'p? tyyfi "' ,J J. J&SteJ ty ' - 'vi-. - . !) W ? VOL. XXXV 111 BURNS. IIAKNEY COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 14, 1925 NO. 10, .1.1 I i lis , I f- :m p a t PAT DONEGAN WRITES RELATING TAX BILL Explains Vciwfl of Situation nrul Citcn Authority; Should Cure Our Locnl Defects. To tho oillter: In vlow of t;.' ' c'. 'tu j.n v . tnlnty Ih before ili du pajcrj cf my ltomo county lu relation to cur tfvlii failures to oiiunllMS Mio 11)24 jpsessmont roll, I presume t lint you w.ll allow mo tlto eoitrtosoy of at tempting to Home what clarify tlmt condition. Stilting the propositions which I will lay before you as distinctly mid concisely iih It la within my power to do I Hiilimlt this ns tho nettled law upon tho questien: Tlmt tho failure of tho assessor to cause a notice to ho published of tho meeting of tho bonrd of equalization, ns prescribed hy our Htntuto, was a vital omission of a Jurisdictional chnractor and Incnlldntod tho ulti mate purpoKo of our levy. In other words tho dlroctlonn of tho Htatute provldliiK the time and manner lu which notice niUHt ho given are mandatory, and not directory, and must ho followed to tho letter of tho law. Any failure to comply with tho plain directions of tho ntnlutu will nullify all subsequent proceedings had in connection with tho levying itud collection of tuxes, hot mo clto In support thereof, 30 lud, App. 12, 139 Mich 495, r8 Noli. 839. 78 N. Y. Suppl. 74. If then your taxes nro Invalid wo come to tho Interesting queHtlou, can your legislature euro such an uintuls elon by a HtihHoquorit net. I will ntuto that It Ih a rule of constitutional law that a legislative assembly can not I i retrospective act supply a Jurls l,t uutml defect, thut Is, It can't re vtto or glvo life to thai which in li-nd It may however euro mi nin nilxHlon hy an erl whloh operate prospectively although the doing or that thing1 relutoe beck to a ItfoloM pror.edliit;. A Jurlidlotlnnnl dufot'l t in urn he cured mujely hy tho forco f t -'iltita which snye that iiolwlth ' a. Mux such a. defect tha proceed r lut'l ihru(in shall lie valid. " 'bin 'i. i- muft be done, n ' IjImi ' r tlii' doing of tilt art ! niut ( m trie That. then. !) pur'.. . ! ti-ritr tif HhiiHo H I! ?ffl. r'unuicly, tbe valMltv f Hint bill m not he uuesllonsd ! It. ,mi tb.- promdnre adopted M it. has hewn long lnce dotoriitlued v the highest eppeelete court of tha '1 Tku pruciae queatlon whs I rmiKht before tha United Htnloa ( in-iiit Court of Appeals for the Di.trict of Now York when tho lu(-la-l.iMvo ussoinhly pawud mi act Idon t'r.il in cbanicter and purpose curliif,' u defective equalization and that court doubled In tho KxuhauKo Hank Tax Cnso-i, cited an Wllllmim v. Hoard of Suporvlnors of tho County of Albany, 21 Fodornl 99, that tho net wiih valid. Tho decision of tho lower court woh placed on review be fore the Supremo Court of the United Stales by n writ or error and was there ulllrmod To tho sumo ofTuct i- this decision Is the case or Kvriih v Pall UJver County. U South I)u a.ta 30. The cms oh cited upon tho proposi ti iih that I have rnlaed uro tho i Miiplfiu mid final boltlltiBH of tho urts in o far ns tliu qnaatlons )hb bean adJudloalMl. unt) Include v rv citM aiithorlly upon tha Idon . i poini involved. To that qx- ii they n n- coiicluslva and mint ho 'pttd .ih controlling upon tha ' (tuutlott of Huriiey County. You I k.udlv oxleud inn tha favor of UK Dim publloatlaii of this ir- ' ' hiue I daom It Imiiortnnt Unit tax payor in tho ooutity should in t. in 1 inland Ilia poiltlon upon a qusav ii which la. uufortumUoly, moro !. Involved. Slncorely youro, PAT II. DONlflCAN. - 0i Horn Fob. 1, to Mr. mill