The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 28, 1925, Image 1

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NO. 18
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Secretary of Interior Concidere
Dispensing With Land Office
Here and Other Places.
Washington. Fob. 20(Wnshlng
tou Unreal! or tho Juuriiul) Olll
cltils of Oregon land olllccs, appar
ently safe from decapitation by con
gress, niu confronted by now danger
In word Hont Solicitor McNnry by
Secretary Work of tliu Interior de
partment, expressing a doalru to con
sult with him with roforonco to wood
ing out offices tho secretary regtirdu
ns superfluous.
Tito ndmlulstrntlou has authority
under tho existing law to do away
with suvon Oregon ofllcoa Hums, La
Grando, Lnkovlow, Portland, Hoso
burg, Tho Dalles and Vale. It la
evident that oven with nil eh author
ity tho (secretary hesitates to move
except nftor coitHullatlon with tho
senators, ns thosu olllcen aru part of
tho Honatorlnl putrotuiKu, and tho
nuddon Heparatlon of do ninny local
olllclal rrom tho public service might
have serious political consequences.
lUluctlon Neresinry
Secrotnry Work tloclnroa that re
duction Is Itnporatlvo, and ho wnnts
to proceed "In that direction," which
may moan that ho does not expect to
slay nil tho Incumbents at tho oIIIcch
namod, but will Insist that part of
thorn shall rotlro from thu pay roll.
Tho lnw says that "It nhnll be the
duty" of the secretary to ubollsh of
fices whon tho unsold lands In a land
tllco district fall below 100,000
u res, nnd tho olllco "may be discon
tinued" If the revonuoH are less than
ono-thlrd of tho rorolpts. It Is In tho
latter reaped that most of the Ore
gon olllcos fall short. There l a bo
a blanket provision .mthorUIng the
jro'hlciit, upon recommendation of
the commissioner of tho general land
olllco and approval by the secretary,
to discontinue any laud olllco.
Statesmen Objcet
Tho Intorlor department wont be
fore tho commlttoo of congress this
y ar ami askid that a solorted list
i f olllccs bo closed by congressional
action in the Interior daourtimint
bill. Tho committee reported llio
I II that way. but Urn wmioiii and
outhom congressmen obJtHitod and
beat tho cummlltoa by a vote In tho
house. It was polutod out that If tho
administration has the "sand" It can
j;et rid of a substantial number of
oIIIcoh on Its own motion.
Secretary Work's IntUr earriea
l,u Intimation that tho ax Is being
hnrpoued, but advice I wanted as
to whore tho chopping will cause
bat pain and commotion.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of tho FlrBt Nntlonul Hank
of Hums wbh held Thursday even
ing No changes wero mudo In tho
oUlcors oxcopt to adil Judge It T.
HiiRhut as an nctlvo vlco president
and ho will devote his tlmo to look
Iiir aftor cortnln Intorests of the In
stitution. JudRO Ilughet has boon
a director of tho bank for several
years and bis past experience in tho
stf "k business In this country ho will
be a valuublo man connootod with
tho work both Inside tho bank as
well as a field man.
Mrs. A C Welcoiuo, who has boon
connected with tho bank for several
years has tendered hor rotilRimtlon
to tnko effect tho first of tho comliiR
month and sho will dovoto hor entire
tlino to hor music. Thin ohatiRo has
'been under consideration for Home
little tlmo by Mrs. Wolcomo as she
deslros to take up tho touching of
music more actively and this could
not bo done while sho bold tho Im
portant position with tho bank.
Among out of town utockholdora
who wero prcsont at tho annual moot
ing wero John I). Daly of Dolso, J. h.
Clault, of Corvallls, JudRO Grant
Thompson or Lawen and Prestley
Smyth of Diamond.
Mr, and Mrs. James Paul and tho
lnttor'B Hlstor woro In Burns for a
short business trip during this week.
r Paul baa one of tho host stock
ranches In tho Happy valley country
and usod to ralso Home flno gardons
but tljo writer bus had no ovldonco
of that garden alnue tho county fair
ceased to function.
