The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 14, 1925, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    i .v ! T
- ?."u&Ux3iiaitA frvTZZW
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T K T I .M K M II K It A I. I) U !I UNHi II A II S V. V O 0 I' V T V i) It 12 (I ( N
H-'-v-juy, T'Ybnmry M, 1025
Aw IJ " " . ul.'ii trv-JULjyjftapLifj??PR
1 bhmmim 'J'ttHiu'tf 'If' ft
r.ii u.ii n iiiiot
Big Things
Wr thliiKH nro only nccomplliihod
by tliono who try th'oin. No otiHtuclo
In too IiIk to 1)0 ovorcomo by thu fol
low who trios.
A IiIk iMtnk account may bo olio of
tho roMiiltH of your offorts.
The First National Bank
Burns, Oregon
Mt'H. Mary Mvnnii wan up from
Cruiio tho foru imrt of thlp wook.
NoIhoii II, IIIkhii
Uiiiiio Woil uoHilay.
enmu up from
W. K Marnhall wan up from Vol
Uiko Thursday.
Ii. I. Uramlt wm rcRlxtorcil nt n
local hotel Thurriilay.
Mrs. Win. Dunn was brought to
Huron on WtiiliiDHilay uvoiiIiik for
medical truatmniit. Wo tiro Inform
ml alio has rouinluod ami that hor
physician ban advocated an operation
rt tho only rollof for hor lllucnu.
II. I JohiiHOii of tho OniKOti &
Western Colonization Co. wn ovor
from bU homo In I'rlnovlllo for a fow
days thin week looking aftur hoiiiu
IiuhIiiohh matter In connection with
the company.
C. T. Knits, a former resident of
Hoiiil, wax n cnllor at UiIh olllee on
Tuesday. The voiiuk man In Hpond
Inu the winter with W. U, Haul but
toutomplHtiM making Ituruit lili homu
In tho-prliiK.
The recent "toft" weather caused
a big boulder to elide iIowm from
tut) hill aids Into Hie road up the
river from Barm Iwtt twwlt. II had
Ml be blasted nut as It wu too large
lo be moved
Mr. O. J mm did not fulfill her
dUe a tocher nt lb Poison creek
liefeool ilarlng this week, tbe had
B0r tousils removed last Saturday
auH spent mast of lhe woek in tho
.'Valley View hospital.
A fine Stetson bit on be ton ml at
Hurwn'a Quality Btore. 8-1 I
J ilm. Qeo. Ii. Htichennn wu In
town frnm tho niuoh home lint woulc
butane of lllneep. being at tho homo
or Mn. l.iMtor Hnmllton. 8ho ban
rooovurtxl Htilllclontly to bo nblu to
Tjiiurn homo.
Mr. 1". L. Hlbbaril win a piuhoii
or out on Wodnosdny inornliiK'M
train on routo to Portlnnd. whore
ibo again KO0 to Join bur husband
after roturnlUK to Hume In January
to rojuino her formor position with
tho lfary County Nuloiial Hank
for u time.
. A loiter from Plill Smltli from
OiJileh apnouncei that be fouud tho
iLOtfk market altuutlon better than
Ho bid hoped for uud that Sain .lar
Via WM likely to inuk u(lvantiiKou
illS008l of a large iiiiinlM-r of cattltt
4w there froai thU toitlen to be
Marketed. Phil wrlU' thai Hum win
jOiOt to Uke hIx or hi veil our f
mber In a hort tlm'i nml would
likfly hf uccooipatid iv hiinitiilf Kiid
0, tf, ted, 1 -j U also in Ogdun
gupl. 0'l Shu i tuck of th experl
VlSt '4 if. ii l.ok hie W partus
' imiuiiiir .for t'orvftiiu
Wbjere h li Uni callt'd for confur
mxem und v, Ihm-k he will take tmrt In
jllie wl'l wiuter Mtivitlua at the uy
rftfulturtl olle. Mr. iliattuuK will
yrepure bU annual report while at
(ho head oftlce and will alao UUoly
rltf a bulletin. Mra. SlmltliuH
tad lltt'' aon Larry nocnmpunlod
ttim out on the train but thoy fctop
at 1'ayotto whtro thoy will visit with
Air and Mra. J. W. Karton, hor par
ents, while Obil la nt Ibo 0. A. 0. It
hi their Intonllou to all lio homo In
about two would.
