The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 11, 1925, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Halunliiy, April II, lfu.l
T II II T I M K H II K It A h I) , 'It U It N H , II A H N 11 Y 0 O Ut .V (I! V O It 14 0 () X
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!w';wIiS ;.
. J.
Temptations W
Salllu lnriiM a Subtle Kno Ls lltisy
"Ulvu mu Hint rose," thoro
nlmplo entreaty lit his voice.
I hud forgotten Unit I hud worn
uuu until ho reminded mo by touch
ing tho Hlnglo rod petals of tho half
opened lull I hud pinned on my coat
collar um I toft tho hoiino.
Again I nodded my coiiHont. not
during to truut my volco. Ho unfas
tened tho riowor, utood for n momunt
-with It In hln hnnd, thou turning,
-wnlkud slowly Into tho night.
I iluul reached my room uiiobitorvod
and later hoard Will en Hum dupurt.
There's something ulmiit tho hluo
llmo of tho nlKht that myatlo hour
In Florida when daytlmo l donning
her innntlo of purplo ehlfrou that
InducoH confidences from lonoly
licnrta. I was Kind when I4lllo upon
ed tho door and hounded Into Hlght.
"Well, I brought homo tho collu
lold poker," she exclaimed, curling
comfortably on tho chnlnn lounge at
the Toot or tho bod. "Yep, Just nbout
na uaoful," ho hurried on. "If nn
olhor bostoHH given me a perfume bot
tle. I'll havo to open u drugfltoru to
aceommodnlo thorn nil wait a mln
uto now whnt'n In tho air. Why tho
Htorm signals, my eratwhllo npnrt?"
"Oh, Elllc, I'm ho miserable, I
could Jum die," and than I told hor
Klllo wnn loyal and I know my
HccrotB would Htny locked In her
heart. When I camo to tho end of
my Btory, uho exclaimed.
"Thero'B been dirty work at crons -
roadn. WHO told Curtlim about tho
untimely bath, to Hay nothing of tho
honcfit debt you paid the Hr.huylcr
Ind from Now YorkT"
I at boll upright. That wnn a
phaMO of tho Hltuatlon I hadn't fig
ured out. In fact, I had boon ho up
not over tho conversation with Cur
tlHd. chat the dctalla had hcoiiii-iI of
no value In Hiininilng up our talk.
"Kllle," I Hhouted out. "I have 111
-Vnlt yon camo Hunday aflornoon.
The party wan on Saturday iiIbIU.
You told mo you had painml CurtlH8
with a girl. DeHcrlbe that Blrll"
"Ohiirchez la femino?" Hhe luked
In one of her few French plirnHiist,
"In thlH cbho, It Ih not neco8ary."
"Why, what do you moan, Klllo, do
bo Horlotifi," I wan almost hyHterlcal
By Artlun Brisbane
C-MBwiiiHfHii imiai'aw
The cugcnfotH In the birth con
trol convention plan for n better
race by "urtlficinl (election," which
would menn picking the right hun
land for the riht wife.
You can do thut with cown,
t.yrncs, etc. Hut with them you
nly breed n body. Among- l,u boingH you produce that very
nyatcrious thinf,' culled u soul, and
l.'wtt'H diirerent.
You mipht marry a John L. Sul-
: :in to Hypntia, or r. Michael
Antcolo Mosea to tlio Venua of
':ilo, iud bu bitterly disappointed
On the other liuinl, u tall, fierce
jntry girl, Nancy Hanks, prob
; ly unable to read or write, mnr-
n local ne'er do well, and tho
ugult is Abruhum Lincoln. Tho
i.oni seems to reserve for hlm
; ct certain problems.
Harvard will spend ?12,000,000
i improve the ptudy of agricul
.ure. Thnt'K seiiHlble.
KngllFh-Hpcaklng nations .tudy
atin mid Greek Tho Ko. .and
. tudied GrefU. ' I'reck philoao
phern Htudieil t, . .fyptian Inn
uagQ and liioroKlypnlcn. MilllohH
ure Hnont teachinjr many kliula of
knowledge llttlo used after the
wtudent leaves school.
11 is about time to bewin study
ing seriously old Mother Knrth, tho
. Ttflnal Alma Mater from which
Spring upon which wo depend
oiutoly during Iifo, and to
i.ich wo all return.
'in Paris, a young girl, fifteen
ira old, Ireno Laurent, evidently
tho Mndamo Curio type, has
oduccd a now fuel for automo-
s engines. It Is mado from su
.!, and Is cheaper and more of
iont than cny substitute for gas
uie thus far discovered.
" " iw;ihti7'.''.'7
This Wsdy
itj. uea j-i:-
Immediately, uho boenmo moro
serious when uho. saw thoro wuh nn
use trying to make light of tho ovont,
"It's Jutit IIiIh, the Rttino llly-whltu
chnruutor plnyed llrltlito at my tnblo
the whole afternoon ami dlHapprovuil
thoroughly of your llltlo guent'H In
formal and gala air.... "
"Klllo," I bogged, "I'luatio"
They called hor Anne."
"I know It, 1 know It, I know It,"
I cried, "aho'H done It nil!"
"You don't menu to miy uho nplllnd
tho article that gavo UciNtnn mich
fdino?" Klllo was IndlBuant nml fell
hack Into her usual exproHiilvo nlam;.
"That Isn't heltiB done In those hero
Murjorlo had Hald that Anne would
Bo to ntiy lougthn to win CurtlHH
Wright. She hnd proved It now
without a doubt.
"Well, what are you boIiik to do
about It?" Klllo miked. "Take my
ndvlce and If your proud mid hntiBhty
architect prefers that typo, lay off."
"Oh, but Klllo. you don't under -
Mtand." I tried to explain, "nho Inn't
lmlil nl.out It. Bin.' ho ilnrn Hnl.ti.
flint Him imiii nut n llilnir llkit flint
can put a thliiR
over Uurtlmi Wright without him
RtiHpectluB that uho meant to bo tho
lonit hit unkind. I know Anno."
i "Well. 1 enn't nay uho added nny
I HpnrkH lo my afternoon," Klllo re
,,0,i. Tull you what, Hnllle, I'm
j uhovliiB off noon for tho i:ny and
j r,.,:Ult.gH port known an .Miami. What
i nbout Joining mo on my Inrk?"
1 !, ot invited, Klllo, you're bo-
lug to vIMt tho Dlvlni'ii, I only know
Mm. Divine nllnhtly ami Murle.
wouldn't think or having mu down "
"Don't Bet crown' feet over that,"
Kllle nald, "Tho DIvlnoH haven't had
yachtH and Italian vlllm no long that
they aren't glad to whoop up nc
(liinlutnncoH with thoHo who've been
In that Hurt of liuslncns for Home
length of tlmo. In other wordn, Mai
lie, I'm going hocatmo one hna a mnr
voIouh time at the DIvIuch and not
bermiHo I think that Mm. Divine ever
held n charter mombemltlp In the
Colonial Dnmca."
I couldn't help but IuiikIi.
"You want to do a Jay gct-a-way
and Hhnw tho whole town you aren't
pining your head off while Hlr Cur
IIhh wIiium and dlnoH tho original
if a..' ij tne prediction
c. 1'c.'. ...r lU-iiUio Ihut cliem
iutry wilt aiHtn make nuifar an
chtp um K'iwtiut, the Kiiiolino
prpbipm may t"n ronirily he holved
ly "uj;ar jmjv." "
.-'c orTunlsmthfi, con-
v' .c l tii. '. 1'Ui'lle nchc-oln nhould
incl.'lii rollpifiv training in tho
daily routln, uunmntl thai thu Ten
Conn i.tndmtntu hv road to tho
children nt lonnt oiicq u week.
