BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 18S7. Vol. 1 —No. 1 < HERALD THE "c ■ —- — .................. J ... BLlrillED EVERY WEDNESDAY W D. L. GRACE, E ditor P roprietor ^ and ¿FHSCIUrriON TERMS: , L i J A. ear j r.oo ................................................ b-»- 1. 50 . .7.5 .2.50 1 , ret- Moil t I ik - Uiy Y cur (in advance) IIERAVD CLVB LIST: H<*mM ll.T«bl JU rulli II, .... I lit Hill «Illi niel and i»id uud The < enturv, one vier St S'l noie». Heniure«! Miixnzliie, one year |•^■■•l« 'U Meenzine Gode) li l ady z Hook “ ADVERTISING RATES: 1 wk 2 wk •PACE .0 1 inch ♦ 1 .50 2 .. 3.00 1 (M) 3.50 •» 00 V. “ 4 50 ♦i.OU 4 “ I.» ''»1. <>.00 ■J 00 i! • 1.1.00 1ÍÍ uO •f • ¿0.00 iXx.OO 1 mu j 3 mo fi ino 1 J». 1 1 00 Í ||S 00 fil 00 ♦15.00 6 ,r>0 1 12.00 18.00 28.00 . ; oo i 15.00 24 OU 40.00 10 M 20 00 112 00 50 00 15 00 1 > 00 48 00 51 00 2S.00 I 48.00 80.00 120 00 1 40.00 1 00.00 111) 00 140 00 ... ty-\ Iiliera! reduction to all y'early ad- ver/ (’all at oilice, or write to Publisher. < uts charged extra, according to apace, an none but metal base admitted. As we atereotyiie our advertisements all < hanges after Hist four publications, $1. •• Advertising in Local Columns Ten cents a line. • • JIu rriiige, |)irtli, and death notices free. ?.'ost liberal terms to religious and sdcial, nn- edueutioiM ’ ’ J.ib Work ilonif hert iniptly, at r yvmable prices, by an experii ‘ ed ’Job Printer. The Patronage of the Publie respectfully so icited. < »FFICI AL DI RECTORY. jnty Judge i ................... 1 rmiHurer . . N. R. M axey J. T. M akl .......... E. H all | . i^sanilsBioncrB .... ? T. A. M c K innon , Ç T. II. M eador j Purveyor.......... .................. Z MfcTHOr ............................ hi hool ;-ui»erhitendent .............. J. II. N eal ................ \. e. D obs ...M. D. C ameron ......... H. F. D odson I I LIM riet Judge ................. 1 nt riet Attorney.................. ................ L. B. I son i I . M. D. CLIFFORD. A. F. S nelling , M. T ownsend . HARNEY I.ODGI I. O. O. F. Meets nt Odd Fellows Hull, every Saturday at i) p in. J. I„ BAIRD, N. G. ;. M. GUNTIIEW, Kect’v. i. McGOWAN, DStrict Deputy G, M. tAH. A. I'OIIHWKlj., F. F. A. CIKIZWEl.t. Lakeview. Liiikville Aîtorneys-at-LaWo 0GGSWELL& COGSWELL J.AKEVIEW AND LINEVILLE, Or. HARDWARE, TINWARE, V» MATERIAL 1-ly f Attorney à Notary Public. A. C. BRODERSEN. Lakeview. Oregon. *ollections, Real Estate and Probate mat- i^s a spei ialty. 1-tf * »------------- ---------- ------------------------ Attomey-at-Law M. A. KBLTON. \ wishing to be located, cun bar pla'i; furu failed 1-ly free of charge. Lakeview, Or. JF’evrixx the courts of the state, anil * I . H. Land otlh c. I Watc Machinery, Carpenter and ¡Plumber, W. A. ROIIFER.. WAGONS, BUGGIES •& CARRIAGES. £35»-\ gfxt Fon F ireman ' s F i nd T nsikasik t'i.MrisvÀ'Vl Burn.«, Ori-'fe^. i-iy FJF?.1VCII Z-SO' l PESJJ-, Meat — X STARK. - • J I JAMES/UOl’S’IALL. PROPRIETRESS. M ur . LOUIS RACINE ["* the lar.»-, lo. , in tbi«ún¿« fr brought t<> this -n. .Vnin_£t.. Burn« Or.--------- - A New anti I -X — Î X — OREGON. X — Hay &, Crain \lwayM on hand ami Good Attention vn all orders made for teams and vvh- 1-ly a tchmaker& Jeweler LEE CALDWELL J. W. BONE BRA KE. Lakeview, Oregon. I lkU.lMiii.ible Priits. ■r-Tk F I lv \ i A X’cizrloar. I’UOPRIETOR. Burns. Oregon. HAIR-CUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOING _ AT _ ’ . W •.' d-Rock Prices E. TODD -A PROPRIETOR. 1!,\o«pn MII.LF.1P ORNEY-AT-LAW. »»imp/ » im -. d^*m. raetice in all the State courts. e mea ^ market Given Personal Attention. .1. I’topri. tor. , Isour motto. Buggy Teams, er Saddle Horses Fur- Reasonable Charges and Partie Attention paid to the Boardi id Groomipg of Tran- aient St IIay & Grain on hand, * i-iy CITV ADVERTISEMENTS. V. - - \CASH BUSINESS The Table» alwey® Supplied with all the Eatables obtainable and Served in Beat Style. ■3?a‘jn.s^ cess- \ ern Oregon. It is for the purpose ity of Americans do not take in full ■ pu'.