The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 28, 1925, Image 1

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NO. 22
v jr v . v - ,
Harney and Deschutes Counties
Join Forces; Permanent Sur-
vey; Repair Temporary.
Representatives of tho llontl com
mercial club mid tho Dcschutcn coun
ty 'court, who wore accompanied by
C. W. Wnnzor, an uugluoor repre
senting tho Htato hlghwny commls
mIoii, mot with n dologntlon of Har
ney county good roads club anil mout
hers of tho llarnuy county court nt
Urooklugu on last Sunday for tho
purposa of discussing tho Improve
ment of tho Central Orogon high
way botwooti liond and Uurns. Tho
mooting provod qulto successful In
that the delegations settled upon a
plan of action that should brine re
sults. Engineer Wanzcr tooka keen In
terest In tho conference and whllo he
xave out the fact that ho was sure
tho statu highway commission wai
favorublo to giving tho Central Ore
gon highway any assistance within
Its powor, yet It would not put out
any money on anything but a per
manent road.
It was docldod that the two coun
ties would Jointly ask tho state high
way commission to mako a doflnlto
and permanent survey of tho route
from n point Just this side of tho
Harney county lino to Hrooklngs on
a proposed routo to tho north of
Glass Huttos, thus eliminating a bad
strutch of sovornl miles that Is al
most entirely In Lake county. Mr.
Wanzor was consulted on tho mat
ter and oxprossod tho belief that tho
-commission would look kindly upon
such a proposition If tho counties
would hIiow a disposition to do some
permanent work on tho routo.
It was tho souse of tho meeting
that no attempt would bo made at
this time to havu tho entire route
constructed -up to hlyhwny require
ments but that a reasonable grado
be constructed to care for tho tralllc
that will use it for tho next few
years. Of course this arrangement
would necessitate the maintenance
be enred for entirely by the counties
as tho state highway commission
would not ha expected to lake earn of
the upkeep of such a road.
TIih new routo would place tho
highway almost entirely In Harney
and Definite counties. olltnlii.iUiig
nil but about four miles In Luke
Tho liond delegation showed keen
Interest In the proposed road and ox
pressed a willingness to cooperate In
overy way possible. It Is tho Inten
tion of the respective county courts
to repair tho present routo for tem
porary use and tho travel may bo
assured of tho route being in butter
shape within a short tlmo and this
will bo continued until the now per
manent routo is surveyod and put
in shapo for travel.
The Burns delegation Included
Prcslodnt Archie McGowan and Sec
retary rtobt. Donnott of tho Harney
County Road Club, also J. W. Illggs,
Win, Farre and Julian Ilyrd of tho
exwcutlvo committee Others Includ
ed 0. C. Illako of tho Fonts t Borvlco
and It. B. Colo, County Judgo John
son, Commissioner Huchnnan and
Koad Mastor Frnzlor made up tho
delegation from Hnruoy county.
Dond wns represented by II. II. Do
Armond, Walter Coombs and It. II.
Davis of the commercial club and
County Commissioner J. S. Innls of
Deschutes county, togother with Dis
trict Buglneor C. W. Wanzor of tho
state highway commission,
Mrs. Mooks prepared n flno chick
en dinner for tho visitors and this
tulded to tho satisfaction of tho oc
casion In addition to tho fact that tho
delegation Boomed In ontiro nccord ns
to what was to bo douo.
Tboro is overy reason to bollove
that tho Central Orogon highway will
receive somo needed Improvements
ns a result of this mooting,
Later Slnco tho above wan In
typo Archie McGowan Iiuh rcturnod
from a visit to lloml whore ho attend
ed a mooting of tho Dond commer
cial club mid hoard tho report of H.
II. DoArmond, chalrmnn of tho dele
gation that nltondod tho coufernuco
at Brookings last Sunday. So favor
ably was this roport receives" that
Mr. DoArmond was given authority
to prosocuto tho work furtbor, Tho
commercial club appropriated ?G0 nt
onco toward tho tomporary repair of
tho Glass Uuttos section of tho road
and tho county court then mndo an
appropriation of $100 for tho name
cause and at onco took tho matter up
with Laku county to securo addition
al money,
Mr. McGowan found the Deschutes
county court fully in nccord with the
plans outlined nt the couforonco on
Sunday and steps aro being taken
looking to carrying out tho plans.
Hums Lodge No. 9G, A. F. & A.
M conducted tho funeral service for
tho late Goo, W. Ilayos from tho
lodge rooms on last Suudny after
noon, burial being mado In tho Mas
onic comotory.
