J-,1. " r i1 'dl, n'.,'Wp$rt. i r- v rrf paui: NIGHT JI1 W T I M II Kit A Ml , ntJUNH, II A It N WT OOU NTV OttlK'O f'' r&ttmtuy, April If., 11(255 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank OF BURNS, OREQON At The Close of Business f APRIL 6th, 1925 RESOURCES "Loans and Discounts $291,058.48 Overdrafts ..'. 018.42 U S. Bonds 78,250.00 'Stocks, Warrants & Securities .1 14,370.40 Banking House, Fur. & Fix , 8,400.00 "Other Real Estate Owned 19,(574.87 CASH k DUE FROM BANKS 82,219.72 William Ilniiluy roluriiotl lnnt But I unlay from u (rip to oiitnlilo polntH. .IimIho (Irani from hit) ranch wuok. 'Olionipnoii wiih up homo durliii: thin Wutur Miuitor A, II. I'iirii wuu In Mr. mill Mm. Ri; M. Dunn tiro- up I ,tnarMLUMiunuai. from tliolr rmiuh Home lit IcJiiKIh. fit...... .- .... ... ..I II ..... i nuy rnmi up iiir circuit rouru u llonry Koiik, (inn of tlio olif pion- 1 mini of thin, neutlon, linn boon root- iiilt frloiitlaT in iiunin nurliiir iliu tlilrt vicinity diirliiK tliu wuok looklui; nftur oIIIl'IiiI inuttorM, Mr. nml Mm. OIiih Blzomoro urn In town tli Im wcuk from -Uiolr lioino near Niirruwrt, bolnjr horw on court umtturrt, 10. N. NoInoii wiih up from tliu ranch Thuntduy. Mo Iiuh rucuntly cnmplotoil mu'dliiK 00 nnrifi of ryn nml Ih how Howlntr Home -w limit. Oritur your up-to-date toivnnhlp hliioprlutH now, buforo Hid TluniH Lmnl Otllcu In iiIioIIhIiimI, April .'I Olid, 1 1 1! r. . Inland Umpire lloulty Co., IluriiM, OroKon. J-28-Gt : $ 495,191.89 i ' LIABILITIES Capital Stock .'. ....$ 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 03,300.72 Circulation fin non nn Rediscounts t 83 845 331 'n'" r,v,,r ,H "' " DEPOSITS ' '.' 248 04584 ! lUZa, ,,ny" ,l",, ",!m! I,f l,,,f w"1' iu,wiu.ui opIIHtiK ovor mill lirliiK mom or Manager A. II. (IravoH of tint Con- I Irnl Oregon Telephone Co. Wiih a pan-1 iuhrit out on ycnturiltiy inoniliiK'rt train for llitrpnr whoro ho kiiom lo ; do noiuo rcpnlr work on tliu line. ) -- I $ 495,191.89 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY STATE OF OREGON DEPOSITARY HARNEY COUNTY DEPOSITARY T I .LOCAL wenini Mr. mill Mm HitI Duntun woro ovur from tliolr homo nbovo Ilruwmiy iho other ilny The olil cown are now able to Kot oiuu gram hIiico tho recout raliiH and 'Oil! warm wonthor of thin wuok hnvo ixtartpd It Krowltiij. J. J. Hroriiuiiu a roproHcntallvo or tint II. S. laud department. Iiuh boon In titilrt vicinity during the pri'Hunl wcok looking nftur olllclnl mattun. MniiHRur (Snivel of tho Central urcKOii Toiopiione ro nml lilit on ! Herbert, Hpout a portion of iIiIh wouk Improving tho lino butwoon hero and .Uunyon (Mty. They relumed hunt Tuoailny evening. Married Thiirodny, April 9. nt .Uiu'KuzKrviiK iKiriouiiKH. Carl I'. Ilmlu ...irifl Mlw Lota Mm.)' DiiHton. both of 'Drmvwiy. llev. J. W. Hiunrt pur '.furmed the ('romnuy. Thu hrldo l Mth. Loo Calihroll han returned hoimi from Portland whuro iiho wiih for a nhort vlult mid to nttund to Home litiHluunH matturfl. Tho city tnarhal him miuouncinl Hint rlcanup week ihan lioou iIohIk- uatod thin mouth lieKlnuliiR April 20. I (lot lniMy and clean up your prunilHOH. C. B. HIIIiiiiikIi. tho contractor, ar rived homo Tuesday iiIkIU from Port laud. Ho mndu tho ontlro dlHtnuco In IiIh car In H hnum. ovor lOO inlleH. Ilu left yt'Htorday morning for IIoIhu whore iliu linn hoiuii IiiimIiiuhh. John DiiIIuIh, nn IrrlKiitlou oiikIii cor with liendiiuartorH at ISenil, hnn Leon looking around llurns :h'n weok, hnvliii; nccompnnlud ll. M )e Arniond, thu nttnrnuy ovor. Mr. Du Iliilh Iiuh' heon couiiouted wl'.li tho' Onwnlil Wont project ovor In thy Do- ImtuK country. Ho hooh a Kront fu ll. rt for thlH torntory and would llko lo koI ununeclod up with miiuu pro. Jeot horo. I)imttn. ploHoer resident of the ISrttWMiy roiinlry. Th TIlUM-Iltratd maAmi l wlht to tho young ' AMtnJ Harry Itlfg ftl hi toa Knrttt mm vlaltlni wttb mlHv and ttytaad in thu city into wk. They llari tbU morning for Laka conntr vkm they rtalda. Harry wm r traaMont of this plac dnriuK hta hoy- iMril and U favorably rem nil red liy amity of our itaople. Il I a broihcr U Charley and Malt HIkkm ami Mr. I'Taak llHknr Ills aon Kvtru linn tnkun pari in tbo Itouiid-up haro the Uunl two yearn and Is a well known 'rliJor. The ynuiiK niun Hpunt Hovornl raonthH liiHt fall In Now York rldliiK for nxhlhltloii purpoHOH r'rmik Jihiiou of tho Oiukjm . Wentorn CnloulMittou Cu. ar.'iVifl from Prlnavlllu ou 'I buriiloy e. r tha Uaughtor of Mr. and Mm. Hart n00M- " ' lra to moat iinr pro- iwriiva rem oatute nnynr iuu aloo rm Kock imn In tho way if lanv he aratlRR lauda for lh aaaton Mr Johaaou waa arrompanlad over rrom Priuavlll by Mra. V V. Ilarp- liain mid hor two chlldrm Mr. Ilarp ham. who i roraat HupervlMtr of the 0 h( ro, is extipcled ), re tonlKUl. We re.ilh' ouKht to fix up our vlk u lltilf. clean up tho yard, liut up I he I'hlrkana m It la garden lug time, but no long aa we have lo liaaturo thu raiicu horaea H'a nut miioh uav However, Marhal Drake cr of. ulthor corrallod or driven out aayii thu hitmen are koIiik to ho taken on tho raiiKo, ho wo may take heart and Kit tho hoimo wlfo to tako a more optliulHtlc vlow of llfo. full atnr Ih Iohh wiiHted, hut thin Ih trnlliK to con I In no until wo are ready to lieeomo mod orulziid In tho iiho or water and utore It, In mont plnctm wutur Ih coimldor od ton pri'clotiti to wiiHto hut we've Kottom uhoiI to It Ih riarnoy vairoy. V. II. KkoKurnou, uiiKlucor In clinrK of iiupplloH for tho Union Pa el fir, rmprovomuutH Here. Iiuh Dueu to Hall IViko, returning Home Tiiomlay evonhiK. While uhieiil Mr. 3koi;or nou hud an operation performed on hln throat. When milled hh tm when wo could expect dally train worvfeo Mr. Hkngornon Hiild' Ilu coufd' rIvit'iih nn Inrormatlon whatever otr the nmt tor. M. If. Ilrentoii Ih attain at IiIh old lionl or duty In tliu Htur noft drink umiiorlum. Mart Iiuh heeii connort oil with that comer for ho many yearn that flu Iiuh hecoinu a part of If My ron Terrlll rocontly took tin lenun over from Frank Hohhuiiiii, hut ho found tho Indoor work wiih detrimen tal to IiIh health and decided to ro ll rev Marl Ih in;nlti oir the other nlde of tho counter rendy to Mfrve 'hln frlemlK and ciiHtonieni. It. II Ilrown wiih hero from Iih much hoimr at .Vyxna durliiK 'the wuuk, having come over to uttonik the funeral' of IiIh old Friend llonry llmnlltou. Mr Ilrown hnn eiiKiiKcd In ralslnif a Hiuatl flecl: oC Hhoop nn IiIh ranch and nay ho flndH It tiuiru -.uri'otHtful than trying to uiako hln ranch pay from a crop Mlaudpolut. Mr. Ilrown Iiuh law laud ami Mock IlilereotH In the Ktolit'n Moiiutitlll hoo lion hut at proMnt thin prn(orty It under lenac wuok Court HtotrflRmpn'nr W. M. Wilk'or arrived ihorot' Haturiluy nlKlit aud'ln nltoudltiK tliun)Kular term of etrciiU court, Thu excellent wnathor during thin week haw maiUiii vunt Improvoraont In tho crowtlr (If tlio frnuiH and irrnpu Hint, hnvo heon Hooded. Mih. Ij. N. Slallant Ih ovur from hur farm hoinr'nenr DruwMuy on lunl iiohh eonuook'ti with thu HOttlnraont of tlio oHlato of hr latn hUHhand'. II. II. DoArmond. one of tlio lead line uttoruoyH ot Ilouif, wiih ihort for a fow ilayH thW wouk nttundlmfclr rUlt court, wituru fca roproHuatod (uiiio client. II. M. Ilorton uamover froui:.Honil lnnt Katurday and luimeillntuly took to ihlH hed with a Huvoro altitk of cold. Ho mi Id' lie Koctiick In a. mud hole on tho way over mid worked rather hurriedly Tor mi hour wttliiK up a kooiI imtnl amf evidently cooled nc too Htiditonly utter Kottlinc hack In tho car. Tho IIk MtiraKt CiuikH at th Htan- dnrd Oil Co. Htatlen have heu put to tine mid MunnKor Aupluwnll announn i'H that ho expocf.i n coiiHlKOtnout of , caned kuoiIh ilurtnR the uixt wouk whou ho vlll ho In it poult Ion- tn nurve IiIh patroim wltt- nil the umiitl kooiIh carried hjr hln concern. Tlio hulld ' Iiirh will hooii ti painted raid tho hUi- Hon will prraoirC a very attractive np-pearancifi. Her Hope Chest Tho rcnl Hopo Client of today ! ft snvihgai bank nccbunt, nnd the crl' pnrcnta start it for her when alto is a bnby or a small child. Even $5 n month placad in a. snvtnfts ac count, where the interest will be compounded nnd added to the principnl, will give her more than $700 in ten years. $10 a month will 'am ount to nearly $1,500. Hav you a little girl m your home? She will be grcatful always if you atart her Hope Chest now and keep it growing for her. Harney County National Bank: BURNS, OREGON National, County and State Depositary W. C. AtcKltiniiy- left yenterdny mornlni; for hln liomo at Milton af ter Hpenillni; a couplo of week 'lioro with lila parentis Mr. and Mm. C. F. W. A, (lnnn. clerk tn tho Iwnl ' WcKluuiy. Ho went out na far ax laud ortlco. ux recolveutlnformiillon , Ontario in company with C. B. HII H.at hr Ik traJinfcrrod