The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 14, 1925, Image 1

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NO. 20
, eSi55E 4f
Local Talant in Pleasing Muaicnl
Fridey nt Liberty; Performers
Complimented by Friends.
"Thu Lnss of Limerick Town" wns
tho attraction nt tlio Liberty Tlioutro
on last Friday night wliun It was glv
on as a benefit for tho Durns Public
Library. Mm, Chits. 10. Dlllnmn, pres
ident of thu Ladles Library Club, hail
nitlvu charge of thu entertainment,
directing It and also acting as piano
accompanist. Mm. W. K. Carrlco,
snxaphnnc, and A. A. Kgglcstoii, vio
lin, also usslstod, with Fulton Miller
on thu drama In thu opening ovor
turo. Thu opora was wull rondorcd by
thu principals In thu cant and a good
chorus; thu stage settings wuro ap
propriate and thu costuming added
much to thu success of thu affair.
Much favorable comment wan heard
following thu production and tho cunt
was highly prnlHOd by their frlcndn.
Thu lady characters wero Holucted
almost entirely from thu mumbor
Hhlp or tho club, which Included Mr.s
Win. Fnrro. Mrs. A. C. Welcome Mrs
S. Wolttcnhlller. Others Included
Mrs. J. W. HlggB. Mrs. M. A. lllggn
Mrs. Fred Ilaclno, Mrs. Samuel Har
ris, Mrs. It. V. Hoppor, Mrs. Loo
Clark. Mrs. Wm. M. Carroll. The
male characters and solos were tnkon
by Cans. K. Dlllnmn, Julian llyrd,
It V. Hopper, (loo M. Show, I)r W.
C. llrown, Win. M. Carroll, W. C.
Luckey, Leonard J. Looker. In tho
chorus wero Included, Leroy Johnson,
Charlos Cowan, Win. Wliiomnn, Won
Welcome. P. F. Soaweard. Milton O.
llrown. Six youiiK IiIbH school girls
nlso appeared on the Mage nt Inter
-vnls In dnnoes: Thu Misses Mary
end Klonnore Welumuo. Kathrlno
lirr. Krnui'M KIhb, Adeline Ilaclno
Leldn Sehwnrtz.
Thu writer refrains from giving In
llldunl pruUu or comment upon this
production ;.oeoh character wua well
xu-talned and tho slithers nro woll
known In Hums. therefore Individ
nl mention In not necessary. Mueh
r.(llt for the lurrnttt of the under
i kluv must ro to Mr. Dlllutan for
uttlrlUK efforts and energy in nut
tin th entertainment over.
Afttr the performance nil thoae
t tkliiK iMirt. Including wive or hu
bunds us tho ohm might bo. wore In
vitfd to the plllman home where r
fi"ibmnU weru served and nu hour
of good choer waa tpont with mil congratulations and remarks
Intended to glvo oooh partlolpnttt
homo oncouragomont nnd prnlso n
"mutual admiration party" It was
styled by tho newspaper man present.
At any rate thoo taking pnrt fool
thoy did their host undor tho clr
cuinitnni'cs. nnd aro happy In having
given their neighbors tin evening of
entertainment nnd ndded to n good
onuso In giving tho Public Library n
KT(fttAf.l-. TANK Allltl KH
Tho umiHtriiutlou of thu Btundard
Oil Co. service station near tho power
plant In this city Is going up rapidly.
The forms are made for the concrete
liases for tho two big stoargo tanks
are now ready and the foundations
for the olllce, woruhoiue and garage
buildings aro completed. Tuosduy's
train brought one largo 80.000 gal
lon Mtorugo tank nod there will bu
another of tlio tame size arrive soon.
H. I). Avplnwnll, formerly with tho
Standard Oil at Crane, hns moved to
Hums with his family and aro now
domiciled In n now cottago rocently
(omploted In tho Hennatt Addltlos,
Mr. Aupluwnll will ho In aetlvo
charge of tho now station hero and
'Mill ho uiiccoedod at Grant) by uomo
rno yot to bo natnod.
