H erald . E ast - O regon BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1888. Vol. 1—Nö. 11. - THE HERALD. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY’ BURNS ... W. A. WILSU1BH, Lakeview, Or. Grant County, Oregon. WILSHIR» A’ HUDSON. E ditor and P roprietor . Herald Herald Herald Herald licruld SrACK HERAI.D ( LI B LIST F>-75 anti The Century, one year 1 7 . and St. Nicholas, anti Demorest Magazine, one war 3.75 •‘ 8.75 and Peterson Magazine “ 3.75 nnd Godey’s Lady’s Book ADVERTISING RATES: 1 wk 2 wk 1 mo 3 mo fi mo j 1 inch si.ao Î2.Ô0 K» 00 >8.00 111 00 I 3.00 4 00 fi 50 12 00 |s 00 3.50 ft oo » 00 15.00 24.00 4 60 fi. no 10 00 20 00 .”. 2 00 6 00 9 00 15 W» 28.00 48 00 12 JO 10.00 28.00 48 00 80 00 20 00 B0 00 40 CG 60 00 110 00 OF“A liberal reduction to all yearly ad» vertisers. (’all at office, or write Publisher, Cuts charged extra, according to space, ami none but metal base admitted. Additional charge of $2 |»er insertion tn Nec’ire choice positions in the paper. As we stereotype our advertisements all changes after first four publications, $1. OF"Advertising in Local Columns Ten < cuts a line. Marriage, birth, and death notices free. Most liberal terms to religious and social and educational bodies. Job Work done neatly and promptly, at reasonable prices, by ah experienced Job Printer. The Patronage of the Public respectfully solicited. T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re­ ference. in the Geo. 1 . Rowell Newspaper Ad­ vertising Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New \ork. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. County Judge . Clerk Treasurer Coin ini salone hi Hurvcvor bhvrilt AHHVHF.tr School Superintendent Kto< k Inspector District Judge J list riet Attorney Register, U. H. Lami Office, Receiver, “ •• M I N. R. M axey J. T. M ol K. H all T. A. M c K innon , T. H. M eador J. II. X eal A. c. D ore . M. D. C ameron li. F. D odson J. C. LUCE. I.. H. I ron M. D. CLIFFORD. A. F. S nelling W. M. T owxmkxp . 1 - III HNS ADVERTISEMENT». _________ I ADVERTISEMENTS. ~THÉ_T0\VÑ’bF_BÍÍRNS D. L. GRACE, St'lWl'RIlTION TERMS fi’t.OO One Year ......... l.fiO Hix Mouths ............ 75 Three .2..Î0 Vnv Year (in advance) — - - AS IT IS VOICED BY THE HERALD. BUSINESS MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMX8 WILL HEE THAT Burns contains 1 newspaper; 2 hotels: 3 saloons: 1 undertaker; 1 meat market; 2 lawyers; 3 physicians: 1 surveyor; 1 land agent; 1 drugstore; 1 jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 2 livery «table«: 2 general mer­ chandise stores; 1 bath house; 1 hardware store; 1 barber shop; 1 saw-mill; 1 ladies nurse: 2 carpenters; 1 reading room. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 school; I church organization. £W Mail a copy of T he H erald to friends in the East. Advertise your town. "WM i Attorneys-at-Law I I LAKEVIEW AND BURKS, OR. $2.BO a Year. "I r '' JIT v ■ ■ ■ «il- ! been held, and its settlement anti p«rt of ot F.uxt Ore- ore-1 , civilization bo long retarded. Such (’«»rrcRibindeuee from Tvcry every part 1». I.. Git ACK Editor. gon iaaoilcited—the best wav to make a live,, is exactly the condition of all lands wide-awake newspaper. Everybody invited; I DEMOCRATIC HTATK CONVENTION. and while the editor allows the widest latitude I here excepting that known as “Red poFMible in the di«cu«aion of matters of general * A democratic state convention for the state of Interest, he does not hold himself responsible i S ” Oregon ia -------- hereby called meet . at i. I Pendleton, . J “11 b head. 1 ........... «*• t<» rcnuicum, for ...... anv sentiments expressed -------------- under thin * head. I I »kulillu ........... .... _ .. - In flat contradicton to his own tnaiilla county, on Tenoday. April 3, iwm , for ------------- *--------------------------------- t he purpose of noininatiiiK n eantfidate for mem- | her of congress, a candidate for judge of the su- i In response to our invitation to proposition, your correspondent pro- preme court, six delegates to the national deni ! I nounces settlers on these land« ocratic convention, and six alternates; to ratify an open r - discussion