J)JV STPV vjl "Saturday, AjiWl tl, 1025 ForGovemorship U ' mssmi & VasvM ri v r$3?K 5E1 W.Ic3 m ,; ia Ml JtiUa Alexander, lawyer ami nvinber J? the Nortii Cn'olum legislature, wiwta to Iju jfovurnor of her Htatc. She has announced her candidacy for tho OcmocrnUc nomination. IN .COXKIOKN'OK HY I'liO Hut llf Woiit Say "VJmi" Dear Miss J-'lo: I wondor If you will holy mo? 1 am a girl iwoutynlx yoam old. I have huon boIiib with a inau sovornl years oldur than niyuulf tor two ears. Ho Btivo me an uiiKasemunt ring lor ChtUtmas. Ilowovor, ho eeoms Jn no oapoelaJ hurry to i;ot married. Ho rnroly snonkM of li and han novrr mottlonud and definite plann. aJLhouKh ho ollon speakn of tho llttlo home wu wfll have omo day. That houio day hcviiis to he far In tho dlHtance, iukI a 1 .am no long er a young ?Irl, 1 nm wondering If I urn foollhh 10 ho giving o much tit my tlmo to thl one man. I love him very muoJi, irnd porhapn I uliow It toi plainly. Do you think a njan'H lovr -ItnTviMioa or dwruiimn when lio flniU tli.it a girl lovuii him? 1 know that ho In tho head ot IiIb family, mipport Ing IiIh widowed mother and hi two Hlntnni. Of courne, I iirtmlro Irtm for liln loyalty, but It ronlljr htn't uuooe ary for him to npport 6I aUUri. They both hate a fairly Reed educa tion, mid both old euough and htal thy enough to mipnart UhmiiioIvuh. What Hinll I do? , Martgo I don't bollovo that iinythliiK l (qulto so wearing on n man and wo- -n nu lmn. imt'ni'niiU'ilL It Is wearing bctaiuao It Isn't natural, and It tots upon Xlio nerves oi nowi. n m the best lltUo lovo-klller I know. You haven't flio privileges or a hits hand ;ind wiro. nor tho liberty or the single man and woman 1K1J JIIIIH I1MM "i........ a .. -..i. v.mu.. th.it ho Is not ' in position to murry ror years to , come should not take up a girl s tlmo. ir ho Is honorable, ho will ex plain the situation to tho girl, and It sho Is wise, she will not let horseir iWJtKt V IM iX JU. WK . l-v. : rt iif -vwjb bo drawn Into keeping company with marry tier ai icnsi noi mr ywm u ... .. I rnmn A iIlTB t UIO K)r inaKWIK a ' good marriage Is while her youth and beauty ah I no, and sho should inuko tho boat or It. That period Is short and sho takoa a chance ir sho gives It to a man who may grow tired or her beforo ho Is In position to marry. Wihother or no a man's lovo In creases or docroasoa with the knowl edge that a girl Iovoh Jilm, depends entirely on tho man. A vain man Is flattorod by tho knowledge that a girl Icvea hint. Ho Juih such a lot of ro spoct and admiration for hor suporlor tasto and hor oxcollont Judgment that ho marrlOH hor. Other girls havn Havod tho day with tears when tho roan of hor cholco trlod to break away from hor. Ho sympathized with hor no dooply for losing uch a flno man that It was moro than ho could stand, so ho married hor. Moat mon, howovor, profcr to do tho courting. I havo a groat doal of faith In tho Indlfforont treatment. Pop8 Not Dumb Iiy Edward McCullough no urawn lino k"i"k -wi"i". " - a man sho knows Is not In position to will he n place ror them among tho . . ... ... .'..... ......... r..1r I vn (trni1inn which . -! , -vui I y ST . W ' r.v-.wy'' 'fi MINUTES tATERI I KJ'' ' ' V! "- '. : "" """ rti-iw irn W or' rr THtH ARI VOU CRAZY. I - ' v 7 xrB FOLKS At2?n.2Sul VLLr Uu,.w BATIM- LATE AT NIGHT I I S N. jcTX w ,LL eE UP 11-i- " 1 J Lk0 AFTER ELEVEW A BlTB WrlAT DO VOU KNOW -- , " ( HE NEEOsA HEV W JUST A5 W- - "?TAfTD 1 OCLOC'1 lb BAT Do SOU HUNDPBC5S OF PEOPLE vgfl ' A Good )J Pbp T SOOH AS I iiNUUlX I TIME Tt J V FIR6T J WANT To KILL THBMCBLVBfi ' VCCARG A0B Voo 4 FINISH RI:ADIn7::-- rrmm K A r RU,N Vooa -SL IflVER7 V VM ,M Jiv tm' paper Ar- TOWN eda 7 v stomach llflHteHL' toSro WW W AUTOCASTKIt Ah noon as tho average " " that ho 1b being jmrnuod, rnthor Uum tiitrniilnR. Jin loses. Interest. It ro utib'on a Kront deal of tuot to liatidlo I tlin box that linn never lout tho hunter I irifltlncl. If she In wlao tho Klrl will ' rot ask wIumi ho Is-golng to hou hor OKlflll, It 8ll0 WfttltH to keep liln In- toruwt. or .ourao, tho rilhi of ltnlirforoiico;i ninnlil 4ioi b carried (no far. Itfa 'J rtlOUIll 41111 11" I'ltlHl'll nni "ii. hi , ,,i 1... oivir. 4ii ldnvart hla-1 tantly, boetuiso thevu ten lot orooro- SH.M) I'rainluin. Robert Sinclair petition nlioul thoeoatay. 1186.00 Janitor, niirrotighi Adding An your youns iimn doesn't Boom Machine Co. filJI.VS Repairs. V. (I. in n-jy particular hurry uUout nam. Cozail 1(13.7 Tax Matter. G W. I.ii; n wedding ilatu. I should tlilnlc 'tJlovaitBW 1811.00 nurlal Bxpons. tho host thing for you to do In to try i -Clarence Voting MM Travel Idx Miu'lnillffuroni'o rolo. and along wIMi j penso. Dr. II. V. HinUli $75.00 Salary It, try going out with other lioy. If Health Olllcur. Chaw. nrlttlnghutii It Is n (luestlun iih to whothor or notUv.CO Travel Iflxpotwo, M. A. Oldr ho could Hiuuiarl n wlfu, mid ho woro ; $15.00 Labor. W. N. Monroe. at aln really anxious to got married, dio , IO.ir. Jimtloo Court I'fOM, Jiunea would limlitt that his nmtora find no- i liucldmiil IB 00 Cody IMirault. Oon ultlotw and euiiport thonuolvOH. It trul 0rK0ii Tolojdioiio Co. f 80.80 In) really enron for you, and wuiln in ' ItunlnlN anil Tolls. J. H. Oonlc I7B0.00 marry you. ho will vory duleklv iU- 1 Tax Mllr. A. I. Dlokwiaon $105.00 alilo what ho In koIiij; to Ho whon ho J.tbor. Huron Power Co. $81 1.1 U Mo- thlnkM ho Im koIiik to lono you. You ! have nlryndy glvon him two yoarn of your lire, and If dio dooml't Intond to get mnrrlnd, now In the time to lireuh. YUKON IH CIIANOKM It le h changed Yukon of which allWlmort now upoak. Hovoral of tlium am In hopltl In Vniioomtr I tlilw winter, and tinny look hack with i RCine regret to the old mysterlng ytiitr 11 fo In DaWKOli, which Iuih pawed away a tho floating popula tion or ndventurouB proMpoclorn ( dwtndhm. and -power and equipment largely take the plnro of hand tools. Tho hard-working, hard-drinking crowd of urgonmilH of '07 and "JS Ik no moro. A row ntlil Hoek