S r8 Afv r t. ' H V T rAGK TWO T 11 h T I M 13 S II M It A Ij D , II U II N H , II A 11 N K V COUNTY O II R O O N Hntunlny, April 11, 102rt p 1 fKffSflVL t tV "W-rmlfWM-fij r Do You Believe in Easter Bunnies I, mh IIIWMMMWrem.WWMwmMclWIKIMMiMWSWMMWWHf I WWffi&SMMSMmmm M 1 &3SE& II rssMMsasiissigs '" - .lwx.iimm'r - 'J COM.KGi: MKWTKS HKIJI) HOI'IICK HAKKUlMltlMNO Till-! I Tho college litis tultuii pttlns Id looatu reliable aourco of Orlnuii aood mul thin Infonnatloii In ptiHaod nut to cuunty itKrlcHilturul .-iKonta. In many counthw dm lorn have cooperated In IiiiiiiUIhk muiI that l known Lo come from an nbanlutely reliable anurco. Tho trend toward pure aeed haa been ulilotl by the fact that county m:enU nnoouraie their growera to tend atl mini plea to the experiment atatlon el CorvtUUa whrre purity and jwmlnn tlon toeta are nindo froo of oharno. Two conilltluna prevont lite rapid Introduction of this plant the high price of seed, ranajlni; around SO conta a pound retail, nnd thu rnthor widely provnllltu; practice of iiiIiik ii larRU ntuouut of alfalra ueod on moII ludlfforuntly prepared. Fifteen to 20 pound of rommon atralux arc plncud on an aero by inoit Rrowora. Koiiio uao .10 pound (ind ncoaalonnlly 40. Thoro are 220.000 footle In a pound of alfalfa. KTANDAItn I'OH.MUI.A KOIt XVII ITU XVASII 2108. tako a balf huahel of tin Hlaokoi! lime. Hlako It with holllnt; water, oovor during tho precox to keep In thu atoain. atralu thu lliiuld through a fine alcve or Htralnor itnd add to It a puck of salt previously do Holvod In warm water and ouo pound of olutin i;luo provloualy dlnttohod by KqakliiK In cold walor, and then hatiKltiK ovor a alow flro In a Hinall pot hum; In u larger ono filled with water, add flvo gnllouu hot walor to tho mixture. Stir wull and lot Ntnud a low dnya covorod In a cool place, a pint of th In mlxturo If propurly np pllod will cover ono aqnaro yard, pre ferably It xhould bo applied warm. Th Ik Is the common Htandard for mula Tor white wash taken from maintenance of way rule book, page 181, paragraph 2108, and UHd by tho O. H. h. Wo will do your Job work, I Jt I t "-! M OA.MI'S It In now poaalhln to tr.ivol from Now York to I'ortlaiid, Orugou, and from Mexico to Cnundu by motor ear, and In (toma caaoa, on. a very moder ate aulury. AUIIIoiih of people now travel by automobile to Uio romoteat part of t)il country readied by roatl. Dteonae nlwaya followa tho line of travel. Kpldomlea move frnni plain to place as Infected people move. Until recently It wan pohnI hie lo Inatltute coulrol meaauren that would effect I rely preront tho Intro duction of Infecltoita dlaemio Into now territory, but with iinlveranl automobile tralllc It ban been nocoa. tary to enact new legliilntinii gov ortilnr, the coudlllou of tourlntH onmpgroiiudit. The health of the people of Oregon U very Important and we owe It lo oiirxttlvoH to take aire of It. In order to protect our aolvoa we mint provide flriit cIiikk winl tary condltloiiH for the tnurlat Auto tourlHl cnritpa during the taut few yearn have lucrcaited tromend oiiely In number ho that now In tho State of Oregon there are hundred of nam h. A a ti in her of thoao rnmpH can be cniiHldorod model campx hiicIi while many of them are merely eleared camping Hltea with no Haul tary provlaloua whatever. The Log Ixlatoro of the Slate of Oregon, real Izliu; that a Htrlcter HiipervUlou of tourlHta' campH wnu iiucesHary. enact ed a law providing for tlie reKiilnr Inapectlou of Uioho cnuipH. The tour Ut c-ropH 'have an economic value to the community. While the money the tourlHta brliiK ban attracted at tention, thu OroKon Mtate Hoard of Health Is concerned with the mrt of hoalth that tbone travelnrn brliiK Into the Statu and tho kind of 'health they iKMliiIro while within our bnundarlos. Any epidemic nrUliiK In n camp would be nil unfortunate oruiirreuce, MouHuroH required to HiifeKuard tourlHtH' auto cnmpKrouudH nnd the commiiultloH whero they are located, aro woll known but tho problem iih a whole Ih not ho Hlmplo. Tho Hanltary i prnvlaloim nbiiolutely nnuuiinnry to n i properly coinitnicted loiirlnlH camp ure: ' 1 Hitfe walor Htipply. 