Mr. A. J Johnson, a aon. This new arrival b .s been dolni; fine but luu Just otnn to tho nttaiitlou or tho nows papfr man. Wo want all tho blrtliB n Jlurnoy oounty reportod nt onco. Wo want Tho Tlmoa-Horald to bo a record of such arrlvnla and lu aflar curs the njog. may bej lux;iml to ag roforoncofl and- accurato 'history or thoHo ovoata "viii;n aim tuain com km in" Whoa, you lout? eared critter, Stop ami K"t a breath of air Don't you know the train's n coming CoiiiIiik to tho county fair? Quit your clianipltiK on t hum bits You. old nlah Hided hunk of hii, Host your weary hoium a minute Watch the Train come lu. Don't you know we'll rent tomorrow, Take It easy for n spell, Don't you know thin dryland farming ,.c rnoy county Hiiro Is II? Hill " people- vott etitt't tiont them, Kind and horn t Whoa ihoro Mlu You ho Htlll mid watch the natives While thoy watch tho Train come lu. Can't you see the day's 'bout ended, Roou we'll stop; you're getting lank; Then while Molly gets somo supper I'll get old Llzxlo out and crank, Hack her up and turn her over, Twist and look, cuss and spin I can hoc myself u swearing, Sweating, while the Train comes lu. I can see old I'nl Dell Dibble Standing there as big iih gruff; How he'll tell them 'bout Uio old times-- Peddling all that hot air stuff, (lood old Dell can hold tho ptibllo With thoso tales ho loves to spin Telling how he know he'd ho bore When tho Train came lu. Isnac Welusteln on tho platform, Always ready with hls smites. Standing there to greet tho public Shaking hands, an dtnlklng, while All the hoys and girls have gathered Hobs got Mable, Nell and Mln All stand spellbound, breathless wait lug While the Train comes lu, Long we've waited for Its coming, Wnlted Just to take it rldtu On Its nice warm snrtplueh cushions With Molly darting by my side Now your trips to Oratio are ended; You ciiii Inko It easy Mln, For Ma and I will take tho ahoo ebon When tho Train comes lu. Robert Scott o H5 vim us yniJNcj, HIDKH IIOHHUIIAUKI "Auntie" ClarlNdH Frjro. who cole hratm her 6tb birthday tlila mouth. la ait nxawplo of what twly p!onr wobiii erf capable ef Recently she went out to Cow nrk on the KUgu to vUlt Iut daughter, Mrs. John Dareey. She wee not wtpeetwl anil John wet tar ataK a Poujad". soroo thrtu, to I lea from the ranch with Ho way for "Auntie" to t'ontlnue thu Journey. He atiggoetod Hint he would return homo and aeeuru a suitable conveyance, but as there was in extra saddle horso thorn she In sisted that she ride horsohnck with hi in. Slio would unt listen to any other arrangement mid therefore was ntwlsted on liur mount and made the trip lu flu shape, although she had not boon on n horse for over 45 years. Sho announces that she round thu saddle a little tiresome but did not coiiiphilu lu the least during tho ride. (i i.mpohtant .mi;i-:ti.V(J foh daihy.mijn tl'khday Dairymen or this vicinity nro re iiiueted to bo present at a meeting In Hums on next Tuesday nt 1:30 o'clock, when two ropnwoutatlvos or tho Payottu Co-operative Creamery will ho present to discuss thu future of the dairy huslnoea In this Mellon It. C. Ueeiuussen of the Harney ouuty Creuiuery was out to Payette this weuk and lUaeiiaeud the dairy situation In this county und hna sue nefdfd In getting the Payette con cern lnUrclscd. As n result the two men are coming to Hurua for a lonferenco with local dairy aon with u vlow of providing ways nnd moans for handling tho local situation on a tiaala that will prove satltfaotory to thu producers line and which will ineau a ready market for their or on in for eaeh. All people lntereated in Hie dairy business are urged to uttoud this meeting. (I meaus Iminodlwto ro ller