tho "gold Mi fleece' upon (tlHtiuil Htroamn. but tho old thrill or upending quick earn ing In blaring dnnco halU In a thing or the pant. HayH the Toronto Qloho. Tho Diiwmmi or today In a highly pmpeetablu mining town. It ilioldn tow attrnetlotiK ror ihono old our dfliiKhii who remember ItM hotter or urnrno duyn. and thoHo who are atlll able to wltlmtaud tlio Yukon winter koep to their ealilua on their ohilms. Hut tihiire are othom. More tllflii one old-timer, (leteated at laet by the Jdttor cold, lias keen carried Into tho hospital In Vaiicouror Lais win ter with limb partly frozen and rlioiiiiiy Jolnlu doniandliig the com lorU of town llto. To them nothing 1 remains but mmnorlea ot tho ro- I maiire or It all and the wistful re grets of hardened Jd sinners tor tho . times that may neter live again. ' Uprlver. downriver, the story Is tho same In summer new faces peer down from tho "toxas" of Uie stern whueler: In winter spluttering, blan ket-hooded motor oars dlspnto pas rage with such dog teams as Httll strain at thn tugs. Another development which Is snr - vIiik to hind together tho oldtlmors. and which .nay even bring many or llieni IOK"'"' "' " "' """ " discovery which has boon inodo In the Dease lake section ot Uio Casslar district, in northern Ilrltlsh Colum bia. Tho uuiMlon Is whether there k"i !..-....-. - ...it !. if.. i.,fjflrit will iiiiw nmn .."" It la a dllllcult qijmtlon to answer. They koiuo of a roco hard to kill, and every now nnd thon ono jnoot.i a Yu kon sourdough who had long been lost sight of. WHO AM I? I havo Hcatternd broad crusts, tin cans, Hiinduy supplements and papor plates from tho Caves In Houthorn Oregon to Mount Ilaker In Northorn Washington. I havo hacked forest Irons and loft rampflres burning from t tho Califor nia lino to tho Canadian' border. I havo Jiookod pears rrom a Mod ford orchard and waluutH lit tho Wil lamette Valloy, "Home noautlos" from beautiful Hood Rlvor and "De licious" applos from tho broad Yak ima valloy. I havo rollod rocks Into tho sap phlro depths of Crater Lake and x mA TT ? x m Fit H3 o 1 fI tW ' -xfefc ) WIM1 J (f Q imlMA'ri W? hP L3 I U'" i '&.'riP.ftft- Ifmtl i it IL TT IMLi .1 ; " . . 7TirT , II r ' gp , t , -.i-n Am rv THW -rriMMH-IIHKMLlIiB, BPUNH, thrown tin curia Into Laku Cliolau. I am tlto enrulmm anil thoughtlomi Ainorlcan Tourist. THI1 KOLl.OWLVfl IS A LIST Oh1 hills paid jiv tiijl countt court at tiik April thrm , (lenera) Kund V. 8. Land Offluu Wurirn SlO.afl. m r.nnd Minna Vale. SO. 70 An- - -- - - ' ntfarti, Ilur.'ey County Alwtr.irt Lo. tor. Rlory Orimn o.oo iiiiuium w .... niniivB llnllnml iizb.uu ueu- ntv Hhartlf. W N. Monroe etalsl $81.85 Justice Court ew. COma. A. Klnc $0.CO Care County loor. W. N. Monroe, et als $7.90 Juttlee Court Koes. Hulpli C Jennings $1.00 8erv lux luhpotfua. (I J Sharer $81.00 Rawing Wood. Mary Orlliln $3.10. C W. Ioggnn I8.2C. ('has. IS. Dill man $1U.70 Stamp, otc . D. l'otlor SI 15.80 Htha I'ottor $115.20 Wll- iMrrnlt Court. Mrs. W. A. Hood- I man $80.08.llark Hills. A. 1. John sun $CB 30 Travel Kxpemo, N. Drown & Hon $7.03. Ilurns Hervioe iauon j 7n ' ' 1. s. door & Company $K.in, utMn.ifH St.irn J.'H.CO. disss I'rud- hnmme Ai Co. $18.02. I.nnaburg Dalton $2.00, 1. K. Hoed $1.r.0. Hums (laragu $10.10. for Hupplles Ilurns (larago $3.80 For Hupplles Kurnlshod. Clarence N. Young $22.10 Ktamps, etc. Ceueinl Itmid l-'unil J. K. Vlckers $31.25, Joo Clark $tfi.r0. Victor llugmaii $3.00, Fred lllark $150.00. W. T. VanDorvoor $20.76, Jack Choato $54.25, Clyde A. (Slhblns $175.00. II. IC Chanee $73.60. J. M. IluchMnan $03 75. Don- ver Jones $7.50. J. O. llunyard $101 -85. Dean llnrtoii $10.00. T. II. Hill $50.00 llildd Kldwell $130.00, Or luud Turner $84.00. Joseph Wllker kon $117 50. Freddie Wllsol $00.00. Fred llaeln $16 00. A. A. I'orry $15.00. Archie Howell $0.00. Nlok Kline $50.75. J I. McMulleu $180. 25 for Work on County Roads. Paul A. Well $5.07. Mllldalo Milling Co. $30.2S hiiinbor. T H Bhort $10.60 (Jeo. Hhnw $18.65. James 8. Taylor $6.25 Uopnlrlng. I. H. Cenr $12.23, Highway Hervlce Htatlmi $70. -13, C. II. Voegtly $.70 Htondard OH Co. $20 68. Dole Hmlth. Adm. $20.02. ('has. B. Dllltnan $2 00. Fred Dallies $3.25, Ilurns Hardware Co $2.26, For Hupplles Furnished. Albert HII r $101.00 Driving Truck. W O. Douglas $26 00 Untiling. K ! Hmlth $11.00 Viewing Hood. K W. Ilarnes Investment Co. $112 tlravel. C. W. Frailer $86.70 Travel Uxponso. High Hchool Kiinil HurnM (larnge $11 10. K. F. Sch wartz $2 81. 1 K. Hlhhord $1.50. Iteud llroi., $0 10. I.. K. Heed $13.20, N. Ilrnwn & Hona $5.09, I. 8. doer & Company $036. John W. (Irnliuni Co., $37.60. W. M. Welch Mfg. Co. $00.61, Welnstoln's $13.05, I.una-hurg-Dadlton $0 06 Hkaggs Htoro $8.26, Home Drug Htoro $10.25, hampahlro's (larago $4.25, C. II. Voegtly $64.45 For auppllos furnish ed, Hldney Ilotchklss $50.00, Itoht. McCulloch $50.00 Janllors. Hums Power Company $3.00, Lights, Cen tral Oregon Telephono Company $2. 00 Hontnl. Market Itoad IHiiul Mcdco & Larson $2501.05, Mc (loo & Larson $750.50 Payments on Contracts, W. T. Van Dorveer $35.76 Labor. Itodeut I'lind Kastorn Orogou Livestock Co. $214.74 drain, Skngga Storo $0.52 Home Drug Company $5,50 Huppllos I, ChiiH. H. Dlllman, County Clork, do horoby cortlfy that tho forogoln la a true list of all claims allowed by tho County Court at tho April term HABNWY COUNTY OKKQON 1025. CIIAH. K. 1HLLMAN, County Olork. AH WM II HA III) IT Flnit wlfe: '.'John wrlloa IiohI on nil ompty utomuuh." Unrond wife- "My what an nil- 1 ,laco -- A . ' .ii LOST Cnni'-o l.rooch pin, about Atnrch 31 Posulhly on way to U u ran Public school Hiiltitblo re ward for recovery Mrs. Hold. Lowo. , . 6-11-21 13 vory gueet eating dinner nt the Hunts Care ou Kastur Huuday will ho prosentod with an Hauler Hgg sou I venlr. It A vory good outo tiro, 32x1 Ooodyear Cord, wna recently plckod up by an Indian between hero and liar uoy. Owner call at tlilii olllco, 1-11 FOH HALIJHood grain, Hard Fed eration wheat nod Hwedlsh Halect outs. Heo Jet ley Hroii., 3 mlleu oaet or lluriiH. 