vt -" wfcf"ni wv. ,.ti ., w Tn'w TiMiD3-mn.nAiii., imhwii, iiatny county okkqok PAGE BEVJCIV wumlny, Aptn , -man IVORESTRY NOXKH Tboro'ls n now regulation -effcctlvo March 2, loan, of considerable In terest to National Forest GruJtlng permittees who linte roirnuatod auth ority tO rill tllO rilllRO Of "fUSS-lullS.' HogulntJon 'I'-It Impounding or LIVCStM'k "Domestic livestock found Ires passing on National Forest bund If not removed upon renuonublo notice niny 1)0 Impounded by thu Forest Sor vlco. K tho ownor of tho stork Is known, prompt wrttton not loo of tho Impounding wilt lio given htm, unit unless tint stock ho romovod liy tho ownor Within flvo days from receipt of such notloe tlio nhirk tfliull ho sold or othurwlse disposed or na horoln uftor peracrlhori. K tho ownor ho not known, notloo tdtnll ho kIvoii hy publlrntlou'lor not less tlinn fifteen tlayn In u newspaper or i;etior1 ulr--itlutloTi in tho county In whlidi lrespnj.8 occur nnd euueurruntly by postlnr, nt thu county cuurthous. In olthor ease tho notice ImII state whon nnd whoro the stnek -wis Im pounded, duticrlho lh stock bv brands or other moans or llleiitltlci tlon. ami specify tho tlmo and plnco It will ho sold In dolnult of-nidnmp-tlon hy the ownor. ir Iho Htock ht not redeemed on or huroro tho dnte fixed for ItB snl. it shall he mlil at puhllo BtClo to the highest hldder, or olhorwlKo illspotod of. Tho owner may reduoin tho stock hy submitting proof of ownership nnd paying all ex pense Ineurrod hy tho United SlntoB In ndvortWing, galhulruc pasturing, nnd Impounding tl. Upon fbo Hitlr of any stock In accordance with thin regulation tho Form nlncor nhull Is sue a certificate nl sale. Any dook impounded undor .UiIh reflation which Is olTured at public Milonnd no hid recolvcd therefor may. In ih discretion of Jtlio Forest othrcr. hf sold at private sale oj ho condemned nnd doHtrnyed. C. C. UKII.'n!it Si.t. -o rONHOLIDATION OF tU'HOOLS A OltuWIXU 'IT.XIlKSrY Country woIiooIh In tlio United Staten are holiiR centrKlUi-d with TviiHoiinhlu rnpldltj nnd Incnmhlni? JntvlllKunro nnd Inrotliounlil. Ac conlliiK to oetlinntwi rocotitly made In tho llureau or ICilucnllon or iho Popartment or the Intolror. upproxl mutoly l million children or the rrm population and .t million additional rural children HvlnK In mnnll vIlhiKOH and other rami cotnmnnltles. lu nil 12 million children, are enrolled In nchoolB which may properly be called rural. Thene nohooln arc clannltled an follew: Ono, teacher mcIiooIh of which thureAure at tho cIomi of 19-4 about 168.000 onrolllnn approximat ely four and throo-fourthn million children; two, three, and four, teach er MchooU In the open country en roJllnjc on tho wuno date approxi mately ono ana ono-half million chlldron; nchoola In vIII(iroh or ROO and under enrolling' approximately two nnd ouo-fourth million children; ronnolldnted iiohooli enrolllnK np proximately two and tlirno-fourtlm million chlldron, and three-fourthn of a million rural children enrolled In nchooli or the InrRor towim nnd In other not Included In above clawf Iflcatlon. U Ib aUo estimated that thoro aro approximately 1R0.O0O teachers now employed in 14,000 roimolldatod hcIiooU In tho United HtatoH. That thotio children aro ro colvluK educational advantajjoH su perior In quality to those i;enerally affordod by tho small Isolated schools of tho ono. two, and three, teacher typo Ih Konorally hcknowlodijed. Wherever roaslble, there Ih a tend ency, growing In stroiiKth and extont, to consolldato small rural schools. o- HTItATKOY Hlman; "My wife bnys moro glovo than any woman on oarth. Hoally, sho'a going to break mo yot" Smartly: "Why don't you buy hor a diamond Ting?" BTATKMKNT OF TIITJ OWNKR fittIP, MANAGEMENT, CIItCUIiA TION, ETC., ItKQUIIIKI) Y THE ACT OK CONGKEfifl OF AUflUHT FOLKS 8N0UR TOWN DU6T TO DUST By Edward flcCulloug!) AUTOCAGTER ui, 7111a, Of Tho Tliiws-llsrnlil pnhtllihod wooikly nt llumH.'Orogon rorVAprll I, 1M25 tUato of Orngon futility of Harney hb. Ihifiit'ti'iuo, a Notary Puhllo In and for tho State nUd-oounty nforenulili personally nppourml .lullnn Tiyrd, who Imvlnrc boon 'duly hwotii accord ing to 1uw, depones and mys that ho m tho ownor ntlrt publisher of Tho hrimos-Iloriild and that tho following 'Is, to thu ''nest of Kin knowluilgo-iind 'bolliif, a 'true iituttmiotit ol tho own--uri-hlp, umungomottt etc. of Iho urtiro until pnh'ltmtlon fin tho dnto hIiuwii In thonhiivo caption, rouulrcd hy tho Act or JVugUfd 24, It) 12, mnboMod lu iioctkm '4 lit. Pound Laws and Rog illnllonn, printed on tho roverae of tlil torm,no wit: 1 That the name and address or the piihlkfhur. odttnr. iiinnnifliiK tul Itur, and buhluoHH mainwtor In: Julian Hynl. Uurtm. OroRon. Thnt thf ownor f Jullnn llyrd. 't That the known bondholders MiwtKanort!i.and nthwr micurlty hold- Umownlnt; tir holding 1 per rout or mor or total it mount or houdH. mor tcny;eM, or other Mecuntlen are: None. VTIiul the two pnrKraphn next ab()r. BlvlnB"thi nanio or tho own ers. ntnrklwlAcra. anl nocurlty hold I orH. tr any. contain not only tho lUt of attickbolilei-h and neourlty holdon. as they wpponr-upon tin hooka oMhn compnny but Tvo. In lmwm whore the Htockhuldor or lecurlty holder ap-i Pmih npon thPhookii of the oompany U,h irimao or In any other fiduciary Mlntlon. the name of tho portion or ciirpurntiiiii for M'honi until triiHteo Ih nitliiK. h kIvoii; uUo tlml the auld two pnrtiRrnplix eoutaln Htatainenln eibbriirlnt; nllliint'ji full knowlodcn and bollct iik to the elnuniMtancen aun eondltlons under whloh Htook holUern ami nocurlty liolderit who do nni itiiixuir niton tin) nooKrt oi inn Koek and company an truolofn. hold securities li. a capacity other than that tif it bona fide owner; md thin nffliiHt has no reanou Lo believe that any other penon, nssoelatlon.or cor poration has nuy Interest direct or Indirect lu the said ntoi'k. bonds, or ofher Moriirltlus than an m ntated by him. J UMAX MYltl). Hnorn o and subscribed beloro mo tits 2ml day f April. 1S2R. W.M. FAUU1C My flommliiilon expires May :). 192R.) WAIt.MVO Dumping of garbugo or trash of nny kind on our property U ahsolutKly prohibited. Violator or this warning will be prosecu ted. IUIUN8 TOWNH1TK OO., Inc. SmWK OF FINAh hi7itm:.mi:nt NOTICK IB IIKIWBY (llVKN; That I). N. Varlen, Administrator or tlio Kstnto or James U Vnrlen, do ceased, has rendenMl and prosentod ror sotllemont and filed In tho Coun ty Court of Harney County, Oregon, his flunl account of the administra tion or Hitld estate. That Monday the Uth day of April, 1925. at tho hour of 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, at the County Court houso In Uurim. Hnrnoy County, Ore gon, hns boon appointed as tho tlmo and place for tho hearing or objec tions to said final account, and nil person having objections thoroto Hhall appear nt nald tlmo nnd place, and show causo, lr any oxIbIh, why said final account iihould not ho ap proved and allowed. D. N. VAUI15N, Administrator of tho Kstato or James L. Varlon, deceased. o JUDGMENT IN I.'ORKOI.OBING OF TAX LIEN AND OHDKK OF HALE IN TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIK STATE OF ORKCON FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNEY. 0. A. Foster, Plaintiff, T8. Mahol S. Uookor aid Arthur Uookor, husband and wlfo, and nil thor persons unknown claiming any f I ; pm--ns - rs? its