of the lahd ques- * I “trespassers,” and “aggressors,” aL ,|i8lrl< l nominationr., and such oth , |j on now before HamCV valley, Vllllw. WO .1 ___ re Harney we er bcnntPK uh inav properly come before the * . . i — convention. selected an article from an Ex- ! though they were peaceably put in bald convention will lx* composed of IM dele­ ‘■«I'KenvBntlonwIlllweoiniMiM. ’dot l.Wdek-1.f., rti, the L«rievane<-i lH’B8eShi',n of their claims by the «MM.rlloned to to the various v.rlou» counties i.mntle. on on I chftnRe Atting IOH11 Itie grievanci i nnilim.nte«] „wner ther.x.f gates, ap|M>rtloned THE HERALD «'OllKICSPONDUNl'E. ihe vote, «u t„r enndidtie to eongrere nt the | of the settlers as endorsed by their!8, 1 JJ. unaiBpuuu owner tn< reot, Tld.« firm practice in the Courts of tlie .... eieeUon ot inntl. In,Ing one delegate lor ea< h . . . , > ,, , the United States. 1 >088 this COI1- State, and before the U. S. Laud Office. county and one for every 200 and fraction over Signatures; iuSO, 0 glVt letters . . ... p nno r •* •< Anv business in the Land Office entrusted ioovohKs..(1.Kt. 7 W(.n.known citizens on the ' taln a sclntlUa of truth ? Î8 lt to them will obtain prompt nttenlion. I '.hJ‘ I ,r‘in.1 "l 11 k! J 1 “a complete reversal of facts”? He reauecflvv counties will be entitled to the fol- subject—and right here WC pause i , lowintt ret.reMeut.uon, ... thftt th h th(> (>f states that 20 per cent was paid _ ' 1 “as £X^-I.nn Malheur ........ a , local , matter . in the ollice last T ies- . Clark,,mu,. 7 Marion. ... 9| was done by these claimants CIMISI) .5 Morrow. 4 1 day, “Max Muller” trot in print an ing Jf 8 Multnomah. 17 •‘as by law required.” To do any­ I lb S I ....4 Polk . . 51 unfriendly jwrsonnl mflusion against *2 1 thing “as by law required" would GEO. S.' s UZEMORK - - Bi Kss,O r . Crook .4 Tillamook one, and praise of another person; Curry ...2 Vmatilla. . . .8 I Criminal law a «peciaîty. I Douglass .6 Union . . s this week we permit “Trespasser,” indeed bean . . unusual proceeding.for .. ........................ .. —— - Gilliam .3 Wasco . . ..« 1 ' . SitouM any ono CHAS. E. BOSWELL ------- VALE, OREGON. Grant .. .. .5 Washington . ..5i a settler, the same privelegc, but Jackson wish to learn how they did thing« i 7 Wallowa J. C. PARKER, BVKNS, AGENT. Jcsephtiw 8 Yamhill.. ... .« hereafter we refuse any more of our I "as by law required,” let them read Office nt his residence on the east side or Klamath . .8 very limited space under this head ..2 Total Sil vies River, ten miles below Burns, l-ly Lake .... 155 the report of the special committee i.Hiie .7 for such irrelevant matter: The committee respectfully recommends thul The Petition of Harney Valley Settler« of last legislature, or examine the Leaves VALE on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30, a. m. the countv conventions for the election o. dele­ to the Governor <»f Oregon. I record for themselves. Is it not no­ gates to the state convention, unless otherwise Arrives at BURNS on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p. m. ordered by the local county committee, be in* Id To III« Excellency, the Governor of Oregou: torious that the whole business is Offers bis professional services to the cit­ on Saturday, March 24, 1888. W hereas , It appears to hr from the expres­ Leaves BURNS on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 a. m. B G oldsmith , sion« anti action« »>f the agent, John S. Devine, reeking with corruption and fraud? izens of Burns anti vicinity. Office at resi­ Chairman Democratic State Central Committee. of the California corporation claiming swamp Is it not a fact that some of the dence south of Herald building. l-ly lamls under the «tate, that the most valuable Arrives at VALE on Tuesdays and Fridays at 0 p. in T he H erald is not owned nor con- laml« in ihis valley have been claimed a«swamp leading claimants escaped the pen­ led by any stockman, settler, politf. lan, or i In the report of the two examining commis­ itentiary only by legal technicality? any oilier man, except the one whose name ap­ sioners, Col. Elliott and Mr. Richmond; that l-ly g«F*Clo8e connection at