E ast . O regon BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1888. Vol. 1 —No. 12. THE HERALD BURNS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY THE TOWN OF BURNS D. L. GRACE, Grunt County, Oregon. E ditor and P roprietor . i SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: One Year Six .Months .................... Three Months’ Une Y**r (in advance) HERALD CLUB LIST: Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald MA(E and and and ami and The Century, one year St. Nicholas, Demorest Magazine, oue year. Peterson Magazine Godey’s Lady’s Book ADVERTISING HATES: 1 wk 2 wk 1 1UO 3 mo 6 ino 1 invi» Il .r>0 |2 50 3.00 4 UU 2 ‘‘ 3.50 5 00 C “ 4 Ö0 « 00 4 ” G 00 9 IK) L eoi. lì - 12 DO 1C» (M) 20 00 30.00 1 “ I yr. LAKEVIEW AND BUBNS, OR. 1 newspaper; 2 hotels: 8 saloons: 1 undertaker; 1 meat market; 2 lawyers; 3 physicians: 1 surveyor; 1 land agent; 1 drugstore; 1 jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 2 livery stables: 2geuerul mer­ chandise stores; 1 bath house; 1 hardware store; 1 barber shop; 1 saw-mill; 1 ladies nurse: 2 carpenters; 1 reading room. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 school; 1 church organization. Mail a copy of T he H erald to friends in the East. Advertise your town. — This firm prnrtlce in tlie CmirUoI tlx State, xml before the I’. H. ottiee. Anv business in the Liiini (Hike < iitrusUsI to litem will obtain prompt iiiwulioii. flS-l.aiul fuses ».oliciieil. 1-ly > I T. V. B. EMBPbEE. ML D, Office nt his resident e on li-r ' Hilvffi- Rivev, :: v DEMOCKATIU STATE <’<>NVKNTION. A democratic ctate i ouvention for the state of 1 Oregon it. hereby caUed to meet at Pendleton, | t’ma’illa county, on Tuesday, April inns , for I the put pare of nominating a candidate for mem- Ixr of congress, a candidate for judge of the r.u- “We mutt frankly acknowludae to our rcadem I prenie court, six delegti'es to the utuional deni that we, having but recently tome to Harney o< ruth' c.»nvention, and eix alternates: to ratify valley, are not ported on this vexed question. I the various distrit t notnffintions, aud such oth we n offer the coluniiiH of T he H erald D emocrats , “Lt Rome howl,” Therefore er i.Uf.iiuts tie muv properly come before the to th» k >‘ whu ar * better Informed, on both Biden, convention. but lx* ready to do your part of i,.r u fun y political opponent« from the few Jeweler. Any business entrusted to me will receive most careful and prompt attention. Land CHAS. SAMPSON B i rks , O r . assisting democrats among them. matters and Collection n specialty. Corren- ]»ondence solicited in English an<( German. BEER, BITTERS, AND THE BEST CIGARS TO BE FOUND A. W. Waters nnttr i«>uo a • — traveling public,u ho«? patronage is «oliciied conplo of hours to insert the re- Practices in the courts of the state, and GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE SAMPLING ANYWHERE ELSE r-STT.. hie furtdaiicd ui.h th» lA-at th? mar jx>rt <>f th<' su< < css of th. ir i.»is.- ion before the lT. S. I-uind Office. 1-ly ket nff-.rdr 1 !y AS I CAN published in tlie Oregonian, Feb. 8. Livery & FeedStable AUCABE SAtiOO^I THE BEST WINES AND LKJUOBS, Clocks JEWELRY. fW. R. STARK,-------- L akeview . GIVE YOU AS FINE LIQUORS AS YOU CAN BUY IN THE TOWN OF BURNS. Unadulterated Liquors A lways R eady and W illing to W ait on C ustomers . Has the largest lot of goods in thi< line •ver brought to this section of country and *»id at L oweh F bici * than offered here, ft’hen in luikeview call and see. 1-ly P. H. MURPHY. - - - OREGON. -O- HAY A GRAIN CHAS. E. BOSWELL VALE, OREGON. J. c. C. TARKER. BURNS, AGENT. Alwar« on hand and Good Attention liven II orders made for team.«* ami veil- tchmakerA Jeweler J. W. BONEBRAKE. Laves VALE on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30. a. m. Arrive« at BURNS on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p. in. Laves BURNS on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:0) a. ni. Arrive« at VALE on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p. ni Lakeview. Oregon. Work—Rea «on a Me Price«. 