4-1 1-1 1 Seed ror sale at tho llaruoy Itrtiuah ISxperlmout Station. Irrigated Fedoratluu Wheat, 3c; Field lVm, 6c; and Karly Ohio PotatocH 3c. l-l-tr. nend-Huriis Htngo has started tho regular run. three limns a week, leave Hunts Tuesday, Friday, and Hiindny. 4-4- It Ilrlck ror sale Hums llrlck Co., C !:. Hllbaugh, Manager. 3-28-tr Ho-Hiirracn all your doors. No need to put down now floors, Just re surface o(d ones tho American Universal way and they will ho as good as now. Levels worn spota. mhos off dirt, staliiti, paint, varnish and loaves a pertoct sur face Com Is low and work done quickly with a guarantee. Phono 100H. T. J. McDonald. Floor Hur raolsg Contractor. 3-21-tr. Puhllo Stenography, reasonable raten -Phone 22H. 2-14 Knoui tor Itonl hot nator and hath privileges--Inquire Mrs. Hoy Mcdee. 3-2S-tf. roil HALK Cood rami wagon, Har ris grain drill, 4-seellon steel har row, double disc plow, disc culti vator, and various small farm tools also supply or 6 and 0 Inch well pipe. Terms cash. Hee at C. 12. McPhcelers ranch. 3-28-31 FOH HUNT 300 acres or meadow and 100 acres or pasture In section J 3, It. 24, T. 30, In Potter swamp. $300 cash. Write Oregon Western Colonization Co H. F Johnson, Prlnovlllo. 3-28-31 Several splendid duelling, -i to (I rnouix, .'I to 100.00 down, Mill mien like paying rent, upon the Hill or Kbit. HcM redden! and huxlnchri IoIm, eny terms, Wo tilll furnlhli von Iho Money (o llulld to suit jourm-ir, ulll gladly ( iihou' )ou why, aMiiiilaiiro money for Immediate dlMiursemcnt. W. T. LKHTUH COMPANY. TIIH LHADINO HHAI1'Y DHALUH. 101 Caldwell's barber shop has added a Ilcauty shop offering complete servlco to tho combined establish ment. Specializing In hair cutting for gentlemen and hair bobbing for womon nnd children. 2-7-tf Our Uulldlug Loan Companies havo uunouncod tholr wllllngnces to make unlimited Loan In Ilurns, Lot us show our good faith In our city by building the most modern and beat HOMES IN TUB COUN TRY. W. T. LESTER COMPANY. 1 , I i ii . RSSn Smisvo . ai K TkdV WlflSJRf i4ATfflilW 4Ps rauiiSPw? FOR BALM Hiding middle,, camp hod with oleiin bedding, mhot gun, 22 mioclal Remington rlflo, Hawai ian guitar, hand hiiwb suit caseu, Mrs, 0. H. Olson, formor Piatt Randall house, Httritii. 4-1 1-tf PresHpass nonces priuiud on cloth at thin oflloo. Hold In any quantity desired. 6-12-tr. m i ' ' i WANTWD: Mon or viiiii to iiiki ordorii among friend, mid nclgV bora ror tho ginulluo guarantee) hoelory, full Hue (oi muii. wnti.ii unit cfillilroi., ISIIminatHs ilaruoK Wo pay 76o, anil hour spnro liuie or $'.10.00 a unok for full tlmo Experience uiiuouussury. Write liiiijrnatloii S'or.klng Mills Norrte lowu 1'a. - ' l"l I ' " !!" Ilcst anil choiipest dwelling lotn In city, 5 blks from school. Hoo uh, first to own your own UOMK. W. T. LKSTWR COMPANY. U-0 W. T. LI5STKR &. COMPANY havo for enlo the bust and cheapest proportion In the city, HUU US TO OWN YOUR OWN 1IOM12. 