1—No. 9. BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 95, 1H8S. -------- ———— - — Hi UN xDVl'ltTlKEMKNi.- iniil one for every fraction over 1DD. BURNS ADVERTI- I.MT ' T- THE HERALD. THE HERALD $2.50 a Y eat IWU« -uî • «1 < s HUtEspoxi»- X( I A committee of three, Gold ’mith. In response to our invitation to D. !.. <;it.V I Wll-wiif Hf-‘. w. . Nultner and Wager, was appointed' pi ¡ ; '..i Mia; y a '■ " l .iReview. Or. ,i;i open dis', us.-ion of the land ipics- to istme a call to the party in ac- o’.LMC'x »i \ I K HT.Vl i: ( GN \ ENTUIX. li-n now Imfore Hmney valley, we A uc’.u.'T Hit stn’e . on\ cnliun f.»r the* «lato cf ! eordance with the action of the Wii. HIRE A nuik'^N. D. L. GRACB, bis week B lived the following: (’rvr.Hi ?• h. rv’.y < ni;, 4 t,, lr,c..t ar Fi-ridleto’i, j committee. A reiolution offered by . 1 n-.tfilia (t.unty, <:n April ts-s, f,>r EillTolt ...ND Ptlol’lllKÎoll S ai . i . m , Jan. 5, 1888. unanimously A. W. Shelton was tin 1 i ni p. .• ' t.f i;o:niiQi*i,ig •; emuli. :.,te for r.»em- Attorncys-at-Lavz ts volvía» i. » un. nr.it uai. 1 ”¡ ; .•.■l-if.-l .! ■ !,•!■» I! .It f, • ilblgM of tin Ml Mr. J. (' Wotiie; , B’.irne, Or., ' pretti.* i oust , k ¡ n tlcSeuairt' lo Ihy nr?ional j'.ntn- adopted, tu the effect that enmities m b -' m’ ri'iN tei : m D eaii S ik ; -l ours f Dec. 29th ill., SJNBBS m ’RK* ABROAD HV looking <»v: i.f hi e . go veiiiiiiti, a-;’! 8ÍX HÌL i ",'.iL b; to 1'itniy organized since the last general ri - « hì . umn • mill > ’ , i : that One Yeijr tie Vf.ri.nig dkirict Dombi.-diouf, and ts.’.fh oih- I. A KF. VIEW AND lil'KN-t, <>II. burns contain-- . . of agents „ Si X Murili*' ef ' *. V’.n- < Hinv |,.*,.i„,|y Cl-.Ite h'-forc the elet n be entitled to representation in relation to the report Thre-, in th, -nite ei.nventioii e.pial to the Riibmund mid Elliott on the NE| l)nt. rear (m udvHHCB) nc’AHpuper: 2 hotel-" a palccng; 1 UH'.h rlaL.fr: lineai inaikct; 2 1.» .51:1?; 3 pli.i'u iaiig: 1 ¡ .'Hid . t.iivenrion wi!l I'.e comp, ro'l ..f lió ¿t ie- ........... the ............................... and the SEj of Sec. 28, tin'.-g. t.¡,-., i *.l |,.i th«; vanXin lotuiticK on vote east within territory em- 'J i<' purveyor; I land Agent; 1 ¿rugatoli.*; 1 jeweler; l b.’ueksmilh: stableM 2 ge ¡.eral raer- This linn practice in «he _ 1’ourt- of !’ •’ Í I lie vote < .•■•.I fur eatidii’o.' to eor.grer..-; at file HERALD ( M B LI>T: ehaniEse Hioret*; I Ì.K-th I khx . q l luirdwurc Fiere; I Lurbcp t 'i. jr i hhw - nil!; 1 huiks nurKc: 2 ,' i. . -II; h enmity, to l.e i » ..... •• ('• "1 E ll■■ • b.i "U iv d. ! cite lion of |.'85, heittrf one eel* vate for ciich I ntm'i >n apporti-.-i. d 1 V,;’i i xamination of their report, Any bu<• c«. « ulrus ue ■flrrahl ant’ St. NicbuLiF. i WO volts : . Kl ÆST*- zittìi a < » py i q T' ii : H eualh ti» frieHuK hi tin Ike-.. • !v¡ - : <• your town. l » ¿Lent will obtain pnJm» t at.Qtdh n. «Fruid mo! I »eno re«-! Mii'.