1-ly H a I. em . Feb. ?.—< apt. A W. Water» find l’.»t»f T«m»ll. r«*tM«*ti*a of i t»rr •* «¡rant • •• . appu«r-d baf«»r>* Gov. Punnayor thb m«»rnlng In twnalf«»/ *2to t< Rldcnt» <>f ID.rn«*t x alley, who f»>ruar»l«*d .1. n | h «« it I. i. oettlnff fc rth their v|.v r wf the * »dr.e ATT()RNEY-AT-î,z\W. *«ray ii gardinv land* in that valley whl« ii e I.«« n de lurc»J i a nn.t» bv i •»».« urrenf rvpurtii of Hwvrrv Citv. Orevf n. ki !Ir«l i In many v cunallMl pt.M.f IV Urged Ihrgor made. 11-»» 4nr and all kit:«*o of sur»• *• it’d »lour <»n rh •rt »•lay the i»r uance «»I rwamp land pah maire, and ratiafactlon gnniai *' *’•1. !- ->r io goverriln»•nt to tht r’fi’e. ■» ru < b a<- hi di»p.r»u e »pittai »•• Her» «»f their i throw th« ni ultima • It > a., iln. hand» H on Jas. Virtue, r a ftn.r to 1 dplav am in r« « ript «i of Baker Citv, is being frequently affida« iA REVIEW .„¡i th,- Mrs, n/3. A. Fry, Surveyor ....................... Sheriff ........................... ABStMor ....................... School Superintendent -AND- th,. j ' i Offers hi« professional services to the cit­ j izens of Burns and vicinity. Office at resi­ ! dence south of Herald building. l-lv ■ I Physician & Surgeon. Dr. S. B. McPheeters (.‘ummksloners . . Watches, A Brief Summary. In No. 8 of T he H erald we pub­ lished the following invitation to the citizens of Harney valley— which meant any man or woman ae<|uainted with the facts in the ease: ■ • • .vi i,, ■ r r th,- i >5 , ..m,-.. ,»r wiwin. We will give the following Jackson ......................... Wallowa tc ............ paienieii di the me gov- - . .. , t . urn - . , . »wu at re to me the . f ■ mres tutes ior lor ¡ancF lands patented gov-' ° o i. granted ... i . to by ... ... L.'tniiitti'iU J> sephine...................... ; Yamhill.. .. 6 crnmeiit. ai d i picviously states ns SyilOpSlB /tr Ol ti'hu WIHlt WC n>i«i and OUT mo,» rCAUCrS Klamath ........................ i haampiam ■ --------- have learned about the question: I.ake Total l.ane 7 Tlfh’ bind hill decided linnn hv In X<». !• we inserted the Governor’s letter to The cotiHuittee respect fully n . East I 1 Congress under SwainD Land Act gave Or­ even after the timber is sold, but pital as well ai extensive experience in Gen­ Oregon, Grant county, Ilarney Valiev, Burin.. egon al! “the swamp ana overflowed lands eral Nursing. 1-ly It publishes tiie latest news far its readers ns does not impair the right of the pur­ within her boundaries.” 2 The utate sold “any Quantity of this land soon as obtained; idlers i.s coluini s lathe op prêt sud, the pn f perous. and every <»i her citizen chaser to the timber; that the desert i at |1 per acre.” ;; H is the fault of the general and state gov- within i's terri ory, willing to take the refipon- land law be amended, requiring en­ ernments and not of the purchasers of these sibilily of his utterances. P roprietor . LEE CALDWELL , lands, if the home sucker has been wronged. try men to tile maps exhibiting the Burna, Oregon. A. L. CONNOR I I The action of the state deserves censure for E\ eh since our canvass for sub­ mode of contemplated irrigation slowness tn selecting lands, and for not being Burns, Oregon. particular us to the kinds of lands its ugents scribers among the people of Har­ and source of water supply; that selected. Any and nil kinds of surveying done on short ! 5 The swamp land buyer was injured by the notice nnd re;, rumble terms. Sei Hu is ney valley resulting, “it does us the homestead law be amended so 1 s ate. And the settlers were injured by Udng wishing to be located, can have pin’s furnished I proud” to say, in an issue of i that heads of families, citizens of kept oil lands that had no clulm to being class­ free of charge. 1-ly swamp lunds. 