an fur Me providing for the mar keting or tho produota of Uio dairy herd nnd a roallaatlon or paoh ror the local farmer who ta disposing or bin cream. .Too Flue, oiio or tho nuocotmful stool; men or thin part of Uio iitnto, WMJ Ui, town (ltu-lngJIUivook look lug litter hqiho biiftlttCBS',niattora and Kraatliig his frluudH. LOCAL STREAMS TO BE STOCKED NEXT SEASON Enntcrn Brook mul Rainbow Trout To Bo Planted From Tho Canyon Hatchery. Whllo Itoru during Llio week, DIb trlut (Inmo Warden 1 11. Ilnseltlne. took up the matter of dlittrlbutltiK young trout from the Caiiyo.'i Cr ... halt hery next itprlug lu tho streams of llariioy county. Ho met with the local Fish anil (lame Club ami the j following recoiiimenilatloiiH wore made lu regard to distributien: Sllvles river lu the vicinity of HuriiH GO cans of Hastorn Hrook trout. Poison crook, 10 cans of tho smno kind. Sliver creek, 30 cans or KaMlnrn Hrook, 30 cans or Italuhow, Myrtle creek, 30 cans of Ilalnbqw and Hrook. Emigrant creek, 30 cans of thu two kinds. Spring creek, 30 cans of Ual.'ibow. lllltzon f0 cans or Itnlnhow and Hrook. McCoy, 10 enns Knlnbow, Kolgur, 30 cans or same. Pine creek 30 cans or Itnlnhow. Carry Garden creek 20 emu or Italuhow. HnttlcHiinko, 10 cans or Itnlnhow. Trout creek lu tho south end, 1 5 catiH or Hrook. Cottouwnok creek, In south cud, 15 cans or Hrook. The eggs nro hatching nt this time and the young will bo ready ror dis tribution during May, Juno, July and August. o . l-'OHKST OI'FICUH TO AUUIVK TO.Vir.UT Assistant Forester Carter is ex pected to arrive lu Hums tonight lie ' Is coining in connection with mi In vestigation or the work dotiu by tho Fred Derrick Lumber Co. on the oon- raot with thu government up the Hear vullwy tlmliHr. Mr. Derrick hita ask for mi extension of tltnu In whlrh i U hetfln uperMtloiia. This axteualoa Is granted upon certain oo'udltloHa aial the object of Mr. Carter's villi Is lo lnveetla4e eondltluiu ei.d run:. i r pt' i i the fil.if Fa-ester thut t be terms of oiuuelon may be nam- (Ml. Air. Carter ahottld have tin dlltloul- ty In getting such Information ns bo , r(iqiilro hum mid with (tin foroat ollleora In churue of Ibu Malheur bej w'll HVelv make n tutir of tha terrl-1 tory to iiwortalii conditions In Uio j moitutaliiM as It affocts work at this , season of tho year. WHEN MOTHER WAS A GIRL WMmM'"K 5WEUPIHG, AMD DO THE XkH jjHf ' Wfflm M TAKBBV0D0SVoR A RIPE- I j TTTW '74 i'Siig MmMmmmMmm sauavs irir-.i .- i.-s'qeMji.jrvaM' jy m mjt.t n.--saaaPTT-",-srj.j.i iy ati'.L mi I'.'cir'T'rtvaiii". if fr,,1: Faimssmixmi7ixma, wtsssz DELEGATION MINISTERS VISIT LOCAL CHURCH Head Of Presbyterian Mission Interested in Aiding Locnl Indians; School Possible. Dr. D. A. Thompson) niiperlutund ont or national missions lu Oregon, Dr. W, 1.. Van Nuys, representing thu department or education, unit Itev. Win, llalnl, Sunday hcIiooI mis sionary, all connected with the I'rcii li torlan eh ii roh nro visitor to Hums, having arrlv'-d on the belated train Thursday nlglu. Thu two for mer gentlemen have their headquar ters In Portland, Hev. Ilalrd residing lu linker. These reverend gentlemen are making a tour of thu st-ito lu the lu te rent or tho respective departments they represent and yesterday after noon Dr. Vuu Nuys addressed tho high scohol students Just after tho r.nou hour on tho subject of educa tion. Them will be n popular meeting nt the Presbyterian church this (Fri day) evening to which the general public tins been extended u cordial welcome and no doubt much or In terest will he discussed in connection with education, religion and tho fu ture work in this fluid, All those gentlemen nro good talkers mid par ticularly