-.zinv.one In a< e.,Mance with Htiid apportionment, i to 1 he county from which Kilch lilt- eubiiiiltcd ........... ‘ to the Governor on Nov. Ih inld i'; l I cfvif G ?• n-. ’tu 1¡‘‘ 1 oil’«! <-ases So'b Hod. 1-'.y ! Ti.4j.e( Uve cGiuitiei* -.viil be cntit’ .'l to the ter county wen cut oif. A revolu­ 1 !. 1887, | fu,ii that the SE} and JJerubl moi Godey’K L uly’$ Book ' lowing roprt representar i*ai : ...--- -------- --- »- —'Aft; ' -jr Bakrr . Linn 9 tion was unanimously adopted NV, i of NET of See. 33 are all re­ ’ Bvnutn . M n’-hcur .\DVIDT1-INC I'.VD ATTORNEY. chairman, Bernard port, d ' di".',” while the SEj and ñ thinking the j • 'lai'kemng 7 Mnrhn. RF A CF. 1 wk 2 wk 1 ino :l jn<» 6 mo j I eiatuop Mi’irvw. (ioldsmith for th" anility and clli- SW} of NW.j of Sec. 33 are report­ Oil. | < 'oh un »'iti . GEO. S. SiZEMGl-.F. - b l,.', M g ’’ .me uh. $.-» 00 ts.OO $i».oo; I iîb'll ♦1 T) |2. t IH H N. BROWN, Pelk i ii-ney wi-.R whi'di lie 'mi l dis- ed swamp;” in other wprii.-1. tin1/ Criminal law a k * " l< IIS ¡ <• Ô0 12 DO 1.H0 : to ' t'iovk , ■ . TUh'intmk. ,'f j.c NF} of Sue. ¿s '.'■1 "a s tk) la 00 A cyum.itlpe, ä. V*1 UjuHtiila, • -, charged liis duties. g . no 10.w U4.W) 1 :>■: fiS- \t.EW IS CHi ••» ■ l ,'" '■»..)■ i', p"' mdy, \- '■ ». ■. I -.GDU.F-. M ire 1 ,.ip - ’ Y j CJ l ,. . {••:■ a if’I .» Cl! 9.0«? TA no ? < no ' Giifiusn. V. ?! Si 'O TV. B I sa.irei '.IlM.Y.l . :.<•!. In TV ■_< 'Ü -1.8. (j. 1 | G n’. n r . . V\ ii mid 80 acres swamp. charged «.•xii-*». ;u ■' ‘1‘iUig l<> Npace, i The «'( Tnrnlitri respect filli V remi inyi,i.i!rHu,' heur counties; to ask the republi- Mi. Wis ioy . tntes that he raised and int'ir but meuil ba^e iiiimittmL BURNS. GRANT CO., OREGON, 4„„ or w _ (he « ouii’ v fonv iitioi.K f ir the eiv'., ■■•timi de'e- , -a • ,v. 1D00 bu T. Is of grain on the Addita mal cliartre <»i T- per itncrtloa to! aliti t lo Le slatv < . onvenf L»c, nnk t-n otherwiae <*aii state ( ( iiuai coDinHitoe t<> ap- I ordere l hy ihv lue... . ._w counuittee, he he d «(•cure I’httice jMt.'i'.iom« in the paper. < .i count; point a like committee, the two same quality of laud and adjoining ÿâf'For Fine Quality and Low 1’ri. ■ •>«, (live us a call. Mtiiiid;;..', . lardi zi. l-.-s. As wo stereotype our adverti-'< iiicnts a.I . amp. 11" piece, also good B. GOLpSMlTH. i h:i:ty> s after hr-1 four cubiii . »ion-. *1. committees io work in unison in mi tile UJiairniau Dcnioer:' ir Siale ('entriti Uominitte ÆiJF’" Adverti-di;if in Local Columns Pei ■ .'irden .-luti's, mid that he hud to Physiciitn SL Surgeon. en.leaver to remedy the evil; the cents a line. .In for the .lune committee was uullmiized io maio ,''Y-" t!.e grain grown referred to. Maritime, birth, and ai nor. ' •■ ( ti«»n were . point • at (he n ■ ip b adjustment a;-’ they deemed ami education:«! bodie-. To Ilis F\' cl’ei.cy Gov. H. I’eniioyci’. right an.I ¡mper. Adjourned. • . id i« .i of t • unty • tjurt as follow .lob Work »lum* ut.itly . -i piumptlv. al rua-»»n-. ble price s, by :in • p*’’ mx d »!«•’• S ik : It is gi nerally understood Alvord pref invi: .Indues, lì E Lavimi. Ia nnis •iiirpi-.-v, fl • ty siurgeoti: < Iciks, T Y Dian, c Bri:t(er. , 4* n i L ast week’s edition of T he lli’ii- h. re that all this county worth ' i! Mr’»—-.1 I. The Patronage of the Pub!:'’ rcspectfuLx Beili \',uiii ; m.r.- 'iìtt : • .ludgo'. Jas bra l’v, I) ai n had tl.e honor of I cing tiie first lno ing as i itlu r a.-"¡cultural or i’lii >!•;:> ETOit. AL CALDWELL, solicited. Jb-h-ii.-k, M 1 ‘Wart' ( lerkw, .'its A'L'it.'.i A , and only bona tide newspaper ever lm ndow land.-' is returned as swamp W i.-n ir< r. T he H erald ir- kept rcRnlar1'*’on fib* f«»r re-' H:: / -, p’e ito-', : i.Uu.-M. J W I'll published in Harney vulliy—Le- by the commissioners on swamp Mrs- &1. A. Fry, Siaxilt. Syl«. CFÎV.-Siai.li; Clerks, H M Horton. \\ t-i.m i'.’.treau, lu spruce Nv.v y'.trk. Y kifif. enuse it was all edited and printed ¡me!. 1 uish to say that this is one Burns. Oregon, B’.Ui'c i preedit t. No .iiulinp, S Hanley, J V. of the grandest swindles ever in- !’. i V. Hughes, I s at home. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Special attcnti«>n >_ •.<•!» Ln.iies in Conftnc- , Ri.jfl-.-r. vi I'ted by i lot of land sharks and l);c,i . "■ ", .11 all lii»y: - Ihii-us i Ja'lgts. ‘¡ it . ilr.s'un, ebns % N. R. M i x A di ga r, Tit-tj liar kell: citi lo-, \V c I'.yrti, Si , n O ne of the greatest result« oli­ if successful will recoil on you and County Juilge J. T. M a el JLiv li:i«l many year.« pracnce in H..- ¡^.y Clerk E. H al : , , j iTtcili.L J;ulr:v.;, B U Witze’.. . tili .d from liberal, wid<-awiiketid- your administration when in your 'i r< mí urar pi'iil a- well as i Nicn -i v » ni criem e in < •< n- ’ Oanv U .mV I'red < l;ermait, b ......... . 'i X h.ii."!-: « Ieri«, Thv». J v. ili-ir.g of a town by its business dotage. eral Nursing. 1 ly Just stop and think how I T. A. M c K innon . ! Shivb : ‘ s. _, ilobert .. T _ _____ Laker Cotoni iHHioncra T. il M eaôok '.'.ni nni ( i y pu tineí: J ugo r, John MuJdiek, men, is to l.e found in Los Angelos. you would feel if you had moved to i'iiir ;-'míll’. I il'.Voo'l; t'k.. Wm Miller, C J. H. N eal Surveyor ....................... ( aliiii: ni.i. In 1801, it had li,.Yip the frontier us these fellows the set­ Practical Surveyur W Cari ¡Eli. . C. De.*; E Sheriff < ata low precinct : ju»lRcf, D L, Dan Fax inhabitants; in 187(1, an increase of tlers have and taken up land that M. D. C ameron AFseKKor tou* — Catalow ; » |e;ks, .Lu Hut k* ;:»tvl, — < row. A. L. CON NOR 1!. 