pxsm --i m ii ii ,u, 1 1 - .x:-tEtaxxT5-Jr " rTT7t?rr.'rr--rT-"-T-'rl - " '" "'' ty f . . ,. , . i t t , , , f CC3HE UP A MUrf l IS TtXJ UOMCr- ( . I W w II a'30 WHAT "L"' rlsht, lltlo. esUito or dlon In tho real property dCHcrlhodi heroin. DorondanLn NO'PlCHiOF HHHIUFK-S SAUIO IN FOIUCOLOmiUH OF TAX LIION. NOTICM IH HICHMllY OIVKN: That undnr and by virtue or a decree or tho Circuit Court or tho Btule or Oregon for Harney County, niiule and outnred on Iho 20th day of .Inn titiry, 11)25, an appearn of record In tho olhco t)f the County Olork In and for tho County of Harney In favor of C. A. Foster, plnlutlrr, and ncallist Mnhol 0. Hooker and Arthur Hooker, liUHbaiid nnd wire, and alliothor per noiin unknown clalmlnit nny rlfilit, title, eHtnto or lion lu tho real 'prop erty described herein, dnfomliuilH, for tho nunt or $182.11, with leital In terest thereon which make tho hov oral totals -which mnko up Hit Id hiiiii or ? 182. II -an iihown by tax lion cer tificates and lux Hon rorclptn, nn shown herenrtor, hold by plaintiff from the RUi dny of April, 1021, and with alt lnr.ul Interest thereon from the nalil dnte and tho nevoral (lifer ent dates herolnafter set out; and for the further stun or $7.R0 routs or hrlUKlui; ulmtract down to date; WHKUKAH, It waH furlhor ordor od and decreed by said Court that plaintiff's mild Hon by reason or pay ment or said taxos on the following described real property sltunto In tho County of Hnruoy. Htalo of Oregon, i ami morn particularly described as ' 'follows, to-wlt: ' An undivided ono-half of ftoctlnn 10 In Township .10, ItaiiKo .11, and , also nu unillrldod one-half of soe tlnu :iii lu Township 30, llangu 30, Kant of tliB WllliunettH XUrlilliui. ' Flrut: That there In now outstand ing unredeemed certiricaloH or do llintuouey numbered .'Ill07 and .1913. Issued on the 2nd day or February, 192, and on tho 17th day or May. 1923, respectively hy the tax cotlec- ' ,or t tno County or Harney, Htat or Oregon, ror tho nmounts or Forty- six and 90-100 O4C.90) Dollars, and Fifty-four and 98-100 Dollars, (C. 98), respectively, tho samo being tho amount then duo and delinquent I of the tnxoH for the yearn 1919 and 1921 rcxpoctlvoly, together with pen j nlty, Interest and costs. I BKCONT). That thrco CD years have elnpscil prior to tho oommetie muni of this suit since thu original date of delinquency or tho tax on ror thu years 1919 and 1921. whloh 'ire Included In trnld certificates or de linquency. THIRD. That plalntl'ff herein Is the lawful holdtr of nald certificates of delinquency. That plaintiff here in ha paid nil subsequent and prior tuxes Issued ngnlnnt said property, lu all, Including nald torlif lento or de linquency, amounting to Ono Hun dred KIgltty-two nnd 1 1-100 Dnllnrn (ISM I). Thnt them Is now dun plniotlff heroin ror snUI certificates j or drliuquency nnd taxes paid n ' nforcsild with interest tboreou at the rate of twelve per cent (12) per annum; the hiiiii of One Hundred eighty-two and 11-100 Dollsrn (182. 11), with Interest on Forty-nix and 90-100 Dollar '($40.90), IliWonf from tho Rth day of April. 1921 ; with Interest on Fifty-four and 8-IOO Dollar (K4.98 ), thoroof from the 17lh ady or May, 192.1; with luteroit on Forty-two and 73-100 Dollars (42.73.) thoroof from April Rth. 1921 'and with luterost on Thirty soveti and R0-100 Dollar'!. ($37. R0), from October 19th, 1923. FOURTH. That plaintiff has a good and lawful lion agulust said property hereinbefore mentioned, for tho sum of Ono Hundred eighty-two and 11-100 Dollar (182.11), with Interest thereon us aforesaid. FIFTH. That summons and not lco has been duly norvod In thin pro ceeding na roquirod hy tho