K c Pi y Tf I PMi if I F I rJ 1 1 i iJ VOL. XXXV 111 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, ORliUON, MAkLH 21, IH.45 NO. 21 P "BLUE BUCKET" GOLD MINES HOLD INTEREST Quest For Fabulously Rich Find Of Early Days Continues; Local Man Will Search Although iiiuuy years have emit) by since tltu emigrant train canto through this part of t)iu state utul found gold iiugguts so plentiful that a hluu bucket was Mind with rich chunks an the wagon train wan cross ing a small stream, tho quost for that r.irtliMilnr plaro continues. Scott Cultcrson wiih In town Mon iluy and spent an hour visiting with tho nowspupur man. Hu bollove. tliti "Hluo lluckut" Is not far from this vicinity and Ih Inclined to make a trip out Into thu IiIIIh when thu weather gets good to hoc what ho can find, lit) rouallH meeting with a wo man nml two muu sovorul yours ago when ho wiih hut a hoy, who wore hero looking for tho location of that rich inlnu. Scott was at Crow Camp at tho Unto of this visit and they do Kcrlhcd tho locality; It was thu fol lowing your or thu one following that, that another expedition was uiado Into this territory by some prospectors who wore on a similar hunt; they too. described tho loca tion of tho find which coincided with tho description given by tho former visitors. Scott says hu believes ho can find that place. All aro ttgrood that It was tho second day's Journey after tho burial of Mrs. Chambers, and that lady was burled at Agency, according to thu best of authority. Tho "llluu lluckut" has boon ex ploited for years, noimi claiming It a myth, but It Isn't a myth to some who have had It from members of tho party who found the wonderful rich wold nugget Mr. Cnttursou say lif Ih told that a woman In Holso has h limp uf thu region whoro this scold was feund: this Indicator thnt tho quest for this fabulous wealth Is :it!ll holding tho attention of people. Theru is little iiuostlon but that It Is 'i this part of the rcnnitr and ii utitN -"in- day 1 found. Mr Cat t.rsou think it Is possible thnt the .k'uiJ local! iv hus been morn or less lunged by the natural washing ' I, tege that weather condition would Uit. therefore It Ih hcrdl) to be x . i Ml tbat the same stream ind w t.ui.dlnfo would be (he same toclov , , b iek or more ymira ago. .u.i iubcovibry ItltVIVKS MBGUXI) tUfcorlew Kxamlner) The thrill of the search for gold at the I'alsloy strike lias aoitiewhat -jolotl ao that now only those hardy believers who are sura that rich led kch sro to lie found remain on the hieiin of tho strike. At tho discovery claim of Taylor and IMckloalmor pros porting operations have continued and additional sample have biiun se c ured and Hhlppad to laboralorlos for assay. Tho prospectors la their work of exploring the lodge bollevo that tho charaotor of ore looks inoro encouraging than tho first sninplos takcin and tho returns of the assay are awaltod with much lutorost. With tho nows or thu strike at 1'alsluy. much rewlalacenee Is heard ic-gnrdlng tbe old "Hluu Utiokot" r-nd "WagonUm" minus of early n vlirn tho trains or Immigrants vcie in I'dng their way acro-c the rrp.it Or'-iom coui'try reported fahu Juiixl i'1i findH wbMi have never hire n loi itnl Ilblfiiie of the . rly t.i 'age of w igoe trains hrouili tin' ares wb re the sirlkw Is li ati il b vc beeu iiunieroii' and iilcro, dt waxons ami P'uiipmeiit dls i aided b tl'o enrb irivlnm have lxii found on past occasions. Th- Klumatli Kail i I If raid Indi raloH tin- intcreit with which th" Mi.covi rv Ii being received there: Mori 'm 1 for the fire of Kold seek ir 111'" hi tale told by a local pliysl (bin. A iow puncher, i.intorlng over iMiig ruiiiilrv noar PuUIav, several j Mtiin ago was attracted by a crtain black roik Tho cow puuohar cllppod (ff a plox'o or tho rook and was nn-c-d at Its velKht. Jfo shoved Urn ploco of rook Into his pocket and promptly forgot about it. Home time later he r-Mllaeoverod tho ploco of rock in his poekot and bulhluklnu liliiiaelf or Tlr. 0 P Mokoii local dontlst wIioho hobby I im tallurgy, toel: It to blm Povcrnl I'll-, liter Hr M --con cfllod tho cow pttnciif r up to t ofiico ai 1 I Iritil Ii I in Mini ilut tilm'n uf nirk iiuuiiv ...... (.... .. .V. ....MW ... .. .......,, ed gold over $r0i)0 to thu ton, Mill hy that tlmu tho cow piiuuher could not rumotuhur wheru ho had run onto thu rouk except that It was somo wheio In Lake county and probably In thu iioi'thuni part. ApropoH of the Paisley gold strike, Is an Incident rulated by .1. A. (Uir don, president of tho Flrnt National Hank, of Klamath Fa I In. About a yoar ago a man eaiue Into tlio hank with a small bottle full of what ap peared to ho light colorud sand. "What Is It?" asked Mr. Cordon. The man, whose name was withhold, answered : "Cold. Will you send It away to be assayed? In a day's walk from here. I can nrlrvo at a place whoro I oan get some more." To mako n loug.atoyr short, thu alleged gold was sent nway to ho nsiayod. Tho government unsaying olllco found the small bottle of sand to bo prac tically puro gold. In feat, It was found that It wiih S-17 and a half thousandth puro. Now tho gov ernment wants to locate tho man who sent the gold and mako Inquiries as t owhuru thu metal was located, hut according to hint reports tholr efforts have hceu unsurccs-rul. I(i:sim;ctici pioxiikk WOMAN passi:s Mrs. V. 11.' Johnson passed away nt tho honiu or her son In this city on Inst Tuesday morning following an Illness covering many months. Mrs. Johnson's health hud not been good for several years and shu spent one whiter In California In tho hope of It benefitting her but she prefer red being at the family homu on Silver croek and surrounded by hor children. Her Into Illness was not or long duration. She came over from Sliver creek Just a short time heforu hor death. Mrs. Johnson's maiden namu was Street. Shu was born In IMitmau County, TonnoNsoo, Kobruary 17, I8r.:i and canto to California In ISfi'l. Shu was married to W. Ii. Johnson In 1K73 and was the mother or eight ohlldroii, four or whom sur vive her. four dead. Bhe came to Harney ooituly with the family In ll but had lived In Crook eounty lust over tbe border of this county for a row years previous, liar long residence on Silver creek and lb active Interest of the family In tbo life or that section brought ber In touch with man? people and she w,.i widely koown and highly ro peeted. ,ThA fwnrl' services were rondnot nd ou Wednesday afternoon by Hev Howd of tho BanUnt church at tho Ometerv nn Sllvor rroek wbre she was laid to root by Uer children who hsd passed to tho beyond before ber She la mourned by her aged hus band and the four children, all of whom are well known in this eeoliou. The uiany friends or tbe family also mourn the lose of noble and true friend MIHSIOXAKV (MltOMl MHimt (Contributed) Tho Mission Circle of the itapilst Church .act at the home 'it M!si Loll McCeo. with Mrs. I. linker and Mm. Ilrlttlngham assisting. TliU being our annual election ineutlug, I ho rollowln); olllcors wore elented: Mrs. Kiln I.uekoy, proHldoiil or Mlf hlons, Mrs. It. I-:. Drake, socrHtarv, Mrs Davo (!ni(liloclt, troasurer and Mrs Uuy Btitlil as proslduut uf tho Ladles Aid Mrs Gray tut vltio- presi dent, with Ales. Bhattuck. Mrs. IS. H. Hood and Mrs. Cravos as assUtsuls. The program ror tho day a ar ranged by thu committee was xnme thliiK to be long muouihered Mr Homer Itond and MrH l-'roil Wll Union gave us a real trut with their song "Dreamer of Dreim" and Ml" tStbel MuOee rsvorml um kIho with a song "Pass it On." Then anothir one or those Illblcul ontenln bad been arranged for our cimfuiloii, this time lu the form of iuiw11oim si to who's who und where'H where In th" Bible. With only fifteen mlr ut allowed In which to amtwer tin in the writer didn't have much chnnro and Mrs. Illlihiqxl won the contest. Alias Ilah MGMi(i hnil ur rniiKod a portion of the DOfUl dHlu watlm" for four of her sutiij )tiplls ami tho little follnwji wore a crodlt to their te-iclicr Itc'n -i nifiit i wero aerved by tho hoHtoea and assuitantH aftar wliich wo departed ror home, fooling that we IihcI enjoyed a most delightful af ternoon TVe next meeting will Iih imi the iltrlilli of April, at the lionto ,r Mr. K T Smith with Mrs It. K. Drake as nnt hoitoiis, FOREST OFFICERS MELT WITH LOLAL STOCKMEN GrnziiiB Permit Holders Assured of Co-operation of Fotett Service; Rnnuu to Rent Assistant Sttporljor P. A. Thnmn sou, of the Malheur foreit uauompaii- ed Koreit Itaugor Illake hank when hu arrived rrom the llaltur nonfornnrn Weduomlay niglil. Mr. Thumpami s stntloned at John l)sy with Hup ervlsor (told a nil en me ovur with Mr. Ulultc to confer vllti looal stooh iiuin and permit holders In onuuua tlon with thu grilling situation In the forest as it slfucls tho local man. It was found that old permit hold ers woio not asking for as much ruin ai Uiey had ln-fortuor yonrn ,md that Iheiu was a stirpliiH. Tho object or tbo meeting was to explain tho policy or the font otllcuri lu al lowing them to amend tholr applica tions If they so dealred. Ilovro-or, It Is the Intention of the forest of ficers to allow such range us Is not applied for rest for tbe prosonl. in fact that Is what the forest would like- give the range a uhniteu to Im prove. However, tins win not tie done to the exclusion or homo stunk men. Another matter (hat Aaelstiiut Supervisor Thoniwon brought to tho attention of the permit holders was he fuel that they will he protected In the future should they doslro to Increase the number or tork. While I his range might ho allnted to a new permittee this season. It would ho only temporary lu so far as It ap plied to the range formerly used by an older applicant wbu has resident preference, therefore when tbe old permittee nekod for thu former range privilege be will be granted II. The uatlierlng was qulto well at tended sd th eteelrmeti espremtud satlafertlon of tbe respite. They i.ew have a better understauflfaf Of the -.'liiatlon and se on a. wore lu tiMiai" relttlon with the forest atrv Ice. (mh)ijia Mu&umii ri'KD The members of the rommlUeo In -heme tt eotleottng tho fnp for tbs ; unln Uodwse nimMlaI fnnd are 'o!ne to bold i -.' "t" Th "tmes-rrer-,;' cr.tu h n.j r.n-n ' . wit and foor of tho rtT ovnlng, K 4 t ?so i w ebttdrea ham to tbocji survive j'rloek to arrattjia fr r tlie coipImMi. if tbe cnnvs nti! rmm tho oietttr up At ih;' 4lmo It 1. hoiied to bav full attendance ol th Intonated i4iid definite arraiigenientii mail" t ward the erection of u nulmble m morial to the memory of (be fen r lens oltlrer who gam up hi life In the discharge or hl duty. First Lady Fashions for Spring JBMflajfjiligiwraesill . j . .iJ ' -i President and Sirs. Coolidgo, pliotoerraphcd as they nscond;cl tho capitol stops for tho Innuguratlon, March 4th. Mrs. Cooliilgo a trown of M;oonstonu gray Jobconu and lint of unusually deop crown broucht forth oxclumations of admiration from nil women spectators, Ilotlt hut and Kown wero from American fnbrica and by American deaiKiicra, ; BURNS LAND OFFICE TO HE ABOLISHED APRIL 30 Executive Order Signed By The ! President On Lnnt Tuondny; i La Grand Louuk Also An sh octsled pi ess ill. patch tint ed at Washlugton on Wednesday, an uouneen that tbo land nflteo nt Hums wta db'iM hvd by ogeetillve order K'gnort hy President Coolldlw on Tuesday. Toe order is effciPtlvo April 10. This move wits under considera tion before and wut sloppnl. I low over, now It Is suttlud. Im (iraiido In lout IU laud olllco. Thoro l.-u't much tiae to uommunt upon tills order ut this tlmu as It will do no good, bi'.t It does suom a pity that the MOttlers In this big ter ritory should have bud more uotisld elation. Tbe gorertimont will sink n hsltlu -lilp tbat cost mltlloun and eousidnr It iiroper. but to use Just a little money as a service to the homo builder neem- a. wiiu Such Is -otitic. Thnv'll be wmitlng to cut our mall service down to three times a week yet. lu fact it has been sug Kosted, yet the man In the crowded city has leroral mall deliveries each day on his dunk. - UMIMIK Ml'ltNH AT XAItllOWH The ICd Anderson gnrnge at Nar rows was burned Inst Sunday morn ing and we are Informed several cars wero tlestroeil. No particulars have lies n liwrucd ut this olllco as to how the fire started. There was some In Huranuu but not' sulllrlsnt to cover near thu loss. IMOMCUIt HTIM'IOIAN DII1S Walter (!ross dlsd at tho Valley V,lew hoapltMl on last Muudny morn ing. He was tho Victim or heart dls