1' D<» i ;& on School Superintendent iTevey precinct: Jn»lg. ishll.f le Ire hreat.’.l, < nil buve vlntB flirnlRhe l Miirphv. TIE TO SC IT. With i xception ■ pti.m of ot the 1 last two one systemnticidly rob you of your in« of I'hnne. i-1' ■ diT v iTcriiirt: JntlucF, IL (¡rani'e ; du;, mentioned. Ibis was all done hard earnings 1 JG-jHter. U. S. Lund A. F. cnegl :?. c , by false returns mid L:'.»•!■ ¡ fairs an home, mid emigrant drum­ so-called swamp you have to dig M •Haley. W. A. RoDIFER. g ,,, |i; teet fur on. i :. water ...____ Hurtle..’ pr.'.-G.cl : lu.r, 1 !. ming in the !..i.-I, wer- added to the GIVE YOU AS FINE LIQUORS AS YOU CAN BUY IN THETOWN UrcF , K E < hi;, puoi ; < I ci T h , .1 C !• in-kimiU, former method of ailvi rtising the speak from knowledge not from Burn.-«, Z< »r< /• (c Letr OF BURNS. trivet Tu< d'ki ■ r oli i ! , itili'é nt t-, p ci. value of the place io business mi II hearsay. Kla» _ ’k r precipui: _____ .. Judger., \V. IL ba'vs, t Order-; for P.tiutiti/* al.c. will !><■ rìdi!- • Hn ...... Leaves Mvudau. and Thursdays at D-M a ni. Clerk; I. F. abroad. rr.n <'. . M.-iKsiker, yf.-uwik ................ W. 1 IL Huglica, ....................... full) ;tiid | roiuotly tilled. Property, real estate, that I would also call your attention (»ttrey. W. A. Ft; iter. BURNS---UA N YON CITY : John Day pn’ciuct . J u .I rit . I i> s i u-. m 11 in 1870 si. ’d at less tlian if 3 per foot. io the fact that the settlers have an Arrives T uvsi I uns atei IThhiy’s at 4 in. • •ray, G I itnz«j r.ï.-vr\ùBi , i s* isnge bn.; been figned by busi­ linv"-ali ndy s|H'nt some $3000 in Al inel : Judg» M Ihiwt, ’ Mountain * reek prvt :i Amves?dTicH'bA> K at 9 p tn. W i < ampl'fC, Win Fry» e; C’crkH, G V» kllrti«!). ness men representing all interests the imdertai.ing and will spend Leave« ThuiT. in.vR nt f n m. Bcd-Rock Fur.es ■ Whiter C.,-.vne. .! PSHKEX, Pent master Middle pr-'-inci: . .niu g I’ Thomat., J '.V and political parties and factions, mor. L-; our motto. • on as spring opens. They. ;j*;<.oes II V.'.’fk ii • ; Clerks-, J !» I .-¿i uj. i-m, Jm tin a any to make the republican Good Buggy Teams. h:;'.e been notified by the swamp A Pope. VALE. CHAS. E. BGSWF.i.l g SOCIETIES. Xor»h Fork precinct: .Iti'bics. Jot«. Pntnfim politicians fairly shake in tI m ir men that a:i injumsion will ra. Ami Nice S.iddlo Unis - Fitr- Vth 8 I! >aeb. Jr.r. H •!< iL.ley: Clerk*., I’. W . J. C. PARKER boots. M'.'i" bants mid i.immfai tn* served mi them wb" n ’beg for;, nished nt Reusonalde Cbm - ; .md < 'ti: i ih , 11 A ' ’npp.-r 1 HARNKY ÏXYDGE. NO. 77 . 1 O. .1. S'. '•'Jve pre< ¡tier: ..'mUcF. Httr.i Carpenter, D W 1 rer-'. prof, r.