The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 21, 1925, Image 1

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    A J'
NO. 17
, i
lief al a
Data on Fred Hcrrick Activities
Sought; Extension of Time
Conditional on Work.
Following u schedule provloualy
nnnouncil by t!io lYr l ". '".
13. Carter in elm.j o.' I.e. t Mar.
nKomcnt. Washington, D. C, Mr. 0.
M, nrniiKor. District Forostor, Port
land, Oregon, Mr. Anion ami Mr.
Hoffman of Mr. Granger's technical
Htaff u ml Mnlboiir Forost Supervisor
C. C. Hold, arrived In Hurim Satur
day night iih a commlttco of Invosll
Kntlon to obtain nit pertinent facts
bearing upon tbu application of Fred
Hcrrick for extension of tlnio to com
plete construction of Improvements
and to begin cutting Hoar Vnlley
timber under Ida contract,
The commlttcu wan mot with a
'most cordial welcome from tho Com
mercial Club and woro Invited to ad
dress the citizens upon tbu topic of
Tbu Forest Olllecrs went Into con
ference with engiiioer'n of tbo Com
pany Sunday forenoon, and In tbo
afternoon met many cltlrons In tbo
Court boiiso following tbo reguont of
Mr. Cnrter tbnt It was desired that
anyone who could present factH
which ho felt should be known to
tbo Furestor in arriving at a final
decision should present them frankly
nt that time.
Following tbu Interesting discus
xlou, nt request of President lllbbnrd
of tbo Commercial Club, Mr. Carter
and Mr. Oruiiger both addressed tbu
meeting upon the Government's pol
I. of cutting In ratio to timber orop
vield, tbiiH providing for a coutluu
fan operation when started.
The Commurrlnl Club pawed a roe
olutlou extending, n vote of confi
dence to the Porel SJervloo and .nil
journed Mr. Carter left Monday morning
feeling that he could convey to Col.
(ireelev an oxnol detail of conditions
upon whleh the Forester intends to
make a decision.
Tbo roHult of tbo mooting of cltl
v ns Inst Sunday aflornoou under tbu
usplces of the commercial club with
the visiting forestry olllcor li mwl
gratifying as It was a bnrmoiiloiiH
gathering with no o I out en I of discord
. ppearlng In any wlso and tbo sponk-
rn showed a disposition of fnlruosa
ii, every respect with a frnnkiioas
thnt cxpruasod Rlucorlty.
Mr. Carter roforred to n formor
I it to Hums and expressed hU
It', (isuro at noting Improvement and
d v.ilopnioiit hIiiuh that vlalt, r."lng
further that it wan tbmlntootlon and
desire of tbo forestry department to
do Its part towurrt nirtu'r divjlop
r.'fiit. uud ro-ltoruted tbu pitriHi-) uf
tbo service to usu Its olforts towrad
tbo general dnlopmont or' th'i big
t'rrltory agriculturally nnd nth-r-wUo
in nddltlon to the tlmh' aet$ I-
One matter that hu Htroesed u this
meeting was his satisfaction In hav
ing local conditions brought to his
attention an it is affect od by tho
timber dovelopmont. When bin at
tention was called to the relation of
this, for Instance lit tho matter of
protldlug for neceasary school facil
ities, also housing, water, sowur,
treet Improvement, ojo., bo fraphly
('lmlttod that this phnsu of Uto sit
uation had not likely beon taken
jtito consideration In tho contemplat
ed condltioiiH of tbo government to
ward prosecuting tbu work of rail-ioud-
building and timber mauufap
turlng. Mr. Carter ex p rutted tho hope (hat
Hums and Jlnrnoy county would
Miow a disposition to co-oporalo In
t ho Una of davolopmont and koop
j. re, or a little In advance, thun
bowing appreciation and good faith.
Mr. Granger mado a very favorublo
tmproaslon upon tho citizens with
Miom bo camo In contact and thoso
who hoard his talk nt tho publlo
iii"i ting at tho opurt houso. Mr.
Gnmgor buccchhIh Mr. Oonll ns dls
trJct forester with hondqunrtqra ut
Ti'o gontlomon of tho party nil
oxpi'i&sod satisfaction with tha rontilt
of their visit nnd tho-Informutlon
gathered. It la expected Col. Oroo
loy'n nnnouncoment of tho terms of
extondlng tbu tlino for tbu Fred Ilur
rlck Lumber Co, nctlvltlen will be
made publlo about tbu first of March.
Tho people of this placo.feol confi
dent they wilt be fair nnd satisfac
tory. o
Tbo Missionary Circle of tbo Hap
tint Church met at tho home of Mrs.
drover Jnmesou with Mrs, Obll
Shattuck an Joint bostons. It Is In
! -cry gratifying to note tbo In
it, pooplo urn beginning to take
In i .n j hrw.'.iii i .j Li ' 'i work.
And right hero wo wnnt to tell you
that those meetings tiro not invita
tion affairs. All thoso who enro to
comu are perfectly welcome. 8o don't
wait for an Invitation from tbo host
ess or unyono else but come If you
feel like It.
After tho buslnoss session wns
disposed of, our program committee
bad arranged tho following program
for our entertalnment:
Mrs. Dave Craddock read an nrtl
do on Missionary work among the
Cakchlquels Indians.
Ituby Manila Woluutuln sang a
solo, "Jesus Loves Me" nnd respond
ed to a gouerous encore by singing
"Mary Had a Llttlo Lamb."
Mrs. Jameson bad arranged a jum
bled letter word contest. Tbo words,
when properly arranged were tho
names of characters In the Hlble. nnd
some of them were bard nuts to
crack. Mrs. Ileaugardu carried olf
first prize nnd Mrs. Laythu tbo con
solation. The buxt meeting will bo
on March 11 al'tthc borne of Miss
Lelnb Mcdeu wltliMwLuckey and
Mrs. Hrlttlnghain net
Tbo big water tank and Instnlla
Hon of pump machinery, pump bouse
and laying of pipes to cover (be
water syUm of the terminal grounds
fir now prnrtlcull) iiomploto aud It
wna uxjwrted a toat of tbo water sys
tem would bo mado sometime today.
Mr. Htluaugh'ri craw of men have
eomploted tho eoucretu work on nil
Uia twrmlnal buildings and three cars
of grmvol havo beau loaded and other
Hiatarlat made ready to mom to
I .a wen In the n-r ftitur whr more
work of ibf same character Is undur
More lutnlr for tha dpot butbl
Ing arrlvwl Tlmrailay evonlng ami
now the carpntm aro buay on that
atrueluro Tbu pllw bad holm wt
for tha big frlaglit wareliou adjoin
ing t'be depot early .In tho weak uud
tbu arrival of tha building material
was all that wan needed to begin re
newed onorgy.
Tho stockyards are yet to-bo com
ploted aud material la wanting for
that work.
uhti:i:mi:i vouxu woman
pahhks at hanatohium
C. H. McCouuoll, who arrived homo
Tuesday evening from Halem and
other points, brings tbo sail uuwii of
tbo death or Miss Kmma Potornon
at tho tuberculosis ibospltal at fialem
on last Saturday. Her brother was
with her at tho time of her death,
also Mrs. A C Volmer, an old time
frlond. Following a short service
held at tbu hospital tho brother took
tbo remains to Lebanon, where oth
ers of tbo family aro burled, ror in
torment. MIsm Peterson wiut favorably
known in this county by many poo
plo who admired her for hor energet
ic fltfbt tiRuliut tbo grim dlsuaig
that was supping hor Ufa away and
for her chonrful character nnd wom
anly charms.
It Is nuuouucod that a friendly
Biilt will be utartod today to oatabllnh
tho validity or the 102t tax roll of
Ilnrnoy county following tbo noimlon
of tho oriunllzatlon board. It will Iiq
argued boforo Judgo Dalton niggit ut
nu early doto with an Immediate do
ulsloii reached ir poBslblo and then
tukon to tho tiupramo court.
Thin suit Is following out tbo plan
Nuggostod by District Attornoy. V, 0,
Cozad an a meauHof validating tho
tax. Mr. Cozad will represent tho
county and wo uro informed J. B.
Ooolc will proaout tbo plnlntlff'u sldo
or tho Hiilt.
' 't -'0 ''
John McCormlck Is reported ro-
Gtivcriug irom a siroau oi ivpopiuy,
Ho U nt the homo of Mih. Carpoutor.
Grounds Being Prepared for Dig
Storage Tanks, Offices and
Other Improvements.
An engineering force Is at work
thin week on tbu Standard Oil Co.
tract In this city making the -up -
nary mirvcy to lay out the groundu
for tbo station to bu erected by tho
concern hero. A spur of tbo rail
road has already been run Into the
grounds and nome men are now dlg
dlug a ditch to properly drain It
preparatory to leveling It.
The engineer In oh urge Informud
a representative of this paper that
the company would begin Immodtatu
ly tho erection of a double garage
building, warehouse, tanks for stor
age purposes nnd all other nocottnary
Improvements essential to tho estab
lishment of the serylco plant.
For tho present the local mtinngr
will occupy a residence recently com
ploted by Claude Hrown In llsiuon'a
addition, which Is adjacent to the
plant being erected.
Tho other day the writer bad the
privilege of n conversation with nu
Individual who has been In close
touch with the operations or Fred
derrick ror tunny yearn nnd wns
pleased. to learn that Mr, Hcrrick lias
the reputation or finishing what hu
starts and that bu Is a developer. In
northern Idaho where bo has been
operating for many yearn ho bus
the reputation or being one of tbu
greatest duvutopern In that section.
Tbo individual nnnounrod that Prod
Hcrrick had really been tbo most
consistent developer of northern
Idaho in his linn of work nnd that
tbu people have confidence In 'his
ability lo complete any undertaking
This Is good news to tbu people of
Ibis section whore Mr. Horrlok has
started n big onlerprUe that moans
ao much to tha entire eouutry. ns It
Is roIiiji to be tbo raal stimulus of
future development tbnt la only In
dlrectlv related, to his personal un
dertaking. W. 8 liuvona, a formor d 1st riot
attorney of llaker county, butt buou
appointed prohibition eommlaslunor
of Oregon lo succeed duo. L. Cleaver
who resigned after an Investigation
of his administration by n committee
of tbo legislature bad recommended
his servlnort bo dispensed with. Mr.
Lovous Is now taking on tho grluf
(hat ('louver has gone through.
a . LHXIMQTOH MASS- i j I'lfeS
N.1 wr) Mimrcs-MSN quaktgt- i iM n mWw
eil tf f( WILL NOW SIMG- J jjff Cp) m fe
&y yEs,v havc- rgy4. ml: mMMm
wM-f -j- JMk ' ' 'i!i 'iiffl'fciHi
. 'Atf
o i.!A-rr.rit:tl
.- . PiXl& -.--
Plans to Get Cash Market For
Product Discussed; Surplus
Likely Go To Payette.
In accordance with the aniiouucu
moat mado in this paper Inst week,
i meeting of tho dairymen of thin
community was held at the Harney
County Creamery on Inst Tuesday nf
tornoon. It was expect id tburo
would bo representatives rr -t the
Cooperative Croitnory at Pn die,
but at the last momeat Manager Itat
mussen or tho locil enamcry receiv
ed a telegram Hint tticy woro un
avoidably detained aMl could not
incut with the dairy people hero.
However, as they bad trnde a dnfln-
! Ito proposition to Mr It iiimttssen to
tako tbu product of the dairy herds
of this county under certain stipu
lated conditions that cot. formed to
their method or handling cream on
a cooperative basis, paying cash for
It as tho time of Its delivery to tho
amount of what It wan then quoted
as market price, the consignors being
privileged to share In tbu profit that
might be derived later, the subject
wan prcsontcd.
There were something over 20
dairymen present and after discuss
ing the matter at length, tho proposi
tion wns considered favorably. Tho
plan In to bring tbo cronm to tbo
Crenmery here whloh will art rH a
cream station for the Payette con
cern. Mr. Hnsinutsen will be noting
for them aud will be In n position to
pay rnsb for the cream upon delivery.
Such amount as be requires for local
manufacture Into butor nnd tco
creiiin will be purchased by him from
the Payette concern, the balance of
the product to b shipped out for
mnnuf.tclurlng. '
Thoso taking an active Interest In
, the creamery situation here are tin-
I dor the Impression that this plan Is
' tbu best for the present time. Mr.
' Itasmuasou favors it as It gives the
local manufacturing cojcru nu out-
tat ror over supply tbnt hsrotoforo
baa bad to be used nnd shipped at a
lots. Hy this uow plan tbu home
concern can usu such of tl product
aa can be handled with a profit and
thus give It n otuwico to enlarge Its
j actions ami gradually work Into a
more Independent going Institution
an tbu field ror tbo sale or Its pro
ducts lucriKisori.
Marly Inst Saturday morning a
telegram was received by relatives In
.- :' u ' j wk. wiM w MSMmMmmmma&
uT-- '''CLMnntt&mwMJS m&kWMAMMmfaWM&
ffPfrgrfrff.rru yi-vflff'f,fttaiajm.T"v.--.-mn(...,-..j
'lIuriiH that Mm. Piatt Itundall bad
I died at her home In Medford tho
previous night aftor an Illness cov
ering iioino time. Tbo writer has not
been able o ascertain the particulars
about hor Illness.
Mm. Itaudall was formerly Dolores
Itnclnu and she came to It it run a babe
in arms lilt years ago. She spout her
girlhood here, attended the local
subools, also was a iitudenl ut llaker
In a convent, after accompniilng hor
olnter, Mra. tl. A. Itombold, nnd MIhh
Maude Itagou, to Huston whore all
three took some special Instruction
In iiiuhIc. Hho wns married to Pnllt
T. Itaudall In Hums uud five children
were born to tbu union, all of whom
survive bur an dues her husband.
Tbu family movod nway from hero n
lew years ago going first to Portland,
later Inking up- their resldonce In
Med ford.
Hciildcs her 'husband Mrs, Itundall
In survived by tbrou daughtern, Amy,
the oldest, Is uow married; Kugoitlo,
Kllxuhuth; two nous, Stuart uud
Alolph. One sister, Mrs. Itombold,
of Portland, one brother, Fred Ita
clno, of Hums.
Many ut tho old time friends ox
preen regret ri learning of her do
mino and extend tholr sympathy to
tho bereaved.
muh neixn: phi:hi:nt.s
,ii;vi:nil ohchkhtha
Last Monday's Orogonlan gives an
account of the presentation of tho
Portland Junior Symphony Orchestra
In a remarkable program on Satur
day night nt tbu Lincoln high school.
Thin organization Is under tbu direc
tion of Mrs. M. V, Dodge, formerly
or thin plane aud who was tho In
hplratlon and director or the once
famous Sagebrush orchestra that
was organized In Hums by her sev
eral years ago. In fact, no me or the
same players took part In tho pro
gram nt tbo Lincoln high school lust
Saturday Mrs. Dodge comes In for
iimioIi pralftu by tbu writer or Uio art
icle appearing In the Oroyonlnu. One
pnrtipmpb leada:
This Is tbo oruhettra that evolved
rroin Ha nuaiousthe "Sagebrush or
oNOMlru" of a tow yearn ago, whloh
was trained aud orguulzed by Mrs.
Mary Dodge, who ticoompllshtd a
mlrsclo of lore and skill In develop
ing each young player to tbo high
, stnndunl nouinwary ror sualt artistic
rtwults. At Uo oud of the program
alio reluctantly shared in die ap
plause with Mr. Harabkovltolr.
Juo Morris arrived homo on Tues
day night's train from a trip to Sail
Prnuclaoo wfliere ho vlalted for a few
week while consulting with a spoc
tallst In regard to bin health, Hu
rnuiiNi homo feeling much better hiuI
on Wednesday wont down lo N'nr
iowh to resume his dutlon In bis
mercantile storo and (be poet olllco.
Intcrclass Debate Scheduled for
Monday Evening at Public
School Auditorium.
"PollMinl PebbbV
A bright sclnllllntlug affair will to
jiresented next Thursday when tho
high ccbuol Htudoiitn appear In "Pol
IhIioiI Pebbles." Thin Is nu operetta
In two nuts, filed to the brim with
the uptrlt of youth, sparkling with
rest aud yut yielding only tbo aroma
of now mown liny and green fluids.
Songs, choruses and dances nru
all In tho olio, nnd promise nn ovuit;
Ing of rnro onjoymont. Tho doors
will opou nt 7:15 and tho curtain
rises at 8 o'clock.
Programit aro being made by tha
commorclnV department under tbo
ausplcun or Miss Haulonbcck.
These souvenirs will prove to bo
worth preserving nH they nrd not only
utibiue but also artistic.
Tbo cast for tbo performance
Uncle Hob John Mothorshoad
Mrs. O'Hrlon . . Francos Hlbbnnl
llosnllo Kntbrlnu Farro
Winifred Klonnor Welcomo
Mrs. dabble . . Margaret Welcomo
Mr. (lobbto Sidney Hotcbklsn
Milllcont Uosollu Head
Martha Frnncos Kins;
Nick Wilfred Itnclno
...Overall Hoys Bunbnnnut Olrln....
Rloo Clnb
The boyn socond basket ball team
met defeat at the hands of tbo Crane
second string bankctcerx Feb. 13tb.
The flnnl score 1C-H Indicates how
bard fought the struggle wns. A
return game was staged here Inst
night at the Public School gym.
As a curtain raiser the first team
played a picked squad from the town.
Detail of these gnmos will bo fur
iilaliwl next week.
Monday oveutiig at tbo public
ecbnol the lust luterclnss dobnto will
bo UId. Sidney Ilntebklss ajul Hoy
Hrown will uphold tbo nlllrinntlvu;
Marlon McCullougb And ISIoanor
Wflcnmo the negative of the question
"Uesolvml. that the iollcy of gmut
inx federal aid to the states aesom
paulMl by federal supervision aboubl
be abandoned."
Just prior to the debate, nu In
teresting talk will be given by Itov,
Frank M (liuill.
The snulors will soon have selected
a play whloh Is to bu produced this
Tho HuriiH Power Company' now
olllcon are now ready for occupancy
nnd ns they are sltuatud In u mnro
attractive place tho display of elec
trical nrcossoriofl f si tho show win
dow aro attracting wider attention
than lu the formor location. Tho
concern have snmo vary nttractlvo
electrical appliances on band tbnt
menu labor saving well on n con
venience to tho patrons. Tbo peoplo
of Hums (thould glvo this dosorvlng
cnucorn every oncourngemont'ni they
uro striving to servo tho publlo In
the best manner possible.
Tho borvico is bolng extended to
different part sof town nt present. A
Hue In being extended Into the Hqu
uutt rirst addition, also a lino to tbu
dopot In nil some theo pillon of
oleotrlc Hue In being added to tbo
proaout territory sorvod. A llnoto
nerve patrons In tbo northern part
or town la also uudor way.
' o
Miss Poarl Downs wan an lumato
of tbo hospital for a short time thttt
wook for nu operation removing hqr
tonsils. Rho hns rotumod homo.
Mvh. Willnrd Luytlio Is n patient
nt tho prosont tlmo.
M(H. Hnulciii Grow underwent nu
operation last wook and is still u
patient. Sho is improving stvUafnc
torlly. Hort Hamilton wan up from )U
homo lu tbo southern part of Ilia
county tho othor day. Hort la not In
rohiiRt health nnd while hero bu can
tntltod with IiIh doctor. Ho reports
that Floyd Swounoy, tho mau who
wuh so suvoroly burned at.AndrowB
nt tho tlmo tbu hotel burned Ion
OhrlBtmus, iih rorovoring',.pno
wound on IiIh band bus not y.ot hpnN