, ' ,Sli,Ti vjn- "rl'W'W!PV ' fc-- 5fWpWpW-t riT-ryfi W' , J ) VMlli HIX T II II T I M M H K K H A n D , it IJ It NH, II A It t V. Y C tf If A T Y o :; b.o o N H.ttunliiy, .I'hrff "', Ua. MWflWM V wmmmiw$4 WlMtl" AftlirAMlJD tnumummiAiimuhi'j'a m' i.f' Inland REA& JL O A N S Own your own home. Why pay rent? Choicest lots and acreages any part of City On easy terms I Only tniKY'iti: thiu)vin(j iii:h AOA1X IX T1IK SIOYIKH Y?9 sir, they're really throwing Ties again In thu movies. And custard plus, tit that. Glim Hunter mmlo u Knit dlscovory at the Paramount West Const studios j nainuly and tewlt: that custard plus ro Just im Htlcky as thoy look. It took Hunter tun minutes to pit ! all tho custard out of IiIh eyes, anil ho hud to nut on a complete now fac ial make-up. James Cruxo, noted Paramount producer who matlu "Morton of tho Movies" with Hunter In thu starring rolo ami Viola Dana fonturod, wrote tho suuuo Into tho script on tho spur of tho moniont. IIm decided that 11 untor, as tho awkward small-town "Morton" foot loose and fancy free In 'Hollywood, whould s antler Into a comedy not wtorro Miss Dana wan workliiK Just In time to receive tho plo hurled hy a eross-cycd vlllau "Now!" tdioutcd Cruze as Morton r.ot In line. Three stage hands nonchalantly trooppud up thu mangled remains of itho ouHtnrd pie. "Merlon of tho Movies," tonight and Suudnv at tho Liberty theatre, tenure Viola D.in.i In thu cast. Anionic other' are Ethel Wales Charles Oslo, Luku Cosgravo and Do Witt Jennings. jisi eitrirs wisi-: ritAi'K James Cruze. the man who made "Tliu Covered Wiiroii," Inia nil oyo for the fltnoM of things. X 1 Im new Paramount plrturo, "The City That Never Sloop." begins In :i Uowery Mnloon, proeeedx through (Iftron yenrs of narrative, and onda In n police Mtutlon. When Wiilter Woods and Anthony Cnldvwny wrote, tho screen play from Troy Sroti's story. "Mother O'Day." thoy tlldn't tihlnk It would b vary nlno to laav Lousl" Draaaor. Kathlvn "WUllnnm. Ittesrdo Cortar anil Vir ginia Lea Corbln. the fwuurml play rs. otandluic In a pollea itiiliou at the final faUa-ont. so thoy added a mtquoiK to taka placa In a rullrotid fftatlon. Hut Crua didn't llko It. -Anything that ularU In a aaloon rfmlly ahould ond in a nolle uUitlon." lie arguad with a twinkle tn lilt '. and tlmt'i tho wny ha ondod It. "Ttaa Cf.y Tlnit Novor Slnopi" toniwi to tho Liberty Thuntru Hntur 4ay, April 18. io CKliAT CAST SlM'POItTS (JI.OItlA in "iii:k i.evi: htouv" 'Gloria Hwuuhou'i Intent plrturo, '-Olur Love Story" boiiHta a truly ex traordinary coat and it Ih due to tho 3ar.llhHt Allan Dwan, who dlroctod It tor i Paramount organization, SUiew thu word "realtem" iiorlously. "Hnr lovo Story" la baned upon JSnrMfk Tuttlo K.'idaptatlon of "Ilor rBATIIUIC AT THH LIIJKHTY TIlISATIti:, WICDXIIMDAY, AIMtIL Ifl . r lAUfcfc. ji flHfefi j Affi&L ' SWGEI sjm fwmmm.mmt?i:fK i'i" m v imu mammmm Empire Realty ESTATE AND INSURANCE Leading Realty Dealers Majesty, tho Qucon" hy Mary Roberts Hlnohurt, It In u tutiL'hliiK romance of lovo anil mother-lovo In thu ntinuH phoru of royalty. Ulorln plays tho part of bhu Queen. Thu other members of tho all-ntur cast Include such cupuhlu players us Inn Kulth, George Fnwcolt, Majoronl iimt Donald Unit. Mario Now huru's whuru Allan Dawn's mania for realism conies In. llu wasn't Matin- fled to have merely adorn, no matter how able, Interpret tho vurloutt roloti. llu wanted tho Konutnu, dyeil-ln-tliu-wool, liorii-to-the-maniier nobility men and women who were J tint nn much at homo In a Kuropoan court iih the averaKo man In on Main Street. And ho got them! So that when you hco tho llaroneKH do Iledumnnu or Uuucrat LodlJuitHky on thu Hereon, romemher you are looking at people who npent moit or their lire hobnob bltig with real klticn and ueeiiii. Gloria hIiowh un In tho ntory that the life of a queen It not all that It'rt cracked up to be. Not that being a iiuecn hnmi't got Mi advnutagoH, bu eaiiHu It cnrtalnly hanl On the other hand Miuru are ho many dlHadvaiit iigeit that tho average girl who hooh Ihu picture will bu glad that Mho wiih not horn to the royal purple! The photoplay will ho on view for ono day at the Liberty Theatre, Sunday, April 19. SHOW TVPKJAIi AMKItUUX HTOUV "Flowing Oold," the Plrat NV tlouul plrturo produced by Itlehard Walton Titlly from the famnuit Itox Heaeh novel, which will be Hneii nt tho Liberty 'Pheatro next Thunulny and Friday Ih typically aud ihiiii. tlally an Amorleau tale The loenlo la the great mMithwo.it, but It Ik not In any hoimo of the wind a "eowlioy story." H'hiMi Hex Hunch wrote of thu oil 'lalda of Toxins during tho rocout rusti Into that dlatrlct, lie wrota nt Unit hand llanch wag ihar. and milled ovary mini of the linluitry. tt:d tlio rhnraeUra nrounil about him. Svr haa ha written of mora fnarin ulna and annealing paoplH tibau thuaa b choaa for litis mlchty vlory. Itlrhurd Walton Tully. tba omi .(in playwrlght-proilier, In easting about for a "typlually American" ;lv fur th serson, aeliwtod "I'lnw Inv Oold" liaeauso It Movumd to pnMH est all thu uwmutlnl olumontH of a re;il and oplou Amurlnan romance, ind bueatiSH ho holluvoH that Hcctlnn .if Amerlen will nlwayu hold a moHt Importuut place In drama and litera ture. "Tho ho u th wont will ulwiiyH brood aweotniiHH, softueHH, patience and courage," ho mild, "all noble human uttrlbutoH, nml It In the human qual ities In playH which mako thorn live. Chivalry a I way h uppeala to tho play goer, and wherever ono gooH In tho BouthwoHt, chlvulry la to bu found. "Pooplo prefer "humaiiH' to chnr uctoni in their playn," Tully polutu Co. out, Illustrating hy tho patiHngo of thu icruoit vampire, an artificial typo. "I think the public alwuyH itppruclatoa u good, wholoHome Htory," he aald. "The truly great film In thu one which Ih ho human that It appeal to thu entire public becaiiHu It reaction Into each heart." "Flowing Oold," which iiih been Interpreted by one or the mont tal ented c.iHtn ever iiHHumbled. Including Anna Q. NIIihoii, Milton HIIIh, Crnu furd Kent, Alice Calhoun, John Ilocho, JoHophluo Crowotl, llerl Wood rufT, ('hurlcM Bolton, and tunny other famoiiH playern, Ih eimeiitlally human. It dealn with tho ntruggloH or an American family ngaiiiHt adverHlty, and their liitonnely human experleiic- oh nfter Hitddeii wealth overlakon them. o OLD llOWKItY LIVKH AOAIX IX itit; FILM From the pages of ono of Ameri ca's mont famoiiH novel will Htep what Is hailed as a cIiihhIc or the Hereon, when Fools Highway," IJnl versiil's first groat starring vuhlclo for Mary IMillblu alncu "Merry-Oo Hound." will bo at thu Liberty thea tre Wednesday, April 15 It Is the adaptation of "My Mamie Hose," Owen Klldaru's ruinous story or the old llowery. actually the author's own lire Played by n great cast or notablo players in' a spectacular set ting that reproduces In ecry detail thu famouM old street, the now pic ture Is held one of lha masterplucoi of thu yenr for Its falthrul portrayal of life and gripping drama Interest Uomniitlc old spolH that have be come' American tradition, are the background for this Intensely human tale. Stove Ilrodlo, Chuuk Connurs, Philadelphia Jack O'liriun. and nil thu old celebrities of thu most ro mantle street in Amurlean history, nppoar In thw story. In their native habitat It la a human aUry or hu ms it baltiK. and so arruratoly dour undrr the dlrrrtlon or Irving Cum minus. It nMtim n orltibl ulluipsf Into actual life. Mary Phllbln pls the rile or th I wistful little clothi a-manilar hiinian- ly. with rare ehnrm Mho luval Mike Kllditro, hullv and ga neuter. H finds, through his love for her, a way to rogaiiurntlon. Tho eomplola raproduetloii of tho old street. Its chugging steam ele vated. Its buggies and tandem bicy cles, and the Interiors, hlstorlonlly correct, of "Suicide Hall," 'Htevu llrodle's and other spots Hint are now tradition, are liituusuly Interesting backgrounds for the gripping piny. We i do your Job work. I : ,--J-T Jrf FKATUIti: AT TIIK LIIIIMtTV TllllATItlJ, HAIVHUN., AIMUI. 