I. Wolnatoln of tho Wolnstoln Mor
cantllo Co. arrived homo on Tuosdny
night's train after nn abaonco of
fiovornl wooks spoilt In Portland nnd
other outsldo points. Ho was accom
panied in by David Turtledovo, an
experienced accountant and hook
koopor, who Is hero to tnko a por
manont position with tho firm In that
Whllo ahaont Mr. Wolnstoln made
tho necessary arrangements to In
corporate thu Welnstuln Mercantile
Co. with n capitalization of $100,000
with hluiNulf and his sou Archlo
holding tho controlling stock. Tho
other Htockholdors are men of affairs
and with tho capital now at the din
penal of thu firm It Is thu Intention
to eugnge In tho wholesale IiuhIuohn
iik well as retail In Hums. The Times
Herald In not In u position to go Into
details In regard to thu future In
tentions of the new corporation nt
thin time but may have liioru In
formation in the near future.
Archlo McCownu, president of thu
(loud Itond1! Club af this county, re
ceived a telegram Thursday morn-
lug announcing that tho roads com
mittee of thu Hond Commercial Club,
together with tho Deschutes county
court member, will meet a delega
tion from Harney county on Huudny,
March 22, nt thu halfway house,
Ilrooklngs, nt noon,
Thu executive committee of the
Harney Count' Itond Club and mem
bers of thu county court will Jour
ney to the appointed place on that
day nnd take part In n conference
having for Its purpose the Improve
ment of thu Central Oregon High
way between Hums and Itond. It Is
the Intention to tnko up tho matter
of getting nurlstnnco from tho state
highway commlHRlon In having tho
routo or tho highway In thu vicinity
of OlasH Unites definitely located
ntiil Improved over tho routo recent
ly surveyed. Willi such nu Improve
ment thu bad road on thu side of
(Hiihh Hutte would be eliminated and
with the permanent routo established
work of a permanent character be
This Is An Importmit road to thu
traveling public nnd thu subject
Nhnuld lie given consideration.
1A11.M ItttailUiXW
The farm home of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Frank ICIni whs doslroyed by fire
Wedneailny forenoon and almoRt
"VorythliiK was uousumed, only a
desk and a fow other things of tiny
value were gotten out.
Mr Klntc nnd the children wero
ii the house alone at the time tho
fire was discovered. Bit had kom
i ' th- mtNiatm room after a eaek uf
"i ur rwn -h found III" entlr aor
ontl alory In flames eomlHK from
trouud the flue. She had no time to
get aiiybfeiuK out. Mr. KIuk was out
In the field at work on anme-foticu.
There la lomn Inauruaoo but It hi
mall compared to the loee according
to Mr. King, who gave us thu In
formation about thu flru, A defuo
tlvo flue whs responsible for the loss,
The Kings are being cared for at
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. It. D. link
er until they can Hocuru a Iioiiho. No
doubt thoy will rebuild In thu Immud
Into future.
In the fall of thu school yenr a
Suluuce Club was orgunUed for tho
pnrpono of uldliig the memhera In
lnureuHlng their knowledge of science
and how to experiment.
With fhu proupuct of trips and
ill In- runowud Intereet has been
nhowii thlH term Thu program com
mittee has outlluod thu toplos for
dlMotiHslou for the coming meeting as
May 2C KamotiH Men of Hclouuu
nnd what Thoy Have Accomplished;
April 8FoollMi Notions Which ho
World Hue Outlived; April 'i'i Mod
oru Inventions in the Home; May 0
Lubor Ssvlng Machines aud De
vices; May 22 Itadio.
Individual momburs itro ooutoiu
plating colleotliiK muterlal for tho
iKiuarlum which Is maintained In tho
Dlnlogy Labratory. As soon ih tho
weather permits tho ontlro club will
no on a colluotlng oxpudltlon.
