The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 11, 1925, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    "vvpltyiW-efFtXi' -m ti V-". ""'' 1
T II 14 T I M M H - II 1-3 It A h J) , II IJ K N H , II A It N K V 0 O U N T V O It 13 (I O N
Hnltinlny, April II, 1025
The Times-Herald
Una Tlio I.nrKost Circulation Of Any
Kt'ttNliiiprr In Harney County.
, Mnnaj;et-
One Vonr .' $J.()0
Blx Monllii 1.01)
Throe MoiiIIin 75
Kntcrcil Jin second clans matter at.
tlio I'OMoltleo nt Huron, Oic:iii.
Saturitiiy, April II, HKIrt
Hy tliu market ronnrlH'for live
ntouk on Uio Portland uiurhutu wo
nolo tliu rise mill fall of Uio jirluo of
lieof. And wo notu a prlco for topH,
and another for nvoniKu. mid for
Kruns foil etc.. nil dopuiidliiK on tlio
nllOKttd atuta of fat. Now fut on a
tioof may hit all right, tint who In tliu
nania of Hack over heard of n man
going IntiiR fancy liuteliur nhop and
HhyliiK that ho wnntwl a ilollnr'a
w or tit of fat wlUi n little lean on It?
Only few punpln cut fnt nt all. Tal
low in all rlKht to KroitDu tit IiooIm,
innko inluvo plo or noup hut It niakoa
n poor nlaca of uonil uuofatonk. And
yot It It on tlio fnt l)Hli that tliu
prloo U tnatlV to tha producer and yot
tlifr cnuaiiinur tlooa not oat tlio fnt.
W'q burs eaten fat ueaf that wan JiiHt
iiit (UKh iii tlio vlllaua nmn imd mid
wu linvtt eaten baaf without any fut
on It tlmt vn tender, Jnley nnd wood.
Thorn In h lot of Iniuk to till fat aloor
and top prlru Htiiff. It Ih ii pretext to
nklu Uio prniliirar. and iikiiIii. wo nwk
who In tlio Muck wants to oat a hunk
of ft7 Illuo Ml. KtiRlo.
lAIli:S MHHAitV CI, I'll
Tlio hmlloM Mtirnry Cluh mat at
tlio homo of Mm. II. II. Mnco on IiihI
Hiitnrdny uftornonii, tlio IiohUmih bo
Iir atHilHtud hy Mra Jimuotto Well
nrdson mill Mm. Mary Cawlflold. Two
other inomliont of thin croup, Mrs.
1 1 an ton mill Mra. C3 rl 111 it wuro on tlio
tiluk Hal Rud unahlw to attanil. On
account of tliu irttvR)llrjt flu. tint
oJuh will not wi largely nttandrd n
iiHtint, hut tlioao prrMiit, Including h
niinilior of guoatii, ptut a vory pious
. uut aftoruonu.
Tlio mootlin; wna cnllotl to ordor
by tlio president. Mra. M. A. IUrka,
mid tlio hoitoMxo and thnlr helpora
appointed for tlio pomhiK year. Thoro
wan Home iIIuciihiIoii loneornlw; hiiIi
Jecta for Htudy, hut notliliu; dnflnnto
wan decided and It wan loft until tho
next tncutliiK- Tlio mootliiK was then
turned over to Uio liontomt and an
nnjoynhlo program wmh kIvoii. Thruo
HkotohoM of "Wonder Women of tho
World" wore ulvun: "Poppaou" hy
Mm. Cawlflold. Tnthorliio. tho
Oront" hy Mrs. Mae aud "Marie An
toinette" by Mm. Uloliardnon.
I'oppaaa, th wlfo of .Voro. wiir
oiio of tlio liaautlaa of Itouia mid ae-
' iionlliiK to th article nuiil. raiitrflmt-
eil In it largo meantira to Una cruelty
for which Norn wn fmnouit.
Catharine, tho G'rwit. wan of Prue
nlnn birth mid hocamu (iioon of ltiu
hii. Hhu wuh vory mnbltloiiK and lot
nothliiK utand In Iir way to Rain n
Kroat IMiMiliin territory.