1.300 to begin with, our list has. ‘•I legal age, and persons having filed ed <1 ns The fact of an agent claiming any land for (riven Personal Attention. as swamp did not make it siieh. steadily ami healthfully increased declarations of intentions to become the 7 state The IItle to these hinds does nut pass to the citizens, be allowed to enter a quar­ slate until t he agents of the government decides despite the most systematically W. A. RODIFER. them swamp and overflowed lands. vicious course of persecution, for ter section or less of public lands, s When the government and state agents Burns, Oregon. agree that there lands are swamp, the title of but no person who is proprietor of the malicious attacks on a stranger the swamp laud buyer is good, unless fraud Orders for Painting. .-.Iso, will be skill­ One door North of Drug Store. going into business as we did free 1G0 acres of land, or who quits or can be proven, through the courts, against the fully and promptly filled. agent making the selection. abandons his residence on his own i from any taint of local prejudice, 9 Many years before any of these settlers had foot in Harney valley, the land in question, can be characterized by no other land to reside on public lands in set being offered for sale by the state, had been I term. The persecutors of T he the same state or territory shall ac- .filed upon and the 20 per cent, as by law re- 1 qnired, dep. sit cd with the state ofllciuls by the W. C. IÍYKD - - - - Proprietor. H erald asserted that the material quire any right under the home­ men now holding the lands us swamp. Barns, Oregon. of the oilice was purchased by the stead law; that all law.» relating to in No. II, the Settler’s Petition signed by 240 sets forth: stockmen, monopolists Ac., and bounty land warrants, college or names 1 They are led to believe the findings of the of general and state government are AT threatened if we failed to publish other land scrip remain in force; agents swamping agricultural lands. a lift of our subscribers in our first that all pri’-emption or other laws 2 Settlers and citizens (240) petition the Gov- for delav of action by Commissioner of Is our motto. issue, they would; we failed to ac­ in cotifiet with the provisions of this er.ior Gi neral Land Office on report of said agents till BURNS, OREGON. GEO. McGOWAN bill be repealed, but bona fide »vttlers are given opportunity to disprove the Good Buggy Teams, commodate them, and believe they I sw»vni> character of the land in question. j Ami Nice Siuldlc HitTs?» Fur­ i haven't type enough io print it, or elairns initiated before its passage 3 i nis so called swamp land Is meadow land, [ the most valuable land in the valley. Agent £nr Stayer <]. ! cultivation. 5 Every tract of land decided upon as swamp sertions—we herewith invite them D ear S ir and F riend : I will Hu reiir.er. vast cattle pastures and expels settlers. to give their rea h rs in Harney vat. In the same issue, J. Nat. Hudson (an ubie write you a few lines asking you to attorney ami friend of the settler) writes over ley the list of names of “stockmen liis own name: l<'t me know what you think of, T. D. HARRIS-------- Bruxs, O r . and monopolists” they bragged of 1 Dispute between swamp land claimant and Ilarney valley, as I am going to the settler is us to actual character of each piece of having and declared they would 1 bunch gra s country next spring. land. 2 State did not acquire title to any piece of furnish the public, if we did not; 1 want you to write just what you land not swamp nnd overflowed. A SpCfinlty. 8 It is claimed ('. 8. agent has declared some also, the prf that T he H erald A gent Fon F ireman ' s F und I nsurance C ompany . think < f Harney valley. I have pieces awamp, that more than .»0 citizens can .CCr- All orders for UNDERTAKING iis run against the claims of the been told by several parties that it testify to being dry agricultural lands. •I Sett lets u ant to legally enter iuto contest promptly filled. settler, instead of being published with bwump claimants ami prove real character is a tine <■< untry. Do you think it of Shop one door north of Post Office. 