>li.-l cu . m Lin” Gna-.-anf erti Puro aiif a loegjiun for a home for manifold blessings with prodigal tries together, and equally as good Special attention given I.adies in < ’onfir.C- our daaijqiiig year;-.. We wish to hand at the feet of the down-trod­ for coil and climate, will be opened ment. (Jails answered at all hours. up. —— 1 1 obtain icbires/ondcnts in every part den of the Old Vt’orhl, and is gootl- As yet but little land in these of thi.- ‘"SFmive county to keep i naturcdly amused to sec the avidity Have bad many years practice in lip valleys, comparatively, is occupied pi.nl as well ns extensive «Kporicnct* in Gen­ - the local news of their section bc- with which tl’.ey seize upon what ’but settlers are coming in rapidly. eral Nursing. 1-ly I fore the public—that is the way to ¡he co carelessly casts awav. Lt is estimated Hint 250 families -«Iveriisc. .,£ tl...li- ---- - JTJT» 'UT! --- u---- ».l™ i.. . a - several localities; mid the result deeping upon his right::? Is the ; of such advertising is to attract foreign clement in our population I hcr.\ The . general elevation of the capital and go^-1 citizens to t!;e Llamcwiu'tb.y for taking advantages | development of resources now val- within tlie grasp? Yet such is the country iff below 3000 feet, about J. G. Welsh^K : ueless. Harney valley will be our present tendency of newspaper ar­ the same ns the Grande Rondo val- Offer-« bis professionnl sa j tlie eit- ; ley and much lower than the valley izens of Burns and vi'-initf fht resi­ . own immediate care-to keep under gument in the East, for the native dence south Oa Herald buff 1-ly of Powder river. Here is an al­ the eyes of H erald readers. is I cing vigorously reminded that As to other points of interest con- his citizenship does not excm] - him most new field for immigrants. ATTORTE . ncctcd with the establishment from the usual fate of the spend­ The land is level and rolling, fine­ ns , O k . of the .prijK-r, -we will state that, thrift, and he will awake some day ly situated for cither agriculture- or GEO. 8. SIZEMO'.IE while TiiE H erald is not a political to realize that those who fed upon dock raising, and is to be had fur Criminal law n 8 -AND— ]>aper according to the accepted de­ his bounty at tlie bight of his pros­ tli- taking. ------- 5------- ’--------------------- The railroads, which will be com­ finition of that term, there will be no perity are able to ride while he . Practical Sufoyor • * Œ: » hesitation in discussing any and all must walk—in other words own the pleted through flic valleys named A. L. CONNER political ’ questions as they may choice lands, and ho be left to make above, not .jjter than a year from GEO. McGOWAN - - - - BUJINR, OREGON. Burns, Orcg0a arise; and, whenever party lines what Ire can of their refuse, or be­ this time, v. i'l -wing middle Oregon Agent for Stayer & Walker, Wholesale Dealers in into close rclatio.»^ with in this county arc drawn, Tin: H er ­ come their tenants. Any and all kinds of r.nrve’ing done on rhort notice and re:a.on»ble terns. r. íüT" Set . ‘ den. i ald will /¿hit no uncertain sound, The effect of an immigration markets and the coast.” IKTexv Bertil BLocm. One door North.of Drum Store. 