A smull blaxo at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Hmltli tho fore pnrt
of this week cuusod an alarm to bu
turned In but It was oxtlngtilshfld be
fore tho flro npparatus could roach
tho scone. No particular damago
was done, although it ncnrrod tho
floor and burned uomo screen doors
that Harry had boon staining. Ho Is
of tho opinion that ho must havo
Quroluitsly thrown a clgarollo against
tho nowly stnlnud doors which Ig
nltod. Ho knows of no other way
tho flro could have Btartcd,
Observing Effects of The Spring
Flood on Poison Creole; Mny
Find Belter Grnde Out.
Tho ontlro engineering force of
the Fred Horrific Lumber Co. are In
thu field at this time, having gone
out thu first of thu uuoh. lloth
James Olrnrd and Frank Klohuuhur
uru with tho engineers at present and
uomo of tho olllce force an well. Chns.
II. Foley scorned to bo tho only man
on tho Job at thu olllce thu other day
when a uuwiipaper roproHontatlvo cal
led for Information.
It has not been definitely announc
ed Just what particular work Is un
dor consideration at thu protinut.
Tho engineers are "taking Htock"
of thu effects of tho high water on
PoIkoii creek Just now, alno viewing
other portions of tho work already
completed with ti view of what ac
tion may bu taken In tho future.
Tho rumor prevails on thu streets
that thu abandoning of thu routo that
reciulros n tunnel Ih under considera
tion, hut this lacks olllolnl confirma
tion. However, It Is poHitlhlo a bet
ter grade mny bu found gutting out
of tho I'olnou creek oanyon up on
(he table land.
At any rate thu engineers aru no
tlvo aud this means work In tho Im
mediate future.
The pupils of Mrs. Anna Itaclno
weru heard In recital nt the Liberty
Theatre on Thursday evening. Al
though many of thosu pupils are
young aud bugluuors tho crowded
lioiiNu evinced marked Interest nnd
appreciation. Uomo of the advanced
pupils resdered some flue seleotlons.
Thu (on pleao orchoitra uumhors
it aud b, wero roundly applauded nnd
the aggregation responded to a
hourly encore. Mrs. Ilnolno gnvo two
voral elections that wore hltflily ap
predated. Her b number In French
was particularly pleasing, ns it seam
ed well lii her rl"t&r and the pretty
trills were lilting and InsplrliiK
--" o
Mrs. Luther rttrbott and little
on, who were ptitlunts, have return
ed to their home at Crttuu. (
Mrs. Clyde Welttonhlller, of Crane, i
was operated on lust Wudnosday and ,
In recovering nicely. !
Muster Vaughn, of Dlaiimnd, Is a j
patient nt thin time.
Mr o. Lnura M. Pierce Dies Afttr
Long Illness; Mother of Five;
Nntive of Oregon.
Kalem, Or., March R Mrs. Laura
M. Pierce, wife of Coventor Walter
M. Pierce, died al thu family home
here at 0 o'clock this morning,
Mrs. Pierce had been In 111 health
for more than two years.
Funeral services wilt bu held from
tho First Prcahytorliui church hero
(Tuesday afternoon, with Itev. Ward
Willis Long olllolatlng. All statu do
pnrtmeuts will he cloned during tho
funeral hour.
Laura M. Pierce was born In what
Is now Wheeler county, near Monti
incut, In central Oregon, May .'10,
1871. Her people wero pioneers, her
father, Peter Itudlo, crossing tho
plains In M0 to tho const. Her moth
er came In 'C2. In early girlhood she
moved with her parents to Milton,
Oregon, where she attended the pub
lic schools. l(er parents moved to
Walla Walla In 1887. Hhe graduated
at Whitman college In (he clnss of
'01, preparing herself then for a
toucher, and graduated from the )'!
leunhurg .State Normal school In th"
class of '02.
Kite was married to Walter M.
Plerco In Heptomber, 1 Win, unit mov
ed to Pendleton, where her husband
was then county clerk of Umntllh
county. Hhe lived In Pendleton,
where four of her children wero born,
until 1007, moving then to thu fir nnd
Hondo valley, where sho and her
husband lived until he wns elected
governor In November, 1 02., slucu
which time she hns been n rosldout
of Hnlem, Qregon.
Sho was tho mother of five chil
dren, Lloyd II. Plerco. aged .'10, tho
only sou, who went as a volunteer
and nerved nearly two years In thu
Worhl war; her oliNist daughter,
Mrs. Luolle Halt, lives In Kalum. nad
U thu wife of Harold Hall I lor sec
ond daughter, Helen Wilson, le thu
wife of Hay Wilson, a reesarclt chum
Its In the employ of thu Weeturn
ICIeetrlo company, Now York Clly.
Her third daughter, ISdlth pleree.
Is now a junior In tho Unlvertlty of
Orejton at ISugene, and her yoiiuaeat
daughter. Lorraluu. Is a senior In the
Halem lilah school. She also reared
Clara Pierce, daughter of her hus-
imml by a former marrlogo.
Thoro are throe grandsons. Thoro
sro three older slsturs nnd one hroj.h
er living. Hltu wns tho youngoet of
nine children.
Hhe was n devoted mother, giving
her whole soul and energy to tho
rearing of her children, caring little
for nticloty. Hhe wan always an ex
tremely strong woman until her first
operation, In October, 1010, slnco
which time nlie has suffered much.
Since February 1st, 1021, hIio has
had tho attention of a private iiurno,
domnndlng constant care. All throw
her suffering and wiffllrtlon sho has
boon kind, hnpoftil, ulioorful nnd
helpful to the vory Inst; she had nu
Indomitable will, keeping track of
hdr household affairs oven after sho
could not longer walk or talk nloud,
Insisting Hint the hills for the home
come to her, oven puylng her Febru
ary household accounts with her own
When Mr. Pierce was elected Clov
ernor tho newspaper reporters soon
found thnt Mrs' Pierce's Illness wnn
very serious and, (iitontlouod tho Oov-
ernor about It. To litem ho confided
the truth thnt It was a hopeless enso
of cntinor, but ho asked them to Ray
nothing about It and to not mention
her llluctm except when absolutely
neconHnry. The newspaper men rec
ngnUed the fine nentlment In tho
Coventor's wish and respected it. To
Mrs. Plerco tho Coventor spoko hope
fully right up to tho day of her death.
Long after oho realized that there
was no hope he would not admit It
to her. but talked or the time when
she would bo well again and they
could go out together When ho wns
in the hospltnl last summur for nn
operation, ho found n nurso ho con
sidered enpeclally competent nnd ho
took her from thu hospltnl nt n great
ly advanced salary, to care for Mrs.
Plerco. The expontnj of these two
vcars hns been tremendous, hut thnt
hat not counted for n moment with
him. To nllevllne her suffering In
thu sllghtent degree, at any cost, was
his object.
When affairs of Hlate crowded upon
him, he would ray to a friend, "all
this Is nothing. If only my wife wero
wull again."
- i o i i.
Two contest case wore hwird In
the local, laud otlluo this weak, in
whlnh Uio United Stale Is contesting
the stockralslng homestead on trio
of tfred O. Creed aud Paul C. Stew
art. The government was reprntentH
by .1. J. Ilrosnau and J. D. C. Thom
as. Wm. Farre aud Mrfnlloch A
Duncan defended tho rase. Mnnv
witnesses were heard In tun two
eaaoa which have attracted consider
able Intorost from tho fact that there
; . u judlelinout by tho fedornl uraml
jttry ngnluet Fred Croon luvolvlnu
' tku samu land. However, the fed
wr ohargo Is not owing pushed pond
I ,,K u,0 roil,t nr (H0 niutost In Die
' local laud olllce.