Tho llfo or Mario Antoinette Ih oiio
of tho ti'HKodtiM of hlHtory. Morn In
AiiHtrla, hIim bocmuo iiieoii of Krmieo,
only to moot denth on tint nulllotlno.
Mm. Mnco rolatod u vory liitoroxt
Iiik Incident In connection wlUi Mario
Antolnotto. While awaltlnj,' Iter death
In prison a small coin wax punned
baok mid forth between her mid her
husband without HiiHplclon of tho
KiiurdH. After hor death It wuh
t found thlH coin had been hollowed
out and a tiny note Hllpped In, and
In LIiIh way tho doomed quoou com
municated with ih or hiifdmiid, TIiIh
coin Ih now In pohhohhIoii of Hmnuel
1IIU and Ih part of tho vnlunblo art
collection which will mion bo oponod
to the public in tho nrt miiHiium ho
Ih oroctlng on IiIh estuto nt Mnryhlll,
Tho jiroRram camo to mi ond with
a recitation by Utile Orotta Harbnrn
HoHHinan, who wan ho loudly np
plauded that who roHponUed with an
other. Aftor partaking of dnlnty if.
froBhmontH, the club ndjournol to
moot with Mr. J. W. Oenry on April
' (Contributed)
Tho Ilaptlat mlHHlonary circle met
nt tlio homo of Mra. Noll Smith, April
8th, with Mrs. Drako as Joint IiohIosh,
Following tho rogular IhihIiichu
mooting, mi Knstor program ;vn pro
prod by tlio hoHtosHOH.
Mrs. Drako gave a reading on "Tho
Origin of EttHtor," nlHo n boautUul
poom ontltled "My Pathway."
Mra. Bmlth read a vory IntoroHtlng
eplsodo entltled:
Sad Hut Trim
"UgImUI! Tlio loilgo lodgoth to
gether aud thoy eat, Tho ulnb elub
oth together and thoy eat. Tho IiiihI
iiohh men take couiihoI mid thoy oat,
Tlio church hath a Hoclal mid thoy
cnt, Tho young people elect olllceru
and Utoy oat, And oven, when the
mlanlouary aoelety muutoth, together
thoy out. Hut thin latter Ih In good
eiitiHo bucauiio thoy '"cut In roiuniu
brmu'o" of tho poor heathou who
havo not much to eiit.
"lloholdl Hath uiau'ri bralim gone
toi'ihi Hlomach aud doth ho uo longer
rouard lutollocltial dnlutkm Unit thou
canSt on longer call mi uMHoinhly or
K0( together a iiuorum or oven a
"lmkor'n dozen" except thou hold up
the hakur'u daintiest iih a halt? lie
It true, that the day coinoMi, that, to
get a urowil to pynyer meeting the
preacher taunt hold up a biscuit?
"Yea. verily, thou luiHt heard of
the child raccH of tho world. Hut
behold It Ih nigh thee even at the
door. For an one cnIIoMi unto tho
child and -ayeth, "emtio iMlliur, hwooI
little one, mid I will give (hue a stick
of candy," oven to tutiat thou nay to
It lit grownup papa and mama. "aHiom
blo yo together and wo will norvo re
frHihmiiu," And lo. thoy noma llko
ahuep In a pun, Ain't It in? Ain't It
no? Amen."
Several numhsra worn omitted,
att HlckuoMi prevoiited them from tak
ing part.
Wo wore thou pnttouteit with pan
nil mid paper, on which tha word
"Unatar" waa writ tan. Ftftaan ralii
iltea vtra glvon to ee who rould it
the moat word front the letter )
tltH word. Mra. Ilowd nuccod'd in
gettlna; 22 word. wIWi Mra. Rliaituik
and Mm.' Hngnrd ruuulng a cIom -cc-oud
with !tt wordH. Minnie .lohuanii
received the coiiHolutlon.
A hoautlful KiiHtor lunclianti wr
then nerved by v-o hnntoatiM. The
rooniH were tastefully decoratad with
largo white KiiHter IIIIoh.
