 3.75 request of Mr. Herman, on the Mail a copy of T he H erald to friends in the East. Advertise your town. -5KI In accordance with »aid apportionment, the D emocrats , remember that in erald and Peterson Magazine “ . 3.75 that it would be more con­ respective counties will be entitled to the fol- erald uud Godey’p Lady’s Book “ ., 3.75 early and complete organization lies ground ATTORNEY. lowing representation : venient, and confirm the bounda­ Baker 5 Linn...................... . 9 the strength that is the assurance GEO. S. SIZEMORE - -B urns ,O r . Benton ADVERTISING RATES: ries to the mountain ranges which 6 Malheur............... 2 9 of victory. Criminal law a specialty. Clackemsp ............... .7 Muri.»n PACE 1 wk 2 Wk naturally and more nearly separate Clatsop . .5 Morrow. *4 Columbia 3 M ult Doni uh. the land districts. The senate bill inch Il fiO iTw W e can not teach the great truths Cnablo terms. Settlers pressed, the pr. Fperous. and every other citizen Agent for Stayer & Walker. Wholesale Dealers in J. T. M a EL ierk ............. by the present administration.” | wishing to be located, t an have plats furnished within its terriiory, willing to take the respon­ ..............E. H all reasurer........ ! free of charge. 1-ly sibility of his utterances. T he Astorian says that the Ore­ I T. A. M c K innon , »mmiesioners gon Pacific has laid rails from Ya­ M r . C lay said: “No one, in tho T. IL M eador O n the 23d ult., in the U. S. sen­ quina Bay to Corvallis, a distance commencement of the protective irvevor .................................. .......... J. II. N eal Carpenter and Plumber, ate, W. I’. Frye, thi successor to ¡of 72 miles; from Corvallis to Al­ policy, ever supposed that it was to 1er! fl ..................................... .......... A. I’. D ore Bsessor .................................. . M. J). C ameron W. A. RODIFER. Jim Blaine’s cast-off political bany, 12 miles; and from Albany be perpetual. We hoped and be- •bool Superintendent ......... . . H. F. D odson Burns. Oregon. clothes, rose in his place to criticise [ to the Santiam, 9 miles, butthat | lieved that temporary protection WAGONS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES. J. C. LUCE. I lock Inspector........................ Orders for Painting, also, will be skill­ President Cleveland’s annual mes­ only construction trains are run-! extended to our infant manufae- L. B, I son fully and promptly filled. ■strict Judge ........................ I tures would bring up and enable sage. Ostensibly, it was a set tariff jning. ______ ¡strict Attorney..................... M. I). C lifford . A gent for F ireman ’ s F und I nsurance C ompany .-^! i-iy speech, defending “Protection of Now they are reading Jaihe Rus- ■ them to withstand competition with egister, U. 8. Lund Office, ,.......A. F. S nelling eceiver, “ “ “ .... W. M. T ownsend . Liverv and Feed Stable. American Industries,"—or at least I sell Lowell and Senator l’hiletus those of Europe. If the protective i policy were entirely to cease, in under that clap-trap heading it is W. C. BYlin - - - - Proprietor. lauded by republican papers. Re­ Sawyer out of the republican party 1842 it would have existed twenty- U. S. MAILS. Burns, Oregon. —Lowell because ho eulogized the ally, the whole screed was devoted i President at Boston, and Sawyer be- six years from 1816, or eighteen BURNS— vale : from 1824—quite as long as, to a falsification of the plain, hon ­ Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays nt 6 p m, A CASH BUSINESS N. BROWN, he won’t turn the hands of the years l eaves Mondays and Thursdajs at 4:30 ft in, est utterances of the great message. 1 . cause at either of these periods, its friends AT BED-ROCK PRICES. clock backward and vote against DEALER IN BURNS—CANYON CITY: In the exordium, he directly ac­ ! Lamar’s confirmation. By and by supposed might be ncceaaary.“ Is our motto. Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 p in. cuses Cleveland of duplicity and there won’t be any of the republi­ , Just after that we had M. Walker’s Leaves Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4 a m. Good Buggy Teams, double dealing. To quote the sen­ can party left except the admitted tariff of 1846, under which farm BURNS—PRINEVILLE: And Nice Saddle Horses Fur­ ator’s words: property advanced in value 100 per Arrives Thursdays at ft a in. nished at Reasonable Charges and “The President has clearly thrown down ; monopolists and the bloody shirt.— ; cent, in ten years, and wool brought Leaves Thursdays at 6 a in. . ' Particular Attention paid to the the gauntlet of free trade. Therein an at­ Scout. a better average price than since, BURNS—FORT BIDWELL: BURNS, GRANT CO., OREGON, ----------------------- --------- ----------- tempt at disguise, but so feeble that it ought (A tmvck Wednesdays nt 9m. not to deceive any one.’’ T here are too many men, good and had a steadier market.—The Leaves Thursdays at 6 a in. I Z'^T’For Fine Quality and Low Prices, Give us a call. Builder and Contractor. Towards the close of the speech, I citizens, too, in many communities, World. J. C. PARKER, Postmaster. he compliments the same President having the honor of being demo- One Result of Ad vertialnff Burns. SOCIETIES. T. D. HARRIS------- B urns , O r . and the same message for “boldness | cratic in principle, who err in prac­ We have received a copy of Tris tice when responding to their party’s and honesty of purpose.” E ast O regon H erald , published HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O, O, F. Instead of being a defense of the call to fill an oilice in the service of at Burns, Grant county. It is a Meets at Odd Fellows Ilall. every Saturday at policy of protection fastened upon the people, and when proffering SO p m, M. L. FENWICK, N. G, WAGON WORK u t [ handsome seven column folio, C has . G unther , Sect’y. their claims for the suffrage of the people of this country by the <». McGOWAN, District Deputy G. M. 011 «'lear A Specialty. _ republican party, the whole speech fellow-citizens; and, we i mnv*ndd P roprietor . C. M. CALDWELL, • J better still, it is published in the error is peculiar to counties is but a grouping of a series of un ­ EDUCATIONAL. ftp- All orders for UNDERTAKING best towns in Eastern Burns, Oregon. supported assertions, and of the, where the editorial work for the _ one of the Burns promptly filled. ii- the largest town Shop one door north of Post Office. 1-ly partisan sophistries by which the I people has been done principally Oregon. tho great Harney valley.—Drain A METHODIST CHURCH or wholly by the so-called “inde­ in great protection swindle was accoin- i Echo. rganization exists in Burns, and a coiu- plished. Take for example the fol­ pendent” paper, a sheet whose vain odious house is in course of erection. The BLACKSMITH. Hiding committee: Messrs. McGowan, Byrd HAllNKY NOTKS. attempts to evenly carry water on lowing: nl Pratt. I A Full Supply of "The republican, take up tlie President's both shoulders is laughable at any P. S. EARLY E d . H erald : Horney is alx>ut tho gauntlet of free trade with great pleasure. time, but most ludicrous during a same as usual, everything quiet and THE BURNS SCHOOL They join issue w ith the democrats, and de­ ----- GENERAL REPAIRING clare that, instead of the tariff icing vicious ; political campaign. ! nice. i a nent and large, white building, conve-, illogical and inequitable, it increases mar­ The practice alluded to, in the nat- | —The weather is very fine. Mud lently arranged for accommodation ol j . a '; d velously the prosperity of this country; mid >lli sexes. Meaars. Harris, Savage * Skin-i ural but mistaken belief that the plentiful, that, instead of a duty Icing a tux paid by >r, Directors. the consumer, no instance can be found in party 11 paper is bound, good i ’ -- ......... ’ “for the r». — VirtlBH Grass springing up, a welcome BEER, BITTERS, AND THE BEST CIGARS TO BE FOUND which the duty has not decreased to the i ” to advocate the claims i harbinger • of spring. consumer the cost of the article consumed." of ' the party A NEWSPAPER IN THE LOWER MARKET. dictates before the convention, : _ — \y ____________ We (. ] have a private school nt arefully edited and conducted in the interest If Senator Frye, or his great pre­ of caner op­ —We will have a dance here Ht. on H erald . TIES TO SUIT. out all kinds or bhmkxmithing on short Blaine, can logically establish the ponents of democracy, because they . Valentine’s, or try mighty hard. notice and in beat style. T^nps: Cash. 1-ly above as a theorem of ¡«tlitical LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE SAMPLING ANYWHERE ELSE economy, they need not fear to ad­ are under none other than a mon- j —There were a goe two balls hereon done with Stnator Frye and his rrr- Good Accommodations at Reasonable remedied wiiin when these can the j}10 g2d. One given by Mrs. Carey DC remvuiea menu men m<-n ..... Unadulterated Liquors. speech, for the present. There are be Rates. 7-ly COGSWELL A COGSWELL. I a numlxT of broad-minded, deep­ get close to the fact that a party ttnd the other by Phil Bruner. It LAKEVIEW AND LINKVII.LE, Or. A lways R eady and W illing to W ait on C ustomers . thinking students of political econ­ paper,“straight-out democratic,ncu- ’ ¡H Phil’s first, so I think those who 1-ly Meat Market omy in England, whose ideas arc tral in nothing, and independent in attend will have a good time. He i . ii things," ” unlike a j>arty organ, j |ulK lniU]e |,iH arrangements with a not circumscribed by the bounda­ all .ttorney, Notary Public & ON A CASH BASIS. ries of their own little island. A has no handle for them to turn view to making all who come havo F. J. WELLS,------- P roprietor . few of