BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1888 feUED liVBRV WEDM’spAV BY D. L. GÏUCE, AND P«OI’KlETpK. Ept'i'on SI BSt iUPTIoy TEi'!H Three M> Li RH k one yc IWrol.t 25 ........... ntury. ilOHlF, líSínÜi le,nf-ri s’ Magazine, Al-riM —' fre'.vrBoii Magazine iGodey’« Lady's Be S A k h 1 — G J.UU Psu.o A . IM) 6.00 [ ■ t' i”' 9. eo |-2 16.00 En j ¿0.00 J mo mno »■..00 G.ÖÜ x.oo 19.00 >6 00 2.S.00 40 10 *11.00 IM. 00 21.00 IL.OO ■js.otl 4.« 00 HI 00 4b «À 60.00 110.00 6 DÌO «eoo its •?o 00 liberal reductioii lb .'ill yearly ad-; Uut.’i’<-barged extrn, nemruing to‘i>acc. and none but meta- ba.se admitted. As we stereotype our a»lvr rtii-emeiits am i change? lifter first four p.ibli Ati ' |L -i .’cr:i ing in Local Columns Ten teats iBline. . birth /and tie a fl » nöticcs free. Marri "Mosfii1 nd term* to religious and soeiitl, ¡«nd cdU' ilimud bodies. Job h.rk donc m at!y nu l pn-rnftly. . / r< i onnl b!-- yri' -u by an cxi-oris-nc-vd Joi I’rinter. The #.i' i'»iHige of tbi i'.i’J.ic r<- ;•< vtf . T he I | e .•.Al.’» is kepi rc iiDlari •'on fi a-ft >r i • ferenc I: tl,.; i, o. ;■ ihn'.ell Newspaper Ad vertlri 11 UICHU. Hl Sp.sarc Ft . Nrw ’• *»rk. N. R. MftXEY T. T. M a el E. TI A I. ». (»unty w •/1 ( T. A. M< K in non , Ç T. JI. M ladoh n. . drveyor hcriffm. E8CSBW ertovi Hhpi rin tendent .J. II. N e aï . . A. U.’ livttR . M. I». ( '.iMKiuUi II. F. !’■ DS,... . J.'ù. Lt 'H. ‘ock iÄrt»v--tor !.. B. Ts< N ! 5‘-. 1». ( LIFFOKi-'. : K'. riet, J:* ‘ IO 1 strict Ai:»«rn* y J-BD'l Oiii. e, 'THio® ■' \. i’ -' m : i i '’. ' V-.’. M. T'< -' ISEN'D. ! Í-. I 1 Tiieti-i v - m l í'riúa t jit p n'. •May f ;; nd Thu:-.lay- t: Oft ------ W « TICRNS—( ANYurf GE. NO. 77. I. O. O. F. t Odd i’ellowE Viali. evury «aUiuir.y n» J. L. BAIRD. N. G. p- nt her , Reefy. * OWAN, District Deputy G. M. I l’i: N S AI - ;■ E : ; Ï J I ' * I E S I THE HERALD all quwliors growing „of nf it liRVi .idvertise our itdvatiiugrs by contcib- bce.i d";-bt, i. in.I aut opp«.'H«'■ I.. r.r'.V I. l .,i. ... Illi«*. >r rnE TOWN OF BERNS I.aln vlew. Or. province ever to be rcmituli 1 of hi r I our spite aj'.il food Um i^tle pfrini' ant (’■•unty, Orf on. defiMit and that her povp’. wor, migratlmj, k ill vastly incKrwe atul I •• , l . . I .. '• ■ . ..V. WIT.SHiRE A HI'-lJSCiN. I cing wholly unable to meet tin j Ti-bels.”- tic recent incident of the 11 • «ruud tr im will be th\ consu' arguments; lop a eff>4i-.<-tiou of ouri hnttl" ilae- shoe, v il'W a noi«y and qtxnco. J .Not only a Mi. bitt Attorneys-ct-Law as JT fs vojrr.n in Tin. h . iluje I'onipi' u« c.- portion of inc r< puidf h ..n.'Wh'n; can procure a liuiiie in hnrdoni-nne tariff taxation con-l «■mi p:.