2 I'ropur dlupoiinl of iiuwuko, lni miiii excreta, uui'lmco tuid other wnnto. :i Tiuforeomout of liiuaiiurun pro viding for tho prevention nnd control of comiuunlcublo dlmmmis. Tho campa ore to bo regularly lu- ipictod by the County lloalth Olllcer Mind wlion tho lawn or the nilon and i ijulatlouti of the State Hoard of Health are not nlwurved, perniliiidon tnoporuto a toinHut ujunp will he re voluul. lunmiuirli nn tho tourhitn taunt he rooknned with, It Ih Impero tlve that mennuren for tholr protoc llon Iih. strictly enforcud. 'IMiohu rulen nnd ruKiilatloim nro untabllmhed to Mouaerve thu pluaaure and well buhu; of tho eouuniiully. I3yury tourlHt cutup inuat meet rennnuable nluii daVde of decoucy. clenul'iiOHH and limitation. lOvery onmp opuratluir In the fllate la reiiulred to pnnt a This Weeks Cross Word Puzzle 14 ir u MRS. ALFRED G. WELCOME SOPRANO TEACHER OF SINGING , STATE ACCREDITED TEACHER High School Credits Giyen Residence Studio . Telephone 11 Id mmmmiw,nwwrsmumnrawmm:tMmmm S. M. JARVIS Livestock Commission Cattle, Sheep, Wool, Hy Burns, Oregen &mTwxmmjmvmmjMMa'mw' wm'tiMtwmmmi mmmmivMmmu 28 ijM i uzHz j i 9 to VJ 1ST i I at ay Anwor to Inst wook'n puzzle. io -11 -11 MM wJkna. -g- Maw Htn i D?r !F m ! ! I I HI JUDO rlt. X "1 OL $-S MB. o jm M i mjip "cj N 3 LE N Jjtkl F Jf '$& N iragoi n ojii a m i Ao z g ift A S TWWi T A R T Tn "llallor" Thli croH-word puzzle IiiiIIh from Newport, Ore(;ou It Ih dedicated to MIhh loin Millen, tidUK lleach. f 'lllnriilii Tin. itrmiiifntv -or IflcatM of Impoctlnn n well an . Mr. ICnr u WrgJ(,t ,.,,, UM u ooplea of tho l.iw and rule. niiilroKti. ,,,, ttnyUl,WK ov..rytbl.. except lal una of tho Blnlo Hoard of Health. ' n ,,,, w, o.t ,(ow w,ulIltr , Thla year It la rvnammlilo to oxpoct , U.0I(1 ,,e(U HVwylhIlltf , a cwr, pel, but we do know that !t U a : mlKhty good puzxle. Ifa uaay, Inter- eaanry to campgrounda a million lourtattt and It will be uoe Kimraiitee tlietu wmltnry After May Int. no tnurleta' oamparound will bo allowed to operate without a curtlfldnto of lllHPHCtlOll. THAT MTOI'I'liH II KM Me: "My. my, my,-euch a won-' ilerful eoiuplnxlnn you Uatu. Mow do ! you kiMtp It so?" Hhe: "lly tll:!iiK oftou to aoft Heap follows like you." somi-: do, Tiiotrcii t'lll. 2 To procure. .'I 'lo look oMi(iU'ly. A Any place of public ennteat. Ii t'ontrnetor of Ark (Orook form.) T A ploee of mournful iniialc. S Ah iproacU Into a mine. 0 An Irritant polnon. 10 To have h pattloular dlroollon. IS Keen resentment. 30 Skill. 24 Jlote alonx at a rtilll. Pest: "Dlil you over write a Joko7" Hueyed: "Oncebut hIio didn't answer." .Kur- Hates to GetUp,But W . .'.lN'''"w'' T.l oHtltiK, nnd Ikih a tilea Uuilgn. if you can'l work It out In 4B mlnntea you are nut ao cowl, UeeattM tin loiidtal i 37 l'reei)t tenar of the verb to bo, ; word in the phwle baa only alx let- Sa A wide tballow vmI. torn. Iloi'toiitnl 1 llloulc. I A Conjunction. 7 ilanner of walk I tig. llMlcknnuie of Murtyrwd I'rea. IS A tiolny ipinrrai or brawl. Ill Uoatruetlva Tree Hcietlc. M I'rlHoipKl part of a ire or ihrub. (IRA cohtrnottuu for ever. 10 To neorele. 17 A miller. v 18 Not outnlde of. 10 fioutliern Htatu (abbr). 21 A white mnllonbli! matnlllo olo luent. 22 Country hulnnffliiK to UiikIiihiI (abbr.) 2.1 One who rnoea. "f Northern einte (abbr). i'C Hark of thu nook. ! ltd A mleohlevotta child , :i ; A KraBy fl!d. ' a , y yialb-j r ppavrt. .' J'layliit CMuii of lilsheat valno. 1 87 A natural ubitanea. SI A tree of 10ft white wood opo.) ID CompnnlnuH. i 1 VounumuK Norpent. IS (Iced iih an nbrnilve. I 4 A se butweun 1 .1 t 1 . iC A aharp lurmlnatlur: border, 40 Itlvur In Africa. R2 OItI'h iiamu. o IMHTIMHI'TI.NO UV.M, UUSVY Tho HnrROM Ilattnry Compnur at ilodlaon. 