The next meeting wilt bo hold at
tho home of Mm. Chanter Carter May
i:tth. with Mm. Crnddoek iih Joint
(Hiiloni gtnloamnu)
Tha boy'a haxRlhlou coutoaU which
havo bean ruunliiK at tha Y.MCA for
eviirul wauks canto to h clom with
Amlaraou Hyril, agad 13, wluuar of
tli ullvor tnodnl. Ho waa eredtlMiI
with KOI polttU.
Tha aonltri Imvo been oondiicL
ed iiNtliiuwIdo for hoys botweou the
ngaa of 12 and 17 yowrn and lueluded
hIx tiwt- for all around ability. 'IUiomo
tCHtM Int'iiliided Hhort illHtauuo potato
race, long iIIhIuiico potato race, run
iilug high Jump, Htaudlug broadjump,
tho fence vault and the Hhot put.
Each tent wiih ileHlgued to bring
Into piny certain uhllltloH that were
not dominant In the other toMn.
QiilckuokH of eye, nlortnoioi of the
can d Id a to, mid tho coonllnatlon he
tweon tho uiiiHcUm and tho eyo'were
brought Into play.
To got a high Kuoro In the oontwl
uioatit tlmt the cmidldato initHt bo mi
all around athloto and able to adapt
himkuir to the varying cliaugoti mid
iiemU In tho Mix ttmta.
Edwin Mnrr wuh runner up lo
Hyrd with n total of lfi. polnta. He
will he nwardod a bron.o medal of
tha houoiiiI cIiihh. Hyrd wan tho only
wluiior In the first groui. ,
O ' ii. i
Unlvomlty of Onigou, Euguiio,
April , (.Special)- Mr. II. M. CiiHlor
of IliiritH Ih one of tho group of Htud
ontH which Iuih eomploted cournoH
orfered by the IJulvorrilty of Oregon
ExteiiHlou DIvUlou. Mr. CiiHter coin
pleted a cotirno In Entrauoo Litera
ture. In the porlod from January 1 to
March IH, hIxIv-hIx Htiidentti enrolled
In tho UiilvorHlty correHpoudouco
coiirne.H from tho Htato of Oregon at
tallied couipletlon In thono couruun.
Out-of-Htuto HtudentH iiumbor illuo.
Valley View
Under Direct Charge of
Graduate Registered
Graduate Nurse In
Charge of Surgery
Rates Reasonable
Patients Given Rarticu
lnr Personal Service
Maternity Cases
Horse Markets
il-im UtKO IK IK
.W.VMtn, ".... Mi.
i r i i i i miw
....... i.. i in..,,, . 1 ,. - ti , fy ff &. I
.nn..i awi Jfl 7 " r V .
tii T fis.
tM . .
I I I I II ft tmWOfmJCM AwwHJI.toAC nK.ttBH
Hoihc inurlu'tH are coming bitch. Ah hoth farm anil city are deiiiiiuillng more
lind better liomeH, belter prlccH may ultimately tcHiilt, according to the Hcnrx
Itoehuck Agricultural Foundation baccd on a Httiily of the trend In the buying
jiower of faiin hornon during the pitHt 57 yearn.
Low prlccH prohahly will continue lo dlHCiniriige borne and mule produc
tion mid a fulling on lif the cipilno population until average prlccH return,
the Foundation IicIIcvcm. Hut already home breeding operatloiiH have begun
to Expand In the dlstrlctH poroMlug the kind of foundation Mode capable of
producing the mrt of Iioipch the market wiiiiIm. Attravtlvo pi Ices are now
being paid for all good, big miuiuI Mhapely diufler coining to market and good
home of the wagon type welching 1,100 to I,WM) poiimlii. I'rlceH huvo nib
vaiiced from the cvtromo depii'Nulon of two jeum hko.
How noon the mrntug point will be rooclicd on the rank and 111" of homon
Ih uncertain, I'itvIoiih eyclen of home mid mule price an ahown by Ihe no
ooinpanylng chart have varied greatly In length. The llmt litHted eleven yearn
from dejirenKlou to tlcpietmlcni. ;he nccond eighteen yearn and the prenenl cycle
Ih already uonty-noeii jeiim. It Hceum logical to believe that mi upward
turn In price which will laxt for a decade or tenner will Htart before long
and that good homon and mule produced from uuitlngH In the next few years
will get the beuellt of Hint advance by the time they ieiich marketable age.
(lood burnt are the exception on fariim todny. It In unthinkable that good
farmem will )' content with plnjrt for long.
Where U. S. Farm Products Go
ji- "M--'-w
M-.-M-l I W 1
.M) ! I
f rtV. I IWMH4l
MM . la
it M.aujaaSKn
vi T7'- tf r .i Mir - -L&.n.
k l I " i- ' in" . -.-. -v a- CM.TW
I T.. ' " - .' -ri:.l,-.. 7k I ft 'V t
. I'rodilclM of I In- Anierliun fMitn x to etrry ilvllliixl couutry of the world.
. Out of the t'nlted Xtulct. iwch )iiir ent nppmlmately onn-hHlf of the total
'cotton crop, one-fourth of (he yield of the wheat lb'ldn. otif-llflli of the porkotH
and huge ipiuutllleii t-f corn nnd IoIihcuo, iHIimI fruits anil other productH of
' Held olid feed lot.
The accoiiipiiulng chart, prepared by the .Soam-Koohuck Agricultural
j Foundation, hIiiiwh where the principal exporlH go.
In the 1,'nlted Kluudom more of Amerlcn'H farm exporlH are -onmuncd
than In any other nation. The Hulled Kingdom iihom more Amerlciiu cotton
than any other country, her annual consumption averaging around l.r.SO.lMO
I lutlcH. fiermany Is In the market for iiIiiiohI im much cotton, iiHlug 1,011,(111
ipoumlH IiihI jeer. The United Kingdom Ih the tlmt market for American wheat
1 and Hour, tobacco, coin nlrtip and couilfiiMcil milk She iiIho takcH large ipian
' tttlcH of drhd fruliM. oil cuke, meal, meat productH and corn,
Bright Outlook for Sheep
Pan Capita Ckopuction or ShmpHai Oiciimid OOpino PATtaY(Am
taw4 w '-4'i -m4Mh W4 tm U -aua
i ' :
--.- i i . l., 4-4 -u. . a it-r
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;-: J if. .. A - -.
i k.. . L . jff j - . -.
M. . J J . j. l L .. - - --
o..n m tA Wi H I 4 - i - "-
The Hheep iuiltiMry (irextuitH one of the bright xpots In the present agri
cultural outlook, according to the Keiim-ltochuck Agricultural Foundation.
The number of Hhccp In the t'nlted StatcH Iuih been IncreiiHed for two yearn,
but Ih Mill far from being back at wartime or pre-war llgurvH,
Tho United States proiltuvH only about 10 per cent of tho world'n total
wool crop, but coiiHtnnes '.Ti per cent of It. World carry-over HtockN of wool
havo Ihi'H Hhrluklitg for four yearn and are now low. World production limt
year wiih (Ul iiiIIIIoii poiiiuIm below (ho prevloiiH year.
The prlccH of both wool and Ininb.s havo been htrong the pant two years
nnd the outlook for roaxonalilo prnlltn In Hheep Ih excellent for ueveral years to
Eat a Dtsh of
Every Day
Alpine Ice Cream Is made front Pure
Cream. Quality unsurpassed and
prices right. Get a packer for your
Sunday dinner. Just phone us and we
will deliver.
We also handle sweet milk, cream and
whipping cream.
Harney County Creamery
Phone 55M
Coming Back
tft,7 .
yr !"-aW,w.;s
i ;fj
Itt"- r.tfi ::asir.
ftafa tftMjBBNai
"J&ir yyiai!
KTaTtkj3aS t"-
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i i ' i l ""-
-1 - i
i '
.,,! jJMjffPjIjV ,
.isii" -":..". ' vW'Vffk 'I-' V--
&7 te i2aSI A i&tOH y
I M K IbcobH r. u. iY waL .ibis.'i.
l L f IntfiMjiHMfM airwraiul L n.l mX""-'"''' " '
i -jrjft. ..art1 v r --iatum 1
mim'iii i.
