The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 07, 1925, Image 1

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NO. 19
4 iP Hkrf n(
wrf J il V-- ...... I X IM HI A ti NTBk.
Continuous and Diligent Work
On Railroad and Millsite Re
quired of Fred Herrick.
Won! from the Chief Foroslur, W.
1). Grooloy, of his n'pprovnt of tho
terms recommended liy tho District
Forester umlor which an oxtotiHloii
of tlmo would ho grant oil to Fred
llerrlck for tho beginning of logging
oporullomi under his Umber Hale con
tract on the Malheur National Foroat,
has Just boon received by District
Forester C. M. Granger.
The contract specified that cutting
would buglu on itrlvato or National
Forest timber by April 1, 1925. and
Hint In nuy event cutting on National
Forest timber would begin by Octob
er 1. 11(25. Mr. llerrlck applied for
an extension on those dates because
of dlllleujtjes encountered In the
construction of tho railroad from
Crane to Uurns and from IluriiH to
Seneca. Tho Foroat Service will
grant nn extension of one year In
the tlmo fur the beginning of cutting
on National Forest timber until Oct
ober 1. 192G, according to Mr.
Kpoclflc requirements ns to amount
of expenditures and completion of
construction work on certain speci
fied dates, July first. October first,
nud Documbor thlrty-flrnt, 1025, nnd
April first 192C. will be stipulated,
and continuation of the contract will
depend upon compliance) with those
terms, thu District Forester said.
terms under which Fred Horlck will
bo required to proceed In construc
tion of tho railroad from Hums to
Sonocu and In logging tiho Hoar Val
ley unit of tho Malheur national for
est aro outlined In a letter from
Chief Forostor Grooloy to Honutor
Ureeloy and Ills conclusions had
been reached after studying reports
of Assistant Forester Carter concern
ing conferences with Derrick nnd
citizens al llurnn. Ah a result, Groo
ley has authorized modification of
tho original contract by which def
inite requirements taunt ho mot July
1, October 1 mid December .'11 of tho
present year nnd April 1 of next year,
and tho railroad from the mill to the
timber no well ns tho iiuwmlll must
ho In operation in government tim
ber by October 1, 1020.
Failure to incut these conditions
Grooloy said, will Justify cancelation
of Horrlck's contract nnd resale of
thu timber.
Among tho conditions nro tho ex
penditure of 1100,000 on railroad
grado construction between April 1
nud July 1 of this year; completion
of railroad grndo on specified sec
tions aggregating 30 miles by Oct
obcr 1 ; completion of nine miles
additional by December al and com
pletion of tho grado to n point near
Seneca by April 1, 11)20.
Delegation From Deschutes nnd
Harney Plun Meeting; Will
Aalc Aid on Burns-Bend.
Orcgonlan News llurenu, Wash
ington, I). C, March 2 The condi
tions under which Fred llerrlck shall
have mi extension of tlmo for tho
completion of a railroad from Hums,
Or., into thu Dig Ilcar unit of the
Malheur national forest have boun
definitely fixed. It wns announced to
day by Colonol W. II. Grooloy. chief
of tho United States forest service,
Herrtck's contrast with tits gov
oiutitm Includes, beside tho con
Mtrutiimi of railroad originally
from era of. Or., via Hums, to the
Mall" ir national .forest, thu oou
Ntruni'K) or a Urn lumber mill in
the Tin t The contract was made
in connection with his purchase of
a larg- tr'irt of jrow.rtimr-nl timber.
Colonol Orseluy said ho lied neted
upon fasts brought out at a confer
onoe butween District Forester Cnr
tor, Mr. Ilurrlok uiid residents ol thu
looulity through which the railroad
Is to ho constructed.
"The fnots ns brought out nt thu
conference." Colonel Grooloy wild,
"hnvo ronvlncod mo that Mr. llerrlck
Hhoultl hnvo an opportunity to carry
out ills contract, but that nuy such
extension such as ho requests Hltould
bo nccompunlod by requirements of
continuous and diligent work on n
Hcalo which will assure tho comple
tion of tho necoBsary railroad con
struction nnd other Improvements
by tho tlmo cutting must begin un
der tho terms of tho contract ns mod
ifiod. "In drafting tho requirements to
be mot by specific dates." ho con
tinued, "uncertainties ns to woathor
and the lime of yortr when curtain
work can bo dono' most economically
were given careful consideration.