Wouldn't "The Sermon on tho
Mount" ha hotter renditur for
children thun tho Ten Coinmaiid
incnU? In n Knorul way every
child of ton known of tho Ten Com
inandmcntH, or nn many iih a child
nhould undoratnud.
Tvo or three of tho Command
ments nro fortunately not iiccch
xary to tho child up to fifteen.
Why not leave religion to rclifr
Iouh tencherfl, and public nchool
education to public nchool teuchorn,
nnd keep the two separate, which
hna been tho American plan thua
A man, Just dcud, wa at one
tlmo n ciorgymen In tho Protes
tant Episcopal Church. Later ho
belonged to tho Greek Orthodox
Church, and when ho died ho wan
one of tho Gray Friars in u Itomau
Catholic monastery.
You admire auch earnest seeking-
nftor truth mm wonder what
this mun of threo religions learned
about religion when ho pussed ovor
to tho other" world.
Did ho find that only one religion
Is olllcially recognized nbove, or Is
ono bottar than tho othors, or doeH
It nil depend on how you uct to
ward your fellow man, tho Crentor
of the Universe not being bo much
Interested in what you think about
Him? Definite unawors would bo
Trcsldcnt Coolldgo says tho
States Hhould help tho national
Government to enforco tho dry
law. So thoy should, out of re
spect for Constitution und law,
Uut while tho necessary seventy
five pr cent of tho States ratified
tho Constitutional Amendment,
nearly ono hundred per cent violate
U, and their juries syinirolhlao with
tho violators.
The question for tho President
and tho nation Is this: How can
the line of whiskey ho stamped
out 7 What Ih to bo dono to stop
drunkenness and open drinking of
bootleg whlskoy among school
children? Prohibition seems to
havo put millions In this nation on
u whiskey drinking basis. What
can bo done ubout that?
Clooc in, Best location in City, Level, Alfalfa, Firat water right.
You select your lot nnd home plnns. We will build for you. ,
Small Easy Payments. Cheaper Than Kent
W. T. Lester Company
Fire Insurance
. vnl"
"Yen, Kill". "'ro rlKhl, I could
not Htaiid that. You noo no one ever
UOlllorocl lliucn iiihhu wihu
and now I Junl couldn't bear the hu
miliation of her BrabbliiB rf CurlliiH
I WrlBht."
"Then you will go?" uho nnld ex
citedly. "Of counui I will," and I Jumped
nut of bed and hugged hor tight.
(To bo continued)
o '
(From Department of ludiiHtrlal
JournalUin. Oregon Agricultural Col
lego.) Cliurroa), graiiu'ileil bone, and
Brit fihould ho avallahlo for llttlo
chlckH at all tlmo, according to tho
O. A. C. experiment Million. Thin
ran ho placed on a tray and left be
fore tho chick during tho day. In
caHo the adltloual hone In denlred
It muy be added to the iiiivhIi tit the
rate of two pouuiln of boiiemeal to
every 100 pouudn of manh.
Hour milk or buttermilk In rec
ommended over Hweet milk for feed
ing llttlo chlckH, Huya tho O. A. C. ex
periment fttntlou. Hweet milk will
rour very roadlly when fed In a warm
brooder, and the feuding of both
.hi omlv roauto uycccasi.
-. r . - . - . -iTrr...i(Tr
, mrnm
Uncle John
If our folks moved to Pnrn
iIIho with iiothin' much to do,
they'd wlgglo, waggle, fuss an
squirm to sturt up nomcthin1
new; It suoms that mitUfuctlon
has about forsook our tuce,
we try to act now-fanirled,
every tlmo wo wash our luce.