- LA By saiterfield
Set For Hcnrinfj nt Salem Next
Wednesday; Dint. Alty. Cozad
And J. S. Cook Represent.
District Attorney V. O. Cozad was
a pariHungor out on yertcrday morn
( lug's train on route to Portland and
1 Ualem, Last week hoand Attorney
i J. S. Cook appeared before Circuit
Judge Dnlton Ulggs In clinmbors at
i Ontario and argued thu tax cane.
Judge lllggs at once rendered ti de
cision favorable to the county nnd
District Attorney Coznd at once com
municated with tho supremo court
asking that tho case bo advanced to
as early date as possible Thursday
ho was apprised by wire tho caso had
been set for Wednesday, March 18.
This was n much earlier dnto than
had been hoped for nnd thu nbntract
had not yot been put In type, hut tho
two briefs necoRsnry wero gotten out
by this olllce. As tho tlmo was so
Whorl In which to gel out tho nb
ntract, In view of tho necessity of this
olllce having to Issue tho regular
edition of the paper Mr. Coznd de
cided to go to Portland to get tho
nceositnry printing In order to havo
It ready to submit.
Mr. Cook will loavo hero Mon
dop morning for Hnlem to bo prosont
at thu hearing ns tlio representative
of thu plaintiff In thu casu.
II. O. II. K.
Thu local high school was defeated
by the Ontario High School Inst Mon
day In tho Inst district debate of the
your. Ontalro dofeated Vnlo and lost
to II. C. II. H. at Hums.
Though tho margin of points was
n narrow one Principal MoDndo fools
that tho district ohamplotiHhlp will
h ably siiHtnlned by Ontario HI. Sid
ney Hotehklss and Itoy IJrowu
though defeated In tholr final at
tempt oarnod honrty commendation
aud much pralso by their debating,
reflecting honor on tho school which
xent them.
The basketball season en mo to a
close last Saturday with two spirited
ronteets at the public school. Ira thu
) first game the Hums town team
downed a toaw from Crane 10-12. It
waa a "'range coincidence that tho
same score feature I the second
name between 11. C. II. 8. and U. H.
8. of Crane. As Union High hod won
thu week previous tho win by tho
Purple and Cold toam ovonod tho
count. Tho oontost wns fast through
out with close chocking bv both aides
holding tho score down. Al Welcome
waa high point nmn with ton mnrk
ors. "Ulll" Flsor rof cored both
moth nits rum
(Contributed) -
Mothers' Club met at tho homu
of Mrs I S. Ceer with Mrs. Ceorgo
SluunouB as Joint hostess on Friday
of last week.
Thu President appointing vnrlotiB
committees for tho calico danco,
which will he given tho 10th of
April. Again wo ask tho public to
help U8 make, this danco na near ns
possible what the nnnio Implies by
tho ladlua wearing dresaos mado of
calico, precalo or KlKhtun material:
and tho mon overalls.
On Saturday night, March tho 21st
nt tho Odd Fellows hall, tho ladles
of tho club will entortnln tholr hus
bands nt cards.
Flowers wore ordorod sent to var
ious mombors who nro 111.
The meeting wan thou tuntod QVOr
to tho hoBteasos and sovornl hours
woro spout In playing Flvo Hundrod.
Mrs. Harry Smith Jr., winning first
prUo and Mrs. W. Flsor. of Crane.
Aftor which rofroshmunts woro
Tho next mooting will ho nt tho
homo of Mrs. Ohns. Loonnrd wjth
Mrs. Jay Could na Joint hoatoss. This
will ho n card party; kindly lot yqur
hostoRHOB know If you nro not com
ing. . . , .0
Atty. J. W. McOullooh has boon
horo from Ontario during this vook
on lognl huslness hoforo tho U, S.
Land oillco. IIo has houn nssoclatod
wjth his law pnrtnor, Cnpt. noht. M.
Duncan In tho dafangQ of somo cllonta
In land mnttors,
. rlto ertrto