these were outspoken in com­ to order; does not bind itself to an enjoyable time. Collector. Bums, Oregon. mendation of Cleveland’s message. work for any man’s personal ambi­ — Items are rather scarce this I m prepared to furnish all kind* of fresh . C. BRODERSEN,... Lakeview. This Mr. Frye seized upon as a cry! tion, but for the principles of the week, but perhaps they will be more meats, sausage, etc. Leare j’ouriytlcr. Any business entiur*ed to me will receive C or . of rejoicing from the whole English party it advocates, and the men | plentiful another time. ost careful and prompt attention. Land whose principle« and practice« go ------- VALE, OREGON Harney, Feb. 14, 1888. atters and Collection a specialty. Corres- CHAS. E. BOSWELL people that the markets of the WATCHMAKER •ndence solicited in English and Gentian. J. C. PARKER, BURNS, AGENT. United States were to be opened: hand-in-hand. -AND- A summary of over 1200 events free to the surplus productions of Two of t lie largest railroad con- for the pastyear, as published in Jeweler. • Attorney-at-Law pauper lalsir; and on this gross per- CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r . version of facts made a lame at- tractors on the coast arc said to be 1421 papers in the United States, M. A. KELTON. leaves VALE on Monday» and Thursdays at 4:30, a. m. only waiting for the rigors of winter h K ows but one as occuring in Ore- Lakeview, Or. tempt to blarney the Irish for to cease, when they will bring in gOn, and that was: “Prohibition wus Arrives at BURN’S on Tuesdays and" Fridays at 6 P D”. Practices in the court» of the state, and CITY HOTEL. un- Blaine. Further comment is their great plants and begin the j defeated in Oregon.” The States iforetheU. 8. Land Office. 1-ly Leaves BURN’S on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 a. m. work of grading and track laying! Rights Democrat, of Albany, with B. F. LLOYD------- P roprietor . necessary. on the Oregon Pacific. This Hotel lately refurnwdied, offers “j»e- commendable enterprise got up a Arrives at VALE on Tuesdays and Fridays at G ni P- atches, Clocks cial I nd ncevii ent* ’n accommodation to the S ays the London (Eng.) Times: A late San Francisco dispatch summary of its pages during 1887, -AND- traveling public,whose patronage kiaolicited So far as this country is concerned, states that “probably tho directors of which the following is an ex­ furniahed with the best the mar­ gZF'Closc connection at VALE with stage for ONTARIO. 1-ly k'd £W»Tnb1e it is questionable whether the im­ of none of the many railroad lines tract of such as relates to this state: JEWELRY. MroreiL 1 !v pulse that would be given to the that, have intentions of becoming Jan. 10. Oregon Icglslatnre convenea. is. Oregon legfslHture ad)<»urna sine die. R. STARK,------- L akeview . production and exportation of the transcontinental are more sanguine Feb. FRENCH Mar. 19. o A C It K Bold to Noufhern Pacific. I United State by the removal of the of speedy success than the Oregon A|> 3. ’■ Wlllamatte Valley’* arrives for the first Yav. HARNEY CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. nearly all recalled for the present, position of “the people’s President” Penney er. for the heavy rains make it almost 17 < onier atone of the Nt Wo Agricultural on the tariff issue. Many promi ­ IIAY A GRAIN at Corvallis laid. V. J, MILLElt nent men were present, among impOMible to do any effective work; College 2M. lexington, in Eastern Oreeu*1» almost tor lw;iy«« on hand and Gond Attention but a large force of workers is re­ tally destroyed by fire. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. whom was Jas. Russell Lowell, the ft ail ordera niade for teams and veh- Citizenfl of Oregon, advertiflo A New Stock of Fine Goods. Hamay Cftjr. Oregon. yt< at author and U. 8. Minister to tained in readiness for the coming 1-ljr Will practice in all the Ktate < i-u England under Haves, Garfield and season, and the headquarters of the your etale; ernd Oregon Mpera Arthur, who made a speech in j company at Corvallis presents the abroad; the immediate coat will he atchmakerA Jeweler PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. which lie intimated that Cleveland ap|»earancc of a live industry. By very nmall, only /50 centfl for three Patron« may rest assured that an orderly, well-kept house will be J. W. BONEBRAKE. was the greatest President since April 1st, it is expected to resume months* subscription to T he H er ­ maintained, and no wrong-doing tolerated; and the quality of the Lakeview. Oregon. A. J. BROWN. Lincoln — which was received with active construction work of the 5t¡n!'!c Price*. i- storms of applause. and aetiafarlum ruarnnUtd. 1—&—Jy THE HERALD. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. I GENERAL MERCHANDISE! J ob W ork . HOTEL. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS.