BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS „ / \ PATTERN FREE. *’v Spoclnl Arrangement wi’h l»b.M- OllESTS Mo.\ i Pl.Y, the Gout. 1 of I' li (*!.**/ al! Family Mu» azim t>, we an* enabled to - * A ',' I vr f itiaku all of our Indy reader» a present < f 1» J JV'-i Pattern of 1 hl» Handsomo Jacket. Ti.i» L-4 /■ vTyv*. Pattern will I e w or! b .«s H w ill Ve ac- / 1 \ \ \ coiDpanu. d with a large illustration and f > .\ \ \luil descriptiou, the fame .1» those o Id at I / \ / / pai’ern lmii e*. We-I .ill print a FuMern I K\ 1 A Order, which, if rent toW. J ■■ ning- IL in- I I 11 orest, the publisher of the world-renowned H/ fl U Demon st*» Monthlv, will entit’e the El L7 if a I holder to <»ne ct U.cse hari. the wagon load. Sl'ECTAToHS....................................................... ”>0 DECEMBER 21. 1887. —John Sayer ami wife started on L adies ......................................... .Free. Saturday last for Portland. —T. I). Harris who has town —Miss Elma Perkins will make property in Burns, will move his FLOOR MANAGERS: her home in town this winter. family in and occupy it during the W. It. CAI.IIWEI.L, T. ADKINS, t • —Next Saturday Dee. ¡Id, school coming winter months. Mr. H. is M. I.. CAI.DWEl.r:. ( meeting at Burns schoolhouse. just returned from Canyon City, I —Fifteen freight teams to come 20th inst. * A Grand Masquerade Ball will > in before the 20th jirox., with m r- —Thcs. Whiting gi-t in with a lie given on Monday Evening, De­ flehandiso. load of supplies from Prairie City cember till, 1887, in Burns Hall. M —W. (’. Byrd has his livery sta- on 28th inst., for Messrs. Fegtly, Good Music has been secured for ^n>le completed by a well-finished Giermine, Lee Caldwell, and for the occasion. Wire Masks have ^Bquare front, himself. been sent for by W. E. G hicc . —A. R. ( base of Silver Lake, i - —A ball at Harney City will be A Cordial invit at »on Extended (a .All. ^■n tywn, and added bis name to our given at the hotel, by Mrs. Carry, BJlyCa l ipiii n ¡¡st. next Friday evening. Dee. 2d, and K A STERN A D V E RT IS E M E N T S. —Mrs. Lon. Varien, seven miles all the society people of Burns will be present. west of Harney City, is still an al­ most helpless invalid. —Chas. Sampson has just com­ —The gentlemanly clerk in pleted a neat jewelry store on Main Stenger’s store, Ed. McKinnon, has street, and painted the front a pea- home, , .......... ranches, , and ____ your __ ____ add. da handsome new buggy to green; the fitting tip on the inside Adorn shows good taste in the builder. your grounds with trees and his worldly possessions. —Chas. E. Boswell, proprietor of shrubbery suited to the —Wm. Lessing is going to re­ climate of East Oregon. move his dry-goods store from the Vale and Burns stage line, gave Buy only from a Drowsy to Harney City, where he the new paper a short call and de-! [Risked $2.50 for one year’s sub­ will continue selling gixids. —J. II. Bcllenhock and family, scription to the great millionaire lq|e of the City Hotel, with their weekly. Selali! —(hl 3d. inst. at ILirper ranch „ill K.-n-l V<<11 what you l-ay your money ^Teusehold goods, wer ■ moved to ------ - - — * for, »hull :« :«!. Vcr.efif 1™.' to Nallio M rs. John Johnson, daughter ofCal. Ilnpp^ valley last Friday. 2d. Healthy, Vigor..us 1'ia.tlH; £d. Judicious i’at king, or I —Yl G. Dodson, one of Burns Johnson, of Prair.e City, died; this I ALL IS LOST. is the first death in Mr. Cal john-l young Benedicts, is about complct- I ing 1 is dwelling house, and will son’s family of twelve children, allr of whom except three are grown. k s, on enjt>y the comfiirts < Coats- lic. than the following number ■wortli will go into the saloon busi- — L. D. Montgomery, a clerk ■ne s in Harney City in the near fu- flture. Settlers should look around in the Stenger store, returned from ■that town before seeking • !- v. io l'< . Portland on 25th inst., where he AcreS. had gone to lay in the fall supplies ■ —Dr. Embree intends to remain for the stoiq, Mr. M. was detained Mat his home this winter, subject to several «lays by sickness while in from his patients, and citizens Portland. TEH PHG-mX in need of professional services. i Is the oldeBt in the — A man named Star, from Oak ­ See his neat card in the paper. land. Or. passed through Bur:.s last —A. A. Cowing, we learn, has week, on look out for a location in been prostrated from effects of a Harney valley. Leaving his wife at Having been vnlablished in chronic ¡'.flection of the bone in the her sister’s on Malheur river, he lias Jeft lower limb, since his return to returned to liis late home to move iiis ranch from Burns about a bis property, so we presume be has Which show* that having a reputation to An.nth ago. >u .lain, the Purchaser lias no he.-ituiion to selected a place for his home. send cash wLh bi-» order to , o old. and re­ fl —Leasing vs. Howard on an ac- —T he H erald ’ s Thanksgiving putable a house, suit* not only of hearing Mio a for debt; decision against feast was presided over by a smaller promptly from his order, ami getting his z. ^Kho latter, on Monday last, I « fore fpwl than the customary turkey, but money’s worth, but Stock that i- pure and absolutely true to mime. Their Capital is ^Me.dge Par! ■ r. to amoui.! ,f hll.Gl non > the less tender, and true to its ^and cost. J. Nat. Hudson forplain- mission of reminding the thanks­ tilf; Capt. Waters for defendant. giving palate that fowl usurps flesh A guaranty of fai . -dealing. —The carpenter and plumber on that day. Mrs. Haskell has the card of AV. A. llodifer informs the nicest chickens in Harney valley, \ read< r that ho also does a neat if the one presented us is a fair spec- V | I uieee^Lionse niecej^Jiouse painting. J.. M’ „„ hile he imen, and may be persuaded to se]l- 1 wot; hT lil'"well a f ”w”during the holdays. Tli.ut :tre in sen-on for SiiniU icr. Autumn. —T. D. Harris, whoso business nnd Winter; the Iron-tiiul ol ~ ^o have 1 all necessary painting ¿■me. Uiab of ever Variety. — I)r. McPheeters, n graduate f card in our paper informs the pub­ lic where he can be found when the Iowa State University, has lo­ cated in Burns permanently, we are skillful service in his line of work, glad to learn. His office is in the is required, has finished and deliv­ PEARS: .drug store, 1.¡3 card in T he H er ­ ered a skiff for Messrs. Summerville ald , and has purchased the resi­ & Powell, to I e used on Malheur For Smnmer. Fall ami Winter use. and Harney lakes in this county. dence of Mr, Jamison. Mr. Harris, being a cabinet maker, —While hunting in Stein moun­ also, can put up most anything. ■ tains, Stonewall Mothershead. cf even a hornet’s nest—but he can’t Burns, killed sixteen deer. To Mrs. PEACHES £, QUIHCES. put the horuets therein. Parker we are indebted for three every variety—their planting, cultiva­ —Our lady readers’ attention is Of tion and sea ons carefully given in Catalog. kverv fine venison steaks, and can called to the handsome jacket pat­ Bmfel'.’ say the young hunter did not tern T he H erald has the pleas­ I^K'e better game in the niountains. ure of presenting each lady sub­ ^^^■iGur good friend, Isaac Foster, scriber as a Christmas Gift. The PLUMS, was in town last week on business, ordef for it will be published in our and made T he H erald a friendly issue of December 21. Any gentle­ bed in market. Nectarines, and ........................... . call, and added several names.of man seeing this notice ought to The sorts of the choicest selcciions of friends to our subscription list. subscribe at once for T he H erald Everybody in Bums knows “Uncle (only $2.50) so as to secure a copy Ike” and art- always glad to see his with the erder in it for his wife, sis­ CHERRIES. smiling phiz. ter, mother, or sweetheart. —Elsewhere in this number will —No one knows better the needs of liis section of country than N. be founl the professional card THE APRICOT. Brown, one of the enterprising of Dr. S. B. McPheeters; the doctor r.ferchantt of our town, nor how to is well and favorably known And few perrons are unwilling to add tini» delicious fruit that needs the same treat­ »cleet goods to meet the demand; throughout southwest Missouri as a ment us the plum, yet I cars immense crops good physician, and above all, an h visit to liis counter will convince Grape«, domestic and foreign, ami ah the pny purchaser of the correctness of honest man and citizen. Nuts ami mi<< cllaneous fruits that | —When W. C. Byrd says his Berries, above statement. are grown in a dry climate. business motto is “ A cash business —A. L. Connor ¡3 the well-known practical surveyor < f Burns, who at bed-rock prices,” the reader The Cime me nt al Tr«*,*s. slii-n'w, Ever- will show parties looking for loca­ knows he means it and governs him­ green«. th<‘ Flowers, Ibr Louse, garden tions, all the plats, give all the nec­ self accordingly; Mr. Byrd does a and gmuiids, are Tally described in the essary information, free of charge, livery and feed stable business com­ and render service as surveyor at mensurate with the demands of the reasonable figures. At this time he town and vicinity, and at reasonn- is out ■■♦■■wn but will be in by the bb.'jttiti-s, t'o :• by l.-arm" r.o room innil.* Aùtlrc.«« end of the week. iiiai^Pn the same line of business, GEO. W. CRANE, —A surprise party at the house which is the only honorable way for I’ox 12KJ, I1! m . of Mrs. Schltipe, on Monday even­ a man to discourage, or keep out ing, and is report- .1 a most enjov- competitors. CANYON CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. iible affair. Capt. Isaac Foster was —Mrs. I'itxjolm many of the cit­ floor manager, and «. very eye was izens of Burns, will remcmlicr ns delighted with the graft fid evolu­ the poor laily. who supported her tions of the tall forms of Ed. II. and family of seven children by walk­ “Uncle Ike” in the waltz. A sup­ ing over three miles to town to do per was set and partaken of a day’s work, and returning home with zest. afterward to care for her infant. O- P. Orecap, —T. G. Maupin, v.ho bought the Sometime in September the hack (’anyoff < i:y, Oregon. Byrd ranch of J. E. Bowen, of Burns in which she was riding with Miss for $1.41X1, move«! from Beaver Taylor and father, upset off the Has. also, a fine a «sortment of l’r.rhedk>e creek, Crook co., Or., with his fami­ bridge and the unfortunate woman’s ware—sometldng new, which tor Lvauiy of “ ly (wife, mother-in-law, Mrs. Chil- arm was badly dislocated. She design ami fini n is hard to equal. A * tine line (ami in ail shades), »»( ’ • ar- ¿iiir'S, (Tn-kerw. nM frrth. K okìf . ìmhi special atti ndance within a definite L i . iih I f . Y cm -| P.r«r»is ten. tar» draw a«j>riif vr.irih fn»m ka 1«» fl tfiill lin»* *if -< h««>4 Frv’s c rd at once, and enter their and clothing; Mr. McMenany * ! #!ath>nery - .n 1. - I - k i •. lu - t • i - •- ». 1 ' 1< d Th? i’otmtrv n '1. 1-ÎT Treos S 2 BLODMmCTO^J SAVER A DORE The Finest to Be Found in the Lower Market, PlCOl’Ill ETOUS. r. P. LANE Keeps Constantly on Hand a Large Stock of Flooring, Two First-Class Biiliard Tables. i Ijr H^ÆoiLs.lcling-23, IFVuiiStio, OlTLing-los, TH?- HOPKINS HOUSE M. D. IIOPKINS, P roprietor . And all kinds of Surface Lumber thoroughly aeaM'iied for building purjai. es and at REDI CED l'RK'ES. Lakeview, Oregon. Having been added they are enabled tn ft’.ljdl orders as soon as received. Everything New and First-Class. N. B.—Good Boati all the way. This Hotel Is new N. i BROWN » House, Rooms and Furniture- an 1 oiler euurteou.r service to every guest Unit is entertained in it. DEALER IN BERNS, GRANT CO., OREGON, In (’onneetion with the House. *®F~For Fine Quality and Low Prices, Give us a call. The Best I'^nndn of Liquors and (’¡gars Always on Hand. 1-ly U"ZTJr’TTO.GIZ’LS 2 Attention 000,000 sao©,coo. CATALOGUE OF 1888. FINE SILVER WARE WILLOW RANCH FLOURING MILL, (’HAS. E. BOSWJ LL J. C. PARKER, BERNS, AGENT. 25 Miles South oí’ Lakeview. Leaves VALI! on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30, a. in. Arrives at BURNS on Tuesdays and Fridays at 0 p. in. A. SNIDER L akeview , O regon . Leaves BERNS on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 a. m. Arrives at VALE on Tuesdays and Fridays at G p. m ¿'¡TClose connection at VALE with stage for ONTARIO. Pays Highest Market Price for Grain. 1-ly This Mill is in line eon Alinoli lor turning out supejur work. class miller. CHAS. G. FRYE, PROPRIETOR. Is in clinrgcof n first- WE CUARAiMT££ GUR FLOUR. Burns, Oregon. The Highest Prices will be pni man. i.«>r set of men. I.nt will be found cdvocating the Right side on every question, as we are able to view it. 4th. Thc Price of Kulr-cription to T he H erald ¡ h only 12.5») a Year to the < ¡overnor, Settler, oykmaii. or an_ or,. . I“. let di->< rii ii 'io ■ d L • "f !i: ^Lr of unni« limited p"ly Ly at nini !:-»_:«t HOIIEE SHOEING AT , me! of good quality. All Work Warranted. < A tir t el:, ■< <1, ssMEni worl:-< in connection with 1-ly Clive ri Trini a Seeing is Relieving. the Blacksmith shop. HARDWARE ACD CRCOKSRY AND ♦ ir. LAKEVIEW, OREGON. KCHMÏNCK Manufacturer cf Tinware FaruMTR nc«-«l not incur th«' cxp'>n«<> and dr lav of pending «»If for Agricultural Implements. as this House k«'«']»» a full stock at Fair I’t ie. s. ( itixens will find lien* nu complete a line of Hnrdwan- and (':■ I ry ¡:s in tiny other « »t;d lisliment in this section of country. ^X*T»r.warc of «II 1> Mhr«i«-r. ». Cull nn- m - c G im I