-amal and railroad men, Piirtieular Attention pu .i tu tle Johr.roo. wat" e, - A '’••• »*- , ”u | |.'anne. ; < 'It rl s, C C Dow, Jim Dinin. verv Htitu r«lHv at : ■! troni :i"'ir ,-n mop-. ni Be« k ‘ rtek |.:<*cinet: .Jndgih Mil l.iiHAell. ; I 7Ns) p bl. J I • BAIRD, X. <;. i >■ 1” s" '"i ,,w oi Leaves VALE on Mondays and Thu¡ sdsvs at L A a. m. Hit am Brat'r.m.j.. p (n . t •« rp,, ,i y\ \yH . ,1,010 y invr! ll Hi mill" ' f Cli . «it NTULR. . A-ir; ..it Ibis ■ ’ . ■ ’ ••••'•I' Builder and Contractor termini. John Lr;rkf»it.. G. Mr».' A y.X. DiH'.lit t D» ;-uty '■. M Boe Bud pr»;i t’.ei; Judif» r. LJui Hyue. ’),ii-i(i . . conceivable industrial ; nti r- . h • rfully furnish y.ai any informa-. Arrives at BURNS on Tuesdays anil Fridays «t G p. Dì. i niti'iK, K s' Officer; ( Ictkr, i L Hiirrition, 'fait i prise, by signing the i 'ill ami'Hineo 1 ion desireil I would ,!: o call your tey. B urns , On Kay EDUCATIONAL Leaves BURNS on Monday: and Thursday.-at -t;.>Da. m. T. D. HARRIS Sit»..» Fh pterin !: ..’mlrr.1. G W ( linpmtiii, R' attention to t’i" fact that whenever X. Donnelly, J B M< ntlor; civrkr, S J 'liiilnm. 11n ir belief that th- time ba:' ....... Arrives at VALE on T>.< .¡days and Fridays at G p. m f ’! PtlffttllH. to insist that i'deral taxation s-ltb 's have been culled on they WAGQfcT WORK >ih i'ts pirelert. Judge*. John A r.>n, It A METHODI-T ( DURCH the met ¡ing itself hav* te'tiried that the aforesaid ,i Zilkey. Roberl IH iivh , clcikn, 1-M C Btick!■•;.. redui , d. and A Specialty. Dan » urn 1*1 in. OrgnnírtáMnn exi-ts in Burn . :«••»! • nromises to be remarl'.abl"* both tor lands ai" dry. Do yon think all 1-1 V connection at VALE Avithst'u for ONTAIITO. ,’.m»h Fork ¡ r'''c,f*t: Jnilgct’, A I’S';.y 1 his call 1 have th. honor to remain very M Ha. r, --Arnold : Ch.-rkt, ».»•«» W Owii.j s < .,*., \V»»od. ii«dRtnnt. ■Ill i l.H < fihg will lm:'. gument.--Stilt’- Rights Democrat. CarciuHv c.’dled ni r., Jan. 3. ’8”. Blcveiis ami Ma a Cohk^lillcr. < niarpo't ’ami i.npr»»v»d | re parat tv to turn The d mocratic stat" central • - ■WP-1-- '.N Wnnv • . out all kiiul- <»i b!a> kmithi" ■ on I uti M\ Di. :> I'lui.-.i, Glow l: Your —Lots of poor cuttie aroulSO-— • commit tee in "f in the pmloi s of tiie A New Stock of Fine Goods. LAKE' IFW .•OVHRTHEMEXIi*. . noGi c : hi >1 in be;ì '-ly! ■. Term ( 'a lt. 1 ly St.('biirl s hotel. 1’ortliind .I'm 11 pap r.t'ne E asi < ikeoox H eiiai . p , re­ Dri wsy, resulting from the late se­ -------------------- y- CHAS.’.l. , Hl.I.. F. A. .'em , l-l.l.. Li Vc ry & Feet i Sta bl e '88, m.d were c-illi'd to Order by ceived, and mu.it : ay it is a neat, vere weather. I.akevieiv. t.inkvilli. —Th LF” Company is gather­ Chairman Gold; !• i.t!i. On motion n< way, spi"ily i d'ted “l’ei't, and PROPRIKTOHP Patrons may ¡r:-t as“iirci^that an orderly •.veil-kept L.'i:: ■ will be , of A. .'.’oitnei'. a eiamniih e of three ontnins vour old earmarks—di nio- ing in il* | oor cattle ami feeding. BOWEL * SIMMER VILLE. maintained, and ¡in wrong-doing tolerated; and tin' ijuality of tin- --Last Thursday night the stage on eredi i'.tiid- was ippointid; they I er,.tic to the cor.*. Burns, Itregon. Now. Fri i time: Your ship (
  • ard turn­ .\KEVIEW AND l.’,N K VI U.K. Or. by .* I’l.rt’i'it, proxv. ' >t. k-in» h I', sv 1»I M m - g umb-r in '8’,1‘J my ship (R. ed ovi r, mid the driver was pitched Meat Wtarket -tv »‘.lilt Lt. >- .1 Mil«. * ■• i. W H !• Il .•'!•*, I»y ' ■ . !. • •• "'fl ¡ iibli’ iin) is going uud. rin 1888; from the ,,t headlir-l into a snow­ 1!. F. I.LOYD fG.tft-r. ' urrv, .1 M I . !’ ... !• ; in. ¡.« V, , , <:|ti. «ilUi.-iltl. .’i V fl Hi I c . 1 .1 »’ .itei there i- n politic..! ship now drift, which being yielding, let him Attorney, Notary Public S, W ! "I . GlHHl. "'I N lit-!'’"' r , I . \ N ■ : I , building to resell the piiS.-eiigi rs; oil without serious hurt -O Ju-k‘ H K H.-mitrt. bv r 1. H.-ninwr I y.-ph r\\’:T »!,■■» •' «. i'.,; ; ’». !' !' pf- Htitc. I - i '. h *. L (Hi I t »¿L I lli.it . hip, the jhiiiu t»i to render trm ding no longer an ’. BRODERSEN,... Lakeview. Thi' ÏT» 1*1 ÎGiving been lately renovated and rcfrirni :h*-d offers «¡M « i:il ii'd i'« tueniM in i- prrpñr^íl follimi-i» all kin i <»f fresh fihf i. < ’! in. »,.»■ -. » um. I: luivi u. b- I. i.MrArh i '•’»I»- W E M. \* <■ I*'■?•:<» which i< P’-' hil.it’MiL i o s!-, Leave « oy! ,.>r*<«D, 'I* now. I ir. -k Kelhi'H, ’>• ' I’ iti.!tien lo ilio truvviing publie, who.-»- | .itrollavo is solicited. nr careful and |i*onipt at.cntioH. A » m "»1 «nmiy on the two old s I dl iL.ibrtt*.-. y.u ti iiiiiij';*. <»olds i:i‘t>. !’»• k, J 1 . H All.H1 el I V l.ori.rt, iti» r- ait 1 ’’ -Vf. :i<»ti . > tiaM' Uprre«*- H ¡1 " ■* 'I fl’l. : !•. ", .:!<■< 1 !o’v nbont ’retiring pnr'H.igr on WATCHMAKER : v .! Zi< ! < r. I • i..'iT»t .’ B E< m. . M G M ;ji Minilvn«'? Mci' it«*»! in English an a "iiI "f(.»•». V* H H• .••»»• i, l;v J W i . 1 •.:..». . th< n< w Nhip. I’Ht cirrurnHtiinc< n will V ii '.V V " 'ill ' * *-V H 1» XL-,, t«. heel! very cold the pa:,,- fl W Wei ks, eventually I* nuch that th< / will Jeweler. W» 1 •. O •» NftVft-;»’. V.tM'iiUi. U'tn »■'¡ i I’ im »' 1IH TAftlzE SIPPIJED WITH THE BEST THE MAHKEl AI FOlli» Attorney-ai-Law "A >t ■ •»' • ••, T H < T h wit t !. 1: ’. si' ir. J V» . ! .‘ifi ■:», b«* ( onip' 11* <1 to come ill oar«!, or po- , and it ha been snowing heavily in i-iy ('HAS. SAMPSON - - Bt ii'o.O». M. A. KELTON. the mountains. On mot ioli of < 'ol. \\ II. Eliing" r. • litimlly‘ir* wn. Lakeview, Or. Range stock is having a hard old the fndowiiig ord" r of l.Ueine- • was \.,v, ♦ • t;>- adv. <•: Pon’t work HARM Y ( I I'J'Vl.i i L EM ENT 4 ::t'tivo-« in il i»« rii’iri- if llv .**.!(»• ami nt. the coinniittce too hard on the old HiraivL .1 .vrU' V row to hoe-now in this part of the • •i fore the i . S. Land oftive. Í -K id fir holding the lilt g»*t off nt firnt landing, nn ni. Arlo Ah, Doctor, when the Gag ot Wood is nl- > rather a scarce ar­ PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. Cervidlis and I • rii: r. 1 were I R. STARK,--------I.AKEVÍEV. Givi.i !’• ¡-on.il Attention. tim Ami ri< nu U public w » im nailed ticle* and hard to g. t. innted for j: •o of holding tin to the mai t-iiead of our Moul new Mrs. frve Riait died on Rock A. J. SP.OTO. ention. : and on third ballot ship UeniiK-racy, in 17'J2. and she fB tilt’ Inr^rDt lot ofg F'l’in thPHne Any nr J &U> kui thi; i' " g ' m .try an»i lleion re. lived n majority of ail wes piloti d out of motinrchical wa­ creek lately. Siu* Ii lives her bus- notici, »ini Ktî tfdrtrti.Hi gti.-íHii»'*«.-4. i—r*- ty -■bi at J.•HVi.r I'Kirr* tbr.ti "flcied heir rote« children to lament When in Lakev’wu < all and see. 1-ly Vi a ad. Oli m ion of Cid. E.ling.-r, I r S.1? of American growth, wli’eh her loss. Harney City came near having T ue biwyeis ridii "b d l’enncyer' ' bl, ÌSS*. IN'---, ras was w set t for iday. Aprii li-l, f ■ '.mot lie said of the many ships an exhibition of pu;*ili-m tin* other inaugurili incesagc • -, thr Icgisln ing thè con veti» ion, fl« A rerohi tli.it have »trnmli'd and wreclic.I. as j I’r. ttv near, but not iput< P. H. MURPHY. ture v.-le-rein h<- ( < (' i.'n uented Jipon intrcduiA-d by A. Xt Noìtner was I! ■ '. p the parties thought old tl»' r.cts i,f f< d< :il < • irts, in Ort-f iklopteii, r • orni, . i-ding that th<- ml' Î \KEViv\V '' i " ",1 ■ • ! ' p,..'.,' WUH gc-tUGg m "blow*'1 gon, in int rfi rin’.ite under th-sbilfull , fj.r tile iiooycr cau r.ow place his di li gutes tu tli.' »tate convention un mvei'p in • 1» th< waves of pr-.sp. i- 1er* ili •i , drifting the snow colutili- on hand .n»l *Lw»d A'.’mli* t. <> his nose and wiggle evert? Satnrdfty, Mareh 24. *8«. A tuo- her ceti- (.iap it them, ai the surpreme tion by A. Noìtner was adop» 4 that ty, and in 1 Q ‘ b 1 ■ < rini.il ’ irt clay, wit I y plank j(( as just d' di d a c; <, in tir- ratio of vepri “l'iifMion tu as s-ciiid an tin In i t nil ï ac mt "A federal c >wrl has no st.it».* c«.r,v ution I<* l'a< “ s| ori the y Va te h ni a ke r & J e welc- r v (mwr to piss upon tlx r< te «Mt ut last election for d 1HD- buanl—Letter tak- vow :-ud vour fri WAGONS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES. .L W. BONEBRAKE. eolli-i-tion of ■ ratic nomine? for rongr"* ilfwi L.kKt i'1« . •H» »' HT. rev P »r.-ivi r was that i • nntf' * l>e entitli d 'o on d**lc- '*• at largo for evi ri J1*» vote;» r rw F iuf -H ax ’ rm» Ixrci ÎL-rr.tJi*î»L' * I GENERAL MERCHANDISE! '. BEST WINES A? ■ Vl .•Pi(lO hî 'f J WINES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS. à I Ji! Id . I JOB MRi Ättorneys-at-Law. GO? MA' Livery î Feed Stable ?.Æ'£ ir in e 3? y 1