Tho Masons mot tho remains nt tho
train on Saturday evoulng nud
brought tho casket to the lodgo
rooms whore It was kept until after
tho service. Accompanying tho ro
malns up from Vale were his wife,
her sister, Mrs. M. H. Illggs, and M.
II. Hayes, his brother.
Tho following from tho Vnlo En
terprlse gives some history of Mr.
Hayes and also shown how ho stood
ns a man and neighbor In Vnle:
Mr. Hayes was barely GC yoars
old, having celebrated his birthday
annlvorsary on March 2nd Just short
ly before his death. Ho was born In
I860 in Marlon county, Iowa, and
when n boy of four was brought by
his parents to Oregon, tho family
locating In tho Willamette valley In
Lauo county. Tho settlomont In
which tho older Mr, and Mrs. Hayes
lived no sooner had a handful of
children of school ago than their
pioneer fathers built a crudo log
school bouse, and it wns under this
roof that young Hayes hued out what
education he could until his thir
teenth year.
From nil old copy of tho Orlaun,
ono of the prcdocosiors of tho Mal
heur Bnterprlse, Is obtnlned a com
mentary on his life nt (bo time of
bis finishing his school work and
studying law which will be of moro
than ordinary Interest to his friends
in tho county "At 18 ho began."
Bnys tho Orlano, "the battle for bread
and n legal education. During the
winter bo tnught school, nml fol
lowed tho carpenter's trnde during
tho summer months, and both to tho
otxl that he might eventually become
h lawyer. At 2(5 RlHokstono was bis
Ulble and Way It. 101. he hueame
wlsanl onough V spun-itlaee teclinl
rilltl4 In hi admitted In the bar. at
Pendleton. Oregon Previous thor
to ho read law under ('. A Hweak
and Thornton WHIUtnvi. both of Har
ney, skilled veteran attorneys.
"From 03 to '74 a point near
Kiigono was his boyhood homo.
Thence to '88 he lived In Suinmor
Lake, from whore ho moved to Har
eoy, then Grant county, then In '93
to Hums where ho lived until remov
ing to Vnlo In the first part of tro
1900's. Arrived In Vale, ho found
that the town's chlof itossosslons
wero ii name, a court house, and a
little bunch of people dotermlnod up
on building n town. Ho hung out
his shlnglo, took off his cont and
wont to work for Ooorgo W. Ilayos
and Vale and vicinity."
Mr. Hayes wob admitted to prac
tice In tho United Stntes district
court and In tho United Stntos cir
cuit court of Orogon on August 7th
1909. From 1898 to 1902 bo was
roglster of tho U. 8. Land Olllco at
Uurns, for threo yoars was mayor of
Harney City, tho former county seat
of Hnruoy and thon tho largost town
thoro. lie was a member or tho
Knights or 1'ytblns, tho Blks, and tho
George W. Hayes was prominent
In clvle and fraternal iiffnlrs, his
four-year chairmanship of tho Re
publican Central Commlttoo for Mal
heur county ending only last Hum
mer. In addition to his fratornnl of
fices, ho was city attomoy for Vale
at tho tlmo of his death.
He was a loyal man to bin friends
nml ovoryono rogrotB his going. Tho
sympathy of tho pooplo of Yalo goos
out to his siirvlvoni, who, besldos
his wiro, Includo a sister, Mrs. Caualo
Hill or IluriiH, two brothers, Tod and
nalloy Hayes, also of IluniB, and
two sons In California who could not
bo located in tlmo to toll thorn or
their fathers Illness,
Mr. and Mrs. O. Lupor mid their
sou wore In from tholr ranch homo
on Thursdny attending to somo busl
iiobh mutters nud culling upon
Harney County's 1924 Roll la
Pronounced Okah by Both
Circuit and Higher Court.
It took loss than 30 days to Initiate
and carry to completion through the
circuit court and n decision of tho
supreme court of this state, tho case
Instituted by District Attorney Co
zad to validate the 1924 tax roll of
Harney county. On February 21 the
case was riled and on the 21th of
March he received u tetegarm from
the supreme court that tho decision
or tho circuit court had been con
firmed, thus validating tho roll mid
allowing tho tax collector to proceed
to collect taxes.
This Is a record case so far as this
rocllou Is concerned, ns It generally
takes much longer to get decisions.
However, the character of this case
and tho Importance of getting tho do
clsion before tlmo to begin collecting
the taxes gave It precedence
, o
C. B. Hllbaugh, tho contractor,
announces that bo w1l have his
mon In tho field and start to manu
facture and burn brick about tho
first of May. Ho finds that good
brick may bo mndo from tho clay In
this vicinity and ns ho is figuring on
some big brick buildings In Uurns
during this season ho will get tho
matorlal ready and nlso havo brick
for any who desire them.
Mr. Sllbaugh Is erecting tho build
ings for tho Union Pacific llallroad
at tho tormina! grounds ln Hums
and nlso nt Lnwen mid finds qulto a
demand for brick at tho present,
therefore he Is having a car load
shipped In from the Holsu plant
ponding the completion of tho local
product. .i
Mrs. Nancy J. Itoper died at her
home at Harney yesterday afternoon
after an Illness of several days with
Influenza. .Mrs. Itoper was In frail
heat lh for some time and could not
withstand any additions! tax upon
her strength- Bho wus n alaler to
tho Into Walter Croaa who died two
weeks ago.
The remains wore brought to this
city and tho funeral will bo held
some time tomorrow, tho hour not
having been set at the time this s
written. An obituary notice will ap
pear In our next Issue.
u -
i Long Docket of Casea for Spring
Term; Grand Jury Sita on
Next Monday Morning.
Tho usual adjourned term of
circuit court which precedes tho reg
ular term will convene next Monday
when Judge Ulggs will bo prosont to
hear any motions or arguments In
connection with cahes, also to give
his attention to tho grnudjttry which
will nlso bo In session.
The onsen on tho docket for tho
regular April term are:
Law Docket
Harry Carey, vs. John II. Tipton.
Harrison Ilosklns, vs. Chns. 1'rahl.
Stewart Wholesalo Co., vs. Uni
versal Garage Co.
Harney County, Oregon, vs. Her
tha Denman, el vlr.
Gordon McWIIIIams, et at, vs,
James I'nul, et al.
W. B. Green, et nl vs. L. B. Mc
Daniels, Federal Reserve Hank, vs. Volfa
Chas. W. Fllzgerald. vs. J. A.
Krumholx. f
Leo Arnett, vs. J. B. Vlckers.
Clnrn A. Marsden, vs W. W. Drlnk
water. I). 11. Clark, vs. W. N. Monroe, cl
A. K. Richardson; vs. R. M. Lowo.
M. II, Hnyes, et nls, vs. J. L. Sltz,
William Kllnkslck, vs. Alvln Mil
ler. II. V. Schmnlz, vs. Maxeno Korn,
ot nls.
11, F. Smith, vs. Andres Urqulrl.
Nate Franklin, vs. C. O. Uanklns.
I. Wolnstoln. vs. Maggie Rower.
O. J. Smith, vs. A. II. Cooloy, et
Harney County, Oregon, vs. Grace
W. Reese.
Harney County, vs. W. W. Miller.
Harney County, vm. M. J. O'Toole.
D. II. Clay, vh. Bddlo Springer.
I). D. Defenuugh, vs. J. C. Realty.
General Motors Co., vs. II. R. Ril
ey, et als.
General Motors Co., vs. II. R. Riley
et nl.
Tho Rums Power Co., vs. II. It.
Standard Oil Co., vs. Irn Hough
laud. Crane Htato Hank. vs. C. A. Harlan.
Samuel II. Wolniloln. va. W. L.
Mlslo Hill. vs. Glen Drown.
First Rank of Juntura. vs. Frank
J. Upton.
II. A. Pickens, vs. John Singleton.
Onkes & Company, vs. Grover
Hudspeth, et als.
Equity Chsch '
Goo, 8, Smyth ot als, vs. J. U. Hal
comb. Albert Gautlor, vs, James L. Con
loy, et nl.
' Ruby It. Smith, va. A. Venator, ot
William J, Dunn, vs, James lion
demon, ot ux.
Oregon Wostorn Col. Co., vs, Or
vlllo T. Stoy, ot nl.
Mrs, R. A. Ilnlrd, vs. Bmma G.
Chas. A. Ryrd, et al, vs, Pacific
II.... Ul.w.L. f'
1 Viola Oroo, Admx., vs. Jens Sand,
1 et al.
I. Wolnstoln, vs. Mullon-Flsor Co.
Oregon Western Col. Co., vs. John
W. Davles.
James Paul, vs! Live Stock Htato
Tho First Nntlonnl Hank, vs. Hor
mnn Auornhamor.
Stnto Laud Hoard, vs. Jamos
State Land Hoard, vs. Ooo. W.
Raycraftt et ux.
Crane State Hank, vs. James B.
P. F. Dunn, vs. Myrllo Caldwoll.
Harry L. Hmlth Adtn., vs. H .H.
Clark, et si.
State Lund Hoard, vs. Henry Blch
nor et nl.
Pnstloy Smyth, vs. T. II. Soa
weard, Joe Kudo, vs. Alvu Springer, et al.
Stoto Land Hoard, vs. George W.
I State Land
! State Land
i Mnco.