1-l.v < a< h piece claimed by them, before the Do- for the benefit of its publisher (l<> has a wheat, oats and bailey pro­ par, ment inakts final decision. yield him a livling) and the whole ducing soil? If you speak favorably .» Their demand should I m * heeded. people, one and undivided, of In the same issue a contribution by George McGowan (a citizen nnd hardware merchant) P. S. EARLY - - - Bi i ( ns , On. Eastern Oregon, including Grant of it, yoll will see me up there in iis ” states, in effect: the spring as soon asl can cross the 1 “Trespasser, Swamp land owners In this valley havo ------ < J E N E R A L R E P AIRIN G------ county, Ilarney valley, and Burns. mountains. How arc the winters “no cdlor of a title” to these except such as hold “Red-8” lands. there? How near to timber can I 2 The s.de owner of these lands Is the United D emocrats who bave labored for get government land? I can bring Stattfi. l hc swamp land claimant did not pay “20 the cause long enough to know any several families with me. I can per :’> (1111 ” for the lands, “ iis by law required.” thing about parly work, know that bring a good blacksniitlf, too. 4 The swamp laiui claimant hits for years illegally eolleidcd ii part and sometimes all of Promptly executed. The building is being the most violent attacks are made What are the chances in the section the s ittlers’ hay._________________ enlarged and improved preparatory to turn by republican papers in the begin­ ., OREGON, , GRANT FA 111-PLAY. bordering on Harney lake? out all kinds of blacksmithing on short notice and in best style. Term-*: Ca.-li. 1-ly ning of the campaign against the E d . H kkai . d : I want «pace in I do not want to go into ptock Tonsorial BURNS—FORT BIDWELL: Arrives Wednes lavs at fl p m. Leaves Thurs la) s at 6 a m. J. C. PARKER. Postmaster. ATTORNEY. GEO. S. SIZEMORE - - B urns , O r . P roprietor prcH;vd up m me that there uiuy be errors in the report of ’the »gents tibave rvferie«! to, not with stamiitig t»iv hopes of a Hpvetiy adjusfnient, 1 would nek that no furlner aetiou be takeu by your department in the matter at present. If a lulu! office ib created in Eastern Oregon, the par’ivK interested in question will be able to contest the same before the register ane settled light, upon indubitable testimony, ami it ought not to Vc settled at all until it is settled right. Very respectfully, HYffVKSTElt PENNOY ER. J. G. Welsh, M. D N. R. M axf . y , J. T. M ari . E. H all I T. A. M c K innon , < T. 1!. M eador BURNS—Pin N EVILLE : Arrives Thursday s at G a in. fjeAVC« Thursdajs at « a m. % BUSINESS MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL SEE TH AT Burns contains Ihims, Or<*’on. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. burns — can yon city : Arrives Tues hits und Friday» at 4 p m. Jx-aves Weiines iajs und Saturdays at 4 a m. Attorneys-at-Law Criminal law a tqw ¡ally. T he H erald 1 b kept regularlv on file for re­ ference, in the Geo. 1‘. Rowell Newspaper Ad­ I vertising Bureau, 10 Spruce st., New \ork. Register, U. H. Land Office, Receiver,........................ I • > AS IT IF VOICED BY THE HEKALdX HERALD J. RAT HUDSON, Burns, Or. WILSHIRE & ÏIUDSON. CHAS. G. FRYE, A liberal reduction to all yearly ad. vertisers. Call at office, or write Publisher, Cuts charged extra, according to space, and none but metal base admitted. Additional charge of |2 per insertion to secure choice positions in the paper. As we stereotype our advertisements all changes after first four publications, |1. ggp- Advertising in Local Columns Ten cents a line. Marriage, birth, and death notices free. Most liberal terms to religious and social and educational bodies. Job Work done neatly and promptly, at reasonable prices, by ah experienced Job Printer. The Patronage of the Public respectfully solicited. County Judge Clerk .............. Treasurer.............. W. A. WILSHIRE, Lakeview. Or. Occidental JSS-Evloozn. <«) r$ll 00 |15 00 IS 00 2M 00 12 00 15.00 24 OU 40 00 20 W 32 00 50 00 TH 00 4M 00 M 00 4M 00 Ml) GO 120 00 GO.00 110 00 140 00 |5 00 t> .30 S 00 10 00 15 00 2S 00 40.00 THE BURNS ADV ERTI SEM ENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. $2.60 a Year. fW“ lose connection at VALE with stage for ONTARIO. date for congressional honors at the hands of the democrat«. IL« name in each instance is coupled with praise for his standing a« an able lawyer, a forcible speaker, and n l-1y life-long democrat. t *| h rep.