statute of thltf stato, and such statute com piled with In all other roapocta per talnlng hereto. IT IB THEREFORE CONSIDER ED, ORDERED AND DECREED that tho plaintiff horoiu bo glvon Judgment against tko property horo- Inhoforo inontloncd,for tho aforosald amount of plalntlffi nald !!, with ants amounting to $ which said Judgment shall bo a Hen against onch tract or part of said laiid.ihorolnhefore doncrlbod. , U Jo further ordered and docrood that tho ithorlff of tlilo County noil imlil real property or no much thoroof nH may ho uecesiary to imtlsry nald jiidgmnnt, with accruing costs and dliiburnemeulii, and that tho clorlc or tills Oohrt make nut and deliver to Iho Sherlrr a certified copy or thin d'cree an bin auMiorlty to mnko mild Hale. NOW, THJ0UF.FOHK, In obedience to the commands or said writ and by tho authority thereof, 1 will on Mon day thu Uth day or April, 11)20, at the hour or 10:00 o'clock lu tho fore noon or mild day at the front door of tho County Court House In the City of Huron, County and Btato itforo hii Id, off or for iialo to tho highest bidder for cash lu hand, nil of tho right, title, Interest, lien and entato of tho said defendants and each of them lu and to thu said property horoluuhovo described for the pur pose of satisfying mild decree, Judg ment, (axon, costs and illHburseuiontn and accruing costs and disburse ments, subject to Die right or re demption nnd confirmation or thin Court. ChAUKNClO N. YOUNC1, Hherlrr or Ilnrney County, Oregon. Date or flrnt publication March 7. Date of hiHt publication April I. Lend llurus Btago bus Htarted the regular run, three times u week, luave llurr.i Tuesday. Friday, and Sunday. 4-4-It Urlek for sale I)urns llrlck Co., C. K. Bllbaugh, Manager. 3-28-tf Ro'Burfnco all your floor. No need lo put down now floor, Just re surface o(d ones tho American Universal way and they will bo as good a new. I.evul worn spot, takes off dirt, stains, paint, varnish and loaves a perfect sur face. Cost Is low and work done Illicitly with a guarantee. Phono 100R. T. J. McDonald, Floor Sur facing Contractor. 3-21-tf. Public Stenography, reasonable rates I'lintiu 22R. 2-14 Room ror Rout hot water and bath privileges Inquire Mrs. Roy Mcdee. 3-28-tf. FOR SAW-: (lood fiTrm wagon, Har ris grain drill. 4-seollnn steel bar row, double disc plow, disc culti vator, and various small farm tools alto supply of R and ft Inch well pipe. Terms cash. See nt C. E. McPheeler ranch. 3-28-31 FOR RENT 300 acres of meadow and 100 acres or paHture In section 13, It. 24, T. .10. In Potter swamp. $300 cash Write Oregcn "Westorn CoIoulzntJou Co. 11 F Johnson, Prlnovllle. 3-28-31 Several splendid duelling, -I to (I rooms a to 100.00 down, Hal mice like piijlng rent, ujmmi llin Hill or Flat. HcM readout nnd ! IminIiic IoIh, puny terms. Wo will fnrnli.li you Iho Money to 1 In 1 11 t suit yourself, will gladly hhow )ou why, nlimidaiiru money for Iniiueillato dtxhursemriit. W. ( T. MCHTEIt COMPANY. THE LEADING KEAIjTY DEALER. J1U Caldwell's barber shop has added a lltnuity Hoop offering coinplole service to tho enmhiuod estnbllsh mont. Specializing lu hair cutting for gentlemen and hair bobbing for women and children. 2-7-tf Our Ilulldlng Loan Companies bavo announced their willingness to mnko unlimited Loan In nurna. Lot us show our gd faith lu our city hy building the most modern and boat HOMES IN THE COUN TRT. V. T. LESTER COMPANY. "-, l-l Tho Intor-Mountaln Nursory will havo a yard of trees or all kinds, Fruit, Simile, and Ornamental, lu IluniH, Will open up about April tho flrut, kindly send mo nnoUfo tho rirso. 