0-0 Towsloy's Wood Saw (or prompt work. Lunvo ordera at Pastime Peel Hall or Phono HOW 8-0tf Tho Habln Hook Company of Holso, Idaho, buy, null, and oxchango nil kinds of now ami used hooks. Wanted THU PHILOSOPHY OF I.OVW by diyn. Iutoxlcntlng liquor Is our only competitor. Cnsh paid for false tooth, dontal gold, plutinum and discarded Jow olry. Iloko Smoltlug & Refining Co., Otsego, Michigan. 1-31-tf Wo know our business, ana can soil your proporlles quickly. LIST NOW t")R QUICK BALI3. W. T. LKS'J "O.MPANY. 9-0 $000 HBW,.i(D For orldonce lead lug to arrest and conviction of any party or partloa stoullng my slinop. My shoop nro flro branded on tho noes and paint branded on Him Dank with tho twrsi shoo bar. tltitn nrands aro rccoided. My re corded oar mark Is an upper bit tn both enra. My owjh havo Sev an dlffcront ago marks au undor lope, t cop and an upper slope In both ears and my yearling owes liuvti a small crfM or! notti cars. 1 sell no sheep branded on noso. W. W. Itrnwu. Flfo. Oregon. 7-2?. Three sots or 30x3 j almost now Flsk tires tor sale Highway Ser vice Station and darago. 2-28-tr Hath room tor ladles nt the Leveus Hotel. 11-16-tf. CANYON CITY -IIIJHNH "ft Trl-Weekly Sorvlce l'nst Auto Conveyances. Plensant Scenic Route for Pas sengera. Connections to Portland or Uasteru Points. Quick Kx press and Freight Service. N, Drown & Sous, Agents Ilurns Oregon Save Your Eyes Eyo strain causes headaches, nervoUHiiesM and other trou bles. I fit glosses accurately and scientifically. AU Work Guaranteed. MAURICE SCHWARTZ Optometrist Office with Dr. n. F. Smith -MlEffirW" -i PACK SEVKI PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. I . V . f UIU Physician and Hu.xm DiiniH, Oregon Olllco at rosldunce, Dr. OrllUth's ter mor homo. Phono No. 14 It OMOO K O . WAHI) Physician and Surguon Complete X-ray Laboratory Im Connection Vurtu, Oregex L. U. 1IIHIIAHD I) H N T I H T Olflco flrct door oast ,i.Jte gUr7 Ilurns, on "Ki i- CIIAICMCH W. KLLI8 Ii A W Y H It Ilurns Oregos Practices In tho State Court an boforo tho U. 8. Land Oniee J. W. McCulloch Uobt. M. Damea McCULLOCH & DUNCAN1 lawyer Olllco above thoU. S. Land OBev IJURN8, OREGON II . V . H O II M A Ii ST i Attorney at Law Contests and practice boior. U. Lnud Olllco a specialty Olllce: Masonic Hide j Uurns, Oregon J. W. Hlggs M. A. Bliejr iiigoh a it i a atv- i l)cri.i 4 J Hums, Oregon " k M . A . O L I) K IC ' ( Painting and Paper Hanger All Work Guar, -loud Hums, Orrf KUAN CIIAITKR NO V Royal Arch Mivnoas Itiirus, Oivgon, ltcgHral niH'ttugs first and thirst ThurndayH of each inoaUip 0. F. SMITH, II. P KARL GRAHAM, Socrotary. JO II IV GUJMUEKLINO Jeweler Optklsn . Watch Repairing ' Boras, ST. OLAIII.& SCOTT llullitlng Contractors Plana and Estimates Fumlstiel Hants, Orroa BOYS CONTC5T OUILETIN SEE THIS SPACE NEKT WEEK . THE WINNERS N THE GREAT NATIONWIDE DRAWING CONTEST WILL BE ANNOUNCED THEN 7HH. PRIZES nirv i.EAftLir BASEBALL EQUIPMENT F"C ALL WINNERS - 'SI ii ii ' ' ' " ' . J J - A ""J.y ..