>'ty in willing, for politie.’h n uWltl cVmnMe, a fertile, henlthv, UUMNEfr.M MEN ABROAD BY ICfulS I OVJ-R IT.* COI.CMMS WH.L SEE TH '.T I taine 4 in < ‘levelaniVa message,— t efft et, to fan into flame sectional, ajA' pfap-rmi« fonntrv. Our cji- Burns < m „,tains lskevifw '.xn bvbxs , or. iespociallv in view of that plank in hatred. Off tariff r I also a«, Jr.rt' a r’m .s mJ],; p( yvltitcr, having hut • ! ’ z'* * the ’ *• 1 new.pnper; 2 hôte!.: S Mlûor«: I m i!. :t«ker: 1 nnal market: 2 lawyers: 3 i irrlt lar.«: 1 - ---------- -- surveyor: 1 laud agent; 1 druratore: ljewe’t.. 1 blacksmith; 2 livery 2ta! h a: 2 gv.ierat lucr- rlie repv.hln an i.utir.r.al platform of 'myself opposed to the republican ^little snow mid cold weather ; and r han'me «torca: 1 hath houao: 1 hardware 1 b :K',- ',.*v: 1 aaw-nUH; 1 Indita nurau: 2 : party: it is not wist- nor proper. U> i again, in eui'iim r the weather is th! T Tins ßrm practice in tiid * carpenter.: 1 rea.lñuc natiti. Veo, 1 Odd fellow, lodge 1 achoQl: 1 church t.rgat.i/ *tion. Slut’., am! i«».-i.•••■• dm I’ i ami Qp ! 1 keep vp war tasea in lint-- of pr»,-, cool and tninnutl. In fact, and in • '• Any bi.-itt.--in it a Land (»(Her entiled ««IF— Mail ae.pyolTlllt II ixialp to friends in the Ft.: t. Advertiré your town —Htfl I fopnd pence. Not only i? moucR nt urtili wiil <• ,pifiiipl uttcHiion. !• •']’•»• : y>m < it ’'U to immwessnrily taken front Qieipvcple , ty pb<.. , i e larilt 1" £•^1 .and < ■.-<•• B •’•¡•¡•vi-; ii .ite irrciei j”” 1 titilé t-, . ._ thu poor man.” •• lyh l .< Thmb as x.ill rvlicv • die tn.vpiiCer, Imt v. great ttrphiH leads Ut iiwprop ’i'v injurin;; the Liborcr <»r th*' great r exp.-ntTitiires. Builder afed Confi ficiòr. i wilht j-rsdtu-tiv»* ii..'buries <»f ¡¡|.* < trm.try." Pi.DUnd w. ¡:j; rf ln»regartl Io peitnions: No or.t he NEAR BI'RNH. OREGON ' nu: tM.ujrr.ph hif>p-m,í n»• ttate Presiue^fe —ths‘ p.lDi'.ui republican prt>.; of T. 1). HARKIS------------ P.t r \ s . O.- itWcft nt., i than T do in Tibet tl p..n- • w.el’ind' vi««)» ’»Hffxtpisu rù um>;.» . ac t: iar«fe«v»in the country Js raiding• ihy'. ’titfc : .-ions to the brave up n tvhh 'fought •Jrf a«i. *' i.i *••).ro/e,.l hiniselftob" honest, ener- led into th" ■ rr..r of believing such jt! r. port, al,out bur pr.'Fidbnf. It d-. nt to i t -ii the r iost casual obser­ -eti • and faithful. I am in favor if; true that cur eoiig.ro;.aiimab iteie- . ofliis r. ;:lection, and 1 think him Un vini* been olded they arc enabled to Hl! all orders a- soon a*< ircch-ed. ver. While tariff foy levcaup on­ gatioii (all repiihs.) started a ru­ N. IJ. -Good Roa l all the \va i'vtruíéít The I’Tidiiuig i being ly’’ is an old dem< ei'ulic do tru e. ' lltit’kii til the vote.-: of « .inditi citi- mor over tl.c republican wire« that enlarged and improv'al p¡ -pvr.•!’•.• y to Curb •oii«. Holding these views, it will Mr. Clevelnm! vis muchintoroFted oui ad kinds of blneksndihhig on shoD Ibero is not a. ‘‘fr.-c trade" advocate i be niiii. '-ent to vou timi I ciH.not, ; ,, . ,. i- Ca-li. 1 1v ’."I'tion in Orc- ri! in tlie democratic party. Ever r.t h sc t-resne,‘t. longer m-t with' .-I ,, ,, <■ IT HO . ■ l gon. i his is all th ■ truth in 'tho Watterson and Hurd, whi> have .so he r. pmliean pm tv. win. 1. 1"'=1 j. kJ Even M< s*rs. j Physician & Surgeon. Mh, hell ami Herina.m do long ami pciyibti'Util fought t'ii" .:•>:. well me . j id which I mai.'with Toilet Article -, Glass, Putty, Etc. Dr. S. B. McPheetei ; "lilt’ll piuiective tin id iniquity, ' not vnieh for 11." al,e,ve run ■- A* r.iako no such Jt ljuind. More liu/.t- It u;..i bci-ii circuhiti'ti. Tigli- ., K» tho ‘tiiring uf east, rn utlicchoid-. G;;1 lu;:'“ of ToNU Ml'e ì 1 ÎVCMitv . IV q >:■(. • o fullv ciIci ' his ];r-ne'.-ijona! .-vivi. c t<> tl. thiT-1’5’’1 "by. that cam. into the col­ yy ia ■ very yiir o.\ :• . i frouf the f'.t th* c.i'mi... ly • ,t;ms (•iti/rns t-f Burns ami -mm".Hiding countiy. 'll1.. 'I l’r. . Ill'll I’)'' ill. III imi' - of tho Journal ' duly free.” U.-llN il. 'A'Ti-:! at ill Lours. people than i m . . s,m, for the BERNS. OfTEGON. ùlii- o a. W. I’. Gnn c’s Drug Store. 1-ly Vf. E. CRAVE, < Icvr hintl i.i lending hi , aid townnl.' without any regard for the I'aetH, or i his .lilt' ' I'.rr. inp of<)regr.)i for the t’.'m-' recollcet’on of Sapphira and her ! -upport of Ihe goveaniuiul pionuy H ob idly in the i .-.sur.. f r..t y at the ' vt < It ■..tiu;i. Of, kail. After jir. (loldsmilL’s em­ Mrs. M. À» Fry, 'withdrawn from the peopleuse," .'fliist the "ti'l'y is simply a ' phatic die.lainu i':. thl - • l:". lni:t of Assortment <»f Dolph «$.- Co.e should; be I11"g i,ill. Burn?, Oregon, an obji ct of the schemes of specu­ tit'ii and was manufactured foi t l'- f t. Rut r it: i- we come to thick A redu.'tion—net an .aboli­ American Gnv.. • Bocciai attention give”. f«adi tlie Cui T. Con.,'.pienti}- .t.j io b< r : 1,1.111 t ;, * Io.al vote . i< si Qua ¡it/. 1 -2v nixed by both of the great poi'ti '.ll l-’t'»‘',yl oint*' (• na ¿uilt*. •! .i.td of the hij V.'e lev. ilo Jiartium polipo«, ,.' ■ . . t ha • be parlies ii. their re-pf-five jilatforinsi to carry il in a pllri.ie.ti.ll thouirll we and ■ ,ur subsei'ib, r:<, if X. V. Ü. X. -U. i : eoi;, iii.iiiicai i mn, v..' aro The pa gn for r .thei- paity. i£ a OH‘.< c a: iii*: rc.snit ..ve -.»n îiir < >i<‘,.? of of lisc.4, aiji1. reform pronlitie/l. ri y indi ation. t: Re a waiiii iipte;- 1 11 ' 1, uvîu <" i:»íiv party i* t ’ ..Ica -V. ori >f Io !'<' ■t noinina.icH ..t 'h - i't.'.u Siiti«' Biver, toil .mile? below b U.TI-. advjiUd in j est in politìc;- wbi"h In veii liear'i’p' l-ROl’RIETORS. carry eut the promis.- Goûta1 inert in ■ ontion, and a piplforri adjjiUd ROBINSON ,V DODSON harmony with ihe l’r, sident's mes-j •:pi n tl.c v.'elfnrc of l u .'ine- '. A few I faun.-, Orcpon. J iis platform—which, xas r r;". J. G. Welsh, M. D. sag, . ive knew of no r< aaon why the liionths ago. wlp 11 Wc se. ¡ned lo b<: Oiler.' his ] ron-cicnal >• rviec- to ile -i' '.the tariffJn a spiiit of i .in:.::." IO ticket . ..f'fd not b< IC<" refill, mid upon llie vergo of :l lin.-im-ia] eri"is, ¡/.Ras o! Blu r-mid i inir\ <»(ib < . ; •• » 1 ». ,tf, — in,,, it. injure' . a .iv Aiimentii liiat without any federal ini; rl'er- a od bu3Ìnn.«H pian were he Lg dt .ice <( iti. of lb raid buii-ii'g. i ly ■ od !" iiole ' ' l.er ■ i:’<--c — X ’ p. •. i N' -'. iiidustric'3—and with duo regard to so uiii/h of ti,," ciieuh.iiog medium < lilJMI..'-* 1',-orn >■' ; i .,114 \i! ■ ii, an iri'hi.dri' Ii: his tncs- ATTOilHEY. of thè country wa,-. loeki.ai up ili '.-rg.. I-, congif ■ . »?r* 4dvn<* C òj '. ••- : 'v.vaJi.’i GHxeUi : thè tr< l'Hlily surplus, w< aid ii, was GEO. s. SlZl,\!(>l:i- - r A.‘. old m :n known r Ulileli ' thè dtily of evi ry burdii. s; ¡min tu hffi'l sets forth plaiuiy the n» '. »•»■; i- ¡ ■ ty for not only il reduci¡u») «- mn'mlaii - nnrt. although ! gr. « th.it l-iri V"diiet ..-Wi nf ohr rov- , tariff, but Du- equal tat“’. :ty f«*r* i .reht 'l ior, wn- not found for I wo' enue W.1,1 a Ile"' .-sii;,- | ai'aniuiilit to Practical Sumvor itlld V " .11»-.« nights. w dicing th,, v.'.iik carefully Beer, Bitters and the Best Cigars in the Market. when Im was ill-' all others. ’I lus opinion is i.uo » ¡,i- A. L. CONNOR pillisi ed by thè ipinil.tl me s.lg'' ,pf ■y, ;.i th:;! 1 usiniS': interests fes- most fru/c u ii",1 sta irvi d to d< nth. ADVERTI* E'i ENT.’ HERALD IKE $2.60 a Year R ¥ F ï & &. Drinks sci.'>'.iifica!ly nd I '. i ' ; 'I .i ,' ... • . ■ ; -i tin il ami prete, f '1 fùr 25 y 'u ;, , ( t;l linlic SU.nthiel. wliiili li ignoro« ali oilior tupicH Au.,\>; ih" e.vp. ■ r.ot le injurrd. i t i- a redm lì JB} <‘,:dittii'es i-n ac* Ar pud nil l inf.E of eutvca »hg done • ■ .4» •■' A First“Ciass'3iHiard TabJe l he Hl.m’- j.’i.-c and rms •nnido teir.iH. --»• i cun'i’l fs flic "'id |||Ì 10 ¡O1 < tlii.', Ili Oli''. >1«. Hihi i nly that i •' cmitemplnii ■!, a'iid : vint of the P :’H? i;lf* ation -•'<:• in ì" : n and ;i •, ' v. ii-r. i<» liö i. ‘ - rted. can have p.tt's funi ¿ ’ •-•<1 vni ni'Vei- bctte'r iflurtra- | Tilt Rl'-W'jlli war scure w;:,:i HE LUtNS SCHOBT, about, "in a ‘ pirit, f fairnes tei. The writer ó* tìiis' .’ij.-iè op. Carpenter and Plumier, re- ult of liisiii::: ci: i in tap'tiyH tu CE^EkAL M£«CA HíWííSS, pe cd'bi ■ eleetioii t.6 tbe pi, .tdenev, , — aw V. dom i r.of w-iil he mi l large, white biuìding, rm».re­ luri' thi' votili'- of nijjifaiy mear- ’\V. A. koDJFER. arranged for accommodation ot j l’ila io l'wiics.« thut la' mi by I h" R< : I l->- \usù ia al-'o ì bui we art- , v.<; vci»|U)T- to a.’.’i-tt that I"i'i ..ir, far. I. ,4 . "fi pa­ ll'irr -. Oregon. '1,! • ""i lile patriutie c. •,<’ an i ríen rower b agallili!’ berseli-ccf Ih. nppott uriit v advertí :: EMENTA. t<> ìntr-aise h,;r )uiu nrv streugth. li iiotii: pn si leni of thè wholl' pio- KfA ilAV "'Util, ru .-fa', th" ru.iitifa. - ! Ordcrv for ¡Minting, al.-o, will l e aaììi ,.f th pi, ti,.:l 11'.' h: he,'Il l'V '■ ; tiol'.llhv : fully and ;.'<’H'.¡»t)v filled. 'tiirers of X, a- l't 'P.tn I. nor th' ' f-'uiídíl.v Wcttwm : ' , : . 'T h> • < ' I "i> ne •«' abj. et - : and COGSWI- LL, 1. a . WEt.L, icw. Linkyilk. ; nil si.! s ‘h.- ln-iief is expitt-s wliili •• . ■ ignei: with hi Livery ari Feed. Stable. ’ «,1 prodm’e'..- of Or, reu will he . < J On l!i:i«4h< bushit sh .ivthiok for lite .di ¡riti- if "...'in 4 ci.ji.H h '.'ird to ci'U-piuio. orneys-at-Law« W. (I.» l-.I> P¡ : prl.'(r tilt' !•:•<" ideney to- y. "i l to lo'i • plod'.' .tiv AT HTAU rl *’□ I,1 to tl AM Ilo'idav (,"i,d and now Oil' < I’m I sten, of . i- o Hi'- litbii'. ft uitatl, 11*111,11.. i il.-ii« thu.« I into existence a oruluim Bcl-Hock Prices- I S ■ '■ I:- . JI I . .‘tpIllpH Public at the most R monable Rates. (.'orine moiitione. ■ lion which has [.■ rni'-at<-'J noy, Notary Public l ' ov.r moti.». Stock t.f <'?t«>tb-l ,ii; :q p-.-.. ,. h i ’».iFsihg j lt l ut pr, •■- .<11 tl." différer.’ siïîiônS And Ail. (Jome ixwmíik : this: line Collector. Good Bugpy Trnnu». of' cni. ludon and is ■■tip¡; .r'ir.g y And Ni» 1 >'addl<’ lion?, s Eur- nRODER.■'•FX:. . . T.nk p.d <-,■> ■ . ’ mf.ietilri: ' our gre ■.il» - t -li'-I if*. !b .isumibb Uh..rg(*H ‘uni produr :: «i i!. : üt .. :. d if i business cntnv ted to me wtlì Tut. 'Idi-.,f. of the unit lit’i I for areful and pi < «m pi atten&m. Particular Attention paid tu : h* ocra i s’ ci nu ! back in . m.- ; 1: til. ■ fl holding • h-ctif.'s ], :ivc* goods to sell Cheat - and <:< He -, .• a i. ' ' •• -- - Board ■ u and ( u ' mdì Ì g . ì <»r ì' .m- to.whrir.- !■ WC BtB”i * d t!a-.- ’-.ill do ( )r. s , ii tlit* first Etutc io hfhl ;m n e solir.ited in Englii'h m.if’flti mmi bien! St<»< k. H;> / Hivkîind. weh, 1 ih I» T ti«»* 'lT,.»idcH it’s pbm , b ' 'b .i it. I ■■■ 'I in- i l< t tim. will 1-1 v I Attorneys’-t-LcAv n the c ,pil­ it, will taka­ j'i.'t 1" •until of I ><• W.lt' hvd wi-H !■.!,< ‘i iiib ri-'l. >■' ing on timy, ih he . t! vi • < migres, hloktlcp ■fttr it IK g KELTON, WATCHMAKER free lirt ,•. imarlv sil in mind the inb.n ta uf tin Am-ri ;!<>' H public ■•iew. Or. m c i an liil'nri - Ttld m.-miifn, ■-r.i.r, I!- i , i < •».!i/< «I, ; Jeweler. mt > ’ the «tate, l trail" ,i,, tocrafiç ■.■.ilili:; UH not t • thi"k • iffw ’ the I . S. Lami * >11i- '■. ! ly CH SA MI' n ON - - Purs. . O r '■r p.< '< < tien in th'- propre«' d re A . I "IP' '*t (t atchcÿ, Clocks BURN I.I.O, M. GOWAN j’lerin. fit of 1 h; I.. ri a • 11 I*. 11 I ''i t .iuTh’ V 'C anyon < if Y Ail VERT b-’.EM; ' so far from a live trial - Pe p : »( ! <*< V . JEWELRY finit h. :,|. Moglze.i fo; <-:.:l:i iiinr t.. p:\, 1 rii , . - ant '<> • i < ' BUJ HH • 11 Hiv- the erstem > f pr itortion .n ll,< Ar. liât, i nt " i ; • ; • r ■ Un tne i «hop; 1 nt- a* ; un V i 2 inu j i i'i' .' ' ■ :«‘.r;r-. grounds that ex C lini- il t. : .-!: ■ . : un-trap 1 lihf •z .i< DUt » . rt r |H.rt. n»H- Fh<.|>: ! kf'nrith: 2 1 ivt'ry Fini!»Jrc: -'i , must I «. p-i « ■ V dç—\t >■, 1, J’wt i 1 infcr»'hftD«»»; 1 .1 M rdWHFC ui I < --.«.n f T •Ji' .'tiz, ■ • the largest lut <»f r< t.ds in Tiiiy’diu • 4 ‘ îj / t L wg . 1 FUW iniil -HO tM »F the V» »t...... if lauri. » rt HV». r pni’cr. J^aæixi E >n th<- fir'd tin,-' ip Uu. hin|oi-y •ought . ' 'bîi fimi rimn'ry m: t l.-'wn». B l «-. :than offered iu re. of tl— rtilled S' ' « t'-' I’,..I O ! re . rii» t :i L:i : .«. »••dfr-*«w«i -w. l-^-iy !' |...rii,i nt. during the pa. i >. arJ WAGONS, BUGGIES & CAO RI AGES. to le. h U -, If mpporling. This Fifed S fa hie happy n.-iuit i, ;1 I" i n Lrmight r I ly »PT 0. Cresap, uhotii by (lie uoimi'g work of l’ovi.j if. MURPHY. in.nt, ' I r..l Vi’lie hi: eon- ,Ti < ivyon ( Dy. Orcgoji. - - - than I',tilde I dt'.' i-'l liin >1 ment on buxines.- Uaa, a Hue ;t.-orrnK-’.’t of Di-r?«« —O— i»t -”jU inlljr a. fcr. ’■ ire »»«’•-g fi-’,. ’»• hbd> for b* • u C ha . H :t j*«M.- prior.p. In h's au'itiiii repoit. rriut. ;. .■ ..-■ . . J : . s r. junhlc ru. HAÏ & GRAIN de.-dgrt find fin« h i** hard lo («pini. A li*«*- o ehttcia th t ti>-' ì Attinti.n I tlio'lllt< 1 to *•»,'. M « ».<>•< ' l'ina '.Va: P ropriété : äs .-. 1 «omniittei' «-mlijy th ■ < x<—ptii'>lex Bttrm r.ition, end N ’ g from Ï«W kNJÇF.RAKF. i that cannot he raised in it. The — — '••miteni i Ugh» the n,wn. Li !,l puny: Ch« i*•■>. an»! a nfK- line of .’-ap. gr. yi in th southern portion, W j- Fur. iait-.I H— f WATCH' ' ' >0 JbAVJi: I* I •My ,-n Kltlii nixl