«ri» w «rillíl havl vina «•Itlrre It1 id law» «.f t heir littet I tirlwrp »tat •••1 to th«* •rec«»» fû- « m>t want •at ha nut aw amp lar tb* rlaHna and lata ll.n la( ii1, 1 bereft, ii raising uh a specialty, but would your column« to answer Home of the like to farm—if it is a farming charge« Ix-ing made against the country. 1 have plenty of means H erald . I know just how the to improve land, and to start to H erald was started. I know that farming in good shape. I am living W. E. Grace paid for every cent’» on Yaquina Bay. where 1 have the worth of the material of that paper out of his own pocket. The H er ­ lu st farm in the Bay country. Now, my friend, I want you to ald was e«tabli«hed with the un­ tell me the facts al.out that section derstanding that as »m.tiy. Phase give this It was a fair, plain business arrange­ letter to the editor of your county ment between them. 1). L. Grace paper, and have him send me n was visiting his »on here in Burns; sample < opy. Write «eon and oblige lie liked the place, and wanted to settle here if he could get into some Your friend, W. ,1. R ti ::: i . e . The above letter was unavoidably business that would give him und crowded ent Inst week. We will be his family a living. His son loaned pie. -I'd t > well ome Air. Steele and him the money to set up a newspa­ his friends to Harney valley, and per. As the paper was to lie dem­ W" l.eli' vc lx can not fmd in East­ ocratic, some 2tK) or more demo­ ern Oregon a more desirable spot crats, and some public-spirited re­ for a home. The editor of this pa­ publicans, subHcribed for the paper is r has traveled extensively in the for one year. The money paid in United States and Mexico, and is for yearly suhscriptions and for the fairly familiar with the various advertisement« that we see in it, is parts of this state, but has never just what the H erald is running S' • i it place that pleased him bet­ i oh. As soon as it was known that ter than the Ilarney ceuntry. It is a fine farming country. The «oil is the new paper was to lx- started, the rich and m rv prixlui'tivc. Never Items opened up on it. There is have we seen larger or liner liuvorcd just one reason for the Items’ acting vegetabb s than RFP are grown t. re. towards the H erald as it doc»—it Grain is grown And W<‘ I h li( Ve the I is a buaine«« rival that it can not hr rdier fruits rrnd lierriei would do eomjx-te with in any way that a w< II, nnd tl nt wheat will one day newHpa|«'r should. Ho the only I., a staple Thof»o who (daim to course the Items can think of is to mi ve given tip loath r a fair h M, misrepri -ent every word that is ■te that they have no! found irri- said, and maid false statement« tion ii necessity; that in the about it. For that the H erald is a spring tl e light und frequent rains stoi kman’s or monopolists' pa|x>r, nnd the melting snow.- sink deep I have reason to knew is false. I am a man of fair play myself, into the ground, whir h retains the llloil stun- until late in the Hummer, and I like to see fair play-every by which tii the crapct are time. The H erald has not had “ruaide.” Win iters are short. and fair play, ns that contemptible thing not uxnally N'V •re. TI htc ate of starting a petition to break down >f land still open i its business plainly show«. thoi Lands of n< L ee C aldwell . to 8lettiemcnt. The < >r< gon Pacific mil road will I* m * completed through J Burns. Or.. Feb. 13, 18MH. The above came to us unsolicited, tlie valley wit) bin t fie < ommg yt ar. w!i< n th« II larney country will I and w thank Mr. Caldwell for the effort in behalf of the paper. flu Uriah like a i green Iwiv trvr.”