\ I* I u If ¥ BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1888. I THE HERALD. ■'BLIbllED EVERY WEDNESDAY BUSINESS MEN abroad will find that BURNS, Grant co.. Or., coutains: 2 newspapers: 2 hotels; 0 grocer; ».saloons: 0 brewerv: 1 undertaker; 0 luun dry: 0 furniture store: 0 shoe shop; 1 meat murket; 2 lawyers; 3 physic ians: 1 surveyor; 1 laud agent; 0 dentist; 1 drug store; 1 jeweler; 1 blac ksmith; Ohurium shop; 1 livery stable: 0 bakery: 2 general mer­ chandise stores: 1 bath house; 0 milliner shop; 0 real estate agent; 1 hardware store; 1 barbershop; 1 saw-mill; 1 ladks nurse: 2 carpenters; 1 rending room. Also, 1 Odd Fvl- lo.vs lodge; 1 school; 0 church—All these fuels are told in clear, unmistakeable words by the advertisers in the Voice of the Town: T he H erald ; Send it (5c) to friends in the Ei;st. BY th« D. L. GRACE, and P roprietor . H E ditob nt SI'BS< KI l’TION TERMS: bne Year [ix Month« ........... three Months ¥vw (in advance) ;r X. H.rnbl H.rnM HttnM Ilin, I Hara! ! : AT HERALD I'l.lll 1,1ST : »11,1 Th,' Century, ol»' )iur mui «I- Nichol»«. »nd .......... rest M«sazine. on« year and Celer».». Mnauzine and God, >’» l.adj » Hook Mas. LOUIS RACINE ----- Main st, Burns, Or.----- advertising hate .- 1 mo 3 ino (i ino 1 wk 2 wk fl .50 3 00 3.50 4.50 « 00 12.00 20 00 — K 1 yr. |2 .r4) | 00 fX.OO fill uo 115.00 IK 00 ZM.OO 4.00 • 50 12 00 5.00 K 00 1,. (XI 21 00 4J.W» <>00 10 00 20 00 :i2.oo 50 oo '.1.00 15 00 2S 00 4 3 00 54 00 1« 00 23.00 44.00 K0.00 120 00 30.00 w. 00 (.OOM U0.ÜÜ 14J.00 I ; * A New and Elegantly Furnished House for the Accommodation of the Public. 1 ¡ ® \ liberal reduction to all yearly ad- Veni crs. Gall at olllce, or write Publisher. i with y BUB NS ADV KKT ISE M E N TS. 11U R N S A D V E RT IS E M E NTS. ■ Cuts charged extra, according to space, and none but metal base admitted. — H — A Limited Number ot Guests can secure the most Comfortable Lodging Rooms in the Town, at this House. — H — ■ As we stereotype our advertisements all ■Langes after first four publications, |1. I ¿TtF“Advertising in Local Column» Ten ¿j Dis a line. The Tablvn always Supplied with all the Eatable« obtainable anN. -o— — AND— HAY A GRAIN Ahvnvs on hand and G.»od Attention given ail orders made for teams and veh­ icles. i-iy W’atchmaker& Jeweler »f a first Cheap at a Cash RATE. P. II. MURPHY. |.A REVIEW geo . M c G owan BURNS. OREGON. Agent for Slaver «t Walker, Win »lesale Dealers in J. W. BON ERRA KE. Lakeview. Oregon. G »< h 1 Work—Ren^onable Price*. 1-lv East Oregon Herald. Ling* for I Let every town that is without a news- bapnr get'one at once by advertising for w»ne in our paper; nteanwhi’e. let every bit.<- Ine«-« man •eml his name. pia< e. line of bus- ■»*•**. and 2'» Mth«< ri1>er.< to 11«. an.N. I». I,. GUACE i:dlu>r. Burns, Or. tin' merchandize business in Burns with our eie rgetic townsman, Geo. ti . i : rE<>ri.i:s- riii:sini:\r. McGowan, arrived in Burns on the WILSHIRE æ IJUDSON. The President of the United States 23d lilt., direct from the Cascade is a democrat, i nd lis nearly the re­ work on the Oregon Pacific, where Attorneys-at-Law presentative man of the nation as he has been for some t ime, and from can be found in the country. Con- him we learn the following: I scientious and couragecusin the dis­ LAKEVIEW AND HERNS. Oli. A h for the disagreement between charge ofollici.il duties; indefati- the two contractors, Hunt anil Ben- gable and business-like in the fulfil­ net, and the company, if the former This firm practice in the Courts of tl»' .... ment of presidential social require­ comply with the conditions of their State, mid before the F. S. Lathi Office. ments; clear-headed ami honest in contracts, the company will do its Any liiHiness in the Banti Office entrusted the interpretation of whatever ques- to iheiu will obtain prompt utiefition. A wont» of apology is due our part; if they fail, the company wijl 1 tion is laid before him, he has in ££y*!ain every instance shown himself a man 1 readers print of he H erald during the early spring. The road is com­ (m> T ()r j issues. It oc­ pleted 30 or 40 miles this 4=ide of Builder and Contractor. of the people: a friend of justice and right as against might. In 1118« curred ; ... , in 4l .:........... -o— this way: We ordered Scio; considerable work is done im T. D. HARRIS - ----- Bruxs, Ou. several messages to congress he has two bundles of miscellany reprint to the summit and the grading this given indubitable evidence that he keep on hand in case of failure of side; the road is located 10 or 1.5 is sound on all the leading ques­ our current readv-print reaching us miles this side of the Deschutes, WAG01I WORK tions that affect the present and fu-1 in time; by the time these came in. and a final survey through Harney A Specif ture good of American citizens: our subscription list had increased valley will be completed this r Ail orders for I'NDKKTA KtN<» mormonism, disposal of public do­ until we not only had to add half of winter. I promptly filled. > hop one door north of Post Office. 1 ly main, restoration of naval strength, them to our current news, but had When capitalists tiy to Washing­ encouragement of home industries, , already used up the delayed issue etc., questions that demand criti- of Dee. 7th. We have ordered an ton to get American labor pro­ BLACKSMITH. I cal study, depth of thought and increase that we hope will prevent tected, the workingman puts on his P. « EARLY-------- Bruxs, O h . of learning. He has, thus far, the repetition of inside matter after thinking cap.—Courier-Journal. V. J. Miller and wife, formerly of flinched from contact with no phase ----- ( Î E N ERAL lì E P A J RING----- of public trust, vetoed every meas­ this week. i Salem, hut cow of Harney Citj, AX1> ure looking to the benefit of the few The last session of Congress were in town Wednesday, and took as against the many, calmly and made an appropriation for the col­ thi‘ ears for the capital.—Atlas, On­ deliberately confronted and over­ lection of statistics of marriage and tario, Or., Dec. 24. Mr. and Mrs. Murray, of Vale, come every obstacle laid in his way divorce. It will require something Promptly executed. The building is being enlarged and improved preparatory to turn by an opposing majority in the sen­ smarter than a Congressional inves­ Malheur county, were visiting in out all kinds oi blacksmithing on short ate, and has as sturdily ignored the tigation to discover a sure cure for Union lately. notice ami in best style. Terms: (’ash. 1-ly C. W. James, a solid young demo­ dictates of the demagogues in "the divorce outside of the Catholic cratic man, has been appointed rule or ruin” element of his party, Church.—Catholic World. Physician A Surgeon. postmaster at Baker City (submission to which ultra element No tax levy yet received from the republican party drove thous­ Bv a recent order of the general Dr. S. B. McPheeters in ands of fair-dealing men from its land office, all applications to file the State authorities. This will Graduate of Iowa State University, respect­ ranks years ago), regardless of any under the homestead and timber­ make it very unpleasant for the sher­ fully offers his professional services to the iffs of Eastern Oregon counties, as it citizens of Burns and surrounding country, ambition he may entertain to serve culture acts, must be accompanied throws the time of collecting the (’alls answered at all hours. a second term. by a lion-mineral affidavit, or the Office at \Y. E. Grace’s Drug Store. 1-ly T he H erald is an admirer of the application will be rejected. Also taxes in the precincts way into the manly policy of Grover Cleveland citizens of foreign birth who wish to winter. Owing to the death of Steno­ as President of the United States, tile on land, must furnish record Mrs« M. A. Fry, and never bad occasion to be proud­ proof of their citizenship, or declar­ grapher Richardson, the reports of Burns. Oregon, er of his advocacy of democratic I ation. These are recent orders the wagon road frauds which were principles than when he penned the which settlers will do well to heed. taken down in shorthand will have Special attention given Ladies ifi Coniine- to be gone over. Richardson used presidential message to the fiftieth —Eugene City Guard. ment. Calls answered at all hours. many individual characters in i eongress, calling its most earnest and immediate attention, in crisp, The Overseer of the Pennsylva­ making up the reports, and which Have had many years practice in Hos­ in the absence of explanation makes pital a- well as extensive experience in Gen­ carefully worded sentences, to the nia Stat? Grunge called the atten­ eral Nursing. 1-ly ¡enormous evil that has been inflict­ tion of the State Grange to the fact the testimony taken illegible to oth­ ed upon the people whose govern­ that while the wealth of farmers in­ er shorthand readers. — Oregon ment he represents—making of tho creased 100 per cent, from 1850 to Scout. T. V. B. EMBREE. M. D. ¡public treasury “a hoarding place! I 18!)0, a low-tariff Democratic peri­ BARNEY CITY NOTES. Office at his residence on the east side ol for money needlessly withdrawn od, it only increased '.) percent, from BY OLD JOKER. Silvios River, ten miles below .Burns. 1-ly from trade and the peoples’ use.” 1870 to 1880. a high-tariff Republi­ En. H erald : Christmas hna He states the sum thus “witli- can time. lie attributes this result I drawn” to be, Dec. 1st, tf55,258,871, to a tariff which enhances the price passed, and every body seemed to J. G. Welsh, M.D- and says “This condition of our of everything a farmer buys.—Eu­ enjoy themselves in good shape. Offers his professional services to the cit­ We had a Christmas true at the izens of Burns anil vicinity. OtUde at resi­ treasury is not altogether new, and gene City Guard. , i as attend«*! dence south of Herald building. 1-ly it has more than once of late been 1 .» largely Ly old .< i vom« - • submitted to the people’s represen­ Gm republican friends shout nt few openit. s ■ch -, oi< Santa democrats and ask if tho internal tatives in congress, who alone can .isket of -andics ATTORNEY. ' Ulatis, with hi supply the remedy.” And in these 1 tax on tobacco and whisky is not and nuts, >n:i,.e his appearance, I geo . s . sizemore -- bikns , ok . few words sets forth the nature of contrary to Democratic principles. and a comical looking old chap he the evil “which imperatively de­ Now the truth of the matter is this: was, too. The presents were then Cri mln al law a specialty. mands immediate and careful con­ The country has Is-en loaded lip I taken from the tree and distributed, with war taxes, laid upon tobacco, sideration:” ; after which all went to supper in Practical Surveyor “When we consider that tho the­ whisky, and many imports, and the the hall over head. question before congress today is ory of our institutions guarantees to A. L. CONNOR The supper was given by the every citizen the full enjoyment of which one of these articles shall hunting party, and there was plen­ Burns, Oregon. first be relieved, until our system of the fruits of his industry and enter­ taxation is brought back to Demo­ ty for every body, and all seemed Any and all kinds of surveying done on short prise, with only such deduction as to relish what rfvas provided fer notice anti reasonable terms. /fjT“ Settlers may be his share towards the care­ cratic simplicity, for revenue only. them. wishing to lie located, can iiuve plats furnished There can be no question but that free of charge. 1-1X ful and econofnical maintainance After supper, a grand rush was of the government which protects the necessaries of life—food, fuel , made for Bain’s hall, where they and clothing — should be relieved Carpenter and Plumber. him, it is plain that the exaction of danced until about (> o’clock next more than this is indefensible, and before whisky and tobacco.—World. morning; and every thing went off W. A. RODIFER. Portland, Or. a culpable betrayal of fairness and nice and smoothly. About 55 num­ Burns, Oregon. justice. This wrong inflicted upon | This message buries the bloody bers were sold. The music was al­ Orders for Fainting, also, will be skill­ those who bear the burden of nation­ shirt. The republican platform of so good. al taxation, like other wrongs, mul­ next year may wave it a little, but fully and promptly iillcd. Additional Locnl New«. tiplies a brood of evil consequences. that will be for euphony ami to Livery and. Feed Stable. The public treasury, which should please such small politicians as the —A traveler in from Baker City W. C. BYliO - - - - l*r«»pilotor. only exist as a conduit conveying little governor of Ohio, and at last reports having seen a number of elk the people’s tribute to its legitimate the nigger is out of American poli­ on a mountain side, two of which Burns, Oregon. objects of expenditure, becomes a tics. Tho question next year is, are were killed by members of his party; A CASH BUSINESS hoarding place for money needless­ you American enough to believe that names and partieulirs were not ob­ ly withdrawn from trade and the this country is full grown enough to tained by our reporter. AT people’s use, thus crippling our na­ enter into the race for national pros­ —Chas. Ziegler, living on Poison tional energies, obstructing our perity, commercial supremacy and creek, four miles from Burns, han Bed-Rock Prices country’s development, prev nt’ng modern progress with every other his cellar filled with the varied veg- Is our motto. investment in productive enter­ nation? With our (>0,tl()0.<)()<» of pop­ -etable products of Harney valley Good Buggy Teams, prises, threatening financial disturb­ ulation, best on earth—with ma­ from his garden the past season. And Nice Saddle Horses Fur­ nished at Reasonable Charges and ance and inviting schemes of pub­ chinery that, I have seen estimated, He raised about (> cwt of onions Particular Attention paid to the lic plunder.” as capable of doing the work of from from the seed, ’, and, Friday hist, Boarding and Grooming of Tran­ Tin: H erald with fine 12,(XX),(MX», to 100,(MX),(XM) men, with presented ‘ T he H eiiai . ii sent to anv address our sient Stock. Hay A Grain on hand. samples of the “Wetherfield’s Red” incomparable climate, our East three months is only 50 cents. vast territory, washed by innumer­ ami “White Giant Rocco,” very 1 'v large and fine; also, a nice lot of WATCHMAKER T he republican national commit­ able navigable streams ami trav­ “ 1 lollow Crown” parsnips, that can­ ersed by 1(>(),(XX) miles of railroad, -AND- tee has issued its official call for the not be more than equalled any­ a soil almost virgin and wholly un ­ Jeweler. meeting of the r< publican national where. The creek flows through I CHAS. SAMPSON - - Bruxs, O k . convention of 1888, at Chicago, surpassed, much of th«- farm oper­ his field and makes irrigation com­ ations performed by labor-saving June 19th. machinery, with free institutions, a paratively easy work. In conver­ CANYON CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. W e call our reader’s attention to written constitution, self-govern­ sation with Mr. Ziegler, we learn ment, and free trade among the that lie came to California in 1S5<>, But mem men will find Canyon city, (»rant co the fifth column on our 2d page, Or. h. .»■ 1 newspnpcr: 2 hole’s; Brnloocs; 1 sh«>e where they will find a full report of states, we had best go out of Gisi- ami after living there 30 years, he shop: I meat murket: 2 lawyers: -I plijidcfans: moved to Harney valley. -dent:» >; 3 jeweler»«'» ■<• a with Dupl< x Burner-, one the action of Russia in again mass­ ur. < very day since, and there is as ho did not return, Mrs. Vance 'iiffit ii-nt to light the town. Kight-Day* ing troops in Poland, on .the Aus­ more of it in America now than ev­ sent for Mr. Palmer, who traced No­ < louk«, and a line line of WATCHES AND JEWELRY. trian and Prussian frontier. This er I efore. Give us a tariff for rev­ lan and the horse to Malheur slough awoke no uneasiness in England, enue only, and such a wave of pros- where he had trailed horses with a T«»l»ae<«> nn»l — I’I jh h , and McernchnHin but caused a panicky f ■ ling and |« rity would ensue that millions tearnst. r; thi n on to Burns, where r»|M H R Fpeciatl y. varrii'ifetl. Ojtffei»». .-ar . V< • nt l’.»wbf»d> - v. orlh from 2.x- < nil draw a ; prize markets of Berlin and Vienna. A follow that than has come since r> -t. Nolan was inquiring at Burns lhtu of >« h