ens U Hail buow- eerlously III for aomo time at hie' borne nud hnd but a conple of days before huuii taken to Ute trfieplul. Walter Cross wan born In I lender--ron county. Illinois. Augunl IX. 1SU His mm her died when he was bnt email hu. . lonrtng two children " Ibo httsuanct who moved to Ml- on I shortl; nftor end there Walter i r.e to meusood ! li"7 be waa i i it , 'o Hjrney county In IIK9 r: U t.ofl-d on .h- icucb where lite home has beeu ever elnc on Trout ureek. Hie rather catne to Lit Ins mhiIoii with hint nud la retueuibereti by niuuy of the pioneer people of Burnii and rlcinlty. The fuiierul servlcce were hold at the Hupiut church on Moiiday after llirill II, IIP Itlll.rfili.i II. .....1 ....... It... , I.... I ..wi,.., auir, a.HffV-II.J 11IJIYII UUJIIIllUilll; tho scrlpliirul Hurvlco whllu John M, IllgRii, an old lliuo frluuil or tho du ceitsed and liln family, pronounced lite uiilog), giving some rants con celiilng tho lire or Mr, Cross and Mpoke or tho high ontoem lu which hu was held hy liln wide aciiialntauco lu this part or tho Htate, Mr, Cross had never alllllated with any church or 40nret fraternal organization. Ho had hullovod that ouo was Judged by his own conduct and acta and wan content to let his personal life ntaiid for what it might muaii to It Ih neigh bors. Ills lite was a succesn, huIiI Mr. Illggs, lu Hint he gave his family every consideration within li Its means mid United his neighbors lu such u manner that he was held lu the high est esteem. Ho was a true father, brother, a good neighbor. Ills life was pronounced one or rulluess. His wife, four children, Archlo Cross, Albert Cross, Mm. Kemp liar dlsty, and Mrs. II. A. Dlllard, all or this vicinity, survive him and wuro present at thu funeral service. Many citizens rrom all parts or tho county wero present nt the ttorvlou Jo show their esteem or tho departed neigh bor. POPUI.AH VOKNtl liADV'K KNf.'AdllMKNT ANNOUNCKI) The nuuoitncemeiit of thu engage ment or Miss Jenne Cook to Mr. Frank Klobiiuhur was made at an af ternoon affair given at tho homu or Dr. nud Mrs. II. 1 Kmlth Inst Hatur tiny afternoon, A large gathering of the ladles of Hums were prcHunt and the program was of a very Interest ing character, according to thonu present, also very unique. Thu decor ations were very attractive nud the refreshments were nerved most at tractively. The auiioiinremunt or (ho engagement was through favors in heart shape upon which thu names or thu principals wore written. Thu desert was served In smalt flower pots In which Ice cream was placed, covered by ground chocolate with a dafodll thruet Into It, resumb- Hug a growing riowor. Mlso Cook is one or our popular yoiittg ladles and la at present en gaged lu teaching lu thu high unliool, Tbe date or the wedding whs not made bnt It la understood It will take place during the spring, perhaps oon "fter the close or high eebool Thli octnl ttffalr w planned end hIvcm l Mrs. J H. t'eeV i ml Mr V. M Sutton It was Intended to hove the. afternoon nt thu Ration Jtonie but owing to Mrs ntton'e In dlxpoiltlon Mrs Nmltb graetously tendered the ure of hor tnorlous homo for the oeaslon. I.IIRION Atr.VH.lAltV (Contrlbiited) Tbe Atnerleau l.oglon Auxiliary met at the houiu or Mrs. Hen Ilrowu on March HI In addition to tho regular btulnvss rive new members wero taken Into tbe Unit as fob Iewa: Mlaa (Intnl. Mies Kley Walker, Mm. Melvln Clay. Mrs. l-'rank Thomp son ami Mrs. I.oo Miller The com mittee In charyu or tho card party given by the unit reported that (i:t.M had houu oleared. It was voted to solid Ui.00 to tho Children's homo at Otter Lake and a like it moil tit to Portland for Child wel fare work. ?6i) was placed In tho Auxiliary Havings account to moot current calls for aid to voteraus. The Auxiliary also plans to etart a fund to ha added to from lime to tune und whan aiilllolunt lu amount ii Ii for something ospecttyy usoful , it," K.