Wo'vo got to havo "progressive
ncss" In church as woll as state
know u fool that's tryln' to
fetch tho Illblo up to datol
Hill Jiggers bought htssclf n
watch, in town tho other day, alio
must-a been n good ono for tho
prlco ho hod to pay but Rill
kept foolln' with It ho was
sure sho needed grcaso hor
:arburotor flooded, at lust she
rests In ponce! Thoro's many ti
good thing ruined by an over
zealous botch, and put clean out
of business, samo as Billy Jig
gers watch.
.Tho shortest routo to mlsory,
cxpcrlouco proves to inor-is to
monkoy with condltlona that's
us good as they cm be.
Be independent. See us to own your Home,
and Chcapcat in the City
Leading Realty Dealers
Hweut and nour milk cnunen bowel
dlHordern. Dried milk or butter
milk panto may bo nubntltutcd In
canu Hour milk or butter milk In not
available. In purolianlng fronh but
termilk care nhould bo taken to boo
that It doen not contain Halt or nodn,
an thoflu are polflonoun to chlckn.
A good how fihould bo rotalued an
long an uho Ih unoful, nccordlng to
tho Htnto college experlmeut ntatlon.
If uho ralnori a litter of eight good
plgn, Mho In valuable property. Home
of her honl plgn nhould ho nnved for
breedltiB purponen. The how which
HpouilN thu entire nummer ralnliiB one
two, or three plgn In a tuning propor
tion. Find out which In to blame,
tho now or the man. It payn to give
tho now careful attention at farrow
lug tlmo.
Dlnrrhea renultn from chilling the
chlckH, nnyn tho O. A. C. experiment
ntatlon. A few extra trlpn to tho
hrooder'hoiiBo during thu flmt week
In cheap liiHiiraiico to the uninterrup
ted growth of tho chlckn.
gj J
A ill ftJL
A Jay kSB-'. . ul
(From Department of ludualrlnl
JourimllHin, Oregon Agricultural Col
Icbo.) Four cars of Inudplanter applied 10
thu alfalfa floldn of Union county
liiHt year IncreitRed tho yield on 11 CO
Keren about one ton per acre, roportH
II. (J. Avory, county agricultural ag
ent. Thin material wan lined for It.i
Hiilfur content.
Following tho dlncovery In 1914
by the Houthern Oregon branch or
purlmout ntatlon at Talent that Hiil
fur lucroanon alfalfa yleldii, the
Hpread of thin practice wuh accelerat
ed by farmer-county agent demur
atratloiiH until In nuch counties at
Klamath, Wanco, Crook, Joxcphlno.
DoHchutoa, I.ako and eanteiti I'm.-ttll-In
line of Hiilfur In extensive. More
hnu a million pound or that ma
terial' worn tiHcd In thnxo roimtlot
alone hint year The UHiial rate o! ,
application In 100 pouudn an are
Dodbe Brothers
Its economy of maintenance could
have no better proof than this:
It is operated in fleets by a long- list
of business houses whose selection
of equipment is based strictly on
comparative records.
Burns, Oregon
Building Loans
One application Is good for two yearn
on tho average.
H. K. Miller, prominent Union
county Htockman, linn had oxccllont
KticccRH In lining Hiilfur fertilizer on
alfalfa. It gave him threo cropn of
hay one year when half of tho aamo
field not fertilized produced only two
Hulfur ban practically "mado" tho
alfnlfn IndiiHtry In Wanco county, ro
portH, C. W. Dalgn, county ugont,
and ban boon worth a Quarter of a
inlllon dnlhirn to that county. Kach
year linn neon nn Incroano In tho
liianllty ordered. Hlxteen t'onn wero
need In 11)21, and CO loan In 1924.
Threo tonn of hay from nulfurod
alfalfa and one ton from unmilfurod
portloiiH of the field are reported by
II. It. ChrlntlatiReti who liven In tho
(InoHU Lake vnlloy, I.nko county.
Although tunny fnrinorn apply mil
fur In tho nprlng It ban boon found
that fall application renultn In nn Im
mediate Incrcaro In yield tho follow
ing Hiiiiimor.