"Ilrlofly tho requirements nro that
at loast $100,000 must hnvo hoen
spent on trade construction hotwoon
April 1 and July 1. 1025; that by
Octobor I, 11)26, railroad grado oou-
Htruotlou must hnvo been completed
on specific Hellions of tho routo, to
taling Home 30 mllos, nnd work on
tho sawmill foundations nud log
pond excavations must havo begun;
that on December 31, 1026, addi
tional epoulflc sections of the rail
road grndo totaling nlno mllos must
have boon constructed and tho foun
dations for tho sawmill and tho ox
cavatioim qf tho Jok pong must hnvo
boon completed, and by April 1, 102G
tho railroad grado, including nil outs
fills, tuiuiols, bridges, trcsllos, otc,
nliall havo boon completed from
lliirns to a Hpoclflod point near Bon?
"This wiM leave avnllahlo tho
summer of 102C for tho laying of.
htoel on tho railroad, tho construc
tion or tho ftnwmlll building and tho
installation of machinery,"
Washington, March 2 (Washlng
C ton Bureau of tho Journal) Tho
Tho death of Mrs. Cnislo Hmyth,
of Diamond, occurred last Tuesday,
March 3, after an Hilton covering
several weeks during wlhch site suf
fered soveroly. Mrs. Smyth was op
erated on In January for cancor nnd
he condition was fou.vl vory sorhis
and no hope was entertained for hor
recovery. Hlnco that time she had
Buffered constantly nud her death
wns not unexpected.
Mrs. Smyth wns born In Orcon-
cnstlu. Missouri, Fob. 13, 1871. Hho
came to Oregon with her parents nnd
'! settled In liar.: y county In
IKS. On February It. IBM iibo
wiih married to Geo. A. Smyth to
which union one son wns born, Fred,
who survivos hor Hor husband died
In 1917 from Urn kudo affliction
from which she suffered. Mrs. Hmyth
Jollied Ttiirna rrt-.plcr. No 10 Ordr
of the Kastern Mlar. In 1U03 and was
Mitron of the Chapter In 1916. She
ulwiija took en nMlrw InteroH In the
I (Mice work and wan rorv helpful.
The funeral service wns conducted
by the Kastern Star Chapter on
Thursday oftcrnoon. John W. Ulgg
offering the eulogy. Mr. UIkks
stressed tile cheerfulness of her
character, her huliifiiliiee ami the
ploueer spirit sho displayed legoth
or with thu sterling qualities uoo-
easary for the plonoor life. Of her
community help in any way wllhlu
her power and the warm frlciuds site
hud ns a testimony of the ostuotn In
which site was hold by tho olttzeua
or this county who had known her
for so many years. Tho Chapter
service was most Impressive and
beautiful with thu rioral offerings
Mrs Hmyth Is survived ')' four
brothors. Harrison and D. M. Sen
woard, of Ontario, Lester Ronwonrd
or Puyeltu. Idaho, Slovn Soawoarl of
Ilurus. Olio sister, Mrs. A. H. Drown
who resides riii tho home ranch be
low Crauo. Hor ion, Frod. of Dia
mond. Hlnco her crlticul Illness lnu ho
come known tluwa hare hson many
expressions of affection from ninny
rtilseui of this community and thu
hrge number attoiidlng her funeral
was a trlhutu of their osteoni.
There was a mooting of thu oxo
eutUo committee or tho Harney
County Good Itoads Club at tho olll
ce or Win. Farru on Tuesday night,
Tho president, Archie McGowau,
asked tho rommltteo to meet with
him to discuss some future road ac
tivity and ul this gathering Mr. Mc
Gowau told of his conference with
members or thu state highway com
mission while out, also his taking up
tho matter or road Improvement ho
luoon Hunts and Ilond with thu sec
rotary or thu llond commercial club
with tho result that tho Head organ
ization Is going to uso Itn Influence
In gutting action.
There Is a uiovo on root to hold
a Joint mooting tit llnrnny nud De
schutes county road onthnslnnlH ul
tho half way house Its tho nenr fu
ture nt which representatives of tho
respuctlvu county courts will he plus-out.
Thu particular object of such a
mooting In for thu purpose of Jointly
putting before the stalo highway
commission tho Importance of mak
ing tho necessary changes Its tho
road nround fllnss Iluttu I is order to
eliminate a lot of had climbs and
curves, going to tho north on a routo
alroady approved by tho highway en
gineers. o
Given Unanimous Volo in First
Contest With Ontario; Local
Boya Try Next Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. II. Hkogorson
were hosts to u party or friends Inst
Saturday night following tho TDK-
cum Club dance at Tonnwnma. Thu
suppur wns norved at tho Hunts Cafe
w4iere plates worn laid for twenty.
Mrs. Klrkhnm of the Hums Cafe
hud dooointed the tabic nicely and i
tho guest were served by Miss Mnr- J
Ha rot Klrkham and Mrs. Itasmussoii. '
Chlokuu sandwiches, fruit salad,
pick I os. olive, coffee and nako wore
Tlie jruoeta Included Mr. and Mrs.
" B. Dillinait. Mr and Mrs. Waldo
Ueer. Mr. and Mrs A. f. Welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Franklin. Dr. It.
Tho contest between the dohnthg
ton nut of tho Ontario high nchool and
tho Harney county high, hold Thurs
day evening ul thu public nchool aud
itorium, resulted in tho local nega
tive team. Tho throe Jiidh'on all vot
ing unanimously In favor of tho nog.
utlvo ulilu of the quciitlon.
The visiting team from Ontario
who took tho afflrmatlvu side of thu
question were Mlis Celln Gallnghor
and Miss Mildred Couklln. Tho homo
tchool team who took thu ncgathu
side or tho (iiiestlnu weio Klcunor
Welcome nud Marian .MuCulIotitih
Hoth teams being girls there was no
ntlvnutngo In respect to sex and thu
decision wns rendered strictly upon
the merits or tho respcctlvo prcseu
tatlou or thu questien: ' Unsolved
That tho Policy of Grunting Federal
Aid to tho Htutus. Accompanied by
Federal Supervision, Should bo
Thu Jiftlgos worn llobt. M. Duncan,
M. A. Illggs, Win. Fnrro Churlo-i W.
Kills presided al tho debate.
Thu winning team was coached by
Principal McDaile or tho Harney
county high who will accompany his
ulllrmatlvu team to Ontario on next
Monday morning.
Thu school scoring the most polls
In the dual delmto will be adjudged
winners of Southeastern Oregon, nil
honor which tho Harney county high
has won twice In four yearn.
Preceding thu dnbnl tho Itndlnla
from WoliiHtoln's wan tuned In nnd
n flno rndlo program of a few selec
tions voro llstntied to.
muiits wore hoard from gnosis In re
marking tho plo.iKnut manner In
which th6 affair waa conducted,
Tho high Hcorou worn made by
Miu. Frank Welcome and Mrs. Loo
Miller with ,1100 ami 2000 respect
ively; thu consolation for the ladles
went to Mm. Harry ',. Smith who
loutid her score 1100 minus at thu
nloHo of Hho playH. For tho gontlu
mon W. W. Oould nud C. Culver
Page had tho high ncorus with 3230
nnd 2000 rosilocllvoly; Charlcii Oow
nn wns awarded tho connotation with
60 minus nhowlng on his score card.
Hnlnd nud coffee wcro survod by
tho hostoisus following tho playing
nud n nodal tlmo onjoyod by all be
fore taking tholr departure for homo.
It was n party that was "different"
In that It brought a largo company
of congenial people together and un
der nuch clrcumlsaticcH an to create
n greater Interest In Mio work or tho
Auxiliary, bonldcs being n social nnd
flunuclnl nuccess.
Tho members express their, high
appreciation of the generous patron
age of thu public.
Thu next mooting of tho Auxiliary
win bo nt the homo of tiho president,
Mrs. Hen Drown, on Friday, March
13. with Mm. Geo. M Shaw Joining
nn hostess.
Stato Legislation Heads Off An
Attempt For Federal Reserve;
The Stockmen Approve.
r. Ward. Mlae den Hehwnrtx, Willis
(iuunseTtflte. Miss Wsgnor. Milton
llrown. Miss Gladys Holland. Mian
Annette Uennard, Mrs. It. V. Iloppor.
Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Tnpp.
W. I). Huffman wns In town from
his farm tliotuci In thu Andrews ills
trlut during thin week attending to
sumo huxluuas inattunt.
IUio Amor lean l.oglou Auxiliary
gave a delightful curd party atiTona
wniiia hall on bmt Friday ovenliiK aa
a benefit, thu prooefda Itelng divided
i between the Veteran's Orphaunue at
, otter Ike. Mluhlgsn. thu relief of
disabled veteruus In hospitals and
the welfare of disabled veteran'
I remtlles who do not draw eoitipenaa-
, tloiu
Ksolt meinbor of the Auxiliary net- i atbr8 tbir supplls
oil aa liustesH for as many tables as I . ,
Thu men In charge of erecting tho
big 60,000 gallon water tank nt tho
terminal grounds expect to hnvo It
In readiness for service nnd attach
ed to thu penstock with the perman
ent engine nud pump In operation to
night. Thu ptpu has been laid to thu
several connections over tho grounds
nnd hns been ready for some tlmo
but actual connection wan delayed
pending the nrrlvnl or n IiIr valvo
nud other attachments.
Tho dopnt nud warehouse nro now
miller roof with Interior finishing
going on. Tho same may ho ald or
tho other buildings, Including tho
uottnge for tho ngnnt, section men,
tool houses, etc. Thu stock yards
nro contplotod.
Mr. SIlhauRh. tho contractor, Iirs
sunt ttPvural of hs men anil some
equipment to I.nweu whero thuy nro
now working on thu ueoeaanry build
Inaa there which will Include sec
tion house, wnrekunse. otc.
The preaeut weather is allowing
the work to rdyance rapidly on the
ralrosJ terminal, alio other 1m-
prnvenienu. Includluv the HUnidanl
Oil Co. iMatnllatlcu of a station to
rue had Invited guests nud there
j were a total of -1 1 tables playing
I 'lve Hundred. It provod a very on.
Joyublu affair with tho players mov
ing rapidly In progressing and at the
same tlmo nil bad nil opportunity to
bo tioolnblo. Many favorable coin-
Most of tho stock In this vlniitlty
have boen turned onto' tho range af
ter feuding on tho lots during tho
winter. Hhoopmon report tho grass
starting fine and ntnek should do
well unless thoro Is sovero storms In
tho near future
Tho Hums Townalto Co., owners,
of the Jlrown Addition to Ilurns, hi
having the surveys recheokod and
something llko twonly additional
blocks cloared. Tho onglnaorlng work
Is umlor tho direction or M. V. Dodge
and hlu assistants and when contplot
od thoro will bo some vory attractive
resldonco bleaks ready for tho mar
hot. This addition contains iiotno of
tho most attractive resldonco niton In
BuriiH nud nro sure to ho popular, an
tlioy command it flno vlow of tho on
tlro Harney valloy, hnvo tho udvaii
tago of drainage mi well as rich noil.
Tho proximity of tho schools h an
other attraction to those blocks ns
a roaldo.nco location.
- is
r. IJ( -llunry was among our visit
ors from t'ho Catlow vnlloy country
during tho wook.
Kiwi 'm0$$m ImmWm A
rJ 1 J immm ws Hi Wax WA
l . . . . ''IHMLVMswfV! leJWw UP!! 1BWL yziul .
(Lnkovlew Kxainluer)
Tho Wurnor Slalo Game llefugo
Hill has becomo a law, according to
a telegram received yesterday by O.
C. (J I litis of this city from Governor
Plorco In whloh, ho stated that ho had
paused tho hill an rolorred to hlm'bf
thu two branches of tho legislature.
Tho hill wns Introduced In tho Sonnto
by Senator Jay Upton of thin district
and read tho first tlmo January 2 1st.
Tho bill provldon for the formation
or u Statu game refuge In tho terri
tory known us tho Hart Mountain
country lying between the Warner
valleys and Guano valley.
Pausing of tho law in tho Oregon
legislature will, Il in thought, pro
cludu against thu possibility or thu
entabllahmont or n national gamo
reservation, thu ngltutlon ror which
wnn tho Inspiration ror tho prosonL
Statu gnmo rorugo hill. Tho hill as
passed was formed by O. C. Glbbs of
this city for tho Lake County Wool
growers' Protoctlvu Association In
order that tho grazing lands In tho
territory might not ho put under tho
ntrlct jiuporvllson or tho govornmont
with thu attendant collection or graz
ing toon, nnd the possibility or stock
men being driven from use of thu
area entirely.
Thu assistance of tho Harney coun
ty Htockmuu was enlisted in tho mat
ter nnd members of tho gamo com
mission made a spoclal Investigation
or tho problem with tho result that
tho passngo or tho law wnn recom
mended by Hint body. Somo opposi
tion developed among llond sports
men on tho misunderstanding Hint
the Wurnsr lakes wcro included with
In tho bouudulrofl of tho Itcftigo. a
mat tor which occasioned them some
ularm In view or tho uttuohment
they ImTo formed for the lakes clur
Inx the opeu neason on wntor fowl.
Under the State 'law, grazing on
the area will not bo affected. It bo
na only unlawful to hunt ami take
r mosjherc. The law will block thu
formation of a national rufiiRe which
ad It ticen formed, would bate sub
jected stock yien to payun-rt of oner
ous gracing fee and uomiuly have
closed the area entirely to grating.
While stockmen In general rooogulza
the foot that somo moans must ho
taken to control gruztiiK on public
lands, In vlow or the overstocked
condition of rangos, still thoy wore,
as a unit In objecting to tho national
refuge for thu Warner a run. 0
7 2o
Five Hunts high tohuol Mtuloiits
of homo economics aro preparing to
combine their knowledge nf this Sub
ject and tholr lltorary ability in an
effort to carry oiT n 1tnro of tho $2,
600 In cash prize offorod In tho Sec
ond National Mont Story Contost.
Tho contest Is now being put under
way by tho National Live Stock and
J Mat Hoard which Jian hoadqunrtor.s
p Chicago.
MIbh Mildred (Irani, homo 000110111-
'-. Instructor at tho Harney County
j High, hns rwniostod tho iiuctossnry
inimhor of on try blank for those
girls and It la poalfihle that othor
local Rlrls may outur hororo the cloa
I'tg datu. whloh Is nnnounuu'd 4ts May
To compote a stndont must wrlto
a story or theme of 1,000 to 2,000
words ou U10 subject of meat and
muhmll with It three moat roolpos.
Tho Hoard has placed tho national
championship prlro at ?300 and has
apportioned tho romnlndor nf tho
$2,600 Into 0 Lit or attraotlvo prUoj,
both national and state. Tho soloo
tlon or wlnnora will rest In tho hands
of a committee of prominent homo
economies apoolallsts, uccorrtlng to
tho Hoard. Dr. Loulso Stanley, Ohlot
of tho Duroau of Home Economics,
lr. fl. Dopttrtment of Agriculture, uor
voij as ohnirmnu or tho cnmmittoQ In
tlluo flrat contest hold last spring,
Tho Hoard aunouncomont stntuiJ
that tho oontoat Is a roaturo of a
na'tlonal program of oducatlon nnd
rosoaroh on moat which has tho on-
Vdorsomont of tho U. S. Dopartmont
of ABrloulturo, homo oconomlca In
ittructorH In unlveraltlos, collogoa and
flilgh schools, and uthors.