-Servlce mun. 1 1 wmj announced tbat the next ;ulnr moetlug hi to be held April loth at tbe home or Mm. C. II. heo- . .ml with Mlns Leonard as joint hoatoss. kSOIMCICItlKC CHICW ariLii in Tine iuiii-6 The KrtuI Herrlck Lumber Co. eii idnetM'ing foroe is still busy in tho lilIU tu tlie l'losoii creek dtstrlnt. llotb James Oirard ami ProuU Klo bucher aro constantly In thu Hold with the orow and progreaa la report ed in thu way of ascertaining con dliions relative- to wlint my be ex petted from flood waters and the elements. Nothing Is given out from the of llcu us to what la ooiiUiiuplsted but there, lu ovory ovlilotiuo of notlvlty and II is said (hat contraoturH aro now lu tho field looking over giound a Itli a view of placing bids lu tho i'iv near future. HIGHWAY COMMISSION REPRESENTED AT MEET Harney and Deschutes County Delegation Confer tomorrow op Road Improvement Archie Mcdowau, president of tho Harney County (lood Itoads Club, In In receipt or a telegram rrom head uartera or thu statu highway com 'iilralmi announcing Pint a represen tative or that commission would bo prcxent ut the conference to bu held it Hrooklugs tomorrow between del egations from llond ami Hums In discussing thu Improvement of tho Central Oregon Highway. This meeting was arranged by Mr. Mcdowau and thu cucretary of tbo lluud commercial club and will In- hide quite a delegation rrom both towns, Including members or tho county courts or both Harney and Deschutes counties. Heveral or tho executive committee or tho (lood Itoads Club or this county will mako he trip to Hrooklugs to Join In thu conference. II is expected that tills meeting will result In something rnuureto In tho way of Improving tho Contral Oregon Highway, especially on tho strip In thu Class Ilutte seotlou. I(OAI) .Mi:irriN! TO IIH HUNDAV Information was this morning re ceived by thu llond Commercial club that District Itoad Hiiglucer C. V. Wanzur or Thu Dalles would attend tho meeting or Deschutes and Har ney county delegates to bo held next .Sunday ut Hrooklugs. Tho meeting Is being called to determine what should and what can be done to Im prove the highway between Huud and Hums, nffsotlng a district or shunt 15 mile between Hrooklugs end the (lap ranch. This section of tho road, it Is suld. while belonging lu Lake eounty, Is not looked upon with enough aigtilrt ranee by ulllrltila of tbat eounty to favor Improvements. The result Is that rebldeuU cf Deschutee and Har ney countlee Interested have taken the muter up Infi rmatlon Uim iIh- dUtriot rood itluowr would attend the mooting as sent hy Archie MoGoan. pro) dent of the Oood Reed asoooUtiON of Hums to tho local Cornaaereinl club. Bend Proos. KAV8 TOU I.OM! (UKI) HKASON Tbo Ltakeview Kxamlucr in com uteutlng upon tho recent leglolstluu In reganl to closing the auasnii ou tagekena for five yoare. says It la too long. The fact Is pointed out thai tho game reserve formed lu Warner gives thu birds further protection and thai It Is likely wltulh the next fw yearn tho sngohuji will again take Its place as tho loading upland game bird or this part or the Htato Kivu years Is a long clDHod season, but as Is stated lu tbo samo nrticlo In our Lake eounty exchange, rthe game commission linn the right to cliangu seasons and possibly will open tho sngohun shooting again heforu tho expiration or tho tlvo years, provided their Increase would JustUy. At any rnte. aportsmout of this county and Lake have the ndvnntago of tlio War ner reservo to aid in keeping thtto fine birds well stocked lu this part of the state. -0 " ' UKO. W. IIAVItii DIKD Telegrupbic advice rccelvocl yoa tcrday mornlnsr rrom Vale sniiounoed that Ochi. W. 1 lay on had dlod from leakuge of the heart, lie bad beuu soilously III for Heral days and hie two brothers. Tud und Dalley. had gone out. Tbe lvuiulns will ho i.i'i)ii,-,lu u BuriiM lor lulormeat and t va- Mr. Ilaye's request tbat tho M.iHinilc Order conduct his runeral. Duoensod waa well known In this vicinity where ho resldod for many years prior to removliffc to Vale. Ho praotfrud law hero and also held tho position of register of tbe land of fice, lie waa a niuiiiber or ono of the uloueor families of this section und had Uveal In Lake county be fore doming to Harney. Ho In sur vived by his wife also two sons The runeral service will bo held at the MuboiiIc Lodge rooms tomor iow I'fteinoon nt 2 o'clock. '! ' il i i 4: