The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 14, 1925, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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I II 10 T I M M M . II H It A h I) IIIIKNHi II A 11 N M Y G O U N T Y O It 10 0 O N
Hat u r tiny, February 14, 1080
rAGic a
The Times-Herald
Im Tho Largest Oirculntlon Of Any
Newspaper In Ilnrooy County.
Ono Year $2.00
Hlx Months 1.00
Throo Months 7ft
Saturday, l-Ybniiiry II, 10153
Souator Multifield of Oregon Intro
duced In tho United atntun Siinatu
toduy a lllll to ontablBh u nyntoin of
National Home Loan IlatikH to liu
organized and operated undor Kod or
al supervision for tho purpose of
making luuna at low Intoronl ruton
and upon favorahlu turniH of payment
to tho pooplo In securing ami pay
ing for humus of thulr own,
Tho Senator nays: "Tho blggont
thing our Qovurumuiit can do In
building American citizenship and
combatting tho doBtructlvo forccH of
liolnhovlnm, SoclallHtn, oxtruvaguueo,
unemployment and unroBt In to aid
inon and women to nccuro hotncH of
tholr own.
Kvoryhody wants a homo of IiIh
Kvoryhody wants Kvoryhody to
havo a homo of bin own.
Everybody known that Kvoryhody
having a homo of h'n own In a bettor
Amorlcau citizen.
Tho mon and womon that perform
tho world's work aro entitled to tho
boHt chance to Hocuro a homo thin
Government can rIvo them.
Thin In not patemnllHin, It la Just
tho nplrlt of practical brotherhood
woven Into tho fabric of better rll
IzoiiHhlp and better Rovernment. Tho
milk of human klmlnexn to nwcoteti
tho cup of hard labor,
Tho 1)111 In rully aH conntructlve an
tho Federal Itnnurvo Hyntem and tho
Farm Loan Hyntem have proven to
ir thin Dill will do for tho city
dweller tho wnrkliiR man and woman
what tho Federal Iteticrvo Hyntem ban
done for tho nation's haukn and In-'
cluntry. or tho Farm Loan Hyntem
ban done for tho nation's farmern,
It will ho ono of the most construe
tlvo plecen of lobulation thin Con
rcnn ban coiiHldured."
The lllll followM cloNely the Farm
Loan Hyntem.
It provldon for a Nutlnunl Homo
1onn Hoard consisting of tho Sccro
tary of tho Treasury and four Com
ulnnlonerri. Thin Hoard In empowered lo chnr
tor, roRiilato ami supervise National
Homo-Loan Ilankn to be organized
nnywhero In tho United States with
n paid capital not Ions than reiiulred
if National Ilankn under thv Na
tional HankliiR Act.
TIioho Home-Loan llaukn are em
powered to make loaiiH on Improved
rcHldoutal real etttate up to sixty per
rent of Itn value; not to exceed JIN.
000, In any one loan; payable In
monthly luntallmout'i over a period
of five to fifteen yearn; at a rate of
Interest not more than two per cent
above tho rate paid by the bank on
Itn bonds.
It provldon for tho deposit of no
curltlcn with a ItoRlBtrar and tho
Irnuo of tax exempt hondn Hlmllar to
the Farm Loan Hyntem through Joint
Stock Land IlaiikH, and proceedn to
bo loaned to home owner.
. o
Wo wlU do your Job work
Sonuuuod flro flRhtem, nnulorn of
logn, trail bulldorn, woodHtnon all
tho varied fluid olllcurn of tho U. B.
Forcnl Service In OreRou ami Wnnh
luglon aro going lo school. Nol In
formal halli of learning, hut by
mall, with ratiRor illation, cabin or
dwollluR oh the ovonltiR clannroom,
Tho winter ntudy cournon whloh
have junt buun Issued by tho District
Forentor'a olllco nt Portland, cover
nuch practical thtiiRH an mauaRemiiiit
of fort'ttts, forent flro law enforce
ment, fnroiit admlulntrattoii, IiiikIh
(luentlomi, grazing, road and trail
eiiRlneerlnR, mapH and nurveyH, rov
orumout accouutliiR, foroHt tretipaRH
and public rolatloun. Tho cournon
aro "based on the nmiiualn and hand
bookn of tho Forrnt Hervlco In the
haudn of tho field man, and aro
drawn up with tho Idea of makltiR
Hiiro that they aro familiar with pel
tclen and InntructloiiH.
"All of our work In haned on tho
hlRhent uro principle of the Rrealenl
Reed to tho Rreatenl number." nald
Dlntrlct Foronlor (IratiRor, "All our
platiR, pollclea and luntructlonn aro
haned on that principle Wo rccog
ulzo that ourn In a public nervlco or
ganization and that our field men
aro the ouen who come mont In actual
contact with tho public whom wo
The winter ntudy cournu, accord
Iiir to Mr, (IraiiRor, In part of the
Roneral plan to Improve tho oulcloncy
of tho organization.
(.'oldi'ihii 1ti:vi:Aix
Conntance TaJmaUgo In "Tho
Goldfish" In very, very Reed and
the play In a thounaud Union fun
nier than Itn French namesake. The
picture which will bo at the Liberty
Theatre, Friday.
"Tho Ooldflnh" very cleverly re
vealn tho evlln of divorce, for In It,
after mnrrylnR two men and be
comliiR a widow of a third, Conntance
an tho heroine returnn to her flrnl
love and liven happily ever after.
"The Ooldflnh," adapted from tho
HtiiRu play by (', Gardner Hulllvan,
wan directed by Jerome .Storm.
HeadltiR the nupportliiR rant in Jack
Mulhall. Othorn IiuvIiir prominent
rolcH are Jean Hernholt, 'a Hti I'lttn,
IMward Connelly, William Conklln
and Frank Klllott. It In a Flrnt Na
tional picture,
Veternun of the World Var who
have not nubmltted appllcatloun for
their bonunen are urged by Lt. Col,
C. F. Audrewn, Chief ItecrultliiR Of
ficer, U. H. A., to do no at once. The
Importance of applying at tho oarll
enl possible date In urged upon the
veteraun by Col. Audrewn who ntaten:
"The War Department In dally re
celvliiR ruses In which veteraun who
thought themnelven In the bent of
health have died or have been killed
by accident without having nubmlt
ted their application for ndjuntod
(ompennatlou. Their wIiIowh and
children, many of them in needy clr
euiiulnucon, receive In nuch canon
ninh to the amount of the udjuMcd
irudlt, an amount oiial to approxi
mately one third only of that he
would have received In one payment
In citnh had tho veteran made appli
cation prior to death. For liiHtauce,
nhould a veteran who nerved over
Hca, for a period entitling him to tho
maximum amount of adjusted ner
vlco credit or $025, die without fil
ing IiIh application, bin widow, chll-
When You Think Of Coffee
Will serve 1-5 more cup to pound than any canned
coffee and 1-3 more than any bulk coffee.
Extra Fancy Peaberry, 50c. Bert Grade Of Java, 65c.
An Excellent Coffee For, 45c. Genuine Mocha Jave 65c.
Hansen Addition
Close in, Beat location in City, Level, Alfalfa, First water right.
You select your lot and home plans. We will build for you.
Small Easy Payments. Cheaper Than Rent
Be independent. See us to own your Home. Best
and Cheapest in the City
W. T. Lester Company
Leading Realty Dealers
Fire Insurance
Building Loans
(Iron, or other dependent within tho
rentrlcted clnn, will recelvo thnt
amount In ten iiiiirtorly Inntalltnentn
while If ho filed M application prior
to bin death tho widow, children or,
dependent will receive approximately
tinKO In one payment In ennh. Can'
payments under the Act become due
on March 1, 1025, and payment will
be delayed uiilenn the veteran appllen
a milllclenl time In advance of that
date to enable the War Department
lo properly pnnn on applications and
transmit It to the Veteran lluro.tu,
dermis may obtain application
hluukn, have their finger prlntn tak
en, and be rendered other anntntnuro
In completing thulr appllcatloun at
any Army llccrultlng Station In Ore
gon or Washington.
The TImcn-lloruld In one of over
1700 uownpnpern participating In the
content ntarted by Cartoonist Mc
Cultoch who drawn the runny ntrlp
for un ench week, In which ho In
unking the hoyn to drnw a picture
of "Old Pop; and nend It In for a
prize. The Tlmenllernld ban re
ceived the offortn of nome of Itn hoy
readem and they Imvo been forward
ed to Mr, McCulloch, who reportn
over fiOO now on hand. Tho content
clonoH March 16, that being tho lant
day plcturon mny be received at thin
olllce In order to reach the Judgen
before the awardn are made Tho
Judgen of thin content are men of
national reputation, (let butty hoyn,
and nend In your drawlngn. Kollow
tho luMtriictlonn given In making
your drawlugH and watch for re
niilln. w
All the ordinary and necenary ex
peimen paid or Incurred In carrying
on any trade, IiiihIiichh, profennlou,
or vocation are allowable deductloiiH
In preparing federal Income tax re
turnn, according to Clyde (1. Huntley,
collector of Internal revenue. Typ
ical expeunen of a mercantile entab
linhmeul are amouutn paid for ad
vertlnlug, hire of clerkn, and other
emplojteiK, rent, Udit, heat, and
water, teVphono, Insurance, delivery
expeuneu, lli cos of operating de
livery wagoiiH nintor truckn, and
Incidental repalm to nuch vohlclen,
hut not I he original cont of nuch vo
Mclen. Tho expeunen of a miiuufac
luring hUHlnoHH Include labor, raw
materlalH, HiipplleH, repalm, light and
heat, power, nulling cent, iidmlulHtra
tlou and nlmllur churgen,
9'2,IH4 I'ltlICH Ol'HN at) MIW
lrl7.en totaling 2,1 80 aro offered
to corn farmern In Oregon couiitlen
who make eutrlen In the National
Heed ('orn Hhow to be held In Chi
cago March 2 to 7 undor tho ansplcen
of the Hearn-Koehuck Agricultural
Foundation, an announcement re
ceived hero ntaten. Tho nhow, which
in to bo held during "Heed Corn
Tch( Week." In Intended to drive
home the need of a high germination
need corn policy to luiiuro tho coun
try a normal 1125 corn crop.
In addition to tho flvo-dollm prize
to ho awarded to tho farmer In tho
county nliowlng the bent ear of corn,
a thounaud dollarn In gold In offered
to the farmer In Oregon or the Unit
ed Ktaten who exhlbltn tho natlon'n
champion ear Another prize of a
thousand dollarn to the agricultural
ugeiil, farm bureau, agricultural or
community organization of the coun
ty dlwplnylug tho largest number of
eutrlen In alno announced.
The nhow In open to the eutiro
United Htaten, Any pornon boy or
girl, man or woman--may enter an
ear of corn. Parcel pont eutrlen will
be received nny tlmo up to the night
of Marrh 7, and each ear muni havo
the name, address, county and state
of Itn owner on a pnper which nhould
ueuo uaaqyaont
Slip a p&ck In
your podcel rfnen
you ho home lo
nlht. Olv the youngstro
thU who!eioiMkny.
)Mtln$ sweet for
mokit or rrhrn
Vrorkdrc. Ilka .
When you need medicine
Each remedy is from a tetted and tried formula
Nyal has a Remedy
for every common ailment and are dependable
for the entire family.
Home Drug Co.
be wrapped necuroly around the ear
with tho writing on tho outnldo, No
ear will bo awarded a prlzo until
tented for vitality and dlneano renlnt
unco, the Judgen to bo nelected by
tho American Society of Agronomy.
Kntrlen nhould be addronned to tho
National Heed Corn Show, Hearn
Itoebuck Agricultural Foundation,
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Come and havo a pari In. a grow
ing work that In worthy of our best
thought and energy. Wo aro ex
pecting our new Hymn Hooks noon,
whloh will he an aid to the Hinging.
Wo havo long needed thorn.
Divine Hervlco at 11 A. M.
Thome of Sermon "Tho Print of
Tho Nalln."
What markn of mirroring and self
nacrlflco for Chrlnt'n nako do wo
Kvoryhody cordially Invited to alt
the services of tho churoh.
It. M. Chandler and County Agont
It. O, Lumen returned ycHtorday form
Diamond, Harney county, whero tbo
Chandler nheep aro exponlenclng an
epidemic of ncourn. A number of tho
nheep havo died, and othorn aro yot
nick. The I.ako County Woolgroworn'
Protective Annoclatlon ban wired
Statu Veterinarian W. II. Lytic to
Inventlgato the causes. A band of
nheep belonging to W. W. Drown in
tho Diamond ncctlon wan similarly
affected, but woro cured with u ra
tion of bran. It. M. Chandler re
turned yesterdny afternoon to tho
nheep. A telegram from Dr. Lytlo
thin morning ntaten that Dr. Oroono
ban ntarted for Diamond and will
arrive there tomorrow. Lakovlow
Kxamlner. v ,
ritlDAV, FKH. SO
Wo will do your Job work.
Annual Ball
P. P. P.
February 21st. 8:30 P. M.
Masonic Hall
Public Cordially Invited
Yonllis and Maids 18 and Over
Admission $1.25
Order of King
rvmtet'i n ro
(S1 7
j$z 7
Your Ford Deserve a-
D Ford Battery
The only 13 plate 80 ampere hour
battery in the low priced battery field.
I mi ir v v
I L-heaoer tsattenes Have a M
S 1 1 Plates Only
Which means shorter life and less capacity
MHm flfWri &stft wo okv? vnnflhii r flthftf J
cars using a Standard 6 Volt Battery Charger, jl
Chevrolet, Buick, Star, Studebakcr, 0
Overland, Willys Knight, etc. H
X Burns Garage 1 '