Tho TlmoH-Horald linn recently re
ceived copied of lawn that were pann
ed by tliu recent leglHlalure that aro
I'tiw In eflecl. TIioho wore hoiiI out
hy Hecy. of Htnlo Kozer and may be
eii at HiIh olllco by any who aro In
'.'jrealcd. Thoy Include:
Chapter U (H. Jl. 2'i), providing
lor the oxterniliiat Ion and eradication
of ground miulrrohi, etc.
Chapter 1R (II. H. !Jfil), to pro
vide for furtilflhliu; ftmda to bo loan
ed lo farmeni for tho purclniHO or
Heed grain for reaoodliig area upon
which tho growing eroim were frozen
out during the winter or JilM-IlCin.
(Miaptor 17 (B. II. :!), relating to
the erection, coiiHtruetloii and repair
of lirlilgvH.
(Miapter 10 (H. I). 127), relating to
rwiio'inent aud collection of taxoa, In
Irrigation dlBlrlota.
Chapter 71 (H. H. r.2), providing
or the election and organization of
union high hcIiooI bonrda In union
high mcIiooI dlilrlctw.
Cliaptr 81 (II. H. 10 U. raltttlug
lo the organleatlon of rollgloua. ehar
Itable. eduenllunnl mid other corpor-
Chaptar 1)0 (B. II. 87), to almto tho
condition of Nbmnloliod, tieglurted or
atarvltitf homwi.
Chaptor 187 (8. II. 130). provbl
Ihk for tha regulation of tourlnl enmp
Chmrtor ll (II. II. 8"0). relating
to eontraeta by Irrigation district
with the Unltml Ktntaa.
Chapter 182 (P. U. 73). to pro
hlbH tliu driving, running or oper
ating of any automobile, truck, mot
tircycln or any olltor motor vehicle
whlln In an Intoxicated condition or
molar tha Influence of lutoxlcntlng
Chapter 185 (8. II. R8), providing
for the Mile by Irrigation dlHtrlctn of
Irrigation works and other property
not needed by the dlHtrlct, etc.
(Minplor 2'-'8 (8. II. 200), erecting
nnd eHtabllHhlug tho olllco of prohi
bition commlHHtnuer.
Chapter 210 (II. II. 421), provid
ing for the rompulNory grading of
polnloiw and mitliorlilug the ntnte in-
Ktnte Accreilltcil Teaclier
I'bono 117.M
by experienced workers
Mnil ordern promptly filled
Mrs. W. W. Keency
Burns. - - - - Oregon
Sat. April 18
Music by Dewey
Abstracts of Title
! InsuranceFire and Auto
Building Loans Surety Bonds
Phone No. 63W., Burns, Oreffon
Naw location in Reed Building
adjoining Maionic Building
jl, Tr ,n ..-.-.-jL-xua!
Hpeclloit department to adopt grades
for potulooi).
Chapter 2fl5 (H. I J.- 77), rulntliiff
to redemption by judgment debtor.
Olmptor 281 (II. II. 200), relating
to protection of foroHtii of tho Htate
Chapter :ii:i (II., II. 405), relating
to commercial finding.
Chapter IIH (II. IJ. 420), to re
mit penalty mid Interest on certain
" ' O'
J, .1. Donegal!, IteglHter U. 8. Land
Olllco, will null at 2 O'clock Hatur
day, April 25111 tho following de
HCrlbed (lovoriiuitutt property: 1 Safe
I Flat top doxk, 2 Standing denkH,
I Bowing machluo hIiiihI, 2 Kpnnl
He: "I'm an artlHt. I IHiiHtnite
love HlorloH."
Bite: "Did you nay IlltiHtrnto or
I (Intiifitinl rn In?"
Quiclc Service
l''Irnt cla"(M elief anil iiImi
FIihI clnnv uuItiesH from I'orllmul
Open fioin 5; 00 A. M. until II 1'. M
ColTco Made in I'm
Ice Cream Served
Itrlng jinn family In for
("lilcken Illiimt on Humlay
Get The
and eat at the
LcvensHotel Building
Mcnls nt all hours and the
menu includes everything
ohtiiinahle in the local mar
ket in Koason
Special Sunday
Quick courteous service