VALE with stage for ONTARIO. pears ut the head of the paper as its editor, jmb- «aid land« will be speedily approved and the se Let us now see who Max Muel­ lands handed over to this California 11 rm. lisher, and proprietor. T herefore , your petitioner«, citizens and ler’s “trespassers” and “aggressors” T he H erald belongs to no men, nor set pf settler« ot Harney valley, would retpectfully ask Graduate of Iowa State University, respect­ men, therefore, works for uo monopoly, ctMpor- I your Excellency to recommend to the Comniis- are. I am afraid here is another fully offers his professional services to the ation, clique, or ring. sioner of the General Land Office the suspension Judge citizens of Burns and surrounding country. T he H erald is neutral in nothing—indepen­ of any action on tlie report of these commi«- “reversal of the facts.” Calls answered at all hours. dentin all thing«, and straight-out democratic sioner« until the settler« have opportunity to Deady. in the Warner valley de­ Office at W. E. Grace’s Drugstore, l-ly when party lints are drawn. And on all the prove the ehteheter of the land before some cision, now widely known, decide* I tiuestions of the day will be found advocating convenient tribunal. P roprietor the right side us its editor is able to view it. Convinced that you have the material inter­ exactly similar cases. CHAS. G. FRYE, The settler ests of the state nt heart, we would ask you to T he H erald is an ad rot ate off low and order; in “adverse possession, has the onlv of “the greatest good to the greatest number;" * consider well the following facts: 1st. The lands desired by the corporation, W. is anti sectional in matters pertaining to East Burt s. Oregon, B. Todhunter et al, are Um »endow lands, sub- ( right to the enjoyment of the land?’ Bums, Oregon. Oregon, Grant county, Harney Valley, Bums. jeet, some seasons, to «hurt periodical overflow , It is clear, therefore, that it is the It publishes the latest news for Its readers«« Special attention given Ladies in Confine­ are by far the most valuable lands in the I soon as obtained; oilers its columns to the op­ and ment. Calls answered at all hours. swamp men Who are the “trespass­ pressed, the prosperous, and every other citizen valley. 2d. This overflow In no w«v interfere« with | within its territory, willing to take the respon ­ For years <■nliit idii.it, but in thl« drv rilmste in n neces- ers” and “aggressors.” Have had many years practice in Hos­ sibility of his utterances. ' «ity to tli< s’.iceet«fill growing of Drop«, whicj^ these men have unlawfully and pital as well as extensive exjierience in Gen­ I I «ettlers will duly prove. eral Nursing. l-ly ‘‘M r . (« race : I do not wish to advertise until ' oil. Every tract i>ur«ed a« swamp expels an j fraudulently collected blackmail our new spring «lock gets in. Some parties here actual bona fide settler and tax payer, und in-| to the tune of a part, and some­ j creases the immense cattle pa«tures the benefit i say yours is a monopolists' paper,” * • | of which 1« received by corporations regidingln I times all, of the settlers hay, sup­ The above excerpt from a letter Oakland«, Cal. fellow citizen«, ('apt. A. W. Waters and I ported by no legal right whatever written us under date of Jail. 31st, ! ! Mr. Our Robert Terrell are hereby deputized to hand j A. L. CONNOR vou this petition. They are perfectly trusted thereto. by an intelligent gentleman in I by i . k and represent our view« nnd can give you Burns, Oregon. I dislike personalities, and tSiaJl Grant county, shows that the ene­ Buch other information a« you may desire. say but little in regard to the gen­ Any nnd all kinds of surveying done on short mies of T he H erald enterprise, j Harney Valley, January 13, 18/W. notice and reasonable terms. Settlers wishing to be located, can have plats furnished who opened war upon it, with pen, The above was presented the ed- tleman named by your correspon­ l-ly dent. Again, using his own Patrons may rest assured that an orderly, well-kept house will be free of charge. ATTORNEY. T. V. B. EMBREE. M. D. J. G. Welsh, M.D Physician ¿1 Surgeon. Dr. S. B. McPheeters Mrs. M. A. Fry, Practical Surveyor A New Stock of Fine Goods. tongue, and type two months before ditor of T he H erai . d for signature, its first issue, and whose efforts to and we did not sign it for good r language, “I positively assert” there complete reversal of facts” in bu uns — vale : Carpenter and Plumber, prevent its establishment at Burns, and sufficient reasons: No personal is his “a case. There is no such swamp Arrives Tueadays and Fridavs at fi p m. knowledge of the eharneter of the we met and refuted in our first W. A. RODIFER. Louves Monda/« and Tliursdays at 4:80 a in. land claimant, tax-payer, or prop­ lands in question; no intention of number by a plain statement, are, I Burns, Oregon. erty owner, in this, or any other BU R NS—CANYON CITY: devoting the services of T he H er ­ like venomous serpents that have Orders for Painting, also, will l>e skill­ Arrives Tuvsday« and Frldays at 4 p ni. It . « in Oregon! - , . is a matter ..... of Leave« Wedne«da\s and Saturday« at 4 a m. had their heads bruised, still ac­ ald to the work of keeping dissen-; county fully and promptly tilled. sion among the people of this valley ,uc ’ nn< ^ no ’ "* opinion, that the tively distilling their malicious poi ­ nvRNs—ri: i nf . ville : advertised abroad, and thereby ! swamp claims tint other property P roprietor . LEE CALDWELL ArrivesThursdays at fi a m. son ( “ plausible inuentlo, doubtful Liverv and Feed Stable. insinuation, direct lying,”), and aiv ' handicapping ourselfcs in the work for which the gentleman mentioned Burns, Oregon. Leaves ” luredays at 6 a m. s , > ) nURNH—FORT BIDWKLL*. W. C. UY1U> - - -J - Froprivtop. other statement is in order, which of voicing the worth of Eastern Or- 18 agent, belong to _ • ingletary, Arrives We ’nes'V* - * at 9 p m. Burns, Oregon. Unyus, A' Brooks, ot California, coun we give in clear, unniistakeablc egon, generally, and Grant county leaves Thuntifoys at fia m. HAIR-CUTTING SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING particularly — when redress is to be gentlemen acquired their ti- J. C. PARKER. Postmaster. terms, immediately above this par ­ 11 A CASH BUSINESS agraph. _____________ had in a peaceable way. . As a citi- l*e from an assignment, or trust AT I Given Personal Attention. zen of Burns, however, we insisted - deed, made last year by W. B. T- IlERAl.p: The real dispute others, heartily join in this.—Cath­ Burns, Or., Feb. 4, 1888. niently arranged for accommodation of concerning the alleged xwnmp binds olic Sentinel. both sexes. M. N. Fegtly, principle, Miss A Straw. Agent for Stiiver A Walker, Wholesale Dealers in in Harney valley is in regard to the Wood, assistant. All orders for UNDERTAKING O ver one thousand persons |x-r- E d . H erald : On my way from actual character of each piece of promptly filled. Shop one door north of Post Office. l-ly ished in the blizzard that swept laml. Where any particular piece Canyon City to Burns recently I A NEWSPAPER the eastern states lately. At some of land wax not swamp and over­ picked up the enclosed manuscript, Carefully edited and conducted In the interest off all la established ia Burns, and ciiculatrs in points, the mercury is reported to flowed, within the meaning of the which hail evidently Ix-eri omlence solicited in English and German. sue hen*; that swamp land or no swamp land. He has opinions: he is hon­ mil decision i»y the department. To allow them this, is right; to land is tlw* only question with uh . To help 1 ON A CASH BASIS. est; he has courage. The fxople refuse Attomsy-at-Law me out, there is quite a reMMTtable minority is wrong. It would lx- off high morn! tone (you Know that is my appreciate a man uf his character, unjust it, /AMES COPSHALL. M. A. KELTON. strong suit), who nlwnys kirk ngninst the reg­ to tlie settlers if the depart ­ even when they do not subscribe to ular nominee, because their party Ijikeview, Or. Burns, Oregon. ment should pass u)sin these lands, hasn't democratic the «enae toaubmlt to minority rule, as Is prepared to furnish . _ ____ all kinds of F fre-h all his views of public policy. He It of course ought to do. These kickers are my Practices in the courts of the state, and meats, sausage, etc. Leave I your order. the re|x»rtx of xjx-cia) agents, especial friends, and I have* taken < are to im is an extroaely dangerous man to on •fore the U. 8. I.am! Office. l-ly prefs them with the i«k*a of my powerful Influ­ without first giving them an opjxir- PROPRIETOR. C. M. CALDWELL, meet at the ballot lx>x.