Tho Ladles Library Club mut nt
tho homo of Mrs, C. II, Leonard on
Saturday, February 2 1st,
Thu hook committee reported
three now books added to tho library
Curwood's "Gentleman of Cour
age;" Paplnt'H "Story of Christ;"
Peter's "Diet nnd Health" several
tuoro nro ordered but not yet receiv
ed. To help awoll tho book fund nil
members aru requested to bring ten
cents to each meeting until tho end
of this club year.
Komomhor the entertainment on
March Gth for the benefit of tho Li
brary. "
Tho hostOHses entertained with
cards. Tho highest score being re
ceived by Mrs. Purlugtou, tho prlso
bolug a boautlful hand painted In
ceusu burner. Thu second highest
goliiR to Mm. Voegtly u very protty
Tho rooms woro very beautifully
decorated In honor of Wnshlugton's
Assisting Mrs. Leonard were Mrs.
I S. Geer, Mrs. Waldo Geer, Mrs, C.
Itohu, and Miss Leonard.
Tho next meeting will he held at
tho homo of Mrs. I. H. Holland on
March 7th. As this la tho annual
business meeting nil members nro ru
(tiostcd to be present.
iintutcic LINK di:lay
(Oregon Inn)
That tho business iuterosts or
Hums, Or., are In sympathy with tho
protest recently voiced by K. W.
Homes of that town against what
are termed unnecessary delays in
tho construction of tho Fred Ilorrlck
railroad and sawmill was thu word
brought to Portland yesterday by
Archie McGowan. Mr. MrGowan, a
rtwldaut of Hums, was hero yes
terday on hli uny home rrom a
southern trip.
"A Honrittttm or the large timber
snlo made by the forent tervlce to
Fred Ilorrlck or St. Maries, Idaho,
wns that a common carrier railroad
be built from Crane, via Hums, Into
iho hoarl or the timber belt of Grant
county, u di'tnure of ipinoxliiiatoly
00 mile." wild Mr. MflGowaii "The
limit or time to complete this devol--opuiKiii
and to begin logging opera
tion una Aorll 1, 102C.
"At this dto the rMllroad has been
completed to Hums, a distance or .10
miles across the level lauds or Har
ney valley There has also been grad
id some -Ti miles to the north or
Burn. It Is nullo evident that Mr.
derrick Is far short or his agreement
with thu rorost borvlcu and has form
ally requested an extouslou of time.
"Chief ForiHitor Greeley hooius to
bo Inclined to be very lenient with
Mr. Ilorrlck and Judging from recent
Washington new dispatches seems
to Infer that 10. W. llarnen or Hums
Is the only person peculiarly concern
ed about this rotiest (or extoiiMlou
of tlmo and all the agitation of thu
matter Is duo to Ma activities as a
real estate speculator.
"Tho Chief forester, Colonel Gree
ley, Ih wrong In his presumption,
and It Is not fair to uudertaku to
create mich an Impression with the
country at law Tho fact or tho
matter Is that this development and
the fulfillment or tho Ilorrlck agree
ment Is or no more Interest to Mr.
HarnuH than it is to tho citizens and
taxpayers of Harney and Grant oouij
lloa. It Is also a fact that Mr Harium
real estate lutorclsu aru autall com
pared to many who have waited a
lifetime Tor thu opening or thu coun
try and who will continue to suffer
great losses ir this promised develop
ment Is now unnocossarlly delayed.
"It Is, or courso, quite truo thut
Mr. Harium 1iiih been very aotlvo and
persistent in his demands that Mr,
Ilorrlck substantially live up to his
agreement and Mhy should ho not
bo. Mr. Harnos Is tho father or tho
Idea and has represented tho people
or tho two couutlcii boforo our dele
gation In congress,"
A lotter recolved yesterday rrom
JSniost Smith, who Jh In Portland,
announced that ho was to bo operat
ed on Wednesday morning ror tho
throat trouble whloh wuh tho causo
or his going to Portland ror special
medical uttontlon, In this lottor
Ernest wroto his family that If thoy
had no other word upon receiving It
(hoy would understand ho was get
ting along well, otherwise ho had ar
ranged that thoy bo notlflod.
Depot and Warehouse Framed
With Stock Ynrde, ARents'
Residence Under Way.
The depot propur In now under
construction at the terminal grounds
In Hums. Tho structure has rUeu
and the Hhlugluti will soon ho on wltn
tho Interior work well along. Thin
building with the freight warehouse
connected with It covers a big area
and will bo adequate ror all tho btul
iiohs ror some lime, as there are to
ho at least two big private ware
housua on tho Rrnnudn nnd possibly
Thu writer paid a visit to tho
grounds tho other day and In com
pany with Mr. Van Devouter, one or
Mr. Sllbnugh's foremen, took In tho
entlro grounds, Including tho Im
provements at tho utock yards. The
Intter are almost entirely enclosed
with two largo loading chtitoi. and
several feeding pens where water In
also piped from the big tank at tho
depot Tho stock yard cover -00
feet by 7fi In tho main yards nnd the
retires nro subHtanltnl.
Tho residence ror tho agent Is
now taking shapo and will soon bo
unclosed. Tho brick for fillet have
been rocolved nnd these wIM bo con-
structod without delny.
inmiticK to iiavi; ciianci:
Orcgonlau News llureau, Washing
ton, I). C, Feb. 20 There Is no In
tention to mako things unduly hard
ror Frod Ilorrlck, who Is building n
railroad rrom Hums, Or., Into tho
Malheur national rorcsl, ac-cordtng
to Colonel W, II. Greeley, chler or
the forest service Thorn has been
foimlduralilo prodding or Mr. Ilor
rlck, who purchased a largo tract or
forest timber rrom tho government,
but tho forest servlco declares that
Ilorrlck Is to have a fair chance in
view of the fact that an expenditure
of almost $3, 000, 000 Is required be
fore any part or the timber can bo
moved to market.
K W. Hnruos or Hums has been
pitrtlcularly active, ncoordlug to ror- Grave. Goorglelta McPheeters, Mary oil Co mntlon at this city has arrlv
t sorvhw records, In Becking to Welcom. ' ed nnd Is now at work. A oar load
r. ....... 1 1. .!.. I. ,.. it... ...I. f,,uli.. ' noi.rnlla lliivu- Iliiviimml Olimi. nf timliirlil I illfiu llluft llllltll riH'OlVeil III-
,!. ll.JI.nn l.l ... .,.,,.
HnrneH Is said by tho forust servlco
nlther to hnvo ontlou or to have pur-
chased certain real ustato In Hums
and to have taken over somo prlvato-'
ly owned limber lauds In Malhuur
forest. I
Mr. Graves of the Central Oregon '
Telephone Co. announces that many ,
now phones are being Installed at I
this time on tho local switchboard I
-5C ' ,JjL.,1--Urrful!M 1
( A Toor .VTTfrA 1
iwMfL sife. autoc"cw-
High School Students Render
Operetta at Liberty Thursday
To Appreciative Audience.
The Harney County High gavo
tho operetta "Polished Pebbles"
Thursday evening at tilto Liberty in a
manner that reflected credit to thu
school, the director, tho children tak
ing part and tho community. It was
an enterlalniient that wo may feel
proud of, Tho talent or our young
people was well dlnpalyed, each
oharartor and tho choruses being
well Hiintaliied anil given with grace,
precision and perfect voice.
Tho entertainment was under tho
direction or Mrs. Win. Farro and sho
was nsslsted In staging It by tho
young Ittdy teachers or the school
who aided In arranging costumes and
In rehenrsals. Mr. and Mrs. A. A,
Kggtestou played tho accompaniments.
The Times-Herald will refrain ling tho ran no or tho homo was a
rrom giving Individual comment up-1 man's love ror a woman and the lovo
on tho young participants ns It or a woman ror a man. That children
would "run out" or nice things to ' brought more lovo Into tho home,
nay about each without repeating. Cheerfulness In the home wns an
Those taking tho principal parts wero other point stressed. A I ho thut there
well cast and did their respective
parts well.
I The aouvenlr programs mndo by
tho commercial department of the
school wero unique nnd nttracllvu
and show an Interest In tho activities
of the school In such cooperation.
The cast of characters or tho op
eretta Included John Mothershrad,
who was Uncle Hob but disguised ns
a negro In the first act; Mrs. O'Hrlen,
bin Isstor, Frances Hlhtmrd; Hnsulle,
the nleco of Uncle Hob and Mrs.
O'Hrlen. Kathrlno Fnrru; Winifred
(Winnie) daughter or Mr.s O'Hrlon.
Kloanor Welcome; Mllllcent, (Millie)
daughter or Mrs OMIrlen, Itoscllu
Kood; Mrs. Gabble, (town gomilp)
Murgnnit Wolcomo; Mr Gubblo,
(town character) Sidney Hotchklss;
Martha (country girl) France King;
Nick (country boy) Wllfrod Itacluu. i
Sunbounet Girls: Lois Hrown, j The contractor ror the construc
Naoml Moon. Mary Hamilton, Lowol , Hon or ttho nocesnry buildings and
ltori, Helda Schwnrtx. Alberta . othrr Improvements ror the Slnndnrd
w. , .
Hoy Hrown, Ivan Lowe, Lee Heed,
Alone Wonzell, William Wenzell,
Philip CuwINold, Marcus Haines,
lit addition to those mentioned
thero wero a number or tho Girls'
Glee Club.
I'hu Liberty was rilled to overriow-
lug, as usual on such occasions, and
thu young artists wero given eyory
encouragement rrom an apprcelatllu
audience with frequent applniuo.
Tho Mother's Club met at thu
homo or Mrs, Nell Smith on Thurs
day, with Mrs. II, Ilotohklss as Joint
hoHtoHM. Tho President took up tho
matter or tho Calico Dance to ho held
In April. It was decided that only
calico, precale and gingham should
he worn. Thu Club Is very anxious
that these rules be complied with by
those attending, and will appreciate
those helping to keep tho dance as
near as possible what tho name Im
plies. Men will be required to wear
The president also stated that Mrs.
William Wlsomau had organized a
Campriro Girts club, having now
fourteen members but could take
twenty. She In planning on taking
the girls to tho mountalna this sum
mer nnd several other Interesting
activities. This Is a splendid thing
for our girls and one whloh tho Moth
cm Club desires to stand back of.
Thu business meeting adjourned
nnd thu meeting was turned over to
the hoatesnus.
Mrs. Hotrhklss read n very Inter
esting article on "Tho Home." Stnt-
must bo system in tho home In order
that a woman might have tlmo to bo
A novel contest or Valentines was
hold. Each being requlrod to drnw
n Kuplo on n heart shaped pnpor
and then writing n verso to my Vnl-
entlno, Mrs. McDonnld received tho
prize which wns very appropriate,
being a heart shnpod box or candy.
Dainty refreshments woru served
and several hours spent In visiting,
Tho next meeting will bo held nt
the homo of Mrs. I. S. Geer with Mrs.
Geo. Simmons ns Joint hostess. This
will no a card party for tho Club nnd
the hostesses doslru to know If any
nro not coming.
- o
- - ---
J eluding lumbur. hardware, etc. 'I his
I...- I..'...., ,.,.l,..l,..l
. lum been unloaded
The grounds are" being put In good
.!,.. 1...V.I.,,. i, i.,v.ii.i and nra.
pared for tho alto or tho otllcea, gar-
" ' , " -" - --
, ago, etc. and tho plot for (inves n nu
wn arranged. Wo understand the Hiirni? imikii will he lllncnd Oil
another plot of land on tho south
Bldo or the Union lMclflr spur thut
bus been extended up to the highway,
! J1
Sccnic MarTsl Is "Around The
World In SpcejnckV" at The
Liberty Theatre Soon.
A trnvelougu that Is more than .
ncenlc a plcturh:atlou or one of tho
most thrilling adventures ever un
dertaken by man, Is tho Paramount
picture, "Around the World In The
"Spoojackn" auh hero Is their clinnco
tho Liberty Theatre next Wednesday.
This absorbing film Is a marvel for
realism. Everyone has heard or the
"Speejnckn" and hero Is their licanco
to see thu famous craft and sail with
It throughout tho voyage or 39,000
in Ilea nnd to oxperlenco with Com
modoro and Mrs. Gowen the. thrills
and hardships thqy oxperloncd -(or
there wero hardships, If aloeplu? on
the ground with Gold mice and ants
ror hed-rollows mean anything.
Tho roulo taken by tho "Bpce
Jacks" upon its sailing from Now
York iharbor on August 21, 192L was
duo south to Panama where tho trip
through thu cannl was mndo nnd tho
long wenrlaomo trok across tho Pa
cific begun. Tahiti wns tho first
nlopplng plnce, followed by Samoa,
tho FIJI Islands and Now Cnlndonla.
Then came Sydney, Australia, Now
Gulnoa, tho Celobes Islands, Jnva,
Singapore, Sumatra, Coylon, Egypt,
Crete, Greece, Sicily, Nnplos, Mnr
sellloH, Harcolonn, Gibraltar, Cnpo
Verde Islands, Porto Hlco, Miami,
Norfolk nnd. return to Now York,
I Accompanying the Gowons on this
i trip wns Irn J. Ingrnhnm, rormer
bend cameraman ror Hurton Holmes,
through whose rooporntlon and skill
tho picture record, or tho voyago win
J mndo possible. Bevornl friomla of tho
Gowons' accompanied thu pnrty. Tho
original crew was compoaod of young
American college boys, many of
whom however, dropped off along
the way so that upon Its return tho
"Hpoejnckt" had what might bo term
ed a varied and International com
plement. Ss tho "Speejncks" nnd soo tho
J. L. Gaull. who holds tho position
...iu. l. ...mI.1,1,.1 nn.l nn.hlflP
" '""" """ ' ', , .
"l ' IUHI V-M..W .
I ' Corvallls. was a business visitor
I rturliiK tl' "ouk. arriving on ruos-
'' t, ' ,Mr- 0wU was
"; . . . , '
' " " "" u o
! "oilier nun mm iu.rwu.nn. m.o....
' l'ro this weok was to attend a meet-
l '"K or the stockholders.
i Mr. Guilt still retains his lively
'Intorost in the development or Hnr-
I noy county nnd while In town dls-
cussed tho futuro or tho community
with his rrlonds with tho same zost
iih when ho was a resident. Ho Is
confident of tho Immediate advance
ment or thu development hero nnd
was pleased to rind tho people woro
In accord In giving their support to
Fred Ilorrlck In his big undertaking
I while at tho same tlmo Grm In in-
slstlng on prosecuting " work with
. tho loam posslblo delay.
! Mr. (itiult stated ho was not so
siuiguliio or tho cattle market com
ing back to pre-war conditions rapid
ly, although ho reels suro It will Im
prove materially. Ho points out tho
groat Inpreiiso In the dairy Industry
and Its elYoct upon tho meat produc
tion. Also statistics bear out the
assertion that wo aro not consuming
beer In proportion to rormer clayB.
However, with this big opou country
with the iidvnntago or open range,
It will bo one or thu best boor pro
ducing sections or tho outlro coun
try and whoro a better profit may
bo dorlvod than In tho more thickly
settled countrlu?.
Mr. Gnult reports Mrs. Gault ns
gradually recovering from tho brok
en unklo Bho sustalnod at Christmas '
tlmo and tho two boya ns being In
rino health. Ho loft yestorday morn
ing on his return trip, going out by
way of Ontario.
Wayno Pugsloy Ihib boon confined
to IiIb homo since last Saturday suN
forlng rrom a" blow on hla forehead
when ho was acoldontally kicked by
a playmate whllo climbing Into a-
Vlmy mow. His doctors roumi nis
condition rather sorloua but yostor
day roport him qulto perceptibly Improved.
! I