State Land
Hoard, vs. Daniel V.
Hoard, vs. Clarenco
Hoard, vs. Piatt T.
, Stato Land Hoard, vs. Nat Hounoy.
; Stato Ijnd Hoard, vs. David Slg
frldson. i Stato lnnd Hoard, vs. A. II. Curry.
ct nl.
Stato Land Hoard, vs. David C.
State Land Hoard, vs. Geo. Pickle
sluier. Stnto Land Hoard, William
; Stato Lund Hoard, vs. J. C. Carter,
, et ux.
j State Land Ilonrcl, vs. Gabriel Ed
wards. Statu Land Hoard, vs. Joseph Wll
kerson. Stato Land Hoard, vs. Pauline
State Land Hoard, vs. Alfred West.
Slnte Land Hoard, v. A. J. Cum
tilings. Stnto I ml Honrd, vs. Harry 1C.
State Lund Hoard, vs. Goo. II.
Frank D. Warner, vs. Fred II.
(Continued on page five)
Fred Herrick Co. Preparing For
Greater Activities; Buying
Additional Equipment.
James Glrard, onglneor In chargo
of tho Fred Herrick Lumber activi
ties in this city, yesterday morning
confirmed tho roport that tho work
on tho railroad grado between Uurns
mid Hear valey would begin nt once.
The fact Is that several contractors
havo been engaged In work during
the winter, but additional contracts
have boon lot.
Mr. Glrard stated positively that
Ameson had boon given n contract
for tho heavy cuts and fills on tho
routo on the upper Poison creek sec
tion. The Arncson contract Is for
work Joining the end of the present
grade on Poison creek mid on up to
ward tho summit of tho mountain.
It includes eight bridges as well au
heavy rock and fill work.
Mr. Glrard annouucod to a repre
sentative or this paper that Mr. Klo
buchor, construction engineer on tho
rnllroad work, wns In Portland whoro
ha wnn purchasing a steam shovol, a
compressor and also nocossary wheels
axles mid Irons for tho construction
of dump enrts that will bo used in
the work. Tho dirt from tho cuts
may thus bo carted to the fills.
When It wns suggested that tho
stoam shovel might be used in ex
cavating for the log pond nt tho mill
site Mr. Glrard explained that it was
not tho intention to do much exca
vating ns It was much more practical
and far less expense to build a dike
to hold tho water from tho warm
springs for a log pond. Ho quickly
convinced tho writer that bo know
what ho was talking about with n
few figures which Indicated a differ
ence or perhaps $70,000 in tho cost.
It Is also reported that work will
likely begin In tho near futuro on
the change In tho Central Orogon
highway, permission for which has
boon granted by tho stnto Jilghwny
commission. This change is askod
lu order to run tho highway west
of tho mill site. Tho now routo will
continue tho snme tnngont ns at
present where the new highway con
nects with the old Geer lane and
continue on toward the foothills mid
skirt tho hills until It again conver
ge with the present route below tho
warm springs.
During thu week It Is statod that
several contractors havo gone out
over tho rnllornd route toward Roar
valley mid that several strctohes of
grado havo boon contractod. James
Glrard, chief engineer In chargo of
tho Derrick activities having announ
ced to frlond that II. A. Arncson bad
contracted for two iiiIIob of heavy
construction on tho routo between
HuniB nnd Hoar valley. Mr. Arnoson
wiib hero during tho wook nnd has
gono out to outside points, presum
ably to nssomblo oqulpmont and noc
ossary working forco to bogln ton
structlon work ns soon as possible
Everything points to Immediate
activity In tho nrllroad building lino
and things will bo humming along
lu flno shnpe within tho next two
J. 11. Tipton and his slater, Mrs.
B. J. Rrown. onterod pleas' of glulty
lu Justlco Monroe's court yesterday
on ehargos of violating tho prohibi
tion law. Thoy wore found with
liquor In their possession, also charg
ed with operating a still. Thoy wuro
fined $150 each.
Prohibition olllcers Dan Kurroot
and G. W. Plorco havo both boon In
this county this wook ready to co
opornto with tho local olllcors and
tho sheriff states they had othor sus
pects lined up but that tho bootlog
gors aro bo well organized and post
ed that tho oftlcorH would havo to
bo sulllclont In numbora to mnko tho
Investigations all at tho sumo tlmo.
No other nrrosts havo boon mndo bo
far this wook.
Roy Fimato, associated with Ira
j N. GabrlolBon of tho govornmont ro-
I dont control dopnrtmont, Is in tins
I county Investigating conditions mid
giving tho farmers somo advice nud
arBlstnuco In tho eradication of tho
ground squlrrol posts,
Vvfaw-;a- i, !,