'x i AU meat« cut toV tail. ( ountry order multo is “Cash on tl whole-ale, or re- blit be feirtid ah unflinching advo­ cate of the »principles and policies o/ the; party, r.ow managing the affnirs'of government. As to our standing on^the local land question, we are thoroughly democratic: the public doniain is for the benefit of the citizens of the republic, and T he H erald makes no war on the interests of settler, stockman, or corporation that complies with the requireihents of the laws govern­ ing the acquisition of lands; any other course it will condemn ’ with- out fear or favor. In religious affairs, T he H erved , being non- sectnripn, ‘ to lend its voice ill building up and sustaining any church interest desired by the com- rnpnity. In educational work it jjiU.bg a stanch advo ate of public Echotila. conducted in the spirit of the educational laws of the Btatc, than which rone are superior. With the ltope that our subscrip­ tion list will reach one thousand names of “three month subscribers” in the East, as material evidence of a welcome to T he H erald en­ terprise. we submit the initial num­ ber to the citizens of East Oregon. I). L. G race . T he H erald sent to any address East three months is only 50cents. A - nevthal newspaper is- one “that wires in and wires out, and leaves its redders still in doubt, whether the make that made the track, was going in, or coining back.’ of 300,1X10 foreigners yearly is be­ ing pressed upon his attention by politicians in pessimistic colors for political capital, but patriotic politiijal economists are a iding their voices and suggesting remed­ ial and prompt action. The best course will be to warm­ ly support the wise efforts of the Cleveland administration; gather up the remnants, and withdraw an unlimited invitation to immigra­ tion. * --------- ,---------- l’HOSPEUTUS ‘ * —OF TUB­ EAST OREGON HERALD. Believing that the ebkfiHHiment of a live democratic newtpaper, de­ voted to t'.ie general intcfestB (po­ litical and otherwise) of East Ore­ gon, and the immediate interests of -------- , will be conducive to the general welfare of the peotfce, gn< of practical benefit to theL-'ctioi of country named, the und',*,’“lk'e- citizi'iis head the Subis- rifl’110" of T he H erald with names and amount of t ubBcrklJ' -orono or more years, payme/14 sanie to Fublie Patronage. be made -ipon rcceijj* ol **r'1 toi»y Savs the Weekly World on above of the panflr. Stmjectf A democrat who, by tttrsorr of the good faith of the party pa­ Town!: Ln ig no paper to ronr - pers and their labors, succeeds in sent their interests,*and inclined to securing a public positisn which acccjit our pro]»r>sition, can cut out gives him public patronage to be­ the above, insert the natt« vf their stow, owes it as a moral as well as town in the blank, canvass the town political dutyto give that patronage for subscribers, and forward to cur to the paper that stands by the par­ address. No money to be collected ty undr r all circumstances, and by Subscribers to forward subscriptions reason of which this very democrat on receipt of first copy of paper. succeeded in obtaining his ]>osition. The above was the article to which It is by the support given the pa­ the citizens of Burns und Jlarncy pers under republican rule that so valley liberally appended their sig­ many organs of that faith have natures for one or more years sub­ prospered in the country, and if the scription. K.-'.me cturse wi re pursued by dem­ On the inside will be found a very ocratic officials, the condition of handsome make-up of telegraphic their party organs would be greatly sumrpary, Oregon news, coast rull- improved. No democratic paper ¡n igs . market report, and general mis received public patronage under re- cellany. It is our intention to use publican rule, while it seems to be a ready-print inside no longer than the order for democratic officials it will take to put our office in order, who hawe received the labors and nnd get in the eastern advertise- iniluence of the party papers free menta promised by old and liberal ofcha’-gc. to ignore their claims to patrons.