Any Blylo of n Stetnon lint oan ba
fuwilBhod by llrnwn'H Quality
II. J. Hobart, of Wolnor, wiih a
busliifHH vlnltor to lliinm thlH wook.
CortiMi Hlllott wan In town thin
Mm. J. It. Thompson In rnportod
on tho Mick lint tills wook but Im
provliu; at IIiIh tlmo.
KriioHt Hmlth took IiIh doparturo
yimtorday moriitiiK for Portland
whom ho Kovn to commit a iipiiolat
IhI about bin health.
Mm. Ilortha (Jrllllth arrived ovor
from hor homo at IIoIho on Tuomlay
and him Hpout IIiIh wook vImUIiik with
lnr many old tlmo frloiiilH.
Mr. and Mm. Harold Cawlflold,
who am In itharKu of tho Pacific
I.lvi Stock Co. Junlpor raimli, woro
vlRltom to HiiriiH ovor tbn wook nml.
(Mum. It. Potnrnou. otio of Ibo
ploaoer atonic mon of tho Crnno crunk
aectlon. waa In town on bualnoes for
a fow diiyx thla wnok.
Mra. Hiititnuol Dark apeut a ill'
or two Ui town thin wuok vleltl'.f
bur Bon Hoy " ho haa butm auffer iik
from rkeumHtlom. lie la alllt Ml
but iimch liuprcvoil.
Ira Nelaon. who waa UroHaTht be
fore Jiistloe Monroe on au interna
Hon for ahooilwg Barney Koblwr,
waived examination and is under
I10O0 bonds to appear before the
grand Jnry.
Postal Inspector Me! Hah, In ekarge
of thla territory, waa a visitor to
Hums diirlnx the week, having lieen
railed to look aftur the postal atfalr
at Uie Princeton K)t olllou. 'Iu In
spoctor found It iifoeaHnry to niakH
a clmiisa thore by InaUlllutv another
post maator.
llart-SobalfuerM ft Mnrx clothes am
to bo found at Hrown'H Quality
A.J.MSI CJ.. .....I 1.1. if (i....u, in 11,1,1
I flllPlir. Tlf HUM lllllh iHMiniliil ir .,,i.
frtliU wondnrfiil lino of olothiiH In u
Hinnll town. Tho ihk iiiio aioruH
In tho city noil thorn '.'-I I
Hoy ltiiu.-jiinl wiih cniolliif,' hbi
many frloudii In lluriiH IIiIh wnok.
Harry Drown wiih In town thla
wook from IiIh much homo.
..00 IIiiKhot and wlfo woro In
town durtiiR tho wook from tholr
homo In tho Warm hpHiikh iii'i'tlou.
Mm. AiiitUMta illotolT wan a paHHOU
Kiir In on 'l'liurHilny nlht'ii train,
loturnlnif from a trip to outuldo
Tho Uiirim Cafo haa moviiil Into
larcor iiuartom iiiIjoIhIiik tho piano
formorly occiiplt'd and In now bottor
proparod to norvo Ho patroiiH.
Walkovor HIiooh at llrowii'n Quality
si Htnro. 2-
Carroll Cool I waa In town for n
fow days thin wook from IiIh Hllvor
crook ranch homo, llo roporta tho
stock iIoIiik woll at thla tlmo
Krod Olloy and IiIh hoii Cbarloy
soro In town from tholr rniicn lionio
In tho Lawoii dlHtrlot ilurlni; t IiIh
Mm. M. II. Hrontou Iiiih boon iiulto
III for Home limn and Mart roportH
hor condition lit t lo chaiiKud fur tho
hot tor.