well Informed lu their re spective fleblH mid citlzous of Hums should take advantage of this oppor tunity to cultivate them. Dr. Thompson spout considerable time yestorday afternoon lu confer ence with citizens In Hums who wero Interested lu giving aid to tho Pluto Indians who make this their home. Or. Thompson litis uleiliied his sun port toward an effort to gl a school eeiiihllslied hrr for Uih Indiana and Th program closed with two VfltJi tho cooperation of local men ', boaiitirully rendered solos, At Dawn tills may lie accomplished. It ts a ! Ing. mid Where TLoWt All by MrsT Kiibjoot that Iiiih 'luul attention In tho past and one that should enlist tho atipporl of every oltUon of Hums. F. M. (lault, rrom tho Cameroon district of Afrleu, wan also a member nf tkle Juuketlag party who waa ox peeled hut wan unable to come lie- rauae of lltueea. Mr. Unult la a par- tlculnrly eptarUlaliiK idhii aiul la murh sought In arhoola aa well hs ihnrchea. It I' hoped he may lie In u-.irns the coailag week, arriving In Thursday night and sutnd the fol- ioloa three days Hi Hums. uddrs- ing tho eehoola on Friday, puaeibly tbe Uurne ami Harney County Com- merrlal club and occupy tho Primhf- tetian ehureli pulpit uu Sunday morning, going to Crnuo ror tie , evening and the following day lu the ihools there. , TIIM l,AI)li:S' MUHAHV CMJM (Contributed) The I, utiles' Library Club met at tho homo or Mrs. I. B. (leer on Sat urday, February 7th, Tho President announced thut the entertainment now being rehearsed ror the benefit of tho Library would bo given ou March fitli. Ueineinber the date March fltb. Tho niibjcct ror thu day was Sweet hearts in Song, and mi entertainment lu paiitomluo mid song was given. Tho young mini who plokcd out u wire from thu girts thut ha found in I ho song. t 9 Tho Young Man MIn Walker Those taking parts of sweethearts wero : Thu girl from Scotland. Miss Wayner The (Jlrl of Long, Long Ago ...... . Mrs. Waldo Uour The Old Fiiiilitouod (Jlrl Mrs. Hopper Lass with Delicate Air Miss Katherlne Farm Ireiif, Village queen ....Mrs. Slinlluck Irish Unso Mrs. Harris Hawaiian Miss Uoldii Hchwartr. Oypsy (J ne'e n .. .Miss Gladys Holland Quaker Mrs, Hopper Sweet Miss Jl ry Miss Annettn Leonard The (Hrl from Uuriiin, Mrs. Franklin (IcorgcUo, Pallet Dancer Miss Katherlne Fnrro Indian Maiden Mrs. Shattuck Tho (Hrl rrom Spain Mrs. A. C. Welcome Pretty Little Widow Miss Jean Cook Cupid Mini Dorothy Leonard Cupid gave u clover mid graceful dance after whldh tho Young Man said "That Sweet Miss Mary's tho one Hint I choose," Sweat Miss Mary nppenrn with a bridal veil mid all the other girls follow tho bridal couple lu n wedding inarch. As these vivid living pictures wero shown Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. Welcomo mid Miss Leonard snug tho songs appropriate to each "Sweetheart Culver Page. During the rofroshiuouts each I tnitwt wis told her fortune mid uuch laughter followed ouch reading, somo being, nine, too true. Thnro worn sixty-two present mid as eaeh brought five pennies It made quite r aum which the hoateeaea handed over to the Club ror Itookt. lloatMaee with Mrs. 1 8. (leer wert, aire. Leonard. Mra. Waldo 0wr. Mrs. KoWn. lire. Shattuck and Miss IeoMinl. The next ineetlng will be held nt the home of Mre. Leonard ou Setur- day, February 21st. W. T. Van Dervoor was ovor from bis Pine oroek ranch this week and reports the highest water In that actlon In years. Uy SATTERFIELD ,' j.'ajic FAVORABLE OUTLOOK FOR LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY U.S. Department of Agriculture Rnport Encouia'jinK; Beef Cattle Average Higher. A coiiflderablo increase lu hog , roiluctloii next fall, mid n corn aero go about tho name nit In 11)24 nro recommended by the Dnltod States Department of Agriculture lu thu ifcotid set Hon of IN minimi outlook report Just roteoMcd. Hoof cntllo prices tlilo year "should sveruge somewhat higher than lust year, mid Hioho for sheep mid wool should bo nt least on a par with thoHo 1024, tho report says. Dairymen are urged to mako no further expansion In their Industry. Higher egg prices may bo cxpoctod during thu season of flush produc tion this year than Inst, but poultry prlccn mny bo lower. "Hog producers," tho report enys, "enter 102C with 18 per cent fower hogs than a your ago mid there Is every Indication that prices during the next 18 months will bo higher ihuu nt any time since 1920. Six to eight million fewer plgo will bo born thin spring thnn last spring. Fowor sows will farrow next rati thnn far rowed last fall If producers respond to tho unfavorable relation of corn and hog prices as thoy buvo done in tho past. "Whllo tho 1024 corn crop will probably be well cleaned up nn In creased acreage in 102C docs not np pear ndvlsnhlo In vlow of thu Indi cated reduction In the focdlng do tnand. Stocks or old corn on farms are likely to be smaller than usunl In the beginning of tho now crop oar 1026. but It appears that not more than an average crop will bo re quired to supply tho needs of tho country from both feed nnd comtner- rlel purposes. Illclier Hoi.f Cnltle Prlcei Hxpcctol Prices for heof cattle for 1025 should average somewhat higher than ror 1924. The Industry Is gradually working Into u moro favor able poaltlou du to the relation or beef to competing fomutodltlea, es pecially perk: Improved Industrial conditions, and In no small ineeeuro to i Ik- cattleman's own sorrlfloos. M-irkH receipts will probably ho eomewhul wmaller than In 1014. All conditions Indicate that tbe long time outlook for tbe Industry la ovun more favorable. AdvlM's A go I nut !&pmiHloii In Dairy "Further oxpeualon In dairying lu 1015 seems Inadvisable. A recovery lu prices of dairy produota could hardly be oxpeetod should tho num ber of milk cows b further In creased. Domestic production appears adequate, and tho foreign dairy sit uation Is such as to keep world mar ket prices low and thus limit tho height to which our huttor prlccn can rise without bringing In foreign huttor. Favorable Out look for Sheep, Wool "ProtfpoctH for tho shoop Industry In 1025 appear favorable. Tho world wool outlook nnd tho prospective meat tiltuatlon lu this country prom ise prices for 102K nt lonst ou u par with those of 1024. Tlioro docs not appear to ho any Immodliito danger' of overproduction, ns tho lu cruuHo in the niimhor or sheep hna "h yet been only slight. Outlook for Poultry ' "The outlook or the poultry lu duetry during 19SS from the stand point of market egg prices U favor able wlille from tbe at'omlpolut ' of market poultry prices It is not so e two ii ran I tig. n teems proboblo Hint higher egg prices will prevail during the season of fluak uorduc tlon this year than last. With nn abnormally large carry-over of dress mi poultry lu storage it eeeuie prob able tlmt lower prices on market poultry mny prevail for at lenat tho flret half of tho yeur. "Tlioro nro ns many horses mid mules of working age ou fnruu as will bo noodod for tho coming Reason, and nvernvo prices of work atock aro lower than they wore n yunr ago. A dooldod doorcase In colt produc tion during tho past few yoarn, how ever, pivlnts to a future shortago of good work atonic. This shortago 13 Ulkoly to ho acute during tho tlmo that colts foalod this your and next, or oven young horaqa purchased now BXJ94U!.1 U uuljsorvlco." L2,v .Ji.