ta Vnlo and In : hnuuli frtno wlu.r h will tnbo .. (II llko'ihooit will tab up hln nc five (MiIIoh tSero upon thn tmuafnr of train. IUU w.onlil bavh prnformdi remaining louer ItecaiiHo of tho tho nirnrilwor tho ollltn oro tti that I phyHlcn.1 ooudttlpii of hln father, Uuf point; Wtir him hcon cnmioclvd with ih dutloH wore most urRont In thu the civil Hrvlm for ninny yearn aniV mnk e-hi-ro no Ih mi ofTlror at HiIh Iiuh hoeo tntloned .tt I.akovlow iihJ particular tlinictiuit uu felt ho Hiiould' alhic ly DTentatiii heforo holme trntm- I go. ferred to tint olllcu Be re wlt'irono lum rvtnalni for a lon time. " "-ciint loiter to Willi.. ItnuiiHO- vlllei, DlHtnld. UxjBie Wnrdutu Hluut Died AItm. Itackutl, the Kt'otnl- tliu Iiuh promUed uh hoiiio hall froR.t motliur or Mm. DhvIiI Cruddoek. died lhl xprln Hqht. M. Duiiiiaii waa at thf Craddock home In till city repoiiHtltif for mlcnaliiR aotnu hero AVedtiMday nlRnt. Him wiih SO yonra ' two yearn ao hut now no traeo of old nnd had lun In feeble honjth for them can ho found; wbithur they homr tlmu. rtho hni hcun mnkliiR fmvo not hKkhI tlio wlntrra or woro hur homo with the OraddorkH In ro-1 raiiRlit by hhuIu one who. didn't know cont yearn, hut formerly resided In. they woro planted for propagation Paul Illoouii wan down from mountain homii tho other dliy. o i- To Late To Clasify hln Juiit Arrlvexf Now lot of droniion mid linta, apoclally prtted for thu Banter tmJb. Mm,Iukijy nt Mm. Schwnrtz ntoro 4-II-lt, NO TltlLMPAHIN Tho Kmvel pit la a,dUHRwrouH ploob nnd thlac warnhiR la lvuri parontH.to, caution their children not to ro on tho prvmlHCH. In tact tropnNlD, Is. Htrlcttj forhldden. II. MAUTX, H.J. 1IANHKN. Mdvloa vn IW for ii Ioiir tlnio. Thw funeral aervlre wun helil here early yoHtorday inoriilnR. condiirted hy Itov. Ilowd of he Ilaptlnt church ind the rii)4lua won taken to Drnwae. for liiiwrnieni. her hitxhnud ImvliiK lioon hurled there. piirH)nort. Mr. Ilazottlue nddu thn' ! tlio Canyon Creek hntehory han about ?r,00.00() Ilrnok trout fry out nnd i which rlll ho dlatrlbuted about Mr.v 18. Over u million new prrh. mostlv raluhow nr now in eounw of hatch Iiir GOITER TAEtiToEMDE Kliuplo hoaio method. Send for FItB&r booklet' nnd- tvstt tnonlallH. Wnrnor'a Itenown od Ilt'tneillps Co , 723 Security IUiIr., Mjnncapollu, Minn. i .deawmmanrm.. ,' rniraTT-mwinr titti nTrnmirri rnrni"r-fTrir"rrT7rff't,,t' ' '"' ..-.!.J-fw T, Attention FISHERMAN I f ly We now have on display &v$fc) an excellent mm assortment of SBl3 Fine Fishing TackIe 5 v Store First R l3 E E D B R O 73 R)t2& Stem kf Vawawanajeaatfit BURNS OREGON iM 4-1 Announcement i Do not buy to heavy for the next few days as Weinstein Mercantile Co. is going to have something very attractive to offer you in a short time. A BIG 5AL is contemplated with prices that will surprise you. Watch This Paper Next Week. Weinstein Merc. Co. E )fM l Always For Your Satisfaction HirWal W ah J laWHaaaaBae