JamoH Tltraril and Prank Klo
bilchor, both ouKlnoi'm connected
with tho Froil llorrlck liiimbor Co.
Intorimti In thin vlrlnlty, roturnod
last wook from a trip to outnlilo
polntn. Thoy nro now liuay In tho
oIIIcoh of tho compiiiiy kouIiik UiIiirh
In alinpo for aprliifr activity.
Mlna MarKarot Klrkbam, daiiRh
tor of Hi ii proprlotroim of tho Mums
Cafo. ban arrived horo from Portland
nml li now anHoclntml with hor moth
or and fathor In coudiictliiK tho bun
InoHx. Tho youiu; lady luformod n
roproioutntlvo of thla papor that abn
wan woll ploaHiul with Iltirnn and foil
clio wan K'llnc to tlko to ronldo horo.
Am you a Flnmholm Hboo wnnror?
llrown'M Quality Htoro enrry this
mIioii nml If vim linvn itvur wnrn n
7s pair you certainly will find tho
alum. Mllor, of tho Pacific Llvo
fllook Co i wan a bualuoift visitor tho
foro pari of thlw wook.
Tlio weather Ih iiioio favorablu to
linpi'ovutuonl work on tho Hovural
biilldluuR now umlor way In Hurim.
Itiipld prii(;ruHH Is bolnr; mdau, oflpoii
lally ut tho tormltinl i;rouiidn.
Anyoiio wIhIiIiik oxcolloiit iiioiiIh by
y tho wook may havo iiamo at Colo
Mlutol. 2-7
Public BtonoHrapliy, roanouablo raUm
y-Pbono 22H. 2-11
liiit on tako your moatiuro at huco
for a pair of Ihu Fiiiiiouh Hlylo
Arch OIioom with tho luvliilblo built
In arab support for womon. Wo
Xalno .havo tho Itubborhldo and
HnllHraolory HIiooh for ohlldron
and mon. HamploH on dlnplay and
ordom takou at tho Modorn lOloc
trie Hhoo Hhop. 2-H-lt.
iVfll SAIil. Hood
)11. Foloy, HuriiH,
barloy, hoo OIiiih.
OniKoii. 2-1-i-lt i
I.OHT--Palr of ray twood knlokor- (
bookiim for n Klrl, botwoon Mm. !
XliiiiiipHlilrn'R and Mm. W. W. ,
Uould'n home. Fliidor tiloiiMii ro-
turn to Mm. Vorn UIIiIih. 2-1 I '
(Coino lo Ihu lluriiH Cafo to i;ot
Kood Chill. Open ut n a. in. on train
moriiliiKH. 2-7-tf.
CiiIiIwoIPh harbor Hhop Iiiih added n
Hoaut Hhop orrorliiK comploto
Horvlco to tho combined oHlnhllsh
X moiil. npoclnllzliiK In hair cuttliiK
for KoutlMiioii and hair bobbliiK
I.. ! WMP-MMWl.WMPMtW-W .... I Pi . l. ll l.WPMPPJWJPWPpMPBpMPa,
J - .
lit rn-fw'i"tte'r.i..,i if iSriH'H'.ta iaA1 JBWftltt. SZtrr irji.-ma--jgl i S9TXStiSXSSnuSSS3SBS01i1 '
V. '
- -'-
' gHTjailHIisJ ,
aVa .aJBWTri BanHMBanaananssaaannnnV MHCtTtai I I
for woiiioii and children
Hcteral Hp.ciiilltl duellliiKi. I to (I
room, :t lo t?l(Mt.()0 down, Hal
unco llko pajliiK rcnl, upon tho
Hill or 'lat. Hoot iildcnl nml
lt.lblll..U l.kik. ..I.U.. i..w...u II..