11-12 M ert 0 N of the Movies' HtllNTIDtr Aocxmnwot am luv fit i v!i To Berlin iPJsjfK 7OA(TICHT Dr. Jacob O. Kcluirman, forme president of Cornell university an minister to China under Hnnllnr Is the new. U. S, ambuHsutlor to Germany.. DON'T HLAMi: TIIK 1XDIAXH In "Hoport upon rorustry" by F. H. Hough In 1882, which Is a report on 'his studios In thu west made to thu United States Department of Ag riculture, tho fallowing nceount. by William Phillips, a pioneer of Cluck tunas, Oreguu. is reund: "When I ciiiuu to this country In IS til it wus almost perfect In all Its wllducHs. With a row exceptions, not a tree or n shrub had been touched by tho hand or man. Thousands or wild Indians roved over tint prairies or huutril game In thu almost impuii titrable forests No fires had run In these forests for hundreds of years, thu Indians being careful not to lot thu riro got out, lust the grass should bu burned from their horses, of which they hud tfiouianils, or lest the game should be driven rrom Mm forest In their section or thu lountry Lurgu trees, S or I root In dlntuoter, stood In those forests, with the nccumulat d debris or hundreds of years lying around their bnsu. with not n sign or Ore about thorn. Hut early In thu summer or 1S47, when tho Imiiil grantH, Mho had Hot out to seek homo htetiil for thuiiKulvcs begun to ar rive, rires got started In thu forests, and thu summer being dry they hum an through the wholu summer. Mll- lions of ncres of as flno forest timber as can he round on mirth today weru buriifd ovor and Itlilwl Whole for ests of red mid yellow fir or the giant arbor t it iih, and or hemlock nud tam arack ware destroyed by thosu rag ing fires The smoke was ho thlok that w eould liardl hum the nun at midday, and people complained or soro uye and oppressed breathing. Tho ashes enrrlml by thu )vIiiiIh he dame a nuisance In aud about our houses, but at length thu rail rains eumu. put out Muf fSrua and ilrovo away thu smoko, ho that tho people could broatho frooly again, and got a vlow or the country, and or tho ruins or thu torus tH which had been her groat out boast. A million of dol lars would not repair tho damage dono by riru during thnt summer." o i I Harney tho land of sunshine, 1 ' 'y ' ' " ' mi ! i ciffrHi BUllfflpiPi XWmJrvsa tBHP3il 9 W mm 4M aupponof! "Do y,m thlnlt thorp vor was n full (rrow.ii mnti that know .11 thu words to Sisr ftpunglod llun ncr.?" Wlsegiiy: "Huro.! Fruncls S. Koy knew 'em." HuppoBer: "Who'.V ho?" WlHOguy; "Tho man who wrotiH It" IIIiONDH lll'JSH OI'.Ni:S "It's n lotta sxtlnfactlon fellows got thoso dnys whon thoy nHk yotinm ladle.1 for a kiss.'" I'OOLiSII (JUKHTIOX City Hllek: (To'f-'armor) "Mllklnr -ch?" Farmnr: "No Mutiuoy, I'm Jutt fuel?- lug her pulse." TIIK'tlltl'Ti: Cynical Ijuslttntd: "And what A1U' ,you say." Wiro "Nothing." Cynical Hubby: "I know that iuitu well, dear but how did you express It?" Milton Sills uFtewln Gold! FiJATi'itr. at tiii: luikuty TIlUltH..- l-'ltl., API'.lli lll-l" I'KATL'IIK AT Till! I.I1IKHTY TIIK i JAMES CRUZE I'OIMCtlCFt MIMHII If ,M lupi KKATC'lti: AT Till: I.IIIKHTY TIIK Vl, tfHIi. JXM. TJL -77 Wk. . mA rjr . y (ALLAN DWAN JK NBrVANoUN tlVi STORY. MM c f hi turn i . f A ,-AT -.' SPICK " 3tBTX floers: FLOORSuan ntal:e or mar tho entire downstairs ciTcct lilec ehoos with a per son's dreus. ICecp your doors spltraud span wi H the least trouble nntl c:;rjnse by rcIiruAung them or touc'.ilng thata up vlth durable, canily-jpplicd Decornt Vnrn.ah Stniua or 15 Jor-I'lo'jra Vnniieh and. wax. Also.sk for booklet,'Color Harmony in the Hoxnc" oil about painting or fini(,hlng llooronwoodwork,, -valla, etc It's irac. T T-t- carry s IuIUMim ol Fuller W JLj I'alnti and.VjtaIl.c and cjn.iinly your nctl&. C. H. Vooghtly v.v.Yuumuco. 301 MHion rtfxt Sin Ttanciica IS b'.pfliti K PmICsCdmi C1U iss .a .fa. ? r - Tf i" " 'A ,tw!rfj!.rf J-a I'AIKT.H ,'Urf Vu'-NI.,..43 I'lOiintivwiiiTCkCAa 2JW tAfc-WML. rf . ATIIK, SATCItDAY, APUtL 18 VTUi:, HCXD.VY, Al'lUh 1U tjahBwai if n'swll.T szz f M