—New York tunity of being bs Inside their own party Age, organ of the negroes. WATCHMAKER ri<*s, I will see to it that they continue U* rlaiin Watches, Clocks Burns, Oregon. witnesses. No question of such im­ themselves democra’s. -AND- -Axn- portance should lx> decide«! on an One thing has hurt us snm«. ’TIs this. Elli­ T iik democratic stat«; central otts rejsirt has « lit the magnitu«le of the swamp Jeweler. land questl«»n down to a fight between some JEWELRY committn« of Pennsylvania elected ex parte bearing. fifty or I cm settlers <»n meadow Lan«is on one CHAS. SAMPSON - - B vrns , O k . W. L. Scott,"a string Cleveland The natural sense of justice, in- side and the swamp claimants ott the other, l hcrent in every honest mind, will I < an not work it ns well ns I could when a large ’. R. STARK,-------L akeview . man, ax chairman, instead of Ran-1 port of the valley wns swamped, hut all the A Full Supply of surely disapprove of any pr.x-ecding other settlers here aym path U m .* with those fifty CITY HOTEL. dall. The committee “cordially that will deprive these settlers of anyhow H: ls the largest lot of goods in this line One other thing. When I saw the patron and emphatically ” indorsed Cleve ­ B. F. LLOYD ------- P robkietor . it brought to this section of ermntry and ’ slowly but surely drifting away fr«»tn land’* administration, declaring tlie right to I m - heard concerning the ag« our little orgnn towards Its natural and letrltl id at L ower P rices than offered here, actual character of the lamls in This I!<»tel lately reinraidled, «»ffers «pe ­ mate channels, of which patronage we have ben in I^»keview call and see. l-ly that the President “ has wisely anti dal Inducement* in Mccommodatlibii to the heretofore from our isolat4*«f position had an ex- question. J. N at . II vdxon . I elusive control. 1 trie«! to trade It^R to the beet traveling puMi«’,whose putronuge is solicited consistently endeavored to effect a ndvnntAg«*, seeing we would h se It an) how, Burns, Or.. Feb. 2, 1888. but the trade fell through. ¡very 1 Feed Stable BEER, BITTERS, AND THE BEST CIGARS TO BE FOUND kKiffiryd». Mfl^Tabl« furnished with the best the mar reduction of the idle xurphix in the | |y I have ««weeded admirably however In «e- Reply to Mueller. treasury and to lighten the burden IN THE LOWER MARKET. curing expanaea for a trip below, where I will P. H. MURPHY. E d . H erald : Permit me, through confer with our leading friends an<1 if a repre­ of taxation borne by the maxx of from our sxwtion can pnt l>ol^h. or HARXEY CITY ADVERTISEMENTS, REVIEW - - - - OREGON. DRINKS SCIENTIFICALLY MIXED IN STYLES AND CUANTI­ the people. The line of policy laid the columns of T iie H erald , to sentative any other man you may name. In tlie I’, r sen­ ate next January, TIES TO SUIT. down in the last annual message of correct a few of the misstatements count on him. I fee’ safe in saying you may V. J. MILLEXl the President for the revision and made by Max Mueller in his com­ HAY «l of that genuine 'swamp' does not make it such.” OF BURNS. T he bill creating n n<-w land dis­ tchmaker & Jeweler and honest protection to labor xo Most trim. Further, according to long pretended but never vouch­ Judge Deady, such a claim amounts trict in Oregon has been reported to J. W. BONEBRAKE. Unadulterated Liquors. safed by the monopolistic legisla­ to nothing, and carries with it no the senate from the committee on A. J. BROWN. Lakeview. Oregon. tion of th«- so-calle «I ' ~ Republican color of title. Such is the only title public lands, with the recommenda­ Any and all kinds surveying done on bort Work —Beawmahte Frire*. l-ly A lways R eady and W illing to W ait on C ustomer ». party.” jMrtfrc. and •’•tiafartj.m guaranteed 1- &■ I, (?) under which this valley hw. tion that it pass —U orl