2-28. IIMI III HI I I -IM III--1I TresapuMs nuticun printed on cloth nt thin olllco. Bold In any quantity doiilrcd. G-12-tf, WANTED- Men or women to take nrderu among frlondu and nulgii bor for tho gonuiuo guaranteed Hosiery, full lino for men, woimi and children, Hllmliintos iluriitn Wo pay 7fc. and hour spare IIiiim or 4110.00 a week for full iliuo Uxporlunco iinlieceiisary. Wrlli liiiematlun tliock.hiK Milts Norrln town Va . i i.i i 'i Host and chenpent dwelling lots In city, R bills from sehouh Sou us first to own your own HOME. W. T. LKBTER COMPANY. 0-0 W. T. LESTER & COMPANY have ror valo tho host and chenpnut propurttos In tho city, SEE US TO OWtf YOUR OWN HOME. 9 0 TowHloy'a Wood, Saw ror prompt work. Leave orders at Puatlmo Peel Hall or Phone MOW S-Otf The Sablu Hook Company or Holso, Idaho, buy, null, and exchange nil kinds of now and used book. Wanted THE PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE by Uiyn. Intoxicating liquor Is our only competitor. Cash paid for falso tooth, dental gold, platinum and discarded Jew elry. Hoko Smelting & Refining Co., Otsego, Michigan. 1-31-tt Wo know our business, una can soil your properties quickly. LIST NOW lit QUICK BALE. W. T. LES'J ''OMPANY. 0-0 1000 REW.wtD For ovldouco load , Ing to arrest and conviction ot nny party or parties stealing my sheep. My sheep aro Mro branded on the noes and pnlnt branded on the (inn with tho Mortis shoo bar. lloth brands nro recorded. My re corded oar mark Is nu upper hit lu both corn. My owos hnvo sev ou dtffvrout ago murks au uudor slope, a crop and au upper slope lu both oars nnd my yearling owos hnvo a small crop er: both ours. I sell no sheep branded on nono. W. W. llrown. FUo, Oregon. 7-2?. Three sets or 30x3 V4 almost new Flsk tires ror snlc Highway Ser vlro Station and Oarage. 2-28-tr Ilnth room for ladles at the Lovuun Hotel. U-lR-tf. CANYON CITY lUIItNH Trl-Wcokly Sorvlce Fast Auto Conveyances. Pleasant Scenic Route fur Pas sengers. Connections to Portland or Kastoru Points. Quick Express and Freight Servlco. N. llrown & Sous, Agents Hums Oregon Save Your Eyes Eyo Htrain causes hcadacltcs, ncrvouancHS nnd other trou bles. I fit kIhsacs nccurntcly and scientifically. All Work Guaranteed. MAURICE SCHWARTZ Optometrist Office with Dr. 11. F. Smith PROFESSIONAL CARDS I) It . II . V . f II 1 u Physician and fin.oom , f JluniN, Oregon Olllco at'rosldoncu, Dr. Orlfllta's for mor home. Phono No 14' It O B O O E O . W A It I) Physician and Surgeon Complete X-ray Laboratory la , ' Connection Kurns, Oreiaf L. E. HinilAltl) DENTIST OHlco first door enst ).1Ui rallary Hums, Orf DJ. -r-m CHARLES W. KLLIfl j It A W Y K II Hums Oregon ; Practices In tho Stato Conrt ab boforo tho U. B. Land OfflM J. W. McCullorli Itoht. M. Dai Mcculloch a dunoan Lnvrjcra ' Olllco nbovo tho U. B. Land Ottmt HURN8. OREOOM 11 . V . H O II M A Ij X -a Attorney at Law Contests and practlco boforo U. B. Laud Olllco a specialty J Olllce: Masonic Rldg. - Hums, Orogom itJUH J. W. Hlggs M. A. DttM IIKiOH At UIOOH ,' . J Imw)er Hums, Oregon M . A . O L I) E ir f, Painting and Paper Hunger All Work Guur .toed llurus, Oregon) KCAN CHArrKK NO 4 Itoynl Arch Mososva II mn h, Oivgou, IteKBm meeting first mul third) Thursdiiy of cncli inoalk. n. F. SMITH, n. P EARL ORAHAM. Secretary. J O 11 IC GlilMDEltLINQ Jewvler Optklan Watch Repairing Duras, SE ST. CliAni Jt SCOTT Ilulldlng Contractor Plana and Estimates FwraAshMr llarua, Oregon By!s, contest bulletin wglu bov5 the contest c'losud riAWCH 13 Ul BUT It so MANY DRAWINGS HAVE1 COMIr IN THAT IT WILL BE REALLV f. IMPCfeJieu" FOli THE JUDGES TO ANNOUMCE THlf NINNeG5 UNTIL f another, weew. oa iwo. Kfc.UK VOUB EVU K OM TWIS STRIP for. more nsv OUT VONTffbT S SEE NEXT VEEtJj i4' III II ' "i !