IX Mill furnish )ou tlio Mone to
1 Nil. .11. 1 .. .......... .ir ..I...H..
fiiiiii if niiii ,i.iiir-ii9 niu Ki'1111
hIiixv oii uliy, nbtiiiilaiiro money
for imiuedlato dlbiir'iiieut.
t. i.i:sTi:it ro.Miw.NV. tin:
For rent my ranch on Cow crook,
y poHcHiou .Marcu ihi h. i;. uriiik
b water. 1-24-it.
Cam for biro with or without driver.
C. W. Iiiickoy. 12-Ctf.
"Now, Fm always .oady"
For ncvcrnl yenrn 1 had a hard time meet
ing iny special obligations sue!, ns insurance, taxes
and mcrtgagc- interest," said a depocilor. Be
cnuHo thoy required larger sums than I could
spatu t.t one time.
"Now I throw them all into cne Emergency
Fund and these deposits I mnlca in my savings
account. It is certainly n relief to have the ready
money when I need it."
Save here for your Emergency Fund or
any other purpose.
Harney County National Bank
National, County and State Depositary
utoro that carrloa them.
Until n
room for ladloi nt
M I Mi 1 N i: It V Advnucod KprltiK
HtyleH, Kot your HprliiK lint at half
durliiK February. Mm. Hlln
uckoy. 1-31
lY prlco
f NliUcki
. ItoMlory at
J other prlco
and you nr ..u n
KvorylhliiK In Dry OooiIh, DroHH
(loodn, lndorwoar for I.iidlon and
ItoMlory at absolutely coat. No
co. Wo Ktiarantoo thin
ro awaro It Is n fact.
Hrown'H Quality Ktoro. 2-7
Our HulldliiK liOau CumpnulcH have
announced tholr wIllliiKiioaa to
iiiiiUii iiiilliiillml I. mm In llnrim
y, Lot us show our Kod faith In our
city by btilldltie tho mont modern
Thoro canio to my place ono black
and white yearllnj: Pteor brnndci
lar.y J. II, on tho rlKbt Hide. Hi
; In marked with boll duwlnp on tin
X nock and n crop off tbe rlclit car
Owner may havo Htoor by paylnj
for this ad nml for tho food bill
J. L. McMullln, Drewsey, Oro 1-1 (j
Simple homo mothod. Rond
for Flticn booklet nnd tcHtl-a
mnntalln. Wnrnor's Uonowu
ed Uemcdlcs Co., 723 Security
HIiIr., Minneapolis, Minn.
"SAVE -with
d up
10 bars Crcme Oil Soap 67c
10 bars Sno Lite, white Laun
dry soap ,36c
ii:rc Cano StijTnr, 100. $.4f
Flaischman yeast enkos 2 for 5c
Potatoea, 100 lbs $2.00
6 box carton Matches . 27c
Pound loaves Bread 8c
Quick delivery service. No extra
charge Call 10
In Newspapers and Magazines you have seen the products advertis
ed which you select at Weinstein's
The Makers of these Goods Guarantee them Weinstcin offers
them to you at Low Prices which means a Real Saving to you in
the cost of supplying your table.
Tho most plonsnut timtlng.
Tho most affective.
Tlio most satisfactory rollof
Tur colds wo know or.
Safe for ohlldron m wall hh
ContuluH no oplatoa.
turgor hIo bottlan than moat
coukIi romodloa at tho prlco.
lllii'ii OiiJKo'n
Ihhm I
Ginghams, Voiles and ect.
You arc always assured of getting all three of these at
1BbsW tOaTJpSE ftTC&XXBa
Dry CS-oods Department
Mrs. Fred Goy t, In charge of our ILadies Department is ready to
'take care of your needs. We are now placing a complete stock V
of motions, crochet cotton, threads and ect. - 4
New Spring Dress Goods
You are cordially invited to come in and
ii visit.