'ia., rooently paid ita 1.400 employes tholr full ro;uL-ir twiv I weoka imyrall of S72.O0O, in now 20 ril for coverliiR roole at build-1 allyar ilollara. Tho banka and atoroa '"K" rf Madlnou aw uiore allver In tho .12 i:ptlan Cuti God. J nMt two dnya than Uioy had icon In ;m To procure. yeara hororo for allvur of dollar nlzu 'I ObJectlvH oat of I. i haa been almoet unknown. ii UiB hIIvit Hmtond of paper nionuyf When John Hherman aaid tlmt tho way to runtime apecir pnymont Ih "to rMiitne." ho proclaimed a fact no 1 old and ho commonplace that finan cier!) nnd atatoBtnuu had ovorloopod II. 5rhut la Mio niiBo now; tho way lo uio allver la to uae It, and tho tjuelnoaa of allvar mining will come Iwek lo par. Though allver haa not reached a xuUefeotory price, thlH yoarpromlHru to bo a belter allver' year than 1021, Mllvar l still tho world'a cholco for baud money; Uio ullvorloss nations pro mine to tako in ore for colnagtt thlt yeor limn during the pant few yonrs. Load, copper, and zinc, tho nielala with which allver In almoBt Inrtirtfibly found will bo benefitted br u grated iiiio of allver. ( Wherever alate Inaurnnru hns ualnud a foothold pollllea hna onter eil to play havoc with tho ayxtotn. Kavorltlani In ratoa, favoritism In'1 HuttlemeutM, Inofllcleticy duo to polit ical nppolntmuntH and all tho other otidtotnary weakuuancH have crept In I do not believe in Kovernniont own erahlp of Inaurance bunlucHR. I do believe in tho principal that advance ment In tho future must como from private Initiative Coni;rcnman Un derbill. O ' ' AmoiiK tho inoro recent tclnpliono ancomiillnhtnuntM nro ablp to ahoro wlreloHH convnraatlonH, trann-orennic radio telephonlnc, broadcnatlnR of n proaldentlnl moiago to the wholo na tion and photoi:rapbn mint by telo uAone circuit almost lnatnntnncounly. o Kl) I'JTIinVH I'lllI.OH Fowler McCormlck, heir to the Harvcatcr millions, Is uorkinu for f20 a week in n Mllwnukef mill and living lit $1 per week boa-.l- Ink nnd roomuu Iium- A iolU-w foo.ner saj . '"Mar rule to i; t $ : A. .M. but i.. ", ..mc" i.ml l:c , M, ltlr In Nlberla. 37 A Rom. .0 Clilld'M title for mother. 40 The flower Inula of u low ahruh of .Mediterranean countrlea used ui a inudluient. 4.1 Imporaounl Pronoun. I 15 CouHutued. , 47 Kdltor (abbr.) j 48 The peraoli apeakliiK. I 40 I'olntn of tho Compaari. CO lloy'H nickname, PokhchiIvo. Gl Female Deer. 5.1 To dwell permanently. 54 KiikIIhIi (abbr.) 55 Cheerful. 50 Hoy'a nickname. 57 A movement of the feet. 58 A narrow beam of llr.ht. 50 Hmnll Incloaurea for pIrs. Vertical 1 One of tho nodal clnaHOH Into which aoclitv la divided In llln lua- If allver Ih ii i;ood circulating med ium, tho l!un:enK Company linn taken thu rlfthl meaiiH to put Secretary Mellon'M money plan Into service "Novor borrow If you can holp It but If you must then from a peaelmlat because lie novor expects to sot It lmck." IBEOCUU S3 " mmZ 4 ' I IS Best Yellow Pine Lumber Rouj'li and Dressed rgrrTTil " I ' itfrpirmMaWi nMnwaia UeCSZSSSaCi WEIL'S YARD i At The New River Bridge End of lane leading cast from Short's blacksmith Shop. Burn. Paul A. Weil Burn SE WM, FARRE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE, Standard Steele Com panies PRACTICE, before U. S. Land Office and bureaus of the Department REAL ESTATE; city, acreage and farm property YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED Just Around The Corner Is Spring, and with its arrival comes cleaning up time and garden 'planting time. Tools For This Purpose Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Spades and Forks. I. S. Geer & Co. WE REPAIR HfiTiWimWBHffl tt THaawi rn r mrrraai y Radiators Rightly Promptly Reasonably Burns Hardware Company t r-rvsm y v , ,-.,i.jv,. ! m